What are the criteria for choosing a school? - A few words of farewell

Russia, Tambov

It seems to me, if possible, of course, parents, but optimally, if you bring your child to the kindergarten and they tell you - "we have quarantine, yesterday they took the child away with a temperature and a diagnosis of scarlet fever", go home, hire a nanny ... do what you want, but Do not take your child to kindergarten for 2-3 days. and during this time, provide him with walks, fortified food (fruits, more vegetables, less meat and milk. The immune system will cheer up a little. And then feel free to go to kindergarten ... 2-3 days of break will provide you with a healthy child until the next epidemic of one of the children. And your child will be healthy.. Than to suffer later with a sick child and ALWAYS go on sick leave for a week or more, find the possibility of 2 days of rest))) This is just my personal opinion (although based on practice).

31/05/2012 05:34

Russia, Leninsk-Kuznetsky

We also went to the garden this year and also faced constant illnesses, i.e. We go for a week, we get sick for 2-3, and since my daughter had heart surgery, we can’t get sick with a temperature for a long time and we have to give antibiotics. Tell me how best to restore the health of the child over the summer, except for vitamin therapy.

28/11/2011 20:38

Russia, Serpukhov

I can hardly imagine that the disease can go away on its own, without treatment with pills and syrups ...
At the first signs of the disease (cough, runny nose), I leave the child at home, the temperature in the room is 23 degrees (we can’t lower it anymore), we ventilate 5 times a day for sure, the humidifier works constantly - 50-60%, we drink so that it flows out of the ears , we quartz the room .... I wash it with Quicks, I drip fluferon into my nose ... but for some reason after a couple of days it doesn’t go away on its own, the child’s condition worsens .... I call the pediatrician and Laura ... the pediatrician prescribes a cough medicine and drops in the nose, some kind of immunomodulator and ENT, I correct my treatment, choose the best option and get treated ...
Both doctors, to my question, maybe it’s not necessary to be treated, maybe it will go away on its own (under the appropriate conditions for the child’s existence), they say that it’s necessary to be treated, otherwise we’ll start it and then we’ll have to drink antibiotics ...
I agree that you can do without antibiotics (for viral diseases), but I don’t believe that cough and snot should go away on their own without treatment with syrups and drops ...
Maybe someone whose children go to kindergarten and are often sick (my child is sick very often) has experience of treatment without drugs, please share how you manage to do it

27/07/2010 13:01

My daughter is growing in excess of body weight, with a height of 93 cm, she weighs 19 kg. Chubby, big-boned, but you can't call her fat. Born on 3830 growth 52cm. In the first month I added 420g, then in the region 800-900g per month and so on for up to a year. in general, they were never thin. In a month, the neurologist attributed 200 g per day to give glucose for three months (low weight gain, prolonged jaundice and ultrasound showed signs of hypaxia during childbirth) the child got used to sweets, and when it came time for complementary foods, then cottage cheese, kefir and the porridge had to be sweetened, and by the year we had reduced the sugar to what it already contained in products (juices and purees). You write in your books that you need to increase physical activity, but she is already a very mobile child and I try my best to be active in the fresh air. Our pediatrician put us on a diet (she already ate no more than 100g + 100g of liquid 3 times, and for an afternoon snack 1/2 tbsp of milk) they banned a lot, and most importantly chicken meat, because it seems like the hormones that feed the chicken give us an increase in weight ( I used to mix 2-3 varieties of meat and she ate), but Polina refused to eat without chicken. We have been on the baby for 3 months now. Gradually, Polenka gave up many products in favor of milk, soft cottage cheese and 1% kyfir. Weight does not fall, but hemoglobin falls, fatigue increased, we were sick so often, and since we went on a diet, we did not visit the garden for more than 4 days in a row. We decided to abandon this diet. Are we doing the right thing, and is weight correction necessary at 2 years and 6 months, and will everything gradually even out on its own?

Are you a parent? Do you want your child to grow up happy, educated, smart, kind? Fine! Do you realize that you are responsible for the wonderful future of your child? You personally, the parent. Not a kindergarten, not a school, not a university - you. Today, a parent is obliged to be a professional educator, he simply has no other choice. But, alas, instead, he often turns into an enemy of his own child. The well-known writer, TV presenter, psychophilosopher Andrey Maksimov writes a lot about the problems of education. This book continues the conversation. It is written in an unusual genre - these are answers to your questions. How to make a child clean his room? How to tear it away from the computer? What to do when children do not obey? How can you help find a calling? How to persuade to read books? At what age can you talk to children about sex? Why is the USE destroying education? What will the school of the future look like? How to talk to a child about death? Conversations in social networks - what is full-fledged communication or not? These are just a few of the questions you can answer in this book. It is quite possible that they will change your idea of ​​how to teach and educate your own child.

Are you a parent? Do you want your child to grow up happy, educated, smart, kind? Fine! Do you realize that you are responsible for the wonderful future of your child? You personally, the parent. Not a kindergarten, not a school, not a university - you.

Today, a parent is obliged to be a professional educator, he simply has no other choice. But, alas, instead, he often turns into an enemy of his own child.

The well-known writer, TV presenter, psychophilosopher Andrey Maksimov writes a lot about the problems of education. This book continues the conversation. It is written in an unusual genre - these are answers to your questions.

  • How to make a child clean his room?
  • How to tear it away from the computer?
  • What to do when children do not obey?
  • How can you help find a calling?
  • How to persuade to read books?
  • At what age can you talk to children about sex?
  • Why is the USE destroying education?
  • What will the school of the future look like?
  • How to talk to a child about death?
  • Are conversations on social networks a full-fledged communication or not?

These are just a few of the questions you can answer in this book.

It is quite possible that they will change your idea of ​​how to teach and educate your own child.

Publisher: Peter, 2016

ISBN 978-5-496-02076-3

Number of pages: 304.

The content of the book "Parents as Enemies":

  • 8 Introduction
  • 16 Let's hit the road!
    • 17 Who are you, exactly?
    • 22 Does pedagogy really exist? Basic principles of psycho-philosophical education
    • 31 What is love for a child?
    • 37 What does "well-behaved child" mean?
  • 41 Punishment. Self-esteem. Authority
    • 42 Is it possible to be offended by your own child?
    • 45 The child has low self-esteem. What to do?
    • 50 How not to spoil a child?
    • 58 The child is not listening. What to do?
    • 64 How to punish a child and should it be done in principle? Two properties of punishment that does not humiliate
    • 71 How to make a child clean his room?
    • 76 How do you get your son to wash the dishes?
    • 78 How to win parental authority?
  • 85 Baby. Transitional age. wishes
    • 86 Husband is annoyed by a small child. How to be?
    • 93 The child loves toy monsters. He is sick?
    • 98 My daughter has unmotivated tantrums. How to be?
    • 103 What if the child is strange?
    • 108 Is a child at 13 years old a person?
    • 115 Should children trust adult experience?
    • 122 How to survive the transitional age of your own child?
    • 127 How to teach a child to make a choice?
    • 132 The desire for children is, of course, good, but how can you not force a child when he plays sports or music?
    • 136 P.S.
    • 140 Desire is, of course, good, but how can you rely on the desire of a child when it comes to his health or, say, nutrition?
  • 144 Gadgets. Television. Books
    • 145 How can I get my child off the computer? Starting a conversation
    • 148 How can you help your child find a calling? Five steps to finding a calling
    • 157 How can I get my child off the computer? End of conversation
    • 159 Are conversations on social networks a substitute for communication or full-fledged communication?
    • 164 Should children be allowed to watch TV?
    • 168 How to get a child to read books?
  • 173 School
    • 174 How actively should a child be prepared for school?
    • 179 What to do when a child studies without interest?
    • 183 Why is the USE destroying education?
    • 190 Is it possible to bring up a harmoniously developed personality?
    • 194 Should a child be punished for triples?
    • 199 What should children really be taught?
    • 204 What will the school of the future look like?
    • 207 How to relate to external education and teaching children abroad?
  • 212 Love. Friendship. Money
    • 213 How to talk to a child about love?
    • 219 At what age can you talk about sex with a child?
    • 225 I do not like who the child is friends with. What to do?
    • 231 Children and money: the rules of relationships
    • 236 How to make sure that the child does not grow up greedy?
  • 240 Communication
    • 241 Is it necessary to answer the child to the endless "Why?"
    • 244 My son and I don't understand each other. How to be?
    • 253 How to teach a child to communicate?
    • 258 What to talk about with a child?
    • 264 How to talk with a child about death and should it be done?
    • 270 Is it right for your child to choose a religion?
  • 274 Family
    • 275 Is it necessary to save a family for the sake of a child?
    • 279 The daughter is jealous of her mother for a new spouse. How to be?
    • 283 How to "let go" of a child?
    • 288 Where do you get the time to raise children?
    • 294 Basic principles of psycho-philosophical education
  • 296 List of books that inspired me

Enemy parents are those who love themselves more than their child; who sees property in their children; who is convinced that a child is always a baby who does not have the right to his own point of view; who does not notice a personality in a small person and imposes his own view of the world on him; who not only does not know how to listen to their children, but does not see any sense in it; who wants to order a child and does not want to talk to him at all; who treat education as hard work and do not find joy in communicating with their own child ...

A child is not a white sheet of paper on which dad and mom can draw fate, character, etc.

While visiting my parents, one curious book caught my eye, which I opened and began to read right from the middle. The title really caught the eye "Parents as Enemies", and the content was very interesting - both the very manner of presentation, and the issues that were discussed in the book, and the positive resonance with my views. Of course, I dragged the book home, brand new, not yet read by anyone. And, of course, I recommend it to you for reading.

The book was written by the famous writer, TV presenter, psycho-philosopher Andrey Maksimov, who writes a lot about the problems of education, consults, lectures and teaches. He himself is the father of three children and the author of many books.

The book will answer questions about punishment, self-esteem and authority, school, gadgets, love and friendship, transitional age, how to look for a child's calling, how and when to talk to him about sex, how to tear a child away from the computer, how to talk to him about death, how to punish without humiliating, what to do if children do not obey, and so on. It is written in the form of questions and answers, so you can immediately find the topic that interests you, or you can read it from cover to cover, as I did.

The author mentions such famous people as Janusz Korczak, Pestalozzi, Maslow, Freud, Horney, Nick Vuychich and many others. Criticizes and explains why, Crawford's book "French children are not capricious." The mentioned story of a Chinese woman who decided to raise her daughters according to the Chinese system is very catchy. (Amy Chua, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother"). In this system, the main thing is the end that justifies any means.

Below is a tiny fraction of excerpts from the book:

Often we want to convey the experience of not being happy enough or just unhappy in our own life.

Adults believe that they can convey their experience in words. Parents almost get mad when their kids don't want to hear their wise advice.

A CHILD is another PERSON. Not like his parents. Not better, not worse - different.

Normal is not always good. The norm is that which is more.

Obedient adults grow out of obedient children. Free adults from free children.

In general, it is difficult for us to accept the conclusion that people are not just different, but catastrophically, fundamentally different.

Prohibitions always lead to the fact that the desire to do the forbidden only increases.

A person - whether he is seven, fifteen or thirty-five - who knows what he wants to do in life is fundamentally different from someone who does not know it.

Our, “relatively speaking, the system, relatively speaking, education” is not engaged in the education of children. It, as it turns out, is imprisoned for something else.

Thank you all for your attention. I hope you are interested. Share your opinions, those who have already seen and read this book.