Compensation for the independent organization of recreation for children. Certificate for children's vacation

March 10 will begin accepting applications for preferential vouchers for children's holidays on the portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow. And from April 18, it will be possible to book tickets to specific camps. This was announced by Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Culture Vladimir Filippov during a meeting of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Social Policy and Labor Relations. However, this year in Moscow they decided to partially monetize the purchase of vouchers "on the side" for parents.

As an experiment, Depkult offers parents of children in preferential categories who were not satisfied with any of the camps from the official list to apply for a cash certificate for an independent organization of a child's vacation. What does it mean? Vladimir Filippov explained that the certificate implies a payment in the amount of 30 thousand rubles per child to pay for his rest and recovery. Parents, according to him, should receive these funds to their current account by approximately June 6. In this case, the parents themselves are responsible for spending the funds. And travel to the place of rest and back will have to be paid from the family budget.

It should be noted that the certificate for the independent organization of the child's recreation, in fact, should replace the previously existing partial compensation for the cost of a self-purchased voucher for recreation and rehabilitation of children and their accompanying persons. Then they returned part of the cost of the tour after the fact, at the end of its action.

The information was confirmed by the Deputy General Director GAUK "Moscow Agency for the Organization of Recreation and Tourism" Inna Martynova. “We offer several climatic zones and rest periods. And who will be the first to enter, he will have more choice of recreation centers. If parents are not satisfied with the proposed options for bases, low-income people will be able to choose cash certificates for the independent organization of a child’s vacation, ”said Martynova.

Recipients of concession tickets

In principle, we are talking about recipients of social assistance, that is, about preferential categories of the child population. Filippov clarified that the experiment with certificates will not affect disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care. “Together with public organizations, we are doing appropriate work for them so that the children's bases where such children rest are of acceptable quality and pass a public examination,” he said.

Recall that vouchers and travel to the place of rest and back at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow are provided free of charge to orphans, children left without parental care, children with disabilities and children from low-income families. You can specify the categories in the "Procedure for organizing recreation and rehabilitation of children with a place of residence in the city of Moscow."

And vouchers on a preferential basis with partial payment of their cost by parents (legal representatives) in the amount of 10% are provided to children-winners of children's international, federal, city Olympiads, competitions. As well as to children participating in groups of various kinds, created in institutions subordinate to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow. In this case, travel to the place of rest and back is carried out at the expense of the parents.

Tamara Brain

Holidays are the best time to send your child on vacation. But high inflation and low wages often get in the way of such good intentions. The state has provided several types of assistance to various categories of the population. One of the options for such assistance is a vacation certificate for children. Let's figure out who is entitled to it and how to properly arrange this type of preferential compensation.

What is a vacation certificate?

Legally, a certificate for a tourist trip is a document that allows you to fully or partially pay for the summer vacation of a child or other privileged group of the population. In fact, this is a paper that allows you to use the benefit for the rest of children without spending your own money and then returning them. The vacation certificate is a personal paper and is obtained for each child separately.

Who can get

To understand who can get a vacation certificate, you must first understand the legal framework. Thus, there is no unified federal legislation establishing the categories of the population that can enjoy the right to receive compensation for rest. The government gave the right to such types of assistance to regional authorities. Therefore, to find out if you can get a vacation certificate, you will have to contact organizations and departments located in your region. The list of organizations is presented below.

According to law

  1. The main law that interests us is the Order of the Ministry of Health of December 15, 2014 No. 834n. It contains all the information that is available at the federal level on the topic of compensation for money spent on recreation for the population.
  2. There is also a form 079 / y. This form fills in certificates that must be submitted to institutions trying to obtain a certificate for rest.

Certificate with partial compensation

Sometimes the certificate does not pay for the entire children's vacation, but only part of it. It occurs in certain categories of the population:

  • Employees who receive salaries from the city or regional budgets (employees of administrations, municipal government departments, ministries and committees).
  • Employees of state institutions receiving a salary from the federal budget - employees of the police, prosecutors, the investigative committee and law enforcement agencies
  • Employees cooperating with budgetary institutions on a permanent basis under civil law contracts. These are various administrative personnel who do not have the status of civil civil service
  • Business employees. In this case, compensation is established either by regional legislation or by internal orders of the organization.

Typically, compensation in such situations varies from 20% to 80% for the full cost of the holiday. A person receives a certificate, which in fact is a check for a certain amount, which he cannot cash out. He comes to the camp, gives the certificate and pays the remaining money from his own funds.

Full refund

The following categories of citizens can fully compensate for the expenses for a certificate for the rest of children:

  • Forced migrants, if it is established by the legislation of the region where they receive temporary registration
  • War veterans, if they have an official certificate, can be obtained from the social security authorities
  • Parents who have the first or second group of disability.
  • Families with Disabled Children and seriously ill children - if the income per person in the family is less than twice the subsistence level
  • Low-income families - if the status is recognized by the social security authorities and the income per person is less than the subsistence level
  • Orphans

Where can I send children with a certificate

There are several types of camps that accept vacation certificates. You need to make sure in advance that the institution meets the requirements of the organization that issued the certificate. But in any case, the camp must:

  • Issue vouchers for 21 one. This is a legislated change. There are exceptions that you need to find out from the social security authorities in your area.
  • The camp must pass all health checks before opening. If this does not happen, then the child may be recalled from the middle of the shift, and the certificate will be considered fully used
  • The camp must be an officially registered institution with a permit to operate from the local ministry of education or social protection. Or the equivalent authority in your area.

Look for official camps and don't try to use your holiday certificate in unofficial places.

There are several main types of camps that accept registered certificates:

  • A country camp designed specifically for the rehabilitation of children from 7 to 17 years old. Works either 21 days in the summer, or at least 7 days per shift during the rest of the children's holidays
  • Sanatorium and health camp. Such camps are required to work all year round, and local legislation may establish a shift of either 21 days or 24 days. If you have received a certificate for a vacation in a sanatorium, this is the place for you.
  • Leisure camp - in such a children have a rest in the summer for at least 18 days. Often these camps work for money.
  • Tent camps for children with a shift of at least seven days are more likely to accept preferential children under the scheme for already purchased vouchers, rather than vacation certificates

On the sea

To obtain a certificate at sea, you need to carefully study the local legislation regarding the provision of vacation vouchers in Sochi or in the Crimea. It all depends on the authorities in your region, but most often the probability of obtaining such a certificate for an ordinary child is small. Rather, it will receive:

  • A child in need of marine rehabilitation by doctor's prescription
  • Winner in the federal Olympiads or otherwise proved himself


Rest in the camps of the sanatorium type is provided mainly to the unprotected segments of the population. Children who are left without parental care or children from large families often rest in such camps. But there are city programs that allow ordinary schoolchildren to go to sanatoriums.

Recreation center

Basically, a certificate for rest in a recreation center is provided by the trade union. It is difficult to find state programs for such recreation. If you want to send your child to a holiday home:

  • Apply to the union to send your child to a rest home
  • Attach certificates, if any, confirming his poor health
  • If there is money in the trade union fund, you can be given a certificate for the rest of the child in the rest home

Where to arrange?

There are several institutions where you can apply for a children's vacation certificate - depending on the legislation adopted in your region or municipality.

Medical institutions If your child is registered for any disease, then there is a possibility that there is a program to improve the health of such categories of the population. For example, a certificate for rest in Perm is issued in case of chronic diseases. Children can relax in a sanatorium at the local city hospital.
Department of Social Security Disabled children can apply here for a vacation certificate. To confirm this status, you will need a certificate from a medical institution, but most likely the information will already be in the department - after all, children with disabilities should already be registered with this department
Department of education or youth affairs under the regional or city government You can get certificates for the rest and recreation of children. These institutions usually take into account either the presence of a difficult situation in the family, or achievements in education or other areas of youth life.
union Budgetary organizations often issue compensation for holidays in the form of a personalized certificate through trade union organizations. In large commercial companies, trade unions form a special fund from which money is allocated annually to support the children of employees
FSS In the compulsory health insurance fund, you can issue a certificate for the rest of disabled children. Reception allowance may include travel money for the parent or guardian of such children. Proof of the need for such a voucher and a certificate of disability will be required. The first can be taken at the hospital, the second - in the same place or in the department of social protection

Possible reasons for refusal

There are several cases where parents may be denied a child's vacation certificate. This mainly concerns either errors in the algorithm for obtaining, or ignorance of the rules for compensating children for summer holidays:

  • Parents have already received monetary compensation for their summer holidays - then there can be no question of any certificate
  • Parents have already applied this year for a vacation certificate
  • Incorrect information about the child or parents' income is provided
  • The family is considered to be in a socially dangerous position

Sample Application

It is not legally established what exactly should contain an application for a certificate for a child's summer vacation. Therefore, it is worth following the usual requirements of civil law:

  • Fill out the header of the application, write where you are applying - the social security authority, the Social Insurance Fund, the director of your organization or the head of the trade union
  • Write from whom: your full name, passport details, place of registration, contact phone number
  • Then in the middle of the sheet the word "Statement"
  • Further, depending on the place where you want to receive a certificate for vacation: “I ask you to provide a certificate for vacation in the season of such and such a year to a camp / sanatorium / recreation center with such and such a full name of your child”
  • Add desired length of stay
  • Sign and date the application

You can see an example of an application for a certificate for children's holidays on our website ().

List of documents

The list of documents for obtaining a certificate for children's recreation depends on the requirements of the institution where you are applying, and regional legislation. But there is also a general list that is mandatory for any situation:

  • Application for a certificate - if the vacation certificate is not given to the child as a gift, then you will have to write the appropriate paper to the right institution.
  • Original passport of the child, if any, or birth certificate. It is better to immediately prepare copies of all pages, in order to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Certificate from the place of work about your income or from the employment center that you are registered as unemployed

Poor families

If your family has a low-income status and you are applying for a vacation certificate with full compensation, then you will have to add a few more certificates:

  • A document is required stating that the family is recognized as poor - it can be obtained either from the social security authorities or from the local ministry of social development
  • If the family is in a socially dangerous situation, then you will have to apply to the commission on juvenile affairs for a characteristic for the child, if he is registered, or for a certificate stating that he is not registered.

Children with disabilities or seriously ill children

Disabled and critically ill children are also eligible for 100% reimbursement of vacation certificate expenses.

  • You will need certificates from a medical institution that the child has the desired status.
  • Get to the social security authority for a certificate of disability
  • If the family is low-income, then also get certificates of no subsistence income

Large families

Large families have the right to receive certificates for each child once a year. To do this, they need to apply either to the social protection authorities at the municipal level, or to the Ministry of Social Development of the region.

You will have to prove that your family's income is less than twice the subsistence level - such a certificate will be given in any of the departments. You may have to get a 2NDFL certificate at work.

In custody

Let's recap. Getting a vacation certificate is not that difficult. Necessary:

  • Go to the local social security authorities and the trade union at work.
  • Find out if it's possible to get a certificate
  • Collect locally required documents
  • Choose a camp and send your child there.

Not as difficult as it seems!

Lawyer of the Board of Legal Protection. He specializes in administrative and civil cases, indemnification by insurance companies, consumer protection, as well as cases related to the illegal demolition of shells and garages.

Open parental hearings "MOSGORTUR" together with the Moscow City Association of Parents of Disabled Children were held on October 30 at the MFC of the Central Administrative District.

At the hearings, representatives of organizations spoke about the timing and stages of the next year's application campaign, about the features of filing an application on the Mayor's and how to choose a good vacation for a child.

Large families

Families with many children are not a preferential category of citizens, so there are no special summer health programs for them.

But there are for low-income large families.

There is a practice of joint family vacations: children from three to seven years old can go on vacation accompanied by an adult or two adults if the number of children is more than four (and their age is also not less than three, but not more than seven years). For children older than seven or younger than three, you can buy vouchers, then the family will be able to relax together.

Unaccompanied by adults, a child of 7-15 years old inclusive can go.

If a teenager from a large family can go to the camp on his own (preferential voucher), and with another child or children, for example, a mother under a joint vacation program, then you can combine children in this way: refuse the teenager's voucher, take a cash certificate and buy a voucher for joint recreation for an older child.


Applications for 2019 are accepted from November 2 to December 10. The application can be submitted in two ways: at the MOSGORTUR office or online on the website . The second option, according to the organizers, is more convenient.

From November 5 to December 24, submitted documents will be checked. In two cases, you may be called to the MOSGORTUR office: if the birth certificate of the child was not issued in Moscow, or if there is a need to verify that the power of attorney is correct.

All checks are carried out at the first stage, so be extremely careful when filling out all the fields of the application!

If you have not been contacted within five working days, it means that everything is fine with your application.

From December 25 to January 17, 2019, a preliminary register of service recipients will be compiled. You need to expect an official notification in your account starting from January 17th.

A priority has been created for recreation: first of all, applications from children who have not rested over the past three years are considered, second - children who have rested only once in the last three years, and last - those who have rested more than twice over the same period.

Recreation for disabled children

This year it has become more convenient to apply for children with disabilities. When sending an application, you can select the item of restriction on the health of the child - there are more of them (see image). The system will be able to better select a place where all the necessary conditions for the recovery of a child with specific diagnoses will be met.

The system will also offer recreation facilities with an accessible environment.

Recreation centers with an “accessible environment” are created for children with disabilities, therefore, parents who did not mark “accessible environment” in the application will not see those bases that meet special requirements in the list of recreation places. This is done so that children with disabilities can feel comfortable in places specially adapted for them.

Choice of region and place of rest

In 2019, the following recreation areas will be available for recreation: the Upper Volga region, Moscow and the Moscow region, the Azov region, the Black Sea region, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Crimea, the Russian North, the North Caucasus, the Middle Volga region, the Middle strip, the Urals, the Central Black Earth region.

There are three regions available for you to choose from, with the first one given priority. Be sure to pinpoint your preferred seating area so that the system can suggest the most suitable option for you.

Independent travel

The application contains the item "independent travel", allowing you to get to the place of rest.

Attention! If you initially chose the “trip in an organized group” option, then you can change your mind - you can get to the rest point yourself. But if you immediately choose "independent travel", then it will be impossible to cancel your decision, since the tickets will already be purchased.

Be careful when filling in all fields of the application!

Accompanying family vacation

Is it possible to change the accompanying children on a family vacation? So far, this cannot be done, but MOSGORTUR and MGARDI will turn to the mayor of Moscow with a corresponding proposal in the near future.


A certificate for receiving payments for independent organization of recreation and health improvement is provided to children from 3 to 15 years old from low-income families living in Moscow.

You can choose the possibility of providing a certificate both at the first and at the second stage of the application campaign.

If you pick up the certificate at the first stage, then the age of the child from a low-income family is taken into account at the time of application.

For example, if a child is 2 years and 7 months old at the time of application and turns 3 in May, they may be eligible for a vacation package from June to August. If the proposed vouchers do not suit him, then there is the opportunity to pick up the certificate. Notification of granting or refusal to grant a certificate will come from February 7 to February 22, 2019.

The state of the preferential category at the time of application

If you are waiting for confirmation of the preferential category or confirmation is late, then you can apply for a ticket, if you receive a refusal, you must write an application to social security, and the commission will consider your case.

Hotline "MOSGORTUR": 8-800-301-17-70

Information about the 2019 health campaign:

A recording of the open parental hearing will soon be available on the Mgardi Facebook page:

What documents are required to apply for compensation?

For the category of orphans and children left without parental care, who are under guardianship, guardianship, including in a foster or foster family.
A document confirming the authority of the legal representative - guardian, trustee, foster parent, foster caregiver.
Document proving the identity of an orphan child, a child left without parental care: for a child under the age of 14 - a birth certificate of a child or a document confirming the birth and registration of a child, issued in the prescribed manner (in the case of a child born in a foreign state ), for a child who has reached the age of 14 - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a passport of a citizen of a foreign state (in the case of citizenship of a foreign state).
Documents confirming the rest and rehabilitation of an orphan child, a child left without parental care, and payment by a legal representative of recreation and rehabilitation services, which include:

Information about the credit institution and the account opened with the credit institution for payment of compensation for a voucher for recreation and health improvement independently purchased by parents or other legal representatives.

For the category of children from low-income families.
Document proving the identity of the applicant.
A document confirming the authority of the legal representative - guardian, trustee, foster parent, foster caregiver (in the case of an application for payment of compensation for the purchased ticket by an applicant from among the legal representatives - guardians, trustees, foster parents, foster caregivers of the child).
Document proving the identity of the child: for a child under the age of 14 years - a birth certificate of a child or a document confirming the fact of the birth and registration of a child, issued in the prescribed manner (in the case of a child born in a foreign state), for a child who has reached the age of 14 years , - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, passport of a citizen of a foreign state (in case of citizenship of a foreign state).
A document containing information about the place of residence of the child in the city of Moscow (if the child's identity document does not contain information about his place of residence in the city of Moscow).
Documents confirming the rest and recovery of the child and payment by the legal representative of the services of rest and recovery, which include:
A return (tear-off) coupon for a voucher for recreation and rehabilitation and another document confirming the implementation of recreation and rehabilitation.
A cash receipt for payment for recreation and health improvement services with the simultaneous submission of the relevant service agreement or a copy of a tourist voucher issued on a strict accountability form (a copy of the recipient of the service).
Information about the credit institution and the account opened with the credit institution for payment of compensation for a voucher for recreation and health improvement independently purchased by parents or other legal representatives. 05/03/2017 23:12:36,

The certificate implies receiving a payment for the independent organization of recreation and rehabilitation of the child.

The Moscow authorities are ready to offer parents cash certificates for organizing their children's summer holidays on their own as part of the 2017 health campaign. This was announced at a meeting of the Moscow City Duma commission on social policy and labor relations by the deputy head of the department of culture of the capital Vladimir Filippov.

"The application campaign will be held this year in two stages. As part of the first, from March 10, applications for preferential vouchers for children's holidays will be accepted on the portal of the mayor and government of Moscow. The second stage will start on April 18: Muscovites will be able to book vouchers to specific camps, if at the second stage of the application campaign, the applicant will not be satisfied with the recreation and rehabilitation organizations proposed by the Moscow City Tour, it is possible to choose a certificate for receiving payments for the independent organization of recreation and rehabilitation of the child," Filippov said.

According to him, this rule does not apply to disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care. "Together with public organizations, we are doing the relevant work for them so that the children's bases where such children rest are of acceptable quality and pass a public examination," Filippov added.

The amount of payment under the certificate will be 30 thousand rubles per child. In case of choosing a certificate, parents will receive these funds to their current account approximately until June 6th. Filippov noted that parents are responsible for spending these funds, the authorities do not plan to control it.

When choosing a certificate instead of a voucher, parents should take into account that they cover the transportation costs for delivering the child to the camp.

"A children's tour to a health camp costs an average of 50 thousand rubles, and somewhere more, if the rest is related to sports, if the camp has a pool. When Mosgortur organizes a vacation, it also includes the cost of delivering a child to the camp, - it is enough for parents to take their children in Moscow to the place of gathering. In the case of independent rest, each parent will have to decide on his own the issue of delivering the child to the camp, these are additional costs, logistics," Filippov explained.

In November 2016, the Kommersant newspaper reported that the Moscow City Hall was working on the issue of monetizing the rest of children on benefits. According to a source in the mayor's office, on which the publication relies, this issue was raised by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin after the tragedy in Karelia, where children died in a camp contracted by the Department of Social Protection.