Summary of classes on the properties of objects a multi-colored world. Topic: “Properties of objects. Item Count. hard - soft


math lesson in 1st grade.

Teacher: Lebedeva I.S.

Subject: Item properties. Comparison of items.

Goals: to acquaint with the textbook, with the properties of objects;

develop speech, memory, logical thinking;

develop an interest in mathematics.

Planned results: students will learn to give examples of objects of a certain color, size, shape;

develop logical thinking;

determine whether an object belongs to a group;

listen to the teacher.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

The long-awaited call is given -

The lesson starts.

What should you do when you hear the call?stand near your seat)

I'm glad to meet you. Thank you for coming.

Who remembered my name yesterday?

Well done, you have an excellent memory. And to be honest, I don't remember all of you. I don't think you remember all of them. Let's all say the name of the person to whom I will throw the ball. And whoever catches the ball listens to see if his name was correctly called.

(along the chain, the ball is passed to each student, everyone says the name loudly)

Who remembers how many kids are in our class?

And how many girls? /boys?/

(Praise should be given to those who raised their hand)

How can you raise your hand? What's the best way to raise your hand? What is the raised hand rule for?

(the teacher fixes the sign of the understood hand on the board)

2.Updating knowledge

Guys, today is an unusual day for you - you came to the first math lesson in your life. I congratulate you on this event and want to wish that the study of mathematics is interesting for you. Let's read the name of the subject in syllables.


Who already knows what we will do in math lessons?

(children's answers)

Mathematics is one of the oldest sciences. People need it to transform the world around them. At the lessons of mathematics, you will learn how to count, take measurements, solve examples and problems.

Our assistants in the classroom will be a textbook - a workbook that Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson wrote for you.

(Students look at the cover of the textbook. The teacher asks the children to wrap the textbook and sign, shows how to use the bookmark)

Consider the textbook, look through it. notice how colorful it is. Each picture hides a task. You see that you can write and color in the textbook, so it is called "Textbook-notebook". But an agreement: do not write or draw on the pages yourself, without my permission. If you really want to study, contact me, I have tasks for you.

(The teacher shows additional tasks on the sheets)

For a math lesson, you need to put a textbook on the desk - a notebook, a pen and colored pencils. In the pencil case, have a ruler and a simple pencil.

(Students check readiness for the lesson)

3.Self-determination to activity.

Four ripe pears

They swayed on the branches.

Pavlusha took off two pears,

How many pears are left? (2)

How many apples do the guys have

The sun is burning in the hands!

Natasha and Toma, Serezha and Roma,

There's another one on the table

Drunk with sunshine.

Well, how many apples, brothers?

Who can guess? (5)

On a bush in front of a fence

Six bright red tomatoes.

Then four came off

And how much is left on the bush? (2)

Pear, apple, tomato are objects. How are the objects-answers of riddles similar? (children's answers)

Are you sure you named all item properties?

What are we going to talk about in class today?

4. Work on the topic of the lesson

Textbook work

Who meets us on page 3? (Squirrel)

(The teacher exposes a toy squirrel or fixes a drawing with its image on the board)

What do you know about protein? (children's answers)

Did you know that there are not only red squirrels, but also black ones? And there are also flying squirrels that easily overcome long distances between branches on a tree. But all squirrels can jump on trees, gnaw nuts - these are their distinctive properties. All objects have such distinctive properties. Let's make sure of this. Let our bedlock introduce you to the table of items.

1 (p.3)

How many objects are shown in the picture? (12)

How are the items arranged?(Row, column)

(show a row with a hand, a line, a column)

What do the items in the first row have in common?(Colour)

What unites the items in the columns?(The first column is dishes, the second is vegetables, the third is clothes, the fourth is toys)

You have already named two properties of objects: color and belonging to any group.

What item is in the second row and in the fourth column?(Matryoshka.)

And what object is hidden in the third row and in the third column?(A cap)

Now guess one item from the table (just don't say it out loud) and tell your neighbor where it is, on which row and in which column. Let your neighbor try to guess what the subject is. And then you switch roles.

(Work in pairs. Two or three items should be guessed collectively)

Consider the row below the table. What do these items have in common? (these are circles)

Another property of objects is shape. How are circles different? (color, size)

What property of objects did you name yourself? (the size)

Count how many circles there are? (fifteen)

How many reds? Yellow? Blue?

How many big ones? Little ones?

So, what properties of objects can you name? (COLOR, SIZE, SHAPE, BELONGING TO A GROUP)

5. Physical education minute

Our squirrel is very well-mannered and uses words of politeness. She will play the please attention game with you. If the word “please” is pronounced, then we perform the movement, if not, then the movement does not need to be performed.

6. Continued work on the topic.

1. The game "Guess the object"

2 (str3)

What do the items in the first row have in common? (The form)

List these items.

I conceived an item from the table. It is in the first row and in the fourth column. What subject did I have in mind? (Samovar.)

Think of an item for your neighbor and explain how to find it.

(Work in pairs. Two or three items should be guessed collectively)

So all objects have properties. Name them. (Color, shape, size, belonging to any group)

7. Exercises for developing writing skills.

1. Finger gymnastics.

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family!

(Alternately bending fingers)

2. Rules of landing on the letter

(Working with the poster "Sit right")

3. Complete the tasks in the student (from 3 below) + r.tet str. 3 No. 1, 2, 3)

8. Reflection

What properties of objects do you know?

Who is happy with their work?

Was everything clear?

9. Summing up the lesson.

What did you like most about the lesson?

What was difficult?

You have a worksheet on your desks. Lay the sheet in front of you. Cross out as many circles in each line as the number at the beginning of the line shows.

Individual worksheet.

Cross out as many circles as your number shows.

Children work independently on the sheets. The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.

Development content

Preparation for school. 5-6 years. (Mathematics)


Item properties.


Continue to form preschoolers' ideas about the properties of objects (shape, size).

Learn to identify the properties and differences of objects (color, shape, size).

To consolidate the ability to identify and explain the signs of similarity and difference between objects, to combine them into groups according to a common feature, to find an extra object.

Develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify their judgments.

Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking.

Develop constructive and creative abilities, fantasy, creative imagination.

To develop mental operations, attention, memory, speech, cognitive interests, creative abilities.

Contribute to the formation of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification).

Cultivate friendly relationships between children, the habit of working together.


Contour images of a hare, a bear, a mouse + a toy mouse; a set of numbers; image of a rainbow from stripes; image of objects: seeds, bread crust, cheese, toys, mushrooms, balls, cubes, cars, etc. (4 items of the same color - red, yellow, green, brown); mugs are large white and small yellow, imitating pieces of cheese; walnut, round oatmeal cookies, apple, orange, tomato; allowance L.G. Peterson, N.P. Kholina "One-step, Two-step" Sheet 2-3.p.2-3. Lesson 2-3.



In our class, in our class

Lots of little kids

Lots of little kids

They sit side by side,

There is also Mashenka,

There is also Sashenka (names all the children in turn).

Today we will once again look into an interesting country - "Mathematics". – Look who came to our lesson? (images of a hare, a bear, a mouse carved along the contour are shown). The children name the animals.

How can we call them all in one word? (Beasts, animals.)

What do they have in common? (They live in the forest.)

And how does each of them differ from the rest? (the hare is white, eared, the bear is large and brown, the mouse is small and gray, etc.).

Let's count the animals.

How many are there? Who is first, second from the left? Who is in the middle? Who is last? Who is in front of the mouse? Who is between the hare and the mouse? What number will denote the number of these animals.

One of the animals invites us to visit. Guess who it is:

Small stature, long tail,

Gray coat, sharp teeth.


Or maybe it's a bunny? Why not a bunny?

How did you guess it was a mouse? What helped you?

What else do you know about this animal?

Well done, you correctly guessed that this is a mouse, and it helped you in this that you pointed out those distinctive properties by which a mouse can be distinguished from a hare.

This is how each object can be found and named a distinctive property that will distinguish it from other objects. We will learn today to be able to see and name these distinctive properties of objects. And we will learn together with the mouse.

Item properties


Oh, while we were talking, the mouse stuck its nose into my papers and look what it did (take out an application with a rainbow image, but swap the colors in which, for the children who came for the first time, send an additional informational message about the rainbow , see Lesson 1. Rainbow).

Restore the order of the rainbow, once again pay attention to the number of colors in the rainbow, their order.

Well, everything is in order and you can visit the mouse!

See what you can find in her mink (take out pictures of objects from the bag: seeds, a crust of bread, cheese, toys, mushrooms, balls, cubes, cars, etc., there should be 4 objects of the same color - red, yellow, black, brown (For children 5 years old, use only three items each). Ask the children to name and count the items, and find a number that represents the number of these items.

Yes, mouse, you have no order at all in the mink, everything is scattered, and this is not good, you need to put things in order!

See how the mouse puts things in order in its mink, how it neatly puts everything in a closet (prepare a piece of drawing paper divided into squares in advance).

The teacher himself puts the yellow objects on the first shelf.

What interesting things have you noticed? (All items are yellow.)

Where did the mouse put yellow objects. In this case, they say: in a line.

Then the items are laid out in each row.

What items did the mouse put in the second row? (red).

In the third? (brown).

In the fourth (green).

Look again at the closet in which the mouse put things in order. There are lines in this closet, name them in order (be sure to put a label next to it with a number). And then there are columns. - Maybe one of you guessed and will be able to show me and the guys the first, second, column? (If the children find it difficult, show them yourself by marking the columns with numbers).

The mouse folded all the items in her closet very neatly and very interestingly, did you notice this? Emphasize the guys that she laid out everything to the subject, focusing on the property: the same color.

Name all the objects again using color: red car, green apple, etc.

What item is in the first row and in the second column?

What item is in the third row but not in the first column?

Name all the items in the fourth column from memory.

What other colors do you know? Look around and name the objects red, blue, blue.

Work on the allowance of L.G. Peterson, N.P. Kholina “One-step, Two-step ..” Sheet 3.p.3. Task 3.


The mice came out once

See what time it is.

1,2,3,4! - The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible sound

The mice ran away.

Value (size).

But the mouse decided to make riddles for you, and for each answer she will give us a gift, do you agree? (prepare large white mugs and small yellow mugs that imitate pieces of cheese).

1.This item can always be found in the kitchen. It is large and usually white in color. It's always cold in there. And when we are hungry, he will always come to our aid. (fridge).

2. And this item is large, soft, comfortable, beautiful. It has a seat, backrest and armrests. You can sit and relax on it, you can lie down and read a book. (sofa).

3. It is large, oak, polished. It has a smooth top and carved legs. They dine behind him. (table).

4. And this object is round, it is orange. Juice is made from it. (orange), etc.

For the correct answers, the children received from the mouse as a gift pieces of cheese in two sizes and two colors. Now ask the children to put all the pieces of cheese on the table.

Here's how many treats we've earned. (count, mark with a number).

Now look what all the pieces of cheese have in common? The shape is they are all circles.

And how are they different? (color, and size (size).

We have already talked with you about the fact that in order to make friends with any object, you can ask him the question: What color is it?

And you can also ask him a question: What size is he? This will also be a sign by which it can be distinguished from other objects.

How many pieces of cheese did the mouse give us in total? How many whites? How many yellow ones? How many big ones and how many small ones?

Fizminutka (for the eyes)

Oh how long we wrote

The children's eyes are tired.

(blink eyes)

Look everyone out the window

(Look left - right)

Ah, how high the sun is.

(Look up.)

We'll close our eyes now

(Close your eyes with your palms)

Let's build a rainbow in class

Let's go up the rainbow

(Look in an arc up to the right and up to the left)

Turn right, turn left

And then we slide down

(Look down)

Squint hard, but hold on.

(Close your eyes, open and blink them)

The form.

Well done! We walked a lot and the mouse was hungry, look what she prepared for us for a treat (the children list the objects that the teacher demonstrates: a nut, a round oatmeal cookie, an apple, an orange, a tomato. Pick up a nut and a cookie, and ask the children to compare these items.

Do you think these items have anything in common? Do these items have anything in common? (they can be eaten, both are round) How are they different? (they have different sizes; the cookie is flat, and the nut is convex, let the children feel it)

Then invite the children to see what happens! Put the cookie on a sheet of paper and a nut, circling them along the contour, show the children that you have a circle. Focus the children's attention on the fact that objects can be of the same shape, i.e. have a round shape.

See if the mouse has any other objects that have the same shape as a nut? (apple, orange, tomato)

These items are also round and have the shape of a ball. See if there are other spherical objects in the class and name them.

Carry out similar work with a cube and a square, a pyramid and a triangle, various objects having this shape.

If you want to get to know the subject again, ask him: What shape is it? And you will see that objects can have the same or different shape.

Finger gymnastics

My fingers will tell

(clap hands with spread fingers)

What they can - everyone will show:

(the fingers of the same name of both hands touch each other 4 times).

There are five on each hand.

(shows outstretched fingers).

They can do anything, they will always help.

(clap their hands).

They play the flute

The ball is thrown

Laundry is washed

The floor is being swept

Pinch, caress -

Five and five of my nimble fingers

(show fingers of both hands).

Work on the allowance of L.G. Peterson, N.P. Kholina “One-step, Two-step ..” Sheet 2.p.2. Task 1, 2, 3; sheet 3. Page 3. Task 1.2.

Summary of the lesson

So, our lesson is over, we learned today, together with the mouse, to get acquainted with objects in a new way. We learned that in order to make friends with any object, you can ask him questions: What color? What size (size)? What form? And they saw that there are objects that can be similar to each other, because they are of the same color, of the same shape, of the same size (size), or they can be completely different, i.e. differ in color, and size, and size!

Let's now look at each other again, and say how we are similar, and how we differ from each other?

And let's say thanks to the mouse, which helped us learn a lot of new and interesting things, and let's see what kind of treat she prepared for us (give out cookies to the children).

Ludmila Kaigorodova
Summary of the lesson "Properties of objects." middle group

Topic: "Properties of objects"


To form the ability to identify and compare the properties of objects, to find a common property of a group of objects.

Materials for the lesson:

Demonstration - pencils, a landscape sheet of paper, pictures of vegetables.

Handout - colored pencils (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, pieces of paper, sets of figures: 5 circles - red, yellow, green, orange and blue, 5 ovals, 5 squares, 5 triangles and 5 rectangles of those same flowers.

Lesson progress:

I. The property of objects is color. Colors of rainbow.

The teacher inserts colored pencils of all colors of the rainbow into the glass. The same cups with colored pencils are on the tables of children. The teacher shows a picture of a Pencil:

Guys, our Cheerful Pencil told me an amazing story! It turns out that pencils can talk and even brag. This pencil said (picks up a red pencil): “I can be a poppy, fire, a flag!”

The teacher draws a red line on a landscape sheet of paper attached to the board, and the children draw a red line on their pieces of paper. Then the teacher asks them to tell what the rest of the pencils boasted about:

Guess what these pencils said?

Children voluntarily go to the board, choose a pencil and leave their mark on a sheet attached to the board. The rest of the children draw lines in the same colors on their sheets. Sample responses from children:

Orange: "I'm an orange, a carrot!"

Yellow: "I am chicken, sun, turnip!"

Green: "I am the grass, the foliage, the whole forest!"

Blue: "I'm forget-me-not, sky, ice!"

Blue: "I am the ink, the sea, the cornflower!"

Violet: "I am plum, lilac, twilight, bluebell!" The teacher thanks the children for their help and makes a riddle. - Cheerful Pencil whispered one word to me. Guess what.

Through the fields, through the meadows

There was an elegant arc. (Rainbow)

Who knows the colors of the rainbow?

Children name: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. Invite them to make a rainbow out of strips of colored paper.

Children stand in a circle, in the center of which stands the driver blindfolded, hold hands and, walking in a circle, say in unison:

We all stood together in a circle,

They suddenly turned around

(everyone turns 180° and walks in the opposite direction)

And how do we say: "Jump, jump, jump!" -

One of the children, at the direction of the teacher, repeats the last line, and the driver guesses who it is. If he did not guess, then he continues to be the driver, and if he guessed it, then the one who cast the voice becomes the driver. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The role of the leader in the 2nd and 3rd rounds of the game is best entrusted to one of the children.

III. Comparison of objects on the basis of similarities and differences (color, shape, size, material, purpose, etc.).

Consider pictures. What is in the first picture? (Doll and bear.)

Compare a doll and a bear: what do they have in common and how do they differ? The educator, if necessary, can start a comparison: general

for a doll and a bear, the purpose is toys; the same size; the common thing is that both the doll and the bear have ribbons, but they differ in that. And the children name the signs of difference on their own.

Compare the balloon on which Dunno flies and the ball: what do they have in common and how do they differ? (They have the same shape: both the ball and the balloon are in the shape of a ball. And they differ in color: the ball is yellow and blue, and the balloon is yellow and red. They also differ in size: the ball is small, and the balloon is large Their purpose is also different: the ball is a toy, and the balloon is an aircraft.)

Compare a hedgehog and a Christmas tree. (“The spruce looks like a hedgehog: the hedgehog is in needles, the tree is also, and they “live” in the forest.” They differ in size: the hedgehog is small, the tree is larger than the hedgehog. They are also of different colors: the hedgehog is gray, and the tree is green. Hedgehog - animal, tree - plant.)

Consider the picture. Why do you think a fox and a carrot are connected with a thread? (They are both orange.)

Well done! Now take your “magic” pencils and connect objects of the same color with “magic strings”.

Can you tell me which pictures you put together? Why? Sample responses from children:

Carrot and fox are orange.

I connected the chicken and the moon because they are yellow.

Red tomato and ladybug.

The frog and the apple are green.

IV. Fizkultminutka "Look at both."

Children are built in a row (no more than 7-10 people). The driver is chosen with the help of a counter or by appointment. He is invited to remember the order in which the children are. After the driver turns away, the children rebuild. The driver must determine what has changed and restore the broken order. The arrangement can be linear, circular, chaotic - depending on the level of complexity that the teacher wants to offer.

V. Consolidation of the ability to highlight the properties of objects.

1) Talk about vegetables. Solving riddles.

What vegetables do you know?

What grows in your garden (for example, in the country?

What vegetables are they talking about? How did you guess?

a) The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose.


c) Round side, yellow side,

Sits on the garden bed.

He is rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this?

b) in the summer in the garden -

fresh, green,

And in winter in a barrel -

Yellow, salty.

d) He is big, like a soccer ball,

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What ball is this?

Children explain by what signs they guessed what they were talking about: by color, shape, size, taste, etc.

2) The game "What does it look like?".

Pictures depicting vegetables.

Well done! You are very good at solving riddles. Now look carefully at the pictures and choose geometric shapes that resemble these vegetables.

Sample responses from children:

The carrot is orange, shaped like a triangle, I will put an orange (red) triangle.

The turnip is yellow and round. I choose the yellow circle. Etc.

What do you remember most about the lesson?

What did you like? What seemed difficult?

Olga Nurumbetova
Item properties. Abstract of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations

Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Yekaterinburg

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 275

620024 Yekaterinburg, st. Bisertskaya, 20, phone 255-66-61

Head of MBDOU No. 275 Dryagina Tatyana Andreevna

Summary of the formation lesson

elementary mathematical concepts

in the senior group of children garden:

« Item properties» .

Chkalovsky district of Yekaterinburg

Yekaterinburg, 2013

Subject: Item properties(the form, size, color)

Target: 1. Continue form ideas about similarities and differences

between items.

2. Learn to unite items in groups(in similar terms) and extract from

groups separate items, which differ in size, form, bloom.

3. Develop logical thinking.

Task: Systematize children's knowledge about the signs of similarities and differences between



1. Sets of geometric shapes are different in color and size.

2. Counting material(sticks, geometric shapes).

Lesson progress


Guys, today we will go on a trip to

land of geometric shapes.

In order to get there, you need to guess riddles:

I've been your friend since childhood

Every corner is right here.

All four sides are the same length.

To you I'm glad to introduce myself

And my name is...

I don't have corners

And I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid

On the porch, on the wheel ...

My riddle is short:

Three sides and three corners

Well done! What other geometric shapes do you know?

Our journey through the country of geometric shapes continues

huddles. So that the inhabitants of the country have a good mood,

let's add the geometric shapes from the ones you have,

1. Take four triangles and fold one large one.

2. How many sticks do you need to make a triangle?

3. Did it work? How to lay out two triangles?

Let's get some rest.

Physical education minute:

How many balls do we have

So many times we jump.

How many sticks to the point

We stand on our toes so much.

How many dots are in our circle

Let's raise our hands so many times.

Guys! What are the geometric shapes?

How can you separate the shapes?

Separate shapes by color form, size.

A game "Magic bag"

The bag contains geometric shapes. baby on

touch selects the figure and gives a complete characterization.

Finger game.

All day, all day

The rope is spinning

All day, all day

Our Jackdaw is jumping.

Right - lope, left - lope,

Both legs at once

Back then forward

They jump along the path.

Everything faster, everything faster

Our Jackdaw is jumping.

And saying goodbye to the inhabitants of the country of geometric shapes,

Let's give them pictures of animals as a keepsake.

we will lay out from the counting material.

Today we repeated how to unite items in

groups on similar grounds; separate from groups items.

On the next classes we will continue to study this mate-

rial. And for today - class is over.

Outcome: Children, what did we do today?



Trapeze, rhombus.

flat and


By color



Three groups of children:

One group

bursts in color,

second largest,

third in form.

The groups work on

This is a flat geometric fi-

goura or is it volume-


Children spread

Remembered what


figures exist.

Learned to share

by color form,


math lesson in 1st grade.

Teacher: Lebedeva I.S.

Topic: Properties of objects. Comparison of items.

Objectives: to introduce the textbook, with the properties of objects;

develop speech, memory, logical thinking;

develop an interest in mathematics.

Expected results: students will learn to give examples of objects of a certain color, size, shape;

develop logical thinking;

determine whether an object belongs to a group;

listen to the teacher.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

The long-awaited call is given -

The lesson starts.

What should you do when you hear a call? (Stand near your seat)

I'm glad to meet you. Thank you for coming.

Who remembered my name yesterday?

Well done, you have an excellent memory. And to be honest, I don't remember all of you. I don't think you remember all of them. Let's all say the name of the person to whom I will throw the ball. And whoever catches the ball listens to see if his name was correctly called.

(along the chain, the ball is passed to each student, everyone says the name loudly)

Who remembers how many kids are in our class?

And how many girls? /boys?/

(Praise should be given to those who raised their hand)

How can you raise your hand? What's the best way to raise your hand? What is the raised hand rule for?

(the teacher fixes the sign of the understood hand on the board)

2.Updating knowledge

Guys, today is an unusual day for you - you came to the first math lesson in your life. I congratulate you on this event and want to wish that the study of mathematics is interesting for you. Let's read the name of the subject in syllables.


Who already knows what we will do in math lessons?

(children's answers)

Mathematics is one of the oldest sciences. People need it to transform the world around them. At the lessons of mathematics, you will learn how to count, take measurements, solve examples and problems.

Our assistants in the classroom will be a textbook - a workbook that Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson wrote for you.

(Students look at the cover of the textbook. The teacher asks the children to wrap the textbook and sign, shows how to use the bookmark)

Consider the textbook, look through it. notice how colorful it is. Each picture hides a task. You see that you can write and color in the textbook, that's why it is called "Textbook-notebook". But an agreement: do not write or draw on the pages yourself, without my permission. If you really want to study, contact me, I have tasks for you.

(The teacher shows additional tasks on the sheets)

For a math lesson, you need to put a textbook on the desk - a notebook, a pen and colored pencils. In the pencil case, have a ruler and a simple pencil.

(Students check readiness for the lesson)

3.Self-determination to activity.

Four ripe pears

They swayed on the branches.

Pavlusha took off two pears,

How many pears are left? (2)

How many apples do the guys have

The sun is burning in the hands!

Natasha and Toma, Serezha and Roma,

There's another one on the table

Drunk with sunshine.

Well, how many apples, brothers?

Who can guess? (5)

On a bush in front of a fence

Six bright red tomatoes.

Then four came off

And how much is left on the bush? (2)

Pear, apple, tomato are items. How are the objects-answers of riddles similar? (children's answers)

Are you sure you named all item properties?

What are we going to talk about in class today?

4. Work on the topic of the lesson

Textbook work

Who meets us on page 3? (Squirrel)

(The teacher exposes a toy squirrel or fixes a drawing with its image on the board)

What do you know about protein? (children's answers)

Did you know that there are not only red squirrels, but also black ones? And there are also flying squirrels that easily overcome long distances between branches on a tree. But all squirrels can jump on trees, gnaw nuts - these are their distinctive properties. All objects have such distinctive properties. Let's make sure of this. Let our bedlock introduce you to the table of items.

How many objects are shown in the picture? (12)

How are the items arranged? (Row, column)

(show a row with a hand, a line, a column)

What do the items in the first row have in common? (Colour)

What unites the items in the columns? (The first column is dishes, the second is vegetables, the third is clothes, the fourth is toys)

You have already named two properties of objects: color and belonging to any group.

What item is in the second row and in the fourth column? (Matryoshka.)

And what object is hidden in the third row and in the third column? (A cap)

Now guess one item from the table (just don't say it out loud) and tell your neighbor where it is, on which row and in which column. Let your neighbor try to guess what the subject is. And then you switch roles.

(Work in pairs. Two or three items should be guessed collectively)

Consider the row below the table. What do these items have in common? (these are circles)

Another property of objects is shape. How are circles different? (color, size)

What property of objects did you name yourself? (the size)

Count how many circles there are? (fifteen)

How many reds? Yellow? Blue?

How many big ones? Little ones?

So, what properties of objects can you name? (COLOR, SIZE, SHAPE, BELONGING TO A GROUP)

5. Physical education minute

Our squirrel is very well-mannered and uses words of politeness. She will play the please attention game with you. If the word “please” is pronounced, then we perform the movement, if not, then the movement does not need to be performed.

6. Continued work on the topic.

1. The game "Guess the object"

What do the items in the first row have in common? (The form)

List these items.

I conceived an item from the table. It is in the first row and in the fourth column. What subject did I have in mind? (Samovar.)

Think of an item for your neighbor and explain how to find it.

(Work in pairs. Two or three items should be guessed collectively)

So all objects have properties. Name them. (Color, shape, size, belonging to any group)

7. Exercises for developing writing skills.

1. Finger gymnastics.

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family!

(Alternately bending fingers)

2. Rules of landing on the letter

(Working with the poster "Sit right")

3. Complete the tasks in the student (from 3 below) + r.tet str. 3 No. 1, 2, 3)

8. Reflection

What properties of objects do you know?

Who is happy with their work?

Was everything clear?

9. Summing up the lesson.

What did you like most about the lesson?

What was difficult?

You have a worksheet on your desks. Lay the sheet in front of you. Cross out as many circles in each line as the number at the beginning of the line shows.

Individual worksheet.

Cross out as many circles as your number shows.

Children work independently on the sheets. The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.