How are the organs located during pregnancy. Pregnancy. Signs and course of pregnancy. The body of a pregnant woman. From the respiratory system

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman, during which constant changes occur. These changes are both external and internal.

As for external changes, their appearance, as a rule, does not raise any special questions. These are, first of all, such obvious signs as the rounding of the forms of the expectant mother, pigmentation on the skin, the discharge of colostrum from the breast on later dates.

And here internal processes hidden from our eyes. Therefore, noticing any physiological or mental changes in herself, the expectant mother is worried whether everything is going well with her and the baby.

Indeed, a lot of questions arise. Why does mood change quickly? Why did you start going to the toilet more often? Why did such unpleasant phenomena as heartburn, shortness of breath, swelling appear? Etc…

To begin with, emotional instability is normal condition during pregnancy. Future mothers - they are, they will always find a reason to worry. Even if it is difficult to find such a reason. And we will talk about this today too.

In this article, you will find out what is special emotional condition pregnant women, accompanied by anxiety and fears, is the result of hormonal changes.

You will also find here information on how an already realized pregnancy affects the female body.

Changes in the female body during pregnancy:

On the part of the cardiovascular system

The volume of circulating blood increases to provide blood flow for two organisms. This increased volume is much more difficult for the heart to pump. For this reason, the heart muscle thickens slightly. The heart rate also increases slightly.

Due to an increase in blood volume and special hormonal changes, venous outflow from lower limbs difficult. In this regard, varicose veins so often develop in pregnant women.

Blood pressure in the early stages, as a rule, decreases moderately. In later stages, many women have a tendency to high blood pressure. This is due to the physiological thickening of the blood and the action of hormones that prepare the female body for childbirth.

Thickening of blood and an increase in vascular tone is a protective reaction of the female body, prevention of massive bleeding during childbirth. Thanks to such processes, in the female body with blood loss during childbirth, the vessels react sharply with spasm.

The blood in the damaged vessel quickly coagulates, forming a blood clot. The blood clot clogs the site of damage to the blood vessel. Thus, blood loss will be minimal.

The blood supply not only to the uterus is enhanced, but also to all organs of the small pelvis. Therefore, so often in pregnant women, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are exacerbated even in the early stages.

From the respiratory system

In order to provide oxygen to mother and child, the woman's respiratory system also undergoes changes during pregnancy. The diaphragm rises due to the enlarged uterus. Due to this, the volume of the chest decreases.

The lungs become cramped in the chest, they cannot fully straighten with a deep breath. To solve these problems, the respiratory center in the brain instructs to breathe more often. As a result, breathing becomes more frequent.

The woman becomes more sensitive to the lack of oxygen. Therefore, many pregnant women cannot stay in stuffy, hot rooms, public transport.

In the later stages, shortness of breath is often worried. It appears by increasing the load on the heart and lungs. By increasing the frequency and depth of breathing, the mother's body tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Everything is done so that your baby does not need anything.

From the digestive system

In the first trimester, as a rule, women are worried about toxicosis. The severity of its manifestations is individual. Someone notes nausea only in the morning. Someone suffers from nausea around the clock. Someone is worried about both nausea and vomiting. And many do not experience such symptoms at all.

Toxicosis occurs due to the temporary poisoning of the mother's body with the baby's metabolic products. Most often, the symptoms of toxicosis end after the first three months of pregnancy, when the placenta begins to fully function. In the future, it will be she who will be responsible for the metabolism between mother and child.

Sometimes expectant mothers develop a perversion of taste. For example, you want to eat something inedible (chalk, clay, soap). This condition most often indicates an acute shortage of some substances in the maternal body. Therefore, it is imperative to tell the attending physician about such a situation.

Another frequent symptom Accompanying pregnancy is heartburn. Due to the change in the position of the stomach in the abdominal cavity due to the enlarged uterus, the acidic contents of the stomach are often thrown into the esophagus. The acid irritates the walls of the esophagus, and this causes painful sensations in the sternum.

Alkaline drinks, such as milk, will help to cope with this problem. Why will it partly help? Because the main reason - a change in the position of the stomach of a pregnant woman - cannot be corrected.

In order to suffer less from heartburn, it is important for the expectant mother not to take horizontal position immediately after meals and take food at least two hours before bedtime.

On the part of the skeletal system

The child is growing rapidly, he needs more and more resources for growth and development. And nature is so laid down that the baby will take everything he needs from the mother's body.

Moreover, if nutrients, vitamins and microelements are supplied in insufficient quantities, then the resources of the mother's body will be used for the development of the crumbs.

For example, with a lack of calcium, bone density (initial osteoporotic changes) in a woman's body decreases. Therefore, so often, future and successful mothers have problems with their teeth.

Due to the increase in the mass and size of the uterus, the center of gravity in expectant mothers is shifting. Thereby vertebral column straightens, and the lumbar lordosis (the bend of the spine facing the abdomen) deepens. Many people notice that the gait of pregnant women changes, becomes more important. It is also called "proud gait".

Connective tissue of ligaments, cartilage, pelvic bones loosens. This effect is exerted by hormones secreted by the placenta (relaxin, progesterone). Thanks to their action, the mobility of the sacral joints and symphysis increases. The pelvic bones are slightly parted.

This is how the body of the future mother prepares for childbirth. Thanks to such changes, the baby's head passes through the birth canal more easily during childbirth.

From the endocrine system

Pregnancy is rightfully considered a serious hormonal surge in a woman's life. You will be surprised how many processes in a woman's body are regulated by hormones.

Without the proper hormonal background, pregnancy itself cannot occur. And preparation for childbirth is carried out thanks to the action of hormones. Subsequent breastfeeding after childbirth is also impossible without a certain hormonal background.

So, first things first.

During pregnancy, the pituitary gland increases its activity. This is the part of the brain responsible for the activity of all endocrine glands. He begins to work more actively.

In the pituitary gland, the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which regulate hormonal work sex glands. In this regard, the process of maturation of new follicles in the ovary stops and ovulation does not occur.

During pregnancy, the hormone prolactin is actively produced in the pituitary gland in the same place. It is he who prepares the mammary gland for further breastfeeding.

The result of its action can be seen already in the early stages of pregnancy. The breast actively increases in size, becomes sensitive, especially in the nipple area.

With the onset of pregnancy, a new one begins to function endocrine organ- corpus luteum of the ovary. He is responsible for the production of progesterone. It is the main hormone of pregnancy, which is responsible for the implantation of the embryo, for its retention and preservation.

Closer to 14-16 weeks, the placenta takes over the function of producing progesterone.

Hormones are actively produced thyroid gland, which actively affect all metabolic processes of both the mother and the fetus. Itself thyroid increases in size during pregnancy.

The lack of her hormones can lead to a violation of the formation of the baby's brain. And their excess can provoke early termination of pregnancy.

The parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, and pancreas are also actively involved in the work.

A very important hormone, oxytocin, is produced in the hypothalamus (the subtropical region of the diencephalon). From the hypothalamus, it enters the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and from there begins its work.

The peak concentration of oxytocin reaches at a later date. It is he who is responsible for the beginning generic activity, contraction of the uterus during labor and stimulation of milk secretion from the mammary glands.

From the urinary system

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother's load on the kidneys increases. Since the kidneys are a filtering organ, they are responsible for purifying the blood from metabolic products from both the mother and the fetus.

Due to the increasing size of the uterus and under the influence of a certain hormonal background, the walls of the ureters and Bladder relax and feel constant pressure. All this leads to greater urinary retention in the urinary organs.

In turn, this is a significant risk of the formation of infections. urinary tract... This is why pregnant women so often have to monitor their urine tests.

In women expecting a baby, the urge to urinate is noticeably more frequent. All for the same reason, due to the compression of the bladder by the pregnant uterus. But the relaxed walls of the bladder can no longer fully contract, as before pregnancy. Therefore, the residual volume of urine in it after urination is greater than that of a non-pregnant woman.

Due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, fluid retention and an increase in the concentration of sodium ions in the body under the influence of hormonal levels, physiological edema appears.

Additionally, the following factors can provoke the appearance of edema: an excess of table salt in food future mother (salt- this is NaCl, that is, Na + ions), physical activity, heat.

Edema can be physiological (a manifestation of the norm) or pathological. The difference between physiological edema and pathological edema is that with the exclusion of provoking factors, physiological edema disappears.

For better work renal doctors advise women to rest on their left side. This facilitates the flow of urine through the ureters into the bladder, thereby making it easier for the kidneys to function.

From the immune system

With the onset of pregnancy, women undergo a restructuring immune system... Such a restructuring is necessary to ensure the preservation of pregnancy and the normal development of the baby.

The fetus has the genetic material of the child's father, which is initially recognized by the mother's immune system as foreign and potentially harmful. Temporary changes immediately after the onset of pregnancy allow the mother's body not to trigger the immune processes of embryo rejection.

The restructuring of the immune system in the direction of "dulling vigilance" does not act selectively. Immunity is declining across the board. This can provoke an exacerbation of any chronic diseases of the expectant mother.

Against the background of a decrease in the body's immune defense, pathogens "crawl out of hiding" and activate, which previously "quietly sat in ambush" in the form chronic infection or carrier.

During pregnancy, diseases of the urinary system may worsen, respiratory tract... Often observed allergic reactions, even on previously consumed foods.

The skin changes that occur during pregnancy are noticed by almost all expectant mothers. The severity of these changes varies significantly in different women... Throughout pregnancy, the skin condition of even the same woman can change.

The general patterns are as follows. In the first trimester, the skin can be dry and sensitive due to the predominance of progesterone in the blood. In the second trimester, due to improved blood flow, complexion may improve and a healthy glow may appear. Naturally, if the expectant mother does not suffer from anemia.

Greasy and sweat glands they also work differently in pregnant women. As a rule, their work is intensified. A woman may notice increased sweating and the appearance oily sheen on the skin.

For darker women fair half humanity may appear dark spots on the skin. Freckles also become more pronounced or more.

Normally, areas of hyperpigmentation appear on the body of a pregnant woman. This is a kind of dark strip along the midline of the abdomen and darkening in the areola. The skin around the woman's genitals also darkens.

Stretch marks often appear on the body. This process is associated with overstretching of the skin and a rupture in a thin layer of the skin - the dermis. Stretch marks are brown at first. But gradually they turn white and resemble scars. The appearance of stretch marks directly depends on the elasticity of the woman's skin, which is genetically determined.

Hair and nails grow faster during pregnancy. At this time, the growth period (life span) of the hair is lengthened. This is due to the action of estrogens, the concentration of which increases. Therefore, women can often notice an increase in hair density during pregnancy.

After giving birth, women often complain of profuse hair loss. This is due to the normalization of estrogen levels after childbirth. Accordingly, hair growth and hair longevity return to their original levels.

If your hair and nails become dull, brittle, then most likely you are deficient in any trace elements and vitamins. Do not forget to inform your doctor about such changes. These may be the first manifestations of deficiency conditions during pregnancy (eg anemia).

Changes in the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman

With the onset of pregnancy, both the woman herself and her loved ones may notice changes in emotional sphere... The psycho-emotional system becomes more labile.

Hormonal changes, and a sense of double responsibility, and anxiety for the well-being of the ongoing pregnancy, and restructuring lead to this state. habitual ways life, and reassessment of priorities.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, powerful hormonal changes occur. In the beginning, female hormones - estrogens - predominate. Then estrogens give up their dominant role to the hormone that preserves pregnancy - progesterone.

By the second trimester, a relatively flat is established hormonal background... By the end of pregnancy, the usual anxiety about the upcoming birth joins the changes in hormonal levels.

I can say that myths are too widespread among the people that all pregnant women are very capricious. This often pushes expectant mothers to artificially come up with special desires and puzzle their close relatives.

In fact, pregnant women want care and attention, a sense of security. During this crucial period since future mom there should be such a person who can support, calm down, dispel anxiety and doubts. After all, she needs positive emotions so much.

In the joyful moments of our lives, special hormones are produced - endorphins. They have a positive effect on the metabolism and development of the baby. Therefore, the more the mother is happy, the better the baby develops in her womb.

How does a postponed pregnancy affect a woman's health?

Many studies by scientists have shown that a history of pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. According to modern data, breastfeeding provides additional protection not only from ovarian cancer, but also from breast cancer.

One of the hypothetical explanations for this phenomenon is a change in the hormonal background in a pregnant woman, a temporary rest of the ovaries and the absence of ovulation.

It is known that at the site of the release of the egg from the mature follicle in the ovary, a microtrauma is formed. After each tear heals, a small, whitish scar forms.

According to some researchers, disturbances in the healing processes of these microtraumas can lead to malignant degeneration of ovarian cells. Therefore, ovarian cancer is much less likely to affect women who have had fewer ovulations.

Changes in the body due to pregnancy should not be feared. After all, after childbirth, all processes are quickly normalized. And let the figure, shape, sleep and wakefulness regime change. If desired, you can cope with a change in figure.

Motherhood is the main mission of a woman. A woman, having realized herself as a mother, acquires new meaning life. Trust me, it's worth it. Health to you and your children!

Pregnancy is a unique process, as a result of which the structure of all internal organs completely changes. Physiological changes that undergo internal organs, natural and provided by nature. In a woman's body, everything is provided for the successful completion of pregnancy, however, the body is exposed to the strongest stress. Almost every organ works in extreme conditions.

Physiological changes in a woman's body begin immediately after conception. The body is intensively restructuring, trying to adapt to new conditions and loads as soon as possible, because the main task the female body during pregnancy - normal development fetus and preservation of pregnancy.

Changes in the genitals

The very first changes are observed in the female genital organs.

  • The vagina becomes loose, elastic, and increases in size. Thanks to this, it will be easier for the child to pass through the birth canal, and a woman with fewer injuries will survive the birth process.
  • The uterus significantly increases in size and increases its muscle mass (before pregnancy, the weight of the uterus is 50 g, before childbirth more than 1 kg) and size. Thanks to this developing fetus, it is comfortable in the womb, and all the necessary conditions for its full development. The fibers of the uterus are enlarged and stretched, muscle mass growing.
  • The ovaries enlarge and descend from top to bottom, adjacent to the uterus. In one of the ovaries, the corpus luteum begins to be produced, which is responsible for the production of the hormones progesterone and tarragon. Closer to the third month of pregnancy, the corpus luteum dies off, since the required amount of progesterone from that moment will be produced in the placenta.
  • The labia minora and majora also increase in size and have a loose structure. A slightly bluish color is the norm for this period.

The process of rebuilding the female genital organs is fully automated. After childbirth, the organs gradually return to their original sizes. An exception may be injuries sustained during childbirth.

Digestive organs

The location of the internal organs during pregnancy is completely changed. Because of this forced change, the woman experiences severe discomfort, the body is working in a hard mode, all systems are overloaded.

Location of the gastrointestinal tract

With each new month, the fetus grows and gains its weight. Accordingly, the uterus enlarges and begins to put pressure on the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the stomach itself rises up to the diaphragm. Subjected to pressure from the fetus, the stomach splashes gastric juice into the esophagus, which is why pregnant women often suffer from bouts of heartburn. Also, in the last months of pregnancy, there are frequent cases of involuntary vomiting, which arises from the fact that the baby jerked a leg or handle and accidentally touched the stomach. After childbirth, the organ falls into place, and unpleasant sensations leave the woman in labor.

The intestines are exposed strong compression, so he has no choice but to lie flat and go up and a little to the sides. Due to the generated corpus luteum progesterone, all muscles in the body relax. The same happens with the intestines. For this reason, there are processes such as flatulence, constipation. Peristalsis practically does not work. To help the gases and feces escape, it is necessary to regularly massage the abdomen while moving in a circular motion clockwise. You also need to do small physical activity, light exercise (especially for pregnant women). This will all facilitate the condition of the expectant mother and help her wait for the resolution of the burden with less discomfort.

Liver, kidneys, bladder

All the main organs during pregnancy rise up, but the structure and location of the bladder does not allow it to rise above the fetus. Therefore, he is subjected to strong pressure from the uterus and the constantly moving fetus. Due to this, urination is greatly increased. For long periods of time, there are cases of involuntary urination, which is caused by careless pressing of the baby on the bladder. During childbirth, the urinary tract is subjected to strong pressure, sometimes to repair normal process urination, a woman in labor needs to insert a special catheter. Soon, all processes are restored, and problems with bladder disappear.

The liver works for two, acts as a filter, cleanses the body of harmful decay products, neutralizes toxins accumulated in the body. Due to the strong pressure of the uterus, she is forced to rise slightly upward and take a lateral position. Because of this, the normal outflow of bile is disrupted, renal colic appears.

The kidneys also carry a double load. They are busy filtering, purifying, removing harmful substances from the body.

The cardiovascular system

In the body of a woman during pregnancy, another, third, circulatory system appears - the placental one. Now mom's heart supplies blood and essential substances not only your body, but also the baby's body. Thanks to all this, the amount of blood in the woman's body increases, the muscles of the heart also increase - they need to pump blood with double force, the loads increase, the mother's heart performs up to 90 beats per minute!

In the first trimester of pregnancy, for this reason, there may be a loss of strength, a decrease in pressure, dizziness, etc. From the second trimester until childbirth, another reaction appears - blood pressure increases. The slightest changes in the condition of a pregnant woman should be monitored by the attending physician, because his task is to save the fetus and the expectant mother.


The task for the lungs is to saturate the body with oxygen. To cope with this task, the lungs increase their volume, the bronchi greatly increase, breathing becomes deep. Compression by the diaphragm increases the load on the lungs.

At the end of pregnancy, all organs in the body fall into place and fully restore their functions.

Changes female organs are temporary. After giving birth, 90% of them restore their previous condition.

Since the inception of life on earth, the destiny of a woman is a continuation human race... The structure of her internal organs suggests the possibility of functioning in the state of bearing a child. The body quickly adapts to increased stress and changes, creating favorable conditions for the development of the fetus and the subsequent resolution of pregnancy. Many processes in a woman's body are rebuilt, organs change their size and location, and they adapt to new, temporary conditions. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the internal organs of a woman, due to the growth of the fetus, becomes cramped. Increasing, the uterus presses more and more and displaces the internal organs of the small pelvis.

  1. From the first days of pregnancy, a woman feels signs of change. Are changing taste sensations: the expectant mother has a craving for salty, sour or sweet foods. Rejection of certain foods by the body, and vice versa, an acute desire to consume specific food, for example, chalk or soap. Including, a sharply negative reaction to various odors can occur.
  2. Often pregnancy manifests itself in increased appetite... This is not surprising, because the growth of a new life requires construction material, vitamins and various nutrients. In addition, there is a global change in the hormonal background, which can manifest itself in the form of nervousness, irritability and sharp emotional changes.
  3. Without a doubt, outward signs manifestations of the pregnancy process are obvious, but this is only the tip of the Iceberg, because the reason for this is global internal changes.

Uterus and external genitalia

  1. First of all, after conception, the organs of the mother's reproductive system begin to change. Immediately after implantation fetal egg the uterus begins to increase in size. If in its normal state its weight is from 19.8 to 26 g, then in the middle of the term it reaches up to 50 g, and by last weeks up to 1 kg and in height reaches top edge sternum. Its internal volume by the time of delivery increases more than 500 times.
  2. By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the uterus measures chicken eggs, and at the end of the term - the view of the filled bag. Its outer part, visible with the help of mirrors, pale pink with a smooth surface. The inside of the uterus during pregnancy, which can be seen with the help of photos taken with an endoscopic device for examining internal organs, looks velvety and loose.
  3. During childbirth, the uterus contracts dynamically, which contributes to the birth of the baby. Spasms occur through muscle fibers, the number and length of which rapidly increase from the moment of conception.
  4. The inner mucous surface of the uterus looses during pregnancy, its walls acquire elasticity and pliability.
  5. The outer labia are also amenable to changes, become elastic, increase in size, and change color.

All these changes are aimed at facilitating the appearance of the child and its unhindered passage through the birth canal.

Changes in the circulatory and cardiovascular system

Heart during pregnancy

  1. As strange as it sounds, the circulatory and cardiovascular systems are also involved in the development of the fetus. During the gestation period, a second full-fledged circulatory system is formed in the mother's body - the placental one.
  2. The amount of blood circulating in a woman's vascular system increases. Since the fetus needs nutrients and oxygen, the heart of the pregnant woman works with additional stress. For 9 months, the volume of blood circulated in a woman's body is added by about 1.5 liters, and the pulsation frequency increases to 100 beats per minute and higher. These changes actually lead to an increase in heart muscle mass and a faster heart rate.
  3. The dynamic work of the heart indicates that the child does not have enough oxygen, so the muscle begins to pump blood more intensively in order to make up for its lack in the mother's body. If you feel an increase in the rhythm of muscle work, lie on your back and raise your legs. This will improve the oxygen supply to the placenta.
  4. Since it is the heart, as one of the most important and fragile internal organs, that experiences great stress during childbirth, it must be spared. When carrying a child, do not carry weights, try not to overwork and exclude power sports during pregnancy. Otherwise, after the birth of a child, weakness of the heart muscle, hypertension and a related deterioration in the quality of life may develop.

Blood pressure

  1. Blood pressure is directly related to the functioning circulatory system... In the first weeks of pregnancy, women often experience a decrease in blood pressure, and in the last weeks, on the contrary, there is a tendency to a planned increase in its indicators.
  2. It is not uncommon during pregnancy to decrease the hemoglobin level in the mother's blood. This phenomenon is caused by the lag in the growth of the mass of erythrocytes from the growth in the volume of blood circulated in the vascular system. In this case, preparations containing iron are prescribed.
  3. Blood pressure - important factor affecting the health of the expectant mother, pregnancy and fetal development. That is why its level is the object of close attention of the doctor throughout all 9 months, up to childbirth. Each scheduled visit the gynecologist begins by measuring the pressure. Small deviations in indicators do not cause concern, but significant deviations are the bells of a violation of the normal process of pregnancy.

Venous system during pregnancy

  1. The venous system of a pregnant woman is under tremendous stress. The inferior vena cava, which is responsible for blood circulation in the uterus, pelvic organs and legs, is pressed by the child more and more every day than deforms it, especially when a woman sleeps lying on her back.
  2. Without control, this process can contribute to the development of severe postpartum complications, such as varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids. Many successful mothers suffer from this ailment for years after the birth of the baby.
  3. To prevent such pathological changes, women in position are forbidden to sleep on their backs, and to improve blood flow, it is recommended to put a small pillow under their legs.

Respiratory system

  1. The respiratory system of the expectant mother must provide the fetus enough oxygen.
  2. The lungs function in unusual conditions, the diaphragm experiences constantly increasing pressure from the increasing size of the uterus, their volume increases, and the mucous membrane that envelops the bronchi swells. The compressed organs make it difficult to breathe, which becomes more frequent and deeper.
  3. To restore a measured breathing process, women during pregnancy are prescribed a mandatory set of exercises for the lungs. Such gymnastics is prophylactic against development inflammatory processes in the organs of the respiratory system. Daily hiking and moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.
  4. By the end of pregnancy, the lung capacity is reduced by about a quarter, but before childbirth, the pressure on the respiratory system weakens, and the diaphragm drops, as the baby, preparing for childbirth, descends lower into the birth canal.

Digestive system during pregnancy

  1. Changes during pregnancy concern and digestive system women. In addition to visible changes such as increased appetite and adjustment taste preferences, the digestive system is undergoing more global internal metamorphosis.
  2. The dynamically increasing uterus displaces the intestines, first it rises, and then moves apart and goes to the sides, letting the uterus with the fetus pass down to the birth canal. Such metamorphoses cannot but affect the work of the intestines. The rectal tone decreases, and emptying becomes difficult. To alleviate the condition, doctors prescribe a heavy drink, a regular schedule physical activity and special schedule food with enough fiber. To combat constipation, pregnant mothers are advised to use prunes, previously soaked in water, as well as flax-seed as a laxative.
  3. The stomach suffers more than other organs from the pressure of the growing uterus, especially in the later stages it is very noticeable for the female body. Experiencing increasing fetal pressure, the ajar sphincter allows gastric juice into the esophagus, leading to heartburn. You can get rid of the unpleasant burning sensation using mineral water, as well as taking food in small portions and, if possible, not before bedtime.

Urinary system during pregnancy

  1. The bladder also responds to pregnancy. An increase in progesterone in a woman's blood helps to relax the muscles of the sphincter of the bladder, which, together with the pressure of the uterus, leads to frequent urge to urinate, even in the early stages.
  2. Because the uterus presses on the bladder, it prevents it from emptying completely. In later stages, pregnant women are advised to slightly raise their tummy when urinating, in this case, the emptying of the bladder will be more complete, and they will have to go to the toilet less often.

Breasts during pregnancy

Some women at the beginning, and the vast majority in the middle of pregnancy, feel changes in the mammary glands. General hormonal changes lead to an increase in the level of prolactin, estrogen and progesterone, which causes metamorphosis with the size of the breast and nipples in particular. Before and immediately after childbirth, the mammary glands begin to produce colostrum, and then milk.

Liver during pregnancy

  1. The liver is the main filter that regulates the body's metabolism. It cleans the blood from waste products, thereby neutralizing toxins and preventing harm to the fetus.
  2. Like all other organs, the liver, experiencing pressure from the uterus, shifts sideways and up. In this regard, the expectant mother may experience difficulties with the outflow of bile and, as a result, periodic colic in this area.
  3. A hard diet in such conditions helps the liver to cope with the stress during pregnancy. Failure to comply with the recommended norms is fraught with consequences in the form severe itching all over the body. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of special treatment.

Kidneys during pregnancy

  1. Although the kidneys do not change their position during pregnancy, they also experience increased stress, working for two organisms at the same time.
  2. In women with one kidney, the function of both organs is replaced by one. It should be remembered that the reserves of renal activity are not infinite. In this case, it does not really matter which kidney is missing, although during pregnancy big changes it is the right side that is affected.
  3. Expectant mothers with one kidney receive special attention as they belong to the group high risk... In such women, during pregnancy, high water and weakness of labor can develop. Although with proper monitoring and management of pregnancy, a child is born completely healthy, with normal weight body.

The skeletal system during pregnancy

  1. The hormones progesterone and relaxin, accumulating in the blood, lead to a gradual leaching of calcium from the mother's body.
  2. By forming bone tissue, the fetus also consumes a large number of mineral. This process is extremely important, since a lack of calcium can lead to pathologies in the development of the child, as well as to unpleasant consequences in the mother's body: tooth decay, problems with the spine and bones. It is during this period that the bones of the pelvis and their joints become elastic.

Endocrine glands during pregnancy

The pregnancy process also affects the activity of the endocrine glands. In addition to an increase in size, the hormone prolactin begins to be produced, intended for the formation of colostrum, and subsequently breast milk.

Ultrasound of internal organs during pregnancy

  1. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy reveals abnormalities in the structure of internal organs. Ultrasound monitoring of pregnant women is carried out from the earliest possible date until delivery.
  2. Specialists monitor the correct development of the child, his condition, determine the gender, prevent possible pathologies, can determine or exclude developmental defects, and also calculate the date of birth.
  3. In the case of pain in the abdominal cavity, ultrasound of the internal organs during pregnancy is indicated for the timely detection of pathologies and their elimination.

Mother Nature is wise and forward-looking. She created a woman's body in such a way that the loads endured during pregnancy were reasonable and prevented. Changes in the size and position of internal organs during pregnancy are completely natural and due to physiological processes in the changing body of a woman. All these changes are aimed at preserving the child and his full development... Sometimes pregnancy gives a woman discomfort, unpleasant and even painful sensations, but this is a temporary phenomenon. After successful resolution childbirth, the woman's body quickly returns to normal.

With the onset of conception in a woman's body, everything changes dramatically. The body begins to prepare for a new period. The body is tuned in to ensure proper development and good nutrition nascent little man... Some changes in the body of a pregnant woman are perfectly visible. They are seen by others, and the expectant mother feels. There are also those changes that are not felt or noticed at all. Let's see what changes the organism of the fair sex undergoes in “ interesting position».

From the moment a new life begins, the heart begins to experience a serious burden. This is due to the appearance of the placental circulation. The body begins to adapt to new conditions. There is an increase in the mass of the heart muscle. During the period of "interesting situation", the volume of circulating blood increases by about 40-55%. In absolute terms, this is 1.5 liters.

80% healthy women from the second trimester of pregnancy, a systolic murmur is heard. It occurs due to an increase in heart rate, stroke volume of the heart, and circulating blood volume. This is not a deviation. A similar phenomenon perfectly normal.

The increased blood circulation causes changes in the venous network. Many pregnant women experience varicose veins. This problem can arise due to an increase in the pressure of the uterus on the veins, an increase in total blood volume, and an increase in pressure in the veins of the lower extremities.

Most often, varicose veins are observed in those women whose relatives suffered from this disease. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins, then you need to try to minimize the likelihood of this problem. To prevent this physiological change in the body of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to observe the following simple rules:

  • monitor weight gain (kilograms should be gained gradually, and not abruptly);
  • not be in one position for a long time (for example, lying or sitting);
  • while lying down, put something under your feet (for example, a pillow). You can just put your feet on the back of the sofa. You need to get used to this position;
  • do not lift weights;
  • wear special elastic tights (put them on in the morning after waking up, and take them off in the evening before going to bed);
  • do not wear tight clothing and tight shoes;
  • quit smoking;
  • study physical exercise and more often to be in the fresh air;
  • introduce foods that are rich in vitamin C into the diet.

Respiratory system

The fetus growing in its mother's tummy needs oxygen. In this regard, significant changes in the respiratory system occur in the woman's body. Progesterone, called the pregnancy hormone, helps relax the muscles in the walls of the bronchi. The airway clearance is increased. The tidal volume also increases (the amount of oxygen that enters the lungs as a result of one respiratory movement).

In general, a woman's oxygen demand increases by 15-20%. The fetus needs 30% of this volume of air. Another 10% is needed by the placenta. The remaining amount of oxygen needed female body for the normal operation of all systems and organs.

Digestive system

With the onset of pregnancy, many women are faced with morning sickness and vomiting. Such "symptoms" arise in connection with special changes in the organs of the digestive system. There may be an aversion to certain foods (eg, meat). New taste preferences... Some women even start using chalk or some other unusual "food".

Highly discomfort makes you experience heartburn. It occurs when the muscle that separates the esophagus and stomach begins to contract. As a result of this, gastric juice enters the walls of the esophagus. The liquid irritates the mucous membrane and contributes to discomfort. You can avoid heartburn if you follow these simple guidelines:

  • not wear tight clothing compressing the abdomen;
  • eat food in normal quantities;
  • exclude from the daily diet food that causes gastrointestinal discomfort (spicy, hot, fried food, alcohol, coffee, chocolate);
  • move more.

The intestines during pregnancy declare a "boycott". Some women note the occurrence of bloating, problems with stool. Constipation can continue to torment until the very birth. These changes are explained by a decrease in intestinal motility, a decrease in tone.

Another very unpleasant problem is hemorrhoids. It arises from frequent constipation, excessive pushing. It can also appear due to the use of preparations containing iron.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include burning, itching, rectal bleeding, pain during bowel movements. If this problem occurs, it is recommended that you see your doctor. However, one must also remember that any disease can be prevented. Here simple tips, thanks to which you can not face such a physiological change in the body of a pregnant woman as hemorrhoids:

  • emptying your bowels regularly (about once a day);
  • if constipation occurs, take warm sitz baths twice a day;
  • do not strain when emptying the intestines;
  • sleep on your side so that there is no strong pressure on the rectum;
  • wash after bowel movement anus cold water with soap;
  • drink more fluids during the day;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • introduce into the diet those foods that contain fiber (for example, prunes, coarse bread, porridge from coarse grains, various vegetables, salads);
  • eat a little, but often;
  • chew food thoroughly.

If hemorrhoids can be avoided during pregnancy, then the likelihood of its occurrence after childbirth is significantly reduced.

When women are in an "interesting position", such an important internal organ as the liver is in a state of intense tension. However, its functioning is not disturbed. There is only a slight increase in volume and a decrease in antitoxic function.

During pregnancy, women may experience petechial hemorrhages, palmar erythema. They are not considered signs of liver damage. Such changes in the body only indicate an increase in the concentration of estrogen. About 1-2 months after giving birth, these symptoms disappear completely.

Excretory system

During pregnancy, the excretory system does not remain unchanged either. The kidneys are under double stress. Now they are displaying the products of exchange not only of the expectant mother, but also of the baby.

From about 10-12 weeks, a woman begins to expand the systems of cavities that collect urine in the kidney (cup-pelvis complex). In the future, they continue to expand due to the increase in the size of the uterus and the pressure that the organ exerts on the ureters. The increase in bladder capacity is influenced by progesterone. In the later stages, there may be signs of urinary incontinence.

All these changes in the body of a pregnant woman occurring in excretory system make the expectant mother vulnerable to an ascending urinary tract infection. If a woman had inflammatory changes in the kidneys before conception, then exacerbations during pregnancy can hardly be avoided.

The expectant mother should consume at least 2 liters of water. If there is less fluid, then the kidneys will be in rather stressful conditions in terms of urine concentration. They will need to isolate not only toxins formed in the mother's body, but also toxins that are filtered through the placenta. Dehydration is dangerous for both the woman and her baby.

Reproductive system

The outer labia during pregnancy take on an edematous appearance. There is cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the mucous membranes. The vagina lengthens and widens slightly. The uterus undergoes the greatest changes. Its mass, length, volume, transverse and anteroposterior dimensions increase, shape and position become different.

During pregnancy, the receptor system of the uterus changes. The sensitivity of the organ to excitatory factors is significantly reduced. The opposite situation is observed before childbirth. The excitability of the uterus increases.

Breast health

Changes in pregnant women in the mammary glands represent the process of preparation for feeding the baby. They start with early stages pregnancy. The glandular cells that produce milk begin to grow. This is facilitated by two hormones: progesterone and prolactin. Then, due to the influence of estrogens, milk ducts begin to grow, supplying milk from glandular cells to the nipple.

The increasing cell mass requires a good blood supply. In this regard, blood flow to the mammary glands increases. That is why some women notice a pronounced vascular network in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

At the end of pregnancy, a precursor of milk called "colostrum" is released from the nipples. It is a light colored liquid. When pressing on the nipple, only a few drops are released.

Skin condition

In a woman's body, with the advent of pregnancy, the hormonal background changes. Some hormones begin to be intensively produced, while others, on the contrary, are blocked. Outwardly, this is reflected in the condition of the skin. She can become healthy, clean, elastic. In some women, the opposite changes are observed. Skin becomes oily or dry during pregnancy.

Due to the action of certain hormones, the pigmentation of certain parts of the body increases: halos of the nipples of the mammary glands, midline the perineum and abdomen, the area of ​​the skin around the navel. Stimulates pigmentation birthmarks... That is why women in position are not advised to sunbathe. Visiting tanning salons is generally contraindicated. Learn more about how to prevent or combat pigmentation

It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid such changes in the body of a pregnant woman, but it is quite possible to reduce them to a minimum. First, you need to review your diet. For the sake of their beauty and health, the baby will have to give up many modern products (for example, instant noodles, chips, carbonated drinks). In the menu you need to enable natural products containing the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

You shouldn't use makeup every day during pregnancy. Fatty creams can only worsen the condition skin... The body must "breathe" because oxygen enters the body not only through the respiratory tract. A huge role pores play in this process. If they get clogged cosmetics, then oxygen will not flow through them, and sweat secretions will be difficult to remove from the body. Don't forget about hygiene. Women in position should shower more often.

Other changes in the appearance of pregnant women

In the second half of pregnancy, many women notice unusual changes. For example, the proportions of the face are violated. The nose, lips, chin, and thyroid gland are enlarged. A slight enlargement of the limbs is also possible.

Almost all the fair sex in the position changes the state of the teeth for the worse. Pregnancy also affects the hair. In some women, they begin to fall out, while in others, on the contrary, they acquire shine, become beautiful and strong.

At about 6-7 weeks, some women already notice a slight increase in weight. This is absolutely normal phenomenon... The baby gradually grows in his mother's tummy. During pregnancy, a woman's weight increases by about 10-12 kg. From this overall value 4-4.5 kg per fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid and membranes, 1 kg - for the intercellular (tissue fluid), 1 kg - for the uterus and mammary glands, 1.5 kg - for blood, 4 kg - for adipose tissue mother's body.

Many women are interested in the question of which weight gain is considered normal and which is excessive. There is no specific answer to this physiological change in the body of a pregnant woman. Here you need to consider individual characteristics... For example, if a woman was underweight before pregnancy, then she can gain 15-18 kg. This will not be considered a deviation. For women with normal physique the optimal weight gain is considered to be 10-12 kg. For women with a tendency to obesity, weight gain should not exceed 10 kg.

Stop smoking during pregnancy. It negatively affects intrauterine development fetus. Women who smoke tend to have lower weight gain normal value and babies are born with a lack of weight.

Psychological changes

The new state provokes the emergence of various emotions in women. For example, a representative of the fair sex may experience an emotional upsurge, anxiety, joy, or fear. The sooner you get used to new role, so faster mood will return to normal.

In general, anxiety is not dangerous, if we are not talking about insomnia, excruciating and obsessive feelings, constantly in a bad mood. Defeating negative emotions can be very simple. Here are the main ways:

  • start learning special relaxation techniques (for example, auto-training, swimming, breathing exercises);
  • maintain a sense of humor. Thanks to him, you can defeat a bad mood in absolutely any situation;
  • resting during the day and getting used to the idea that mood swings are part of the "interesting situation";
  • try to do everything possible for the sake of raising the mood (meeting friends, doing interesting things, looking for other wonderful aspects of life);
  • give vent to emotions (if you want to cry, then you do not need to keep tears in yourself);
  • try not to drive all your grievances and gloomy thoughts into the depths of your soul (pregnant women have long been advised to share their thoughts with loved ones, talk about their problems);
  • do not forget that psychological changes in the body of a pregnant woman are temporary. After giving birth, they will no longer bother, since they will be born small miracle that will bring happiness and joy;
  • tell your doctor about your fears (the specialist will explain all the nuances of pregnancy);
  • start preparing things for the baby, or at least make a list of everything you need, look after certain products.

It must be remembered that pregnancy is a period of change. Contradictory feelings can still visit a woman in a position. The challenge is to significantly reduce negative emotions and increase positive ones. Do not worry about external changes (for example, because of extra pounds, poor condition hair or skin). All these phenomena are temporary. When a woman truly accepts her new state, she will become very charming no matter what.

If negative emotions do not go away, a bad mood is constantly observed, accompanied by a decrease or loss of appetite, insomnia, physical weakness, apathy, melancholy, a sense of hopelessness, then in such a situation one cannot do without the help of a doctor. All of the above are signs of depression, which is not a harmless condition, but a serious illness. Long-term depression definitely needs treatment.

Behavior of the expectant mother

The main task of a woman in a position is to protect her baby, not to harm him, to maintain her health. That is why you need to take into account your internal and external changes and, based on this, build your further behavior.

First, you need to study your body, listen carefully to its needs. It is very important for a woman to always be comfortable walking, lying, sitting. She shouldn't feel uncomfortable.

Secondly, body care is required. Due to the observance of the rules of hygiene, you can avoid the occurrence of various health problems, and the child will develop correctly.

Third, safety and precautions should not be ignored. Changes in the body of a pregnant woman, such as an increase in the abdomen, weight lead to a shift in the center of gravity. From the first days you need to adapt to the new state, be always attentive and try not to lose balance. It will be very difficult to get used to it in the later stages.

To protect yourself from all accidents, you need:

  • give up inexpensive and low-quality shoes, high heels;
  • adequately assess all hazards (eg slippery floors, low lighting, steep stairs, icy steps). Take a shower with extreme caution. It is recommended to lay a special rubber mat on the bottom of the bath;
  • do not climb stepladders, stairs, tables or chairs;
  • use seat belts on airplanes or cars.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that at present not all the fair sex are aware of what changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, how the baby grows in the tummy, which affects its development. It is precisely because of the lack of knowledge and lack of understanding of the importance of the ongoing process that women lead wrong image life experience any fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

No need to be lazy to search useful information... You can find special books and films, sign up for courses, or just talk to your doctor. New information will only be beneficial. And then you will not have to worry about your condition and the development of the child, and pregnancy will indeed become the happiest period in your life.

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It is hard not to notice that the woman who is waiting for the birth of an heir is changing. But these changes are not only external. What happens inside the body? How do individual organs and systems of a woman react to the emergence of a new life? Is the load too heavy? Let's talk about this now.

Strength test and weight gain

From the first days, the fetus needs oxygen and nutrients. The mother's body itself begins to gradually prepare for childbirth and breastfeeding of the baby. New tasks affect almost the entire mother's body: the structure of organs during pregnancy changes somewhat, and their functionality... These changes are programmed by nature, but from this they do not become less tangible. The load on the mother's body increases significantly, becoming a kind of "strength test". Those bodies that used to work on the verge of the norm may malfunction. Having supported the mother's body in time, we get a certain margin of safety for the fetus.

Not only the arrangement of organs during pregnancy changes, but also body weight, an increase of 10-12 kg for all 9 months is considered the norm. But the initial indicators should also be taken into account, first of all, BMI - body mass index, that is, a harmonious ratio of weight and height.

Breast and genitals during pregnancy

The most pronounced changes are noted in the genital system of the expectant mother. The genitals during pregnancy are transformed according to the growth of the embryo. First of all, this is noticeable in the example of the uterus, which not only constantly increases in size, but also changes shape from pear-shaped in the first weeks to round, and then ovoid. Mucus accumulates in the cervix, and it is no coincidence: later it will help the child to move more easily along the birth canal. Vascular system the uterus also undergoes changes, it is replenished with new large blood vessels, which significantly improves the supply of the placenta nutrients and oxygen. The ovaries enlarge and change position.

Changes in the mammary glands are becoming the answer to the need to prepare for future lactation. They occur in parallel with hormonal changes, leading to an increase in the production of such significant hormones as progesterone, prolactin, estrogen. By the end of the term, the mammary gland begins to produce colostrum.

Skeleton and muscular system

Not only internal organs are rebuilt during pregnancy. Skeletal system a pregnant woman is affected by an increase in the concentration of relaxin and progesterone in the blood, and these hormones, in turn, contribute to the process of calcium leaching. This microelement is not simply taken from the mother's skeleton, calcium is used for the formation of the fetal bone tissue. In this case, another physiological reaction occurs: the bones of the pelvis and their joints become more elastic, which contributes to the non-traumatic movement of the child along the birth canal. The danger is the leaching of calcium from the spine and foot bones. To avoid flat feet, it is important to choose the right shoes: with low heels, with an instep support. And the spine will be helped by wearing a bandage and special gymnastics.

The cardiovascular system

During the period of bearing a child, the volume of blood in a woman's vessels increases significantly: by one and a half liters. Accordingly, the intensity of work of cardio-vascular system also increases. The pulse becomes more frequent, the contraction of the heart is forced to throw more blood into the aorta. The venous system is most vulnerable in this period... Varicose veins become a frequent complication, and not only because of the increasing weight load on the lower extremities.

A significant role is played by the deformation of the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for collecting blood from the uterus, pelvic organs and legs. This vessel is located to the right of the spine, and when the woman sleeps on her back, it is compressed. The greater the body weight, the stronger the circulatory disturbance in the organs listed above. That is why expectant mothers are not recommended to sleep in a supine position, but the use of a pillow placed under the legs promotes more free blood flow. In addition, the increase in the mass of erythrocytes lags slightly behind the total increase in blood volume, while the viscosity of the blood decreases. To improve the composition of the blood, mothers are prescribed iron preparations.

Respiratory, digestive and other systems

The development of the fetus requires more and more oxygen, so the volume of air inhaled by a woman increases. Breathing becomes more frequent, but this is not critical for the mother's body, since progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchial walls, which makes the airway openings wider.

The location of the organs changes somewhat during pregnancy due to fetal pressure on abdominal cavity... But it is not the only reason ongoing changes. Progesterone has a serious effect on the digestive organs, which reduces the level of intestinal motility. In parallel, the glands begin to secrete more saliva, and the concentration of hydrochloric acid decreases. This manifests itself in the appearance of heartburn and a tendency to constipation. Some failures also comprehend the functionality of the gall and bladder, kidneys, but they are also temporary.

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