“The scenario of the New Year's party“ New Year's adventures of fairy-tale heroes. Scenario "New Year's adventures of fairy-tale heroes

(Baba Yaga comes out with a button accordion, sings, accompanying herself, a song):

In the dark forest there is a hut -

Standing backwards!

And in the hut of that old woman,

Grandmother Yaga lives.

Crochet nose, eyes... big! -

Like fires burning!

Fu you, angry ... you yourself are evil!

... hair sticking out on end ...

(looks at himself in the mirror)

Che immediately "on end" something? Not! This song is not about me! .. Baba Yaga is not so terrible as her rumor paints ...

But actually ... I'm tired of being Baba Yaga! How can?! Everyone strives to offend: either the oven is not in size for them, or the shovel ...

I'll be better ... Snow Maiden!

(changes clothes)

So. Well, here's another thing. To do just that? Except how to show off? Would like to remember...

Guys, help me! What is this Snow Maiden doing on the Christmas tree?

(children prompt)

So-so ... Sings ... Well, this is nonsense! Dancing? Hmm, hmm... The leg is still bone, but I think I can handle it - they say that the dancer always gets in the way of the legs... What else? Aha! Riddles to guess, poetry to read ... It's time for me to spit!

Santa Claus to call in chorus?! Yes, a hundred years would not see him! ..

Give gifts? Well, it’s completely useless - I didn’t collapse from an oak tree! From the fir ... Ah, yes! Ate all the gifts!! They ate it themselves, and you also demand from me! Look, they are all plump! Well-fed, but uneducated! Get over it!

And here is some correct peanut, something about “set fire to the Christmas tree” ... Yes, that’s for me!

(pulls out matches)

Razzudy, shoulder, swing, hand! .. Why roar? Santa Claus should Should I call him? So, I don't mind. Right now ... How, I mean, they call him out? BUT! Here! I remembered:

Santa Claus, red nose,

I have a question for you!

(children shout protesting)

What is "wrong", what is "wrong"? I personally have a couple of questions for him! Why does he ride around in a troika, but I don’t have a scooter in the garage ?! Mortar and broom! Last century!

... But I can do it in another way:

Santa Claus, run

And now we're all leaving!

(children make noise)

Why are you re-reading this to your elders, huh? Did you learn at school? Well, nothing, nothing! Although we have a police state - there is a lyceum for each - but Baba USE also knows his business! Well, repeat after me:

Santa Claus, run

And now we're all leaving!

(children repeat; Cat Basilio appears):

What was the name of Santa Claus? Did not come? I'm for him! Come on, children, light the Christmas tree!

And here are my matches!

Why else?

Duc ... But how to set it on fire?

Here is the darkness of the forest, dense! Don't "set fire", but "ignite"! You need to know the magic words.

And do you know?

Ha. Look.

(approaches the tree)

Christmas tree! What are you standing?

Are you standing and not burning?

(waiting for effect)

Christmas tree, don't stop!

Burn with blue fire!

(another pause, during which B.Ya. fussily rubs his hands in anticipation, giggles ...)

Tree sticks! Don't be afraid!

Light up and spin!!

(the tree does not light up; then Basilio for some reason begins to rummage through the branches at the base of the tree; B. I watches in bewilderment; finally, Basilio takes out some kind of piece of iron with a triumphant look ...)

Do you hear? All clear. She can't burn. She is broken. Electronics flew. Motherboard!

I mean, were they selling cheap tickets for the matinee? Fu-you, unlucky what! Well, you asked me a riddle, Basilio ... Ah! Yes! Let's do riddles!

Let's. Who is like that - he does not sleep himself - does not give to others?

Street cleaner? Alarm? Fridge?

You yourself ... a freezer! Baby it!

What other child?

I don't know which one. Little, probably: he does not sleep himself - and does not give to others. Neighbors, for example.

BUT! (laughs B.Ya. - got it) And where is Alice?

What is this, a mystery?

No, that's what I'm asking...

Where where? How do I know? Prancing somewhere - I found out that the Year of the Horse, so ...

How about we call her then? Maybe for three we can better figure out about the Christmas tree?

Or maybe, well, her? Do not wake the dashing ... Calm somehow without her ...

(Fox Alice from afar, then closer):

Hey Basilio! Ba-zi-li-oh-oh-oh!! (runs in, assesses the situation) What are you dressed up for? Do-ah! Are you fooling the kids?!

- (B.Ya.) We are not fooling anything!

- (Basilio simultaneously with B.Ya.) Don't fool around! We are celebrating the New Year...

- (Alice cunningly) Fool-fool! (unexpectedly) …And you are right!!

- (Basilio) We make riddles! Green, does not jump anywhere, and everyone rejoices! What's happened?

- (Alice) DOLLAR!

- (B.Ya.) Why is the dollar right away? Somehow this is very adult ...

- (Alice) Yes, not childish! Dollar! Green? Green. Doesn't jump anywhere? Doesn't jump! Well, almost ... Everyone who has, are happy? Fact!

- (B.Ya.) I’ll clarify: it starts with “la”, ends with “-gushka”! ..

- (Basilio vividly) TANK!!!

- (B.Ya.) Ah, you knew, you knew! It's not fair!!!

- (Alice) Have you lost your mind? How is it a frog - and does not jump?

- (Basilio) Maybe it's made of stone. At the fountain.

- (Alice) That's why you are gushing ... Who made a riddle?

- (Basilio, coming to his senses) I. It was you who just knocked us off course! Dollar. Christmas tree is.

- (B.Ya and Alice) FIR-TREE??

- (Basilio) Christmas tree. Green, stands still, and everyone around is jumping. Christmas tree.

And you say, do not fool anyone's head! The kids are crazy! Even though I don't feel sorry for them...

- (Basilio readily supports his girlfriend) Children today are simply a shame!

They hurt dads and moms!

Teachers as one! -

Everyone is in quarantine

To take a break from the kids

And then neither gasp nor breathe!

- (Alice sarcastically) We were at the teachers' council!

Yes, bad kids these days!

Little do they know...

- (Basilio) They sit at the computers!

- (Alice) They don't even play games!

- (B.Ya. was confused) Why did you attack here with rhymes? Maybe these children are just what they will fit ... They just need to be shown how to use a shovel correctly ...

- (Alice) Here, at least on a holiday, let me take a break from evil? But it would be necessary to check the kids ... Only here, as the psychopaths say, motivation is important ...

(B.Ya., grabbing the button accordion) To the music, perhaps, on a shovel? ..

- (Alice) Something like that ... (addressing the children) Are there any risks? Lucky?

New year and new games!

Not virtual shooters

And real catch-ups!

Bold and greedy, come forward!

You will receive a prize - no one will take it away!

(several mass games; winners sing, losers dance)

- (Alice) Ha. Weird. Insanely weird! Basilio, what do you say? Do you think these are normal children?

- (Basilio) Children are not normal.

- (Alice) That's right, but in this case? They played, sang... They even danced! BUT?

- (Basilio) Normal?

- (Alice) And it's not normal.

- (B.Ya.) Maybe it's the parents?

- (Alice) Exactly! How did I not think of that! Basilio!

- (Basilio) Drive them out? Rob? Grab?!

- (Alice) Not to grab, but to embrace... (Bazilio, spreading his arms, takes a step towards the adult audience) ...attention! Attention, Basilio! Let's see who these kids are so clever at...

You are on holiday - not at work!

What do you need to prop up the walls in vain?

They can stand without you!

Since you came here with the kids,

Become children for a minute yourself!

(they play “Musical Carousel” with their parents: there are 6 chairs in a circle, 7 participants; you need to walk around the chairs while the music is playing and try to take one of the chairs when the music stops; the one who didn’t have time leaves, the chair is removed - and first, until the moment, when 1 winner remains; the winner is awarded the chance to read a nursery rhyme from a stool)

- (B.Ya.) And now what?

- (Alice) Yes... Somehow... Children are like children - smart, funny.

- (Basilio) And parents are like children. No sclerosis for you, no conscience - they jump around the Christmas tree like your horses.

- (Alice) Speaking of sclerosis! Santa Claus should appear soon, but our horse has not yet rolled!

- (B.Ya.) And I propose to return to the riddles! And then they thought to themselves, but the children mysteriously kept silent!

- (Alice) Only, mind you, guessing confusing riddles - should we outwit them?

- (B.Ya.) Zamorochnye - what are they?

- (Alice and Basilio for a couple) But learn from us! ..

He doesn't eat plums or cream!

Only hares eat cowardly.

Don't wear blue slippers

Bring on the Red Riding Hoods!

This will make sense!

This is a very kind ... / WOLF /

He loves bruises and bumps.

Everyone puts a thermometer under the armpits,

A bitter pill vanishes ...

The sick pass does not give!

Famous for his villainy


Bloodthirsty cannibal!

And looks like a cutie! Homebody!

Dodger! Scammer! Upstart and dandy!

He walks in a hat, a bow on a camisole ...

Artful thief: from someone else's feet

Stebril impudently boots!!

And important - ah, ah, ah!

Who is that? /PUSS IN BOOTS/

He accidentally found this lamp -

Turned up just like that, under the paw ...

It can be seen, indeed, fools are lucky!

But smart - to us - on the contrary ...

Well, I didn't get this genie!..

It's not me on the Forbes list, but ... /ALLADIN/

Bearded cutie!

Altruist, good man! Don't be a curmudgeon!

Pinocchio, insolent, gave 5 coins! - father!

And what is cool - not without a reason:

Needed! whip! for evil! Malvinas!

What an artist! Played - and in the box!

He is a real hard worker!

In general, the guy is first class ... / KARABAS-BARABAS /

He has a mind!

Even three chambers!

He doesn't need a salary

He is so rich!

He doesn't ask you to eat

Not even in the social:

He will throw the knight off the horse,

Eat - "thank you" will say!

Not a state employee Pal Ivanovich

And not the homeless Kalinich!

Not a pensioner Stepanych -

Dushka ... / ZMEI GORYNYCH /

(the whole trinity hugs happily - they managed to confuse the children)

- (Alice) Confuse, confuse!

- (B.Ya.) Well, okay! The last riddle! Good! Real! About the Snow Maiden!

- (Alice) Come on, come on! Think, and we will prompt, help ... Yes, Basilio?

- (Basilio) Fact!

- (B.Ya.) Once a year he comes to people ...

- (Alice) And it will break out!

- (Basilio) Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu, kids!

Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu, bunnies!

- (B.Ya.) Already blush, black-browed, like ...

- (Alice) ... such a vile one!

- (B.Ya.) White face!

- (Basilio) Beloruchka!

- (all together) Santa Claus ... / GRANDDUCH /

(Snow Maiden with her retinue comes out to the "fabulous" music):

- (looking around the costumed company) Who are they? What is what? I won't take anything for granted! Come on, don't muddy the water, quickly explain everything to me! Who defames the Snow Maiden?! Who doesn't want to be friends with me?

(“heroes” are in disarray: they are hiding behind each other, pointing fingers at one another - it’s not me, they say ... The Snow Maiden asks the children to explain what is happening here)

Ah, that's it! You, Baba Yaga, are also the Snow Maiden?! It doesn't happen! It's not fairy tale. Let's compete then! Who will outweigh whom? Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost is a noble dancer!

This is what I will prove!

I will turn you over!

Guys, help

Join the dance together with dreams!

And if someone cannot dance,

Let him clap his hands!

(dance; Baba Yaga, of course, loses and - in the end - falls down; the Snow Maiden laughs good-naturedly, merrily)

Well, Baba Yaga, made me laugh! Children, let's forgive her, let's not drive her away? (children, of course, forgive) On you, Baba Yaga, a prize - "For the will to win"! (something sporty) We will also make up with the Fox and the Cat - a holiday is a holiday! (recollecting himself) Oh, children, why isn’t our Christmas tree on fire?!

- (Basilio and B.Ya.) She is broken! She's wrong!

Where did you get it from? First of all, she needs to be praised. Come on, kids, what kind of Christmas tree do we have? (children talk, praise the Christmas tree) Here! And you are "broken"! Ignorant and ignorant!

At the Christmas tree

Dressy hairstyle.

Winter did my hair

Magic comb.

Decorated with snowflakes

Pendants gave

And visit the kids

Invited to the party!

Make us happy, Christmas tree, with cheerful lights!

Come on, kids, repeat with us:

One-two-three, our Christmas tree, burn!

(children repeat; the tree lights up, everyone applauds)

And now you can call Grandfather Frost - look how beautiful it is with us, look how friendly and cheerful we are!

Santa Claus, come to our house,

We are waiting for you at the tree!

(repeat three times; Santa Claus appears):

Here I am again, in this room!

I know, I know in advance

That you were waiting for me -

Like every new year!

Last time, after parting with you,

I flew to the North

And hiding behind the snow

Summer spent there;

The year has passed; sister blizzards

That's some snow covered!

Kilometers, miles, versts

I walked around the earth -

Here I am again with you!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Children, join hands!

Dads, moms smile!

Adult, small people,

All under the tree, in a round dance!

(round dance around the Christmas tree; parade of costumes; concert for Santa Claus; games ... and, finally, the final riddles of Santa Claus)

Here are needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.

They look at me, they want milk!

Who does the portrait look like? Guessed: this is ... / hedgehog /

For five brothers we will knit five houses!

What is it guys? Warm ... / gloves /

Not a beast, not a bird, the nose is like a knitting needle!

It flies - it squeaks, it sits down - it is silent.

Biting is a nightmare! What kind of instance? ... / mosquito /

The giant stands in the port, disperses the darkness.

And he signals to the ships: “Come visit us!”

Any sailor is friends with him, because he ... / lighthouse /

Not a shirt, although it is sewn.

And not the door, although it is open.

Even though he is silent, yes he speaks!

Everyone thanks her.

Both the girl and the boy,

Because this is ... / book /

You won’t catch up, you won’t return, you won’t buy, you won’t borrow ...

Answer, young tribe, what kind of thing is this? .. / time /

Time to part with you

Pack up on the road!

Congratulations to everyone again

Happy New Year! And wish

Do not mope and do not get sick,

And dance and sing songs!

Skiing all winter!

Get an A in school!

Don't offend kids

Well, respect the elders!

Let the house be a full bowl!

All the more beautiful - your mothers!

Your dads are the strongest of all!

Children - smart smarter!

Appreciate the work and the dream!

Believe in your height!

Everything will be done - up your nose!

I command you, Santa Claus!

- (Snow Maiden) Goodbye, Sasha, Tanya,

Sveta, Zhenya, Yuli, Vanya!

Roma, Dima, Vera, Petit, -

Everything! Both adults and children!

Look forward to next year

I will visit you again!

(Scenario of the New Year's holiday.)

Shapoklyak runs in, dragging a dirty boy, Pasha, by the hand.

Shapoklyak: Finally, we arrived at the Christmas tree, the attendant at the entrance turned away, so we slipped through. Otherwise I wouldn't let you in, you dirty little thing. It's just that I love you. Here, wipe your nose, because even I don't like it.

Peter:(blowing your nose) - I caught a cold. Eat icicles without permission. And soon Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come? How I love the holidays!

Shapoklyak: Then sing my favorite. After all, Santa Claus will kick you out anyway. Do not see you New Year's holiday. And she won’t let me in, she doesn’t love me - angry - she says. Therefore, we will disrupt the holiday for them. Let's say that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden went to another Christmas tree. Everyone will go home, and you and I will be dancing alone at the celebration.

Peter: Will there be gifts?

Shapoklyak: Of course they will. I'll steal them from Santa Claus.

Peter: But you can't take someone else's.

Shapoklyak: This is not good for children, but for me, - Shapoklyak is possible. Maybe, children? Truth? ( Starts an argument, translates into a game.)

In the yard there is a snowball idea, the holiday is coming soon ( New Year)

Finely glowing needles, the coniferous spirit is coming ( from the Christmas tree)

Branches gently rustle

Beads bright ( shine)

Toys are distorted

Multicolored ( crackers)

And decorating the top

There it shines, as always,

Very bright, big

Five-headed ( star)

Falling from the sky in winter

And circle over the earth

light fluff,

White ( snowflakes).

Peter: Look, Shapoklyak, what smart children.

Shapoklyak: Oh well. And now let's see. We will write a telegram to Santa Claus:

“The children went to another Christmas tree. There will be no holiday. Well-wisher." Well, how convincing?

Peter: Actually, it's convincing...

Shapoklyak: Quiet, someone is approaching, let's hide and find out who and why? ( Shapoklyak and Petya hide behind the Christmas tree. Pechkin appears on a bicycle. Shapoklyak peeks out from behind the Christmas tree and calls on the phone, pretending to be talking to someone.)

Shapoklyak: Hello! Yes, yes ... I'm listening to you ...

Pechkin:(shudders) Oh, who else is this?

Shapoklyak: It's me... benefactor!

Pechkin: You confused me a lot. Whose benefactor?

Shapoklyak: Yes, yes, general. Don't bother me talking on the phone.

Pechkin: Excuse me, please.

Shapoklyak: Hello? So I'm listening to you ... One postman interrupted me here.

Pechkin: Pechkin (remembering and affirming).

Shapoklyak: Pechkin. So what to say, and send the telegram to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Everyone went to another Christmas tree, there will be no holiday (turns to Pechkin) I heard everything! Well-wisher.

Pechkin: That's right, I'll tell you word for word. Let me deliver a telegram (leaves).

Shapoklyak: Well, the main thing is done. And now you can rest. Without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, everyone will soon disperse! ( asks the children, then conducts the dance of the little ducklings).

Peter: What about gifts?

Shapoklyak: Ah, I forgot about gifts. They are somewhere hidden in this house. Santa Claus delivers them at night, and hides them somewhere during the day. Come on, let's eat! Here, take the gift finder. He'll take you out for candy.

Peter: Is this a gift finder? Let's look... Oh, oh, he's dragging me... ( Petya and Shapoklyak walk around the hall and then run away from the hall. Pechkin enters on a bicycle, looks around.)

Pechkin: Guys, have you seen Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? What should I do, I traveled the whole forest, but they are nowhere to be found, are they really lost? Maybe we can sing a winter song, they will hear us.

(Grade 3 performs with the song: “If there was no winter.” Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come out.)

Grandfather Freezing:

Happy New Year!

Happiness, children, I wish you.

Bright life - a hundred years,

Health - a hundred pounds!

Pechkin: Hello, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, I traveled the whole forest. YOU could not be found. Thanks for helping the kids.

Santa Claus: Hello Pechkin. And what happened?

Pechkin: A telegram to you, from a well-wisher, someone called her on the phone.

Santa Claus:(reads a telegram) Strange, very strange, but the phone either works or not ( picks up the phone). Silent, does not work. What did this benefactor look like?


Grandfather Freezing: So this is Shapoklyak, oh old, oh naughty. Well, I'll get to her!

Snow Maiden: May this year bring you only fives,

Grandfather Freezing:

Friends! Let's go today

Let's welcome the new year with a smile

And here by the Christmas tree

We will stand in a friendly round dance.

Round dance "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter."

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, and our Christmas tree does not burn, she is very bored at the holiday!

Santa Claus:

Well, Christmas tree, brighter

Shine the lights

So that the legs of the guests danced themselves.

It's strange, it doesn't burn, is she really sick, (touches the Christmas tree, puts his ear). Guys, the Christmas tree told me that she needs to tell poetry or sing a song, then the mood will rise at the Christmas tree.

(Children read poetry, grade 1 sings the song "Yolochka".)

Grandfather Freezing: No, that's wrong again. Snow Maiden, you need to call the doctor, otherwise what a holiday if the Christmas tree is sick.

Snow Maiden: We need to call the doctor!

(They leave, there is a noise, a roar, Leshie enters in a cart, Kikimora drives him.)

Oh the weather is cold

The wind is howling

My bones hurt

The loin is aching.

My teeth won't let me sleep

I'm all sick and nervous

Hey Kikimora, hurry up

Get the healing decoction!

Kikimora: Oh, now, now, hearty. Drink the potion, everything will pass.

Goblin:(tries) Well, crap ...

Kikimora: This potion will cure you of all diseases.

Goblin: What are you making this crap out of?


From leeches and tails!

I add fly agarics

And birch leaves.

And insects and goats,

I mix with weed

I bring everything to a boil.

It's better than jam.

Goblin: Drink this poison yourself!

Kikimora: What to do? It is necessary to drink, well, once, well, a sip!

(Goblin drinks, chews, removes the bandage.)

Goblin: Part the forest people, Goblin will dance now ...

(Leshy and Kikimora are dancing.)

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are back.

Santa Claus: What else is this? What are these miracles? Who is on the New Year's tree, gets up "round"!

Grandpa, you made us all laugh!

I live in a forest country!

I have control over midges

Fleas, weeds and boogers.


I live in the swamp

And make friends with frogs!

Know all of me

After all, I am the first beauty!

Grandfather Freezing: What are these miracles

We do not need such guests at the holiday.

Kikimora: well And okay, not needed, so we will leave here, only the games will be with you.

They play games.

Grandfather Freezing: Well, that's enough. You killed the children! Leave quickly!

Goblin: We're leaving so be it!

Kikimora: In general, you had a pleasant holiday. I need to spread this news to all my girlfriends. ( Kikimora and Leshy leave.)

Grandfather Freezing:

We don't need doctors!

The New Year is here!

Let's say together one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree, burn! ( Christmas tree lights up)

I have lived in the world for many years

And I've seen a lot

But such a wonderful Christmas tree

I never saw it.

Let's take hands together,

Let's start the new year

Cheerful round dance.

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Snow Maiden:

In his white house

We live with my grandfather.

In the thicket of the age-old forest,

We often hear the howl of the wind.

But we are not afraid of the cold.

We are glad to frosty days.

Holds a winter riddle contest.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, look how many beautiful and smart children are at the party today. I know that you have prepared gifts for them!

Santa Claus: Of course, granddaughter! Let's invite children in costumes to join us in a circle, and while the jury is evaluating the most beautiful outfit, we will play.

Game "Hares".

Santa Claus:

Before you say goodbye

I have to confess, kids.

I have a surprise for you

Turn around, one, two, three!

Take every surprise!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

Snow Maiden: It's a pity, friends have to say goodbye.

It's time for everyone to go home.

Happy path to you guys

Goodbye, kids.


  1. Zhenilo M.Yu. Theatrical holidays. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004.
  2. Pogorelova I.A. A kaleidoscope of extracurricular activities - M .: National Education, Ileksa, 2002.

Presenter: A gentle song is heard in the forest,

A song about a Christmas tree, about its beauty.

Fabulous, clear lights shine,

Hello beautiful winter days!

Christmas tree - beauty will sing with us!

Every New Year begins with a song!

There is a song performed by children "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Presenter: Now no one flies on a stupa ,

And they don’t go to the stove for water!

The simple truth has long been known,

That the keys to the world of miracles are lost.

And only closer to New Year's Eve

So, we are magicians today,

We all work wonders today...

Under the blinking of the lights, the roar of the descending "ship" is heard.

Presenter: Well, miracles rained down like stars from the sky!

It seems to me that someone came to visit us!

Boys "aliens" run in. The first boy is holding a ship - a flying saucer.

The first boy puts a "plate" in the center, all "aliens line up in some kind of geometric figure."

The "Dance of the Aliens" is being performed. After the dance, the "aliens" line up.

Aliens:- Hello dear!

Good afternoon!

Happy hour!

Zer Gut!

Salam alley kum!

Good morning!

Presenter: Hello dear guests! Where and why did they come to us!

Aliens:- We flew to you from Alpha - the planet!

We are looking for magical objects for the museum!

Give two seconds to answer!

- (begging) Do you have anything or don't you?

Presenter: Of course have! I just wanted to invite the guys to go to the magical land of fairy tales! Do you want to join us?

Aliens: Certainly! With pleasure!

Presenter: Well, then help disguise our ship so that the evil spirits do not climb into it.

(they take the “plate” behind the Christmas tree)

Suddenly, Baba Yaga appears from another door with a disheveled broom in three branches.

Baba Yaga: Survived! We've come! Everyone is selling, everyone is buying! What's going on around! Vouchers, promotions! Everyone is shaking over his own good! And they, you see, do not need magical things! We are ready to give them to the first alien we meet for nothing! I'll show you! I will arrange for you! I'll take them myself! (whistling)

Leshy enters. Goblin walks holding a book in his hands, walks and looks at the Christmas tree, the hall. He groans and gasps with delight.

Baba Yaga: (comments on the appearance of Leshy)“Yeah, we haven’t seen each other for a long time…. Years fly by... creaks, soon crumbles... Goblin, dear friend, hello! (Kissed)

And why are you interested in books in your old age? Read something, I learned! (takes a book). About literature? (upside down). Well, read on!

Goblin reads the title of the book in syllables.

Look, literate! .. Well, okay! Why did I call you! Listen!

(Whispers in Leshy's ear, gesticulates with his hands, running to the other ear. Leshy is only surprised).

Goblin: OOO! A-A-A! U-U-U!


Both (sing): In a dark blue forest, where aspens tremble,

Where foliage flies from oaks-sorcerers ...

We gathered with you 2 impure forces,

To figure out how to cook up dark things!

P-v: And we don’t care: rain or snow through the window-

We know for sure what? That we will win!

We are magic things different

And we won't give them back for dollars! Ha!

(Dance of Baba Yaga and Leshy is performed)

Baba Yaga and Goblin whisper, go behind the Christmas tree, Aliens approach the Queen.

Queen: My light, mirror, say

Yes, tell the whole truth!

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

Presenter: And a mirror in response to her:

(Another girl runs up, kneels in front of the Queen, behind a mirror)

Mirror: You are beautiful, no doubt!

But lives without any glory

Among the tall oak forests,

The seven heroes have that

What is dearer to you!

(The girl mirror goes into place)

The queen is waving a mirror)

Oh, you vile glass!

Are you lying to spite me?


Hello dear Queen,

Coloring girl!

You did not order us to be executed,

And tell us to speak!

Queen:(Let go of the mirror without breaking it.)

Speak, foreign guests!


We flew to you from the Alpha Planet!

We are looking for magical objects for the museum!

Will you give them your mirror?

Baba Yaga: Give me, give me!

Goblin: Us him! US!

Queen: Well, if that's what you're asking, you deserve it! Complete my task!

(scatters snowballs)

My pearl necklace has crumbled! Whoever collects more beads will own a mirror!

The game "Who will throw more snowballs into the basket." A game between Leshy, Baba-Yaga and aliens.

Yaga rushes about, serves several times, rakes snowballs into a heap on his knees. Goblin examines the snowball. tries to lick it, dances with it - jumps on one leg, stretching out its arms with a snowball and dreamily looking at it, then, when Yaga shakes him, he starts throwing snowballs into someone else's basket.

The aliens are winning.

Goblin: Such small beads... You can't see them without glasses!

Baba Yaga: (doubtfully): Can't you see? ... Well, not everything is lost!

(They walk away whispering)

An oriental dance melody sounds, 2 girls come out. One of the girls puts a pillow on the carpet, the Sultan sits down on it, the girls perform an oriental dance.

At the end of the dance, Baba Yaga and Leshy come out.

Yaga: It's a flying carpet! Magic!

Goblin: So it is necessary that ... Hang down!

Yaga: Go and check if this carpet is the same?

Goblin: (approaches the carpet, examines him, measures his steps, turns to Yaga)

Goblin: Isn't there another one?

Yaga: Grab it!

Goblin: (approaches those sitting), Free up space! The girls cling to the Sultan out of fear. Then Leshy scares them - Shakes his hands, howls "A-aa-a." The girls faint. Yaga and Leshy move them by the legs. The sultan on a pillow is carried aside, then the carpet is rolled up! They are dragged in different directions, trying to hide children under the chairs. does not fit, do not look like places, sit under the Christmas tree! The dancers run away, the aliens come out with the leader.

Vedas.: Dear Sultan! Would you give guests from another planet an airplane carpet? We heard that you have it in a fairy tale!

Sultan: It's old, full of holes and doesn't fly well!

Aliens: So what if the old one is for the museum.

Yaga: (Leshem) how old? Where were you looking? Well, nothing can be ordered!

Honey, let's change, shall we? You are from a fairy tale, I am from a fairy tale! We will understand each other! We old you new.

Sultan: And you need an old leaky flying carpet? Well, then I'll arrange a competition for you!

Who will guess the riddles and the carpet!

Yaga: (Leshem), Well, my well-read, show your knowledge!

Sultan: Not a tree, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a man, but telling?

Goblin: Leaves, shirt, no man? So this is .... cabbage!

Aliens: Book!

Sultan: Does he sit down on everyone, is he not afraid of anyone?

Goblin: So this is Baba Yaga!

Aliens: Snow!

Sultan: (Shakes head) Listen carefully, the last riddle!

Both in summer and in winter it is always full of water!

Yaga:(Jumps forward) I know it's a pot!

Goblin: Yes, it's a well! Your lame leg!

Sultan: Aliens Winners! Take them out the carpet!

Dancer girls carry out a roll of carpet. The aliens take him and take him to the "Plate" behind the Christmas tree. The Sultan and the girls leave.

Yaga and Goblin (grieving) Yaga fanning himself with a hem- Oh, and I'm hot!

Goblin: What are you? but?

Yaga: We have one more chance! (Both quietly, then sing louder) Well, well, give me water to drink! Well, well tra-la-la! Hey, your mercenary mercenary! (To Leshy) Has he frozen or what?

Water: Don't let me freeze! Here I am ... .. (Sings)

I am a merman, I am a merman, no one is with me .... My friends, girlfriends, leeches and frogs ... .. Fu, how disgusting! Eh! My life is a tin! Well, her in the swamp! I live like a toadstool .... And I can fly, and I can fly, and I can fly ... ... hunting!

Baba Yaga: Well, what are you sad about? Fly….

Do you want me to cheer you up?

Just give me your balalaika soon.

Water: Yes, you won’t play on it, go, it’s overgrown with mud!

(Gives Baba Yaga a balalaika, blows dust off it. Baba Yaga starts strumming and shouting loudly)

Yes, you don’t know how to play, you will break the last string!

(picks up the balalaika)

Leading with aliens are approaching the merman!

Presenter: Do not be sad, Water! We'll make you laugh, right guys?


Water: Well, we tried, well, we pleased the old man! Boo-boo-boo!

Well, what are you rewarded with? Is it a balalaika - I feel so sorry for her myself ...

At least she strums a string, otherwise .... Boredom is wet….

Presenter: And we will give you a tape recorder instead of a balalaika! Agree?

Water: And what is it?

All children: And that's what! (music plays)

Water: Everything! Tired! Agree! (Gives the balalaika, takes the tape recorder)

presenter: Well, our guests got 3 magical things, it's time for them to fly away. But our holiday does not end. (referring to aliens). Stay with us, okay?

(Aliens agree.)

Well then, come on guys!

Baba Yaga says to Leshem: Well, we will continue ....

They have 3 magical things….

Yes, Santa Claus will soon pass away, he has ... (whispers in his ear)

We will steal it, and all things will be ours ....

Presenter: We will continue the holiday

We will unanimously call Grandfather:

Santa Claus, guys here,

Santa Claus, everyone is waiting for you!

Santa Claus: (Peeks out of the well - Santa Claus doll)

Yes, here I am, here ... I hear you .... And I see...

Do you see me? Is there anything you want to ask me?

presenter: - guys, do you want to ask Santa Claus about something?

Children: Why are you so small?

Santa Claus:- Yes, I melted, melted ... I came when you and Vodyany were dancing here - it became hot and the result was deplorable!

Presenter: Can we help?

Santa Claus: I don't know how to help me! Think for yourself...

Snow Maiden: - Grandpa, I'll save you! Hey, snowflakes are playful, my dear sisters!

Well, take off! Call the blizzard! Save Grandpa!


Snow Maiden: Well, grandfather, how are you? Have we helped you?

Santa Claus: Helped, but not quite! Blow on me! (Children blow)

Now say the magic words.

"Santa Claus grow, grow

Come to our Christmas tree."

(The lights go out, Santa Claus comes out).

Santa Claus: - Hello, dear, small and big!

Hello my friends! Did you know?

It's me, Santa Claus! I'm glad to see guests here, guys!

Today I am pleased to see how smart the kids are,

Near the Christmas tree I will not get tired of having fun from the heart!

Hey girls and boys!

Come out to the round dance! Let the dancers pass!

We are meeting….

Children: New Year!


Santa Claus: And where is my granddaughter, Snegurochka?

(Because of the Christmas tree) Snow Maiden: Ku-ku!

(Grandfather runs around the Christmas tree. This is repeated several times until the grandfather is left waiting for the joker, but finds the Snow Maiden. He hugs her, takes her to the center).

Snow Maiden: And let's play - whoever runs around the Christmas tree first will sit on the chair!

(They play 2 times, both times the Snow Maiden returns to the chair first, Santa Claus says that this does not count - in the direction where the Snow Maiden ran. Let her run in the other direction! The Snow Maiden agrees, Santa Claus grabs the chair and runs with him, laughs and sits on it).

Snow Maiden: Well, you are cunning, Grandpa! Well, okay, I'll sit with the guys! And you're on your own... (leaves).



Santa Claus:(at the end of the game, he discovers that there is no mitten).

Not in order! What is it with my bare hand - it doesn’t happen like that! Where is the gauntlet?

(Grandfather is looking, children are prompting. Sounds of a quarrel are heard behind the Christmas tree, Yaga and Leshy appear, pull each other's mittens, quarrel).

Santa Claus: What are you doing here?

Goblin: We stole your mitten here!

Baba Yaga (interrupts): Found! Found! Picked up and brought to you!

Santa Claus: Why did you take it?

Goblin: To pick up magical things and take away all the gifts!

Baba Yaga (aside): Not! To bring gifts to children, and to aliens - magical little things!

(Santa Claus asks the children if Baba Yaga is telling the truth, the children, of course, answer no).

Santa Claus: Ah, there you are! Pranksters!

You can't behave decently at a party!

I’ll bewitch you - I’ll blow you away from the holiday with the north wind! (Children and grandfather blow, Yaga and Leshy “fly away” from the holiday).


Grandfather thanks for the poems.

Presenter: Grandpa, it's all good, of course.

And we sang and danced

But still you forgot to do something else!

Santa Claus: Yes Yes Yes! Oh, I completely forgot

I piled snow on you, and for beauty, I will brown your noses!

Oh, how Santa Claus loves to pinch his nose!

(Turns to the child): If you want, I'll pinch your nose,

It will become very beautiful!

Red or blue!

And now it's time to go, goodbye, kids

It's hot here for me!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, where are the gifts?

Santa Claus: I carried them, I remember where the bag fell, I don’t know.

A blizzard howled, snow circled, where did you drop the gifts?

The forest is great, I'll go look

You will have to wait!

Santa Claus: Who's calling grandpa?

Let's get here soon!

(bag runs in).

Ah, you, fathers, the bag - it comes here by itself!

Where have you gone?

Bag:- set off to travel!

Santa Claus: You must stand still

Or walk with me!

Bag: And today in the New Year will be the opposite! (tries to run away)

Santa Claus: Wait, wait, wait, don't go anywhere!

Bag: I am not a simple bag

I'm magical, that's what!

Santa Claus: - well, bag, jump, spin,

Show all the guys

(The bag performs several movements).

Now you tell us... (without listening to Santa Claus, he runs away).

Stop, stop, wait…. (Santa Claus runs out the door, takes out a bag already with gifts from behind the door)

Now let's untie you and see what's inside!

Oh, yes, there are gifts here, how many of them look!


Presenter: The holiday has a beginning

The holiday has an end

Who played with us and laughed the whole evening, he was well done!

The candles are already extinguished in the village,

The moon is shining again in the sky.

And the stars are shining again

And the fairy tale continues for everyone

Let's make every wish

To make it easier to say goodbye!

1,2,3-star, catch! (Shot crackers with stars).

new year adventure
"Visiting Winter"

The music sounds, the lights go out, the Host appears on the stage.

You entered the realm of winter today
On a beautiful holiday and New Year's
Attention! Quiet! A fairy tale is coming to you
In this wonderful New Year for all.

The music is playing "By the forest at the edge." (Winter appears)

I am very glad to see you
On this day and at this hour
How many happy smiles
I notice you have me.
Today you are expected
Fun and jokes
You won't be bored here
Not a minute.
I ask all my friends here and now to sing for me,
Please us.

(Performance of the song "Under the New Year")

Come to us for the New Year's holiday
The main guest is in a hurry today.
He should come soon
Bring gifts.
He will make you all laugh
Who is this?
Children: (Santa Claus)

Guys, let's all together loudly and amicably call Santa Claus

(Children scream)

(Music sounds. Exit of Baba Yaga and Leshy.)

Baba Yaga:

No, no to the left.

Baba Yaga:
Well, where are you, straight, straight!
Oh, oh, oh, tree. Come! (stop)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
For Grandmother Yaga

Baba Yaga:
And with Leshy we go to that Christmas tree
They came to that Christmas tree.
We are with you Goblin seems to Winter
Visited for a holiday.

Hello dear guests,
And who are you?

We are fabulous people
Joke lovers. I am Leshy.

Baba Yaga:
Oh, I'm Baba Yaga. Very nice.
Oh, kids: girls and boys.
Gathered for the holiday
And you won't have a holiday.
Pack up and go home quickly

And why is that?

Baba Yaga:
Yes, because. Who are you looking forward to for your holiday?

We are waiting for Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga: Santa Claus! You won't get your grandfather.
Santa Claus does not know how to get to your holiday, I have a map, here it is.
(Hides card behind back)

What have you done?
How now Santa Claus will get to us for the holiday!

And you buy a card from us, but not for money, but for fun, dancing and laughter.

Baba Yaga:
Sing to us, right? Yes, dance.

(Children sing and dance)

Well, what did the guys sing and dance for you. Give me the card.

Baba Yaga:
Well, here's another card for you.
Would you like to see Santa Claus?
Now we will deliver it to you.
(Baba Yaga turns to Leshem and they whisper magic words).
Shirley - myrli, crabs - Booms!

(Comes out to the music of Barmaley) Rumble, crackle.

I am Santa Claus
Funny to tears
Cool, all of me
Look at me
Let's remember with a fairy tale
We will finish the holiday, we will close the door
Me boy, no need to ship
I came to receive my gifts!
(approaches winter and asks)
I don't understand, where are my gifts?

Which presents? And who are you exactly?

Santa Claus

Guys, is this Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
Santa Claus, Santa Claus, do you recognize him? (children answer) remove

How is that not Santa Claus?
Do I also have a snowman?

(Atamansha runs out with a whistle to the music.)

They say that I am today
I will receive all gifts.
Eating sweets and chocolates
As much as I want
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
I want to be a Snow Maiden
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
I am Snow Maiden

Guys, is it Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? Do you recognize them?

Baba Yaga:
Of course they are! Don't you recognize Frost and Snegurka? put away

When Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come, they play various games with the children.

Now we will play with the kids. put away

(Play the game: .)

And when Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come, they give gifts to children

How they give, but I thought they receive ?!

We didn't agree! We want gifts!

Baba Yaga:
Just a minute, it'll be over!
So let's call Santa Claus. One two Three.

(Vodyanoy appears to the music).

I am Santa Claus, I am Santa Claus
Who wants to freeze his nose?
Spin to the music
Have fun with me
And where is my girlfriend
Snow Maiden frog?
Fu, what a mess

Baba Yaga:
Oh, grandfather, are you already here? So, you are there, I am too, so everything is assembled, it's time to start the holiday!

But without the main characters, the holiday will not begin.

Baba Yaga:
Without any, is it? put away

Guys, who is the main character of this holiday?
(Children answer)

Baba Yaga:
Oh, why are you yelling Santa Claus has been here for a long time


Baba Yaga:
Yes, here he is
(Pointing to Vodyanoy) remove

Guys, is this Santa Claus?
(Children answer)

Our Santa Claus is different

Baba Yaga:
Why are you messing with my head? Did you call Santa Claus? Called or not?

Baba Yaga:
So here he comes

But this is not the one we called to remove

Baba Yaga:
That one, not that one. Does he have a beard?
Does he have a hat?

It's not a beard.
Well, it's not a hat.

And what do you think it is? Helmet or what?

Baba Yaga:
And there is a coat.
(takes out an old, wrinkled fur coat from the bag)
On, grandfather, dress up!

Is it a fur coat?

And what is your sundress?

Baba Yaga:
What kind of children are these, what are they teaching you? You don’t know what a hat is, you haven’t seen a fur coat at all.

Our children are the most wonderful, aren't they guys? And here you are impostors. We recognize Santa Claus right away.
Our guys are the most mischievous and funny.
Let's dance a dance and show how we can have fun.

(Performance of the dance "Letka - Yenka"

The king and princess come out

Daughter, what is this ball?
And where did I get to?
Where did you come from?
And what are they here for?
Come on, quickly march from here,
Otherwise, it will be bad for you!
Guard! Listen to the command:
Now, clear the room!

A princess:
Daddy, don't boil
Yes, take a closer look.
You guess where you got.
Where is the guard? And where is your room?

What is it?
Did you fall asleep on the throne or not?
But there is no throne.
What about in the yard? The month of May?
What year do you answer?

Baba Yaga:
Well guys this guest
The whole program will be the nail.
They were invited for a reason.
Will you sing for them, friends?

(Performance of the song "Russian Winter")

A princess:
Thank you for making us happy. Now follow my instructions.
I want you to solve my riddles.

Baba Yaga:
Well done so well done! Yes, you will not wait for gifts.
I have the map, and Santa Claus has the gifts.
If I were asked nicely, politely.
I would probably give the card away!?

Granny- Yagulechka, dear, help us.
How are we new year
Will we meet without Santa Claus?
How will the guys be without gifts?

Baba Yaga:
Okay. Persuaded. I am not harmful. Then help me.
This card should be taken to Santa Claus.
Hey Goblin send E-mail to Santa Claus

(Performance of the song "White Snow")

We are in our hall today
They sang songs and danced.
But it hurts me to tears:
Where is Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
He should have come a long time ago
Yes, he can't find us.
Santa Claus Aw! Ay!
Hear me calling you.

No, you're screaming weakly!
Well, all right, guys.
Let's call him seriously
Let's shout: "Santa Claus!"

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.
Santa Claus:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all friends
All children and all guests!
Every New Year's holiday
I come to the kids.
He came to you today
All in frosty silver.
Through snowstorms and frost
I brought you gifts.

Snow Maiden:
The guys are nice for the holiday came to us
And they brought us wonderful congratulations.
Grandpa, where is your mitten?

Santa Claus:

Snow Maiden:
So here she is. (picks up from under the tree).
Grandpa, come on, catch up with your mitten.
Guys, don't give me your mittens
Play with your grandfather for a while.

(The game "Mitten" is being held)

Santa Claus:
Well, grandfather was killed. Somehow I returned the mitten.
Now is the time to rest. Yes, congratulations.

(Children read poetry.)

Snow Maiden:
Glorious people, stand in a round dance.
Soon the new year will come again.
- Grandfather, our Christmas tree is not burning.
The holiday doesn't work.

Santa Claus:
Don't worry Snow Maiden. We'll fix it now.
Focus I'll show you:
Light a fire on her.
Come on, tree, wake up!
Come on, tree, smile!
Come on, tree, one, two, three,
Burn with the light of joy!

Snow Maiden:
Is something not igniting, Grandpa?

Santa Claus:
Come on guys, I'll touch the Christmas tree with a magic staff.
And you will shout loudly: “One, two, three Christmas tree, burn!”

(Christmas tree lights up)

Guys, do you like the Christmas tree with magic lights? Let's dance around the Christmas tree with grandfather.

(Performance of a dance to the song “Stars of the New Year hung up.”)

Santa Claus:
Well, it's time for me to pack up.
On the road - the road to go
Only all the guys left
Give me gifts.
Well guys don't yawn
And sort out the gifts.

Santa Claus:
It's time, friends, you need to say goodbye!
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

Snow Maiden:
I wish you success in the New Year.
More cheerful, ringing laughter.
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
Excellent grades and knowledge chest!

Song (New Year. Wish)

New Year's adventures of fairy-tale heroes.

Leading : Vanya is sitting at the table, has prepared paper, a pen and an envelope. He writes a letter to Santa Claus, which he wanted to send with the postman Pechkin, but falls asleep and has an unusual dream. His letter makes an amazing journey with the postman Pechkin.

Winter forest. Glade. Three stumps.

  1. Goblin. Woo! Bored in the forest!

Kikimora. Uh-uh-uh! Snow flies like fluff from a bird.

2-Goblin. Ah-ah-ah! No trail in the footprints!

Everything. Oh oh oh! Only an echo sigh is heard: Oh-oh-oh!

Kikimora. What to think, do? To scare someone in the forest.

They climbed into their lairs, became touchy children!

1-Goblin. They look at TVs, what do they want to see there?

2-Goblin. The same forest and the same field….

Kikimora. There would be no need to see everything in the wild ...

1-Goblin. The forest is full of wonders and fairy tales...

2-Goblin. And they only spoil the eyes!

1-Goblin. What do they know about fairy tales?

2-Goblin. Everyone plays computers! Sitting alone at the table

Past rush childhood days!

Kikimora. If the children came to the forest, we would find something for them to do!

1-Goblin. They would whirl between the fir-trees, and by the scruff of needles ...

2-Goblin. I would pretend to be a stump

Kikimora. It's fun to ride it!

1-Goblin. And then he started tickling...

2-Goblin. Why should we dream?!

Kikimora. Something must be done.

Baba Yaga. Why are you sitting and sighing?

1-Goblin. We all became bored in the forest.

2-Goblin. The New Year is just around the corner!

Baba Yaga. We are going to the Christmas tree to the kids. To run faster

You have to be smart.

Baba Yaga walks, waves her arms, mutters something.

The lights are on in the hall. The evil spirit sees Pechkin sitting under the Christmas tree.

Kikimora. Who do I see? I want to take him with me.

1-Goblin. Ugh! Who about what, you about yours.

Goblin and Kikimora want to go to the Christmas tree, but they cannot, because an invisible wall has appeared.

2-Goblin. What's happened? No pass!

Kikimora. It was as if a wall had grown out of transparent glass.

Pantomime "Invisible Wall".

Baba Yaga.

Ah, I am an unclean force! I forgot: we can't leave the property without Frost's permission. New Year is to blame This old grandfather is wonderful!

Our magical world closed, he left and the trace caught a cold.

Robbers run out of nowhere. They grab the postman Pechkin and hand him over to the evil spirits. All the heroes run away, and instead of them appears Puss in Boots.

Puss in Boots. Where am I? Why not in your own fairy tale? Who pulled me out

And why?

The leader comes out.

Leading. Baba Yaga conjured, wanted to get on the New Year tree, but

I mixed up something and pulled you out of your fairy tale, and also

Captured the postman Pechkin.

Puss in Boots. Mr. Host, help me return to my fairy tale.

Leading. I can’t, these are the tricks of Baba Yaga. Only she can help you.

But I can bring her back here.

The leader waves his hand and Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. What do you need? Why did you call?

Puss in Boots. Send me to my fairy tale, they are waiting for me there.

Baba Yaga. I can’t. It’s impossible to conjure scientifically, I studied little.

You must come with us to the Christmas tree.

Puss in Boots. Why with you, I don’t want to. My fairy tale is waiting for me.

Baba Yaga. Be silent, do not argue, if you want to get into your fairy tale, you must

Help us.Play with us.

Puss in Boots. Do not deceive me if I fulfill your order.

Baba Yaga. No, no, we'll help. (aside - Still how to deceive.)

The cat conducts the game "Cheerful snowman".

Baba Yaga walks, waves her arms, mumbles something, but the Cat does not disappear, but appears Pinocchio.

Pinocchio. Oh, how interesting! Just been with Papa Carlo, and now

Here. Won't you tell me where I'm at?

Baba Yaga and Puss in Boots (in chorus). In the fairy forest but we're going on

Christmas tree.

Pinocchio. Oh-oh, how fun, I want to be with you too. Where is it?

Puss in Boots. But I don't want to, I want to be in my fairy tale.

Baba Yaga. Well, in vain. The tree is more interesting. There Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, gifts.

Pinocchio. How amazing! Let's move faster. I want to go there.

Puss in Boots. Baba Yaga is a swindler, she knows nothing but to brag


Baba Yaga. I'm not a liar, I didn't learn much. Let Pinocchio play.

Pinocchio. I won't be alone, I want with Puss in Boots.

Puss in Boots. I will help Pinocchio, but send me to my fairy tale.

Baba Yaga. I will send, I will send.

Puss in Boots and Pinocchio with the guys are playing the game "I'm running, running ..."

Baba Yaga waves her arms, mutters something, they all disappear.

A bright light is lit, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear.

Santa Claus. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With a Christmas tree, a song, a round dance.

I congratulate all my friends

Inna holiday invite.

Leading. It is very good that you came to the holiday.

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus in a big park

Barely dragged gifts. He distributes to everyone.

Santa Claus. Tell me, Snow Maiden, what do you think, which of the guys is smarter-

Girls or boys?

Snow Maiden. Probably both.

Santa Claus. Let's find out.

Snow Maiden. But as?

Santa Claus. Let's arrange a competition for ingenuity, we will hold a competition

Riddles. Here's your first riddle.

A middle-aged man with an enormous beard

Brought with you by the hand

To our granddaughter for the holiday.

Answer quickly, who is this? (Santa Claus)

A middle-aged man, with such a beard! -

Offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina.

And in general for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Who is he? ... (Karabas).

A middle-aged man with a mustache and beard

He loves guys, treats animals,

Nice-looking, He is called .... (Aibolit).

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, your riddles are very easy. Well, let me guess.

Listen carefully.

My father had a strange boy

Unusual wooden.

His nose was very long, his name was .... (Pinocchio).

After guessing, Pinocchio appears and pulls Puss in Boots, the postman Pechkin and Baba Yaga with a gang.

Pinocchio. I came here not alone, but with different heroes. (names them)

Let us celebrate.

Santa Claus. Yes, Pinocchio, good company. Do you want a holiday

Should we spoil?

Baba Yaga and the gang. (in chorus). No, no, we wanted to see the Christmas tree and

New Year holiday.

Santa Claus. If you're lying, I'll freeze you.

Baba Yaga and the gang swear. We won't, we won't, we won't!

Santa Claus. Listen, the music is on. The holiday continues.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, you haven't forgotten about the prizes. Let's reward

Guys for preparing New Year's costumes.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden reward the children.

Santa Claus. Well, now it's time for us with the Snow Maiden, and you have fun and

Have a good rest. We'll meet again in a year.