Lessons for 2 year olds. Learning new concepts. Didactic game "House on the mountain"

At the age of 2 to 3 years, the child begins to actively explore the world around him. It is very important for him what is happening around him. The kid will copy and repeat any actions or words of the parents, playing with toys, and often using objects of the adult world. Therefore, it is at this age that you need to help the baby form an inner world and teach the baby to properly handle various objects and even help parents. Of course, the best material for learning is toys, but the baby himself may not be able to cope so far, so he needs reliable helpers in games - these are parents and older brothers and sisters.

What games are recommended to play with a child of 2-3 years.
For the harmonious development of all cognitive processes in a child, as well as skills and abilities, it is necessary to provide him with a variety of games and toys. Logic, memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as knowledge of colors, shapes and figures - this is all that needs to be helped to learn and develop the baby.

Water coloring and color games.
Why water coloring. They will help expand the child's horizons, introduce him to the main colors, and they are also very convenient and are the most suitable coloring option for this age. Coloring pages can be found on any topic. Animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, any household items.

Games about shapes and sizes.
Such games will introduce the kid to the basic geometric shapes. It will also teach you to distinguish objects by size. They will also help to consolidate knowledge about colors, since, as a rule, all figures are made of different colors.

Games for the development of logical thinking.
The main thing here is to choose games by age. Examples of games: puzzles, find a couple, find a shadow from a figure, who lives where, where whose children are.

Games for the development of speech.
You can use cards with letters and words. Also pictures depicting objects, animals, actions. You need to ask the child to name the object, and also describe in detail and tell what is shown in the picture. Learn little rhymes or nursery rhymes. Children's books by age: "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip" - these are the tales that children by the age of 3 must recite by heart.

Number games.
A child at this age should know the numbers one and two, but if the material is easily digested, more is possible. It is necessary to teach the baby to distinguish where, how many objects are located. Asking to set aside the right amount, such as cubes. To do this, you need to put two boxes in front of you, from which it is easy to get items.

Games that introduce you to the world around you.
Such games are “Where, whose house”, “Who makes a sound”, “Where, whose mother”. About sounds can be found on the Internet. And games in which you need to choose and study pictures, it is better to buy in a store so as not to spoil your eyes.

Games with objects.
It can be any not too big objects. The task of the child will be to sort them according to a common feature. For example, color or shape. Or what item is superfluous.
Many of these games can be combined into one more complex one. Unless, of course, the child has already mastered them separately. It is very important to remember that you had a lot to teach the child.

What should be able to do children from 2 to 3 years.
In order to assess how well a child develops, it is necessary to know what he should be able to do at the age of 2-3 years:
Perform complex requests that consist of 2-3 actions. For example: go to the closet, open the door, take a jacket and close the door.
Be able to speak simple phrases and understand parents.
It is desirable to be able to undress and dress yourself. This is easy to teach by showing several times.
Go potty on your own and wash your hands.
Cut paper with scissors. This is not dangerous.
Build simple buildings from cubes or constructor;
Assemble a pyramid from 8 parts;
Assemble the logic cube by matching the pieces to the holes correctly.

The main thing is not to rush the child. If he does not understand what you want from him, come up with a task easier. And then add another item. Do not forget that many things are new to the child.
Help the baby in everything, and be sure to be patient, because not everything and not always can be obtained from the first time.

I wanted to write an overview about our homework with my son from 2 to 3 years old.

As a basis, we took a set "Schools of the Seven Dwarfs" for children from 2 to 3 years old. I have already written about the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” here many times, giving an approximate table for the first and second years of study - in what order to add books for study. But I would like to write about the third year of study separately and in more detail. Since in addition to the "School of the Seven Dwarfs" we have a lot of additional material:

  • «», « Kuizener's counting sticks and albums to them. (we have a Corvette manufacturer)
  • plus we additionally use the albums of the series “ It could be your baby"(also publishing house Mosaic-synthesis, which publishes the School of the Seven Dwarfs),
  • card sets Tell the kids about..."(also Mosaic-synthesis),
  • sticker books.(also Mosaic-synthesis).

One of the important principles of teaching is its versatility. That is, if we read about the seasons, then we go for a walk and talk with the child about the current season. In addition, if it is winter, then we will make an application from the Paper Crumbs album - about feeding birds with bread crumbs. Let's take these same crumbs for a walk and feed the birds. That is, we try to transfer learning from books to life as much as possible and vice versa. Then your classes will become interesting for both and, generally speaking, will be inseparable from your daily games. That is, we are not purely engaged in 20 minutes a day. And they went through some color / shape - they noticed that in the house there is a color / shape that is on the street. Etc.

Everything that we have studied this year, we can conditionally divide into knowledge(letters, color, shape, size), creation(draw, sculpt) and the world.

Color, shape, size

In addition to the books "Color, Shape" and "One, Many" it is very convenient to use Gyenesh's Logic Blocks and Kuizener's Counting Sticks.

At 2 years old, the child can already impose (cover) the figure in the picture with the desired figure. In the album " Gyenes blocks for the little ones» simple images are made up of shapes. And the child needs to choose the block of the right color and size.

In the album " Magic tracks» for counting sticks, the kid also needs to pick up a stick of the right color and size to complete the picture.

It is very convenient to fix the material with the help of books with stickers.


Do not be surprised to see the book "ABC for Kids" - indeed, at this age, the child is already awakening interest in letters. The purpose of this book is to teach your child to recognize the first sound in a word. My son and I use this book as a cue when we play word games. We pour out the magnetic alphabet, take any letter and begin to invent words for it. If the son finds it difficult, then I ask leading questions or open this book.

Creativity: draw, sculpt, make applications

In the "School of the Seven Dwarfs" as many as 3 albums are devoted to creativity. We draw with fingers - we continue to improve this skill, there are already several colors in the drawing. By the way, at this age you can also try to paint with a brush and watercolor. Use a non-spill glass, brushes of different thicknesses. The child will surely enjoy watching how the water is colored after the brush is lowered into it. True, individual efforts will require training so that the baby does not stain the paint of one color with the paint of another.

"Plasticine pictures" - if at the age of 1 to 2 years the child was asked to master the technique of pressing on plasticine balls. Then from the age of 2, an even more interesting technique is used - smearing. First, the ball is pressed down, and then pulled down with a finger. Thus, you can make fireworks, hedgehog needles and even a Christmas tree!

"Smart cutter" - this book was very unexpected to meet for the age of t 2-3 years. But in fact, you can cut out the details first. Or, using safety scissors, hold both the child's hand and the paper piece. Then add a glue stick and you get very interesting applications.

It will be very interesting to add “Fluffy Pictures” albums for work - cotton wool is used here to create applications. And also “Paper crumbs” - pieces of paper are torn into small pieces from the central tab, and glued with glue-pencil on the picture base.

The world

We will use the books from the School of the Seven Dwarfs set as a basis in this direction: “Who lives where”, “In a forest clearing”, “Seasons”, “Pets”. Of course, be sure to supplement them with walks in the forest, in nature and with interest drawing the child's attention to all the details in wildlife. To fix the season, the album of the same name from the series “Your Baby Can Do It” is very suitable.

A very useful album "What are the professions" - I wrote about it separately. It has a very interesting and functional loto.

It is very convenient to use cards as a visual material " Tell the kids about...". First, there are photographs of animals and birds on the cards. Secondly, there are interesting details from the life of animals on the back of the card.

Vegetables, fruits, other products

It is very convenient to use a set of vegetables and fruits at this age. There are a lot of games here:

  • - name the color of a vegetable/fruit
  • - count the quantity
  • What letter does the name of the vegetable/fruit begin with?
  • - divide according to the principle - vegetable or fruit. What can be cooked: cook compote, make salad, cook soup
  • - role-playing games - set the table and treat dolls
  • - play shop selling fruits and vegetables

In ancient times, children grew up without toys, developing books, cartoons and activities. The lifestyle of the ancient man was such that absolutely everything was done by hand, and the child was included in the daily affairs of the tribe from birth. Modern life is arranged differently: there is no need to hunt mammoths, weave baskets, make tools, sew clothes. The washing machine washes, lunch is cooked in a slow cooker, we buy clothes and food in the store. That is why modern parents cannot avoid inventing activities and games for their little ones. In some classes, the presence of an adult is mandatory, and which ones are needed just so that an adult can find time for their own affairs.

How to entertain a baby

While the baby is small, games and activities with them are very simple. A baby up to a year old can be easily captivated by a bright rattle. This age is most associated with the development of different sensations. The baby is interested in everything: touch, hear, see, lick. It is on acquaintance with different sensations that it is best to direct your efforts.

Together with the baby, you can sort through rags of different textures, press the buttons of a musical toy, and look at large pictures in books. Sometimes a mother may leave the child, leaving him with a spinning or developing rug, where you can touch and look at a lot of things. However, by the end of the first year of life, the child masters movement in space: either he confidently and very quickly crawls and stands at the support, or he tries to take his first steps. From that moment on, his interest is increasingly directed to the study of the world around him, and the mother needs to be puzzled by new ideas for activities for the crumbs.

Spending time with a 1-2 year old baby

At the age of 1-2 years, the best play partner is the mother. Of course, the company of peers will also be interesting for a child, but children develop precisely in the process of joint activities with an adult. What can you do with a child?

  • Let's blow bubbles. Usually all the kids are very fond of watching how multi-colored soap bubbles fly and watching the “magic” of turning water into multi-colored iridescent bubbles. They will be interested in where so many bursting balloons come from, and the child will definitely want to try blowing a soap bubble himself. This activity can stretch until the solution in the bottle runs out.
  • Artistic creativity. A one-year-old kid will paint with finger paints with pleasure, at 2 years old a child will already be able to cope with liquid gouache, watercolors, pencils and felt-tip pens. It makes no sense for mom to actively participate in the drawing process: let the child study the properties of paints, mix colors and make his own discoveries. From an adult in this process, it is only required to properly organize the “workplace” of the artist and guide his actions a little.

Creative activities with kids from 1 year old - drawing with finger paints

  • Modeling. Offer the baby modeling dough or regular soft plasticine. You can show the baby how to roll a ball, a sausage, how to make a cake. You should not demand specific results or teach a child to sculpt specific forms: kids are always interested in studying the properties of the material themselves. The advantage of this activity is the development of motor skills.

Sculpting from dough for modeling

  • Reading books. Children 1-2 years old are not yet able to perceive long prose and catch the plot thread. No matter how much we love fairy tales, 1-2 years is the age of poems and rhymes. Small poems on topics understandable and known to the child will be just right. At the same time, parents can not “reinvent the wheel”, and give preference to the classics of children's literature. Also, children are very fond of special musical children's books.
  • Role-playing games. At about 1.5 years old, kids wake up with an interest in role-playing games. In such a game, the child imitates an adult, performing those actions that he himself observes daily. The most popular stories for kids are to feed the doll, swaddle it, ride it in a stroller, put it to bed. True, many manipulations are still inaccessible to the baby, so you can’t do without the help of your mother. The older the child, the more "advanced" the plots of his games become.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  • Active games. Not a single day with a child should be without them. Do not sit constantly at the table with brushes, plasticine and books?! Be sure to run and jump, stretch. For example, you can entertain your baby with a game of catch-up. If the child still does not know how not only to run, but also to walk confidently, you can roll a ball on the floor, jump on a fitball.

  • We play with toys. It is not enough to force the entire nursery with different toys. A child can master them only with an adult, so moms and dads definitely need to be included in such games. For kids 1-2 years old, cubes, pyramids, musical instruments, frames with inserts, designers with large details are ideal.

Toys for a child 1-2 years old

  • Air balloons. Kids love to play with balloons. You can draw on the balloon, you can inflate it and, without tying it, let it go - it will be very fun and whistle quickly in the process of deflating. The child will be surprised and interested in how a light and large ball can be made from such a small piece of rubber. (From personal experience: a small inflated ball was shoved under the boy's T-shirt (like a big belly). His joyful surprise knew no bounds. For 10 minutes he ran with a happy face of the owner of a miracle under the T-shirt! http://club-mam.com/parenting/chem -zanyat-rebyenka-v-1-2-goda.html)

What to do with a child

"Distracting" activities for the baby (1-2 years old)

Sometimes mom needs to keep the baby busy to do planned household chores or just take a break. It is not safe to leave a child idle and unsupervised, so it is better to offer him some interesting activity.

  • Paper space. Both at 1 year old and at 2 years old, babies show great interest in rustling paper, tearing or wrinkling it. The safest option is to give the little one a roll of toilet paper. Perforated paper comes off in an interesting way on the leaves, besides, what a pleasure it is to unwind the roll and see what is in the middle. Newspapers and magazines rustle great, but it is not advisable to give them to the baby: newspapers get very dirty with paint, and sheets of glossy magazines have sharp edges that can easily get hurt.
  • Bag of surprises. We put various items in a textile bag or gift bag and hand it to the baby. Children are interested in taking out objects one by one, examining them, putting them back. By the way, many kids love to rustle with bags from the supermarket. This is not the best activity for a child: the baby can put a bag on his head, bite off and inhale a piece of cellophane. Such games are possible only under the strict supervision of an adult.
  • Kitchenware. If mom needs to cook dinner, you can take the baby with you to the kitchen. Plastic containers, silicone spatulas, pots, spoons and ladles are liked by all children.
  • We spill, pour. For a long time, such a meditative activity as pouring water from container to container or pouring cereals can captivate the baby for a long time. To play, you need a large basin, which we fill with either water or something loose (large pasta, beans) and various jars, boxes, bottles. If a child plays with pasta or cereals, choose an option so that the particles are large.

KRUPA games for the little ones

  • We include in household chores. In some situations, you can not try to occupy the child for a while, but do household chores together. For example, give him a damp cloth and show him how to wipe the dust. At 2 years old, the baby will be able to wield a children's floor brush and even wash the dishes. You can put the little one on a stable supply near the sink, open the tap with water, lather the sponge and let it wash the plastic dishes.
  • Interactive toys and cartoons. Of course, it’s even better for a child to watch cartoons with adults, but sometimes a mother needs to concentrate well and not be distracted at all by a child for 15-20 minutes. You should not abuse this method and “turn off” the baby from the daily life of the family, because watching the actions of adults gives much more for development than the most “developing” cartoon.

It is better to alternate joint and separate classes, while it is imperative to give the child the opportunity to get bored, sit back and invent a game for himself. The constant slipping of ready-made games and activities inhibits the creative development of the baby and dulls his cognitive activity.

Let's sum up a little.

  • Entertainment with an adult:
    • Bubble;
    • Air balloons;
    • Drawing with paints (finger, watercolor, gouache);
    • Modeling with dough or soft plasticine;
    • Books (can be musical);
    • Role-playing and active games;
    • Games with toys;
  • Independent pastime of the child:
    • Toilet paper / newspapers / magazines;
    • Rustling packages;
    • transfusion of water;
    • Sprinkling of cereals;
    • Duma help: washing dishes / cleaning;
    • Cartoons.
    Moms take note!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Ekaterina Alekseevna Khuri
Synopsis of a developmental lesson with young children (2-3 years old) "Mouse"


Encourage children to actively communicate, to form a positive emotional mood. Develop in children, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text; imitate the expressive imitative movements of an adult; develop imaginative thinking; develop fine motor skills. Learn to recognize mice by their distinctive external features and the sounds they make; give the concept of one and many, consolidate ideas about size and color, shape (a circle). To form the ability to walk and run on toes, climb into a hoop, navigate in space; perform movements after adults, enrich motor experience.


Toys: big Mouse, cat, small mice of different colors, circles- "mink" different colors, hoops.

Lesson progress:

1. Greeting.


My bell is ringing

Tells us to gather

Gathering in a circle

Hello friend!

The facilitator then greets each child in turn. words: All of us ... Kate (says the child's name) so happy. Katya (child's name) we need to clap. Children together with the leader clap their hands.

2. Warm up "Sun".


The red morning has come

The sun rose bright.

Beams began to shine

To entertain small children. // Children raise their hands up and move their fingers as "rays".

"Early in the morning we woke up" // Early in the morning we woke up. Stretched, pulled. We smiled at Mom. / Perform imitative actions.

“Here we met with some water” // Here we met with some water. And washed our face. We washed our eyes. We washed our cheeks. We washed our mouth so that a tooth would bite there.


What can our hands do? - Clap your hands ": "The guys clap their hands. Quietly clap, softly clap. The children's feet stomp. Loudly stomp. Loudly stomp. / Perform the appropriate movements.

3. Surprise moment. MOUSE.

3.1. consideration mice

The host shows the children a toy mouse:

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Who came to play with us?

Who's squeaking?"

The facilitator waits for the answers of the children and continues:

"This mouse she came to us and brought mice.

So beautiful mice. Mom is a big mouse, and the kids are small.

Mother mouse alone, and mice - a lot.

Where do mice have eyes, ears, a nose ... And how they squeak mice? (wee-wee-wee)

Children are considering mouse, show movements, imitate imitating sounds.

3.2. Climbing into a hoop. « Mice in burrows» .


“Our mice live in minks. Where are those minks?

They are round, like our hoops.

The mice are walking. visit others from mink to mink

And now you are not kids, but little mice, and you will go to others to visit. ”

/Children climb into the hoops, imitate walking to visit. /

3.3. Didactic game. "Hide mice in mink


“Well done! You climb well into the minks, and now let's help other mice get into the mink.

See how much is here mice A: They are all different colors. What colour mice? Yellow, red, blue.

Help mice to find their mink. / We lay out the prepared material on the table.

Children sit down (inserted into slotted under each mouse slot) mice by color in the corresponding mink.

3.4. Finger game. mouse legs.


"All of our mice fled to their burrows, because they have very fast legs.

Like ours Mice

Short legs.

legs The mice are in a hurry

To the cheese crust - and back.

We depict with fingers mouse legs. / We move our fingers along our legs "running" fingers up and down.

3.5. Walking and running on toes.


"When mice want to eat their cheese, they do not run, but sneak.

How do they go mice? Like this, on toes. / The facilitator shows the movements to the children. Children imitate the leader's movements.


"Cunning mice are very quiet

visited the cellar on a dark night

I want to mice are terrible:

delicious sour cream, cheese, butter "/Children walk on their toes behind the leader.


“The cat-cat heard the mice and began to catch up with them, and mice ran. /Children scatter.


"Run, run mice and hid in burrows./Children squat down.


“You are not a shawl!

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Educational games for children 2 years old will help the baby not to “stand” in place. They are aimed at improving mental, intellectual, social and physical qualities, which by that time had already been formed to some extent.

How to develop a child at 2 years old

It is impossible to spontaneously start this super-responsible occupation. First, it is important for parents to analyze what skills their little one has already acquired. By that time, children should have mastered the following skills:

  • walk;
  • bounce;
  • keep balance;
  • kick the ball with your foot;
  • build a tower out of cubes;
  • wash your own hands and;
  • eat without getting dirty;
  • know up to 200 words;
  • repeat small;
  • imitate the behavior of adults.

Developing classes for children 2 years old are aimed at improving the following aspects of the baby's personality:

  • physical;
  • emotional;
  • social;
  • intellectual and so on.

Games that develop memory

Such tasks contribute to the memorization of various kinds of information, which is complex. At the same time, auditory and visual memory is trained. In such games, educational pictures for children 2 years old are used. These classes are very exciting. Children 2 years old experience a lot of positive emotions. Developing games can be:

  1. "Find a couple." The adult shows the picture to the baby, then hides it and asks the little one to find the same one.
  2. "What's in the picture?" Children are given a card with the image of several objects or some kind of plot. Then the adult takes the picture and asks questions about what he saw.
  3. "What's gone?" Mom lays out toys or playing cards on the table, then removes one thing and asks the child to say what has disappeared.
  4. "My Adventures". In the evening or the next morning, an adult can ask the baby to tell what he did on the playground or in the park.

Games that develop thinking

These logical tasks help children of 2 years to compare the information provided to them, analyze it and establish elementary patterns. The skills acquired through such educational games will help children in the future to solve complex school problems and cope with everyday hardships. Such tasks teach you to reason and make your own conclusions. Here are some educational games for children 2 years old that can be used:

  1. "Puzzles"- they may initially consist of 2-4 elements;
  2. Sorting items by features- by size, color ratio, shape, type of material from which they are made;
  3. "Who eats what"- for such a game, children of 2 years old will need special developing cards;
  4. Concept mapping- a lot-little, high-low, soft-hard and so on;
  5. Puzzles- the baby must recognize the object or animal from the description;
  6. "Part and Whole"- the essence of such buildings is that by a fragment (tail, paw, trunk or something else) the children will know who is in front of them.

Games that develop attention

These tasks will require 2 years of perseverance from children. In addition, they will teach the crumbs to concentrate on a specific object. Educational games for children for attention can be as follows:

  • "hide and seek";
  • “find an object by silhouette”;
  • "find a couple";
  • “which piece broke off from the picture”;
  • search for objects - by 1 or 2 signs;
  • "find the same pattern" and so on.

Games that develop speech

Such exciting activities are aimed at enriching the vocabulary of the little one. Initially, adults may encounter the fact that the baby responds with “childish language”. Psychologists and speech therapists agree that all the crumbs who have begun to comprehend educational games for children of 2 years old go through this stage. After a while, they already begin to respond in an adult way.

Games that develop a child's speech at 2 years old can be as follows:

  1. "Question answer". An adult in a simplified form asks the baby what he sees in the picture.
  2. Discussion of what has been read- poem, fairy tale, story.
  3. Teaching the use of epithets in speech. It is necessary to help the baby not just mention some objects, telling what he sees in the picture, but describe them.
  4. "Storyteller". A 2-year-old child, together with an adult, tries to retell short stories.
  5. Study with the baby of prepositions, adverbs and pronouns.
  6. Listening to songs and stories.
  7. Introduction to new subjects. It is important not just to name them, but to show what elements they consist of, what they are for, and so on.

Educational games for children 2 years old at home

For such exciting activities, purchased kits or improvised tools can be used. Babies really like these games. They can be aimed at developing various skills and abilities of children. Kids 2 years old like modeling very much. Such developmental activities for children may include the following exercises:

  • rolling;
  • test game;
  • work with a plastic knife;
  • modeling figures from plasticine or dough.

In addition, developmental activities for children 2 years old at home may include drawing. First, the baby masters the implementation of simple lines: tracks, straight and wavy. In the same period, children learn to choose the right colors: if they draw the sun - yellow, grass - green, the sea - blue, and so on. In addition, the child during such classes masters the work with a brush.

Also, educational games for children 2 years old stimulate fine and general motor skills. They may include activities such as:

  • Velcro fastening;
  • pouring cereals;
  • modeling;
  • applications;
  • whipping soap foam with a whisk;
  • picking up water with a sponge;
  • creasing paper;
  • clothespin game;
  • drawing up patterns using pasta, cereals;
  • shifting beads with tweezers.

Educational computer games for children 2 years old

Between grandparents and parents, disputes do not subside over whether it is possible to sit at the monitor at that age. People of the old school believe that the best educational games for improving the skills of children of 2 years old are running around in the yard. They argue this point of view by the fact that the computer's vision falls, the posture deteriorates, and the child becomes nervous. However, if you approach such a developmental activity wisely, you will not have to reap all these consequences.

The baby should have time limits for being at the computer. In addition, parents should take a responsible attitude to what game to run the child. There are educational programs for children 2 years old. Their essence lies in the fact that the baby needs to turn the picture over, complete the house, assemble or find the one who hid. Such activities are very exciting.

Educational board games for children 2 years old

By this age, the child is already able to perceive elementary rules and can manipulate the objects offered to him. However, home educational games for children 2 years old are somewhat different from those board cards that are provided for older kids. There are 3 main differences:

  1. The simplicity of the rules.
  2. The game ends before the fidget gets bored.
  3. All elements are made of natural durable material.

There are such educational aids:

  • educational games for children 2 years old - coloring;
  • cards for studying transport, seasons, professions, and so on;
  • grocery store game
  • cards "edible-inedible";
  • manual "learning time" and others.

Educational outdoor games for children 2 years old