Video: How to choose a pregnancy test - medical recommendations. Why the test does not show pregnancy when it is

The notorious two strips on a pregnancy test have long been a "talk of the town." But it is unlikely that anyone will argue that he significantly alleviated the woman's anxious state during the delay in the onset of menstruation. For some, the result of the tests carried out will portend the joy of motherhood, while for others it will be a great pleasure to make sure that everything has passed so far.

But is it worth unconditionally believing this method and can the test be negative during pregnancy? As the long-term use of such means shows, one cannot be completely insured against errors. Therefore, it makes sense to delve deeper and understand why there are such serious discrepancies between the result and reality.

What you need to know before determining the causes of a negative pregnancy test

The deadline for the start of the next critical days approached, but nothing happened. The first thought of the girl arises about the possible motherhood. Regardless of whether it scares or pleases, I want to make sure that the assumptions are correct. This can be done in two ways.

1. The first type of test was invented to comfortably determine the level of concentration in the urine of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) yourself. This hormone is actively produced by the woman's body after the fertilization of the egg. For analysis, the urine of the lady herself is needed. The test is performed at home and it is absolutely not necessary to contact a gynecologist for it.

2. The second type of testing is carried out exclusively in the laboratory, the participation of a doctor in such cases is necessary. It is clear that it is somewhat inconvenient, but the accuracy of the results is much higher, since tests of the second type are much more sensitive. If you conduct a blood test of the expectant mother with their help, then pregnancy can be determined after the sixth day from the moment of ovulation.

Which option to choose, each lady decides for herself. Usually, because of convenience and guaranteed anonymity, they prefer the first one, forgetting that it is he who subsequently forces them to look for the reasons for a negative test during pregnancy. In order not to encounter inconsistencies, one must have an idea of ​​​​how it works and why it sometimes makes mistakes.

The principle of determining pregnancy is quite simple. If in the taken urine sample the level of hCG is higher than the permissible norm, then we are talking about a positive decision in favor of an accomplished conception. However, in rare cases, even in women in whom the fertilization of the egg did not happen, the concentration of the hormone reaches the indicator required during pregnancy. Or, on the contrary, the lady is already expecting a baby (even if she does not suspect it yet), and the stripes signal that there is no interesting situation at all. Naturally, in such cases, it is better to urgently consult a doctor to find out the reasons for a negative pregnancy test and take action. After all, such an incident can happen both with a banal spoiled remedy, and with the development of a tumor in any organ of the reproductive system.

Why there is a pregnancy with a negative test: confusion with dates

So, the purchase is made, the lady with excitement hurries to the bathroom to collect urine and perform all the magical actions. The result convinces of the futility of all experiences. But the regulations never come, and the attending gynecologist is dumbfounded by the news of the completed pregnancy. So why did the test show negative during pregnancy? First of all, it may be in the woman herself and in the characteristics of her body.

1. The lady was in a hurry. Not everyone and not always celebrate and consider their menstrual cycle. As a result, the period, its beginning and end are lost, the girl estimates them “by eye”. Therefore, the test often falls too early. In the very first weeks after ovulation, the level of hCG is quite low and rises only towards the next critical days. Therefore, an untimely test will give a negative result.

What can be done? You should be patient, wait a few days and test again. Naturally, just in case, purchase goods from another manufacturer.

2. Displaced terms of ovulation. This is another factor that is to blame for the fact that the start of pregnancy with a negative test was not noticed. It happens that ovulation shifts either to the beginning of the regulation, or to their end. The first case is quite rare, the second is quite common. If the egg leaves the native ovary late, then by the time the test is applied, the hormone level is still low, and the lady receives false information.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: diseases of the excretory system

If the female body for some reason is prone to diseases, unstable conditions, then pregnancy may be detected with a negative test, no matter how convincing the result may initially seem.

For example, the level of hCG sometimes does not rise in a timely manner in the presence of certain pathologies in one or both kidneys, as a result, the data obtained are false.

And if a protein is found in the urine test, then a poor-quality result is practically guaranteed.

Urine collected according to the instructions for the test should not be stored for more than two days. After 48 hours, it must be removed from the refrigerator in which it was stored according to the rules, and a new volume of urine should be collected for testing.

If it is kept warm, then in a nutrient medium at a comfortable temperature, various processes develop in the urine that are not inherent in the initial state of the liquid. Therefore, you should not use it, because otherwise the test result can be immediately and safely questioned.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: ectopic pregnancy

Very often, women have to find out if a test can be negative during pregnancy. As you can see, there may be quite a few reasons that provoke a poor-quality result of the study of the lady's condition. But one of the most serious threats to health is the developing pathological pregnancy. It happens if a fertilized egg for some reason is introduced not into the mucous membrane of the uterus, but into the walls of the tubes.

The same false result will be obtained if the resulting fetal egg cannot properly or firmly attach to the walls of the main female organ of the reproductive system. An erroneous test will be performed if the placenta in the uterus for a developing fetus is formed with pathologies. As a result, the so-called chronic placental insufficiency of the fetus does not allow obtaining reliable research results.

Such situations require urgent intervention by an experienced gynecologist. An ectopic pregnancy is eliminated only by surgical intervention, and in no case should a woman start her painful condition, since treatment and recovery are much more difficult in such a situation.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: urine quality

To conduct the test at home, you need to take a certain amount of urine, as for a regular analysis. If a woman drank a lot of different liquids (water, tea, compotes), ate watermelons, took diuretics before the “experiment”, then the diluted urine has a low concentration, as a result of which it contains little of the required hormone and the presence of hCG is not fixed by reagents.

To have more accurate results, it is best to conduct a study of your own state in the morning, barely waking up. It is by this time that the level of hCG in the urine used rises quite sharply. At the same time, do not forget that the night before you do not need to drink a lot, take a diuretic, and feast on the world's largest juicy berries.

A few weeks after ovulation, the amount of human gonadotropin jumps so much that no matter how diluted the urine is, the test will still determine the woman's pregnancy as accurately as possible.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: following the instructions

How often a girl, excited by the upcoming research, forgets that any remedy is necessarily accompanied by instructions for use. You should know that qualitative tests necessarily have instructions (rules of application) published in Russian, and very often in graphical form, in pictures for ease of understanding.

In order not to wonder whether there can be a pregnancy with a negative result, it is necessary to follow the instructions to the smallest nuances.

The algorithm of actions, if necessary, to conduct a test is as follows:

1. when purchasing a test in a pharmacy, you need to check the availability of instructions, shelf life, manufacturer, availability of instructions;

2. take your time, carefully study the guide to action at home;

3. follow the procedure carefully following all instructions;

4. check the test result.

If all conditions are met, then, most likely, the readings will be sufficiently accurate.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: test storage conditions

With a responsible approach to the purchase, most likely, the result will be reliable, because pharmacies have very strict requirements for the conditions for the content of any medications and products. But if a prudent and thrifty lady purchased the test ahead of time, then there may be the following deviations from compliance with standard storage requirements:

- placed in a damp place;

- in the room where the strips were stored, significant temperature changes often occurred;

- lay unused at home for too long;

- was purchased without a guarantee of quality from the hands in some completely random place from an outsider.

In such cases, you can not trust such a test in any case.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: the quality of the test itself

Nobody canceled the human factor and irresponsible attitude to the production of goods, therefore it happens that the quality of tests of one manufacturer differs significantly from the same product of another company. This is where one of the possible reasons for a negative pregnancy test lies.

In such cases, the recommendations are as follows: for your own peace of mind, you need to test not once, but several times. The frequency between mini-studies should be several days. To conduct a correct test, it is best to select goods from different manufacturing companies.

Attention: The principle of "cheaper - poor quality" does not work here, so you should not strive to choose the most expensive product, just look at the characteristics, among which the price plays the least role. It is necessary to approach the choice so carefully so as not to stumble upon defective, obviously spoiled tests when buying.

Compliance with the elementary rules of attentive attitude to one's own health, strict counting and control of the menstrual cycle allow a woman to get rid of many problems before they appear. Indeed, for the sake of this, it is worth accustoming yourself to the strict implementation of the recommendations of modern professional doctors.

Every modern woman is in a hurry to take a pregnancy test when there is the slightest suspicion of its development. Of course, this is very convenient, since visiting a doctor will take more time and effort than going to a pharmacy. In addition, the test result will be obtained quickly and accurately. But just about the accuracy of pregnancy tests, disputes arise. Some women complain that the tests failed them, showing an erroneous result. Why does the test not show pregnancy and in what cases does this happen?

Nowadays, pregnancy tests are available and popular. Thanks to minimal costs, you can find out about your situation in a short time. The essence of a home study is to determine hCG, the pregnancy hormone in the urine, which is produced in the body of every expectant mother from the moment the placenta develops and the embryo is implanted.

The test may not show a positive result if you are pregnant. This happens for several reasons.

Reason 1: Test done too early

An unreliable result when using the test can be obtained due to the fact that the woman decided too early to conduct an appropriate diagnosis. Normally, the amount of pregnancy hormone (hCG) increases markedly by the time of the expected menstruation. That is why the test is recommended to be carried out no earlier than the first day of a missed period. In this case, the result will be the most accurate.

Some women neglect this rule and conduct a urine test much earlier. There are also situations when the hCG level remains minimal for longer than the prescribed period, then the test will show a false negative result for some time. If there is any doubt (for example, the test does not show pregnancy, but there is a delay), the study is repeated after 48 hours, or a test from another manufacturer is purchased.

Reason 2: Unsatisfactory urine quality

If the test does not show pregnancy, but there are no periods, the reason may be in the composition of the urine. Excessive fluid intake before the study or the use of diuretic drugs can significantly affect the concentration of hCG in the urine. Therefore, a reagent that captures pregnancy hormones in the test fluid cannot detect them in the amount necessary to obtain an affirmative result.

In order for the study to be accurate, it is better to carry out the test in the morning with the first portion of urine, while in the evening it is not recommended to drink too much liquid and not take diuretics. Only under these conditions, the concentration of hCG in the urine will be optimal to obtain an unmistakable result.

Reason 3: Incorrect use of the test

If during the use of the test the elementary rules that are described in the instructions were violated, then various errors in the study are not excluded. For example, it is important to dip the test strip into the urine strictly to the mark and for the exact amount of time, do not touch the reagent area with your fingers to prevent dirt or sweat from getting on it, etc.

Reason 4: disorders in the urinary system

Diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system may affect the result of the study. For example, with kidney disease, the amount of hCG in the urine may remain at a minimum level for a long period of time, so the test does not see pregnancy. Also, the result will be false-negative if there is an inflammatory process in the woman's body, against the background of which protein is found in the urine.

Reason 5: problems with the development of pregnancy

Sometimes the test may not show pregnancy if it develops incorrectly, with deviations from the norm. We are talking about the implantation of the fetal egg, the threat,. In all these cases, the amount of hCG in the urine will not increase, so the test will not show such a pregnancy. If there is a suspicion of the presence and abnormal course of pregnancy (delayed menstruation, spotting, abdominal pain), you should consult a doctor, and not rely solely on express tests.

Reason 6: Incorrect storage of the test

A test just purchased at a pharmacy can be safely trusted, since all storage conditions must be preserved. If the test has been lying in a woman’s purse or at home for a long time, that is, it was stored in conditions of high humidity, could be exposed to temperature changes, or simply turned out to be expired, most likely, the result of the study will be unreliable. It is better to purchase tests for immediate use in the near future and not to store them for many months at home.

Reason 7: Poor quality or defective tests

Tests from different manufacturers may have significant differences in quality, so the results of the study by different tests may vary. If you need to get an exact answer, it is best to pay attention to different companies. At the same time, their cost practically does not play any role, both expensive and cheap tests can be equally good.

Why does the test not show pregnancy if there are obvious signs of it?

The whole range of sensations that women experience in the first days and weeks after conception is quite voluminous. But we must agree that all these symptoms with a high degree of probability may turn out to be banal PMS - premenstrual syndrome, familiar to every woman to one degree or another.

If a woman is terrified of the onset of pregnancy or, on the contrary, simply dreams of becoming a mother as soon as possible, then in each cycle she will try to look for early symptoms of the onset of conception, which may turn out to be far-fetched. Such experiences can turn into a false pregnancy - a mental disorder.

In this case, gynecologists recommend throwing emotions away and looking at the current situation with common sense: irritability, dizziness, nausea and increased drowsiness can be associated not only with pregnancy. If the test does not show pregnancy, and the delay has already come, the right decision would be to consult a doctor to rule out hormonal imbalances and possibly determine pregnancy.

The test does not show pregnancy, but there is a delay

First of all, I would like to note that the test may not show the presence of pregnancy with an existing delay in menstruation for completely harmless reasons. For example, ovulation, and therefore the implantation of the ovum, took place a little later than it should be. Nothing wrong with that.

Secondly, women are often prone to disruptions in the hormonal system. Hypothermia, stress, climate change, physical and mental overwork, illness - all this can affect the hormonal background of the body. For this reason, a woman's menstrual cycle can move several days or weeks ahead. This is the answer to the question why the test does not show pregnancy when a delay occurs.

Some passionately dream of a child, while others realize with horror that an accidental mistake in the form of unprotected intercourse can radically change their life. Can help clear your doubts early pregnancy test . The principle of operation for all products presented on pharmacy shelves is almost the same: they allow you to find out even before visiting a doctor whether conception has occurred or not. However, in order for the results to be correct, it is worth knowing the principle of operation of the product and how to carry it out correctly.

Read in this article

How the test determines pregnancy

The best early pregnancy tests have increased sensitivity. Manufacturers use quality materials, so products cannot be too cheap.

The main principle of action: due to the content on the strip of a unique substance that will interact with urine, the level of the hCG hormone is set. If conception has taken place, then the production of human chorionic gonadotropin increases even before the delay, which gives rise to the manifestation of two stripes.

It is worth noting that the results will be correct starting from 7-10 days after sex and provided that it coincides with the time of ovulation. After all, it is then that the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. HCG, on the other hand, begins to increase from this moment, increasing gradually every two days. Also, doctors note that the maximum concentration of the hormone is observed on the 8-10th day, after which its level will decrease slightly. If a woman has a multiple pregnancy, then hCG will increase in proportion to the number of fetuses. It is worth noting that if there are problems (ectopic fixation of the fetus, the threat of disruption), the hormone will be lowered.

How and when to take the test to get an accurate result

Previously, an early pregnancy test performed exclusively with morning urine. Reliable data could be obtained without leaving home. Currently actively selling earliest pregnancy test , which is called jet. It allows you to conduct research at any time of the day.

And yet, doctors recommend not to rush to find out the result, but to wait for menstruation. If the delay is more than three days, do an analysis. If you still have doubts, then how to detect early pregnancy the gynecologist knows for sure. He will also carry out, according to the state, discharges, and also, with the help of additional analyzes, he will accurately establish whether the long-awaited event has happened or not.

Can the test show incorrect data?

Sometimes it happens that a girl has everything but the test is negative . Usually this is faced by those who really want to find out as soon as possible what they wear under the heart of a child. From the first days of the delay, or even immediately after sex, they begin to feel all the main symptoms: the nipples became very sensitive, increased, and vomiting began in the morning. If these symptoms arose separately, then it is too early to talk about conception. For example, nausea and vomiting may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. As for the delay, it also occurs due to inflammation of the appendages.

The test is negative, but there is confidence in conception

If you are sure that negative pregnancy test - nothing more than a mistake, visit a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to accurately determine whether it was possible to conceive a child. At a very early date for an accurate diagnosis of the condition will be assigned Ultrasound to determine pregnancy and urinalysis for hCG levels. Usually they guess about their interesting position even earlier than all the methods of diagnosing a woman who is not already pregnant for the first time confirm this.

If you're thinking Why is the test not showing? the long-awaited two are flat, then either you spent it very early, incorrectly, or it is overdue or of poor quality, or while you are wishful thinking. Erroneous readings can also be if a woman has an irregular cycle, and she wants to see the result much earlier than the embryo has managed to gain a foothold. It is recommended that with an irregular cycle, use the express method only after delaying menstruation for more than a week.

Unfortunately, there are more unpleasant reasons why pregnancy test before delay and after it will stubbornly show a negative result, even though it turned out to conceive. The following can affect the inaccuracy of the indicator of the hCG hormone:

  • threat of collapse, or ;
  • the presence of pathology and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys.

It is also possible to change the accuracy of the diagnosis if diuretics were taken before the test, a lot of liquid was drunk. Wait a few days and check again. Or visit a gynecologist right away to get a 100% accurate answer about your condition.

False positive test

Although the manufacturers claim that early pregnancy test accuracy is 99%, sometimes it turns out to be false positive. This situation occurs for various reasons, the main of which is a violation of the amount of the hCG hormone under the influence of certain factors. These include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • the state of the body after spontaneous abortion or miscarriage;
  • when taking drugs used to treat infertility;
  • others.

In the presence of oncological formations, even in men, a test showing early pregnancy will be positive! If you are sure that the baby could not have been conceived this month, first eliminate all factors that give a false result, and then re-examine or consult a doctor.

Weak positive test

It happens that express early pregnancy test will show one clear and second blurry stripes. This can happen if the product was not stored correctly (for example, it was not in protective packaging) or if it has expired. It is also possible to consider the situation when the test is positive, but there are no signs of pregnancy as a sign of conception. However, it has not yet been identified precisely, since too little time has passed.

How to conduct an express examination

The reliability of the results will also be influenced by external factors. To know for sure whether it is time to prepare to become a mother, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Inspect the packaging for damage.
  2. Check the expiration date of the product.
  3. Prepare a clean vessel and create as close to sterile conditions as possible.
  4. It is better to use morning urine, but if you have not had your period for a long time, then any time of the day will do.
  5. Wash and dry hands before testing.
  6. Remove the test strip and dip to the indicated level.
  7. Place it on a dry towel or napkin.
  8. The result can be seen in one to three minutes.

Types of tests, their pros and cons

In a pharmacy, it is not difficult to get lost among the proposed product options. For clarity, all the positive and negative points from the use of various tests are collected in a table:

Type of test Positive characteristics Cons of application
Test strips (strip tests) - cloth or paper products, the surface of which is impregnated with a reagent
  • easy to use;
  • cheap and affordable (you can buy them even in a stall);
  • 3-5 minutes - and the result is ready.
  • weak sensitivity, therefore it is recommended to use only morning urine;
  • inconvenience due to the need to use the container;
  • there is a high probability of an erroneous result if the time the strip is in the urine is violated;
  • if the test is made of paper, then the probability of getting incorrect results is much higher.
Tablet tests are plastic boxes that contain test strips. Using the pipette supplied with the kit, a drop of urine is applied to one window, and the result is displayed in the second.
  • very sensitive;
  • the probability of determining pregnancy is high;
  • modern;
  • aesthetically more attractive than a test strip;
  • no need to immerse in urine
  • relatively expensive;
  • urine will still have to be collected in a container, so that after picking it up with a pipette
Inkjet tests are modern products that look like a pen for writing. It is based on a complex device with a fibrous rod, which is formed from tubules (liquid rises through them to the part with reagents).
  • will give the earliest and most accurate answer;
  • can be carried out at any time of the day or night;
  • it is not required to lower it into a container, it is substituted under a stream of urine;
  • just a minute - and the exact result is ready.
  • high cost.
Electronic tests - an analogue of conventional strip strips
  • accurate and fast results;
  • the device itself will show readiness for analysis (the hourglass will light up before use);
  • a weakly positive answer will not work - either a clear yes or no;
  • comfortable;
  • reliable;
  • easy to use;
  • retains the result throughout the day after use;
  • the possibility of misuse is practically excluded
  • expensive;
  • disposable;
  • as the manufacturer himself warns, if the analysis was made before the expected date of the onset of menstruation and was negative, then it is recommended to repeat it on the first day of the menstrual cycle.

When choosing among the entire assortment in a pharmacy, you should not stop at the cheapest option. The probability of obtaining an accurate result with such a product is low, since manufacturers save on important reagents. If the test showed two strips, but there are no other signs and conception is unlikely, this is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Indeed, in such a situation, pregnancy with pathologies is possible, serious diseases that pose a threat to the health of the mother and child.

Not all expectant mothers know the exact date of conception of the fetus. Therefore, usually the countdown is from the date of the last menstrual cycle and may not be entirely accurate. But a woman who dreams of a baby and is already mentally prepared for his appearance usually does not wait for the next menstruation, but immediately checks with a home test. And here the question may arise, why does the test not show pregnancy if all the corresponding symptoms are felt and the woman is sure that she is pregnant?

And similar situations happen quite often. Sometimes, the desire to get pregnant is so strong that it just becomes an obsession. Similar phenomena in medicine are called false and erroneous pregnancy. Feeling uncomfortable before the onset of menstruation is taken as the first signs of pregnancy, and if, in addition, there is a slight delay, it will become the final argument in favor of a false condition.

Therefore, you should not think why the test does not show pregnancy, look for any reasons and torment yourself in vain. Someone may say that it is easy to talk about this, but when a woman dreams of a baby, she pays attention to everything, even minor changes in her well-being. Then it is worth looking at the situation a little differently, because if the pregnancy really has come, there is no need for unnecessary worries and worries. This will not change anything, but will only upset the expectant mother. Therefore, it is best not to think about why the test does not show pregnancy, but to allow everything to go on as usual.

How to find out how long the test shows pregnancy? There are also situations when a woman is almost one hundred percent sure that she is pregnant, and the test gives a negative result. For a period of two or three weeks, the symptoms of an incipient pregnancy become already quite obvious. Of course, in such circumstances, the question arises - are pregnancy tests wrong and how often does this happen? It should be said right away that this phenomenon is quite common and there are a lot of reasons for it. Firstly, the test may be corny or of poor quality. Secondly, it is quite difficult to establish pregnancy in a short period of time. The reason may be a low level of hCG in the urine, as well as the presence of any other diseases that interfere with the correct definition of this condition.

The answer to the question why the test does not show pregnancy may be a banal non-compliance with the instructions for its correct use. It is best to perform this procedure in the morning, when the concentration of hCG in the urine is highest, and therefore the probability of an accurate result is high. It should be said about such reasons as ectopic or pathological pregnancy, as well as the threat of miscarriage. But do not worry in advance, are pregnancy tests wrong in such cases? Yes, and quite often. It is not uncommon for a successfully developing pregnancy to give a negative result during the test. I would like to say that negative results are much more common in a positive state than positive in a negative one.

How long does it take for a pregnancy test to show? If you have any doubts about your condition, you can check at the earliest possible date. It is best to make sure the results are obtained in two or three days to conduct another test. But, nevertheless, knowing that in the case of tests there can never be complete certainty, you should consult a doctor and get tested for hCG, as well as undergo an ultrasound scan. Why torment yourself with doubts and needlessly worry? It is better not to harm yourself with unnecessary stress, but to get an accurate result in the clinic.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Every woman will agree that the use of such a "wise" invention as a pregnancy test is always preceded by a very strong excitement. This test can be used at home or on the road, at any time that is convenient for you, eliminating your worries and the question that arises - whether pregnancy has occurred.

But are these tests always so true, can their results be trusted? And are there any mistakes?

False negative result - when does it happen?

As the long-term practice of using tests to determine pregnancy shows, false negative results are quite common i.e., with the onset of pregnancy, the tests stubbornly show one strip.

And the point is not at all that this or that company produces “defective” or low-quality tests - other factors also influence the determination of the most truthful result, in particular, the conditions for using pregnancy tests.

But let's take everything in order.

In many ways, the reliability of the result depends on its quality - and the correct, timely application. Literally everything can affect the result: from the banal non-compliance with the instructions, and ending with the pathology of the development of the fetus.

In any case, when your period is more than a week late, and the test shows a negative result, you have a significant reason visit a gynecologist !

Video: How to choose a pregnancy test - medical recommendations

Reason #1: Test taken too soon

The very first and most common reason for getting a false negative result when using a pregnancy test is very early testing.

Normally, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) already increases significantly by the date of the expected next menstruation, which makes it possible to establish the fact of pregnancy with an accurate probability. But sometimes this indicator in the first weeks of a woman's pregnancy remains at a low level, and then the test shows a negative result.

When in doubt, the woman should repeat the test a few days later, and it is advisable to use a test from another company.

Every woman knows the expected date of the next menstruation - unless, of course, she has a pathology accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle. But even with a normal cycle can be very shifted in time to the beginning of the cycle - or to its end.

There are rare exceptions when ovulation occurs on the days of the onset of menstruation - this is influenced by various factors or pathological processes in a woman's body. If ovulation occurred quite late, then by the first days after the date of the expected earlier menstruation, the level of hCG in the urine of a woman can be very low, and a pregnancy test will show a false negative result.

In the blood of a woman during pregnancy, hCG appears almost immediately. A few days later, this hormone can also be detected in the urine, but in a relatively small concentration.

If we talk about timing, human chorionic gonadotropin is found in the blood one week after conception, and in the urine 10 days later - two weeks after conception.

Important to keep in mind that the level of hCG after the onset of pregnancy at its earliest terms increases approximately twice in 1 day, but after 4-5 weeks from conception, this figure drops, since the emerging placenta of the embryo takes on the function of producing the necessary hormones.

Women's opinion:


With a delay in menstruation of 2 days, as well as with indirect signs of the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy (burning and sensitivity of the nipples, drowsiness, nausea), I did a test to determine pregnancy, it turned out to be positive. The same week I went to the gynecologist, she prescribed me the necessary examination and an additional test to determine pregnancy by hCG in the blood. It turned out that I took this test two weeks after the expected date of the next menstruation, and the result turned out to be doubtful, that is, hCG = 117. It turned out that my pregnancy did not develop, but froze at an early stage.


When I was pregnant with my daughter, after a missed period, I immediately took a test, the result was positive. Then I went to the gynecologist, he prescribed an hCG blood test. A week later, the gynecologist said to go through the hCG blood again - the first and second results were low. The doctor suggested a non-developing pregnancy, said to retake the test again in a week. Only when the gestational age was more than 8 weeks, hCG increased, and the heartbeat was heard on ultrasound, it was determined that the fetus was developing normally. It is too early to draw conclusions from the first analysis, especially if you use tests at home, or if your pregnancy is still too short.


My friend, going to celebrate her birthday, bought a test to be sure whether she can drink alcohol or not. According to the terms, then this day came out just on the day of the alleged menstruation. The test showed a negative result. The birthday was celebrated noisily, with copious libations, and then a delay was discovered. A week later, the BBtest showed a positive result, which was later confirmed by a visit to the gynecologist. It seems to me that in any case, a woman who suspects pregnancy should do a couple of tests with a time interval to make sure that she is pregnant or not.

Reason #2: Bad urine

The second common reason for a false-negative test result in an already existing pregnancy is the use of highly dilute urine . Diuretic drugs, excessive fluid intake greatly reduce the concentration of urine, and therefore the test reagent cannot detect the presence of hCG in it.

To obtain reliable results, pregnancy testing should be carried out in the morning, when the concentration of hCG in the urine is very high, and at the same time, do not take a lot of fluids and diuretics in the evening, do not eat watermelon.

After a few weeks, the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin arises so much that tests accurately determine it even in highly diluted urine.

Women's opinion:


Yes, I also had this - I got pregnant in the heat. I was very thirsty, I drank literally liters, plus watermelons. When I found a slight delay of 3-4 days, I applied the test that my friend advised me as the most accurate - "Clear Blue", the result was negative. As it turned out, the result turned out to be false, because the visit to the gynecologist dispelled all my doubts - I was pregnant.

I suspect that I had the same thing - heavy drinking affected the results of the tests, they were negative until the 8th week of pregnancy. It’s good that at that moment I was planning and waiting for a pregnancy without drinking alcohol or taking antibiotics, otherwise a negative result can be cruelly deceiving. And the health of the baby will be at risk ...

Reason #3: The test was misused

If important ground rules were violated when using the pregnancy test, the result may also turn out to be a false negative.

Each test is accompanied by detailed instructions, in most cases - with pictures that will help to avoid errors in its application.

Every test sold in our country must have instructions in Russian .

In the process of testing, you should not rush, it is very important to carefully and scrupulously follow all the most important points in order to get the most reliable result.

Women's opinion:


And my friend bought me a test at my request, it turned out to be "ClearBlue". The instruction is clear, but I decided to use the test immediately, did not read it, and almost ruined the inkjet test, since I had not encountered such before.


I believe that tablet tests require special care - if it is written that add 3 drops of urine, then accurately measure this amount. Of course, many girls expecting pregnancy want to pour more into the "window" so that the test shows pregnancy for sure - but you all know that this is self-deception.

Reason #4: Problems with the excretory system

Getting a negative test result during pregnancy is influenced by various pathological processes in the body of a woman, diseases.

So, with some kidney diseases, the level of hCG in the urine of pregnant women does not increase. If protein is present in a woman's urine as a result of pathological conditions, then a pregnancy test can also show a false negative result.

If, after collecting urine, a woman for some reason cannot immediately test for pregnancy, a portion of urine should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

If the urine was stale, having stood for one to two days in a warm place, at room temperature, then the test results may be false negative.

Women's opinion:


I had this with early toxicosis of pregnancy, when I already knew for sure that I was pregnant. I was prescribed a test for the level of hormones in the blood, as well as an analysis for hCG, according to which it turned out that I was not pregnant at all, like that! Even earlier, I was diagnosed with chronic pyelonephritis, so with the tests from the very beginning of pregnancy, I experienced a lot - that is, pregnancy, then no according to the tests, I already stopped believing myself. But everything ended well, I have a daughter!


I got pregnant just after suffering severe bronchitis. Apparently, the body was so weakened that up to 6 weeks of pregnancy both Frau and Bi-Shur showed a negative result (2 times each, at 2 and 5 weeks of pregnancy). By the way, at the 6th week of pregnancy, the Frau test was the first to show a positive result, and B-Shur continued to lie ...

Reason number 5: Pathology of the development of pregnancy

In some cases, a false negative pregnancy test result is obtained with an ectopic pregnancy.

An incorrect pregnancy test result can also be obtained with early threats of miscarriage, with an abnormally developing pregnancy, and.

With incorrect or weak attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, as well as with some concomitant pathological factors that affect the formation of the placenta, the test may show a false negative result due to chronic placental insufficiency of the fetus.

Women's opinion:


I did a pregnancy test when I was only one week late. To be honest, at first I sinned on a defective test of the “Be Sure” brand, because two stripes appeared, but one of them was very weak, barely distinguishable. The next day I did not calm down, and bought the Evitest test - the same thing, two strips, but one of them is barely distinguishable. I immediately went to the doctor, they sent me for the diagnosis of hCG blood. It turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy, and the fetal egg was attached at the outlet of the tube. I believe that in case of doubtful results, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since in some situations delay is indeed “like death”.


And I have a false negative test result showed a missed pregnancy at 5 weeks. The fact is that I was tested 1 day before the expected date of menstruation - the Frautest test showed confident two strips. I went to the doctor, got tested and everything was fine. Since I am 35 years old, and the first pregnancy, they did an ultrasound at the very beginning - everything is fine. But before the next appointment with the gynecologist, for the sake of curiosity, I decided to test the remaining and not useful copy of the test - it showed a negative result. Considering this a mistake, I went to the doctor - another examination showed that the fetal egg had fallen asleep, had a non-circular shape, pregnancy did not develop from 4 weeks ...

Reason #6: Improper Dough Storage

If a pregnancy test is purchased at a pharmacy, there is no doubt that the conditions for its storage are properly observed.

Another thing is if the test is already overdue , lay at home for a long time, was subjected to temperature changes or stored at high humidity, bought from hand in a random place - in this case, it is likely that it will be unable to show a reliable result.

When buying tests, even in pharmacies, you should check its expiration date .

Women's opinion:


I would like to express my indignation at the Factor-med "VERA" tests. Falling apart in your hands, flimsy strips that you don’t want to believe! When I urgently needed a test to determine pregnancy, only such ones were found in the pharmacy, I had to take it. Although it was not expired, it was sold in a pharmacy - it initially had such an appearance that it had already been in alterations. As confirmed by the control testing, which I conducted a few days after the "VERA" test, the result was correct - I'm not pregnant. But the appearance of these strips is such that after them I want to conduct another test in order to finally find out the truth.


So you're in luck! And this test showed me two stripes when I was most afraid of it. I must say that I spent many unpleasant minutes of painful waiting for the right result. It's time for the company to sue for moral damages!


I agree with the girls! This is a test for those who love thrills, not otherwise.

Reason #7: Poor quality and defective tests

The products of different pharmaceutical companies vary greatly in quality, and therefore the result of testing with different tests carried out at the same time can vary dramatically.

To obtain reliable results, you should use tests not once, but two or more times, with a frequency of several days, or better, buy tests from different companies.

By the way, when buying a test to determine pregnancy, there is no need to be guided by the rule “the more expensive the better” - the price of the test itself in the pharmacy does not affect the reliability of the result.

Women's opinion:


Once it was that I was deceived by a test that I, in general, trusted more than others - "BIOCARD". With a delay of 4 days, he showed bright two stripes, and I went to my doctor. As it turned out, there was no pregnancy - this was confirmed by ultrasound, and a blood test for hCG, and menstruation that came later ...


Since I live with my boyfriend, I somehow decided to buy several VERA tests at once so that they would be at home. I'll tell you right away. That I never used pregnancy tests, since we were protected with condoms. And then curiosity pulled me to use the test three days before the onset of menstruation. I did a test - and almost fainted, as it clearly showed two stripes! Children were not planned yet, so what happened was a bolt from the blue for my boyfriend. The next day I bought the Evitest test - one strip, hurray! And my period came the next day.


And I came across a defective Ministrip test. After carrying out the procedure, I saw on the test not one strip ... and not two strips ... But a dirty pink spot that spread over the entire surface of the stick. I immediately realized that the test was not up to par, but before the control test, I still felt a chill from fear - what if pregnancy?

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