We answer a banal question. How is a bath useful for the human body? Bath. Useful properties of the bath. Rules of conduct in the bath

The benefits of a bath for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have been proven not only by a centuries-old tradition, but also by the conclusions of scientists. But in order to achieve maximum success from this procedure, you should know what it is for and how to properly carry it out.

The beauty of the Russian bath lies in the fact that, thanks to its special ritual, it gently affects the body. So, it is in the Russian bath, where the temperature, as a rule, should not rise above 80 degrees, and the humidity is 100%, it is theoretically impossible to thermally damage both the skin and the delicate respiratory organs. However, there are truly feminine advantages of the Russian bath.

What are the benefits of a bath for the female body? The first and main thing is gynecological health, or rather, the prevention of colds of the reproductive system.

The second significant factor justifying the benefits of a bath for the health of a beautiful lady is the strengthening of blood vessels and, of course, the cardiac system.

The third, although in most cases it is indicated first, is a cosmetic factor. After a single visit to the Russian bath, the skin is noticeably transformed, and with subsequent ones, subject to the correct procedure in the steam room and after it, a slow, stable weight loss.

And last, but not least, the fourth factor is the calming effect on the psychosomatic system. Even simply relaxing on a shelf in a steam room guarantees the same effect that sedative pharmaceuticals can provide, with the only exception that the bath, provided that the procedures in it are performed correctly, do not have side effects.

How is the maximum benefit for the woman's body achieved?

In order for the bath to bring only benefits, you should visit your attending physician before visiting it in order to exclude the following contraindications:

  • pressure anomalies, especially high ones - with them, going to the bathhouse can turn into a faint at best;
  • the presence of heart disease;
  • detection or treatment of gynecological diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases;
  • the presence of tumors of any type;
  • viral diseases respiratory system in the nascent or peak stage. Here it should be noted that the Russian bath, the health benefits of which have been proven in terms of an additional method of treating acute respiratory viral infections, is allowed only in the recovery stage and only under the supervision of a doctor.

If the supervising doctor has approved a visit to the bathhouse, then you should first purchase a personal set of things. These include a bathrobe, a towel, a cloth cap, rubber slippers and a rug, your own broom and tub for soaking it, massage brushes. Of course, this set can also be provided in the bath, but to get the maximum benefit for women's health, it is better to purchase your own set.

The procedure itself goes as follows. Before starting bath manipulations, it is worth taking a warm shower. After that, a beautiful lady can afford to go into a warm dressing room heated to 40 degrees for 5 minutes. Then, in visits for 8 minutes, they visit the main room with a temperature of about 80 degrees. Then you can carry out the massage procedure with a broom or just steam. At the end, you should take a cool shower and be sure to drink natural, unreconstituted juices or warm green tea.

After the procedure, the result is almost immediately noticeable, which is guaranteed by the advocates of the theory of the benefits of the bath: the skin relief is evened out, and it itself takes on a healthier appearance, muscle tension is relieved, and the silhouette of the body itself looks much more attractive than before the procedure. Yes, and the mood is significantly improved, which is an excellent remedy for the effects of stress.

Read also: How to protect your eyes in a solarium?

About the benefits of a bath for weight loss

Particularly ardent adherents of the bath as an excellent means of losing weight argue that only one trip can ensure the loss of almost two kilograms. The statement is controversial, because weight loss in this case is due to partial dehydration of the body, which means that in the coming days the lost kilograms will return.

But to get a stable, albeit very slow result, you should be patient and visit the bath regularly. Why do it? There are plenty of evidence. It is worth starting with the fact that while in the steam room, harmful pollutants are removed from the pores along with sweat, and, consequently, the skin begins to receive more oxygen. The latter, entering the bloodstream, provides active blood circulation, and, therefore, the activation of all body systems, including metabolism. As a result, a one-time visit to the Russian bath can replace one visit to the gym, at least according to scientists.

As you can see, the benefits of a bath for women in terms of weight loss are very significant. It's just worth mentioning that it is not recommended to additionally use folk remedies to "dry" the body, as is often done in women's communities. Yes, the result in this case will not be a loss of a kilogram or two, but much more. But is it worth it if, at the same time, the vital organs are simultaneously deprived of most of the fluid necessary for their activity?

Bath is a wonderful place where many people go with great pleasure - families or friendly companies, just on a day off or to celebrate a solemn event. Why is a bath so useful that this procedure has been popular since ancient times to this day? In fact, the merits of a real Russian bath can hardly be overestimated. Taking a bath or shower will never give the same feeling of lightness, cleanliness and renewal as visiting a steam room. The bath, of course, is useful for both physical and moral health, it is a great place to pay attention to yourself and your body, improve your health and improve your mood.

In order for the effect of the procedures to be maximum, it is worth visiting the bath about once a week. For hygiene purposes, you should take rubber slippers or slates, a bath mat on a bench and a personal basin with you. In order not to spoil the hair and not overheat the head, it will not be superfluous to purchase a special hat.

Note! Before entering the steam room, you should stand under a warm shower for a while or sit in the dressing room to warm up the body.

All about beneficial properties

Useful properties of the bath are in its effect on almost all organs and systems of the human body. It wonderfully restores and hardens the body, helps in improving immunity and thermoregulation.

First of all, you should visit the bathhouse at the first sign of a cold. The main thing is to sweat well in the steam room - in a well-steamed, hot bath, most of the pathogenic bacteria die, not only on the skin, but also in the internal organs. And if you splash eucalyptus, fir or birch infusion on hot stones, the rising steam will help clear your throat and nose.

Note! Bath procedures, due to the warming effect, are generally very useful for the respiratory system, which smokers should pay attention to.

With proper use of the bath, chronic respiratory diseases are alleviated, and in some cases even cured. In the steam room, be sure to use a broom - it pumps even more hot air, medicinal substances, evaporating from the leaves, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, and essential oils improve metabolism.

In addition, the bath is great for rheumatism, sciatica and other joint or muscle pain. Bath procedures are very useful for those who go in for sports, hard work, and experience high physical exertion. Bath as a whole improves the protective and adaptive capabilities of the body. It is useful to take a steam bath with sprains and dislocations, the bath helps the body in the regeneration of muscle tissues, dissolves salts deposited in the joints and warms up diseased bones.

The bath has a wonderful effect on the heart and blood vessels, improves physical performance. When alternating high and low temperatures, the heart muscle is strengthened, which reduces the risk of a heart attack.

Note! Heart patients should always consult a doctor before going to the bath.

Bath steam improves blood circulation, because capillaries and blood vessels begin to work better, saturating the body with oxygen and nutrients: blood stagnation is eliminated and excess cholesterol is removed that settles on the walls of blood vessels.

Due to increased sweating, various toxins and slags are removed from the body in the bath, edema is reduced due to the unloading of the kidneys, and the effect lasts up to six hours after visiting the steam room. However, you should be careful - in order to avoid salt imbalance, you should not bathe after intense exercise associated with increased sweating.

Contrasting douches in the bath have a positive effect on the digestive system and intestines, and also contribute to weight loss.

A good bath is also good for the health of the psyche. Many, leaving the steam room, feel refreshed and rested, as if born again. This is due to the fact that while in a heated bath, blood flow to the brain weakens, which leads to a decrease in emotional activity and mental relaxation of the body. Headache and excessive nervousness disappear, unpleasant thoughts disappear, mood improves. That is why it is good to visit the bathhouse on the weekends - it perfectly eliminates the stress that has accumulated during the working week. It is very useful during the steam room to give an infusion of valerian, mint or motherwort on hot stones - they perfectly relieve nervous tension and promote restful sleep. However, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, for example, if you stay in an overheated bath for too long, your health, on the contrary, may worsen - there will be a feeling of anxiety, fear, general weakness, sleep will deteriorate and appetite will decrease.

In the fight for beauty

And, of course, the bath is very useful for the skin. Cosmetics and polluted air have a very bad effect on her condition. At home, the skin is cleaned only superficially. However, in the bath, the pores open up, helping the skin to cleanse itself of toxins, old dirt and harmful substances. The rush of blood to the surface of the skin helps it recover, in addition, the work of the hair follicles improves, better. Bath heat kills pathogenic bacteria on the body. In addition, it is very good to walk on steamed skin with a broom, such as birch or oak. This will help improve the condition of inflamed skin, and with regular use, even relieve sweating. In addition, when using a broom, the entire skin is massaged, and the essential oils that are released from the leaves at this time improve metabolism, saturate the skin with useful substances, regenerate and disinfect it. With the help of a broom and hot steam, the dead layer of the skin is removed, it begins to breathe and rejuvenates from the inside, it becomes firm and elastic, regardless of skin type. For example, oily skin dries out a little, while dry skin, on the contrary, receives the nutrition and hydration it needs.

Thanks to a kind of "training" of the skin, the bath perfectly helps to fight the appearance of wrinkles and regulates the sebaceous glands. To strengthen the vessels after the steam room, it is good to douse with cool water. It will also have a positive effect on the scalp. Most importantly, be sure to wash yourself after visiting the steam room, otherwise all harmful substances will penetrate back into the skin. In general, while the skin is steamed, it is perfectly ready for various cosmetic procedures, which is very important for a woman. You can purchase special bath gloves, massage brushes and heel graters, apply a variety of scrubs and masks, both purchased and homemade. By the way, anti-cellulite wraps and creams work great in the steam room. Hair, and the body, can be rinsed with water left over from steaming the broom for a better effect.

Note! Due to the improvement of metabolism, the removal of excess fluid from the body and a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, bath procedures help to lose weight and correct the figure.

In general, visiting a steam room is useful for the female genitourinary system - a bath improves health after miscarriages and abortions, with violations of the uterus and ovaries, and other gynecological diseases. However, there are contraindications - for example, after recent operations, childbirth or in acute inflammatory processes. Before visiting the bath, be sure to consult a doctor. The bath very well alleviates the condition with menopause, removing the physical and moral disorders associated with it.

Also, the bath is useful for young girls, because with regular visits to the bath, the ligaments become more elastic, which will help during childbirth, and those who have already given birth improve lactation and relieve nervous tension. For pregnant women, a bath is useful in that it reduces swelling and improves blood circulation.

Of course, the bath is also useful for men. In addition to relieving tension and relieving pain in muscles and joints after heavy physical exertion, bath procedures perfectly help to harden and strengthen the male body. Also, the bath has a positive effect on male potency, treats diseases of the genitourinary system and fights premature ejaculation. Most importantly, do not overdo it, because high temperatures adversely affect male reproductive ability.

Hello dear girls! Tell me, how often do you visit the bathhouse? Do you find this action useful? The Russian bath is known far beyond its borders. For an illiterate attendant, a visit to a steam room looks like this: undressed, washed, steamed, drank kvass, steamed again, felt bad - dressed and left. How to bathe properly so that it brings health benefits?

A girl who regularly visits a bathhouse can be distinguished by her appearance. How? The steam room tones the skin, promotes weight loss, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. But, and that's not all. After the bath, you can confidently expect the following effect:

  • the skin is cleansed of bacteria;
  • the epidermis is renewed, dead particles are exfoliated;
  • a healthy blush appears on the face due to the expansion of blood vessels;
  • sweat glands are cleared of the remnants of detergents and deodorant;
  • fat masses begin to break down, harmful cholesterol (one of the provocateurs of atherosclerosis) leaves the body;
  • vessels are strengthened due to a sharp temperature drop;
  • tissues are actively saturated with oxygen;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • muscle relaxation occurs due to the release of lactic acid.

The steam room is recommended for people with sore joints. One hour spent in the bath is enough for the aching pains to disappear the next day. Doctors recommend combining bath and massage for patients with limited mobility. Heat, oddly enough, normalizes the work of the heart, improves blood circulation, increases the number of red blood cells in the blood.

Features of the baths of the world

Are all baths equally beneficial to health? Is it possible to get the same effect from a Russian bath and a Finnish one? Let's look at the features of each of the world baths.

Russian bath

Such a bath is characterized by high temperatures and low humidity (while in a Finnish bath - on the contrary). The temperature in the steam room is 70 degrees Celsius. Doctors advise visiting Russian baths with light steam, which is formed as a result of applying heat to hot stones. In this case, water evaporates into small dispersed particles, which allows you to breathe comfortably and stay in the bath.

If water is supplied to hot stones, then the evaporation process is slow. And this means that you cannot stay in such a steam room for more than 1 minute. Heavy steam is harmful to the operation of the upper respiratory tract.
It is best for inexperienced attendants to take the lower shelf, as all the heat rises to the ceiling and focuses on the upper deck chairs. On average, you can stay in the steam room for no more than 10 minutes: anything less will not have a healing effect, and more is harmful.

After the Russian bath, you must definitely plunge into cold water. A sharp temperature drop is a good shake for the cardiovascular system.

Finnish sauna

The microclimate of the Finnish sauna is far from suitable for everyone, as it is hot and dry here (temperature up to 120 degrees, and humidity up to 10%). Usually, a steam room of this type is visited for intensive warming up. Beginning bathers are recommended to spend up to 5 minutes in such a room, taking a break between visits of 20 minutes.


The Turkish hammam is rather not a bath in its traditional sense, but a hygienic procedure. The temperature in the hammam does not rise above 30-50 degrees. In this case, the humidity exceeds 80%. In such a bath you will not find traditional wooden deck chairs and brooms.

Decor elements are made of marble, mosaics, and the logical conclusion is the dome instead of the ceiling. The condensate in the hammam flows down the walls, and does not drip directly onto the body, which is an unusual phenomenon for a Russian bathhouse attendant.

Japanese Ofuro

The Japanese bath is presented in the form of 2 barrels of water, in one of which the temperature is 35 degrees, in the other - 50 ° C. At the bottom of each barrel there is a heating stove, on which you need to sit down.

How to steam properly?

If you decide to visit a bath for recovery, then I recommend starting with a traditional Russian steam room. Here, the ideal temperature difference and humidity are observed, which will allow you to comfortably transfer the procedure.

Before entering the steam room, you need to take a relaxing hot shower. In no case do not wet your head, otherwise you risk getting a heat stroke. After - wipe yourself dry and go to the steam room.

The first call should be small - 5 minutes. Then abruptly pour a container of cold water over yourself or plunge into the pool and drink a glass of clean water. During the next visit, you can apply cleansing masks to the skin of the face and body or do an anti-cellulite massage. On wooden shelves, you can drip essential oils of cedar, orange, juniper or a decoction of herbs - this will enhance the healing effect of the bath.

You need to steam in the supine position so that the heat evenly warms the whole body. It is better to start from the lower shelves, where the air temperature is about 30-40 ° C and gradually move to the upper ones, where the heat reaches the limit.

Bath contraindications

You can go to the bathhouse with a runny nose or bronchitis, but you can’t go to the bath at a high temperature, otherwise the inflammatory process will intensify. It is strictly forbidden to visit the steam room for persons with cardiovascular and neurological diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia.

Refuse the bath if you have recently undergone surgery, as the risk of thrombosis and bleeding is high. Remember that high temperatures help reduce urine production, which means that people with urolithiasis are not allowed to enter the steam room.

Sauna is a real medicine for those who want to improve their skin condition, normalize the functioning of the respiratory tract, get rid of joint problems and lose weight. But, like any medicine, the steam room has a dosage - no more than 5 minutes in one go.

It is in the steam room, and not in the cosmetologist's office, that it is better to do face masks, anti-cellulite massage and body wraps. Under the influence of high temperatures and humidity, the pores on the skin open, which improves the absorption of nutrients from cosmetics.

Dear girls, share your bath experience in the comments! How often do you visit a bathhouse, which one do you prefer and what cosmetic procedures do you usually do in a steam room? Don't forget to subscribe to the blog so you don't miss new articles.

See you soon!

Once having been in the bath, many become adherents of visiting the steam room. After all, it is not for nothing that the saying has taken root among the people since epic times - "Whoever bathes in a bathhouse does not grow old for a long time."

And in fact, a visit to the bath helps to improve health, get rid of various colds, improve skin condition, boost immunity and get in a good mood.

Let's find out in more detail why a bath is so useful for women, what recommendations should be followed when visiting it, and what are the contraindications to a bath.

Benefit for health

You can go to the bath for the elderly, and pregnant women, and children - there are no contraindications to visiting it by age. There are only some health contraindications. Read about below.

Increased immunity with regular visits to the steam room allows women to get sick less, and improved blood flow stimulates the cardiovascular system, improving blood supply to all organs and tissues of our body.

A visit to the bath is especially useful for women who monitor the health and beauty of their skin. After the steam room, an unusual feeling of cleanliness is noted. Steamed pores open, releasing from the body, accumulated toxins and toxins that enter with polluted air and poison our lives in the literal sense of the word.

The skin becomes soft and velvety. Hot steam stimulates blood circulation in subcutaneous capillaries and improves lymphatic drainage. Under the influence of massage, aromatherapy and hot air, metabolic processes and skin cell regeneration improve. In the bath, the skin is cleansed of dead cells and cellular decay products that cover our skin with an invisible layer that interferes with skin respiration and the restoration of normal metabolism.

Under the influence of bath procedures, elastin begins to be better produced, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin - wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes more elastic. She has a beautiful healthy color.

Using a scrub to cleanse the skin

To enhance the effect of skin cleansing, cosmetologists recommend using various scrubs, which can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently.

There are many different recipes for making a scrub to cleanse the skin, but perhaps the most popular scrub is ground coffee. In this case, you can use both freshly ground coffee and sleeping.

Many believe that freshly ground coffee has a stronger positive effect, as it contains more nutrients that have not been exposed to boiling water during brewing.

In general, it doesn’t matter which coffee to use - asleep or freshly ground. The main thing is to use it regularly and thoroughly cleanse the skin every time you visit the steam room.

In order to cleanse the skin with a scrub, you need to take 3 teaspoons of ground coffee, 3 teaspoons of shower gel, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and 2-3 drops essential oil for a delicious flavor.

The finished scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

You can watch a video on how to make a coffee scrub below:

Bath against cellulite

Regular visits to the bath can effectively fight cellulite. As you know, cellulite is not at all deposits of subcutaneous fat, as many mistakenly believe. Both thin and full women are equally prone to the appearance of cellulite.

Its appearance is due to a violation of microcirculation in the subcutaneous vessels. Clogged with waste products, various kinds of pollution that enter the body, they can no longer freely pass blood and lymph, which cleanse and supply the subcutaneous tissues with nutrients.

Excess weight and the presence of subcutaneous deposits increase the likelihood of blockage of microscopic vessels under the skin. Therefore, more often cellulite can be seen in overweight people. Cellulite is especially pronounced on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. It also contributes to its appearance malnutrition, lack of physical activity, smoking.

High temperature, a broom and massage help to break up the resulting congestion and normalize skin regeneration processes and improve microcirculation in the subcutaneous space, smoothing out the ugly orange peel.

Benefits of a steam bath to relax muscles

For women leading an active lifestyle, a bath will be useful for relaxing muscles, allowing you to quickly restore strength after physical exertion. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what these loads will be caused by - work, activities with children or a visit to a fitness center.

You can enhance the effect of relaxation with the help of a massage, which is done after the body is completely warmed up under the influence of the hot air of the steam room.

Massage for women is somewhat different from massage for men due to some physiological differences. So, for example, a woman should not massage her breasts. It is also not recommended to expose the lower abdomen to any manual effect.

Mood improvement

One of the main advantages of visiting the bath is, of course, its psycho-emotional impact on the female body. After the bath, many women notice an improvement in mood. Experiences seem to recede into the background.

The body is filled with energy and there is a feeling that we can handle everything, and the existing problems no longer seem insoluble.

Reducing excess weight

An equally significant advantage of visiting a bath for women is the ability to get rid of extra pounds, which no, no, and yes, they appear, especially after a holiday or weekend.

With sweat, not only excess fluid leaves the body, which in itself is wonderful - the load on the joints decreases, swelling decreases, but also the pollution accumulated in the body comes out.

If you stopped sweating while visiting the steam room, it means that you overheated and you need to leave the steam room and plunge into the pool. In general, it is recommended to take such breaks every 5-7 minutes. Then the body will receive a balanced load and the positive effect of visiting the bath will be more noticeable.

Before entering the steam room, it is recommended to drink green tea, and in between it is best to drink a cup of tea with honey or raspberries to increase perspiration. After the steam room, you should drink tea, in which dried fruits were added during brewing. This will restore useful substances and trace elements that have left our body with sweat.

What temperature should be in the bath?

Despite the fact that someone likes it hot, you should not chase an excessively high temperature when visiting a bath. A temperature of 80 degrees is considered the most comfortable for the body.

At this temperature, all tissues and internal organs warm up well, but there is no thermal burn, which is especially dangerous for the respiratory system.

Therefore, when entering the steam room, make sure that the air temperature is close to optimal. To do this, place a thermometer in a visible place in the steam room, which will show you how warm the air is.

You will learn: Is it harmful to go to the bath during pregnancy? In what trimesters is it safer to visit the bath? How to visit the bath during pregnancy?

How many times a week should you go to the bath?

Sometimes the question arises - how often do you need to go to the bath to get the maximum benefit? Someone thinks that the more often the better, and someone goes once a month.

In general, it is quite enough to visit the bath once a week. The main thing is regularity. If you do not miss a weekly visit to the steam room, you will soon notice all the benefits of the bath on the body.

To learn more about the benefits of a bath for women, we recommend watching the video below:

Bath contraindications

By consulting a doctor, you can get recommendations on which scheme of visiting the bath is better to follow in each case. To do this, you can contact a reflexologist. But not everyone will benefit from a bath. In some cases, it is better to refrain from visiting the steam room.

Contraindications to visiting the bath are:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • oncological diseases;
  • exacerbation of hypertension and hypertension stage I and II;
  • heart failure;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • epilepsy;
  • Parkinson's disease.

It is also strictly forbidden to visit the bath after drinking alcohol.

As you can see, visiting the bath is very beneficial for women's health. Therefore, be sure to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to improve your well-being.

For our difficult climate, a bath is considered the best way to relax, warm up and relax with friends. But is the bath good for health?

Hot steam has both health-improving and sanitary-hygienic functions. Recently, the traditions of the Russian wood-fired bath are being revived. This is a place where you can take a steam bath with oak, birch, maple brooms or other tree species at any convenient time.

What is the benefit of the Russian bath?

Let's see if it is useful to bathe in the bath? When a person is in the steam room, his skin temperature rises. After a short period of time, perspiration begins, therefore, the skin gradually cools. But the temperature of the internal organs at this time rises - up to 39 degrees Celsius. As a result, viruses die, metabolic processes are activated.

In addition, the bath is an impeccable tool for the prevention of kidney diseases and the normalization of pressure. Now you know how a Russian bath is useful, but you still need to figure out additional attributes and their meaning.

The meaning of a broom

Harvested from different types of wood, brooms have a different healing effect. Let's consider different options:

  • a cherry broom is an ideal massage tool, it is characterized by softness;
  • nettle and birch - a great way to remove accumulated fatigue, such brooms remarkably strengthen the body and tone the skin;
  • maple broom is a wonderful antiseptic that anesthetizes and tones well;
  • hazel - recommended for use by people suffering from skin diseases and varicose veins;
  • from wormwood broom - proven useful for deviations associated with the digestive organs;
  • bird cherry - has a pleasant delicate aroma and maximum bactericidal ability;
  • ash broom is an ideal remedy for diseases of the joints (rheumatism and arthritis), it helps well in the fight against colds.

What is the correct bath procedure?

First of all, the room is ventilated. The stones are poured with hot water, after which it is necessary to wait for some time in the dressing room. At this time, you can start preparing brooms: to straighten the leaves, soak them in cool water. Before entering the steam room, we dip the broom into hot water, which we then pour onto the stones. Thus, the room acquires a pleasant aroma.

You can’t go into the steam room for a long time right away. Better - several, but shorter visits. Connoisseurs recommend bathing in special hats.

Splashing water on hot stones must be done carefully so that there is no excess steam.

To enhance the effect of the Russian bath, you can prepare special formulations based on birch sap, kvass, decoction of mustard, needles, chamomile, birch. You can also prepare ointments from tar, horseradish, radish or turpentine. It will not be superfluous to brew tea with medicinal herbs, like mint, fireweed, chamomile, raspberries, currants.

The Russian bath is a cleansing not only of the body, but also of the soul. But in order to understand this, you first need to steam well. If you are a novice bath attendant, then consult with experts for maximum health benefits.