Jade stone has magical properties. The healing properties of jadeite. China has its own additional gradation of jadeite

Even the most ancient Indian tribes knew about the meaning of jadeite - an amazingly beautiful stone that has a large number of color incarnations. Initially, tools and household utensils were made from jadeite, using them as much as possible in the economy and ennobling their homes with it. As they developed, having learned and discovered the healing and esoteric abilities, they began to make talismans and amulets from the stone, decorate temples and use them in sacred rituals associated with the cult of the Sun.

Jadeite was especially revered and prized in ancient China. In the 6th century BC, the Chinese scholar Kwang Chang wrote about the mineral as follows: "The soft luster of this stone corresponds to kindness; its polished surface is fraught with knowledge and education; its strength is reminiscent of justice, hardness means patience."

The ancient thinker and philosophers Confucius especially appreciated the properties of jadeite and reflected his attitude to the stone in the "Book of Rites", which says: "In ancient times, man discovered that jade is a model of all excellent qualities."

In the East, jadeite is a symbol of longevity. In many burials found by archaeologists on the territory of the former Chinese Empire, mummies in the so-called jadeite clothes were found: it was believed that the stone was able to preserve the body after death.

In the relationship between a man and a woman in ancient times, the mineral acted as a symbol of love and fidelity, a talisman of the union of the feminine and masculine principles. The girl, announcing her consent to the engagement, brought jadeite to her chosen one, and the day before the wedding she received a gift from her future spouse in the form of stone jewelry. These actions helped the newlyweds take the first step towards creating home comfort, building a long and happy life. The stone maintains warm relations in the family and does not allow tender feelings to fade away. In addition, jadeite softens the behavior of people in marriage, makes people more tolerant of each other, for which it received the name "stone-peacemaker".

In the vastness of the Japanese and Chinese Empires, jadeite was not only very popular as jewelry, but was also widely used in everyday life. They made dishes from it, carved sculptures of gods, framed dwellings, used it to make furniture, and even made jadeite pillows. It was believed that the presence of a stone near a person has a very beneficial effect on a person's aura, on the eventfulness of his life. And they give health and longevity to their owner, improving processes in the body and removing various diseases from it.

It is known that jadeite is so loyal to a person that it is able to save his life, giving his own in return. On this occasion, there are legends that the stone deflects the blow from its owner, taking it upon itself. In such a situation, the stone may even crack.

In the countries of the rising sun, jadeite is valued as a standard of beauty. Wealthy people always wear rings with a cabochon stone. This mineral is not engraved, but only polished and cut. It is believed that only in its true form can a stone become a magic talisman.

Jadeite was also revered by the Indians of Central America. The tribes of New Zealand adore and value jadeite more than gold. When Cortez conquered the Aztec empire, stealing gold, silver and emeralds from them, the leader of the Montezuma tribe said: "Thank God they do not know about jadeite."

It is a belief among itinerant traders that if you take a jadeite rosary in your right hand when concluding a deal, it will take place, and moreover, the success and fulfillment of the terms of the agreement is guaranteed. The stone is also loyal to gambling people. Decorations with it bring good luck in the game, help to seize good luck, for example, at horse races.

The mineral has a varied color palette. In nature, jadeite is found in all shades of green, white, yellow, red, black and brown.

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The color of jadeite depends on the place of occurrence, as well as on the impurities that make up its composition. The inclusion of chromium in the composition of the stone gives a bright green color, and iron - a dull green. Red, burgundy and yellow colors appear in jadeite after prolonged weathering on the surface of the earth. The presence of magnetite in the composition is black, opaque jadeite. The stone found on the rocks and on the crevices of the mountains is mainly of light colors (white, pink).

Jadeite with different shades of green is especially appreciated by jewelers. The most interesting is considered to be a transparent emerald green stone, which is used to make inserts in earrings, rings and other jewelry. The most common in jewelry are 3 types of jadeite:

  • imperial. A stone of uniform color with an emerald green translucent structure. This type of jadeite is often compared to emerald, but it has slight differences in color, which are expressed in a warmer yellow shade. In China, this form of jadeite is called "fei tsui", which means "kingfisher feathers";
  • commercial. This name has an opaque jadeite with veins and translucent spots of emerald green color;
  • utilities - deep green opaque jadeite. In Russia, it is practiced to color gray and white minerals in a bright green color, which makes it possible to use non-graded types of stones in jewelry.

Due to its unique qualities, easy pliability of mirror polishing, the stone is considered an excellent high-class raw material in jewelry and handicrafts. Using a viscous structure, very delicate jewelry is made from jadeite using fine carvings.

Place of Birth

The most famous jadeite deposit has been known since the second half of the 19th century and is located in the state of Southeast Asia called Burmania. The stone brought from Northern Burma and Myanmar is very popular among jewelers. There are found stones of the most varied and most revered shades.

Jadeite mining sites are located in many parts of the world. Deposits rich in stone are found in Japan, Mexico, USA, China, Guatemala. In the vastness of Russia, the mineral is mined in the Polar Urals in places such as Pusierka, Karovoe, Levyi Kepchel.

A large deposit is located in Kazakhstan in the Northern Balkhash region - Itmurundy. Geologists discovered the fact that it was here and in the Sayan Mountains that the ancient Chinese mined jadeite.

Healing properties
Jadeite is famous not only for its beauty, but also has been valuable since ancient times for its medicinal properties. If you plunge into the composition of the stone, you can find almost all the elements from the periodic table. Manuscripts in China tell about the miraculous effect of the stone on the human body: "Jade, crushed into granules, the size of a grain of rice, strengthens the lungs, heart, voice organs, prolongs life and is more effective if gold and silver are added to its powder."

History has carried through the centuries to our times the legend of the glory of a magic drink made from jadeite powder in combination with dew and rice decoction, which was intended to “strengthen muscles, give them flexibility, strengthen bones, calm thoughts, nourish the flesh and purify blood. Those who took this drink on a long journey suffered less from heat or cold, as well as from hunger and thirst. "

In China, jadeite was used as a strong tonic and tonic. Ground to a powder, the stone was mixed with fruit juice, and the resulting mixture was an excellent medicine against diabetes, asthma and other diseases.

Due to the variety of colors, the stone has a huge list of properties that have a beneficial effect on certain organs in the human body.

  • Jewelry with a green stone helps to eliminate the ailment in the kidney area. They have a beneficial effect on reproductive function in women and potency in men.
  • White jadeite strengthens and restores the protective functions of the body. For people with meteosensitivity, the stone is especially favorable, because it blocks sensitivity to changes in weather phenomena, normalizes blood pressure.
  • Pink, lilac and purple jadeite bracelets and beads work with heart problems.

Small cracks and pores in the mineral are filled with zeolite and analcime, so jewelry made from the mineral, in contact with the skin, has a very beneficial effect on the rejuvenation and healing of the body as a whole. The energy of the stone comes into contact with the energy of every cell of the body, thereby supporting the basic functions of the internal processes taking place in the body.

Jadeite has a particularly strong healing effect when heated, therefore it is used as a facing tile for saunas. It has been scientifically proven that in this way the stone becomes a source of infrared radiation, which, when interacting with water, has a healing effect on the skin. Heating of jadeite also promotes the formation of sodium ions and other useful microelements, which penetrate into the body, have a healing effect on the vegetative-vascular system.

The very name of the stone tells about its medicinal properties. Scientists disagreed about the roots of its formation: some believed that jade comes from the Greek word "sciatica" ("pain in the hip"), which was healed with the help of jadeite, while others are convinced that the mineral originated from the Spanish "piedro de jade" ("Kidney stone, stone from colic").

Magical properties
will become a talisman that helps in all life situations, giving energy support to the owner. The stone gives a person self-confidence, poise and calmness. Jadeite supports and develops very high energies in a person, which are embodied in the nobility and sublimity of his actions. It helps in difficult moments of life to gain clarity of thought, not to deviate from the right path, to behave wisely and correctly in all kinds of conflict situations, to choose the right tactics of behavior for a peaceful resolution of the situation.

Jadeite will become an amulet in your personal life. With its energy, the stone will help stabilize relationships within the family, protect the owner from jealousy and mistrust on the part of the other half.

For people who work with children, and just for parents, the stone will help to understand what aspects the correct upbringing of a child is based on, it is easy to find a common language with children and to better understand their complex behavior of the adolescent stage.

As a talisman, jadeite protects its owner from negative impact from the outside, both from the side of bad people (liars, crooks and thieves) and from the side of evil spirits.

Jadeite was used to influence the weather. In case of drought, it was used to cause rain, and in case of heavy downpours, it was stopped. The stone also served as a talisman for protection from lightning.

People attributed to jadeite the ability to increase the fertility of the land, thereby improving yields. To implement the plan, jadeite was buried along the entire perimeter of the site.

From the point of view of astrology, jadeite favors people born under the signs of Virgo and Libra. It is not harmless for Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer to wear a stone, as it makes people born under these signs apathetic and pessimistic. Jadeite is especially unfavorable to Capricorns, as it can inhibit their mental processes.

Jadeite is a stone of love and health. He is able to bring love to those who are pure in soul and thoughts, sincerely believe in ardent passion. The stone will bring health to those who ask. The Japanese have a legend. Once, in the family of a poor man, a daughter with piercing green eyes was born, she was as beautiful as young foliage. She was named Jade because her eyes were the color of a mineral. But Jade was not an easy girl, she possessed magic, like the jadeite stone. The girl's mother fell seriously ill, but no matter how hard Jade tried, she could not heal her. Only on her deathbed did the woman admit that the spirit of the mountains Jadeite was the girl's father.

Most often, the mineral jadeite has a green color, but there are yellowish, brownish and even reddish shades.

Jadeite varieties

The mineral itself is quite rare. Jade is more common. In ancient times, it was believed that this is one and the same stone. It turned out that these two minerals are similar to each other only externally, but they have different physical, magical properties and chemical composition.

For a very long time, jadeite remained a mysterious mineral for geologists. They wondered about its origin and composition. The stone itself is divided into three classes:

  1. Jade imperial. This is the most valuable class of stone. Jadeite-imperial stones are used in the jewelry industry to make inserts in precious metals. This jadeite has an emerald green color, it is transparent, looks equally great in gold and silver. The price of such stones is often equal to the value of an emerald.
  2. Jadeite commercial. This is no longer as valuable as the imperial class of stone. Commercial grade minerals are opaque, but have transparent veins. Polished jadeite of the commercial class looks great in crafts and jewelry. If the color is not too expressive, but the texture is beautiful, then jadeite is sometimes tinted with organic dyes.
  3. Jadeite utility. These are the lowest grade of minerals that are used for crafts. It cannot be found in jewelry. These stones are opaque, not too expressive in color, often monochromatic, without veins.

The healing properties of jadeite

In ancient times, jadeite was considered a cure for kidney disease. But later it turned out that this stone is able not only to heal, but also to enhance the healing properties of other substances used in medicine. Therefore, any patient can wear this stone for the purpose of healing.

In addition to the catalytic effect, the mineral also has independent healing properties. You need to pay attention to where the mineral will be worn, its healing effect depends on it.

The stone adorns pendants and key rings. If a woman needs to heal her reproductive system, then jadeite must be inserted into the pendant. You can wear beads, but the long-awaited effect will come later. To get pregnant, they wear jadeite in pendants, but after giving birth, it is better to remove the pendant.

If a man has problems with potency, then a jadeite keychain will be an excellent gift for him. The mineral is not only able to improve the state of men's health, but also enhance sexual desire, attract women.

Bracelets made from this gem help to forget about the problems associated with blood pressure. Jadeite improves blood circulation, normalizes blood composition, stabilizes heart function. He is not only handsome, elegant, but also very useful.

The magical properties of the stone

It is believed that chipped jadeite or jadeite-nugget possesses the strongest magical properties. But in the form of nuggets, this mineral is almost never found, only in the form of deposits and layers, so you have to split it off. Sometimes, under the influence of the forces of nature, jadeite can split off - such a stone has the most powerful witchcraft effect.

In ancient times, people were largely dependent on the weather. In the rainy season or severe drought, it was possible to remain without a crop, which entailed hunger and death. Therefore, it was necessary to control the weather. People who could bring the weather under their control were called shamans and sorcerers. Jadeite helped many of them in this difficult matter.

The Chinese have a belief that jadeite is the most ancient stone that originated with the planet. It contains all the most powerful magical and healing properties. Jadeite is a strong protector of its owner. If a person leaves home on a long journey or to a war, the mineral is able to preserve his life and health.

But jadeite does not tolerate liars and swindlers, he can punish them. If the stone has been stolen, then the thief is usually caught during or immediately after the theft.

Jadeite brings harmony and harmony to the family, so a figurine made from this gem is an excellent gift for newlyweds. Peace will reign in the family, healthy and beautiful children will be born, and the husband and wife will have a rich life without betrayal and betrayal. Jadeite is a stone not only for family peace, but also for sexual attraction.

The stone helps its owner to resist attacks of anger and envy. This is the stone of businessmen: it helps them do business and make the right decisions.

For gardeners, jadeite will be a wonderful gift, because it favors all cultivated plants. The gem is able to protect gardens and vegetable gardens from the harmful effects of natural conditions. Therefore, if there is a jadeite product in the garden house, then this area will be fruitful and fertile.

But if a person is too calm and timid, then it is better to avoid wearing jewelry made from this stone. Jadeite will make a calm person apathetic. The stone is contraindicated for people born under the sign of Capricorn. It is believed that the mineral can dull Capricorn's mental faculties. Green jadeite is a source of health, and yellow is a symbol of wealth, a reddish or brownish stone is a symbol of honesty and courage.

Magical or healing properties do not change whether it is a chipped or polished mineral, imperial, or utility. Jadeite has powerful magical and healing properties. It looks great in jewelry, elegantly emphasizes the look of its owner.

Ancient excavations in different countries indicate that the gem was widely used by people thousands of years ago. Moreover, the main purpose of the rare mineral was considered to be a protective effect, protection from dark forces, endowing with joy, confidence in the future.

Jadeite is not just a magical amulet, but a natural source of miraculous power.

History and origins

It is historically known that a gem that looks like jade became popular more than 40 centuries ago. The name jadeite comes from the word "jad", which means "lumbar stone". This definition of the mineral was assigned by the Spaniards, who used the amulet to heal from kidney disease.

In ancient China, the green gem was widely known as a healing stone, with the help of which healers cured many diseases. Jewelry with stone was popular at the court, among the Chinese nobility.

Jadeite was generously embroidered with the outfits of the emperor and his entourage. Buddha figurines were carved from a viscous mineral, unique specimens have survived to this day and are of historical value.

For many peoples, jadeite stone is a sacred artifact that was used for religious sacraments. The Aztecs, worshiping the sun god, used the power of emerald-colored crystals. Figures of idols and amulets were carved from jade. Today, in many temples in Mexico, carved ornaments made of mineral have been preserved.

The French geologist A. Demour, in his research carried out in 1863, divided the green mineral ore called "jade" into two subspecies, which are now called jadeite.

Place of Birth

The rock-forming mineral is also found in the form of a monomineral rock. Formations of jadeite crystals are much less common. Natural stone from the pyroxene group has several indigenous localities. There are just over ten known deposits located around the world.

The oldest jadeite items have been found in China, Mexico and Burma. Indonesia, Japan and America also have reserves of a rare fossil. On the territory of Russia, the stone is found in Primorye, in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. There is also a jadeite deposit in the treasury of the Urals.

Physical properties

The mineral has a viscous structure, therefore it is popular as an ornamental material. Judging by the high physical characteristics of the gem, it is also used in jewelry making. If the stone looks transparent, with a glassy shine, it means that it is used for making jewelry.

FormulaNaAlSi2O6 or Na2O Al2O3 4SiO2
Hardness6,5 - 7
Density3.25 - 3.36 g / cm³
Refractive index1,654 - 1,667
BreakSplinter, viscous.
SyngoniaMonoclinic (planal).
TransparencyTranslucent or opaque.
ColourGreen, rare black, white, grayish green.

Healing properties

V modern life there are more and more supporters of non-traditional methods of treating diseases. In addition to medication, there are many old ways. They make a choice according to personal preferences, someone is cured with herbs, and someone with the help of lithotherapy.

Eastern healers, healers from other countries, using ancient knowledge, use jadeite to get rid of many diseases. The healing power of the stone helps to solve the following problems in the body:

  • disorders in the genitourinary system. Promotes the treatment of kidney and bladder diseases;
  • relieves infertility. The amulet on a pregnant woman helps to bear the child and to be favorably discharged from the burden;
  • relieves impotence;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system. Stabilizes the work of the heart, relieves hypertension;
  • helps to strengthen the immune system. Increases the body's resistance to infections, accelerates the recovery and recovery of the body;
  • relieves irritation, has a calming effect after stress. It has a beneficial effect on sleep, therefore it is recommended to keep the amulet at the head of the bed or under the pillow;
  • Preventive use is desirable. The mineral protects against infection with seasonal viral diseases;
  • the healing properties of the crystal help to strengthen the nervous system;
  • the mineral has a healing effect in psychological and mental disorders. It has a beneficial effect on mood, gives a positive energy charge, relieves apathy and depression.

In Eastern practices, the gem is used to improve the circulation of energy flows. It is known that jewelry with a stone is not easy to cleanse the energy, but give a healing effect for the whole body. Jadeite is useful for purifying the biofield, therefore it is applicable for meditation.

Important! To achieve a positive result, the systematic use of the gem is recommended.

Magical properties

The compatibility of the mineral with the owner of the artifact at the energy level contributes to an increase in the force of impact several times. The amulet, which has a huge supply of energy, continuously influences the life of the owner of the stone.

The owner of the magic talisman miraculously manages to avoid troubles, to smooth out the "sharp corners". The energy of the mineral helps to solve conflicts at work, in the family, to avoid aggressive people on the street. Jadeite is an invaluable aid in attracting happiness, joy and harmony into everyday life.

The green crystal is recommended for those who suffer from psychological complexes, it helps to increase self-esteem. Strengthening self-confidence, the amulet helps the owner of the gem to broaden their horizons, awakens optimism, and revives the desire to make plans for a happy future.

A positive-minded person evaluates the situation more objectively, chooses the most rational ways of solving life issues.

The magic stone jadeite gives a positive charge, therefore it is completely useless in "black" rituals. For many peoples, the mineral is sacred, contributing to the performance of virtuous, merciful deeds. It is not for nothing that the gem is kept with them during meditations. The crystal helps in spiritual development, puts good, lofty thoughts into the head.

The jadeite amulet helps to build relationships after a breakup, helps to restore a fading feeling. The family's talisman in the form of a figurine will save the hearth from everyday troubles.

It does not give rise to misunderstandings, contentions in marital relations and protects from negative influence on a couple of "third parties". Helps lovers get rid of jealousy and mistrust, maintain a tender feeling for many years.

Cohesion in the family is of great importance for a person. Quite often, under the roof of one dwelling, newlyweds cannot get along with their parents. A magical artifact unites several generations, has a pacifying effect on all members of the family.

The amulet helps to appease the rebellious spirit that awakens in adolescent children. Mineral helps to find a common language between fathers and children, helps adults find a suitable educational method.

Important! Jadeite helps to distinguish the truth from the lie, helps to expose the conspiracy, to bring the deceiver to the surface.

Jewelry with mineral

Gemstones are at their peak of popularity today. Many women of fashion changed their image, preferring romantic necklaces or cabochons in ethnic style. Everyone wants to buy a green crystal for a talisman or make a precious embellishment with their own hands. Since jadeite is combined with different metals, anyone can create a piece of jewelry on their own.

  • a tumbling of jadeite from South Africa, measuring 1.5 × 2 cm, costs $ 1;
  • a fragment of a mineral from southern Africa, 2 × 3 cm in size, costs $ 1.2;
  • a translucent crystal from Italy, measuring 3.2 × 1.6 × 0.2 costs $ 30;
  • a cabochon from deposits located in Russia costs $ 35;
  • a polished slice of jadeite brought from Khakassia, 11.6 × 5.4 × 2 in size, costs $ 52;
  • a ball of Khakass jadeite, the diameter of which is 5.6 cm, costs $ 67;
  • a cabochon from a Yakut mineral costs $ 160;
  • a luxurious bracelet made of a solid stone, brought from Khakassia, costs $ 730.

Judging by the proposed list, the market price of a gem depends on the deposit, type, color and size of the stone.


Gems are found in different shades, differ in transparency and shine. A high-grade gem is used for precious jewelry, samples of which are found in Burma. There are three types of jewelry jadeite in nature:

  • Imperial;
  • Utilities.

Each of the varieties is interesting in its own way, but they have a big difference in cost. For example, instances belonging to the "imperial" class are transparent and have a bright green tint. Such a stone bears similarities to emerald in color and price.

Commercial samples are opaque and with coarser grain. Mineral shade from pale green to color. This type contains a small amount of transparent veins and spots.

Utility jadeite is not transparent, has a non-uniform color and a shiny surface. The gem is characterized by shades of gray, blue and green.

Chloromelanite is a type of dark green rock with black blotches. Albite jadeite is a bright green mineral with dark, almost black spots.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Before buying a natural stone, sometimes you have to cope with some doubts regarding the originality of the product. In order not to be disappointed in the acquired jewelry, a step-by-step instruction is offered on how to distinguish a worthwhile thing from a fake.

  • Find out more information about jadeite, study the appearance, manufacturers. Deposits of expensive samples are located in Burma.
  • Get acquainted with the varieties of synthetic imitations. Serpentine, aventurine quartz, or sometimes passed off as jadeite.
  • Viewing in bright light or with a magnifying device. Granularity, blotches, fibrous weaves indicate that the stone is of natural origin.
  • A gem with a high density is somewhat heavier than it looks. By tapping the fragments against each other, it will be possible to determine the deep, resonant sound of natural stone.
  • Natural crystal, remaining in the palm of your hand, remains cool, creates a feeling of soft and slightly soapy material.

Important! Jadeite is a hard mineral that can leave a mark on a metal surface.

Care of stone products

  • Storage conditions. It is better to keep jadeite in special cases, cases or caskets. The stone is quite hard because of this, other gems are scratched.
  • Protect from sunlight, as minerals lose their color from exposure to sunlight.
  • Avoid contact with chemical components. Aggressive detergent constituents destroy the structure of the stone. It is recommended to wash jewelry with soap and running water.
  • Store away from heating devices, do not keep for a long time in a room with high humidity, which negatively affects the properties of the stone.

With proper handling of the amulet, a positive energy charge will remain for a long time.

Compatible with names and signs

The astrological properties of the gem are replenished with cosmic energy sent from Venus, Saturn and the Moon. Each sign of the zodiac, which is under the auspices of the elements of the Earth, counts on the help of the amulet with jadeite.

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Taurus, being under the care of the mineral, receive support in love relationships, harmony among friends and employees, well-being and health.
  • Virgo energy of a magical artifact helps to feel "at ease", wherever they find themselves, in any company.
  • Capricorns, receiving a positive charge with the vibrations of the stone, are able to do things, create and create.

Names that jadeite is compatible with:

  • Anatoly, with the help of the mineral, gets the courage that prompts him to solve important problems.
  • The talisman helps Vadim to fulfill complex obligations.
  • Daria, building a sports career, receives many victories.
  • Diana gets the shortest path to spiritual enlightenment.
  • Zoya discovers the ability of clairvoyance.
  • Eleanor receives energy that develops creative activity.

Important! A feature of the properties of jade is considered to be the ability to awaken empathy, a sense of compassion. Representatives of "water" signs have excessive emotionality, so it is not recommended to use the mineral.

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Jadeite is a very rare stone, which is more than 7 thousand years old. Various peoples used it to make tools, ritual figurines, jewelry and medicinal infusions. Currently, it is one of the most expensive stones used for various decorations and, thanks to its transparent varieties, it is highly valued among jewelers.

Mineral characteristic

According to its external data, this stone very much resembles jade, and the composition of jadeite is completely different. In addition, the color range of this mineral is quite diverse. Many believe that jadeite is extremely green in color, However, this is not quite true. The mineral can be red, white, yellow and blue. But nevertheless, stones of green color are highly valued.

The mineral got its name from the Spanish phrase "piedra de jad", translated as "side stone", because until the 19th century it was used to treat lumbar pain. The name was finally consolidated by the French scientist A. Demur, who in his works in 1863 introduced the term "jadeite".

Mineral varieties

This stone is quite common in nature. There are the following varieties:

  • chloromelanite is a dark green or black mineral, it contains iron, sodium silicate and aluminum;
  • Utility is an opaque stone of bright green color. Sometimes it can be matte white or shiny black;
  • imperial is a transparent mineral of a delicate emerald green color. It is considered one of the most expensive varieties of jadeite;
  • albite jadeite is a stone of rich bright green color. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it has a black pattern of dots and veins;
  • commercial - matte green jadeite with transparent veins and spots.

Varieties of jadeite stone and jewelry made from it

Mineral properties

The stone contains more than 60 elements from the periodic table. This is a rather rare stone, and due to its composition, it is located in the interval between albite and nepheline. They have the same chemical composition but different density. As for jadeite, its specific gravity is lower than that of nepheline and higher than that of albite.

This property is explained by the fact that this mineral has a rather unusual structure, which is responsible for elasticity.

Jadeite has an entangled fibrous structure. Rarely enough, it can be prismatic crystals, mainly it occurs in the form of needle-like aggregates, as well as granular and hidden crystalline masses.

Quality views can be nearly transparent. Jade can be melted into translucent glass moreover, it dissolves in acids.

This mineral is classified as igneous and metamorphic rocks. Crystals of natural origin always consist of impurities of chromium, potassium, manganese, iron and magnesium. Thanks to chrome, the stone takes on a bright green and emerald color. If the mineral has a cloudy yellowish-green color, it means that iron predominates in its composition, which has replaced aluminum.

Jadeite and jade have a common term - jade. This happened because, until the middle of the 19th century, these minerals did not differ.

Healing properties

Jadeite is also called kidney stone. It treats kidney disease and enhances the effects of medicines on the human body, especially those based on herbs.

In addition, the mineral helps with the following diseases:

  • liver disease;
  • toothache;
  • asthma;
  • cough;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Jade cures infertility and impotence. It normalizes blood pressure, and the white mineral makes the immune system stronger.

Magical properties

In ancient China, this stone was used to predict disease and even death. It was believed that if the jade lost its original luster, then some illness would soon await its owner, and if the stone cracked, then death.

It is currently believed that jadeite promotes peace of mind and peace.

In addition, the mineral is a shield against various life troubles and problems. Its owner always finds a solution in the most difficult situations.

Figurines made of this mineral serve as a talisman of the hearth. Jadeite prevents any family quarrels and even soothes young children. It was noticed that families that have jadeite talismans rarely quarrel with their relatives, and there is complete harmony between husband and wife.

5interactions with the zodiac signs

This stone is great for people born under the signs of the zodiac such as Virgo and Libra.

Thanks to jadeite, they build strong family relationships and also become more self-confident.

The mineral is contraindicated for Capricorns, Cancers and Sagittarius, bringing them only misfortune. The stone is able to make them lazy, malachol and unresponsive.

How to care for a stone?

Jewelry with a jadeite stone is stored in a separate case or wrapped in a soft cloth.

It should be protected from mechanical shock.

The stone does not like direct sunlight, dust and excessive moisture.

Mineral should be cleaned twice a year without using chemicals. For this use soap and warm water, and then the stone is wiped dry.

Due to its remarkable physical and chemical properties, jadeite stone is used not only for jewelry. Saunas and baths lined with this mineral are becoming very popular. It turns out not only beautiful, but also extremely useful. Jade keeps warm for a long time, and if it heats up, then its effect becomes twice as strong. It is because of this that the stone should be worn in such a way that it touches the body, feeding on its heat.

This very rare mineral has long remained a mystery to geologists. Until 1836 it was called the interesting name "jade". But in the year 36 of the 19th century A. Demur - a French mineralogist - came to the conclusion that two minerals were called jade by the same name: jadeite and jade.

Why is that? Looking at the photos of the stones, you can see that it is very difficult to distinguish between jade and jade externally. Their difference is in chemical composition: jadeite is much harder than jade and is much less common in nature. Today we will talk specifically about a rare and magical stone - jadeite.

Derived from the Spanish “piedro de jade”, the name jadeite means “kidney stone”. The stones received such an unusual name from the inhabitants of Central America. If we return to the composition of the mineral, then jadeite is a silicate of sodium and aluminum, it contains more than 60 elements of the Mendeleev system.

The largest deposits are in Japan, Guatemala, Burma, Mexico, USA (California), China.

There are also three large deposits of this stone in Russia - Borusskoe, located 350 km from Krasnoyarsk at the mouth of the Yenisei and Kantegir rivers, Pusierka in the Polar Urals, and the Northern Balkhash region.

Jadeite nuggets are rarely large. But there are exceptions! In China, a huge jadeite was discovered, the mass of which was 160 tons. And the largest of the cut stones, worth $ 2 billion in 1980, weighed 750 carats.

And in the sauna, and in the pendant

Scientists have identified 3 main varieties of jade: "Imperial", "Commercial" and "Utility". If we look at the photos of these stones, then they differ only in color. Chromium gives the stone a bright green emerald color, and iron - cloudy and yellowish-green.

And also there is a stone of whitish, pink, purple shades, has a silky, glassy luster. Let's take a look at the top three varieties that jewelers value so much, separately.

The most expensive in jewelry is bright green, emerald, almost transparent "Imperial". A jewelry product is valued like an emerald, which it looks like even in a photo.

And then there is the opaque green and gray with emerald green translucent "Commercial" inclusions.

And the last of the main types is a stone with a heterogeneous gray or bright green color "Utility".

Rings, brooches, pendants, vases, cups, and boxes are made from jewelry varieties of the mineral, thanks to their delightful color and unusual texture. There are also cheaper varieties of the mineral: chloromelanite, albite jadeite - an aggregate of jadeite and albite.

Due to its unique properties, this semi-precious stone can be successfully used even in a bath. It is not destroyed by thermal exposure during heating and cooling. Therefore, stone is very popular in massage parlors, fitness rooms, saunas.

Who can and who can’t

The owner of this stone is confident in himself. Mineral will help to avoid conflict situations and choose a line of behavior in order to resolve the issue peacefully. Jadeite also helps in marriage: it relieves the other half of jealousy, suspicion and distrust. Do you have this stone?

This means that your thoughts will be elevated and noble, he will not allow you to commit unseemly deeds. Will tell you how to properly educate and teach children. The owner of the mineral avoids the problem of fathers and children.

If your zodiac sign is Virgo or Libra, then you are recommended to have jadeite with you.

But if your zodiac sign is Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer, then jadeite is not your stone, and its presence can quickly turn you into a pessimist. Well, for those born under the sign of the zodiac Capricorn, jadeite is contraindicated and even dangerous, because can impair the ability of the mind and negatively affect the intellect.

Stone magician and stone healer

The stone protects against any kind of negative energy. These magical properties have always attracted attention to him. He protects from envious people, swindlers, deceivers. If you make a deal, take advantage of the magical properties of this mineral: a stone compressed in your hand will lead to success.

It is a stone of calmness and confidence, a symbol of virtues: mercy, courage, modesty. Clears the mind of meaningless ideas, concentrates on solving important problems.

Jadeite was called the mineral of health for its unique medicinal properties. It was even believed that he was able to change the weather and reduce meteorological dependence. The stabilizer stone was called by ancient healers in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Recommend it to women in position.

The magical properties of jadeite have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It reduces the feeling of thirst, strengthens the nervous system, improves blood composition, and enhances male potency. It is also good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The stone does not heal on its own, but enhances the effect of the herbal medicine.

Long-term wearing of the stone will relieve infertility and sexual impotence.

In oriental medicine, a healing mineral is also used to restore the bioenergetic field of a person, which also gives emotional recharge.