How to make a Christmas box with your own hands. Required for work. A square box for all occasions: a simple Christmas cube packaging

For many, it is the packaging of New Year's gifts that is difficult and incomprehensible. Therefore, they prefer to leave this stage at the mercy of some companies that will take big money for stylish decor. But you can decorate the gift yourself stylishly if you use templates for special boxes. Such presents look especially bright and impressive on New Year's under the tree.

Each reader of this material will have his own version of how to make New Year's boxes for gifts. The bottom line is that you can download box templates for free, and then print them on a high-quality printer and just put together a stylish package. Believe me, such a design will give the holiday a magical spirit and bring a New Year's atmosphere, and also simply surprise people and loved ones. Because, few people give New Year's gifts in boxes made with their own hands.

Advice! Such packaging can be made simply from colored paper. It is only necessary to print the selected drawing and the scheme for folding on a printer. But it is best to use cardboard. New Year's symbols and Christmas tree decor are welcome, because it's New Year's time in the yard.

DIY gift boxes: templates and instructions


Such packaging is a stylish gift approach and an ideal solution regardless of the age and social status of the person to whom the present is intended. The original detail will be a snowflake on the top of the box, everything is done by hand and is extremely simple. Here are the excellent ones.

To work you need cardboard or white thick paper, a stationery knife and scissors, glue. First, you can print a box template directly from this material, then cut it out carefully with scissors. Then transfer the scheme from paper to cardboard. The figure shows the fold lines, it is also better to mark them for yourself. To bend the cardboard carefully, you will need to gently hold the back of the clerical knife over them.

When everything is bent, you need to glue the corners of the box together. Now put the finished elements one on one and fix everything. You will get an amazing snowflake, which in itself is already a work of art, but after all, this is just a box for the main gift. How to do it.

Spectacular ideas for original packaging:

  1. The white color of the box may seem boring, because on New Year's Eve it is white-white on the street, why not paint life with bright colors. To do this, you do not have to look for colored cardboard, you can decorate the white box with sparkles. First, grease all sides of the box with glue, then immediately sprinkle with sparkles. After 10 minutes, just blow off any glitter that has not adhered.
  2. Sticky rhinestones are also great for additional decor. You can act here based on your own creative ideas.
  3. Instead of white cardboard, you can use a gold or silver version of this starting material.

Triangular herringbone

The main symbol of the New Year in our country is a Christmas tree, ready-made templates will help you make gift wrapping in the shape of a sparkling and elegant Christmas tree. You will need to print the template on a printer or draw it yourself using these measurements.

For work, prepare green decorative corrugated cardboard, a golden gift ribbon, scissors, star rhinestones and other decorations for the winter beauty. Draw a template on paper and transfer it to cardboard, then cut it out.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

How to make a gift box with your own hands

Gift wrapping can be very diverse. But there is one rule - the cardboard or paper from which you want to make a box must be of the right quality. In this sense, the classic children's cardboard is far from suitable.

Where can I get such cardboard or paper? First of all, in specialized stores for creativity or even separately scrapbooking. It's good if there is such a store in the city, you say, but what if you don't have one at hand or the prices are sky-high?

Such leaves will be enough for you to make small souvenir boxes (for jewelry, sweets, toys, etc.). Your family will appreciate

And now I suggest that you proceed to the actual detailed photo master classes, in which there will be a scheme for creating each individual box.

Workshops on creating cardboard and paper boxes

Small boxes

First of all, I want to give you 5 sweeps with very nice patterns, which will make such a wonderful package:

The first one has red roses. If you want to impress your lover, then this is definitely for you.

Principles of working with templates:

  1. Print your favorite scan on heavy paper.
  2. Cut the future box along the contour and cut in those places where straight lines pass (focus on light sweeps - the arrangement of the lines is the same everywhere).
  3. Bend the box along the dotted lines and glue so that the pieces with the semicircular ends lie between the other two and the round ends point up.
  4. Everything, it remains only to bend the lid properly.

And again roses, but more tender.

And now there are two options for Birthday - candy with balls and lollipops.

Large rectangular

This one is perfect for large gifts (for example, wall clocks). For you, you need a specialized binding cardboard to make the box really convenient. By the way, bookbinding can also be purchased in specialized stores or on Ali.

Places of cuts are marked in orange. The lid can also be made, but with slightly larger dimensions (2-3 mm).

For a man

If the present is intended for a man, then I suggest choosing one of the following options.

Simple shapes in trend - this is proved by the following 4 templates for creating strict classic boxes. For them, you will need thick cardboard again.

If a gift is intended for a lover, then there should be more than enough romance ^^ There are butterflies, and hearts, and all kinds of declarations of love. They can be made from either thick cardboard or thick paper.

A heart

Heart boxes are very popular, because they can be used to express your feelings. Or confess them


Getting ready for a big party where everyone needs a little surprise? Maybe a wedding is planned? And in fact, and in another case, cardboard pieces of cake will come to the rescue.

A beautiful and clear diagram is suitable for both the bottom and the lid.

Paper boxes

The boxes do not always need to be tight - sometimes it is enough just to create a beautiful picture. Then I suggest you use this convenient scheme of 6 different packages:

If you are going to a holiday with a child (or maybe you want to please your own), then make him a cute little box in the form of an animal.

Present such a boot to happy parents. Follow the traditions: girls - pink, boys - blue or blue.

New Year Boxes

The mood can be created not only with the help of gifts) Just look at these 8 adorable boxes, each of which can also become an excellent New Year's decoration

It is especially needed if for some reason there is no New Year tree. The main thing in this package is to trim the edges beautifully and neatly.


Of course, this box itself is wonderful, but the silver paint on the tips of the snowflake can give a zest.

Tip: Present something in this package to a girl who loves Frozen.


To give a gift is one of the simplest options.

Box with sweets

For all lovers of beautiful New Year's gifts and quick hand-made! Take a plastic cup with a smooth surface, cut off the edge and slice the edge.

Bend the cut pieces inward so that they cling to each other. Place the goodies inside and cover the top with something cute.

Another option for candy packaging is a donut. It is a little more time consuming, but more effective.

And, of course, the candy itself.

A slightly more modest pyramid, from which you can build a geometric herringbone.

A few more boxes

Finally, you have 3 more boxes that did not fit into the previous groups.

How to decorate a box with your own hands

The design of the box can be very diverse - from simple shapes in the form of birds and hearts to intricate flowers and bows. I will write about the decor of the boxes in the future - don't miss it.

In the meantime, subscribe and comment - see you soon!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

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When we give gifts, we first of all share positive bright emotions and good mood. A beautifully wrapped gift is perceived better by our aesthetic senses, automatically increasing the value of the gift. In order for the present to receive its festive packaging, the editors of the site will tell you how to make original boxes with your own hands for the New Year.

And beautiful, and neat, and effective

Why have different kinds of gift boxes become so popular? If you approach the presentation of gifts from the standpoint of "and without packaging it is good", then it is enough to imagine a picture of how all the gifts lie under the Christmas tree in a large pile. And without the proper approach, it will be a real heap, besides, it is simply not clear where whose gift is. To give a loved one special joy, you need to competently approach the issue of presenting a present: we are not lazy and we prepare gift boxes for the New Year with our own hands.

What you need to make DIY Christmas boxes

Depending on the expected result, a suitable material for packaging products is selected. Cardboard is best suited for this purpose: you can take white, if you mean decor, colored, with a print, or use thick paper for scrapbooking.

There is a fun way to turn ordinary cardboard into painted one. To do this, purchase a large New Year's napkin. A cling film is very carefully applied to the cardboard, a napkin is spread on top. On top of the napkin, through a sheet of A4 office paper, the cardboard is ironed with an iron on medium heat. Thanks to the cling film, the napkin will adhere perfectly to the cardboard, making it colorful.

Also, depending on the type of product, you may need a box template, a ruler, a simple pencil, scissors, a satin ribbon or a string for strings.

Workshops, tips and instructions for making packaging boxes

In order not to get a crooked and incomprehensible "something", but to make a real beautiful gift box with your own hands, it would be better to use instructions and ready-made templates with suitable sizes.

How can you make your own Christmas wrapping in the form of a fir

A Christmas tree in the form of a box with a surprise inside, carefully made by hand, will serve as an excellent case for a gift for the New Year.

We print out the template, attach it to scrap paper or cardboard, draw around with a barely noticeable line with a simple pencil.

It is better to take a thin satin ribbon for strings.

Original box-snowflake

Anyone who first thought of developing a template for an amazing box with a voluminous a snowflake in the form of a castle, a song of praise should be dedicated. With a little painstaking work, you can put a small present in such a creative package.

Each fold is well ironed with a fingernail or ruler.

Nuance! For such a box, you should not take very thick cardboard, it is best to use scrap paper.

House-shaped packaging

An interesting solution that can also be used as a Christmas tree decoration. If you make a lot of such small houses at once and hang them on the branches of a Christmas tree, then, even taking out the contents of the box, a beautiful pendant will remain.

Gift in a cardboard bag

A variant of the "feminine" presentation, which can be deservedly decorated with a suitable decor. The template is not complicated, so you can slightly modify it by increasing its size if the content is planned to be moderately weighty.

The printout is transferred to cardboard, the future handbag is decorated, and then assembled.

Bonbonniere box

Bonbonniere is a small beautiful box in which small candies are offered. Why not play up a sweet gift with such grace?

Related article:

: scrapbooking, quilling, origami, fingerprints; postcards for the New Year from scrap materials: buttons, threads, felt, corrugated paper, colored tape, sequins - in our publication.

Pyramid packaging

The box is remarkable in that it is easy to assemble and does not require a drop of glue. It is better to take heavy scrapbooking paper, which in itself looks fabulously beautiful.

Recommendations for the manufacture of a box with a hexagon lid

Lovers of clear and neat lines are advised to present something packed in a geometric shape. Such packaging is most often used after a holiday in everyday life because of its convenience and spaciousness.

A square box for all occasions: a simple Christmas cube packaging

The most verified geometric shape is also a good packaging container, so we will make a convenient square box.

The cardboard square box can be with a separate lid and bottom:

Round carton packaging

The round shape attracts many people, so you shouldn't ignore the geometry of smooth lines. It will not be difficult to build such a box. It is better to take thick cardboard, which can then be decorated like New Year's.

To build a round product with a lid, they are guided by the fact that the diameter of the lid should slightly exceed the diameter of the base. The height of the model can be any, but to get the perfect container for gifts, we measure the length of the base of the circle-bottom. This wide strip should have a series of "teeth" that will serve to glue the bottom and sides. The lid is made in a similar way; to measure its lateral edge, measure the length of the base of the lid.

Candy-shaped box for sweets and other gifts

There is a ready-made template for making an original gift box with your own hands in the form of a candy. Since the assembly is easier than lightweight, you can make as many such products as you like.

How to beautifully pack a box in fabric or paper

If there is no time to build a beautiful box, then this does not mean that you are deprived of the opportunity to aesthetically pack a gift.

We decorate the box with our own hands

Simplicity and brevity are good, but, nevertheless, without an intricate decor, the products do not look as impressive as we would like. The boxes are decorated with all kinds of material: ribbons, lace, half-beads, buttons, acrylic painting, embossing, stamps, ready-made bows and wooden carved miniatures.

You can always tie a box with a beautiful ribbon or twine, glue a small bell to it or put a New Year's greeting stamp. Approach the creation process thoughtfully and with inspiration, this will help you make a masterpiece with your own hands, even from a simple box template.

Video: how to make a paper gift box

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If you think that making a gift box is very difficult, then you are deeply mistaken. In order to make your own original packaging for a presentation with your own hands, you just need to stock up on colored cardboard and patience. If you show at least a drop of imagination, you can please your family and friends with an original wrapped gift.

DIY ideas, shapes and photos of beautiful boxes for gifts

Gift box with openwork decor

Gift box: heart

Square gift box

Christmas gift box

Gift box: star

If you want to show your friend or relative all your respect and love, then try making a gift box with your own hands. If possible, try to show all your imagination and make the most original packaging. If you wish, you can make a round, triangular and diamond-shaped box, or make a package that visually resembles a flower, a house, a fruit or even a diamond.

Of course, the latter options will require a little more craftsmen, but in the end you will get a unique item that you definitely cannot buy in the store. The only thing you should remember is that these crafts love precision. In this case, when cutting the template, you cannot afford to deviate from the line in one direction or the other.

You should cut all the lines as accurately as possible, trying to create perfectly straight edges. If this stage of work is not carried out as it should, then with a high probability we can say that in the end the box will turn out to be not quite presentable.

How to make a box of cardboard for a gift: template, pattern

Step # 1

Step # 2

If you are a beginner in this business, then you need to start your acquaintance with this type of needlework with the simplest things. Believe me, if you do everything right, even an ordinary square box will look attractive. Now we will present to your attention a master class with which you can make a rectangular box for gifts.

To make it, you only need glue, scissors and special cardboard. If you don't have one, don't be too upset. You can quite easily take even the one that children use in class at school and make a frame of crafts out of it. Just in this case, after the box is ready, you will have to decorate it additionally. This can be done using the decoupage technique or using organza, tulle or satin ribbons.

How to make a small mini gift box out of paper: template, pattern

Scheme for work

Gift box

Ready box

Template No. 1 Template No. 2

If you are planning to present a small present to a loved one, then for such a gift you can make a small box. It is best to make a similar craft, like the previous one, from thick paper. If you make it out of thin, then there is a possibility that it will not keep the desired shape, or it will simply break from the mechanical effect that the present will exert on its walls.

Yes, and in this case it is extremely important to be as responsible as possible about the fastening of all side parts. Since these crafts do not provide for the presence of secret locks, it will be better if you fix everything with glue or double-sided tape. If the first box seems too simple to you, then below we have placed two more rather interesting templates, by printing which you can easily make pretty cute crafts.

How to make a scrapbooking box for a gift?

Template No. 1

Box of squares

If you want to surprise your loved one for real, then make a scrapbooking box for him. To make it, you will need both ordinary cardboard and special scrapbooking paper. You will make a durable frame out of cardboard, and use paper to give it a festive look. The best part is that in this case you will have a huge field for imagination. Since this box is supposed to be untied, you can decorate it both inside and outside.

Moreover, if you wish, you can even provide places for small presents in those parts of the craft that will recline. For example, you can make spaces for notes in which you write the most pleasant words. But keep in mind that congratulatory notes fit well into the overall style of the gift box, they must be in the same color scheme as it.

How to make an origami gift box?

Step # 1 Step # 2

Step # 3

Recently, the origami technique has become so popular that even gift boxes have been made with its help. In principle, you can make such a craft from any colored paper, but since you are still making a product for an important holiday, it would be better if you spend money on scrapbooking paper.

In this case, you do not need additional decoration of the inner part of the product as you will immediately make it the way it should be. The only thing that you have to consider is that to create a box, the master class of which is posted above, you need to use two square sheets, one of which will be literally 11-12 millimeters smaller. If you do not take this nuance into account, then in the end you simply will not be able to combine the two parts into one craft.

How to make a gift box with a lid?

Recommendations for making a round box

The gift box with a lid is the ideal packaging for heavier and heavier gifts. If you make it a little more than shown in the master class, you can supplement the main gift with sweets, boutonnieres of fresh flowers and postcards made with your own hands. As you probably already understood, making such a box is best made of thick cardboard.

If you have the opportunity, then purchase it in a specialty store, or go to the nearest supermarket and take any paper box there. After bringing it home, lay it out horizontally and place it under something heavy. Leave it in this position for literally an hour, and then move on to drawing the frame of the future craft. This little trick will help you smooth out the curves that would likely get in the way of your masterpiece.

How to make a surprise gift box?

Box in the form of a piece of cake

Template # 1

Template # 2

In principle, a surprise box can have completely different shapes, colors and decorations. In this case, everything will depend solely on which event you are going to. If you go to an employee's birthday party, then it can be a completely standard box of square and rectangular shape, inside which, in addition to the present itself, a leaflet with wishes will be laid (it should be as long as possible and folded into an accordion).

If you are going to a holiday for a child, then make a gift box for him in the form of a piece of cake and be sure to install a couple of cartoon characters made of cardboard inside. And in order for them to really be a surprise for the baby, fix the figures on flexible springs that will push them out as soon as the lid is removed from the box.

How to make a gift box with wishes?

Pyramid making workshop

Recommendations for making a pyramid

If you want your gift box to be both a packaging and a greeting card, then make it in the form of a pyramid. In the photo above you can see the templates by which you can make a small pyramid. But if you try to increase the scale of the picture, you will eventually be able to make a pyramid on which you can place your wishes.

Remember, in order for such a surprise to look interesting, the scale of the picture must be increased at least twice. Only in this case you will have the opportunity to make pockets on the outside of the product, in which you can later put cute notes. Yes, and remember, these pockets do not have to be made of paper, you can quite easily use for this, for example, lace. Just when you attach them, use a stapler instead of glue.

How to make a transparent box for a gift?

Rectangular gift box

Tall Gift Box

Triangular gift box

Above, we have already shown you how you can make a gift box out of cardboard and plain paper, and now you will learn how to make a very cute transparent packaging. The best part is that you don't have to buy material to make such a craft.

Since it is made from an ordinary plastic bottle, you only have to buy ribbons and gossips for decoration. So, take a clear plastic bottle and cut off the neck and bottom from it. As a result, you should have a perfect cylinder in your hands. Then take your scissors and carefully cut it exactly as shown in the picture.

After you finish with this, start bending the material in such a way that you can clearly see all the edges of the future craft. If you can't do it with your hands, then use scissors for this. As soon as you understand that the plastic has become more obedient, you can safely assemble the box. Tie a satin ribbon to secure it.

How to make a box for a woman's gift on March 8?

Template # 1 Template # 2 Template No. 3

It just so happened, but for some reason, most women associate March 8 with delicate sprigs of mimosa and scarlet tulips. That is why when making a box for this holiday, you must remember that there must be flowers on its outside. Whether they will be drawn or made with applique is up to you. The main thing is that your packaging should show with all its appearance that spring is coming very soon.

If you don't want to spend extra time decorating the box, then invest in scrapbooking paper. If you are ready to work a little, then you can download some interesting template on the Internet, make flowers on it and paste over the finished box with a floral applique. Also, if you wish, you can simply paint it beautifully.

How to make a box for a man's gift on February 23?

Template No. 1

Template No. 2

Template No. 3

If there are real men in your family, then you simply must make February 23 a special day. The right gift wrapping will help you create a festive atmosphere. In principle, it can be done quite simply. You can make a box according to any template or master class that we introduced you to, only taking into account the fact that you are preparing a present for a representative of the stronger sex.

That is, in this case, it is best to forget about flowers, curls and all sorts of women's things. It will be better if you make a gift box out of camouflage paper, or simply paint the finished product in different shades of green and brown. If you want to pack a present for an older man in this way, you can try decorating the box with a red star or any other paraphernalia of the Soviet era.

You can also draw it, or you can print a template and make the desired application from the received blanks. Well, if you are a lover of everything new, then try making a box in the form of a men's shirt. You can see how to do it in the picture, which is placed a little higher.

How to make a gift box for lovers on February 14?

Box for February 14 Template No. 1

Template # 2

Template # 3

Many people think that making a heart-shaped box is very difficult. In fact, such a product is made according to the same principle as all other packaging. All that will be required of you in this case is simply to find the correct template and use it to glue the box. We decided to make it easier for you and therefore offer you a choice of several interesting ideas for gift boxes for February 14 at once.

If you decide to make the largest and most voluminous one, remember that in this case you will also have to make a product in two parts. One part will act as a gift box itself, and the other will be a lid. Therefore, when cutting out the frame of a future craft, be sure to double-check whether one of the parts is slightly large.

As in the case of a rectangular product, this is necessary so that in the end you can easily put the upper part on the lower one. As for the color of the box, it doesn't have to be red, you can make the heart pink, crimson or even purplish white if you want.

How to make a gift box for a wedding?

Template # 1 Template # 2 Template # 3 Template # 4

Template # 5

Probably not even worth mentioning that a wedding gift box should be special. And it's not about the shape of the product, but about its decor. Therefore, feel free to choose a template according to which you would like to make such a craft, and then start thinking about what the finish of the finished product will be.

Immediately I want to say that in the end you get something truly festive, the decor should be multi-layered. That is, you can create volume using flowers, leaves or hearts glued to each other and complement all this beauty with elegant curls made of rhinestones and sequins.

It is best for beginner needlewomen to opt for square and rectangular crafts. Such products are not only made faster, but also easier to decorate. Since you will actually have a canvas in front of you, you can first lay out a future picture from the elements, see how all the details will look together, and only after that start fixing them.

How to make a birthday gift box?

Cake making template

Template # 1

Template # 2

Template # 3

Birthday refers to those holidays that everyone is looking forward to. It makes no difference how old the hero of the occasion was, on this day he still wants to feel himself the most beloved and dear. And what else can bring us back to childhood and give wonderful memories if not a gift packed in a box imitating a birthday cake. It is easy to make such a craft, the main thing is to show a little patience.

Above, you can see a template that you can use to make one piece of cake. If you see that in the end the gift wrapping will be smaller than you need, then zoom in to the desired size, just making sure that all proportions are observed in the process. Then make the required number of pieces, fold them into a circle and measure the diameter of the resulting figure.

But based on the data obtained, cut out a round stand on which you will put all the blanks. If you wish, you can glue over its edge with openwork snowflakes or lace. When the stand is ready, fill all the boxes with presents, form a cake out of them and fix everything with satin ribbon.

How to make a gift box for the New Year?

Template # 1

Template # 2 Template # 3 Template # 4

Template # 5

As you probably already understood, if you wish, you can make a box for a holiday of any shape and color with your own hands. As for the New Year, then in this case you will have plenty to choose from. If you show a little patience and ingenuity, then with the help of our templates you can make a beautiful snowman, fluffy Christmas tree, house or Santa Claus.

If you print templates on a color printer using photo paper, then you just have to cut out the details of the future gift box and glue them neatly. If you do not have the opportunity to print templates, you can always make a gift wrapping from a paper bag and a winter applique, for example, the head of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a snowman.

In this case, the package, depending on the character chosen, will need to be made red, white or blue, and then glue the head of, for example, Santa Claus to the very top of the package. They will need to be crate two pieces and it is imperative to provide holes for the ribbons from the very top, with which you will later tie your present.

How to make a box for a cash gift?

Template # 1

Flowers for decoration

Now you won't surprise anyone with a gift envelope for money, so most people try to present them in a more original way. The best option for such a case would be a cash gift box. You can do it according to a fairly simple template. True, when making such a craft, you must remember that in this case you will be making a box, the inner part of which will slide out.

Therefore, if you see that the sides of the product do not hold their shape well, then be sure to reinforce them. If you do this with cardboard, then one strip will be enough. If you will be using less dense paper, then first glue a few pieces together, and only after that fix this element on your craft. And, of course, remember that until all the parts of the product are fastened together, it is undesirable to move the inner part.

If we talk about the decoration of such products, then everything here depends solely on your imagination. You can decorate the box for a cash gift with whatever you have at hand, or try making flowers from scrapbooking paper. You can see how they can be made a little higher.

How to make a gift box for sweets?

Recommendations for making a box

Simple candy box

In principle, there can be any box for sweets. You can, for example, make a cake from boxes that imitate pieces of dessert (we described how to do this in the previous paragraph of our article) or make something simpler, for example, a round or rectangular box. Therefore, choose which shape you like and start making your holiday craft. If you don't like such products, then try to make boxes according to the templates placed a little higher.

But right away I want to say that no matter what you choose, you need to pay special attention to the material from which you will make your craft. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use thin standard paper as it is unlikely to be able to support the weight of sweets. Therefore, it will be better if you still spend money and find the most dense cardboard in a specialized store, which will not require additional reinforcement.

Also, to create such a masterpiece, scrapbooking paper is suitable, just try to find the material on which the children's drawing will be applied. These can be castles, princesses, cute animals, racing cars or even legos. But if you don't even manage to buy something like that, then just turn on your imagination and decorate the product with applique.

How to decorate and decorate a gift box with your own hands?

Paper roses Lush flower

Corrugated Paper Flowers Applique for Decorating Gift Boxes

If you were attentive, you probably realized that you can decorate a gift box with any decor. Therefore, you can even use plain colored paper as a decorative material. So, draw on it a flower of the desired shape in different sizes. After this is done, you just have to carefully cut out the blanks, and then superimpose them on top of each other in 3-4 layers.

At the same time, you must ensure that the petals of your flowers are not located opposite each other. It will be better if the petals of each new ball move slightly. So you can achieve the effect of fluffiness and visual realism of the flower. You can also glue the finished box with hearts, stars, delicate snowflakes, small notes with wishes and all sorts of plates.

In addition, bows of different shapes can be made from paper and also placed on the craft. And, of course, do not forget that paper can be decorated quite easily with crafts made of ribbons and fabrics. You can see how they can be done in the master classes posted a little higher.

Video: How to make a gift box in 10 minutes?

DIY gift boxes can be made from colored paper (or a suitable pattern printed on a printer) and cardboard or cardboard, which has already been printed with a New Year's print. Use Christmas symbols to decorate your gift - christmas trees, snowflakes, stars, sparkles, bows and more. Then the gift wrapping will turn out to be bright and elegant.

Gift box "Snowflake"

An original detail - a snowflake on the top of the gift box. It will not be at all difficult to make such packaging with your own hands.

You will need:

    "\u003e cardboard or thick paper;

    "\u003e office knife;



    Print the box template on a printer and cut out with scissors.

    Transfer the diagram to cardboard. Draw the fold lines shown in the figure.

    Draw the reverse side of the clerical knife along the fold lines - this will make the cardboard bend more accurately.

    Glue the corners of your box by gluing the triangles to the sides of the snowflake.

    When the glue is dry, close the finished box by placing one piece of snowflake on top of another.

Another version of the snowflake box

Decor ideas forboxes for gifts with their own hands

    If the simple white color of the gift box seems boring or too simple to you, decorate the package with glitter. To do this, spread glue on the snowflake (a glue stick is best for this) and sprinkle generously with sparkles. Blow away any excess glitter after 5-10 minutes.

    Rhinestones on a sticky base are also perfect for decorating boxes. Decorate the box to your liking by simply gluing the rhinestones to the cardboard.

    Use silver or gold colored cardboard instead of regular white cardboard.

Template for a box "Christmas trees"

DIY triangular herringbone box

Such packaging personifies the main symbol of the holiday - the Christmas tree - sparkling and elegant!

For such a gift box, the template can not be printed on a printer, but drawn independently using our measurements.

You will need:

    corrugated decorative cardboard (green);

    gift ribbon (golden);

    scissors or utility knife;

    rhinestones-stars, jewelry-ribbons and so on - in general, everything that can be used to decorate a gift box.

    Draw the template on plain paper.

    Transfer it to cardboard and cut it out.

    Carefully press through the dashed lines for the fold with a thin, non-sharp object (such as a knitting needle or non-writing pen).

    Bend the sides of the box along the resulting dotted line.

    Place your gift in the center and collect the edges of the box with allowances inward.

    When all four edges are aligned, tie the gift wrap with ribbon as follows: for a bow, fold the ribbon in half, not once, but twice, and only then tighten into a knot.

    Spread out the ribbons on the bow and attach the decoration of your choice on top. These can be red or gold beads, decorative stars, and more.

    On the box itself, glue the rhinestones-stars or draw snowflakes with a golden marker.

DIY gift boxes: templates

For children's gifts, you can use such bright and beautiful templates. Your little one is sure to love the giant candy filled with his favorite sweets!

Homemade stamps for New Year's packaging

Create your own exclhandy boxes for gifts with your own hands, attaching for e with just a little effort and your rich imagination!