How to maintain intimate hygiene. Means for intimate hygiene. What underwear is useful and what is not

Women often share their experience and, face, hair, but very rarely the rules of intimate hygiene become a topic of conversation. Maintaining hygiene in intimate areas is very important for women, not only to feel clean and well-groomed, but most importantly, to avoid health problems. Below you will see 10 basic rules for intimate hygiene, try to always adhere to them so that you do not have health complications.

Ordinary soap or ordinary shower gel is not suitable for washing female genital organs. The fact is that ordinary soap or gel is designed to maintain the natural pH level of the skin (5.5), while the pH level of the vagina is from 3.8 to 4.5. The use of ordinary soap can lead to a violation of the natural microflora of the vagina, thereby creating an opportunity for the development and spread of harmful bacteria. This can cause irritation, itching, odor, pain, abnormal discharge, or infections. Therefore, be careful when choosing intimate hygiene products. Most gynecologists advise using regular hot water, but if you think that this is not enough, then use only those products that are intended for intimate areas.

Wash only the outside of the vagina, moving from front to back, that is, from the pubis to the anus. It is not necessary to wash the inside of the vagina, and even harmful, as it can lead to serious diseases. It is recommended, of course, to wash yourself after each visit to the toilet, but if you cannot wash yourself regularly, then wash your genitals at least 2 times a day.

When taking an intimate shower, do not use sponges or washcloths. The fact is that you can damage the delicate skin of the genital organs, and this will lead to various infections and diseases, it is enough just to wash with a clean hand.

Do not aim the jet of water directly at the vagina, as this can wash off the protective lubricant and cause infection. During intimate hygiene, direct the water so that it flows from above along the genitals.

Buy yourself a separate towel for intimate hygiene. It should be soft and absolutely clean. Only you should use this towel, and also do not forget to change your intimate towel for a new one every 2-3 days.

It is better to wear underwear made of cotton or linen, rather than synthetics. Cotton clothing allows your skin to breathe. And underwear made of synthetic materials, unlike cotton or linen, blocks air circulation and increases humidity in intimate areas, thereby creating an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria. Beautiful synthetic underwear can be worn, but it is recommended to wear it only when it is really necessary.

Wash your private parts before and after. In addition, it is important not only for your intimate hygiene, but also for the health of your partner.

Sex during menstruation carries an increased risk of contracting various infections. It is best to refrain from sexual intercourse until your period is over.

During, it is necessary to change the pads every 2-4 hours, depending on the discharge. Don't forget to change your pads to keep out odor and block the spread of bacteria. Before using tampons, remember to wash your hands first, and only then insert it into the vagina. Change the tampon every 2-3 hours to avoid stagnation of secretions. Also, don't use tampons while you sleep at night.

A woman is always worried about an “intimate” question - How to maintain a feeling of comfort and freshness “out there”?

How do we "there" everything is arranged

A huge number of microorganisms inhabit the flora of the female genital tract, which peacefully coexist with each other. Lactobacilli produce lactic acid, which, with its protective properties, prevents the development of infections. In the event of an imbalance-neighborhood, we become vulnerable to infections and inflammations.

What are the causes of acid-base imbalance?

One of the common causes is the use of contraceptives and antibiotics. Hormonal imbalance, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation. Wearing tight synthetic underwear prevents natural ventilation and this leads to violations. Frequent change of partners or just a new partner can lead to a violation of the microflora of the vagina (there may be more unpleasant and serious consequences). Also chronic diseases, stress and improper care.

Not all of us know how to properly carry out hygiene procedures. And we often use soap, which leads to a violation of the acidic environment of the vagina. We destroy the natural barrier and get unpleasant sensations: itching, burning, redness.

If this has already happened, contact your gynecologist, who will prescribe a series of tests and tests for possible vaginal infections. Then he will recommend treatment. It's time to think about the right choice of intimate hygiene products. It is not recommended to apply soap or shower gel to this area. I also advise you to pay attention to the composition of the intimate product, it should not include a foaming agent, which is hidden under the abbreviation SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), it is used to reduce the cost of the final product. The ingress of soap suds leads to a violation of the acid-base balance.

Once a week taking a bath with your favorite foam will not hurt, but the constant use of gel or soap should be avoided. If you regularly visit the pool, then take a closer look at the choice of intimate hygiene products. Don't save!

How to choose the right intimate hygiene product

Gels and foams for the care of the intimate area should have a balanced pH environment and contain the same lactobacilli, should be hypoallergenic. Although, it is individual. Often the composition includes various extracts of medicinal herbs and an allergic reaction to individual components is not excluded. And if during spring flowering your eyes water, you sneeze. And when using a new cream, you have ever had a rash, it is better to work hard in finding a good hypoallergenic remedy. If nothing suits you (sometimes this happens), then use decoctions of chamomile, calendula or a decoction with oak bark.

Remember! Douching without medical prescription can only exacerbate the problem. I only wash outside. Do not get carried away with excessive cleanliness.

So, how do some tools differ from others?

  • intimate gel (without SLS) does not give a lot of foam, contains moisturizing ingredients.
  • Mousse and foam more gentle, also moisturize well.
  • Wet wipes for intimate hygiene, they are suitable when it is not possible to fully wash yourself. On the train, for example. They contain lactic acid and herbal extracts.
  • Deodorants on a water basis are applied already on a clean body - they will not replace washing! They are odorless, but well remove body odor.

Good antiseptics are products with chamomile and calendula, oak bark. I have already said that they are suitable for allergenic and sensitive skin. If the skin is dry, then choose products with aloe vera extract, vitamin E and D-panthenol. Tea tree oil has an anti-inflammatory effect.

What pads are best to use

It is worth mentioning here that pads do not like moisture and should not be stored in the bathroom. Keep them in your bedside cabinet. The average "life span" of a pad or tampon is no more than 3 hours. The longer the concentration of bacteria on the surface becomes already critical. Do not provoke an infection.

Pads with a gelling agent can cause serious irritation if they come into contact with the skin for a long time. In case of strong secretions, you can use pads with a rubberized surface, but they can cause allergies. It is better to use cotton ones, you just have to change them more often.

In most cases, there is a failure to comply with elementary hygiene rules. Therefore, before washing, you must first wash your hands. Only then proceed to cleansing the skin in the bikini area. It is worth getting a separate individual soft towel. After showering or taking a bath, you only need to wet the intimate area with it, and do not rub it. Firstly, soft fabric takes away excess moisture well. Secondly, friction can cause irritation on the skin in an intimate place.

During washing, the movements of the hands should always be from top to bottom, and not vice versa. Such an elementary rule helps to reduce the risk of introducing infections inside. Since the skin in the bikini area is very delicate, the temperature of the water should be comfortable, not too high, but not too cold. This not only allows you to protect intimate organs from inflammation. Warm water does not act aggressively on the skin, and therefore does not contribute to the appearance of irritation and redness.

The use of special products for intimate hygiene not only preserves the acid-base environment of the intimate area, but also gently cares for the skin. Ordinary alkaline soap can cause irritation, dry out the delicate epithelium in the bikini area. Especially after epilation or depilation. Special means in their composition do not have aggressive substances that can adversely affect health.

The method of hair removal in the intimate area is selected individually depending on the type of skin. Too sensitive epilation is contraindicated. The risk of injury to the skin or hair follicles is very high. Shaving with a machine, despite its simplicity, gives a short-term result. And the frequent use of this method of getting rid of hair significantly thins, dries and irritates the skin. Some salon methods (laser and photoepilation) have their own contraindications, which you need to familiarize yourself with even before the procedure.

To keep the skin in intimate places soft and velvety, you can use special scrubs and peeling products designed specifically for delicate areas. They are usually applied with light massaging movements, then washed off with warm water. Owners of sensitive skin should choose intimate hygiene products as carefully as possible so as not to provoke the appearance of irritation and allergic rashes.

Deodorants and wipes for the bikini area should not contain alkalis, fragrances, dyes. But lactic acid and a biologically active component are necessary. The latter has a bactericidal effect. It is worth remembering that intimate deodorant is not a method of cleansing, therefore it is applied only to clean and dry skin. Napkins can also be used at times when it is not possible to take a shower or wash.

Our reality sets priorities in matters of care for appearance. Modern women take care not only of the face and body, but do not forget about such delicate places as intimate areas. Intimate hygiene is the key to women's health. By the way, intimate cosmetics has been used for a long time. Cleopatra also obliged women in her environment to use herbal infusions and essential oils to care for intimate areas. The ancient Egyptians successfully used natural linen pads. This care helped prevent diseases of the female genital area. Means for the care of the intimate zone appeared not so long ago, but today every woman knows about them and uses them.

intimate care

The most important rules for the care of the intimate area

Many women complain of itching, irritation, redness and soreness in the genital area. A common cause of such phenomena, according to gynecologists, is improper care and ignorance of the rules of personal hygiene.

Intimate hygiene is part of the general hygiene procedures. Compliance with the basic rules for caring for the intimate area allows you to maintain women's health, as well as make the life of modern women more convenient and comfortable. New intimate hygiene products, which are constantly updated, play a big role in creating comfort.

Until recently, only liquid soap for intimate hygiene containing herbal extracts and oils could be found on store shelves. Currently, various cosmetic products for intimate hygiene have been developed: gels, foams, creams, wipes. Properly selected products do not violate the acid-base balance of the environment of the genital organs, do not dry the mucous membranes and skin and do not irritate them.

Many intimate hygiene products contain lactic acid, which promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms. Lactic acid prevents the development of thrush - a common disease of the female genital area. The skin of the intimate organs is very delicate. Many do not know that the uterine cavity is sterile; if viruses or pathogenic microbes enter it, acute inflammatory diseases can develop. The diagnosis of adnexitis is not so rarely made by gynecologists, so you should pay attention to what means you use. It is better to buy these funds in a pharmacy or specialized stores.

For sensitive skin, you can choose gels or foam. The foam has a softer texture. Do not use ordinary soap for intimate hygiene.

It is permissible to use special wet wipes only in cases where it is not possible to make a toilet for intimate areas: when traveling, in the country, walking in nature. Napkins should be impregnated with a composition containing herbal extracts - chamomile, aloe and lactic acid.

Do not forget that intimate cosmetics cannot be used to treat female diseases. If you find yourself with symptoms of diseases, then, first of all, you should consult a doctor. But for prevention, these funds are suitable.

How to properly care for intimate places.

Care for intimate areas should be taught from childhood. The task of mothers is to clearly explain to their daughters the principles of care and the need for it. Teenage daughters should know what procedures and how to carry out to maintain health.

What does this delicate care include?

Regular washing

You can only wash with warm water, directing the stream of water from front to back, that is, starting from the pubis to the anus. Wash your hands with soap before washing. Cold water is not suitable for this procedure, as it can cause the development of inflammatory diseases in a woman. As a rule, a woman should wash herself on ordinary days in the morning and evening, and on critical days up to 5-6 times a day. If it is not possible to wash, you can use wet wipes. Do not forget that after emptying the intestines, you should also wash yourself or use a damp cloth. And, of course, after sexual intercourse, washing is a must.

Bath, swimming pool or shower

You should not take a bath or swim in the pool on critical days, even when using tampons. Better take a shower.
It is recommended to use an individual towel. Towel for intimate hygiene must be soft and clean. After the toilet of intimate areas, try not to make great efforts when wiping, but only to wet the genitals.

Do not use hard washcloths when washing the genitals, damage to the skin and mucous membranes can become the entrance gate for infections.
When taking a shower, do not direct the stream of water into the vagina to avoid dryness and the introduction of bacteria.


It should be remembered that douching is a medical procedure, it is prescribed by a doctor. In case of urgent need, you can use boiled water with an infusion of medicinal herbs for douching.

Use of pads

On critical days, of course, a woman uses pads, they need to be changed every three to five hours, regardless of filling. There are pads for every day, they also need to be changed after a few hours, on average two to three times. These pads protect the woman from infections.

Tampon application

Some gynecologists are negative about the use of tampons. They are recommended to be used only in extreme cases, for example, if a woman is allergic to pads. But, if you do use tampons, change them every four hours, remembering that blood is a breeding ground for bacteria. Tampons are more suitable for women who lead an active lifestyle.

Choice of underwear

Often the cause of irritation and inflammation of the skin of the genital organs is the wrong choice of underwear. Tight panties, thongs, underwear made of synthetic materials contribute to the development of female diseases. It is better to choose underwear made of classic cotton.

Undoubtedly, intimate care requires a delicate approach. It is better to visit a gynecologist and consult with him. He will tell you what tools are best for you to use. Feel free to ask your doctor any questions you may have. You will surely get the right answers to them.

Caring for and maintaining a healthy vagina is no easy task. You need to regularly maintain hygiene, choose a healthy diet, wear the right underwear, control stress. If one of these rules is violated, the vagina becomes more vulnerable to various infections and diseases, which often have unpleasant consequences for the reproductive system and the health of a woman in general. Some habits and activities can seriously harm the vagina. What should not be done in the care of the intimate part of the female body?

1. Douching

Douching is one of the preventive or therapeutic methods of washing the inside of the vagina. If it is prescribed by the attending physician and is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist, then such a procedure can be done. But at home, at your own discretion and with the help of self-prepared solutions (vinegar with water or potassium permanganate, herbal infusions, etc.), douching is not recommended. In the assortment of some stores you can find different compositions for douching, but they may contain antiseptics and flavors that can harm the health of the vagina.

Many women practice this kind of vaginal care to feel fresher, get rid of unpleasant odors, prevent sexually transmitted diseases, and even prevent pregnancy after intercourse. But health experts believe that douching in all these cases is almost useless and even harmful. This procedure can disrupt the pH level of the vagina, leading to infections. The vagina itself cleans up quite well, to help him with this, it is enough to regularly wash himself and wear clean, comfortable underwear.

Modern women often include beauty spa treatments in their body care, where the skin is well moisturized and cleansed under the influence of water and steam. Some beauty salons offer a newfangled method of steaming the vagina. During such sessions, women take off their underwear and sit on special chairs, from the bottom of which steam is supplied with infusions of aromatic herbs, which is directed into the vagina. Most spas claim that this treatment improves feminine hygiene and balances hormones.

But representatives of official medicine do not consider the effect of the SPA to be beneficial for the health of the vagina. First of all, this method is dangerous because under the influence of steam, delicate and sensitive skin can be injured. If the burn is severe, it can impair the function of the bladder and rectum. In addition, steam can dry out quickly and upset the balance of the natural bacteria that live in the vagina, increasing the risk of yeast infections. Finally, hormones are not produced directly by the uterus or vagina, so it is not true to say that genital steaming improves hormonal balance throughout the body.

3. Piercing on the skin of the genitals

Ear and nose piercings have been around for a long time. Many women prefer to pierce the tongue, eyebrows, lips and even the genitals. The last of the methods is used most often to improve sensations during intimacy. Someone needs such a decoration on the skin of the vagina in order to emphasize their individuality or pay tribute to fashion. Typically, there are two types of genital piercings: either on the clitoris, or on the outer or inner labia.

But on whatever part of the genitals it is done, the sensitive skin of the vagina perceives this procedure very painfully. A puncture can cause nerve damage and long-term pain, and the wound increases the likelihood of skin irritation, increases the risk of infections and infection of the body with dangerous diseases such as tetanus, HIV, hepatitis, etc.

4. Poorly fitting underwear

Underwear should always be comfortable and clean. Tight and overly tight underwear contributes to skin and vaginal irritation. Over time, this can cause ingrown hairs in the bikini area, which will cause pain and discomfort. And getting rid of them is not so easy. Overly tight underwear increases the risk of fungal infections, because when it is rubbed against the skin, additional heat and moisture are released into the vaginal area, which creates an ideal environment for bacteria to grow.

Plus, tight underwear is fraught with the formation of visible wrinkles and ugly bulges on the skin. You need to know your size well and select underwear strictly according to your measurements, giving preference to organic, breathable fabrics (cotton, linen). Prolonged wearing of underwear made of synthetics and with an abundance of lace is undesirable.

Some women find that vaginal care can be made easier by completely shaving off their pubic hair. But a 2012 study published in the international Journal of STD & AIDS suggests that removing pubic hair can increase the chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, because epilation affects the membrane of skin cells and makes it easier for bacteria to enter the body.

The hair covering the pubis absorbs moisture and protects the genitals from infections. Thus, instead of completely getting rid of the hairs in this area of ​​the body, it is better to trim them from time to time and epilate only on the edge of the underwear. When shaving hairs, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene and safety, avoiding cuts or irritation. As skin softeners, it is better to choose products with a neutral pH level.

6. Care with scented cosmetics

In order to get rid of the unpleasant smell from the vagina, some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity prefer to use flavored hygiene products and perfumes. But experts believe that such vaginal care can irritate delicate skin, since most heavily scented products contain many harmful chemicals.

It is not recommended to use scented wipes, sprays, deodorants and perfumes for vaginal hygiene. The surest way to keep the genitals clean and smell good is plain warm water. It is allowed to use detergents (but only outside the vagina) that are specially designed for intimate areas. Do not wash with very hot water, so as not to cause redness and dryness of the skin. If the unpleasant smell from the vagina has become too intrusive, then it is better to consult a doctor for advice in order to exclude possible diseases.

7. Prolonged use of a tampon or pad

Maintaining hygiene during menstruation is especially important. It is unacceptable to use a pad or tampon for a long time (more than 4-8 hours). The pH of menstrual blood is higher than that of normal vaginal flora. Therefore, the longer a pad or tampon is used, the higher the risk of a vaginal infection. Often, women catch such diseases during menstruation, because they forget to change hygiene products on time. The use of pads and tampons after the end of menstruation is not recommended, otherwise it will irritate the skin and prevent it from breathing freely.

8. Lubrication of the vagina with petroleum jelly

Until now, many believe that petroleum jelly is an affordable and safe lubricant. But doctors strongly warn about the dangers of using this well-known remedy inside the vagina. First of all, petroleum jelly can upset the pH balance and increase susceptibility to infections. In addition, this cosmetic product is inferior to conventional water-based lubricants and can cause a latex condom to break. After a while, Vaseline becomes sticky and viscous, which increases pain and discomfort during intimacy. In addition, it is quite difficult to wash it off afterwards. If additional lubrication is necessary, then it is better to consult a doctor in order to individually select the most suitable option.

Acne and rashes can appear not only on open areas of the body, but also in the genital area. But no matter how painful and uncomfortable pubic pimples are, they should not be squeezed, scratched, or pierced. When pus is released from the wound, bacteria can get inside the vagina or spread over the entire surface of the pubis, causing new acne. When acne breaks down, bacteria can penetrate deeper into the body, leading to profuse redness, inflammation, swelling of the skin, and even permanent scarring. If acne does not go away on its own within 1-2 weeks, you should consult a doctor.

10. Injuries and wounds

The skin of the vagina is very delicate and vulnerable, especially inside. Any microcut, trauma or scratch increases the risk of infection. The blood supply to the inside of the vagina is very active, and placing any foreign, unsanitary object inside this organ increases the risk of tearing or cutting. Even a small scratch can cause prolonged bleeding. Caution should also be observed during intimacy: insufficient lubrication of the vagina can lead to irritation and injury. If you suspect the presence of cuts or scratches inside the genitals, you should not try to examine them yourself, but you should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.