Is it possible to clean silver from black. How to get rid of black plaque on silver. Cleansing silver with a solution of food soda

Almost every woman has elegant silver ornaments - chains, rings, earrings, bracelets, cuffs, suspension.

Silver is a beautiful metal with a soft shiny gloss, many give it magical properties.

From silver, modern designers create interesting original decorations both every day and for exceptional festive cases.

Silver is a noble metal, which means that it is not subject to corrosion and oxidation. However, silver decorations from time and exposure to a number of negative factors lose pure glitter, becoming dark and dull. How to clean silver at home so as not to spoil the products and return the beauty to them?

Metal quality

Before you start cleaning the silver product, you need to check the sample displayed on the decoration. If earrings, chains, rings, pendants and other jewelry are not made of high-quality silver, but from alloys, home cleaning can irreparably spoil the appearance. In this case, it is better to give the decoration for cleaning in the jewelry workshop.

Not all products are worth cleaning at home, sometimes the best option will be a jewelry workshop

Attention! It is worth being particularly attentive and neat if the product is decorated with inserts from enamels, rhinestones, there are elements of gold and other metals.

Jewelry decorated with pearls, amber, turquoise, corals, can be cleaned only by ammonia or medical alcohol.

Especially neatly need to clean jewelry with stones

Cleaning methods

For high-quality silver products, you can purchase special jewelry and cleaning pastes, as well as napkins.

However, in order to effectively refresh the appearance of jewelry, you can use a variety of means that are always on hand in the household, such as:

  • vinegar;
  • beer;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • milk;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon acid;
  • potatoes;
  • eggs.

You can also use toothpaste or powder, hygienic lipstick, eraser. Indispensable for home processing silver decorations Food foil.

Important! You can not use any abrasive substances - they scratch the coating, and the silver decoration will never have a clear clean gloss.

Cleaning silver must be carefully, taking patience, because the hurry in this matter is inappropriate.

And now more, how to clean silver from black at home.

  • Table vinegar.

This is the easiest and easy way. A 3-9% solution of table vinegar is used, but it is impossible to apply an essence so as not to ruin the decoration. Vinegar is suitable for cleaning any silver products, including stones. The decoration is put into vinegar for 20-30 minutes, for better effect and with strong pollution - for 1-2 hours. After rubbing the decoration, using for this suede.

The easiest way to purify silver is the use of table vinegar

  • Beer.

The method above is also effectively acting if it uses beer instead of vinegar. Drinking later this beer, of course, it is impossible!

  • Soda.

Soda helps to cope with pollution. However, the soda powder is too coarse for a delicate silver surface, so it is necessary to make a solution or crawling out of soda:

  1. On 1 part of the water - 3 parts of soda. This composition you can wipe the product or boil 5-7 minutes in it.
  2. On a glass of water - 20 g of soda, bring the solution to a boil, put the decoration there for 15-30 minutes, then dried.

In this case, the food foil is useful. It must be put on the bottom of the tank, and the decorations are stacked on the foil.

  • Salt.

Quickly clean the products made of silver helps the food salt. The easiest way to pour out a small salt and wrap there with silver ornaments. Cut is placed in a container and poured with water. After 1-2 hours, the product will be clean.

There is another option, for many years helping silver lovers to put their decorations in order. A foil sheet is laid out with a salt of salt and soda mixed with a small amount of water. Top places silver products. After half an hour, the composition is washed off by cold water, jewelry jewelry dried and wipes dry with a napkin.

The effective way to get a return on the favorite silver decoration of the initial species is as follows:

  1. 10 g of salt, soda and any means for washing dishes are mixed, 0.5 liters of water is added.
  2. In this solution, the decorations boil half an hour.
  3. Enjoy, wipe it to shine.

  • Milk.

Milk method does not require much time, and the risk to spoil your favorite decorations is minimized! Chain, suspension, ring or earrings are put into milk and boil for a few minutes, then allowed to cool and washed with running water, wipe dry - and everything is ready.

  • Ammonia.

A remarkable remedy in a variety of difficult cases is the ammonia alcohol. As you can use silver products with it:

  • the simplest thing is to wipe the ammonis with a soft napkin;
  • the grated chalk is stirred with ammonia to the state of the casher, this mixture is applied to the decoration, wipe;
  • 10 drops of the ammonia are bred in a glass of a warm soap solution, they lower the chains and rings there, hold 10-15 minutes;
  • it is possible to increase the concentration of the ammonia 2 times and hold the decorations about half an hour;
  • highly blackened silver is lowered in an undiluted solution of ammonic alcohol and hold no more than 10 minutes.

Attention! Working with the ammonia or its solution, it is necessary to close the capacitance with a lid to avoid contact with the alcohol vapor with the mucous membrane.

If the product is richly decorated with inserts, it is advisable to use medical alcohol. You can simply hold the decoration in it 1-2 hours or losing a cotton wand.

  • Lemon acid.

Lemonic acid is also a good and easy way to help bring silver products in order.

The most common variant of lemonic acid use is as follows:

  1. 0.5 liters of water divorces 100 g of citric acid.
  2. In the container on the foil put decorations.
  3. Boiled in a lemon solution of 5-15 minutes.
  4. Washed, dried and wipe dry.

Many advise the copper product or wire into the solution.

Such a means perfectly helps to save silver from black.

  • Potatoes.

Potatoes contain a large amount of starch, which remarkably removes pollution and blackening from silver jewelry.

How to use potatoes:

  1. 1 Potato rubbed, add cold water, put decorations for 1-2 hours.
  2. You can use cleaning, they are also poured with water and lowered silver there.
  3. Potato decoction is cooled, it is placed in silver products for 2-3 hours.
  • Eggs.

Clean silver can be in an interesting way - with the help of ordinary chicken eggs. How it's done:

  1. Yolks are separated from proteins and whipped.
  2. The yolks are added 1 tbsp. l. Tools for whitening "White".
  3. Products are moistened in the resulting solution.
Egg yolks, mixed with "white", will be returned with silver decorations initial appearance
  • Toothpaste.

It has long been taken to use tooth powder to start metal, including silver products. However, the powder is able to lead to the appearance of scratches, so it is better to replace it with a white toothpaste. The paste must be the most common, without additives, do not fit gels or colored.

Silver is laid out on a napkin and come with a rag, cotton wand or a soft toothbrush. Then the decorations need to rinse, flush the excess moisture and dry.

  • Hygienic lipstick.

Old hygienic lipstick will still serve to return the beauty of silver decorations. For this, lipstick is applied to the napkin or directly on the jewelry and rub. However, it is necessary to consider that relief chains or earrings are difficult to get rid of lipsticks. Not suitable for these purposes and lip gloss.

Hygienic lipstick copes well with pollution on silver

  • Eraser.

If the contamination is insignificant, you can use the usual eraser. They are treated with the entire surface of the decoration. So you can quickly bring the products in order.

How to store silver jewelry

In order not to spend a lot of effort and funds for the restoration of the original beautiful view of expensive silver jewelry, it is necessary to remember that for silver there are also storage rules. If you observe them, silver products for a long time will look new, shining and clean.

Rules are simple:

  • Do not store and do not wear silver in places with high humidity (beach, swimming pool, sauna).
  • Do not store jewelry near drugs.
  • After removing silver jewelry, it is worth wing with their soft napkin, removing the remnants of the skin fat, sweat, moisture.
  • When storing the product, you should not dump in one pile, you need to gently decompose or cheer the chains, for rings to use cases laid out with a soft suede for seagle - boxes. To store decorations you can purchase a special chest.
  • If some decoration is falling on rarely, it can be wrapped in foil, so contact with air will be excluded.

Silver - noble metal silver and white. Jewelry made of jewelry metal give the appearance of their owners notch freshness. And the presence of the house of utensils from silver is a sign of refinement. Over time, silver is typical of the raid and darken. Why this happens, how to get rid of darkening and prevent falling, we will talk below. Our tips on proper cleaning and storage will help save silver products in excellent condition.

The main thing in the article

Is it possible to clean silver at home?

Silver - quite affordable metal and is very popular. But as if silver did not please their glitter, after some time it darkens. This happens because of:

  • chemical reaction in the interaction of silver ions with hydrogen sulfide, which is present in the air;
  • enhanced environmental humidity;
  • possible low quality silver;
  • strong sweating on the human body and the presence of a large amount of sulfur in the body;
  • use of cosmetics containing sulfur;
  • the use of drugs that contain sulfur;
  • incorrect storage.

Wasteners of noble metal often wondering what cleanse silver is not worse than jewelry cosmetics? There are many ways to solve the problem of darkening. The most important thing is to find suitable.

What do you need to clean silver at home?

Silver houses are easy and pretty fast. Here is a list of funds by which silver will get rid of the unattractive dark plaque:

  • baking soda;
  • ammonia;
  • naming alcohol 10%;
  • salt;
  • lemon acid;
  • pomade;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • toothpaste;
  • foil;
  • water temperature water;
  • liquid soap.

How to clean silver from black at home?

It is enough to dissolve soda in water and boil ordinary decorations and kitchen appliances. And for products that are decorated with organic stones, it is fraught with consequences.

Decorations with stones of natural origin are vulnerable to the effects of solutions with chemical composition, aggressive alkalis and acids. Therefore, their cleaning is better to entrust delicate cosmetics or specialists.

These stones include:

Before starting to clean the silver products at home, make sure the safety of stones as well as the silver itself. Silver products are:

Find out which kind of silver, you can, by documents, which are issued in the store when buying.

Cleansing silver cutlery

In the house where there are silverware and cutlery, probably know how to clean them. And for those who only want to buy a table silver or does not know the rules of care for it, there are several ways to clean up.

  1. With the help of chalk and soft cloth, you can carefully clean the devices from the plaque. Scroll to the powder, and with the help of a cloth, clean the contamination. Rinse in cold water and dry.
  2. The ashes of cigarettes are also able to extort silver. Moisten a soft cloth in the water, apply ash on it and polish the silver table. After the polishing procedure, rinse the instruments in running water.
  3. Water from boiled eggs. Cool water to room temperature and immerse the instruments into water tank. After 20-30 minutes, pull out and wipe the texture with a rag.
  4. Soap combined with ammonia alcohol can cope with the darkening, no worse than previous funds. Pour the liquid soap into the water temperature and add alcohol in the proportion of 10 ml of alcohol per 1000 ml of soap solution. Immerse the devices for 20-30 minutes, then rinse in the stuffing of the jewel in cool water and wipe.

Food soda for cleaning silver at home

Food soda is a unique tool in the fight against pollution of any complexity, whether it is fat or fall. And when it comes to cleaning silver, we must not forget about its effectiveness. To make the solution you need:

  • pan;
  • foil;
  • soda;
  • water.

Dissolve in a saucepan of 10 g of soda on 1/2 l of water. Put a saucepan with a content on the stove and bring to a boil. Put silver products on foil and lower for 15 minutes. After - cool down and wipe the soft napkin.

Soda will clearly clean the darkened silver. But this cleaning is not suitable for all precious metal products. Black, oxidized and silver with enamel can not be cleaned so - they will ruin.

Cleaning silver jewelry

Fragile jewelry requires gentle care. For their cleaning, the means are suitable for more delicate means:

  • Economic soap will perfectly cope with dark pollution. Sittail the household soap on the grater and stir in the water room temperature. Put for 15-20 minutes silver into the solution, after - dried with a woolen cloth.
  • Special equipment for jewelry care copies with their task no worse. Use them is simple and easy, most importantly - follow the instructions.
  • Lipstick and a soft cloth from wool or suede fabric safely clean the chain and a patina, give the product shine and freshness. Find a lipstick product and wipe the napkin.

Special for cleaning of silver jewelry

In addition to the means that are at hand, special liquids are made for cleaning products from silver. They do not have abrasive particles, so do not leave traces and are completely safe for the metal. Means are issued as:

  1. napkins,
  2. sprays
  3. paste
  4. foam
  5. solutions.

The most famous means for silver care:

  • Jewelry cosmetics "Alladin".
  • Set of German cleaners Silbo..
  • Set of jewelry cosmetics "TURMAN" Russian production of Moscow;
  • "Talisman" - Jewelry cosmetics G.Sankt - Petersburg;
  • Silver cleaning agents "Font";
  • Silver care products "TOWN TALK".

Toothpaste for silver cleansing

  • Toothpaste not only cleans the tooth enamel well, but also perfectly copes with silver cleaning. Using a minimum stiffness toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste, clean the contamination. Due to the softness of the abrasive particles, the paste does not spoil the surface of silver. After cleaning, we rinse well the treated surface of silver and wipe with a soft cloth.
  • For a deeper cleaning, add soda to the paste and stir. But such a composition will suit not all silver products. Silver with enamel, oxidized and black can be spoiled due to the content of abrasive particles in Soda.

Screw agents for Silver Cleaning: Lemon Acid, Vinegar, Salt

Most hosts have in the house at hand acetate solution, Lemon Acid and Salt. With the help of these simple ingredients, you can prepare a means for cleaning the darkened and polluted silver.

  1. Make a water bath and put a copper wire there. Then pour citric acid 100 g per 500 ml of water. Bring to a boil and put silver for 15 minutes. After - cool down and wipe with a dry soft cloth with a soft cloth.
  2. Pour in a saucepan 9% vinegar and warm. Put silver for 15 minutes in a preheated vinegar and push the suede cloth or wool cloth.
  3. Stir 5 g of salts in 200 ml of water and put in a ready-made silver solution for 1-2 hours. Then put on the stove and boil on fire for 10-15 minutes. Cool and wipe the soft woolen cloth.

How to clean silver with stones at home?

Silver products are easy to clean, but not all of them can be cleaned with chemicals. Decorations inlaid by stones require special, delicate care.

If the stones of organic origin, it is better to trust the cleaning to specialists or use jewelry cosmetics with a note "for delicate care." The surface of organic stones is sensitive to abrasive and chemical substances, as well as acids.

Silver decorations encrusted with precious and semi-precious stones are cleaned depending on the hardness of the stone, which is measured on a 10-point scale.

  • With stones hardness from 7 units. Decorations clean in a wash solution with a powder for washing or shampoo.
  • Jewels decorated with stones hardness 5-7, should be cleaned in a soap solution so as not to scratch the surface.
  • Products with organic stones Clean simple warm water.
  • Decorations with corals clean, not assisted the same stone.
  • Silver, decorated with pearls and amber, can be mashed in warm soapy water. But it is necessary to polish, not a hustle stone, he must dry on his own.
  • Decorations inlaid Maclomutr, gagat, ivory, petrified wood, ammolite and white, clean soap solution, and wipe with a soft cloth.

Topaz, ruby \u200b\u200band grenades are sensitive to high temperatures and when cleaning in hot water change color. They must be cleaned only in water temperature.

Summer alcohol for cleaning silver with stones: Effective recipes

  1. Dissolve in 100 ml of warm water 10 ml of ammonia alcohol. Lower silver for 15 minutes, and after - wipe the woolen cloth. In case of severe pollution - increase the time, but follow the degree of cleaning.
  2. Stir the ammonia with a dental powder to the porridge mass and apply a soft cloth on the product. Dry, and after - wipe with a dry cloth.
  3. Place the silver products in the undeveloped ammonia alcohol for 10 minutes. After the procedure, wipe the napkin.

How to carefully clean the silver and not spoil it?

Using gear materials, you risks spoil products from precious metal. So that this does not happen, you need to follow some tips:

  • Do not clean the matte silver with abrasive agents and acids, better use liquid soap and water.
  • After cleaning silver with chemicals, treat it with hot water to wash everything.
  • It is necessary to dry the products carefully, it is better not to use right away, but to give to lie down in a dark place for several days to form a protective film.
  • Filigree and black silver clean in liquid solutions to not spoil.
  • Keep silver in foil, each product is separate from each other to protect against oxidation.
  • Cutlery from silver brushes sprays and paste, but in no case in the dishwasher.

How to quickly and effectively clean silver: video

Silver jewelry. Products from a beautiful noble white metal for the first time began to wear egyptians over 5.5 thousand years ago, but today, after millennium, they remain loved by women for their beauty and accessibility. Silver rings, chains, earrings several times cheaper than gold, although in appearance they are almost indistinguishable from white gold jewelry. Silver metal looks perfectly with black clothes or clothing in cold colors. In short, there is something to appreciate bracelets and coulides from it. But the metal has one not very pleasant feature - silver black with time.

How to clean silver?

On the Internet found almost a dozen tips on this topic, up to the recommendation to acquire a special cleaning agent in the department with jewelry decorations. But I was interested in exclusively to the remedies for the silver product of the original purity. Tips I decided to try on my jewelry. The benefit that such a lot has accumulated.

Cleansing silver lemon acid

150 ml of hot water poured into the enamel plate. Put a piece of food foil. The foil is aluminum, which is a silver electroplating pair, and with a chemical reaction in a cleaning solution of sulfur ions, polluting a silver product, must move from decorations on a clean aluminum foil. Added to the water 1 tsp. citric acid.

Lowered silver sprout into the resulting solution.

While stretched behind the camera to capture the transformation of the ring, an almost instantaneous lemon reaction with silver sulfides occurred. As a result, the ring became completely light.

Washed the ring in running water,

dry wiped a towel.

The only thing that was embarrassed is the lack of a beautiful gloss from the metal. But this problem was solved with the help of the stationery. But more on that later.

I note that with the help of citric acid, not all silver decorations can be cleaned: if an amber, a grenade or other natural stone is inserted into the ring, pendant or bracelet, then the product may suffer from the aggressive medium of the cleaning solution. To return the initial type, the decoration will have to choose a more sparing way.

Cleansing silver with a solution of food soda

For the purity of the experiment, I solved one earring to be cleaned in the manner described above, and the second with the help of the soda solution.

I plucked water into the sink with citric acid, poured 150 ml of fresh water, added a teaspoon of soda.

Foil remained in a plate from the previous experiment. As soon as the soda solution boiled, lowered the second earring into it.

The earrings cleared. By comparing the result, I can say: a solution of citric acid and soda solution act equally efficiently.

Silver cleansing with elasty

The usual school beat is able to work wonders: in the process of friction, the plant on the surface of a silver product is removed from the lattern, the dark flare is removed, shine appears.

It was with the knee that was removed to return the grief, cleaned with a solution of citric acid, shine as a new decoration. The only minus method of eliminating black with silver with an eraser is the impossibility of lightening hard-to-reach places.

Silver cleansing lipstick

In the cosmetics of any woman there is a lipstick, which or is not suitable for color, or managed to acquire an unpleasant smell. Having found such a lipstick, I smeared with her silver ring.

Route the surface of the product with a clean soft cloth (the patch of the cloth would be perfect), washed with warm water. The ring was read well, only for chains, carved jewelry or products of complex shape, this method of cleaning is not suitable.

Cleansing silver with a solution of table vinegar

Starting your experiment, in success, I did not doubt: both in citric acid, and the acetic principle of operation is the same. But the experiment is an experiment. I poured 150 ml of water into an enameled bowl, put a piece of foil into it and added 1 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%.

In the acidified water lowered the chain and "best" her moments of two minutes. The chain washed and wiped out.

All decorations made of silver in the house acquired a primordial appearance.

Summing up, I can say: if you think about the question, how to clean the silver chain, bracelet, rings or earrings without stones, then it is the least difficult to do this with a solution of citric acid. Lemon acid does not hit as soda, and does not have a caustic acid of acetic acid. Above jewelry with natural stones will have to get out, leaving the shine with the help of an eraser or lipstick. By the way, I remembered another "Dedovsky" method of cleaning silver: the decorations are well covered and polished with the help of an old toothbrush and chalk (dental powder, toothpaste).

Silver - metal is not so expensive as gold, but beautiful and practical in everyday life. Over time, it dumps and darkens under the influence of moisture and hydrogen sulfide. But it can be cleaned with silver from black at home using a screwdriver. However, methods for cleaning cutlery, jewelry and products with precious stones will be different.

Why darkest silver

Contrary to superstitions, silver darkens not from damage and not from the evil eye. The dark layer on the surface of the noble metal is the result of the interaction of oxygen and sulfur compounds. It causes an oxidative process with the formation of silver sulfide - a thin dark plaque.

Sulfur is part of the human sweat. And if we consider that in stress and certain diseases, we sweat more intensely, it can be said that the darning of a native decoration of silver is an indirect sign that he is not all right. In addition, the sulfur is contained in cosmetics: it can be found as part of ointment, cream, special care products. This chemical element is also present in the atmosphere.

Another problem is sweeping and loss of silver of the initial radiance. This is due to dust, bold plaque after contact with the skin. In many ways, the glitter of silver depends on the storage method. It is best to keep it in a box in plastic bags or foil. If you often wear silver jewelry, try to shoot them before sports workouts, visiting the sauna and bath, as well as before applying cosmetics.

Silver plate

The most suitable way to clean the table silver from black is to boil it in soda with aluminum foil. In this method, you can quickly clear the whole service - provided that the dishes in which you will boil, can accommodate it.

Silver and aluminum make up a galvanic pair, and if they are placed in an alkaline solution, they will be corrosive. Thus, the foil is exempt from the oxide film, which is covered in production, and sulfur ions leave silver and go to aluminum foil. As a result of such a chemical reaction, the darmeted silver spoons, forks and knives acquire the primordial shine and purity.

To clean the devices in this way, put the appropriate sizes on fire, check the bottom of the food foil and pour the soda solution at the rate of 3 hours l. Soda on 450 ml of water. When the water boils, fold to the bottom of the dishes silver. After clarifying cutlery, remove them from the dishes, rinse with clean water and wipe dry. Instead of food soda, it is possible to use powder citric acid about the same proportion.

Decorations without stones

To clean silver from black at home, you can use a standard home arsenal. It includes a household soap, dishwashing detergent, ammonia, dental powder, food soda, hydrogen peroxide and table vinegar.

Economic soap or detergent for dishes are used to remove the fatty film. That, in turn, is formed when sheep decorations. For processing, you can prepare a soap solution from any means, lower the decoration there for 30 minutes, lose a slightly with a sponge, then slide under clean water and dried with a soft cloth. You can also cook soap cleaner. Sattail the chips of the economic soap, spread the small amount of hot water and soak the decorations when the chips will swell. Decorations can be kept in a soap solution from 15 minutes to 10 hours depending on the intensity of pollution.

Naming alcohol, table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide bleach silver. The ammonia is used in different ways. If the contamination is moderate, apply it to a wool napkin and treat it product. If the metal is pretty darkened, prepare a weak aqueous solution of the ammonia (1:10), soak decorations in it for a few minutes and wipe the flannel. Leave products in a solution longer than an hour cannot be. With severe pollution, lower the silver into the undeveloped ammonia alcohol for 15 minutes, then rinse and dry.

To clean the silver at home by vinegar, take a 9% solution and immerse silver things into it for 10 minutes. After wipe the products with a soft cloth. Vinegar helps to eliminate and fall mold.

Hydrogen peroxide copes with a gray-green raid on silver earrings. Drip a small amount directly to pollution and wait until the peroxide stops foaming. Then you can wipe the earrings with a clean cloth. It will also be useful to wipe hydrogen peroxide and ear blades to prevent re-contamination of jewelry.

Food soda and dental powder are brushed at the expense of abrasive properties. They are applied on a cloth or sponge, and then carefully wipe the product. It is not necessary to abuse this method, since scratches can remain on the metal.

Decorations with stones

Clean silver from black is more difficult if the product is inlaid with precious stones. Each stone has its own characteristics of hardness, which can be found using the Mineralogical Moos scale. The method of processing silver needs to be chosen depending on the stone index.

If the stone index on the MOOS scale is below 5, then it can be cleaned only by soap solution and in no case use abrasives. This fragile mineral includes graphite, alert, muscovit, amber, biotit, gagat, chrysocolla, rhodotrozit, fluorite, malachite, coral, pearls.

In addition to hardness, it is necessary to take into account the fact that minerals can change color under adverse conditions. For example, Tophaza cannot be processed in means that contain chlorine, as well as soak in hot water and boil.

The third is an important factor - the method of fastening the stone. If the stone is glued, and not the smeared, then the product cannot be soak. It is permissible only dry cleaning - wiping with a cotton disk, moistened in a particular means.

To clean the silver at home without fear of damaging it, you can purchase professional means for processing jewelry. Such pastes, for example, are sold under the brands "Alladin", Silbo, Talisman. As a rule, such funds effectively believes and do not damage precious and semi-precious stones. A small amount applines on a soft napkin or cotton swab (for hard-to-reach places, take a cotton wand or a soft brush), gently and without efforts, cover the tool, then remove the excess and polish the product with a napkin to the mirror gloss. The finish stage, the product needs to be rinsed with water with a gentle detergent, dry and only after that use.

Clean silver from black at home is easy. To do this, you can use both breeding agents, and professional pastes. But if you doubt that you can cope with the task yourself, or if we are talking about expensive and status items, it is better to use the services of a jeweler.

Silver - Beautiful, practical metal. Silver decorations, compared to gold, inexpensive, and look very impressive. However, silver has one significant disadvantage: when contacting with skin and air, the metal is quickly oxidized, becomes dim and black. Lovers of silver jewelry should take note of several ways, how to clean silver from blackTo again and again catch admiring glances!

Recipe with soda

From a piece of foil make a plate. Foil is a very supportive material, and this will not be completely difficult. You can hardly try, the main thing is that the tank has high edges.

In such a plate lay 1 tbsp. Salt spoon and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of soda, poured a little warm water. The solution is lowered blackened silver for 30 minutes. In the end, it remains to wash the product in clean water. Judging by the reviews, this method is the easiest and efficient!

Recipe with potatoes

Do not pour water in which potatoes were cooked. Pour a bit of ragger into a glass container, throw a piece of foil and silver earrings there. 5 minutes enough for silver cleanse from black. The crude potatoes act similarly: several slices are lowered into water together with silver objects for 2-3 hours, and then washed in clean water.

Recipe with citric acid

In 200 ml of warm water, 1 tsp. A spoon of lemonic acid powder or lemon half juice. In such a solution, it is good to clean silver cutlery.

Recipe with ammonia alcohol

100 ml of boiled water pour into a jar with a spinning lid. Add 1 tbsp. Spoon of ammonic alcohol and 1 tbsp. Spoon detergent for dishes. Mix well., Lower silver into solution chain or ring And spin the lid. Already after 5 minutes you can see the result. The method is good in that it does not require mechanical exposure - you do not need to rub. At completion of cleaning, the product of silver is washed in clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide + ammonia alcohol

Both ingredients are mixed 1: 1 in a bottle or a jar with a twisting lid. Close and shackle. Open again and thrust a silver chain into solution. You can hear hiss - it means the reaction went. Couples are enough for silver completely cleared of black. The solution becomes black, and silver glitters. Products are washed in clean water and dry the dry cloth. The method is effective and cheap, but has a number of flaws: a strong smell and the fact that it is still chemicals. Scary ... However, the Internet users are praising.

Attention! Hydrogen peroxide brightening products only from pure silver. But if other metals are included in the alloy, the reaction will be reverse! Silver will still turn around. Therefore, we would recommend referring to cleaning peroxide with caution. But if you really want to try, it is better to first on the inside of the ring. And for products with stones, the method is completely contraindicated.

Is it possible to clean silver with stones?

During cleaning, some precious and semi-precious stones can hang out, buy a matte tint, so it is worth cleaning with caution. It is best to trust the professionals in this case and pass the decoration for cleaning in the jewelry workshop. Alternatively, moisten a piece of soft tissue in one of the listed solutions and wipe only silver rim ring without affecting the stone.

Many hosts are easier to purchase a jar with a special cleaning agent for silver. The right decision! The special composition will not only clean the silver from black, but also covers the protective layer.

Do not be discouraged if, after cleaning on the product of silver, a black cut remained. It happens the so-called scrambled silver (especially on cutlery devices and church crosses), it is not cleansed by even the most strong means. This is normal.