How to make eyelashes fluffy. My eyelashes with a special shampoo. Take a break from makeup

Evgeniya Smirnovskaya | 30.10.2015 | 6189

Evgeniya Smirnovskaya 10/30/2015 6189

Long and fluffy eyelashes adorn a woman and make her look more open and expressive. Find out the most effective ways to take care of them at home.

To get beautiful eyelashes, it is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons every day. There are many effective home remedies for making them thick and long.

Use castor oil

Ordinary castor oil, which is sold in every pharmacy, is an effective and budgetary remedy for the care of eyelashes. Apply the oil every evening - and after 10-14 days you will notice that the eyelashes have become darker, thicker and longer.

Don't forget about serums

Serums and other cosmetics for eyelash growth can be applied under mascara to work throughout the day. The effect is simply amazing: lashes will become fluffy, long and healthy.

By the way, you shouldn't buy the most expensive products. The arsenal of budget cosmetic brands also has decent products.

Get a biphasic mascara

If you urgently need to add volume and extra length to your lashes, use two-phase mascara. First, apply a white base to the lashes: it will separate them, make them thicker and longer. Then cover the hairs with black or colored mascara.

Take vitamins

Vitamins A and E are essential for the health and beauty of eyelashes. They are sold in the pharmacy as capsules that must be taken daily for 2 months. After another 2 months, the course can be repeated.

By the way, vitamins have a beneficial effect not only on eyelashes, but also on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Use your eyelash curler correctly

If you curl your lashes with tongs, do so before applying mascara. Otherwise, brittle hairs can be damaged or broken. To create a more pronounced curve, slightly heat the pads of the forceps with a hairdryer.

Powder your eyelashes

For a false eyelash effect, apply some loose powder to your hair. Brush off excess with a makeup brush and then apply mascara.

Make sure that the layer of powder is not too thick, otherwise your eyelashes will look like spider legs.

Make tea compresses

Tea is not only a delicious invigorating drink, but also an excellent cosmetic product. It works great for dark circles under the eyes and also strengthens the eyelashes. Soak a cotton ball in strong cold tea leaves, place on eyelids and leave for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week.

Comb your eyelashes

Get a special eyelash comb. They usually come with an eyebrow brush. After the painted lashes are completely dry, comb them gently to remove excess mascara and separate the stuck together lashes.

Change mascara regularly

The service life of an open tube of mascara is no more than 3 months. During this time, the product thickens and loses its basic qualities. You should not try to dilute mascara with water or oil, you will not achieve a good effect with these methods. You can also cause allergies or infections. Throw away expired mascara without regret.


Massage your eyelids daily in the morning and evening. Close your eyes and lightly press on the eyeballs with your fingers, walk along the growth zone of the eyelashes. A 1-2 minute treatment will be enough to improve blood circulation. Never rub your eyes during massage: this way you can damage the delicate skin of the eyelids and hair follicles.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in taking care of your eyelashes. Follow these guidelines and you will never need false or extension eyelashes.

Long and fluffy eyelashes make their owner incredibly charming. Such a girl attracts the enthusiastic glances of others and even with a minimal amount of makeup. Unfortunately, nature has not endowed all the fair sex with black and voluminous eyelashes. They may be too thin, short, or light-colored. How to make eyelashes long and thick for such girls? All the shortcomings will be successfully corrected by modern technologies.

Lengthening mascara

When choosing mascara in a store, almost every girl carefully reads the labels on the packaging. It is imperative to determine the type of mascara. One of the most popular is lengthening mascara. With its help, it is easy to understand how to make ink. Such an effect is provided due to its composition, as well as a brush of a special shape. It is usually thin, with fine, sparse bristles. If your lashes are thick but short, this type of mascara is ideal. If the girl has short and sparse eyelashes, then it is better to choose an extension mascara with a voluminous and fluffy brush. Sometimes it's even better to opt for a volumizing agent.

Volume mascara

This mascara option is suitable for almost all girls. The more voluminous the eyelashes, the more attractive the eyes look, in this case it is almost impossible to overdo it. The bulk of the mascara contains particles of wax that cover each lash, making them lush and thick. The brush also has the proper effect. It is rather large, with evenly spaced, often spiral-shaped bristles. The brush can also be made of silicone, thanks to which the mascara is evenly distributed, the eyelashes do not stick together and look voluminous.

Curling mascara

The principle of operation of such mascara can be due to both its composition and the special shape of the brush. It usually has a curvature as well as short, dense bristles. To enhance the effect of the product, the movements during the application of the curling mascara should be directed upward. Help to achieve the desired shape and special substances present in such mascara - keratin and resins. Drying, they tighten the cilia, forcing them to bend. How to make up short eyelashes with such mascara? To do this, it is better to choose a product with a silicone brush that has a slight bend.

Application secrets

Sometimes, having bought the most modern remedy, a girl does not get the expected effect. How to make eyelashes long and thick if the most voluminous mascara does not help? Even the highest quality product will be practically useless if applied incorrectly. There are some simple rules to follow when doing makeup:

1. Start applying mascara to the eyelashes at their base. First, hold a brush in this place several times, moving to the sides, and then smoothly move it up. The effect of long eyelashes will be when they are well colored at the base, and not at the ends.

2. You need to paint over all the cilia. Many girls apply mascara only to the central part of them, forgetting the inner and outer corner of the eye. As a result, the eyes visually become smaller than they really are, and the eyelashes lose their density.

3. How to make up thick eyelashes? In order to give additional volume, they need to be painted over several times. In this case, you must definitely wait until the previous layer of mascara has dried. Otherwise, the cilia will stick together.

4. It is better to paint the lower eyelashes not as brightly as the upper ones. Many makeup artists generally recommend not applying mascara to the bottom of the lashes. This will make the look more expressive.

5. After applying the mascara, the eyelashes can be combed with a special comb. This can be done only after they are completely dry. This procedure will help to separate the cilia, give them thickness. How to make up lush eyelashes without using a comb? A clean mascara brush can play its role. You can buy it separately, or you can use the one that remains from the old product, after thoroughly washing and drying it.

Eyelash care

Many girls care about how to make their eyelashes long and thick. A similar effect can be achieved both with the help of cosmetics and through proper care for them.

To make your eyelashes thicker, it is very important to remove eye makeup in a timely manner. Even if you have a long working day behind you, you cannot go to bed with painted eyelashes. Eyelashes, like skin, hair and nails, need nutrients. Vitamins B and E have a particularly beneficial effect on their condition; they can be purchased at the pharmacy. Another good remedy for thickening eyelashes is castor and burdock oils. or a special brush is moistened in a suitable product and applied to the eyelashes, leaving the composition overnight.

False eyelashes

If your own eyelashes are very rare and short, the situation can be corrected by their false artificial counterparts. They are sold in combination with a special glue, with which they are securely attached between their own eyelashes. In order to make the look more expressive, no special devices are required, just a magnifying mirror and comfortable tweezers are enough. Artificial eyelashes will last for about 3-5 weeks. You can do this procedure yourself, you can go to a beauty salon, where an experienced master will gently glue false eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions

How to make eyelashes long and thick for a long time? This effect will allow you to get eyelash extensions. Artificial eyelashes are glued with a special glue with a resin base to their natural counterparts. Hair can be attached as a bundle or separately to each of its own cilia. The latter option is more preferable, since the result of such a build-up lasts for more than 3 months.

Materials for eyelash extension can be both natural and artificial. The latter are often allergic due to the presence of nylon fibers in the hairs. When choosing the length of artificial eyelashes, it is better to give preference to hairs of medium length, it is about 10 mm.

Better only for those girls who have their own in good condition. If they are weak and brittle, then they simply cannot withstand the additional load. The procedure takes a long time, but does not cause any particular inconvenience. After the procedure, eyelashes look thick and fluffy, even in the absence of makeup. In order for the result to last for a long time, you need to properly care for your new cilia. It is not recommended to use waterproof mascara, greasy creams that can dissolve glue, rub your eyes with your hands. Artificial eyelashes do not tolerate sea salt water well.

What if not thick and long eyelashes can be called an indispensable element of any, even the most simple, makeup? If you do not like false eyelashes, you can try to make your eyelashes thick, and your look is expressive and sensual.

Most women consider the eyes to be their hallmark, their most expressive feature. And such an important element of appearance must be emphasized in every possible way and attracted attention to it. Even if you are not a big fan of complex eye makeup, you will hardly be able to do without mascara. After all, what if not eyelashes make any makeup complete and perfect in appearance?

Important points

Every makeup will only benefit if it is complemented by thick eyelashes. Therefore, if you want to make them exactly like this, you will have to pay great attention to 2 points:

  1. Eyelash care;
  2. Correct makeup.


For some reason, many girls do not really think about the need for special care for eyelashes, although it can greatly change your natural characteristics. One of the most important aspects of your daily eyelash and eye care routine is removing your makeup at night.

Thanks to this, you can avoid premature aging of the skin around the eyes. And for eyelashes, care is no less important: due to improper cleansing, they become thinner and thinner every day. In especially advanced cases, they even begin to fall out, which in no way contributes to your goal of having thick eyelashes.

Particular attention must be paid to caring for the roots of your cilia, because they are the ones that are prone to damage more than anything else. Want strong, long and fluffy eyelashes? Do not forget about nutritional means for them. Leaving is absolutely uncomplicated and does not take a huge amount of time. To make your eyelashes not only thicker, but also grow faster, you can use castor oil - one of the best recipes for beauty eyelashes.

Of course, other oils are practically also useful for eyelashes, but it is castor oil that has proven to be the most effective tool for giving thick and well-groomed eyelashes.

As for the second aspect, namely makeup, there is one long-proven secret here. And it's easier than you might imagine ... This is the right mascara brush.

Mascaras that have curved brushes are the perfect choice for those who want to work each lash individually and make them curved without using curling tongs.

Flexible brushes made of rubber add lushness and extra volume to any eyelash. And brushes in the form of a brush - and volume, and length, and separation. The brush provides volume and length to the eyelashes, and the brush paints them well, separates the hairs from one another and makes them even thicker.

If you have short eyelashes, short bristle brushes are your ideal choice.

Useful and simple advice: when choosing mascara, you need to make sure that the hairs of the brush do not stick out on different sides and do not stick together.

If you constantly curl your eyelashes with tongs, try warming them up before using them. You can turn on a hairdryer and direct a stream of hot air at them. Only later, when you curl your eyelashes, make sure not to put the forceps too close to your eyelids, otherwise you may get severe burns.

Before dyeing your lashes with mascara, powder them a little, so they will have even more volume. If every time you apply 2 layers of lashes to your eyelashes, after the first of them, you must definitely wait a while until it dries. Then reapply the mascara. This is especially important with waterproof mascara, which dries much faster than any other. Use a special brush to cover all lashes evenly. She also perfectly removes lumps that have suddenly formed.

If you're in a hurry, start with your lower lashes. So, when you go to the upper eyelashes, the lower ones will already dry out, and will not be imprinted on the eyelid.

Regardless of the makeup technique you use, you must adhere to the basic rule: you can only use mascara until the time indicated on the package. Better yet, change it every 3 months. Yes, it will be a little expensive, but it's better to spend a little money than get annoyed. Ever wondered how much germs and dirt accumulates in carcasses?

Our eyelashes need careful care not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To make your lashes thick and fluffy, read the following guidelines:

  • take vitamins. Especially useful for the density of eyelashes of groups E and B. After all, it is their lack that can slow down growth, contribute to weakening and loss;
  • always remove your makeup. Just do not need to do it somehow, rinse everything thoroughly. This is the only way to save your eyelashes from the harm of cosmetics. Always use only proven, decent products that contain a minimum amount of dyes and preservatives;
  • make night masks from oils. It can be burdock, almond, and, of course, castor. You can even just apply vitamin E capsules. You need to smear the eyelids along the very base before going to bed, and in the morning not a single eyelash will fall out. Just avoid getting oils in your eyes!
  • use this wonderful mask: aloe juice, olive oil and finely chopped parsley. Decoctions of cornflower, tea and sage also have a very beneficial effect on the condition and density of eyelashes. In addition, they also remove the bags under the manholes. You need to put a cotton pad soaked in one of the solutions on your eyelids and rest in a supine position for about half an hour. Fatigue will be removed as if by magic.
  • buy quality mascara. After all, the composition of this cosmetic product has a very strong effect on the density of eyelashes and their health. Buy mascaras that do not contain lanolin, which are often the cause of eyelid redness and allergies. It will be great if you find mascara based on beeswax, keratin and vitamins;
  • no need to apply a huge number of layers of mascara. This only puts a lot of stress on their roots and hurts them very much. Brush your eyelashes no more than twice.

We bring to your attention some simple ways to grow long eyelashes without seeking help from beauty salon specialists.


Why it works: Brushing improves blood circulation and stimulates hair growth.

How to use: Use a special brush or a washed old mascara brush. Apply a few drops of vitamin E and gently comb your eyelashes from root to tip 2 times a day for 5 minutes.


Why it works: Castor, coconut and olive oils contain fatty acids and vitamins that nourish hair follicles and keep eyelashes healthy.

How to use: Before going to bed, apply a drop of oil to a clean mascara brush or finger and dab onto lashes. You can use one oil or mix several.


Why it works: Cosmetic Vaseline moisturizes and strengthens dry and brittle lashes.

How to use: Gently apply petroleum jelly with a brush, cotton swab or finger to your lashes at night, avoiding eye contact. Wash yourself in the morning.

Proper nutrition

Why it works: Lack of vitamins can lead to hair and eyelash loss.

How to use: Include in the diet more foods rich in proteins, vitamins and fatty acids - nuts, lean meats, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables.

Green tea

Why it works: Green tea contains antioxidants and vitamins, which is why it is often used in cosmetics and used against hair loss.

How to use: Brew 1 tsp. green tea in a cup of boiling water. Apply the cooled mixture to eyelashes with a cotton swab 1-2 times a day. The broth can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Aloe vera

Why it works: Aloe juice and pulp contain substances that nourish and strengthen hair.

How to use: Take a fresh aloe leaf, squeeze out a few drops of juice, apply to lashes. Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning with water. To enhance the effect, you can mix aloe juice with a few drops of castor or olive oil.


Why it works: Massage nourishes the eyelashes, which stimulates their growth.

How to use: Wash your hands. Apply a few drops of olive or coconut oil to your fingers and massage your eyelids and lashes in a circle for 5 minutes. Perform the procedure several times a week.

Egg mask

Why it works: Eggs contain biotin and B vitamins, which help strengthen hair and lashes and prevent hair loss.

How to use: Mix an egg and 1 tbsp. l. glycerin or petroleum jelly. Apply the mixture to your lashes. Do the mask 3 times a week for several months.


Why it works: Going to bed with mascara on your eyelashes is like falling asleep with hairspray. Contact with the pillow can damage your eyelashes.

How to use: Remove eye makeup thoroughly. To do this, use special products or olive oil, which will cleanse and nourish.

Take a break from makeup

Why it works: Ingredients in some mascaras, such as waterproof mascaras, can dry out lashes and make them brittle.

How to use: Give your eyes a break from makeup at least 1-2 days a week. Throw away mascara without regret after 3-6 months of use to avoid eye and lash infections.

Some more tips

  • Don't twitch your eyelashes. Most girls, when curling their eyelashes, accidentally tug or pull them. Remember that the roots of the eyelashes are not so strong, they fall out easily.
  • Neither method gives an instant effect. The first results can be assessed not earlier than in a few weeks, which is associated with the phases of eyelash growth.
  • Daily care can significantly improve the condition and prevent eyelash breakage caused by external factors. But it is impossible to change genetics.
  • Normally, a person loses up to 4 eyelashes a day. If more lashes fall out, it may be worth seeing a doctor and having your thyroid checked.

1. Comb your eyelashes after a shower

With a special comb, an old but washed mascara brush or just a toothbrush. So that they dry not glued, but straightened.

2. Apply hair balm to your eyelashes

Anything that works for the good of your head of hair also helps your eyelashes. After washing, apply conditioner to the eyelashes, hold for a minute and rinse.

3. My eyelashes with a special shampoo

No, a separate shampoo for eyelashes has not yet been invented, but they will grow much better if you wash them with a special baby shampoo marked "no tears".

4. Paint eyelashes with castor oil

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which, when it enters the base of the hair follicle, increases blood flow and stimulates the accelerated growth of eyelashes. How to make eyelashes thick? You can soak a cotton pad with oil and make a mini-compress on your eyes, or you can wash an old mascara brush clean and paint your eyelashes with oil: both methods are equally effective.


5. Apply eyelash growth serum regularly

There are a lot of them on the market, there is a choice for any budget. Pay attention to the composition: high-quality and effective products for the growth of long eyelashes at home should contain squalane, bisabolol, hyaluronic acid or its derivatives, peptides and vitamins.

6. Take biotin

Or a complex vitamin preparation with B vitamins. Eyelashes will become thick and stop falling out, nails and hair will strengthen, acne will disappear, and most importantly, your mood will improve!

7. Apply mascara after curling

If you curl your eyelashes with tweezers, always do it before applying mascara, and not after: this way you damage your eyelashes less and certainly do not break them off.

8. Heat the tongs before use.

If you have not yet acquired a hot brush for curling eyelashes, use a hair dryer to heat your tweezers: when they touch, the eyelashes will also heat up, become softer and more pliable, and the curling will not break their structure.

9. Use your curling iron as little as possible.

As much as you would like to amaze everyone with open long eyelashes, hold back. To keep your eyelashes healthy and long, use a curling iron no more than once a week.

10. Curl once

Do not try again and again with tweezers to press the unfortunate naughty eyelashes. Do it once and stop: each new use of the forceps breaks the lashes and makes them fall out.

11. Choose a good mascara

Make sure it contains beeswax and panthenol, even better if the mascara is labeled "moisturizing" or "nourishing eyelashes."

12. Use baby powder

How to grow eyelashes at home? While your eyelashes have not yet grown to the desired length, go for a little trick: apply the first layer of mascara, dust them with baby powder and apply a second layer of mascara. Oops, how they "grew"!

13. Rinse off mascara correctly

Never and for anything do not carry cotton pads from corner to corner of the eye. When washing off mascara, apply discs soaked in milk, micellar water or make-up remover strictly according to the growth of eyelashes: from top to bottom. The only way!

14. Change mascara every three months

Even if there is still a lot of it and it has not dried up, bacteria have multiplied during use in the composition of the carcass, unless, of course, you stored it in a sterile vacuum container. And these bacteria change the composition of the mascara itself, turning it into a chemical poison that dries out eyelashes.

15. Sleep on your back

Or on the side. But not with your face in the pillow. Tossing and turning in a dream, you torment your eyelashes, they become thinner and fall out.