Fruit bouquet with your own hands. Beautiful bouquets and decorative compositions. Master classes on making a bouquet of fruits with your own hands

A fruit bouquet is both an original decoration of the dining table, and an unusual gift, and just an interesting idea for creativity. Whole and figuratively carved fruits can be combined with flowers, sweets, ornamental leafy plants and even toys if presented to a child or young girl.

Making fruit bouquets with your own hands is easy even for beginners, and by learning the basic rules and secrets, you can achieve amazing results the first time!

By fruits, by berries

When shopping for ingredients, choose the prettiest, ripest (but not on the edge) fruits that should be free of blemishes and not overly juicy. Otherwise, they will simply fall off the pedestal. The range can be anything. In addition to fruits, pay attention to berries and some vegetables, which can play the role of a bright spot in the composition or, conversely, emphasize its strict color scheme. If you buy grapes, give preference to seedless varieties.

Take fruits with a small margin of quantity so that one annoying mistake does not have to run to the store again!

Bouquet of fruits: master class

The step-by-step instructions for making such a bouquet are quite simple. The biggest difficulty is attaching fruits to skewers. It is important that they do not slide down, fly off or spin around their axis when moving the bouquet. The sequence will be as follows:

The skill of assembling a bouquet in a spiral is very useful here. In this case, the fruits will not interfere with each other, wrinkle and try to jump off when squeezing the "stems".

To keep fruit from turning brown

Fruit slices tend to darken and lose their attractive appearance due to oxidation when exposed to air. If it is expected that the bouquet will be quickly presented and immediately eaten, you can not worry about this or sprinkle the slices with lemon juice (it will help preserve the natural color). But if it is necessary for it to remain fresh for a long time (for example, during the entire festive feast), the sections must either be glazed or covered with a gelatin solution. Dark chocolate can serve as an excellent icing.

This composition works well: gelatin + water + lemon juice + cognac. It is enough to take cognac and lemon juice one tablespoon each, and reduce the amount of water when diluting gelatin by the same volume. For a better result, put in the refrigerator and, after hardening, cover with a second layer of jelly.

You can also protect slices of oranges, pomegranates and other fruits from moisture loss with the help of cling film, which must be removed before serving or serving.

Peeled and cut bananas always darken. For this reason, the only way to incorporate them into fruit bouquets is through glazing.

Bouquet of fruits and flowers

Bouquets in which fruits are combined with decorative greenery and flowers look even more picturesque. The principle of their compilation remains the same. It should be remembered that flowers are added to the composition immediately as it is collected. You won't be able to plug them in later. Accordingly, such a bouquet, unlike a purely fruity one, requires moisture and must stand in water.

When combining edible fruits with flowers, you should be sure that the flowers are not poisonous! This is especially true for plants collected independently in a meadow or in a forest, the names and properties of which are unknown to you. For example, in the familiar and beloved lily of the valley, all parts of the plant are toxic. A bouquet in the room can cause a severe headache, and the proximity to fruit can cause serious poisoning. Oleander, hemlock, aconite are a few more examples of visually attractive, but also very poisonous flowers.

Optional vase!

If the bouquet is not intended for a gift, but made for yourself, you need to decide on a vase in advance, since the length of the prepared skewers depends on this. It will be extremely inconvenient to cut them off later. Fruit compositions look very nice in a wide low container. Moreover, it does not have to be a finished vase. You can use half a head of cabbage. In that case, the "stems" can not be tied together, but made short and simply stuck into the cabbage. Instead, you can make a very cool dough and mold it into the desired stand. If it is unaesthetically visible, put the design on a beautiful napkin, lift the edges and tie around with a beautiful bright ribbon.

Creativity has gone so far that there are no words to say all the words of delight from the work done by many authors. Now not only carving, burning, drawing is able to display the finest figures and elements, but also vegetables and fruits are able to attract the attention of every person.

The authors use them as original figurines of the simplest and most understandable products: pineapples, beets, strawberries, pumpkins, melons, watermelons. On each of them, as a result, a wonderful family of a simple, poor, but happy family looms.

Which of the creators depicts noble nobles, where in beautiful outfits they line up in their favorite poses. Someone is more able to convey the incredible, strong love of a mother to a baby.

How much material, so many different ideas. At the top of a pineapple, a future artist or a brave, brave warrior can enthusiastically stand. In the branches of beets, the laughter of a girl who modestly awaits her lover can be hidden. And in the center of the yellow, juicy melon, a man stands firmly on his feet, who plays wonderful music on the harp. That is, the application can be found for any fruit and vegetable.

And only the masters decide how to display their best sides. Who to put at the head, who on the sides and who in the center. It doesn't matter if some noble people or a pensive poor man will stand there with his head down, the most important thing is that they can be there.

This collection contains original compositions of vegetables and fruits, made by hand at home. They can be used to decorate the festive table, as well as if you are engaged in such an exciting business as.

Compositions of vegetables and fruits photo gallery

Festive themed bouquets have gained incredible popularity - compositions of flowers and, at first glance, completely foreign objects - food and drinks, or various accessories are in vogue. They can be both comic, and refined, and luxurious.

Thanks to this direction in floristry, even such a banal gift for a man by February 23 as socks can be arranged in an unusual way - for example, they make the most gorgeous roses that can be combined with beer and roach and packed into an original bouquet that will amuse your loved one.

A unique bouquet captivates with its original design and technique. Especially if it contains non-standard materials. Do you want to surprise those present and charm the hero of the occasion with your gift? Make a fruit bouquet. Fruit composition is a successful combination of pleasant emotions with useful properties of a present.

For example, you can make a simple bouquet for your beloved woman at home with your own hands, where you can hide a box with a treasured engagement ring. Or a New Year's citrus bouquet with champagne for mom, or a bouquet of sweets and nuts with good wine for a spouse. Or with sweets, bananas and pomegranate - for children. Even from dried fruits, if you try, you can come up with and make a gorgeous bouquet!

Below is a small micro: descriptions and pictures, how to put it all together, how to mount it, etc. And of course, examples of finished work.

A unique bouquet captivates with its original design and technique.

A delicious bouquet is a relatively inexpensive and edible gift, in the process of preparing which you can try the components. Playing with the colors of fruits and berries, combined with the ideas of creating a bouquet, will captivate children, and an unusually charming frame and wrapper will attract the attention of adults with its exquisite simplicity.

From threads

You will need:

  • Large dishes with a rounded bottom, a ceiling lamp is ideal;
  • PVA glue, adhesive tape;
  • food film;
  • Woolen or acrylic threads of bright colors;
  • Tape for masking the handle;
  • The wire is solid.

How to do:

  1. Put the dishes upside down. Cover the surface generously with cling film. Fix with tape.
  2. Starting from the bottom, alternately glue the thread in random order, without going beyond the film. In the process, consider the nuance - the higher the walls of the future frame, the less stable it will be.
  3. After the first layer of thread, we form a wire rim according to the principle of more, then less. We make the basis of the wire rim for the handle of the bouquet by pulling the wire up.
  4. Wetting well with glue, make the second layer of thread in random order. In the process, we focus on the wire clips of the frame - they must be well hidden under the thread.
  5. Be sure to leave a place at the base for fruit skewers.
  6. After thorough drying, carefully remove the frame.

Such a frame base is useful for light compositions consisting of several small fruits, berries in combination with flowers and leaves.

Gallery: fruit bouquet (25 photos)


You will need:

  • Thick wire;
  • Pliers.

What to do:

  1. Wrap the wire around several times. As a winding device, you can use a wooden handle of a shovel. Fix the wire, bring the end through the inside of the base, leave it for the handle.
  2. We make a large circle of wire, fix the circle with the base by winding the wire around them, each piece is displayed on the handle.
  3. Do this five to six windings with the same pieces of wire.

The frame will withstand voluminous fruit bouquets containing products of different densities. You can use colorful wrapping paper to cover. By the way, make impromptu skewers from the remaining pieces of wire by wrapping them with a green satin ribbon or paper of the appropriate color.

From dough, foam or floral sponge

The frame is very convenient when forming a gift in a basket, box or net. The main material allows you to make fruit compositions in the shape of a heart, a pyramid and other non-standard shapes.

The main material allows you to make fruit compositions in the shape of a heart, a pyramid and other non-standard shapes.

To make a frame from foam or sponge, use a sharp object to form the desired shape of the base. The dough is mainly used for small light fruit bouquets consisting of small fruits.

Before you start creating a fruit masterpiece, you should know:

  1. In the composition, collect fruits and berries of the same density.
  2. Whole fruits and berries retain their appearance longer.
  3. For a bouquet, take only ripe fruits, without visible external and internal damage.
  4. Products of a soft consistency on skewers do not last long, therefore, under a juicy berry or fruit, it is necessary to string a harder base. For example, plant a piece of apple on a skewer under a strawberry.
  5. Do not overload the weight pressure of the fruit on the frame.
  6. When weaving into an edible bunch of grapes, weave a grape branch to the skewer with ribbons.
  7. To give a piquant unusual taste to composite products, fruits are pierced with small doses of alcohol.
  8. A grape berry will help to hide the tip of a skewer sticking out of the product.
  9. Cut fruit compositions must be wrapped in cellophane, since products used in cut form tend to weather or darken when cut in the open air. During the first two hours, such a bouquet loses its appearance, becomes dull.
  10. The original decor for bouquets are sweets in colorful packaging. Take a couple of sweets on skewers, decorate the free niches of the bouquet with them.

How to make a fruit bouquet (video)

DIY whole fruit bouquet for beginners

The composition is already attractive, since the integrity of the components used maintains a presentable freshness and a neat appearance. We take fruits arbitrarily, observing a neutral color scheme.


  • Iron frame decorated with yellow thread;
  • Apples, bananas, tangerines, lemons, peaches, apricots;
  • Iron skewers;
  • Decor for decoration;
  • Wire, rope.

We take fruits arbitrarily, observing a neutral color scheme.

How to do:

  1. Thread each fruit onto a skewer. We take pieces of apples as a base for soft fruits.
  2. Decorate the middle of the frame with gift paper.
  3. Insert the skewers into the base evenly distributing the weight of the products. It is best to do it symmetrically - four apples on the sides, one banana between them, decorate the middle with peaches, small tangerines, apricots. The basis of a delicious flower will be small round lemons.
  4. As a decor for a bouquet, you can choose flowers of the appropriate tone - daisies, roses.
  5. Secure the handle well with a rope.

How to make an edible bouquet of berries step by step master class

Under the main frame of such a work, large decorative leaves used in flower bouquets to give visual volume are very suitable. Branches of berry trees, such as cherries, are also suitable for decoration. The leaves used in the composition, choose intact, with clear veins and rich color.


  • plums, grapes, strawberries;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Wrapping paper;
  • Basket;
  • Branches of currants, cherries, grapes.

How to do:

  1. Since the berries are a less heavy composite material, we take a floral sponge as a basis. Attach the sponge to the bottom of the basket. Close the sides with wrapping paper. Fluff the edges of the paper with scissors.
  2. Place the berries on wooden skewers, reinforcing them from the bottom with apple slices. Divide a bunch of grapes into branches, attach each to a separate skewer, wrap with ribbons or paper.
  3. Stick one at a time into the sponge - the basis of the skewer, monitor the balance of the weight of the composite components.
  4. When the basket is full, between the berries we decorate the bouquet with branches with leaves, flowers.

To give the bouquet a more presentable-official look, you can make a frame from the appropriate gossamer threads without adding wire. Such a base will replace the wrapping paper.

Making flowers from fruits

Bouquets of sliced ​​fruits are truly a masterpiece of fruit art. Since such bouquets are not easy to keep fresh, the production requires skill and trained movements of the master. You can learn how to make exquisite compositions, but you need to carefully train and improve your imagination.

Pineapple pulp. Sufficiently juicy and supple product. You can cut flowers with cookie cutters.

Apples. Using a curly or regular knife, cut out the peony. Petals cut not to the end of the base. Then wet the apple and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Bouquets of sliced ​​fruits are truly a masterpiece of fruit art.

Grape. Berries look very harmonious as a base - a mug for chamomile from plum slices. You can still separately string a few berries on a separate skewer.

Oranges, tangerines. We make an open flower from fruits, evenly separating the peel with even petals, and cut the slices in half lengthwise.

Strawberry. Also thinly slicing with a curly knife, carefully open the petals. It turns out a strawberry tulip.

Fruit compositions: ideas

Compositions of fruits and berries are successfully combined with such decorative elements as leaves, threads, sweets. In addition, depending on the purpose of the celebration, you can add the appropriate notes to the composition of the bouquet: for the winter composition, complete the Christmas tree branches with oranges and apples, decorate the autumn bouquet with seasonal vegetables and a sprig of mountain ash, and complement the gift fruit set with tied cinnamon sticks.

Product components of the bouquet - fruits in chocolate will make your masterpiece magnificent. Wet the fruit with water after melting the chocolate in a separate bowl. Dip each product on the skewer with room temperature chocolate, sprinkle with coconut flakes or pastry decor on top. Place in the refrigerator until completely solidified. When adding such decor to the bouquet being made, remember that chocolate quickly melts in heat.

Fruit bouquet: master class (video)

Whatever the fruit masterpiece made first, it will be the best. However, a novice master needs to learn to get exquisite and harmonious bouquets. All that is required in comprehending the delicious art is an unstoppable desire to turn ordinary products into a beautiful and fabulous gift.

Other types of needlework


Our guests were delighted with such an idea, so creative to set the table. It turned out very festive and beautiful!


An unusual combination of textiles and fruits. An original gift that you can make with your own hands. It's valuable and enjoyable. Thank you for the idea!


Great idea. Now I know how to elegantly decorate the table for my guests. Just recently bought some strawberries.

Each of you can make an unusual surprise, especially since there are a lot of ideas for this. To please a loved one with a delicious set of fruits - that's what no one will expect, and if you put them all together in a beautiful composition, then even more so. How to collect a fruit bouquet and make an unforgettable gift out of it, read on.

How to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands

When you are tired of the usual flower options in the package, but you want to give your loved one something original and beautiful, then a delicious bouquet is what you need! To create it, you only need a set of your favorite fruits and a few additional tools: skewers, toothpicks, ribbons, wire, scissors, a knife. If you have no idea how to make a fruit bouquet, then in the store you can find whole collections of master classes with tips, ideas and photos that will quickly teach you how to practice this skill. Here are some simple compositions to get you started.

From vegetables and fruits

If it seems to someone that vegetables would not be very appropriate as a gift, then just the opposite. Delicious bouquets of vegetables and fruits with your own hands - this is the most original gift that will look great at the same time. Vegetables in this case play the role of an inexpensive base into which fruit slices will be stuck. What you need for a simple vegetable and fruit gift:

  • bowl-sized head of cabbage;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • black grapes - a bunch;
  • pineapple - 1 pc.;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • greens for decoration to your taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Rinse the head of cabbage with water, divide it in half so that it fits snugly into the container, completely filling it. Put a few cabbage leaves on top for density.
  2. Wash all the ingredients, prepare toothpicks.
  3. Cut the apples into equal slices, remove the stones, and then stick them evenly along the edge.
  4. Cut the pineapple into rings, free from the peel, fold in the center from a large ring to a small one. Enough 3-4 pieces. Adjust the width of the rings as needed. Secure everything with toothpicks.
  5. Decorate each ring with grapes and kiwi using skewers around the circumference.
  6. At the very top, make an arrangement of four apple slices in the form of a flower and grapes in the center.
  7. A ready-made surprise does not need to be put in water, but it is better to eat it quickly.

Find out which ones you can make yourself.

Original fruit compositions

You can make original bouquets from ordinary compositions with the help of additional products, for example, chocolate, coconut flakes, fudge. Thanks to this, you can decorate any slices, thereby giving the composition not only an elegant look, but also a new taste. Dip a slice of melon into the melted chocolate and then into the coconut flakes for a new detail. The same can be done with fondant. Even the simplest recipe can be made original with imagination and additional ingredients at hand.

From whole fruits

Another option to please your loved ones is to give them a bouquet of whole fruits. For this, absolutely any fruits are suitable, you can pick them up by color so that the composition looks stylish. Spices, vegetables, dried fruits - all this can be used as auxiliary decor elements. How to make a bouquet of whole fruits with your own hands step by step:

  1. Collect the necessary ingredients: green apple - 2 pieces, kiwi - 3 pieces, tangerine - 3 pieces, fresh lettuce, parsley, apricot - 5 small pieces, thick paper for packing green, orange or papyrus color.
  2. Rinse well and then dry all edible ingredients.
  3. Each fruit must be strung entirely on a long skewer.
  4. Assemble the composition so that no fruit is next to the same. Place lettuce leaves between them, dilute with herbs.
  5. Once everything is assembled, wrap the skewers with tape and wrap the entire composition with free-style paper.
  6. You can additionally decorate the composition with sparkles, mesh or any other decoration.
  7. Don't forget to take a photo of your masterpiece!

fruit flowers

To decorate such an unusual bouquet, you may need interesting ideas, because ordinary slices, mugs or whole fruits are too simple. You can make flowers from fruits with your own hands using a knife or special molds. Melon, watermelon, pineapple, kiwi, large strawberries - all of them are ideal for the role of fruit figurines. Cut the fruit into layers and cut out a flower of any shape. If you have a set of metal molds, the process will go even faster.

Fruit and berry

If you don’t want to get by with just fruits, and the yard is full of strawberries, then it’s quite possible to collect bouquets of berries and fruits. How to make it:

  1. Slice apples, pears, pineapple.
  2. Select large, beautiful strawberries.
  3. Put each piece and berry on a skewer and place in the prepared vase.
  4. Decorate with green leaves or ribbons.
  5. If strawberries are dipped in melted chocolate, then the whole composition will have a new taste and look.

From fruits and flowers

Such a surprise should always be eaten quickly, but how you want at least something left of it. This will help compositions in which the basis will be not only edible products, but also traditional flowers. It is best if a bouquet of fruits and flowers with your own hands is created from whole fruits. You can choose any flowers, but if you choose them according to the color scheme, then everything will look very stylish. Use the guide to create a bouquet of whole fruits and replace the lettuce and herbs with any that you or the hero of the occasion would like.

From fruits and sweets

Those with a sweet tooth will appreciate the bouquets of fruits and sweets. If you decide to collect it from fruit pieces, then it would be best to remove the sweets from the package too. To create a small vase of any shape, put foam inside so that it is convenient to stick skewers into it. What we do:

  1. Absolutely any fruit is washed, dried and cut into pieces of the same size with the selected sweets.
  2. We string everything on toothpicks and randomly insert it into a vessel or vase.
  3. Decorate with fresh leaves, beads, ribbons.

Fruit compositions

To learn how to create beautiful compositions, you can use the tips presented in this article or look on the Internet for a master class on making fruit bouquets. However, it is best if you learn all the subtleties of this art in practice. It is not necessary to use many different fruits, you can get by with two types, however, their serving and additional decorations will always save even the most ordinary apples and make them original.

DIY fruit bouquets for beginners

Before you start with fruits or vegetables, think about who they will be for. As a gift for a man? It is worth using the appropriate products: hot peppers, garlic, mushrooms, even potatoes can look beautiful if you arrange the composition correctly. Women will like more vegetables than a delicate composition with strawberries, apricots, sweet apples, watermelon or melon. A New Year's fruit bouquet can be decorated with snowflakes, a figure of Santa Claus. The child will love the bright composition of a variety of sweet and healthy fruits.

fruit basket

If you don’t want to spend time building a composition of fruits, especially since it can’t always work out the first time, then decorating an ordinary basket with delicious fruits can be an excellent option. Everyone wants to receive this as a gift, or you can simply decorate the festive table with it. How to make a fruit basket with your own hands? Yes, it's very simple:

  1. Select a cart in the store. The larger the size, the more fruits or vegetables will fit in it.
  2. In the fruit section, select the fruits you like. Inspect them for dents, ugly scratches, and the like.
  3. Line the basket with a soft cloth, paper or napkins.
  4. Wash and dry fruits.
  5. Start laying them out in a basket in a chaotic manner.
  6. You can decorate the composition with branches with leaves, decorative ornaments, small photos, a Christmas tree, ribbons - here you can give free rein to your imagination.
  7. A bottle of wine would be appropriate for such a gift, which can also be made part of the whole composition.

Delicious fruit bouquets - the secrets of creation

Each master has his own secrets, so you need to collect edible bouquets for a reason. Before you get down to business, check that all the items from the list below are completed:

  1. Choose only fresh fruits, juicy, soft fruits are completely unsuitable, as they can give juice in the process of creation and later, spoiling the entire structure.
  2. If the composition will consist of cut fruits, then you should not do it in advance; so that the result suits you, practice in advance and eat this “gift” yourself. You'll see, the second time the composition will come out even better.
  3. If the fruit breaks during piercing, then take another piece. At first, such a breakdown may not be noticeable, but after an hour, the fruits begin to lose their properties and become softer.
  4. If a do-it-yourself fruit bouquet requires additional decorations, then it is better to use food sprinkles.

Learn more about making in the master class.


Vegetables and fruits can be used not only as food. This is a great material for various crafts. Any handmade composition of fruits and vegetables can decorate your festive table or diversify your daily meals. At the same time, even a child of preschool age will be able to do some crafts. And vegetables and fruits can be used to paint still lifes.

Carrot and potato giraffe: instruction with photo

If you want to surprise your guests with the original design of dishes, then you will not find a better way than a composition of fruits and vegetables. One of the easiest to make is a potato and carrot giraffe. So, a large potato will act as the body of the animal, a small potato will act as the head, and a long and even carrot is perfect for the neck, from which you need to cut off the tip. These three elements will need to be fastened together with toothpicks. Ears can be made from seeds or small leaves, and eyes from blueberries.

But what is a giraffe without legs and a tail? For limbs, you can cut out cylinders from potatoes or carrots and attach them to the body with toothpicks, or simply use tree branches. The tail can be made from any greenery. Of course, it will be impossible to eat such a giraffe, but it will decorate any dish. And if you use boiled vegetables for its manufacture, then it can also become a snack. Such a giraffe may include any composition of fruits and vegetables.

apple men

All housewives love to serve fruit on the table, but not every one of them comes to mind that this can be done in an original way. For example, serve apples in the form of little men. Moreover, their manufacture does not require any special knowledge and skills. Not every hand-made composition of fruits and vegetables can boast of ease of execution. In the case of little men, the result will be quite interesting.

So, you will need apples of different sizes, some toothpicks and a sharp knife. First you need to take two fruits of different diameters, fasten them together with a toothpick and set them so that the larger one is the base. These two apples will become the body of the future little man. Next, you need another fruit, from which you need to cut 4 pieces: two of them will be legs, and two - hands. These parts are also attached with toothpicks to the corresponding places of the body. From the seeds you will need to make eyes and a nose, and cut the mouth with a knife right on the apple. Or you can make it, for example, from a tomato and fix it on the “face”. Half an apple, attached to the head with the same toothpick, will serve as a little man's hat.

eggplant penguins

Not only adults, but also children can use vegetables to make various crafts. Of course, not every composition of fruits and vegetables for children is available, since some elements are made quite difficult. However, this does not apply to such crafts as eggplant penguins - children will be happy to make this figure.

It is important that the eggplants are together with the root. The vegetable must be rotated so that the root is bent forward - this will be the nose of the penguin. The front side of the figure must be peeled, and wings should be cut out on the sides. Any berries can be used as eyes by attaching them with a toothpick. In order for the penguins to be more stable, it is necessary to cut off the lower part of the vegetable, achieving a flat surface. Interestingly, for all their simplicity in making, eggplant penguins look no less original than any other composition of fruits and vegetables. Photos of these figurines can be seen below.

Cheburashka and Gena

Who in childhood did not like the cartoon about So why not remember these heroes again and decorate the table with them? Moreover, their production will take much less time than, for example, a carving composition of fruits and vegetables. With your own hands, to create Cheburashka, you will need to cut the potatoes into circles (if you plan to eat the figure, then the vegetable must first be boiled) of different diameters - it is important that they are not too thin. Details should be as follows: body, head, arms, legs, ears. A circle of the largest diameter will serve as the body, a slightly smaller head, four small circles will be needed for the arms and ears, and it is better to make the legs from potato halves - then the figure will be more stable. Cheburashka's face can be made with black pepper.

And now Gene! For the torso of this character, you will need a curved cucumber. The head and tail will be halves of a cucumber, cut lengthwise. On the part of the vegetable that will be the head, you need to shape the teeth using a sharp knife. From the third cucumber you need to make legs. All parts of the figurine are fastened together with toothpicks. The eyes are decorated with any berries.

This is how you can easily make a composition of fruits and vegetables with your own hands. It is important not to forget to take a photo immediately upon completion of work on the figures, since such beauty must be preserved as a keepsake if walking in digital form.

Fruit and vegetable bouquets

This is another interesting composition of fruits and vegetables. With your own hands, you can make a real masterpiece that can be used not only when decorating a festive table, but also presented to someone as a gift. Mostly fruits are used to make bouquets, although some elements also require vegetables, such as pumpkin, carrots, etc. In addition, to make a bouquet, you will need wooden kebab sticks, a knife, an ice cream spoon, cookie cutters, scissors and a container for setting the bouquet , the bottom of which must be covered with foam or salt dough so that fruit and vegetable flowers can be fixed.

From sliced ​​pineapple, you can cut a flower of any shape, and use a piece of pumpkin pulp cut with a round ice cream spoon as a middle. Both elements of the flower must be fixed on a kebab stick and put in a container. Strawberries and grapes can simply be chopped on skewers and placed in the same vase. If you make several cuts on the strawberry, you will get a flower of a completely different shape. You can also decorate such bouquets with live plants - then you will get magnificent fruits and vegetables.

Carving: history and features

In recent years, an increasing number of professional chefs, and even ordinary housewives, have become interested in carving, because the former need to compete among their own kind, and the latter simply want to surprise their relatives or guests. We are talking about fruit and vegetable carving, which originated in Southeast Asia and today is a national tradition in eastern countries. This is due to the fact that in the East they eat a lot of plant foods, and carving has become an excellent way to diversify the diet. Compositions of fruits and vegetables made using this technique today impress with their splendor, because they have turned into real art.

In order to learn this skill, you will need sharp knives of different sizes (it would be ideal to purchase a special one with a huge amount of patience, and, of course, materials that are perfect for Beijing cabbage, apples, carrots, peppers, pumpkins, watermelon, beets, etc. Further, it's all up to the master's imagination.The first works will probably not be as beautiful as you would like, but over time, such a composition of fruits and vegetables, the photo of which is posted below, will become within your power.The main thing is not to give up!

Still life: first steps

A large role for artists is played by the composition of fruits and vegetables. Thanks to her, you can draw a real masterpiece. In addition, still life is the best tool for teaching the artist, available to both adults and the youngest lovers of painting. Through this technique, one learns to look at them with the eyes of an artist, that is, in terms of their shape, tone, contour, texture, proportion, and color.

It is necessary to start creating a still life with the layout and construction of objects. The artist must stand in such a place that, when examining the composition, there is no impression that some object is standing on top of another or obscuring it. Still life should be 2-3 meters from the master. The construction of the drawing must be done with a hard pencil. First you need to draw geometric shapes that objects from a still life look like, and add details later. At the next stage, you need to learn how to hatch and create volume in objects, which in most cases are fruits, vegetables and various vessels.

Possible mistakes when creating a still life

When all the details are drawn, you need to make sure that your composition of fruits and vegetables is done correctly. Still life may have a number of errors. Among them are the construction of symmetrical objects without axial lines, the "isolation" of the object from the composition, as well as the violation of the ratio of elements to each other.

And now in order! Centerlines help to build parts symmetrically, otherwise there will be a lot of inaccuracies. By "torn off" is meant that when considering a still life, one gets the impression that some objects are separated from others. As for the ratio, in order to avoid errors, it is important to compare elements in time with nature and with each other.

Baba Yaga from vegetables and fruits

Another character in the fairy tale beloved by all children is Baba Yaga. It turns out that it can also be made from the fruits of plants. Moreover, this craft can be a joint work of an adult and a child, which will result in a magnificent composition of fruits and vegetables.

So, to make Baba Yaga, you will need 3 potatoes, an apple, a banana, toothpicks, matches and a knife. It is necessary to cut a stupa from a large potato with a knife - to do this, cut off the top and bottom of the potato and make a recess on one side in which Baba Yaga can be placed. To make the torso of the figurine, you will need a smaller potato, and as arms, you can use strips cut from another root crop. The nose is also carved from potatoes. Next, hands are attached to the body with toothpicks. An apple will be used as the head, so it is important that it be smaller than the potato, which is the body. A nose is attached to the apple, and matches should be used as eyes, piercing the fruit with their heads forward. Next, you should fasten both parts of Baba Yaga and place it in a mortar. The banana peel can be used as character hair. Such a composition of fruits and vegetables in the Kuban quite often decorates children's tables during various holidays.

banana dachshund

This is another interesting and quite simple craft to make. For her, you need to take two bananas: one large, the other small. The larger one will become the body, the smaller one will become the head. The legs of the dog will be incised in four places and bent to the outside. For the head, you need to take a smaller fruit and peel it halfway so that the peel is divided into two even parts - these will be the ears. In the second part of the banana, the pulp should be left and raisin eyes should be made on it. After that, both parts of the dachshund must be fastened together with a toothpick.

Such a composition can be an excellent decoration for a festive table for children, because most of them love this fruit very much.