Stretching discharge at 8 weeks pregnant. week of pregnancy: discharge. Probable pathological conditions of a pregnant woman and methods of elimination

A common occurrence is brown discharge during pregnancy. They often look like spots or stripes of brown, brown or dark red. In some cases, there are painful sensations.

Hormone production hydatidiform mole doctor supervision
folk medicine Treatment Abundant
Unpleasant itching ectopic pregnancy pregnancy

The causes of these phenomena are dangerous for the health of the mother and fetus. But in any case, you should not panic, but you need to see a doctor, undergo an ultrasound scan and keep the situation under control. Four out of five women who have observed brown discharge in early pregnancy carry it on and give birth to children.

When is it safe?

After fertilization, there comes a period that is especially predisposing to the appearance of such symptoms. But in the first trimester, they are most often safe.

The first manifestations are associated with the physiology of pregnant women. After fertilization, a few days, from 5 to 14, the egg moves inside the uterus. Then it is attached to a specific place on its walls. During this process, blood vessels can be damaged, causing slight bleeding. This leads to the appearance of pathological discharge at the beginning of pregnancy.

Their color can vary from beige, pink to brown. There are no severe pains, although some women note varying degrees of severity of sensations in the lower abdomen. The structure of the content is quite thick, the smell is neutral, itching is absent. Very often, women take them for the beginning of menstruation, since there are no other signs yet.

Another reason for brown discharge that appears in the early stages is the improper production of hormones. The spots appear around the time when the next menstruation was supposed to pass. The duration of this process can reach two days, the volume of discharge is small. No discomfort is shown.

Hormonal disbalance

Similar discharge can appear at the 8th week of pregnancy. Such a phenomenon is not dangerous either for the expectant mother or for the embryo. Even more, it can repeat two or three more times during the first months.

But these are all the reasons why brown discharge during pregnancy is not dangerous. There are many more pathologies that can harm the baby and the health of the mother. That is why a visit to the doctor is necessary.

The main causes of pathology

Very often, brown discharge during pregnancy, at about 5 weeks and later, indicates a threat of miscarriage. They are called from the walls of the uterus. This damages the blood vessels.

The reason for this phenomenon is the lack or lack of production of progesterone by the female body. This hormone is needed to support the development of the baby.

The appearance of such secretions of a dark color is possible at any time, for example, at 12 weeks. Initially, there are few of them, perhaps an average number. There are mucous patches. A woman may feel:

  • soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • possible vomiting.

A rare but dangerous situation is a hydatidiform drift. With it, on ultrasound, instead of the placenta, a large number of fluid-filled vesicles - cysts - are found in the uterus. Allocations during pregnancy are brown, yellow-brown, brown, interspersed with bubbles. Women note:

  • pain sensations;
  • nausea;
  • high blood pressure;
  • headaches.

Dangerous situation - blistering

The fetus usually dies at 9-10 weeks of gestation, discharge begins earlier. The tumor is able to penetrate inside the walls of the uterus, then metastases in the lungs and vagina are possible. Treatment is usually by removing the mole, sometimes even the uterus. There are isolated cases of partial hydatidiform mole when a full-term baby was born.

A more common dangerous cause of dark discharge, most often at week 6, is an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fetal egg is introduced into the fallopian tube, the growth of the fetus will inevitably lead to rupture.

This situation requires an immediate solution. In addition to the possibility of complete removal of the tube, a woman runs the risk of getting peritonitis. This leads to the filling of the abdominal cavity with fluid due to rupture of the tube. Even death is possible.

So, the most common causes of discharge during childbearing are as follows.

implantation bleedingoccurs when the fetal egg is introduced into the uterus, approximately on the 7th day, lasts from several minutes to two days, sometimes stops and resumes againoccurs in 20-30% of pregnant women
risk of miscarriagesmall or moderate, may gradually increase, accompanied by painobserved in 10-20%
hydatidiform moletumor formation with many cystic cavities instead of the placentarare, develops in 0.1%
ectopic pregnancythe embryo attaches itself inside the fallopian tubefound in 2% of pregnant women

Instructions for maintaining health

The manifestation of brown discharge during pregnancy requires mandatory medical supervision. An ambulance must be called immediately. You need to wait for the doctors in a horizontal position and in a calm state. Nervous tension, physical activity will not help.

Obligatory supervision by a doctor

If the cause of dark or light discharge in early pregnancy was the attachment of the fetal egg, no treatment is required. that occur due to hormonal failure are also usually not treated. But here a consultation with a gynecologist is already required, who is able to assess the seriousness of the situation and its consequences.

The threat of miscarriage, ectopic, other pathologies - all this is treated in a hospital. Brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy with such pathologies is just a symptom. Still, sometimes doctors use some methods of treatment at home, and rehabilitation therapy is also prescribed after inpatient treatment.

If pathological discharge associated with the threat of miscarriage appears at 5, 6, 7 weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to prescribe therapy with Magne-B6. This medicine contains:

  • Magnesium;
  • Vitamin B6.

Application patterns may vary.

  1. Two tablets in the morning and evening.
  2. One in the morning, in the middle of the day and two at night.
  3. Duration of application - from two weeks to childbirth.

After eliminating the ectopic pregnancy, if it was the cause of brown or light discharge, the doctor prescribes drugs for recovery, which are taken at home. The medications used depend on the individual.

An example is:

  • Phlogenzyme;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Bifiform.

The scheme of application can be as follows.

  1. 21 days - three tablets of Phlogenzym three times a day.
  2. 10 days - Terzhinan's candle for the night.
  3. Week - Bifiform tablet three times a day.

In case of hormonal failure during pregnancy and the appearance of brown discharge, along with the treatment prescribed by the doctor and with his permission, alternative recipes can be used. One of them:

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for the restructuring of the entire female body. Every day the sensations become more intense. What used to be perceived calmly is now an impulsive reaction. During this period, you need to try to relax as much as possible with both soul and body. A woman needs to carefully consider her difficult situation, and listen to the alarming bells of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy

Now you no longer need to wait for the start of the delay, look for these two strips on the test. The fetus successfully implanted in the uterus, now there are two hearts: the mother's and the embryo's. The hormone of chorionic gonadotropin is growing every week, and this radically changes the feelings of the expectant mother.

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the first symptoms already appear. Constant fatigue, lethargy, weakness, increased tearfulness - all this becomes an integral companion of the mother. There is a complete change in the hormonal background. These changes occur due to the hormone of pregnancy - progesterone, which is responsible for the preservation and development of the fetus.

Changes at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy are also observed in taste preferences. Often there are mothers who can eat both a sweet cake and dried fish at the same time. All this is explained by the fact that the taste buds are violated, and you want something special.

Nausea, vomiting, constipation are symptoms that can torment a woman throughout pregnancy. The reason lies in all the same hormones. Digestion of food slows down, there is heaviness in the abdomen, dizziness. But this is all a temporary process, since soon it will all end with a long-awaited event - childbirth.

Important! At this time, while the mother is experiencing all the hardships of a pregnant life, the child begins to develop with might and main and increase in size. A small heart begins to beat, the gender of the baby is genetically laid.

The brain begins to form by dividing into three sections. Fingers appear on the arms and legs of the embryo. The tail that the baby originally had disappears. The intestines are laid in the abdominal cavity. One side is in the umbilical cord, the other is in the stomach. The central nervous system begins to work. The child may respond to external touches.

Vaginal secret

What should be the discharge at the beginning of pregnancy? Discharge during pregnancy should not change. A small amount is allowed. Color may vary slightly from clear to milky. Slightly brownish discharge may be at 8 weeks pregnant. The main thing is that symptoms such as itching or pulling pain in the lower abdomen or lower back do not join the discharge.

Pregnancy doesn't always go smoothly. A woman faces many changes unknown to her. As a rule, after fertilization, menstruation should stop. But it is not always the case. This is due to the fact that during fertilization, the egg may not have time to reach the implantation site, so the woman begins her next period. The delay will occur in this case, when the embryo is already a little older. This phenomenon is normal and does not require special treatment.

At first, a woman may observe bloody spotting on linen. This suggests that the fetal egg has attached itself to the wall of the uterus. In this case, you should not panic. This is considered the norm.

Beige highlights

The appearance of this color of discharge does not exclude the presence of the following diseases:

  • inflammatory process;
  • genital infections;
  • candidiasis (thrush).

During pregnancy, as before, the female reproductive organs are populated by both beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms. When there is a balance in the composition of both, infections and their manifestations are excluded. As soon as the balance is disturbed, unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of pathological secretions.

The inflammatory process is a protective function of the body to prevent the development of infections. A kind of immunity. If the bacteria are eliminated, then there will be no disease, otherwise inflammation is possible not only of the genitourinary system, but also of other systems.

Important! Beige discharge at 8 weeks pregnant may intensify. The process of inflammation and genital infections are manifested by a burning sensation, itching, pain of a different nature. To diagnose a certain infection will allow a smear on the microflora.

Also a frequent companion of pregnant women is thrush. The defeat of the fungi of the genus Candida of the vaginal wall. Pain, itching, burning, and curdled discharge are symptoms of thrush. The reason for the appearance is a disturbed vaginal environment in which fungi intensively multiply. Normally, candida is present in the body, but under the influence of hormonal failure, the balance is disturbed and infection occurs.

To restore normal conditions in the body, it is necessary to take medicines containing beneficial bacteria, as well as special preparations for the defeat of fungi. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to carry out maintenance therapy aimed at strengthening the work of the immune system.

brown discharge

Brown discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy conceals the appearance of an infectious disease of the urinary system, which can only be detected using laboratory methods. Usually light brown discharge indicates the appearance of cervical erosion. The disease is treated in the postpartum period according to indications, sometimes the tissues are restored on their own. The process of inflammation is carefully monitored in the form of a colposcopy, cells are taken for diagnosis to exclude malignant tumors.

Brown discharge may indicate a threat of loss of pregnancy, a miscarriage that has begun, or the cessation of a child's development. This is evidenced by the disappearance of symptoms, the cessation of bursting and soreness of the chest, toxicosis, etc.

If the discharge is combined with severe dizziness, pulling pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, then we can talk about a miscarriage. There is a detachment of parts of the fetal egg, and the body spontaneously pushes the embryo out. In this process, brown discharge during pregnancy begins to turn red.

Types of secretions

Yellow discharge is a common occurrence during pregnancy. Most often, yellow discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy is considered a normal symptom, indicating that there is an active production of the hormone - progesterone. Light yellow color and not thick consistency indicate that there is no reason to worry. As soon as the discharge becomes a rich yellow color, this indicates an inflammatory disease or latent infections of the genital tract (ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis). Ureaplasma exists in the female body in moderate terms, under the influence of adverse conditions it multiplies and infects the mucous membrane.

It happens that during pregnancy there is an exfoliation of the layer of the endometrium, which is responsible for favorable conditions for the development of the fetus in the uterus. If the endometrial layer is not thick enough, the embryo may die. This process is accompanied by pink secretions. And it continues for about the entire first trimester, many women take it for small menstrual cycles. But it's not.

Pink discharge should not be ignored. Sexual intercourse, heavy physical exertion, alcohol consumption should be abandoned. Until pregnancy is ruled out by a specialist.

Important! Scanty discharge of pink color is the normal course of pregnancy, the so-called ablution of the fetus occurs. This is typical for each woman on an individual basis.

Bleeding is not considered normal. The appearance of a secret indicates a spontaneous interruption of the life of the fetus. With his appearance, the woman should be hospitalized. Pregnancy can be saved only by calming down and calling an ambulance. The countdown is not hours, but minutes.

In the hospital, the embryo will be saved with the help of drug therapy: antispasmodics, sedatives. A prerequisite is to check the hormonal balance. In case of a shortage of the hormone progesterone, artificial hormones (Dufaston) are prescribed, and the critical period will be removed.

If pathological discharge appeared at the beginning of pregnancy, the situation should not be left to chance. To identify the cause of their occurrence, you should undergo a complete examination and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

The gestation period of 8 weeks, also known as 10 obstetric, is marked by the fact that the development of the main organs and systems of the fetus is completed. The liver, brain, kidneys, heart and lungs are already formed. Malformations from this week are no longer formed. You can breathe out. However, do not indulge in all serious, since the body of the child before childbirth is completely dependent on the mother. Cigarettes and alcohol are prohibited.

Signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks after conception

There is nothing new, but toxicosis, as a rule, reaches its peak. It is expressed by indigestion, nausea and vomiting, bloating, heartburn. Some women experience constipation. Bowel irregularities are usually due to some degree of dehydration (caused by vomiting) and a poor diet. The latter is due to nausea. In this case, lactulose syrup can help. But for its good effect, you must drink plenty of fluids.

The skin of the face and body becomes more oily, this is facilitated by the growth of the hormones hCG and progesterone, as well as androgen. Oily skin causes acne outbreaks. Androgens cause the production of sebum. And it, getting into open pores, becomes fertile ground for the reproduction of pathogens that provoke inflammation. As a result of this, acne appears.

Another feature of pregnancy is the condition of the gums. They bleed more often than usual, swell, become sensitive.

Inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis, and if it occurs as a result of pregnancy, it is called pregnancy gingivitis. Many of the symptoms of an interesting position will gradually go away in the second trimester of pregnancy, and this one, on the contrary, will become brighter. Especially if a woman does not observe oral hygiene enough. Inflammation mainly occurs in the pockets of the gums, where food enters (if it is not cleaned out in a timely manner or completely).

Expectant mothers should visit a dentist at least twice during pregnancy, as the poor condition of the gums and teeth (caries) is dangerous in terms of the development of the inflammatory process. Your doctor may need to professionally clean your teeth and remove tartar. This will have a positive effect on the condition of the gums.

Unpleasant sensations of the expectant mother in the eighth week

They are also associated with vaginal discharge. As we wrote earlier, the discharge becomes very plentiful. But this is not dangerous for the fetus, only unpleasant for the expectant mother. The development of inflammatory processes in the vagina and on the cervix is ​​more dangerous.

One of the most common problems is thrush or vaginal candidiasis. Unpleasant sensations in the vagina occur precisely when the woman's body is weakened, immunity is reduced, as during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and in particular in the eighth week.

Fortunately, pregnant women can also treat thrush. There are safe ones. But to use douching for these purposes, the same soda, for example, is not safe. The fact is that when douching, especially with an intense jet, there is a risk of introducing fungi into the uterus. And this is already fraught with miscarriage.

Making baths from chamomile and other medicinal herbs is an ineffective procedure. It can temporarily improve well-being and relieve itching, but the disease will not cure, since the fungi live inside the vagina, and the baths kill them only in the genital area.

Important: you can start treating thrush only after confirming that it is she. Sometimes women take for candidiasis just abundant discharge and irritation from underwear, intimate hygiene products, etc.

In a smear with thrush, not only fungi are determined directly, but also a large number of leukocytes. They indicate an inflammatory process and are the reason for treatment. The simplest thing that gynecologists can prescribe for sanitation of the vagina in this case is antiseptics, such as vaginal suppositories with chlorhexidine. An effective and inexpensive remedy for thrush "Clotrimazole" can be used only from the 10th week after conception (12th obstetric).

Often expectant mothers are concerned about vaginal dysbacteriosis. With this pathology, discharge of a gray tint with a very unpleasant odor appears. Treatment is with antibiotics, but not antifungals.

What the expectant mother feels and notices

Many women who are expecting a baby like to look at themselves in the mirror, look for signs of pregnancy in the eighth week in the form of a slightly rounded tummy. But, unfortunately, at this time the uterus is still too small. Although the tummy may already be a little rounded. But not because of the enlarged uterus, but flatulence. One way or another, for your comfort, it's time to be puzzled by the purchase of new trousers with an elastic waistband. The tummy can also increase due to weight gain. While it is not significant, about 1 kilogram. But this kilogram, for sure, remained precisely on the abdominal wall. Thus, nature tries to protect the fetus from outside influences.

Some fatigue may persist, due to which the motor activity of women, especially housewives, is reduced. If the expectant mother feels fine, but is simply too lazy to leave the house, this is not very good. Fresh air is necessary for both mother and child. And physical activity allows you to keep your muscles in good shape. If you move a little, the muscles weaken. Then, for long periods, it will be difficult to carry a child. And after giving birth, when mommy has many new responsibilities, including long walks with a stroller, it will be difficult to fulfill them.

Useful device - fetal doppler

This is a small ultrasound device for home use that helps you listen to your baby's heartbeat. Why is it needed? To know for sure that everything is fine with the child and he is alive. Usually, women who are prone to unrest, as well as those who have already had a missed pregnancy, buy a fetal doppler.

Fetal doppler for sale in online stores. And at lower prices - in Chinese. You can use it already at this time. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult to find the baby's heartbeat. He's still too small.

Look for the baby's heartbeat above the pubic bone. Not higher, because the uterus is still very low. If you see numbers - 70-80 beats, this is your pulse. The child's heartbeat is 2 times more frequent. But the numbers 140-160 can already talk about the heartbeat of the child. Remember the place where you managed to listen to it. With an increase in the gestational age and the growth of the uterus, and also depending on the position of the fetus, the heart will be heard in different places.

What happens to the fetus and in the uterus at the eighth week of gestation

Your child has completed a critical stage in their development. Now the organs and tissues will only develop and improve, preparing for life outside the protection of the uterus.

The amount of amniotic fluid is growing. Toward the end of pregnancy, they normally range from 500 grams to 1.5 liters. In the meantime, about 20 ml.

Your baby is slowly swallowing the amniotic fluid present in the uterus with her tiny mouth. Fetal urination occurs even in the amniotic fluid. The fact that this happens to the fetus at eight weeks of pregnancy and the rest of the time is absolutely safe. This process is a rehearsal of the digestive and urinary systems.

Amniotic fluid is 98% water and 2% salts and your baby's cells. It is thanks to her that the fetus maintains a constant body temperature in utero. Also, amniotic fluid acts as a lubricant and does not allow the baby's fingers and other parts of the body to grow together.

Another important function of the amniotic fluid is to absorb shock and protect the baby from any impact on the abdomen.

It is believed that amniotic fluid is the cause of the formation of the dive reflex or, as it is also called, the bradycardic response. It is expressed as follows: after birth, children, when immersed in water with their heads, hold their breath and open their eyes. You can achieve the same reaction if you lightly blow a newborn in the face. Soon this reflex weakens, but even adults have it to some extent.

Swedish scientists conducted an experiment on two dozen children under the age of one year. They were lowered headlong into the water, but not a single baby in the water began to breathe and suffocate. In addition, the next dive they did not experience any stress.

Because of the existence of this reflex, it is said that teaching young children to swim is easier than older ones. However, this does not mean that if the child falls into the water, he will swim and not choke in the end.

Tiny nails are formed on the hands and feet of the child. Fluff appears on the body and head.

All vital organs, such as the heart, brain, kidneys, pancreas, liver, are in place and begin to function. Erythrocytes, blood cells, are already formed by the liver, since the yolk sac is reduced very soon. The rudiments of teeth appeared on tiny gums. The taste bud of the tongue was formed.

The joints of the limbs are quite well developed, which make them very flexible. The spinal nerves emerge from the tiny spine and are now visible through translucent skin. Neurons formed at the edges of the spinal cord.

The head of the baby is almost half the length of the entire body. The rapidly developing brain forms a bulge in the forehead. Now the main parts of the brain are visible.

The genitals have formed and are rapidly maturing. The testicles of boys begin to produce testosterone. But while the sex of the child on ultrasound is not possible to determine.

Your baby is about the size of a strawberry or prunes. Height is 3-4 cm, and weight is about 5 grams.

Week 8, physical education during pregnancy (video):

8 weeks, physical education during pregnancy


Whether to do an ultrasound at this time

Many mothers are in a hurry to go for an ultrasound examination, to see their baby, but doctors do not advise to undergo an examination now. Indications for ultrasound at 8 weeks, as well as at 9 weeks of pregnancy, is the suspicion of a non-developing embryo. It's still too early for screening. It is necessary to wait until the fetus grows up a little so that you can measure its nasal bone, collar zone, examine organs, limbs. The ideal time for this is 10 weeks from conception or 12 obstetric weeks. The CTE of the fetus must be at least 45 mm.

Genetic Analysis - Chorionic Villus Biopsy

If a woman is over 35 years old, according to ultrasound, the doctor suspects malformations in the child, there have already been cases of the birth of children with a genetic pathology, a decision may be made to perform this invasive procedure. The doctor takes a needle for analysis of the villi of the future placenta - the chorion. With the help of this analysis, various chromosomal pathologies can be detected.

Usually, the analysis is performed at a period of 12 weeks (10 from conception), but sometimes earlier, at the request of the woman. Such a desire may be due to the need to learn early about the possible problems of the child, so as not to terminate the pregnancy later on for a long time.

The disadvantage of the procedure is that there is a risk of miscarriage. A safer method of diagnosis is the analysis of amniotic fluid (amniocentesis), but it is performed over a longer period of time.

If you suffer from acne, do not continue taking medications that you used before pregnancy. Acne medications such as Roaccutane (Accutane, Isotretinoin) can cause serious birth defects. Tetracycline, doxycycline and minocycline are also dangerous. They negatively affect the formation of bones and teeth of the fetus, cause their anomalies.

For acne, use home remedies made with cinnamon and honey, turmeric, or lemon. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water which helps in flushing out toxins.

We offer you two options for acne masks.

1. Mix until smooth a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, honey and a teaspoon of sour cream. We keep it on the skin for a quarter of an hour, after which we wash it off first with warm and then with cold water (contrast shower for the face). Make a mask 2-3 times a week until you get a visible result.

2. Make a mixture of half a teaspoon of cinnamon, one raw protein and a teaspoon of honey. Apply on face for 20 minutes. Rinse afterwards with warm water. Make a mask no more than 3 times a week.

Another issue we discussed was pregnancy gingivitis. Prevention is better than cure in this case. If you maintain good oral hygiene, you can prevent gingivitis in the first place. Do not forget:

  • brush your teeth 2 times a day;
  • Floss once a day;
  • use mouthwash.

Folk remedies for the treatment of gingivitis are rinsing with decoctions of herbs. Oak bark and sage are usually advised.

Development of pregnancy gives new sensations to the expectant mother. How a child grows, what changes in a woman's body, the necessary tests and doctors - let's try to give detailed answers to popular questions.

Fetal development in the eighth week of pregnancy.

The first trimester is the main stage in the development of pregnancy. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby receives a new status - officially he is now a fetus, not a fetus. By this time, the child has formed: the brain, nervous system and bone tissue, internal organs are actively developing: liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, pancreas, reproductive system. The heart becomes four-chambered, the small tail disappears. By 8 weeks pregnant, your baby has grown to the size of a grape. His height is only 14-20 millimeters, and his weight is 3 grams.

Despite his small size, he already looks like a man. With the help of ultrasound, which will monitor the entire development of pregnancy, you can see tiny arms and legs, a head. Facial features begin to emerge. But it is too early to determine the sex of the child, although the testicles have already formed in the boys, and the ovaries in the girls. But you can observe how actively the baby moves his arms and legs, somersaults.

Feelings of a woman in the eighth week of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy are becoming more noticeable, which is not surprising, because the number of hormones that support the development of pregnancy continues to grow. Outwardly, this is manifested by frequent mood swings, tearfulness, drowsiness. Under the influence of hormones, the breasts increase significantly, so the expectant mother needs to choose a comfortable bra. Significantly increases the size of the uterus. Outwardly, this is not at all noticeable yet, but the internal organs are already in a squeezed position. The bladder and intestines are the first to “suffer”, so urination becomes more frequent, constipation may occur. Due to the restructuring of the hormonal background, the nature of the discharge from the vagina may change. If they do not have an unpleasant odor and are not accompanied by itching, then do not worry. Brown discharge from the genital tract, accompanied by pain in the lower back - an occasion to immediately consult a doctor.

For many pregnant women, a big problem for 8 weeks pregnant becomes toxicosis. Salivation, nausea, vomiting do not allow to eat normally. You should be patient, by the end of the first trimester, the hormonal background will become more stable, and this unpleasant symptom will pass. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor if vomiting recurs more than once or twice a day.

Visiting a doctor in the eighth week of pregnancy.

8 week pregnancy- it's time to be registered in the antenatal clinic. It would not be superfluous to recall that a woman who has registered in the early stages (up to 12 obstetric weeks) is entitled to an additional lump-sum payment to the pregnancy and childbirth allowance.

On the first visit, the doctor will conduct a full examination, write out a referral for tests, and select a vitamin complex.

The list of necessary analyzes and studies, as a rule, includes:

  • clinical blood test
  • blood chemistry
  • hCG blood test
  • general urine analysis
  • analysis for HIV, viral hepatitis, TORCH infection
  • electrocardiogram
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages

In addition to visiting a gynecologist, a woman needs to visit other specialists: a therapist, dentist, venereologist. Be sure to warn the doctor about your delicate situation! Especially if you have a chronic disease that requires medication on an ongoing basis. Taking certain medications may adversely affect the development of pregnancy. At the end of the second month, the fetus is very susceptible to negative influences from outside. Therefore, it is better to postpone X-ray and fluorography for later. In the second trimester, it is worth transferring dental treatment. Remember, now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of your child.

Certainly, pregnancy is not a disease. But your body now has a colossal load on the life support of the child. A pregnant woman, like no one else, must observe the regime of work and rest. Delegate some household chores to your husband or relatives, be sure to get enough sleep, walk in the fresh air. If you were seriously involved in sports before pregnancy, coordinate the load with your doctor, lifting weights is now undesirable.

From bad habits, if any, you need to get rid of in the near future. The fetus is now the most vulnerable, it already receives nutrition from the mother's body through the umbilical cord, but the placenta, a natural filter, has not yet fully formed.

A woman should pay a little more attention to her diet. Remember that yeast dough, legumes and fresh bread cause gas and flatulence, and eating salty foods retains fluid in the body, leading to swelling.

Except in special cases (threatened miscarriage, twin pregnancy) sex does not affect the development of pregnancy. But partners should be careful in choosing positions, it is better to avoid pressure on the stomach and deep penetration.

The 8th week of pregnancy in the life of a future mother differs little from the previous, 7th week. But for the baby is still important every day. That's the way it should be. After all, a child literally repeats the evolutionary path from a single cell to a complex organism.

What happens to mom and baby

At the eighth week, the unborn child is no longer considered an embryo. Now it is a fetus in which all the internal organs are laid. Of course, all systems of a tiny organism still have to develop and improve for a long time.

The expectant mother may change outwardly, or may remain the same. Everything here is very individual. Although there are common features. For example, in the 8th week, the uterus of a pregnant woman reaches the size of a large apple or grapefruit. And in the blood there is an active production of three hormones: estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. All these hormones are doing a serious job:

  • Prepare the circulatory system of a woman to increase the amount of blood. Therefore, the main arteries increase slightly in diameter;
  • Weaken the pelvic ligaments. Otherwise, the belly of the expectant mother will not be able to increase in size;
  • Prepare the breast for future milk production.

Fetal development

What does the future baby look like now?

Now it is about the size of a grape. The length of the tiny body is 14-20 mm, and the weight is about 3 g.

The fetus looks more and more like a tiny human. This is facilitated by many processes:

Video: 8 Week of intrauterine life:


Ultrasound at the 8th obstetric week can give very different "pictures". It all depends on the position of the baby, which is constantly changing, and on the equipment itself. On a black background of the uterine cavity, an oblong body of the crumbs can be seen. Or just a white, almost round spot, which means that the fetus has turned its head towards the scanner.

By the end of the 8th week, all the main internal organs of the fetus are formed. Now they are to be further developed and improved.

Feelings of the expectant mother

The delay in menstruation has been going on for more than two weeks. At the eighth obstetric week, pregnancy has already been confirmed. Sometimes even in several ways. If the expectant mother already had toxicosis, then for sure it will continue. Or it can begin if the woman has not felt anything like this before. The main components of toxicosis:

  • nausea (usually in the morning, but it happens throughout the day);
  • heartburn and belching;
  • vomit;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • increased or, conversely, loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

If there is still no obvious toxicosis, there is no need to think about something bad. The happiest moms may not even know what it is!

But even without any toxicosis, some changes are quite noticeable:

  • The breast can greatly increase (by one size or even more). Vessels on each breast become more visible, and the skin of the nipples may darken.
  • Even for a short time, the uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, so visits to the toilet become more frequent.
  • Increased activity of the mucous membranes causes increased salivation. A runny nose of pregnant women may appear: a feeling of nasal congestion without obvious signs of a cold.
  • Emotional instability: mood swings, sensitivity.
  • Constant fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Acne or blackheads may “pop out”. But it also happens the other way around - the skin becomes soft, smooth and amazingly pleasant to the touch.
  • The growing uterus can affect the sciatic nerve, which causes pain in the pelvis and hips.

And the expectant mother may well begin to stand out colostrum. If this happens, then gaskets will be required. Under no circumstances should you express colostrum! Another completely normal phenomenon is false (training) contractions. They are manifested by short-term tension in the lower abdomen. If there is no bleeding or pain, there is nothing to worry about.

Problems and complications


  • At the 8th obstetric week, normal vaginal discharge is considered mucous, clear or white.
  • Minor brown discharge is allowed, but it is necessary to inform the doctor about them.
  • Spotting or bleeding is a signal of a possible threat of miscarriage. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

Fading pregnancy:

If toxicosis suddenly, abruptly stops - perhaps we are talking about the fading of pregnancy. In this case, the fetus dies, but is not rejected by the uterus. If the pregnancy really froze, they will establish a diagnosis and take measures in the antenatal clinic and in the hospital.

Severe toxicosis:

Severe toxicosis can deplete the strength of the expectant mother. In addition, vomiting can lead to severe dehydration. You need to see a doctor if:

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  • vomiting occurs more than twice a day;
  • food is not digested for more than a day;
  • feeling of constant weakness;
  • marked weight loss.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back:

Mild pains in the abdomen and lower back are explained by hormonal and physical changes. But if the lower back and / or stomach hurt intensely, this may mean a threatened miscarriage.

Ectopic pregnancy:

An ectopic pregnancy manifests itself at an earlier time. Therefore, at the 8th obstetric speech, this condition is no longer being discussed.

Why do pregnancy complications occur? Main reasons

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • radiation (for example, X-ray);
  • nicotine and/or alcohol;
  • some bacterial and viral infections;
  • a number of drugs;
  • lifting and carrying weights;
  • severe overheating (for example, when tanning or in a sauna).

In the first trimester of pregnancy, any negative impact affects the entire fetus, all its internal organs and systems.

If the pregnancy is unwanted, this is also a complication. True, not the pregnancy itself, but the entire existence of a woman. There are circumstances in which she has the right to say "no" to a small life. But if the baby is not destined to be born, termination of pregnancy should be carried out as early as possible. And only in a medical facility. Abortion is a simple procedure, but difficult for the female body. Therefore, the decision to terminate a pregnancy must be highly responsible and conscious.

Visit doctor

If the expectant mother has not yet begun her examination, then at the 8th week it is already time to go to the doctor. There are many diseases in the world that go on for a long time without external manifestations. Examination will help to detect possible problems in time and prevent complications.

The woman will take blood tests, urine, check the smear from the vagina. What will be checked?

  • general condition of the body (level of hemoglobin, various blood cells, sugar);
  • blood type and Rh factor;
  • the presence / absence of HIV, AIDS, syphilis, genital infections.

The gynecologist will measure the pelvis of the expectant mother, height and weight, and give a preliminary conclusion about the health status of the woman and the unborn baby. In addition, he will refer the patient to other specialists - a general practitioner, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, a venereologist and an ENT specialist.

It is necessary to be examined by these doctors. Each of them will check the condition of the expectant mother according to their parameters and indicate possible complications. For example, if a woman suffers from periodontal disease, the disease may worsen during pregnancy and after childbirth. And very poor vision or high intraocular pressure may be indications for a planned caesarean section.

Prevention of a possible Rhesus conflict is especially important. If future parents have a different Rh factor, this may adversely affect the unborn baby due to the accumulation of special antibodies. This is another reason not to delay going to the doctors.

A mother-to-be needs to be prepared for a lot of questions. Now doctors are obliged not only to examine a woman, but also to find out in what conditions she lives and works. For example, if the working conditions are harmful, the expectant mother must be transferred to another position. And if a woman has seriously ill people at home, this is also a cause for concern. The doctor may ask all household members of the expectant mother to undergo a fluorography or bring information about the last study.

What else will doctors ask?

  • Which is the pregnancy.
  • Who are expected to give birth.
  • Time of last menses.
  • What was your menstrual cycle like before pregnancy?
  • Were there any abortions, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies.

The expectant mother must definitely tune in to regular visits to the doctors.

  1. Proper nutrition. Fried, spicy foods, canned food and smoked meats should be excluded. Baking will have to be limited. Cooking food should be steamed (or baked). Vegetables and fruits should make up at least a third of the diet. Sweets - only natural (for example, marshmallow). To improve digestion - cereals and sour-milk products.
  2. Vitamins and medicines - only as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Alcohol and cigarettes should already be a thing of the past. It is also important to avoid passive smoking.
  4. What is the expectant mother wearing? All kinds of "hairpins" will have to be postponed until better times. Shoes should be on a minimum and stable heel. It is very important that the soles do not slip. You need to be careful not only on snowy paths, but also on tiled floors - they can be quite slippery.
  5. Sexual life can be unlimited if it brings pleasure. In this case, there are three contraindications: the threat of miscarriage, multiple pregnancy and the reluctance of the expectant mother herself.
  6. With unilateral pain in the pelvis and lower back, you need to lie on the opposite side. Here we are talking about pinching the sciatic nerve, in the supine position it is released faster.
  7. Emotions are only positive. No need to watch scary and / or dramatic films, read heavy books. If something unfavorable happens in life, you need to think first of all about the baby. Now the excitement of the mother makes the baby suffer physically.

Superstition and prejudice

What a future mother does not have to hear during nine months of pregnancy! There are so many advisers around! You can literally get lost in the recommendations of others. Whom to trust and who not to listen to? Let's try to understand the basic "tips".

A smoking mother should not suddenly give up cigarettes. The child is already used to nicotine and will feel bad.

The future mother got used to nicotine. And she's already done herself a lot of harm. And with the onset of pregnancy, each new cigarette causes irreparable damage to the baby. If pregnancy is planned, the rejection of bad habits should take place long before conception. With an unplanned but saved pregnancy, quit smoking immediately, preferably forever.

A glass of good natural wine won't hurt.

Even natural alcoholic drinks are still alcohol. Its harm to the fetus has long been firmly proven.

A husband should not show his weakness, feeling unwell or cooling off for sex. A wife should always be beautiful, cheerful and friendly.

Another statement from the depths of patriarchy. Sincerity is important between spouses. A good future father will not squeamishly grimace if the woman he loves vomits in front of him. And the fear of intimate life will only become stronger and turn into a problem if you keep silent about it.

Pregnant women should not cut their hair - the child will miss something (fingers, for example).

Superstition in its purest form. Hair is made up of cells of the same type as nails. Their pregnant women cut their hair at all times. Therefore, if the expectant mother wants to change her image and get a haircut, there are no obstacles to this. But about hair coloring, it is better to consult a doctor first.

Read more:

The happiness and well-being of the future mother is the health and proper development of the baby.

Video guide: 8 weeks of pregnancy: fetal development, what is happening, pulling the lower abdomen, fatigue, nausea, vomiting

Physical education during pregnancy

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!