Break in women's shoes. How to quickly break in new shoes? Vaseline or castor oil

Even the most careful choice of footwear does not guarantee its trouble-free wear in the future. It often happens that sneakers that seemed so comfortable begin to rub your feet until they bleed. The reasons for this may be different, for example, an incorrectly chosen size or a desire to “walk” a new thing as soon as possible without breaking it in at least a little. However, the inconvenience of shoes is not at all a reason to say goodbye to them. There are many ways to break in shoes at home.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to contact a shoemaker who has special tools for stretching. If there is no such desire or opportunity, there are other ways that you can use yourself:

  • Hardware stores sell chemical products - stretchers based on alcohol and emollients. They are available in the form of a spray, liquid and foam. For different materials - leather, suede, varnish, leatherette - different means are suitable. They are very simple and easy to use: moisten a cotton swab with the product and apply it inside to the rubbing area. , and then they put on socks and walk in treated shoes for about an hour.
  • In shoe stores you can buy special devices (blocks) for shoes.
  • If there is no urgency in using a new pair, it should be worn in gradually, putting on at home for one to two hours during the week or more.
  • If there is still an urgency, it is recommended to wear tight boots on thick woolen socks. After two or three hours, they will increase by half a size.
  • If the shoes are tight in a certain place, for example, rubbing the back, hot wax or paraffin is dripped onto this place, after which the shoes are put on. In a few days, the paraffin will be erased, and the shoes will stretch.

How to stretch natural leather

Leather is a natural and most comfortable material. It is naturally easier to distribute products from it than from any other.

Most methods of stretching shoes with improvised means also apply primarily to leather, although some of them are applicable to other materials.


An effective extender is alcohol. With it, you can stretch hard shoes from both smooth and patent leather.

  1. Alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and poured into a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the solution on the inner surface of the product.
  3. Wear shoes with thick socks and wear for about 2 hours until the alcohol has completely evaporated.

Instead of shoes, you can moisten socks with an alcohol solution. It is allowed to process it from the inside with cologne.

Outside, the shoes are not wiped with alcohol - this can worsen their appearance.


This is perhaps the most unusual way to stretch shoes.

  1. The shoes are sealed with plastic bags.
  2. Pour cold water into the bags - as much as it will fit.
  3. The shoes are laced up so that the water does not spill out, and sent to the freezer for at least 8 hours.
  4. After a while, they take out an ice pack and let it thaw a little. Do not remove the ice from the shoes immediately, so as not to tear or scratch them.

When exposed to cold, the shoes will expand slightly.

The method is suitable for genuine leather, good leatherette and suede. Winter boots without fur also perfectly withstand temperature changes. However, you should be careful: low-quality shoes, like shoes made of very thin leather, can crack along the seam.

Boiling water

This method seems extreme, but there is nothing wrong with it, and besides, it allows you to stretch hard shoes very quickly.

  1. Boiling water is poured into the shoes and immediately, after a maximum of 30 seconds, poured back.
  2. They put on shoes and wear them in for about half an hour so that the skin cools down and takes the shape of the foot.

The method is suitable for genuine leather, suede and textiles. Faux leather and leatherette do not tolerate high temperatures.


A method whose effectiveness has been confirmed by many generations of housewives.

  1. Newspapers should be wetted, torn and stuffed with shoes as tightly as possible.
  2. Then you need to wait until the newspapers dry naturally (usually about a day).

You can’t “help” newspapers dry by the battery - this deforms the shoes.

Drying with a hair dryer

There is a known way to stretch leather and suede shoes with a hair dryer.

  1. Thick socks are put on the feet, and tight shoes are put on them.
  2. Then turn on the hair dryer and heat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fold of the foot with it.
  3. Waiting for the surface of the shoes to cool down.
  4. Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.

Then the shoes are lubricated with a special moisturizing conditioner.

Moisturizing with a towel

You can break in new leather boots if you lightly moisten them with a towel.

  1. Soaked in boiling water and well wrung out with a towel, wrap shoes or a box with it.
  2. Leave for 4-5 hours, periodically moistening the towel.

cowboy method

The cowboys of the Wild West wore leather boots like this.

  1. They filled them with grain.
  2. The grain was filled with water in sufficient quantities.
  3. Left for the night.

The grain swelled, stretching the boots lengthwise and wide. While still wet inside, they were put on and dried right on themselves, as a result of which the stretched shoes sat perfectly on the leg.

Instead of grain, you can take any cereal that swells from water.

How to stretch faux leather

Artificial leather is different. Its basis can be a fabric that does not stretch at all, and rubber, which can be made more, but again less - it will not work.

Not all methods applicable to natural leather are suitable for artificial leather. The most painless way to increase leatherette shoes by half a size is to use a hairdryer. From frost and boiling water, they can crack, and from swollen grain they will become so huge that it will no longer be possible to wear them.

Also, artificial skin helps to distribute fat-containing substances.

  1. Vegetable or castor oil, fish oil or petroleum jelly lubricate the shoes from the inside .
  2. Then it is put on a warm sock or on a block.
  3. After a few hours, it must be cleaned.

How to stretch suede

Suede shoes usually stretch well, so you need to buy them strictly by size. Even if they are a little tight, it usually takes a few days to spread them. If, nevertheless, walking in suede shoes causes unbearable pain, it makes sense to try to stretch it too.

Of the already mentioned methods, drying with a hairdryer is suitable for suede. But there is also a specific option designed specifically for her. This is beer.

  1. Shoes are moistened with beer from the inside and put on thick socks.
  2. After a few hours, they remove it and put it on an open window to dispel the smell of an alcoholic drink.

Suede cannot be processed with other types of alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing products.

How to stretch rubber boots

Just like leather shoes, PVC rubber boots can be slightly enlarged with boiling water. However, the procedure in this case will be slightly different. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Boiling water is poured into the boots and wait a few minutes until they become softer.
  2. In the meantime, cold water is drawn into the basin and woolen socks are put on.
  3. When the water in the boots cools down a bit, it is drained and shoes are put on.
  4. After a few minutes, right in their boots, they stand in a basin of cold water so that the PVC hardens under the influence of a temperature difference.

To distinguish PVC from natural rubber, you should touch the boots with a hot object in an inconspicuous place. If the material begins to melt, then it will not be difficult to stretch it. With normal tires, this is no longer possible.

How to stretch textile shoes

Unfortunately, the most likely answer here is no. In some cases, the refrigerator method mentioned above can help. In general, textiles are not prone to elastic deformations, so one piece of advice can be given here - buy shoes of your size, not counting on the fact that they will stretch over time.

How to choose the right shoes

To save shoes from unpleasant procedures, which, moreover, do not always pass without a trace, it is recommended:

  • Buy products only from natural materials - they are easily worn in a natural way, and the legs are more comfortable in them.
  • Go shopping in the afternoon, when the leg is already swollen and increased in volume.
  • Try on winter boots only with thick socks or tights.
  • With increased fullness of the foot, buy shoes one size larger.
  • Do not make a purchase if there is even the slightest doubt about the size.

A balanced approach to the choice of shoes or boots will allow you to avoid difficulties with wearing them in and keep their original size for a long time.

When buying shoes, we take into account that over time they will stretch a lot, become wider and larger. In order not to squish our heels later and not experience discomfort, we often buy shoes close to each other, and sometimes a size smaller. But here is an important event on the nose, and you don’t want to look like a “wounded grasshopper” and suffer from painful calluses and squeezed fingers. What to do, how to break new shoes in the shortest possible time? Our tips will help you make shoes as comfortable and convenient as possible.

You can stretch new shoes to a comfortable size in just a few hours.

  1. Special funds. On sale there are sprays and foams that are designed specifically for stretching tight shoes. They usually contain alcohol, chemicals for stretching, aromatic oils. Using them is not difficult - just treat the inside of the shoes with liquid or foam and put them on a thick sock. Walk in new shoes for about an hour.
  2. Wet newspaper. Moisten the shredded paper with water and stuff the shoes with it to the fullest. Leave to dry in a warm place. After drying, the shoes will remain much wider, even if you remove the dried newspaper. It is very important to pre-examine the sole of the shoe - if it is sealed, it can deteriorate and fall apart from moisture, this method is not suitable for such shoes. If your shoes are a little tight, don't stuff them too tightly with newspaper. Shoes may lose their shape and dry out in the form of bumps. That is, in some places it will be wide, and in others it will remain narrow. It is better, after all, to dry the shoes on the foot.
  3. Moisture. This method is suitable for expensive shoes made of genuine leather. Put the shoes in the box and wrap the box with a damp towel. Leave everything for a few hours. Moisture will evaporate inside the box, and the skin will become soft and pliable. After a couple of hours, you need to get the shoes and vilify for a while. Ideally, the shoes should dry on the foot, so they "remember" the shape of the foot and stay in that size.
  4. Alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol, many materials are stretched - leather, leatherette, suede. Many girls have alcohol based lotions that they use to cleanse their face etc. This lotion is convenient to use - it is in the form of a spray. Simply spray an alcohol-based compound on the inside of the shoe and put it on your feet. If the shoes are very tight, for greater effect, you can put on a sock beforehand. If there is no alcohol in the form of a spray, it does not matter - just moisten a cotton pad with vodka and wipe the shoes from the inside.
  5. Ice. We all know that water expands when it freezes. This can be seen from the plastic water bottle left in the freezer. Moreover, this expansion occurs regardless of the material, that is, ice is able to move even the most dense skin. Pouring water into shoes is a dubious pleasure, so we will do so. We will need new plastic bags without holes. We collect water in the bag and lower it into the shoe. We try to arrange the bag with water so that the liquid fills the entire space of the shoe. We tie the neck well, and then we put the whole structure in the freezer and leave it for several hours. This is a real and very effective way to stretch your shoes.
  6. Hot air. For the next method, you will need thick socks and a hair dryer. Put your shoes on socks and start warming up the surface of the shoes with a hairdryer. This is especially true of the sole. When the shoes are warm enough, turn off the hair dryer and wait for the shoes to cool down. So you need to repeat at least 10 times. When you feel that the shoes have become a little more spacious, remove them and lubricate with moisturizer or petroleum jelly. This will protect the natural coating from cracking after exposure to high temperatures.
  7. Beer. This method will help stretch delicate suede or nubuck shoes. It is usually used if the shoes only compress in a certain area. Soak a cotton pad in beer and apply to the place that rubs the callus. Walk in shoes with beer fleece for a couple of hours, and then leave the shoes to dry completely. The next time you wear the suede in a cramped place will become much more spacious.
  8. Soap. This is an old but effective way to stretch tight shoes. Rub a dry bar of soap on the shoes in the area that feels tightest to you. Then put your shoes on with a toe and walk around the house in this state for a couple of hours. By the way, the back of the shoe is smeared with paraffin or soap so that the hard material does not rub the corn.
  9. Tool for increasing the size of shoes. Shoemakers have such a mechanism, which is a shoe on a metal thread. The shoe is put on the unit, the pads of which gradually increase and the shoe is stretched. This is the most professional and safest way to increase your shoes by half a size or even a full size. In this case, the master expands only the designated areas, the shoes can be stretched in length, in width, or only in a certain place.

When treating shoes with alcohol and alcohol-containing compounds, be careful that aggressive liquid does not get on the outer surface of the shoe. This is especially true of patent leather shoes. And further. Do not go outside until the shoes are completely dry after stretching. Raw shoes can stretch more than you need. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect the condition of the shoes and, if sufficiently expanded, remove them and allow them to dry in a warm place. Do not dry wet shoes near hot radiators - they can dry out and unstick, and the varnish coating shrinks from hot air.

How to choose shoes by size

In order not to worry about tight shoes next time, it is very important to approach their purchase correctly. It is best to go shopping in the evening - at this time of the day the legs swell a little and acquire their maximum size. It is very important not only to try on shoes, but also to walk around the store in them in order to feel the shoes “in action”. And all because when walking, the bones expand from the weight of a person and the foot increases in size.

Many people have asymmetric foot sizes, so it is best to measure shoes on the foot that is larger. If the second leg is uncomfortable, you can use insoles, or rather, only one insole. It is laid on the sole of the smaller foot to even out the imbalance. When buying, pay attention not only to the size, but also to the fullness of the shoes. In the international dimension, it is defined by letters from E to I.

Remember, good comfortable shoes can bring discomfort, but only light and barely noticeable. This is due to the rigidity of the material, which will subsequently take the shape of your foot and will not rub. But you should not wear new shoes on the first day for a responsible event. First break in your shoes at home for an hour, the next day increase this time. Gradual wear and our shoe stretching tips will keep your shoes soft, comfortable and comfortable.

Video: how to stretch shoes at home

Tight shoes are not only ugly, but also very dangerous for health. A crooked gait and a stooped back are the least that can happen to a person who wears small shoes. In a tightly clamped leg, blood circulation is disturbed, resulting in varicose veins and thrombosis. Therefore, it is very important that shoes match the size of the foot. But there are situations when in the store a couple sat down like a glove, but at home the shoes do not fit or squeeze the legs very hard. What to do in this case? How to break in shoes that are too tight?

If the product was purchased recently, the buyer has the right to return the unsuitable product within 14 days. But there are situations when you really like the product or the return period has expired. Then you have to make sacrifices and break in narrow shoes at home using different methods.

It is worth trying to expand the pair in the following cases:

  1. The shoes are small, but there is no suitable size in the store.
  2. The width corresponds to the width of the foot, and the length of the shoe is a bit short and pinches the toes.
  3. Optimal length, but too narrow shoe width.
  4. The couple becomes small at the end of the day.
  5. After getting wet and drying, the shoes became very tight.

In order to quickly stretch the shoes at home, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • wear a new pair for a short time. A couple of hours daily will be enough. A radical measure - wearing shoes without taking off for several hours a day will only harm the foot and shoes;
  • use a bactericidal patch, applying it to the places of the greatest rubbing of the skin;
  • softening the back is the most common cause of calluses. This can be done with a piece of dry soap or paraffin wax from a candle;
  • as a preventive measure for rubbing the legs, use castor oil, which is applied with a cotton pad to the back of the shoe;
  • if home remedies don't work, you can always purchase specialized foams, sprays, and other liquids and creams that stretch your shoes.

It is advisable to follow all the recommendations immediately after buying a new pair of shoes.

Unfortunately, sometimes the above actions are not enough. If the shoes are significantly small, then the methods should be more efficient and effective.

General options for any material quality

There are methods to help stretch shoes that will work with any material. They are versatile in their action and will stretch shoes made of leather, suede or patent leather.


It is contraindicated only for patent leather shoes and summer sandals, where there are a lot of jewelry with rhinestones. To carry it out, you need: a freezer, water, a good tight bag. You need to act as follows:

  • pour water into the bag in such an amount that it fits inside the shoe in cellophane. The package should fill those places where the shoes press the most;
  • The bag must not be water-tight. Moisture that has fallen on the inner surface of the shoes when they are frozen can be detrimental to the shoes;
  • put shoes filled with water bags in the freezer compartment for 6-8 hours. When freezing, the water will expand, respectively, the shoes will stretch;
  • after the specified time, remove the steam from the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature.

Important! It is forbidden to use hot air streams from a hair dryer or fan, as well as place shoes near radiators and electric heaters.

Woolen or terry socks

An easy way to break in shoes if they are tight and chafed. You need to try on new shoes, walk around in them for a while, in order to understand in which specific places it presses the most. Wear socks made of thick terry cloth or wool. In places of strong friction, you can put additional stretch marks in the form of helium inserts, silicone pads or ordinary rag napkins. Put on shoes, walk in them without taking them off for 1.5-2 hours. Don't try too hard to widen your shoes. Otherwise, it will begin to fall off the leg and look ugly.

professional ways

In addition to the aforementioned folk methods, there are also specialized professional methods that solve the problem of how to break in new shoes. You can visit the workshop. There, experts in their field will very quickly stretch the shoes, expand them in those places where necessary, without prejudice to the pair.

You can also not spend money on the services of specialists, but try to increase the inner surface of the shoes at home on your own, using special shoe cosmetics in the form of foams, gels, sprays, etc. How to act in such a case?

  1. Buy the necessary funds. For example, stretch foam.
  2. Distribute the light white mass inside the product, paying particular attention to the places of greatest pressure.
  3. Put on socks on your feet and put on treated shoes. Wear a pair until the foam is completely dry.

The main thing in such a thing as expanding shoes is not to overdo it. You can not pull the shoes with your hands, applying maximum effort, use too hot water, as well as creams and other products of unknown origin.

In addition to the universal methods mentioned above, there are methods that are only suitable for a certain type of product. So, stretching leather shoes may be contraindicated for a suede pair and vice versa. How to quickly break in shoes depending on the type of material used?


Its benefits are no secret to anyone. In addition to the breathable surface, leather shoes do not retain moisture, thereby preventing the appearance of fungus and unpleasant odors. But leather shoes sometimes have to be paced and widened. Here are a few simple ways to help you:

  1. wet stretch. It is necessary to take a large towel made of terry cloth, moisten it with plenty of water and wring it out thoroughly. Wrap a cardboard box with a pair of shoes that require expansion in several layers with a wet towel and leave it like that all night. Abundant moisture will soften not only the paper on the box, but also the shoes, which will be put on and vilified for two or three hours. To prevent re-compression of the pair, shoes should be stuffed with old newspapers after each use.
  2. Boiling water. Heat the water on the stove until it starts to boil. Pour a small amount of hot liquid into each product for 2-3 minutes, then drain the water. Put on shoes, vilify for a couple of hours. You can use thick socks, they will expand the pair more.
  3. Alcohol-containing products. In this case, both alcohol in its pure form and vodka or cologne are used. Soak a cotton pad in liquid, wipe the inside of the shoe with it. Put on shoes with warm socks, walk around the house for several hours.
  4. Glycerol. They smear the inner surface of the shoe, after which they put cloths soaked in warm water and wrung out cloths on the greased places. In this form, leave the shoes for 6-8 hours, and then vilify, as in the previous methods, until the necessary stretching.
  5. A more gentle, but long method - old newspapers or blotting paper wetted with water. They are placed inside the shoes, tightly stuffing every millimeter of the pair and left to dry completely. Then they take out the paper and get shoes that have become one size larger.

It is forbidden to speed up the drying process with heaters or a hair dryer.

Faux leather

Shoes made of such material, in addition to poor physical characteristics in terms of poor breathability, non-natural material also have another significant drawback - they are very difficult to stretch if necessary. However, there are a few proven methods to help remedy the situation:

  1. shoe cream. They lubricate the outer side of the pair. Then the shoes are put on thick socks and worn without taking off for several hours. For better stretching of the material, the inside of the shoes can be treated with cologne or alcohol.
  2. If the strength of the pair is beyond doubt, then you can wear wet thick socks on which to put on shoes, wear them for several hours.

Suede shoes

This material never goes out of trend. But breaking in such shoes requires a careful approach, as the risk of ruining a pair increases. The following methods will help here:

  1. A layer of socks and hot air. You need to put on a few thin socks on your foot, put on a shoe and warm it up with air from a hair dryer, holding the hot streams in the folds. If it works, then you need to move your toes and all feet. 10 minutes after the start of "warming up", remove the hair dryer, vilify the product for several minutes around the room. After that, repeat the drying procedure with a hairdryer.
  2. Beer- a definitely unusual component for such an activity as expanding shoes, but no less effective for this. Moisten cotton pads in an intoxicating drink and wipe the inner surface of the product, stopping in those places where the fingers and skin experience the greatest pressure. Wear a pair in socks for several hours.

The elastic structure of the suede material can stretch out if overworked and the shoes become ugly.

Patent shoes

Shoes made of such material, despite the external beauty, have increased rigidity. Walking in a pair that is tight will be very painful, so measures should be taken before injury to the skin of the feet occurs.

It is important to understand that the risk of damaging patent shoes is very high, so stretching methods should be used with extreme caution:

  1. Castor oil or any other fatty substance (Vaseline, baby cream). Apply the product to the inside of the shoe with a cotton pad. You can also process the outside of the product. Leave the shoes like this for several hours. Put on thick socks, put on shoes, walk for 10-15 minutes. This time is enough to notice a positive result.
  2. Alcohol-containing products. They are applied to the inner surface of the shoe, which is then put on a warm sock and worn without taking off for several hours.

If the first time you fail to expand the shoes, do not get upset and give up. Perhaps the product requires a different approach or repetition of the same method.

Issues discussed in the material:

  • Why do we sometimes still buy tight shoes
  • What homemade recipes will help stretch tight shoes
  • Is it possible to stretch suede shoes with boiling water
  • Where is the best place to stretch tight shoes?
  • How to avoid buying tight shoes in the future

Everyone must have at least once purchased a pair of shoes they liked very much, which did not quite fit in size. How to break in tight shoes to really enjoy such a purchase? Read about it in our article.

How to break tight shoes at home

Elegance, style, originality - these are the main criteria in the name of which we often neglect the convenience and practicality when buying shoes. We purchase shoes or boots that are a size smaller because we can't resist the beauty, believing that they will soon break.

However, after the first walk in new shoes, calluses appear on the feet. We leave the couple we liked in the store lying in the closet, because we no longer want to experience pain and inconvenience. And it remains only to regret the money spent, not being able to show off in such an acquisition.

Can this situation be corrected? How to break in tight new shoes? We suggest adopting ten improvised means, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time:

  • alcohol solution

A tight product, both inside and out, can be treated with any alcohol-containing liquid: vodka, alcohol diluted with water, cologne. You can wipe the entire pair or individual areas that cause discomfort. Then you need to walk around the house in it for at least two hours, while wearing thick cotton socks.

  • Vegetable oil

Castor or sunflower oil, as well as cosmetic petroleum jelly, will help to spread tight shoes. These three products are well suited for products made of artificial or genuine leather. It is necessary to smear one of them properly on your pair of shoes inside and out, and then walk around the house in it for about three hours. Then you need to carefully wipe off the remaining oil or petroleum jelly.

  • Hot water

How to break in tight shoes made of genuine leather at home? Take advantage of this budget friendly option.

To do this, pour very high temperature water into the middle of leather shoes or sneakers, drain it after a few minutes and cool the product a little. Then there are two options: either put on socks and walk in shoes until they dry, or wrap them in a cotton cloth soaked in boiling water for half an hour, grease with any oil and leave for a day.

You can also moisten not the product itself with very hot water, but warm socks, put tight shoes on them and walk like this for about thirty minutes.

  • Newspaper

To break in shoes, try an old method that has been proven over many generations. The toes of shoes that are tight in the toes should be filled with newspaper soaked in water. At the same time, to achieve the desired effect, you need to push the wet paper very tightly, but carefully, following the original shape. After the newspaper dries (in about a day), you need to get it out of the shoes, which will now be just right for you.

  • Freezer

To break tight shoes, you can use the property of the liquid to expand when frozen. To do this, pour water into strong new plastic bags, check if they are leaking, and tie them up. Then put the bags in tight shoes, wrap with newspaper and place in the freezer. The product will become freer due to the fact that the frozen water bags will increase in size.

  • Laundry soap

If you need to break in tight shoes, try rubbing them with soap before going outside. Due to the fact that soap reduces friction, you will be able to avoid the formation of corns. Use this tool until the last is stretched to the desired size.

  • Hair dryer

A regular hair dryer is another way to break tight shoes, especially if you need to do it quickly. To do this, put on a tight pair of warm socks and warm up the most problematic areas with a hairdryer on hot mode. Walk around the apartment for about fifteen minutes. If discomfort persists, repeat the procedure.

  • Cereals or grains

Cowboys also used this method to break tight boots. As you know, cereals soaked in water significantly increase in volume. You need to pour it into shoes and leave it all night. When you pour out the grits in the morning and wipe off your pair, it will become much more comfortable to wear.

  • Kerosene or vinegar

If your shoes are tight around the toe and toes, try soaking them in clean kerosene or a 3% vinegar solution. This will help make the shoes looser.

  • Paraffin candles

Using paraffin can also help if new shoes are tight. It is necessary to wipe the inner surface with this substance and leave it overnight. Remove the wax in the morning with a brush, and your shoes will no longer upset you.

How to break in tight shoes if you can't do it yourself? Get help from professionals. The workshops have special equipment designed for such work.

How to break in tight leather shoes

Genuine leather products are elastic and soft, so they stretch the most quickly and easily. How to break in tight leather shoes:

  • Prepare a soap solution of colorless liquid soap and water in a ratio of 1:4, mix thoroughly. The resulting product must be applied with a spray gun inside the product. Then put on thick socks and walk around the house for two hours.
  • Use vinegar to apply to the inside of the shoe. Put on thick socks and wear shoes for one hour. To remove unwanted vinegar aroma, use a soapy solution.
  • Tight leather shoes can be broken in with boiling water. It is necessary to pour boiling water inside and immediately pour it out. Then put on socks and break in a pair for about twenty minutes. After cooling, it will take the shape of a leg. Such a stretch is only suitable for genuine leather products, as this material is not afraid of high temperatures. Boiling water can ruin leatherette shoes.
  • To stretch the leather product, use a hair dryer. To do this, put on wool socks, bend your foot, direct a jet of hot air to the folds. Wear the pair until completely cool. Repeat the procedure until the skin is soft and stretched. Apply a conditioner to moisturize the product.
  • Swollen grain will help to break leather shoes. Pour dry grain inside, fill with water and leave overnight. In the morning, remove it, wipe the product and wear until completely dry.

How to break in tight nubuck shoes

Nubuck is a finicky material. It is quite difficult to spread shoes from it using improvised means.

Nubuck products should not be stretched using petroleum jelly and greasy cream, as they will leave ugly streaks and stains that cannot be removed. You also need to make sure that the shoes are made of natural, not artificial material.

First you need to try to spread the pair for some time on your own. Most often it succeeds. If that doesn't work, you can try some tricks.

Get a special foam designed for stretching shoes. Be sure to make sure that it can be used for nubuck. Using this tool is not difficult. Just distribute it inside the pair, put it on thick socks and walk around the apartment for several hours.

Consider taking your tight nubuck shoes to a workshop. Specialists, using wooden blocks, will stretch better. Craftsmen can also stretch the product in length, which is very difficult to do on your own at home.

How to break in tight faux leather shoes

Leatherette is a difficult material to wear in. Repeated attempts to stretch products from it can lead to cracking and loss of attractive appearance. However, do not despair, it is still possible to break tight shoes.

To do this, moisten your socks with cologne, put on your shoes and walk around in it at home for about twenty minutes. Do this ten times a day until you stretch it to the desired size.

An effective method for spreading a leatherette item is to stuff it with small pieces of newspaper. Place shredded newsprint inside a pair of shoes, paying attention to keeping the shape, and pour in the water. Wait until it dries naturally. This will help stretch the product not only in width, but also in length.

How to break in tight suede shoes at home

Soft and supple suede molds to your foot. But remember that this material is afraid of water. To maintain the aesthetic appearance of the product, avoid getting liquid on its outer surface. How to break in tight suede shoes? Wear a pair of wet socks and walk around the house a little.

Beer can be used to break in suede shoes. Pour it inside the product, put it on thick wool socks and wear it for several hours. This method is very efficient.

How to break tight patent leather shoes at home

It is more difficult to carry a lacquered product than a leather one. When the skin is soft and thin, you can stretch the pair, but only in width.

Put on a tight product on wool socks moistened with vodka and wear until dry. Vodka can be replaced with an alcohol solution - 1/3 alcohol for 2/3 water. Neither alcohol nor vodka spoil patent leather shoes.

In order to properly and safely distribute fragile lacquer products, while maintaining the gloss and integrity of the coating, careful and delicate handling is necessary.

Tight patent leather shoes can be broken in with a hair dryer. Heat the product from the inside with a jet of hot air, then put it on your socks. Just do not overheat the shoes to avoid losing shine. Such manipulations are recommended to be done periodically. To stretch the lacquered product, you can lubricate the pair with petroleum jelly or high-fat cream, paying special attention to the heel and toe, and then put on the block. If you don't have a last, put on your shoes and wear them at home for two hours.

How to quickly break in tight textile shoes

Use boiling water to stretch. We discussed this method in detail above. In this case, it is necessary that the socks dry on the leg. Another way is to fill the shoes with wet paper, but not newspaper, which can stain the material, ruining the look. When paper dries in a shoe, it swells and stretches the shoe.

But it must be borne in mind that it is almost impossible to spread a tight pair of textiles, since it practically does not deform. The best way out in such circumstances is to purchase a product that is the most appropriate size for your foot.

How to stretch individual parts of tight shoes

Often, it is not the entire product that delivers discomfort, but its specific place. This happens, for example, if the shoe fits in length but is too narrow in width. Then, so that there are no chafing, it is necessary to spread separate sections of the pair.

  • Narrow and stiff heel. To soften the heel, first of all, it is worth walking in shoes worn over a toe made of wool or dense fabric. If you cannot achieve the desired effect, try tapping this place with a hammer. You can also use soap or a candle, as we wrote earlier. Another remedy is to stuff the back area with balls of paper or socks.
  • Narrow toe. Shoes that are tight in the toes are actually easier than you think. Products made of suede and genuine leather can be placed in the freezer by filling the sock with bags of water. Lacquer shoes, as well as those made of leatherette, are preferably worn on the feet, having previously been treated with paraffin, alcohol or soap. You can use heating the sock with a hair dryer and breaking it in until cool.
  • Stretch the ankle. For this, the farm or cowboy method is best suited. A freezer will also come in handy, in which you can place boots with water bags in the tops. A good option is to use boiling water and wear on the legs if the product is made of the appropriate material. The choice of how you will stretch the pair depends on the type and material of the shoe.

Please note that the product can be carried slightly. Using natural remedies, it is possible to achieve an increase of one size. It is best to entrust stretching to professionals by contacting the workshop. If you do not want to subject your shoes to serious tests, which are far from always without consequences for the appearance, heed the following recommendations.


Surely, everyone had a situation when already at home it was revealed that new leather shoes were not entirely comfortable. Even trying on in a store is not reliable insurance - sometimes pleasant emotions from a purchase make it difficult to really assess the situation. If the shoes or boots are only a little tight, then returning the pair to the store is not at all necessary. In this case, tips on how to break leather shoes at home will help. Most of the methods are based on the use of improvised means and do not require the purchase of additional materials or special devices. Leather is a natural material, quite elastic and pliable, so by choosing the right method, you can fix the problem without harming the appearance of the shoes.

When is stretching really necessary?

There are several situations in which you will need advice on how to break in leather shoes. Namely:

  • the new pair is a little smaller than the right size, and it was not possible to resist the temptation of the update;
  • the block of new shoes or boots is a little narrower than necessary;
  • the shoes fit perfectly in width, but are tight in length;
  • the skin has shrunk after walking in the rain or "swimming" and the shoes have become cramped;
  • discomfort appears after several hours of wear.

We offer a selection of the most effective tips on how to break in new leather shoes. You should not put on new shoes for the whole day at once - in any case, the leg will be uncomfortable. At first, limit yourself to short walks lasting no more than 2 hours. So precaution will help to avoid corns and scuffs.

Leather is an elastic material. Therefore, almost all popular advice can be used to stretch it. New boots will become much softer if the inside is rubbed with castor oil.

It is very important to follow these steps before putting on a pair for the first time. It would not be bad to buy a special emollient in the form of a spray immediately with shoes. Its use will minimize discomfort, and its cost will not be able to damage the budget. The most "problematic" areas of the foot can be pre-glued with a plaster. Shoes, of course, will not stop pressing right away, but the appearance of corns can be prevented.

  1. We use old newspapers. How to break tight leather shoes using old newspapers? This method is the most popular because it has high efficiency and its implementation is not associated with material costs. Newspapers, magazines, and any other waste paper you have on hand will do. Shred the paper into small pieces. You can do this with both scissors and your hands. Moisten the newspapers a little with water and pack as tightly as possible inside the tight shoes - the more paper pulp you can push into the shoes, the better the result will be. Leave the damp paper inside until it dries completely, just don't try to speed up the process with any heat source - the shoes will not stretch, but deform. The only drawback of the method is the duration. It takes at least 2 days to completely dry the paper pulp. But the end result will certainly please.
  2. Alcohol will help. Alcohol has a softening effect on the skin without harming its structure. Therefore, all methods based on vodka or alcohol are absolutely safe for new shoes. Another important advantage of the "alcohol" method is its speed. Therefore, it is often used as an emergency. If the shoes are tight on the foot, then moisten their entire inner surface with alcohol and an alcohol solution. Wear tight shoes with thick socks and wait until the moisture has completely evaporated. This usually takes 30-60 minutes. It happens that it is not the shoes themselves that press, but some of its elements - a rough heel, a thick seam, and the like. In this case, it is these parts that can be moistened with alcohol without impregnating the entire inner surface. Do not try to speed up the stretching process by applying alcohol to the outside as well - there is a high probability of negative changes in the appearance of the shoes. Also, do not use this method for products made of fake leather - artificial material will react negatively to such "gadgets".
  3. Boiling water guards the comfort of your feet. High-quality leather, when exposed to high temperatures, is steamed, due to which its elasticity increases significantly. You can hold the steam over the steam - but then it will take a lot of time to evenly heat the entire surface. It's easier to just pour boiling water into a boot or shoe, and immediately pour it out after a second. While the leather is warm, put on a pair of thick-toed shoes and walk around the house in them until completely dry. A pressing pair will “remember” all the contours of the foot and will no longer bring discomfort. This method is great only for high-quality real leather shoes. When in doubt, it is better to refuse in favor of another method.

  4. Use vaseline or castor oil.
    How to break in leather shoes that are tight using vegetable oil or cosmetic vaseline? With the product at hand, grease the inside and outside of the shoes well, put on old socks and wear shoes or boots for 3-4 hours. Of course, you can't walk on the street. But it is quite possible to do household chores. Then use a soft cloth to remove excess fat and appreciate the wonderful result. As a fat softener, you can even use ordinary sunflower oil, which is guaranteed to be available in every kitchen. The method is absolutely harmless to natural material and can be used even when stretching artificial leather shoes.
  5. Freezer. You can stretch tight shoes or boots not only with heat, but also with the help of cold. To do this, take two tight plastic bags and fill with water so that it fills the entire volume of the shoe. Check that the water does not leak - otherwise the goals will not be achieved. Place the bags in your shoes and put the pair in the freezer for 10-12 hours. Stretching occurs according to simple physical laws - water, freezing, increases in volume, and expanding the block. After freezing, the shoes should be dried well at room temperature. If you put a couple at the battery or heater, the material may shrink or crack. Yes, and the effect achieved will be completely canceled.
  6. Household soap. This method is good when the shoes are tight only in certain places. It is these areas on the inside that should be well rubbed with ordinary laundry soap slightly moistened with water. After a couple, you can safely put on shoes and go for a walk or a meeting. It is enough to repeat the procedure three or four times and the problem will be completely eliminated.
  7. We use grain. Groats or grains will also be an excellent answer to the question of how to break in leather shoes. The fact is that cereals gradually increase volume under the influence of moisture - this allows you to gently stretch the skin without fear of harming it. Pour well-swellable cereal into a small linen bag or sock, and place evenly over the shoe last. Please note - you should not completely fill the bag, at least one third of its volume should be empty, as the bulk material will become bulkier. Right in the shoes, fill the grits well with water and leave for 12-20 hours. Take out the grits and dry your shoes or boots. This method has been proven for many centuries - it was used by cowboys.
  8. Soften the skin with vinegar. The most problematic area of ​​shoes and boots is the toe. If you soak this area with an aqueous solution of vinegar and put a pair on a thick sock, you can solve the problem in just 30 minutes, which will take to stretch and dry. The concentration of vinegar - no more than 3%, otherwise the skin may suffer. Pure kerosene can be used instead of vinegar. The only drawback is that it will take time to clean the inner surface.
  9. A hair dryer isn't just for hair. If you have a problem how to quickly break in leather shoes, it’s good when you have at least an hour of time and a hair dryer is available. Wear very thick socks on your foot and put your foot in tight shoes. Turn on the hair dryer at maximum power and start thoroughly warming up the entire surface, paying special attention to the places where it is the most pressing. It will take about 10 minutes to heat up. Then you just need to walk around in shoes so that the material takes on the desired volume and has time to cool down - about 20 minutes. Do repetitions if necessary.
  10. Funds from the store. In the department of household chemicals or a shoe store, there is a fairly wide selection of special products that increase the elasticity of the skin without compromising the material and shape of the shoe. Most often, such drugs are produced in the form of foam, which is applied to the inner surface. After that, you can put on a tight sock and break in shoes at home. One or two repetitions are enough to achieve the desired result. What tool is right for your couple, you can ask the sales assistant.

How to try on shoes in the store

It is possible to stretch a tight pair of shoes, but knowing the basics of the right choice, such a problem will occur much less often. So, what secrets will help you to accurately choose comfortable shoes or boots in which the foot will be comfortable on the first day of wearing?

It is recommended to go to the shoe store for a new one in the afternoon. The legs at this point are a little tired and, accordingly, swell. Therefore, if the shoes seem comfortable in the store, then in the morning the feeling of discomfort will not seem either. But with morning shopping, problems arise much more often.

You should not immediately put on new shoes for a walk - if it turns out that it is critically small, then using it on the street will make it impossible to return to the store. In the evening, after an active day, take a walk around the house in a new thing, and the material will stretch, and you will have time to make sure that your choice is correct.

If in the store you feel that leather boots fit your foot tightly, you should not take a pair one size larger - in the process of wearing, the skin will definitely stretch and the discomfort will disappear. Please note that this does not happen with artificial materials.

When buying autumn and winter shoes, try them on with a warm sock, because it will definitely be relevant in the cold season. As you can see, coping with the problem of tight shoes is quite easy. But it's even easier to just make the right choice and get the most out of your purchase, instead of discomfort for your legs!