Constipation during pregnancy. Frequent urge to defecate during pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, women periodically experience uncomfortable tension in the peritoneum, which primiparas can take as the onset of preterm labor. Such uterine contractions are false contractions, which are also called training. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, the symptoms of which differ from labor pains.

The picture is objective and subjective

A woman who is about to give birth for the first time listens to all her feelings with caution, and the tension in the abdomen that occurs from time to time can frighten and disturb her. But there is no reason to worry, false contractions during pregnancy are normal.


Long before childbirth, the body begins to slowly prepare for them: the smooth muscles of the uterus periodically contract. But such contractions are called training because the cervix does not open from them, as it happens with true contractions. This phenomenon helps to improve blood circulation in the uterus, as a result of which the child receives more oxygen and nutrients through the placenta.

False contractions begin in pregnant women in the first trimester, but at these times the muscles contract very weakly, and women simply do not feel them. It should be noted that the absence of training bouts is not a sign of any pathologies of pregnancy.

From a woman's point of view

For the expectant mother herself, false contractions can bring not only a feeling of anxiety, but also some discomfort, sometimes painful sensations.

In general, the symptoms of training bouts are characterized by:

  • little or no pain;
  • irregular contractions;
  • irregularity;
  • short duration.

According to subjective sensations, false contractions can be described as spasms that are localized in a certain area of ​​the abdomen, most often in the lower, or in the groin. At the same time, they do not give to the sacrum, lower back.

How to distinguish training contractions from generic contractions

The first and main difference is duration and regularity. It is individual for each woman, how many times a day or per hour spasms of the uterine muscles are observed during training spasms. If a pregnant woman has a feeling of a hardened uterus no more than once every ten minutes, we are talking about false contractions. They are short-term, with them the intensity does not increase. Before childbirth, the contractions go on increasing, becoming more frequent and becoming more intense and longer each time.

False contractions are uncomfortable, but not painful. The contractions before childbirth are characterized by severe soreness, which does not subside, but, on the contrary, increases with each contraction.

This indicates that the cervix has begun to open. In addition, the pain noticeably radiates to the sacrum, there is a pulling pain in the spine. At the same time, the woman experiences a strong urge to defecate, even after a cleansing enema, as the descending uterus presses on the rectum.

Is it possible to influence the intensity and frequency of training bouts?

There are certain points that can cause false contractions. This:

  • excessive physical activity of a woman, especially associated with tension in the abdominal wall;
  • too active behavior of the child (the uterus can reflexively contract from strong jolts of the fetus);
  • nervous and psychological stress;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • bladder overflow;
  • uncomfortable tight clothing.

For some women, false contractions may become more frequent on the days when menstruation should have begun.

Also, false contractions can occur during intercourse, and the longer and more intense it is, the more likely the occurrence of such contractions. By the way, doctors recommend having sex carefully in the second half of pregnancy to avoid premature birth.

Eliminating these causes will reduce the intensity of training contractions and reduce the feeling of discomfort.

Doctors advise if uterine contractions occur:

  • lie down and relax, take a break from physical activity;
  • drink mineral non-carbonated water;
  • lie down in a warm (not hot!) bath for ten minutes;
  • do some breathing exercises;
  • take a short walk in the fresh air.

In addition, a pregnant woman can take advantage of this situation and practice breathing as needed during childbirth. It is important to know how many minutes you can do such exercises: it is better to limit yourself to three to four minutes, otherwise you may feel dizzy. Such breathing exercises help to endure contractions during childbirth more easily.

In general, the expectant mother should treat her health with due attention. An attentive attitude is a healthy lifestyle, and not excessive suspiciousness, when, as a result of self-hypnosis, a woman can really start to feel worse.

What should alert

False contractions a few days before the predicted birth can smoothly go directly into childbirth. Therefore, you need to monitor your feelings and go to the clinic if:

  • contractions have become more frequent up to five or more times per minute (you need to literally count with a stopwatch how many times this happens);
  • there was a discharge from the vagina;
  • the pain intensified, spilled from the lower abdomen to the coccyx;
  • the fetus began to move weaker or even quieted down.

These symptoms may indicate not only the approach of childbirth, but also a complication of the course of pregnancy. The discharge woman should be especially concerned. Their character is an important symptom of a particular pathology. So, viscous transparent mucus indicates the beginning of childbirth: from the opened cervix. Watery discharge is amniotic fluid, the discharge of which is also characteristic of the onset of labor.

But if the discharge contains an admixture of blood, this may indicate placental abruption. Therefore, a change in the nature of contractions, accompanied by appropriate symptoms, may be a sign of preterm labor, possibly with complications.

Obstetricians and gynecologists strongly advise women to keep a detailed diary throughout pregnancy, where you need to write down sensations, painful conditions, any unusual symptoms, how many days they lasted, etc. This will help you approach childbirth fully prepared and is very useful for visits to your doctor, which should be regular and last from the moment the pregnancy is determined until its very last days.

Tatyana asks:

Hello! I am 30 years old, now 24 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. Prior to this, the chair was regular, every morning, often even unformed, mushy; sometimes, if you quickly eat or worry, you could slander. This was typical for me even before pregnancy. But for two weeks now, the urge to defecate has weakened, they began to appear every other day, and then I had to strain a little to provoke them. But the chair was normal, decorated, not hard. Now for the second day there is absolutely no urge to defecate, sometimes it seems that you just want to go to the toilet - but only a little gas leaves and that's it. There is no discomfort in the intestines yet, but it strains me psychologically. I eat often, always porridge in the morning, be sure to have soup at lunch, drink a glass of bifidok before going to bed, eat fruit, a few pieces of dried apricots and prunes daily, but I drink little water (I always drank very little). I work sedentary, but I try to move more: in the morning and in the evening I walk a kilometer and a half on foot, go out for a walk at lunchtime, at home in the evening I do a light warm-up for about 15 minutes. What can be done in my case so that the urge to defecate becomes regular again?

To normalize the work of the intestines, it is very important that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the body; per day (if there is no restriction from the kidneys), it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid (including first courses). Also, to enhance intestinal motility, it is necessary to have coarse plant fiber in the diet, for example, bran. Be sure to introduce light gymnastic exercises into the daily routine, as a sedentary lifestyle will contribute to the growth of intestinal atony. Of the laxatives allowed during pregnancy, you can pay attention to Dufalac (a drug containing lactulose, you can read more about this drug, indications and contraindications for use, as well as the rules for use, in our section of the same name: Dufalac). However, the use of laxatives without correcting the flow of fluid into the body, as well as without an active lifestyle, will only give a temporary effect. You can read more about the changes that occur in the body of a woman and the fetus at various stages of pregnancy, about possible health problems at each of the stages of pregnancy and how to overcome them, you can read in the complex of our articles on pregnancy by week: Pregnancy Calendar.

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Pregnancy is probably the most important and happiest period in the life of every woman. Unfortunately, it is often overshadowed by the health problems associated with this condition. One of them is constipation. Irregular or refers to the most frequently detected pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in women during pregnancy. This problem may first appear both in the early stages of bearing a child, and in the later ones, and in some cases even after childbirth.

It has been established that such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation during pregnancy occurs in more than half of women who are in a “position”. This is caused by changes in the mode of physical activity, nutrition, psychological factors, physiological and hormonal changes in the body.

Types and symptoms of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation is a condition when there is systematically obstructed incomplete emptying of the intestines or a complete absence of bowel movements in a natural way for two or more days.
Depending on the condition of the muscular wall of the large intestine, there are:

With atonic constipation, the muscle tone of the intestine is sharply reduced and may even be completely absent. This leads to a weakening of intestinal peristalsis and the impossibility of advancing fecal masses to the anus, as a result of which their stagnation, compaction and gradual dehydration occur. The act of defecation is accompanied by severe pain, first a dense and formed feces of large diameter comes out, and then liquid mushy stools. With atonic constipation in a pregnant woman occurs:

  • feeling of fullness and fullness in the intestines;
  • aching or pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, weakness;
  • flatulence.

With spastic constipation, hypertonicity of the muscles of the intestinal wall is observed. The slowdown of peristalsis in this case is due to the occurrence of spasms in various parts of the colon. Defecation can occur several times a day, but there is a feeling of incomplete emptying. The excreted feces are fragmented pieces of small size, reminiscent of the feces of a goat or sheep. With spastic constipation in pregnant women, it is noted:

  • cramping attacks of pain in the intestines;
  • flatulence of the intestine;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nervousness, irritability.

Constipation during pregnancy occurs with the same symptoms as in all people

Important: If a pregnant woman suffers from hemorrhoids, then the feces secreted during constipation may contain blood impurities, and pain, burning and itching will be present in the anus.

According to the duration of the course, constipation can be acute and chronic. Acute constipation occurs due to certain provoking factors (nervous stress, changes in diet and physical activity) and lasts no more than 12 weeks. In some cases, if the provoking factor has not been eliminated in time, the acute form becomes chronic.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

Why does constipation occur in pregnant women? The reasons may be very different. But the most significant of them are hormonal and physiological changes in a woman's body. In most cases, complaints of irregular stools are noted by the end of the second trimester. However, the appearance of constipation at the very beginning of pregnancy is also not uncommon.

Constipation in early pregnancy

Constipation at the very beginning of the first trimester most often occurs in women who, even before conception, had problems with bowel movements. Under the influence of additional factors characteristic of pregnancy, the situation is even more aggravated almost immediately after conception.

Causes of constipation in early pregnancy include:

  • elevated progesterone levels;
  • taking medications containing iron and calcium;
  • malnutrition and drinking regimen;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Progesterone is one of the main pregnancy hormones. It prepares the inner wall of the uterus for the attachment of the fetal egg, under its influence in the body of a woman all conditions are created for bearing the fetus. The biological effect of progesterone is also to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of all organs, including the uterus, intestines, ureters, bladder. Reducing the tone of the uterus is extremely important for the normal course of pregnancy and the prevention of miscarriages. However, in parallel with this, there is a weakening of the activity of the intestine and its peristalsis, which ultimately leads to the development of constipation.

Many women take iron and calcium supplements during pregnancy to prevent anemia and other complications caused by an increase in the body's need for these minerals. Side effects of these drugs are constipation. They change the consistency of feces, making it more dense and hard. This effect is most pronounced when taking monopreparations of iron and calcium than multicomponent vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Constipation during pregnancy is often the cause of poor health and mood in women

Improper nutrition in early pregnancy may be due to the development of toxicosis. The constant feeling of nausea leads to a decrease in the amount of food consumed and the formation of an insufficient volume of feces. If toxicosis is accompanied by vomiting, then the woman has dehydration, which results in the formation of feces of a very hard consistency. Changes in taste preferences in pregnant women can also be the cause of malnutrition. Women during the period of bearing a child often consume a lot of spicy and salty foods, which negatively affects the work of the intestines.

A sedentary image at the beginning of pregnancy in some women is a necessary condition for preserving the fetus. It has been established that the risk of termination of pregnancy is maximum in the first trimester. The fear of an active lifestyle is especially pronounced in women who have been treated for infertility and have a history of spontaneous miscarriages. Women with uterine hypertonicity, the threat of miscarriage or bleeding are forced to stay in bed, which contributes to constipation.

Important: Constipation during pregnancy can develop against the background of nervous stress, which women are very susceptible to during this period.

Constipation in late pregnancy

The causes of constipation in late pregnancy are:

  • diseases of the anal area;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • compression of the internal organs by the uterus;
  • inadequate fluid intake.

The development of rectal diseases during pregnancy often causes constipation. A sedentary lifestyle and squeezing by the growing uterus of the vessels in the pelvic area leads to congestion, impaired blood circulation and blood outflow. These factors contribute to the development of hemorrhoids and the formation of anal fissures, in which defecation is accompanied by severe pain. Going to the toilet becomes a real test for a woman, and she seeks to avoid them, which further worsens bowel function.

A decrease in the motor activity of a woman in the last months of pregnancy is associated with weight gain and large belly sizes. In addition, some women experience pain in the lower back and spine in late pregnancy, which also makes it difficult to move.

Starting from the middle of the 2nd trimester, the uterus begins to increase significantly in size and affects the work of all nearby organs, including the intestines. Bowel loops can be squeezed, pinched, which slows down intestinal motility and leads to problems with defecation.

Restriction of the fluid consumed by a pregnant woman is necessary when she has edema, kidney disease, increased pressure or the development of preeclampsia. As a result, the amount of water in the body that is insufficient for normal bowel function leads to the formation of hard, dense feces and constipation.

Important: The cause of constipation in late pregnancy may be a psychological factor, consisting in the woman's fear of the onset of the birth process due to straining during defecation.

Consequences of constipation during pregnancy

In the absence of timely measures, constipation not only brings discomfort, worsens the woman's well-being and mood, but can also pose a danger to the health of the fetus. Why is constipation dangerous during pregnancy? The consequences of prolonged constipation in a woman during the period of bearing a child can be the following complications:

  • Maternal and fetal toxicity. With prolonged stagnation of feces, toxins, decay and decay products contained in them begin to be absorbed into the blood.
  • The threat of premature birth. Crowded with feces and gases, the intestines will put pressure on the uterus. Irritation of its walls leads to an increase in tone, which is fraught with the onset of the birth process.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the intestines and female genital organs. With constipation, the composition of the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the growth of opportunistic bacteria increases. The proximity of the location of the anus and external genitalia in a woman contributes to their infection at the slightest non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.
  • development of hemorrhoids. Constipation is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. Squeezing of the fecal masses and the uterus of the pelvic vessels disrupts the outflow of blood and leads to excessive blood filling of the veins.

It's no secret that during pregnancy, chronic diseases often come into an exacerbation phase.

These include irritable bowel syndrome. It is a functional disorder of the intestine, as a result of which pain occurs and the process of defecation is disturbed.

Clinical manifestations

In pregnant women, this syndrome manifests itself as follows:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, this unpleasant sensation passes after the act of defecation and gas discharge;
  • diarrhea (at least three bowel movements per day) alternating with constipation (less than three bowel movements in seven days);
  • the amount of feces and their consistency changes (with lumps, very hard, watery, with mucus);
  • there is an incomplete bowel movement or frequent urge to defecate;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • after eating, there is bloating and flatulence (may appear for no reason).

If these signs are felt for a long time (at least four weeks) or repeat for three months at least three days, then the pregnant woman has a progressive stage of the disease. In addition, the presence of irritable bowel syndrome is indicated by general symptoms that are not directly related to the intestines. This is a strong sense of anxiety, frequent fatigue, migraines, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, pain during intercourse and during urination.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in pregnant women

Treatment depends on clinical manifestations. It must be appointed by a competent specialist, who will first send the patient for a full examination. It is not recommended to self-medicate, because you are responsible for the health of the unborn child. The right recommendations allow a woman in position to feel relief, getting rid of symptoms.

Proper nutrition

At first, it is necessary to regulate the diet. It is recommended to eat at least five times a day in small portions. You also need to regularly consume foods enriched with bifidobacteria (kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, etc.).

Avoidance of stress and anxiety

Since in most cases of irritable bowel syndrome provoke stress, it is important to relieve stress. It is recommended to do this by performing special breathing exercises or doing meditation. The nervous system will then calm down, and the disease will recede.

Exercise stress

Physical activity in getting rid of this delicate problem can work wonders. Yoga classes for pregnant women are ideal. For those who love water, swimming is suitable, which has a great effect on the healing of the nervous system. Not the last role in the treatment is sports walking and daily walking.

Drug treatment


First of all, a course of prebiotics is prescribed, since pregnancy often provokes dysbacteriosis - a condition when the harmonious balance of bacteria in the intestine is disturbed. Bifidobacteria in preparations improve digestion and help restore bowel function. The most commonly purchased drugs are: Bifidumbacterin», « Linex», « Yogulact". And although there is no scientific evidence for the help of these pills, in eighty percent of cases the syndrome is removed.


It is unacceptable to use drugs to improve intestinal motility (laxatives). They can harm the health of mother and child.


Severe pain is allowed to be removed through the use of antispasmodics ( "No-shpa", candles "Papaverine"). In any case, the period of pregnancy requires gentle treatment.

Remedies for indigestion

It is important to understand that medications taken for irritable bowel syndrome before pregnancy are unlikely to work. Only peppermint oil in capsules, which has a sedative effect, is allowed. "Gaviscon" And "Ranitidine" save you from indigestion. All other cases require medical advice.

Prevention of the syndrome in women in position

Preventive measures include not only proper nutrition and exercise. Not the last role is occupied by a healthy psychological atmosphere, receiving positive emotions. A future mother should not be nervous and worried for any reason. Stress is the scourge of these problems. In addition, it is important to try not to expose the body to the production of adrenaline in the blood. It has a negative effect on intestinal motility.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition characterized by abdominal pain and stool changes in the absence of any organic changes in the bowel. IBS is not dangerous for the fetus and the course of pregnancy, but can cause significant discomfort and significantly worsen the quality of life of the expectant mother.


According to statistics, up to 15% of the world's population suffers from IBS. The peak incidence occurs at the age of 20-45 years. Pathology occurs equally often in both men and women. Expectant mothers are not protected from the development of irritable bowel syndrome. The disease can make itself felt at any gestational age, during childbirth and the postpartum period.

The exact causes of IBS are not known. There are several factors contributing to the development of pathology:

  • transferred intestinal infection;
  • stress;
  • poor quality food;
  • addiction to fatty foods and gas-forming products;
  • binge eating;
  • abuse of caffeine and alcohol.


Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disease. Most expectant mothers note the appearance of the first symptoms long before the conception of a child. During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the disease worsens and discomfort increases. A storm in the abdomen usually develops in the early stages of gestation along with toxicosis. IBS itself can provoke severe toxicosis and prolong it up to 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Main symptoms:

  • diarrhea, constipation or their alternation;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • heaviness and pain in the abdomen.

The manifestations of the disease are aggravated after an error in nutrition - the use of fatty, fried and spicy foods. Diarrhea occurs several times a day and is accompanied by a noticeable deterioration in well-being. Relief comes after self-defaecation.

Half of all pregnant women experience IBS with the following non-specific symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • headaches;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • anxiety;
  • backache;
  • muscle pain;
  • lump in the throat;
  • chilliness and numbness of the limbs.

These symptoms are not directly related to intestinal dysfunction, but are considered a manifestation of concomitant vegetovascular dystonia.

IBS does not always present with diarrhea. Some women have alternating diarrhea and constipation. The appearance of false urges to the toilet is characteristic. After a bowel movement, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine.

Alarming symptoms against the background of IBS:

  • unexplained weight loss (especially in the second half of pregnancy);
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • development of diarrhea mainly at night;
  • enlargement of the liver or spleen;
  • fever;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool.

These symptoms are not typical for IBS. Under diarrhea in this case, another serious illness may be hiding. For examination and selection of a treatment regimen, you must contact a general practitioner or gastroenterologist.


The diagnosis of IBS is made only after the exclusion of organic pathology of the intestine. For this purpose, X-ray contrast examination of the digestive tract and colonoscopy are performed. During pregnancy, such tests are not performed. Diagnosis is based solely on examination data and assessment of the symptoms of the disease. All women suffering from IBS should undergo a complete examination by a gastroenterologist after the birth of a child.

Consequences for the fetus

Chronic bowel dysfunction does not pose a particular danger to the fetus. There is a certain risk of washing out nutrients, vitamins and trace elements with prolonged diarrhea. But even so, the pregnant woman herself will suffer first of all. A growing baby will take away all the reserves of useful elements, which will inevitably affect the well-being of the expectant mother. Fetal growth retardation against the background of IBS occurs only with a significant exhaustion of a woman.

Pain in IBS is usually localized in the lower and lateral parts of the abdomen. Such a phenomenon can be mistaken for uterine hypertonicity and the threat of abortion. IBS by itself does not lead to miscarriage. To find out the cause of abdominal pain, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Treatment Methods

During pregnancy, priority is given to non-drug therapy. Taking drugs during this period can be dangerous for the fetus. Quite often, the problem can be solved by normalizing nutrition and increasing physical activity.

Diet in IBS depends on the form of the disease. With diarrhea, it is recommended to limit the use of products that provoke a breakdown of the stool:

  • cellulose;
  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy products.

With the predominance of constipation, the use of such products is reduced:

  • bakery;
  • fresh bread;
  • strong broths;
  • strong tea and coffee.
  1. Eat often up to 6 times a day in small portions.
  2. Refuse to eat fatty, spicy, spicy foods.
  3. Cook meals in the oven or steam.
  4. Limit your intake of coffee, tea, chocolate.
  5. Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol.
  6. Do not eat gas-producing foods (cabbage, legumes, grapes, kvass, milk).

Drug treatment is prescribed for severe manifestation of IBS:

  • Antispasmodics for relieving abdominal pain (drotaverine, papaverine).
  • Sorbents to eliminate discomfort and heartburn ("Smecta", "Polysorb" and others).
  • Enzyme preparations that activate the activity of the stomach and intestines (strictly prescribed by a doctor, depending on the duration of pregnancy).
  • Probiotics to improve the functioning of the digestive tract ("Acipol", "Linex" and others).
  • Sedative drugs to eliminate concomitant autonomic symptoms (motherwort, valerian).

Irritable bowel syndrome practically does not affect the course of pregnancy and the upcoming birth. In the absence of other health problems, the birth of a child occurs through the natural birth canal. The postpartum period proceeds without features.