Game big and small for kids. We study the concepts: big - small

Anna Klimova

This a game Designed for children aged 2 to 3 years.

Target: development of the ability to distinguish objects of contrasting magnitude and designate them words: Big apple, small apple; big jar, small jar.


1. Fix the concept " Big small"

2. Learn the ratio of objects in size " Big small"

3. Improvement of substantive actions

Play materials: drawn on white cardboard big and small jar; silhouette images big and small apples from red cardboard.

Game progress: The teacher puts on the table big and small apple. Specifies whether the apples are the same size (Different).

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the jars depicted on the cardboard, shows big(small) banks and calls them: "big jar(small jar) ".

Children, at the direction of the teacher, choose big apples, call them put in big jar. The teacher comments on the actions children: "Put a big apple in a big jar".

Likewise, children choose small apples name them and put them in small jar. The teacher comments actions:"We put a small apple in a small jar". Generalizes: "We put big apple in a big jar, but small in a small jar.

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Theme: "Big - small"

Objectives: To learn how to group objects of different sizes (large, small) by adding an object to an object. Develop practical knowledge about the size of objects in the ratio “big-small; elements of constructive thinking, the ability to understand verbal instructions from an adult, memory, active vocabulary, coordination of small movements hands and visual control.

Equipment: table, 2 rabbit toys, differing in size; 2 houses, 2 bows, 2 balls, 2 plates, 2 carrots - corresponding to bunnies in size; bubble.

Lesson progress:

1. Introductory part.

Guys, look who came to visit us? Yes, that’s right, this bunny is big and today he is visiting us in class. But he didn’t come alone, he took a little bunny with him.

Guys, show me a big hare. Show me a little hare. (Children show).

2. The main part.

Guys, look, there are houses here. Rabbits live in them. What kind of house is this? (big). And this one? (little).

What is this rabbit? (large). What house will he live in? Show. (in the Big).

What is this bunny? (little). What house will he live in? Show. (in small).

And let's give the bunnies bows. Here we have bows big and small. What is the size of the bow? And what is this one? (children's answers).

Which rabbit will we give a big bow? (big).

And what kind of rabbit will we give a small bow? (small); (children can show).

Look how smart our hares have become.

Big and small hares played with balls and lost them, but I found them, here they are.

(showing big and small balls).

These are big and small balls. Show me a big ball. Show me a small ball.

Which dog will give the big ball? (children point to a big hare).

And which rabbit will we give a small ball to? (pointing to a small one).


Now, guys, stand near the chairs. Let's play a little with you. Do you agree? Repeat after me!

Well, bunny, jump, jump,

Tap, tap, tap.

You fall on the grass, fall

Lie down and rest, rest.

Rest, now get up,

Jump again!

Quickly run to the Christmas tree

And hurry back.

The hares liked the way you jumped. Sit down. Our hares, big and small, wanted to eat. Let's feed them.

I will now put a large and a small plate. What plate is this? (large). And this? (small).

Let's put a large plate to which hare? Show. (pointing to a big hare).

Let's put a small plate to which hare? Show. (pointing to a small one).

Let's remember what hares love? That's right, bunnies love carrots.

Let's feed them carrots. These are large and small carrots. What kind of carrot is this? (large). Which rabbit will we give the big carrot to? Show.

And what is this? (small). Which hare will we give a small carrot? Show.

Well done.

3. The final part.

Summary of the lesson.

So we fed a big and a small hare. They live in big and small houses, play with big and small balls, eat big and small carrots from big and small plates, gave them big and small bows. They brought you soap bubbles. Let the bunnies watch how we will catch soap bubbles. Show me big and small bubbles. Well done!

Ekaterina Bukhteeva
Summary of the lesson "Big and small" for young children

Abstract - lesson

« Big small»

(2 early group)

caregiver: E. S. Bukhteeva


Topic: « Big small»

Program content: pay attention children difference in size of objects.

Target: To form an understanding of words - big and small.

Tasks: Encourage children to show the repetition of words, to show large and small items.

Equipment: 1 table (two houses-booths, two toys-dogs); 2 table (two bowls (one color), two bows (choose one color), two balls, two bones (+two bones for each child).

Lesson progress:

1- Introduction: Children come in.

Guys, who is that barking loudly? (behind the screen there are two musical toy dogs - one barks loudly, the second barks softly) woof-woof-woof

Yes, that's right it barks big dog she came to visit us.

And who is that barking so quietly? Woof woof woof. Yes, she is also a dog. small.

They ran to us. show me big dog, show me little dog(I appeal to each child - says or shows)

1. child - show me big dog

2. child - show me little dog

The children showed Well done!

2- Guys, look here is a booth. Dogs live in them.

Tell me what booth is this - big, and this is a booth- small.

This is a doggy big (in big booth-show)

This is a doggy small, she will live in what booth (in small booth - show) .

3-Guys! Something our dogs are sad, let's give them bows. Here we have bows (big and small) . What kind of bow is this (each child answers).

-Give a big bow to a big dog

-We will give a small bow to a small dog

Look at what elegant dogs we have.

4-Guys, and also dogs love to play with balls. show me big ball, show me small ball. (each child points or calls). Well done!

Big which dog we will give the ball to - (the children answer that big dog, little Which dog will we give the ball to? (children answer that little dog) . Well done!


“A puppy ran around the yard, a puppy ran around the yard

He sees a piece of cake. Woof woof woof

Climbed under the porch and sat down

Fell down and sniffled."

The dogs really liked the way you ran.

6-But our dogs are hungry. They want to eat. Let's feed them. I will now put big and small bowl: (I ask each child). Well done!

And we will treat our dogs with a delicious delicacy-bones (for each child, two big bones, two small bones). This big bone, this small bone.

The child's name is big bowl put big bone;

The child's name is small bowl put a small bone;

Child's name ---;

The name of the child.

7- So we fed big and small dog, they live in big and small booth, play with big and small ball, are eating big and small bone from big and small bowls and gave them big and small bow. And now a surprise. Our dogs want to see how you can catch big and small bubbles. All of you today Well done! Thanks to all! Goodbye!

Mathematics can be started at an early age. The simplest and easiest for kids is the concept of the size of objects: large and small. Classes on the study of the concept of "big - small" can begin at about a year.

Big small

Constantly, in everyday life, point the child to homogeneous objects of contrasting size: a large plate - a small plate, a large spoon - a small spoon, a large ball - a small ball, and so on.

Very important and necessary highlight words with intonation: “Big” - we make a low voice, we switch to bass, “ma-a-scarlet” - we make a thin voice. back it up expressive gestures: “big” - we spread our arms wide to the sides, “small” - we emphasize the small size of the object with the help of the index and thumb fingers.

Excellent didactic toys here will be nesting dolls: first use two nesting dolls for games, gradually increase their number, and insert pyramids: glasses, cups, molds. Constantly disassembling and assembling these toys, the child in a practical way will highlight such an important concept as the size of objects. This is the first stage of studying the concepts of “Big-small”.

Can be used cardboard figurines animals, vegetables, fruits or other objects and put them on top of each other. Play it out with the baby, for example, “Where is the big bear, and where is the little one? We will give a big candy to a big bear, and a small candy to a small one.

Use to learn the concepts of "big-small" paired cards: one card shows a large object, the other a small one. Play with the cards together with your baby:

  • first collect all the big pictures, and then the small ones;
  • match each picture with a pair;
  • Put the big pictures in the big box and the little ones in the small box.

An important toy for the development of a child after a year is pyramid. Collecting the pyramid, the child learns to distinguish objects by color and size. First, buy a cone-shaped pyramid for 4-5 rings, in which the core is thick at the bottom and thin at the top. In such a pyramid, you can first put on only a large ring, and the smallest one at the end. The child will gradually understand how to assemble the pyramid.

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Game big - small

Playing the game "Big - Small" will be interesting for kids up to three years

The game cards contain items that are well known to the baby. On some cards - in a large version, on others - in a small one. Items can be very diverse. The task of the parent is to introduce the child to them. For example, you can take a card with a big ball, tell the child about it (what kind of toy it is, how to play with it, what happens) and together with him pick up the same, but small card. Thus, you need to consider all the cards. Be sure to tell your child which category the card belongs to. It can be: food, toys, cars, animals.

It is necessary to check the child from time to time, how he learned the information from the game "Big - Small". You can put several cards and ask the baby to find a specific one, for example, a car. It will be interesting to put paired pictures so that the baby can choose either a small car or a large one.

In this educational game, the child will be able to learn the five primary colors: red, green, brown, blue and yellow. According to the rules of the game “Big - Small”, you need to sort the pictures by color, invite the child to do it himself. Then you can complicate it a little: lay out a chain of alternating colors, ask the baby to do the same.

Even with the help of this game, a child can learn to count to five or more. The rules of the game are perfectly thought out by the author. The set contains roofs of different colors. Having built a house, the child will be able to calculate how many floors it has. Thus, he learns about the concepts of high - low. You can build houses of the same color, with different number of floors, each floor can be marked with numbers.

You can deliberately confuse the pictures by asking the baby to arrange them in the correct order. During class, ask your child where a certain color, small or large toy is located. Do not forget to praise the baby and stimulate his interest. Help if while the baby can not do something on their own.

This wonderful game "Big - Small" helps to develop fine motor skills, improves attention, increases the vocabulary of the baby. He will also remember the names of different objects. Also, the child will learn to compare different objects not only in size, but also in color.

Developing children's games are useful not only for kids, but also for their parents. You just need to show a little imagination, combine cards in different ways, keeping the child's interest.

The results of these games cannot but please parents. This is a great tool, you don’t need to invent anything, just show your imagination. Also, this set can be taken on a visit, for a walk. Show attention to the baby, having interested him. Happy games!