Homemade face scrubs with oatmeal. Homemade oatmeal facial scrubs Homemade oatmeal scrubs

Looking good does not mean spending money on expensive cosmetics and procedures. To do this, every woman has her own tricks in the piggy bank. An oatmeal scrub is just one of the tricks that allows the skin to look young, soft and velvety. Such a tool saves the budget, because everything you need for its preparation can be found in any kitchen. The amazing effect of using this natural mixture will not be long in coming.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oatmeal is famous primarily for its cleansing effect due to its high fiber content. Regular consumption of it in food accelerates the removal of various toxins from the body, normalizes metabolic processes. But oatmeal can not only be eaten, but also used for skin care, as it has excellent healing properties.

Usually in cosmetic practice, oatmeal, bran or flakes are used. They perfectly exfoliate dead cells and improve the metabolic processes of the skin.

Sometimes this tool even managed to smooth out the scars.

Oat scrub has many useful properties, here are just a few of them:

  • deep cleansing of pores;
  • maintenance of tone due to the content of niacin and theanine - substances necessary for the production of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • maintaining the water balance of the skin due to the presence of vitamin E and B;
  • scar alignment;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in all layers of the epidermis;
  • stimulation of lymph outflow, which reduces swelling in the legs;
  • the presence of active substances that smooth wrinkles on the skin;
  • restoration of skin regeneration processes;
  • preventing the appearance of skin defects such as acne and blackheads;
  • positive effect on dry skin type, reduction of itching, elimination of irritation and flaking.

The list can be continued for quite some time, but this wonderful remedy also has its contraindications.

  • An oatmeal scrub is undesirable for owners of very thin and sensitive skin, as there is a high risk of damage. This is due to the content of small coarse particles in oats.
  • During pregnancy, it is forbidden to carry out many types of caring procedures due to the colossal restructuring taking place in the female body. The oatmeal itself will not cause harm, but the additional components of the scrub can have a negative impact.
  • During the period of recurrence of chronic dermatological diseases, oatmeal scrubs will not bring anything but harm to people suffering from dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis.
  • If there are deep cuts or wounds on the skin, scrubbing is prohibited. The mixture that gets into them will become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, which will cause not only inflammation, but also suppuration of the wound.
  • If there are thermal lesions and ulcers, peeling can increase pain, and the components included in its composition will significantly reduce the healing rate of damaged skin.
  • With couperosis and rosacea, in no case should you use scrubs. Dilated vessels will respond negatively to such an impact.
  • People suffering from allergic reactions should carefully choose an oatmeal scrub, as some components cannot be used by them. To avoid an unpleasant situation, you need to conduct a small test of the product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the elbow. Allergy sufferers are shown gentle formulations with minimal exfoliating action.

Composition and use of oatmeal

Oatmeal is a versatile and convenient remedy, you can use it at home. Flakes have been used to make homemade skin care products for a long time, and the popularity of these treatments is constantly growing. The nutritional basis of oatmeal did not go unnoticed by cosmetologists who took such scrubs into service.

Let us consider in more detail the composition of oats and the quality of its components.

  • Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. It removes free radicals from the body that contribute to aging and sagging tissues.
  • Vitamin E tones and rejuvenates tissue cells.
  • Zinc contained in oats maintains the balance of hormones. With a sufficient level of this microelement, the number of various skin inflammatory processes is significantly reduced.
  • B vitamins contribute to the restoration of the body's water-lipid barrier and stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Phytic acid provides nutrition and hydration to the skin, evens out its color and rejuvenates it.
  • Polysaccharides bring thin, dehydrated skin back to life.

To get a good result after applying the scrub and avoid unpleasant consequences, some rules must be followed.

  • People with capillaries located close to the surface of the dermis should use scrubs carefully, and oatmeal mixtures are no exception.
  • If there is damage on the skin of the face, it is better to refuse to use scrubs with coarse particles until complete healing.
  • Too frequent use of exfoliating agents can adversely affect the condition of the epidermis. For oily skin, two treatments per week are enough, and for dry skin, one.
  • It is forbidden to use scrub mixtures on the skin around the eyes and around the lips.

To get the maximum effect from the use of oatmeal scrub, you must consistently follow all the stages of the procedure.

  • The first stage is a thorough washing, it is necessary to completely wash off not only cosmetics, but also caring cosmetics.
  • The second stage is steaming. During the procedure, the pores open, which contributes to the penetration of active substances from the home scrub into the deep layers of the epidermis, which means that the effect will be maximum.
  • This is followed by the application of the scrub composition with soft massage movements. The mixture is applied immediately to the face and neck, and do not forget about the décolleté area.
  • After lightly massaging the skin, the scrub is not washed off, but left for a while for a more intense effect.
  • Gently wash off the dried composition with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream.

Best Homemade Scrub Recipes

When choosing among the many recipes for homemade oatmeal cleansers, you first need to focus on your skin type and the imperfections that you need to get rid of.

For mixed skin types

If you are the owner of a mixed skin type, you can try the following recipes.

The main rule is to wash off these compounds well.

  • Classical. A handful of ground oat flakes is stirred with heated water.
  • Grape. 4 grapes are thoroughly kneaded, having previously removed all the seeds from them, mixed with a tablespoon of cereal and heated water to the consistency of thick sour cream, allowed to swell a little.
  • Citric. Take 1 part of sugar, lemon juice and aloe, add 2 parts of crushed flakes and a little water there.
  • Mixture for long-term storage. To 0.5 cups of ground almonds add the same volume of cane sugar, a pinch of dry marigold herb, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon of nutmeg and two teaspoons of dry vanilla extract. This base can be stored for a very long time in a tightly closed jar. And if necessary, heated water is added to the desired volume of the mixture before use.
  • For mixed skin, two options for an olive oil scrub are suitable. In the first recipe, equal amounts of oat and corn flakes are ground, 2 parts of the mixture is mixed with 1 part of butter and a little sugar. In the second, the same amount of oil, sugar and yolk are added to 2 teaspoons of oatmeal.

For dry skin

Owners of a dry type should select gentle exfoliating compounds.

  • Powdered milk and crushed Hercules flakes are mixed in the amount of three tablespoons each, diluted with warm milk and left to swell.
  • Pumpkin pulp is thoroughly crushed, ground walnuts, oatmeal and olive oil or heavy cream are added to 1 tablespoon of pumpkin puree.
  • Ground almonds are combined in equal parts with oatmeal, aloe juice and honey. To increase the effect, instead of water for dilution, a warm decoction of medicinal herbs is perfect.
  • On a fine grater, rub half a cucumber. The resulting slurry is mixed with 6 ml of rosehip and argan oil, milk and oatmeal (two tablespoons each). So that the mask can be used on the skin around the lips and eyes, half a cucumber is combined with ground oatmeal, 33% cream and rose essential oil.
  • Soda and flakes are mixed in the same amount, diluted in water and left to swell.

For oily skin

To remove excess sebum, you can use the following effective means.

  • In a mixture of 2 teaspoons of cereal and lemon juice, protein and 1 teaspoon of sea salt are introduced.
  • Oat flakes and ground almonds are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, protein and natural fat-free yogurt are added.
  • To 1 tablespoon of crushed oatmeal, add the same amount of apple cider vinegar, protein and liquid honey. After scrubbing, the mixture is left on the skin for 15 minutes.
  • Wheat flour and ground oatmeal are mixed in equal parts (if there is no flour, starch or oatmeal will do), diluted with water until sour cream is thick, add a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Oatmeal is pre-soaked for several hours to swell. 3 ripe red tomatoes are mashed and mashed with swollen grits and a few drops of milk. The mixture removes excess sebum and restores a healthy complexion to the skin.

For skin with enlarged pores

  • Grape juice and mineral water are added to a handful of oatmeal, and left to swell.
  • Ground oatmeal is mixed with sea salt and homemade curdled milk. This mixture removes excess sebum and makes pores smaller.
  • Two tablespoons of crushed flakes are mixed with a teaspoon of soda and cinnamon, the mixture is diluted with warm water. After removing this composition, the skin should be rinsed with water acidified with lemon juice.
  • Equal parts of rice and oatmeal are ground in a coffee grinder. Kefir is added to the resulting mass. This scrub after application is kept for about 10 minutes, and only then washed off.

To look good, it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics. It is enough to know a few healthy recipes for oatmeal scrubs that can be easily prepared at home.

Oatmeal Scrub is an indispensable skin care product that helps to make it soft and smooth. Every woman or girl, using a miracle mixture of natural ingredients prepared by her own hands, will feel a positive effect immediately.

Benefits of oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal is known for its absorbent properties. First of all, it is a source of fiber, respectively, the use of the product in food contributes to the elimination of toxins and a rapid metabolism. But, in addition to the fact that oatmeal can be introduced into food, it is recommended to use it to improve the skin. Scrubs with oatmeal have healing properties.

For the procedure, oatmeal and flour are used. These ingredients help exfoliate dead cells. With the help of this cereal, it will be possible to smooth out scars and stimulate metabolic processes.

Consider in more detail the beneficial properties of oatmeal scrubs:

  • Purifies the skin. The scrub draws out toxins from the cells, cleansing the pores.
  • Tones up. Oats contain niacin and thiamine. These components stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. Over time, the skin becomes smooth and toned.
  • Maintains water balance. The oatmeal scrub helps to maintain the water balance in the cells of the epidermis, so that the skin will remain hydrated for a long time, which, in turn, makes it soft and silky.
  • Reduces scars. Acne often leaves small scars. They are difficult to disguise with foundation. Oatmeal gently evens out the relief of the face.
  • Improves blood circulation. Thanks to mucus, oatmeal stimulates interstitial blood flow. Accordingly, more vitamins enter the skin when using standard creams.
  • Reduces swelling. Oatmeal stimulates lymph flow. Thanks to this, swelling in the legs disappears.
  • Dissolves wrinkles. Oatmeal contains many stimulants that help smooth the skin. Wrinkles on the body also disappear.
  • Promotes skin regeneration. Dietary fiber, which is part of the cereal, is perfectly absorbed through the soft tissues of the body. They envelop and bind cholesterol, bile and fatty acids, removing them from the body and promoting the renewal of the dermis.
  • Gets rid of acne and blackheads. With the help of an oatmeal scrub, you can solve some problems with the skin of the face and body, namely, rid it of keratinized (dead) cells, cleanse it of dirt, and significantly reduce the appearance of acne and black spots.
  • Prevents dry skin problems. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, especially dry. It is able to prevent itching, remove irritation and peeling, which is inherent in the dry type of the dermis.
  • Promotes wound healing. Vitamin E, which is found in a fairly large amount in oatmeal, works as an antioxidant, rejuvenates and promotes the healing of minor injuries on it.

Contraindications to the use of oatmeal scrub

Oat scrubs, despite the completely natural composition, do not always have a good effect on the condition of the dermis. The fact is that oats contain small exfoliating particles. They can injure very thin and sensitive skin.

An oatmeal scrub, like any cosmetic product, has its limitations in use. It is extremely important to remember the following contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy. This period is special for all women, because quite serious changes take place in the body. It is for this reason that many body care procedures are prohibited. Of course, oatmeal can rarely cause any negative reactions, but it's up to the expectant mother to decide whether it's worth the risk. In addition, scrubs, in addition to oatmeal, often include honey and essential oils, which can cause allergic reactions.
  2. Sensitive skin. Such an epidermis is distinguished by its subtlety. He is very easy to hurt. Accordingly, oat scrubs should not be used for peeling sensitive skin.
  3. Dermatological ailments in the period of exacerbation. If you have eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis, then scrubs with oatmeal are contraindicated. They will make the situation worse.
  4. Wounds and cuts. If the skin has deep damage, exclude scrubbing. The paste, if it gets into the wounds, can cause inflammation and even suppuration. First of all, oatmeal mucus is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Burns and ulcers. The list of serious injuries also includes burns or ulcers, and in such cases it is better to refuse peeling with oatmeal so as not to aggravate the already unpleasant pain. Oatmeal itself is harmless, but the scrub may contain components that can slow down the healing process. Wait until all the wounds are healed, and only then apply the remedy.
  6. Couperose. Oatmeal improves blood circulation in tissues and dilates blood vessels. Accordingly, it is contraindicated in the vascular network and asterisks.
  7. Venous diseases. If a person has venous nodes, then it is better to refuse such procedures altogether. If the damaged areas are small, you can simply not use them.
  8. fresh tan. After sunbathing, do not use an oatmeal scrub. This can not only ruin the bronzed skin tone, but also increase its sensitivity. This significantly increases the risk of pigment spots, which is undesirable for any person.

If a woman or a man is prone to allergic reactions, then some oatmeal-based products may be contraindicated. Therefore, before applying the scrub, it is better to do a small test on one of the body parts. For this, the back of the elbow of the hand is suitable. Allergy sufferers should prefer components with a slight exfoliating effect.

Composition and components of oatmeal

Oat flakes can be used for different types of epidermis, as they are absolutely universal. The product is quite popular in cosmetology, and such procedures have been used for a long time. Flakes have an excellent nutritional base, which cosmetologists could not ignore.

Let us consider in more detail what is included in the composition of oatmeal and makes it so useful:

  • Phytic acid. This component perfectly moisturizes, smoothes and rejuvenates the skin. Without enough phytic acid, the dermis begins to lose its tone and visibly dry out.
  • Selenium. This substance is an antioxidant. Selenium fights free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process, sagging and sagging skin.
  • Zinc. Oatmeal contains a large amount of this trace element, which helps control hormonal imbalances. With regular use of flakes on the epidermis, there is a noticeable reduction in the number of pimples, black spots and other similar formations.
  • Vitamin E. We talked about the benefits of this component above.
  • Polysaccharides. Essential for dry, dehydrated dermis. Active polysaccharides prevent sagging cheeks.
  • B vitamins. These components significantly increase the protective functions, help the rapid regeneration and restoration of individual cells of the epidermis.

Scrubs from this useful and truly miraculous cereal help to visibly refresh the skin of the whole body. In addition, oatmeal goes well with almost any other, no less useful, natural products.

Oatmeal body scrub recipes

Many girls think that it is necessary to take care only of the face, so they pay little attention to the body. In fact, regular body scrubs help prevent cellulite formation and keep skin toned.

Homemade oatmeal milk scrub

Milk nourishes the skin, which is why it is often combined with oatmeal for a body scrub. In addition, milk breaks down fat capsules and helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Recipes for body scrubs with milk and oatmeal:

  1. With dry milk. Pour a handful of Hercules flakes into a bowl. They do not need to be crushed or ground beforehand. Add 2 tablespoons of powdered milk to the cereal. Pour the dry mixture with ordinary warm milk, it needs 50 ml. The result will be a paste-like mass. Apply it on problem areas and massage. It is advisable to lie down in warm water before manipulation, this will open the pores. Leave the scrub on for 5 minutes. Remove with plain water. Lubricate your body with your favorite moisturizer.
  2. With dry and liquid milk. In order to prepare a gentle mixture, you need to take one tablespoon of oatmeal, one teaspoon of powdered milk and regular liquid milk. After mixing the dry ingredients, they should be poured with well-heated milk until a slurry is formed, placed in a container, wrapped in a dense cloth and let it brew for seven to ten minutes. The scrub is applied to well-cleansed skin areas with massage movements, after which it is washed off with plain warm water. If you have dry skin, then after the procedure it is necessary to moisturize it with a cream.
  3. With warm milk. Pour 30 g of oatmeal into a bowl. Warm up some milk in the microwave. Add it to cereal and stir. Wait 15 minutes. It is necessary that the container is closed all this time. After softening the oatmeal, apply the paste to your skin. Massage the epidermis. Leave on for 5-7 minutes and remove with a damp cloth. You can take a shower. After that, blot the body with a towel and lubricate the skin with cream.
  4. With olive oil. This tool not only exfoliates dead particles, but also nourishes the epidermis. Usually this scrub is recommended for women after 30 years, when the skin is not quite taut and elastic. Pour a handful of raw oats into a bowl and add 20 ml each of high-fat whole milk and olive oil. Enter 30 ml of warm bee nectar. The paste will be viscous and sticky. Scrub the body and massage it a little. Leave for 3 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  5. With sour milk. Grind 30 g of rice in a coffee grinder. It needs to be flour. Mix it with 2 tablespoons of Hercules flakes. Enter sour milk, it should be fatty. Instead, you can pour yogurt. Lubricate the problem areas with the composition and massage a little. Leave for 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  6. With milk and sea salt. To prepare a scrub to combat sagging skin, you need to mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, half a glass of milk heated to 50 degrees, half a glass of dry and a teaspoon of salt, preferably sea. The resulting mixture must be kept in a warm place for at least half an hour. For best results, you can add a few drops of any essential oil. The scrub is rubbed into the skin with light patting movements. If you use it regularly, then after a short period of time you will notice positive changes - the skin will become smooth, elastic and refreshed. No matter how much you want to get rid of sagging dermis, you should not use a scrub more than three times a week. For oily skin, these procedures should be reduced to once every 7 days. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate the epidermis with a moisturizer. The time of applying the scrub is also of great importance: for oily skin - 3 minutes, for normal - 2 minutes, for dry - one. If you do not follow these rules, then the dermis will quickly deplete.

Body scrub with oatmeal and honey

Honey is one of the most useful products not only for strengthening the immune system and treating diseases of internal organs, but also for healing the skin. It is a nourishing component and is often used in the preparation of face and body masks.

Recipes for body scrubs with oatmeal and honey:

  • with aloe. This remedy is ideal for girls with oily skin prone to scarring. It is necessary to peel 3 leaves of aloe and grind them in a blender. Add a handful of Hercules flakes and 3 tablespoons of warm bee nectar to the paste. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil. Mix the composition and apply it on the skin. It is necessary to rub the epidermis for 3-8 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • With green tea leaves. To make a scrub at home, you will need the following ingredients: oatmeal, honey, grape seed oil and green tea leaves. Honey mass has healing and antibacterial properties, soothes and regenerates skin cells. Grape oil cleanses and moisturizes it. Scrub components are taken in the following proportions: two tablespoons of finely chopped oatmeal, one tablespoon of honey and chopped green tea leaves, a few drops of grape oil. We mix all the ingredients. You should get a sticky mixture of thick consistency, which is applied to the problem area in an even layer for two minutes. After that, with light massaging movements, the mixture should be rubbed into the skin for another two minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • With coffee. Coffee perfectly stimulates metabolic processes and helps to get rid of the manifestations of cellulite. Accordingly, this product can be incorporated into body scrubs with oatmeal. Pour 40 g of cereal into a small bowl and add a spoonful of coffee grounds left after drinking the drink. Enter 30 ml of honey. Stir the paste with a brush or spatula and set aside for 10 minutes. Take the composition little by little and transfer to the skin. Massage for 3-5 minutes. Wash off with cool water. After the procedure, lubricate problem areas with anti-cellulite cream.
  • With grape seed oil and jojoba. This scrub is more suitable for women who often suffer from dry skin. The combination of honey and oils will help make it tender and soft. Pour a handful of cereal into a bowl and add 20 ml of grape seed oil and jojoba oil. Add a spoonful of bee nectar. Average and apply to the epidermis, massage for 2-7 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • With almond or coconut oil. The recipe is based on three components: oatmeal, honey and one of the essential oils - almond or coconut. The oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the cells of the epidermis. To prepare the scrub, grind half a glass of oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder. To the resulting mass, add one tablespoon of honey collection and a few drops of base oil. To dilute the mixture, mix it with a little boiled water or herbal tea. The result should be a fairly thick and sticky slurry, which must be applied with massage movements on previously cleansed skin. Perform the procedure for several minutes, after which leave the scrub for a while on the skin, and then rinse with very warm, but not hot, boiled water. After such a procedure, each cell of the skin will be filled with useful substances and will breathe.
  • With tea tree oil. This mixture has a bactericidal effect on the skin. The mass prepared at home relieves any inflammation and redness. In one container, mix two tablespoons of ground oatmeal, one teaspoon of aloe pulp with freshly squeezed juice and one teaspoon of honey. The resulting mass is diluted to the state of slurry with pre-boiled water at room temperature. Finally, add a few drops of tea tree oil, which is famous for its healing properties. Such a scrub very gently cleanses the epidermis and relieves various inflammatory processes.

Important! Any essential oils should be used with extreme caution. If a person has a tendency to allergies, then you need to check the reaction of the skin in one of the areas of the body in advance. It is better to do it on the wrist.

Cellulite Oatmeal Scrub with Cereals

Body fat is the worst enemy of many of the fair sex. To get rid of the "orange peel", it is not enough to eat right or go to the gym. It is very important to have an external effect on such skin with cosmetics. It is for this reason that scrubs are an indispensable part of the complex of actions to get rid of cellulite.

Here are a few recipes for scrubs with oatmeal and various types of cereals:

  1. From corn grits. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of oatmeal, a little corn flakes, a teaspoon of powdered sugar and two tablespoons of olive oil (in extreme cases - vegetable). Massage the problem areas with the resulting mixture for several minutes. Before the procedure, you need to take a hot shower so that the body is well steamed.
  2. From corn and buckwheat. To prepare this tool, we need 25 grams of oatmeal, fine corn flour and chopped buckwheat, 50 grams of powdered sugar, a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil. We mix all the ingredients until a mushy state and actively rub for two minutes into the problem area. The result after such a peeling agent will not keep you waiting long. The skin will change, become smoother and softer. If you apply the scrub periodically, then the elasticity of the dermis will noticeably increase.

Remember! Scrubs are best applied to a wet, steamed body, ideal after an anti-cellulite massage.

How to make an oatmeal vegetable scrub

In addition to honey, milk and cereals, vegetables and fruits work great with oatmeal. Here are some recipes for body scrubs based on them:

  • with cucumber. Perfect for the delicate décolleté area, which tends to age earlier than other parts of the body. Home mixture can be used both for the purpose of prevention and to slow down the processes of skin aging that have already begun. So, grate one fresh cucumber on a fine grater, mix it with pre-chopped flakes. Fill the resulting mixture with low-fat natural yogurt (without preservatives and additives). In the absence of yogurt, it can be replaced with ordinary homemade sour cream. All three ingredients are taken in equal proportions. To achieve a stunning effect, cosmetologists advise adding a few drops of jojoba essential oil. Apply the mass to the décolleté area, hold for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse with well-warmed (but not very hot) water.
  • tomato scrub. Great for people with an oily type of epidermis. Take three ripe red tomatoes and chop them finely. Grind oatmeal pre-soaked in warm water for several hours until porridge is formed with chopped tomatoes and add a couple of drops of milk. The resulting mass in a circular motion must be applied to the body and washed off after 5 minutes. Already after the first procedures, positive changes can be noticed. Thanks to this recipe, the pores will be cleansed, the skin will become less oily and will acquire a healthier look and a pleasant color.

Oatmeal Facial Scrubs Recipes

Facial skin especially needs good care and thorough exfoliation of dead skin cells. There are many recipes for different types of epidermis based on oatmeal with the addition of various components.

We present the most effective of them:

  1. With raspberries. Fruit acids gently exfoliate dead skin cells. In addition, they help reduce age spots. The fact is that the substances contained in fruits stimulate the uniform distribution of melanin in the skin. Over time, dark spots will become less noticeable. Grind a handful of raspberries or strawberries in a blender or meat grinder. Combine puree with oatmeal. Add a couple of drops of orange oil. Smooth out the mixture. You need to let it sit for 15 minutes. Apply to face. Massage for 7 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  2. With rice grains and olive oil. To prepare the scrub, you need to mix a teaspoon of powdered sugar, a tablespoon of oatmeal, a spoonful of rice grains (pre-ground in a coffee grinder) and 1.5-2 tablespoons of sour cream until a homogeneous gruel is formed. To soften the effect of the scrub, you can add a little olive oil. The mixture should not be too thin or very thick. Apply the product on pre-cleansed face skin with smooth movements. You can do a light massage. Wash off the scrub with warm water and apply a moisturizer. After such a procedure, which is recommended to be done before going to bed, the epidermis acquires an incredibly beautiful, fresh and well-groomed appearance. The tool is indispensable in the winter season, when the delicate skin on the face constantly freezes and exfoliates.
  3. With rice and sour cream. The recipe is ideal for those who want to get rid of unpleasant oily sheen and clear clogged pores. To prepare the scrub, thoroughly grind white rice grains and oatmeal in a mixer. Each of the cereals should be poured in equal proportions - one to one. To form a creamy mixture, add the required amount of low-fat sour cream without preservatives and various additives. After that, with gentle movements, make a light peeling and leave the scrub for a few minutes. At the end of the procedure, it must be washed off with running warm water. It is worth noting that after several sessions, the number of acne and rashes is significantly reduced.

An oatmeal scrub is a great way to care for the dermis, making it look soft, tender and pleasant to the touch. Any woman, using this wonderful mixture of natural and healthy ingredients, will immediately feel a pronounced positive effect.

Oatmeal is famous for its absorbent qualities. First of all, the use of this cereal helps to quickly eliminate toxins and improve metabolism, so there is no better way to maintain healthy skin.

Usually, flakes, flour and oat bran are used for cosmetic procedures. The components included in this cereal contribute to the active exfoliation of the stratum corneum.

Let's take a closer look at what properties make oatmeal scrubs so beneficial:
  • Clears pores.
  • Returns tone.
  • Maintains water balance.
  • Reduces scars and post-acne.
  • Improves blood microcirculation.
  • Reduces puffiness.
  • Eliminates wrinkles.
  • Promotes skin regeneration.
  • Relieves pimples and blackheads.
  • Prevents dry skin problems.

Contraindications to the use of oatmeal scrub

Oat scrubs, despite their natural origin, do not always have a beneficial effect on the condition of the dermis. The fact is that oat grains contain small coarse particles. They can damage and irritate very thin and hypersensitive skin.

Oatmeal scrub, like any other cosmetics, has certain limitations in use. It is necessary to remember the following contraindications:

  • Excessive sensitivity of the epidermis.
  • Various skin diseases in the period of exacerbation.
  • Wounds, scratches and cuts.
  • Burns and sores.
  • Rosacea and couperose.
  • Various venous diseases.
  • Fresh pronounced tan.

If a person is prone to allergies, some oatmeal-based products should be used with caution. Therefore, before using the scrub, do not forget to test on the inner crook of the elbow or on the skin behind the ear.

What are the benefits of oatmeal. Composition and application

Oatmeal can be used for various types of epidermis, as it is versatile and easy to use. The product is incredibly popular in home cosmetology, as oat treatments can be used for quite a long time. Oat grain has a huge nutritional value, which could not go unnoticed by cosmetologists.

Let's take a closer look at what makes oats useful:

  • Selenium. This component is considered an antioxidant. Selenium slows down the aging process and tissue ptosis.
  • Phytic acid. This substance nourishes, makes the dermis even, smooth and young. Without phytic acid, the skin of the face loses its elasticity and becomes dry.
  • Zinc. Oats contain a huge amount of this trace element, which helps to normalize hormone levels. With constant use, there is a decrease in the total number of acne, blackheads and other inflammatory elements.
  • Vitamin E. Tocopherol has pronounced tonic and rejuvenating properties.
  • B vitamins. This substance perfectly protects and promotes the restoration of damaged cells.
  • Polysaccharides. Essential for dehydrated thinned skin. These beneficial substances prevent early tissue ptosis.

Homemade oatmeal face scrub. Best Recipes

Milk perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, so it is used with great success in combination with oat ingredients to increase the effectiveness of home skin care procedures.

Recipes for oat milk facial scrubs

Recipe with warm milk.

Take 4 tablespoons of oatmeal. Pour in a small amount of warm milk. Let it brew for 20 minutes and apply the scrub composition to the epidermis. Massage the skin on your face with your fingertips. Leave on for 5-7 minutes and then remove with a tissue.

Recipe with sour milk.

Take a couple of tablespoons of rice flour or grind 4 tablespoons of rice in a coffee grinder. Mix it with a couple of tablespoons of hercules. Enter fatty acidified milk. Apply to the dermis with vigorous movements and leave for 5 minutes. Wash off with moderately hot water.

Powdered milk recipe.

Pour 3 tablespoons of oatmeal into a cup. Add a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk to the porridge. Thin the mixture with slightly warmed milk to a mushy texture. Apply the scrub to the skin. Leave for 5 minutes. Remove with plain cool water.

Recipe with milk and olive oil.

This method not only perfectly exfoliates dead cells, but also nourishes the tissues. This scrub is suitable for women after 35 years of age, when the epidermis begins to lose tone and turgor. Pour a handful of oats into a cup, 2 tablespoons of whole fat milk, add olive oil. Add 4 tablespoons of warm light honey. Spread on the surface of the face and gently massage. Leave for 3 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Recipe with milk and sea salt.

To make a scrub composition to combat loose skin, you need to combine with a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal, a quarter cup of warm milk, half a cup of powdered milk and half a teaspoon of salt, preferably sea salt. The mixture should stand for at least half an hour. For greater effect, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

Scrub recipes with oatmeal and honey for oily and problem skin

Honey is an excellent product not only for strengthening the immune system and normalizing the functioning of all human systems, but also for restoring and regenerating the skin.

Recipe with tea tree oil.

This mixture is characterized by a pronounced antibacterial effect on the skin.

In one cup, mix a couple of large spoons of oatmeal, one teaspoon of aloe pulp, fresh juice and one teaspoon of honey. Dilute the resulting mass with boiled water and 5 drops of tea tree cosmetic oil. This scrub very gently cleanses the skin and reduces minor inflammation.

Aloe Recipe.

This composition is perfect for young girls with oily and porous skin prone to scarring. It is necessary to clean 3 leaves of aloe and introduce the crushed pulp into a couple of tablespoons of oat flakes. Add 3 tablespoons of warm honey and 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Stir the mixture and spread it over the surface of the skin. Knead the epidermis for 3-8 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

How to make a refreshing oatmeal scrub with vegetables?

In addition to honey, oatmeal goes well with natural fruits and vegetables. We offer the best vegetable-based scrub recipes:

  • tomato scrub

Great for people with oily skin types. Take one ripe tomato and finely chop. Hercules infused with warm sour milk is combined with chopped tomato. The finished composition is distributed clockwise and washed off after 5 minutes.

  • with cucumber

Ideal for the thin delicate area around the eyes and mouth. Grate half a cucumber and mix it with oatmeal. Add natural yogurt or cream. To achieve the best effect, experts recommend adding a few drops of essential rose oil. Apply the scrub on your face, keep it for a few minutes, and then rinse well.

Recipe for rice and oatmeal scrub for blackheads

The recipe is ideal for those who want to mattify overly shiny skin and clear clogged pores.

To make a scrub, take rice and oatmeal. The volume of ingredients should be the same. Add low-fat liquid sour cream to a thick paste. Apply the scrub with kneading movements and hold for a while. After the procedure, the scrubbing mixture must be washed off with moderately hot water.

whitening raspberry oatmeal scrub recipe

Crush a handful of fresh ripe raspberries with a fork. Connect the berry with the hercules. Add a couple of drops of lemon oil. Let stand for 15 minutes. Spread on the skin and wait 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

To look good, it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics. It is enough to know a few healthy recipes for oatmeal scrubs that can be easily prepared at home.

Benefits of oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal is known for its absorbent properties. First of all, it is a source of fiber, respectively, the use of the product in food contributes to the elimination of toxins and a rapid metabolism. But, in addition to the fact that oatmeal can be introduced into food, it is recommended to use it to improve the skin. Scrubs with oatmeal have healing properties.

For the procedure, oatmeal and flour are used. These ingredients help exfoliate dead cells. With the help of this cereal, it will be possible to smooth out scars and stimulate metabolic processes.

Consider in more detail the beneficial properties of oatmeal scrubs:

  • Purifies the skin. The scrub draws out toxins from the cells, cleansing the pores.
  • Tones up. Oats contain niacin and thiamine. These components stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. Over time, the skin becomes smooth and toned.
  • Maintains water balance. The oatmeal scrub helps to maintain the water balance in the cells of the epidermis, so that the skin will remain hydrated for a long time, which, in turn, makes it soft and silky.
  • Reduces scars. Acne often leaves small scars. They are difficult to disguise with foundation. Oatmeal gently evens out the relief of the face.
  • Improves blood circulation. Thanks to mucus, oatmeal stimulates interstitial blood flow. Accordingly, more vitamins enter the skin when using standard creams.
  • Reduces swelling. Oatmeal stimulates lymph flow. Thanks to this, swelling in the legs disappears.
  • Dissolves wrinkles. Oatmeal contains many stimulants that help smooth the skin. Wrinkles on the body also disappear.
  • Promotes skin regeneration. Dietary fiber, which is part of the cereal, is perfectly absorbed through the soft tissues of the body. They envelop and bind cholesterol, bile and fatty acids, removing them from the body and promoting the renewal of the dermis.
  • Gets rid of acne and blackheads. With the help of an oatmeal scrub, you can solve some problems with the skin of the face and body, namely, rid it of keratinized (dead) cells, cleanse it of dirt, and significantly reduce the appearance of acne and black spots.
  • Prevents dry skin problems. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, especially dry. It is able to prevent itching, remove irritation and peeling, which is inherent in the dry type of the dermis.
  • Promotes wound healing. Vitamin E, which is found in a fairly large amount in oatmeal, works as an antioxidant, rejuvenates and promotes the healing of minor injuries on it.

Contraindications to the use of oatmeal scrub

Oat scrubs, despite the completely natural composition, do not always have a good effect on the condition of the dermis. The fact is that oats contain small exfoliating particles. They can injure very thin and sensitive skin.

An oatmeal scrub, like any cosmetic product, has its limitations in use. It is extremely important to remember the following contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy. This period is special for all women, because quite serious changes take place in the body. It is for this reason that many body care procedures are prohibited. Of course, oatmeal can rarely cause any negative reactions, but it's up to the expectant mother to decide whether it's worth the risk. In addition, scrubs, in addition to oatmeal, often include honey and essential oils, which can cause allergic reactions.
  2. Sensitive skin. Such an epidermis is distinguished by its subtlety. He is very easy to hurt. Accordingly, oat scrubs should not be used for peeling sensitive skin.
  3. Dermatological ailments in the period of exacerbation. If you have eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis, then scrubs with oatmeal are contraindicated. They will make the situation worse.
  4. Wounds and cuts. If the skin has deep damage, exclude scrubbing. The paste, if it gets into the wounds, can cause inflammation and even suppuration. First of all, oatmeal mucus is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Burns and ulcers. The list of serious injuries also includes burns or ulcers, and in such cases it is better to refuse peeling with oatmeal so as not to aggravate the already unpleasant pain. Oatmeal itself is harmless, but the scrub may contain components that can slow down the healing process. Wait until all the wounds are healed, and only then apply the remedy.
  6. Couperose. Oatmeal improves blood circulation in tissues and dilates blood vessels. Accordingly, it is contraindicated in the vascular network and asterisks.
  7. Venous diseases. If a person has venous nodes, then it is better to refuse such procedures altogether. If the damaged areas are small, you can simply not use them.
  8. fresh tan. After sunbathing, do not use an oatmeal scrub. This can not only ruin the bronzed skin tone, but also increase its sensitivity. This significantly increases the risk of pigment spots, which is undesirable for any person.
If a woman or a man is prone to allergic reactions, then some oatmeal-based products may be contraindicated. Therefore, before applying the scrub, it is better to do a small test on one of the body parts. For this, the back of the elbow of the hand is suitable. Allergy sufferers should prefer components with a slight exfoliating effect.

Composition and components of oatmeal

Oat flakes can be used for different types of epidermis, as they are absolutely universal. The product is quite popular in cosmetology, and such procedures have been used for a long time. Flakes have an excellent nutritional base, which cosmetologists could not ignore.

Let us consider in more detail what is included in the composition of oatmeal and makes it so useful:

  • Phytic acid. This component perfectly moisturizes, smoothes and rejuvenates the skin. Without enough phytic acid, the dermis begins to lose its tone and visibly dry out.
  • Selenium. This substance is an antioxidant. Selenium fights free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process, sagging and sagging skin.
  • Zinc. Oatmeal contains a large amount of this trace element, which helps control hormonal imbalances. With regular use of flakes on the epidermis, there is a noticeable reduction in the number of pimples, black spots and other similar formations.
  • Vitamin E. We talked about the benefits of this component above.
  • Polysaccharides. Essential for dry, dehydrated dermis. Active polysaccharides prevent sagging cheeks.
  • B vitamins. These components significantly increase the protective functions, help the rapid regeneration and restoration of individual cells of the epidermis.
Scrubs from this useful and truly miraculous cereal help to visibly refresh the skin of the whole body. In addition, oatmeal goes well with almost any other, no less useful, natural products.

Oatmeal body scrub recipes

Many girls think that it is necessary to take care only of the face, so they pay little attention to the body. In fact, regular body scrubs help prevent cellulite formation and keep skin toned.

Homemade oatmeal milk scrub

Milk nourishes the skin, which is why it is often combined with oatmeal for a body scrub. In addition, milk breaks down fat capsules and helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Recipes for body scrubs with milk and oatmeal:

  1. With dry milk. Pour a handful of Hercules flakes into a bowl. They do not need to be crushed or ground beforehand. Add 2 tablespoons of powdered milk to the cereal. Pour the dry mixture with ordinary warm milk, it needs 50 ml. The result will be a paste-like mass. Apply it on problem areas and massage. It is advisable to lie down in warm water before manipulation, this will open the pores. Leave the scrub on for 5 minutes. Remove with plain water. Lubricate your body with your favorite moisturizer.
  2. With dry and liquid milk. In order to prepare a gentle mixture, you need to take one tablespoon of oatmeal, one teaspoon of powdered milk and regular liquid milk. After mixing the dry ingredients, they should be poured with well-heated milk until a slurry is formed, placed in a container, wrapped in a dense cloth and let it brew for seven to ten minutes. The scrub is applied to well-cleansed skin areas with massage movements, after which it is washed off with plain warm water. If you have dry skin, then after the procedure it is necessary to moisturize it with a cream.
  3. With warm milk. Pour 30 g of oatmeal into a bowl. Warm up some milk in the microwave. Add it to cereal and stir. Wait 15 minutes. It is necessary that the container is closed all this time. After softening the oatmeal, apply the paste to your skin. Massage the epidermis. Leave on for 5-7 minutes and remove with a damp cloth. You can take a shower. After that, blot the body with a towel and lubricate the skin with cream.
  4. With olive oil. This tool not only exfoliates dead particles, but also nourishes the epidermis. Usually this scrub is recommended for women after 30 years, when the skin is not quite taut and elastic. Pour a handful of raw oats into a bowl and add 20 ml each of high-fat whole milk and olive oil. Enter 30 ml of warm bee nectar. The paste will be viscous and sticky. Scrub the body and massage it a little. Leave for 3 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  5. With sour milk. Grind 30 g of rice in a coffee grinder. It needs to be flour. Mix it with 2 tablespoons of Hercules flakes. Enter sour milk, it should be fatty. Instead, you can pour yogurt. Lubricate the problem areas with the composition and massage a little. Leave for 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  6. With milk and sea salt. To prepare a scrub to combat sagging skin, you need to mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, half a glass of milk heated to 50 degrees, half a glass of dry and a teaspoon of salt, preferably sea. The resulting mixture must be kept in a warm place for at least half an hour. For best results, you can add a few drops of any essential oil. The scrub is rubbed into the skin with light patting movements. If you use it regularly, then after a short period of time you will notice positive changes - the skin will become smooth, elastic and refreshed. No matter how much you want to get rid of sagging dermis, you should not use a scrub more than three times a week. For oily skin, these procedures should be reduced to once every 7 days. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate the epidermis with a moisturizer. The time of applying the scrub is also of great importance: for oily skin - 3 minutes, for normal - 2 minutes, for dry - one. If you do not follow these rules, then the dermis will quickly deplete.

Body scrub with oatmeal and honey

Honey is one of the most useful products not only for strengthening the immune system and treating diseases of internal organs, but also for healing the skin. It is a nourishing component and is often used in the preparation of face and body masks.

Recipes for body scrubs with oatmeal and honey:

  • with aloe. This remedy is ideal for girls with oily skin prone to scarring. It is necessary to peel 3 leaves of aloe and grind them in a blender. Add a handful of Hercules flakes and 3 tablespoons of warm bee nectar to the paste. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil. Mix the composition and apply it on the skin. It is necessary to rub the epidermis for 3-8 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • With green tea leaves. To make a scrub at home, you will need the following ingredients: oatmeal, honey, grape seed oil and green tea leaves. Honey mass has healing and antibacterial properties, soothes and regenerates skin cells. Grape oil cleanses and moisturizes it. Scrub components are taken in the following proportions: two tablespoons of finely chopped oatmeal, one tablespoon of honey and chopped green tea leaves, a few drops of grape oil. We mix all the ingredients. You should get a sticky mixture of thick consistency, which is applied to the problem area in an even layer for two minutes. After that, with light massaging movements, the mixture should be rubbed into the skin for another two minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • With coffee. Coffee perfectly stimulates metabolic processes and helps to get rid of the manifestations of cellulite. Accordingly, this product can be incorporated into body scrubs with oatmeal. Pour 40 g of cereal into a small bowl and add a spoonful of coffee grounds left after drinking the drink. Enter 30 ml of honey. Stir the paste with a brush or spatula and set aside for 10 minutes. Take the composition little by little and transfer to the skin. Massage for 3-5 minutes. Wash off with cool water. After the procedure, lubricate problem areas with anti-cellulite cream.
  • With grape seed oil and jojoba. This scrub is more suitable for women who often suffer from dry skin. The combination of honey and oils will help make it tender and soft. Pour a handful of cereal into a bowl and add 20 ml of grape seed oil and jojoba oil. Add a spoonful of bee nectar. Average and apply to the epidermis, massage for 2-7 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • With almond or coconut oil. The recipe is based on three components: oatmeal, honey and one of the essential oils - almond or coconut. The oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the cells of the epidermis. To prepare the scrub, grind half a glass of oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder. To the resulting mass, add one tablespoon of honey collection and a few drops of base oil. To dilute the mixture, mix it with a little boiled water or herbal tea. The result should be a fairly thick and sticky slurry, which must be applied with massage movements on previously cleansed skin. Perform the procedure for several minutes, after which leave the scrub for a while on the skin, and then rinse with very warm, but not hot, boiled water. After such a procedure, each cell of the skin will be filled with useful substances and will breathe.
  • With tea tree oil. This mixture has a bactericidal effect on the skin. The mass prepared at home relieves any inflammation and redness. In one container, mix two tablespoons of ground oatmeal, one teaspoon of aloe pulp with freshly squeezed juice and one teaspoon of honey. The resulting mass is diluted to the state of slurry with pre-boiled water at room temperature. Finally, add a few drops of tea tree oil, which is famous for its healing properties. Such a scrub very gently cleanses the epidermis and relieves various inflammatory processes.

Important! Any essential oils should be used with extreme caution. If a person has a tendency to allergies, then you need to check the reaction of the skin in one of the areas of the body in advance. It is better to do it on the wrist.

Cellulite Oatmeal Scrub with Cereals

Body fat is the worst enemy of many of the fair sex. To get rid of the "orange peel", it is not enough to eat right or go to the gym. It is very important to have an external effect on such skin with cosmetics. It is for this reason that scrubs are an indispensable part of the complex of actions to get rid of cellulite.

Here are a few recipes for scrubs with oatmeal and various types of cereals:

  1. From corn grits. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of oatmeal, a little corn flakes, a teaspoon of powdered sugar and two tablespoons of olive oil (in extreme cases - vegetable). Massage the problem areas with the resulting mixture for several minutes. Before the procedure, you need to take a hot shower so that the body is well steamed.
  2. From corn and buckwheat. To prepare this remedy, we need 25 grams of oatmeal, fine corn flour and chopped buckwheat, 50 grams of powdered sugar, a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil. We mix all the ingredients until a mushy state and actively rub for two minutes into the problem area. The result after such a peeling agent will not keep you waiting long. The skin will change, become smoother and softer. If you apply the scrub periodically, then the elasticity of the dermis will noticeably increase.

Remember! Scrubs are best applied to a wet, steamed body, ideal after an anti-cellulite massage.

How to make an oatmeal vegetable scrub

In addition to honey, milk and cereals, vegetables and fruits work great with oatmeal. Here are some recipes for body scrubs based on them:
  • with cucumber. Perfect for the delicate décolleté area, which tends to age earlier than other parts of the body. Home mixture can be used both for the purpose of prevention and to slow down the processes of skin aging that have already begun. So, grate one fresh cucumber on a fine grater, mix it with pre-chopped flakes. Fill the resulting mixture with low-fat natural yogurt (without preservatives and additives). In the absence of yogurt, it can be replaced with ordinary homemade sour cream. All three ingredients are taken in equal proportions. To achieve a stunning effect, cosmetologists advise adding a few drops of jojoba essential oil. Apply the mass to the décolleté area, hold for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse with well-warmed (but not very hot) water.
  • tomato scrub. Great for people with an oily type of epidermis. Take three ripe red tomatoes and chop them finely. Grind oatmeal pre-soaked in warm water for several hours until porridge is formed with chopped tomatoes and add a couple of drops of milk. The resulting mass in a circular motion must be applied to the body and washed off after 5 minutes. Already after the first procedures, positive changes can be noticed. Thanks to this recipe, the pores will be cleansed, the skin will become less oily and will acquire a healthier look and a pleasant color.

Oatmeal Facial Scrubs Recipes

Facial skin especially needs good care and thorough exfoliation of dead skin cells. There are many recipes for different types of epidermis based on oatmeal with the addition of various components.

We present the most effective of them:

  1. With raspberries. Fruit acids gently exfoliate dead skin cells. In addition, they help reduce age spots. The fact is that the substances contained in fruits stimulate the uniform distribution of melanin in the skin. Over time, dark spots will become less noticeable. Grind a handful of raspberries or strawberries in a blender or meat grinder. Combine puree with oatmeal. Add a couple of drops of orange oil. Smooth out the mixture. You need to let it sit for 15 minutes. Apply to face. Massage for 7 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  2. With rice grains and olive oil. To prepare the scrub, you need to mix a teaspoon of powdered sugar, a tablespoon of oatmeal, a spoonful of rice grains (pre-ground in a coffee grinder) and 1.5-2 tablespoons of sour cream until a homogeneous gruel is formed. To soften the effect of the scrub, you can add a little olive oil. The mixture should not be too thin or very thick. Apply the product on pre-cleansed face skin with smooth movements. You can do a light massage. Wash off the scrub with warm water and apply a moisturizer. After such a procedure, which is recommended to be done before going to bed, the epidermis acquires an incredibly beautiful, fresh and well-groomed appearance. The tool is indispensable in the winter season, when the delicate skin on the face constantly freezes and exfoliates.
  3. With rice and sour cream. The recipe is ideal for those who want to get rid of unpleasant oily sheen and clear clogged pores. To prepare the scrub, thoroughly grind white rice grains and oatmeal in a mixer. Each of the cereals should be poured in equal proportions - one to one. To form a creamy mixture, add the required amount of low-fat sour cream without preservatives and various additives. After that, with gentle movements, make a light peeling and leave the scrub for a few minutes. At the end of the procedure, it must be washed off with running warm water. It is worth noting that after several sessions, the number of acne and rashes is significantly reduced.
How to make an oatmeal scrub - look at the video:

As you can see, there are a huge number of a wide variety of recipes based on oatmeal, whose beneficial properties have long been proven in practice. Each of them is individual, has its own advantages and disadvantages for a particular skin type. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the most successful scrub composition for yourself, which will help to cope with a specific problem associated with the epidermis.

With oatmeal on hand, it's a crime to have unkempt skin. This cereal has everything to give it a healthy flowering look.

Just choose a recipe for yourself and do not be lazy to systematically resort to it.

Which is better: grains, flakes or rolled oats

Most useful is stored in unrefined grains.

In addition to vitamins, trace elements, such a product has hard shells.

Even in a carefully crushed state, they are a source of a large amount of fibers, which, upon contact with the skin as part of an oatmeal facial scrub, will perfectly polish it, absorb the secreted fat, and enrich the epidermis with powerful antioxidants.

If you could not find portions of grain or you have nothing to grind them into flour, then you should not be upset. There is enough useful in flakes to get an effective mask for cleansing the skin.

Having undergone rigorous processing at the factory, they are almost ready for use, even in food, even for cosmetic purposes. But it is better to grind them all the same, so that the cleansing of the epidermis is more thorough, uniform.

The action of the remedy

The oatmeal component is useful for several reasons:

  1. Softened, crushed fibers have no sharp edges, so it is suitable for all skin types.
  2. Purified, heated skin immediately receives all the beneficial components found in the cereal.
  3. Turns even weathered, rough areas into “baby heels”.

Hypoallergenicity, natural composition, moderate price of the product allow you to achieve stunning results with systematic care.

Knowing this, you can look great, even without the funds for expensive salons. All that is required is self-love, discipline, the right recipes.


Oats are useful for normal skin type:

  1. The ability to relax the muscles due to oxalic acid, B vitamins.
  2. Potassium reserves, which provide sufficient tissue hydration.
  3. The presence of rare selenium, which stimulates regeneration processes, affects the lengthening of the period of time when the skin looks great.

For sensitive, dry skin, oats are useful:

  1. Neutrality (masks with oats help to take good care in conditions when other means are not available due to a violent reaction upon contact).
  2. Available retinol, able to soothe inflammatory processes.
  3. The absence of coarse fibers that can injure the sensitive epidermis.

For oily skin, oatmeal cleansing is useful:

  1. The presence of zinc, which stabilizes the process of fat production.
  2. Huge absorbency of dense fibrous components.
  3. Malic and nicotinic acids, which facilitate the dissolution of sebaceous reserves.

How to cook

For narrowing pores

Mask for narrowing the pores of oatmeal with kefir:

To soften

Oatmeal Facial Scrub Recipe:

  • 3 art. l. grind flakes in a meat grinder or in a coffee grinder;
  • dry mass pour 50 ml of hot milk;
  • after infusing the mass in a closed container for about 5 minutes, apply to a cleansed face;
  • gently massage the skin, paying attention to rough areas;
  • after manipulation, hold the mask for 10 minutes;
  • wash off with warm water without soap;
  • use an emollient cream.

With milk

Cleansing the skin of the face with oatmeal with milk:


Oatmeal Facial Scrub Recipe:

  • beat the protein of one chicken egg until foamy;
  • grind cereal into flour;
  • combine bulk and protein masses;
  • mix the components thoroughly;
  • prepare the face by washing in moderately hot water;
  • after wetting the skin, apply the mass on the face;
  • gently massage the surface for 3 minutes;
  • hold the mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour;
  • wash without soap with warm water.


Universal mask for all skin types from honey, oatmeal and green tea:

For oily and sensitive

Soda (it is often used) and oats have an anti-allergic effect, therefore they are indicated to relieve irritation and remove excess greasiness on the skin.

But in the presence of rashes or a tendency to irritation, it is better not to rub the face with the applied mask, but simply hold it on the skin and rinse.

Oatmeal Baking Soda Facial Scrub Recipe:

  • mix a tablespoon of soda and oatmeal in one container;
  • pour the mass with two tablespoons of moderately hot water and cover it;
  • after waiting five minutes, apply the paste on the skin;
  • in circular gentle movements along the massage lines, work out the entire surface of the face;
  • wash everything off with warm water;
  • blot the surface with a paper towel;
  • treat your face with a mild disinfectant.

With salt

Facial scrub based on oatmeal and salt:


This tool saves time without compromising the result. When cleaning, the skin is intensively filled with vitamins and valuable macronutrients.

The blood circulation stimulated by a light massage allows you to bring valuable components to the deep layers of the epidermis, which stimulates regeneration processes in its entire thickness.

Hercules Facial Scrub Recipe:

  • you need to take a tablespoon of honey, homemade milk and olive oil (liquid components should be moderately heated, but not boiled);
  • add two tablespoons of crushed oat flakes to the mass;
  • leave the combined and mixed components to infuse for 10 minutes;
  • smear the face with a pasty mixture, avoiding tender areas near the eyes and near the lips;
  • massage the surface of the skin for about 5 minutes, following the direction of the massage lines;
  • rinse off with warm water without soap;
  • use a moisturizer.

With sugar and butter

Hercules, sugar and olive oil facial peeling:

  • It is advisable to use loose masses with small fractions (due to this, the risk of injury to the stratum corneum is reduced).
  • It is impossible to use grain sold on collective farm markets (it can be pickled, infected with excrement of rodents, sick birds).

    The healing power of oats has long been known. With skillful application, it will help the girl achieve beauty in any part of the body and allow her to gain health.

    Expect remarkable results after the first cosmetic procedures.