How long can a baby have a temperature. Features of measuring body temperature in infants. Why is a high temperature rise dangerous?

An elevated temperature in a newborn cannot be considered a disease - it is a symptom of an incipient illness, with which the body tries to fight on its own. The regime at 39 C is detrimental to bacteria and viruses, but leads to intoxication, which maximally includes immunity in the process. Therefore, the high temperature in the baby can last a long time and requires the intervention of parents.


The thermometer readings go off scale when:

  1. acute viral or bacterial infections
  2. overheating
  3. dehydration
  4. stress
  5. acute reaction to the vaccine
  6. CNS lesions
  7. teething

Child's well-being

If the temperature of the newborn has risen above the usual level, it is important not only to look at the thermometer, but also to watch the baby. With adequate behavior and normal condition of the baby, pediatricians do not recommend rushing and trying to knock down the thermometer readings with drugs.
There is no need to worry if the column has reached 38 C, but the temperature is well tolerated by newborns. It is desirable to reduce it by non-drug methods:

  1. Organize an air bath
  2. Remove one or more layers of clothing from the baby
  3. Wipe the body of a newborn with water
  4. Ventilate the room

It is necessary to bring down the temperature when:

  1. cold feet and palms of the baby (and on the thermometer 38 C)
  2. pale skin
  3. inappropriate behavior
  4. moodiness
  5. apathy
  6. refusal to drink and eat
  1. baby in the first 2 months after birth
  2. with a history of temperature cramps
  3. children with chronic diseases

Temperature parameters

Different indicators of the thermometer can be interpreted in their own way, because not every temperature is considered dangerous:

Column for 37 C

During the first year of life, the baby is only developing the ability to thermoregulate, so this mark does not require intervention and treatment. If the baby's stool is normal, it has a good appetite and activity - there is a usual overheating or a peculiarity of the body. Either this is the usual temperature of the newborn, or the mother should stop wrapping her child.

Column for 38 C

A signal that the protective function of the body has turned on and is working. Most children tolerate the process well, do not lose their appetite and activity. Feet and hands are warm, so drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Both frequent application to the chest and herbal infusions will help. It makes no sense to bring down the temperature, so as not to interfere with the immune system to cope with the problem on its own.

Column for 39 C

With such indicators, the help of a doctor is required, since the fever in a newborn is accompanied by a decrease or complete lack of appetite, irritability, lethargy, shortness of breath and increased heart rate.

First aid

It is important to know in advance what to do with a stable high temperature and how to alleviate the baby's condition:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids to reduce fever and prevent dehydration
  2. Frequent breastfeeding to provide the child's body with life-giving moisture
  3. Comfortable clothing that matches the environment
  4. Air baths up to 10 minutes
  5. Wet cool towel on the forehead

The actions of the parents before the arrival of the doctor are described, which cannot be considered as an independent solution to the problem. A high temperature can cause irreparable harm to a one-month-old baby, and the consequences can be irreversible. At the first heat, it is difficult to predict the reaction of the body and completely eliminate the occurrence of convulsions, therefore, the district pediatrician or an ambulance must be called if the thermometer confidently creeps up or remains in one position for a long time.

How can I help you

An antipyretic for a newborn should be both effective and safe. Recommended by the World Health Organization include:

  1. Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol)
  2. Ibuprofen (Ibufen, Nurofen)

The child is given a syrup or suspension, candles are also used. What form to apply is decided by the mother. The effect of the drug is evaluated 30-40 minutes after administration. The decrease in temperature is possible by a maximum of 1.5 C, which depends on the individual tolerance of the drug. Aspirin is strictly prohibited due to a number of negative effects on the body of the baby. At the first occurrence of a high temperature in a baby, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. But a reminder on the use of drugs will not be superfluous:

  1. Some mothers consider ibuprofen to be more effective, so they try to bring down the temperature right away with this drug. It is undesirable to do this, since it is better to start with paracetamol. The break in its reception is 3 hours, and for ibuprofen the gap in time reaches 6 hours. Therefore, if paracetamol did not help, and 3 hours have not passed yet, you can give the baby ibuprofen
  2. After listening to the advice of friends, many parents immediately resort to antibiotics. Everyone knows what “benefit” this series of drugs will bring to the child: dysbacteriosis, indigestion, weakened immunity. At the same time, antibiotics do not work on viruses, and self-medication will lead to even greater problems.
  3. Panic makes you act wrong. After reading that a plentiful drink is required, mothers and grandmothers try to drink the baby to the maximum. Drinking a large amount of liquid in "one sitting" will cause vomiting. The walls of the stomach will not withstand overstretching - and the body will be freed from uncomfortable sensations in a natural way. Give your child tea or water in small portions - 1 teaspoon every 15-20 minutes. The liquid will be absorbed during this time, which will help prevent dehydration.

Rubbing is effective in lowering the temperature in a newborn. It is important to know how to do it right:

  1. The water temperature should be 36-37 C, so as not to cause shivering or discomfort in the baby
  2. The newborn should be put on a cotton diaper, under which lay an oilcloth. Put a bowl of water next to
  3. Moisten a napkin in water, wring out and wipe the body, as gently as possible, moving from the periphery to the center. Start rubbing with feet and hands

Due to light friction, the vessels will expand reflexively, heat transfer will increase, and due to the evaporation of water, the process of lowering the temperature will accelerate. The cooled water is regularly diluted with warm water so that the child is comfortable. Artificial hypothermia will lead to another jump in temperature.

What Not to Do

It is foolish to listen to the advice of the older generation about rubbing with vodka or vinegar to bring down the heat. The procedure is accompanied by the release of harmful vapors, and their inhalation is dangerous for the baby. A side effect will be muscle tremors and fever.
It is forbidden to wrap the baby so that he sweats - even for older children, such methods are not used. The task of parents is to reduce the fever and alleviate the condition of the child, and not to aggravate it as much as possible.
Enemas with cool water are undesirable: the child has a hard time even without such barbaric methods. And it is not safe to disturb the microflora inside the body. It is worth immediately dismissing the advice about wrapping with wet sheets. This will lead to hypothermia, chills and a stable high temperature. In addition, sweating and the process of heat transfer will be very difficult.

Prohibited drugs

Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor, so you should not ask a friend what kind of mixture she gave her child, even on the recommendation of a pediatrician. The same symptoms can appear in different diseases. For those who like to do everything the old fashioned way, it is useful to learn about the side effects of the once popular drugs:

  1. Analgin causes anaphylactic shock, damage to the kidneys, respiratory tract and liver
  2. Aspirin contributes to severe damage to the liver and brain
  3. Taking phenacetin and amidopyrine is accompanied by the strongest toxic reactions of the body.

It is a mistake to direct all efforts to reduce the temperature without understanding the reason for its occurrence. Before you bring down the fever, it is necessary to identify the source of the symptoms and consult a doctor.

Watch a video in which the doctor will tell you how to act with a temperature in a child.

What do attentive mothers do when a child is naughty and whimpering? With regard to infants, one rule applies - if something causes discomfort to the baby, then perhaps he has a fever. When do you need to urgently call a doctor, and when can you cope with the disease on your own?

The normal temperature in an infant may differ from our usual 36.6 ° C, especially in the first six months of life. It is believed that the normal temperature range can be from 36.5 to 37.5 ° C. The temperature may change during the day. Another important point is how to correctly measure the temperature of a newborn? Most doctors prefer traditional mercury thermometers, since electronic versions allow some errors.

The most accurate will be the measurement of basal temperature (in the rectum), but it is always higher than the axillary temperature (measured in the armpit). In the mouth of infants, the temperature is not measured for safety reasons. The basal body temperature will be 1°C higher on average. Therefore, if a baby has a temperature of 38 ° C, and the measurement was made in the rectum, then this means that in fact the temperature is about 37 ° C. To know what temperature is normal for your baby, measure it when the baby is healthy, three times - in the morning, afternoon and evening. Then you will have an idea about the individual norm of your child.

Why can a baby have a fever

Does temperature always mean the development of a disease? Not at all, because the baby's body's thermoregulation system has not yet been debugged. And this means that an increase in temperature can be a reaction of the body to non-infectious causes. For example, overheating or cooling, stress, dehydration, excessive exercise, lack of sleep.

If the cause of the temperature in an infant is an infection, then an increase in temperature is a protective mechanism launched by the body to fight bacteria and viruses. The fight against viruses and the production of immunoglobulins continues until the temperature reaches 39 ° C, but if the temperature rises above, the protection weakens, and the load on the cardiovascular and nervous systems increases.

When to start lowering the temperature

The threshold of 39 ° C is relevant for adults, while in infants it is lower. If the temperature in an infant is 37 ° C, it is not necessary to bring it down, but the child's condition should be monitored. Many processes in babies proceed quickly, so measure the temperature every hour to make sure that it has not risen. At 38 ° C, you should call a doctor from the clinic, but if the temperature is 39 ° C or higher, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Another danger of high fever in an infant is the occurrence of seizures, since blood circulation in small vessels is disturbed. If the baby has diarrhea and fever, this means that the danger of dehydration has also joined, which in no case should be allowed.

How should parents act when they discover that the baby has a fever? Here are a few simple rules that will help bring down the temperature and alleviate the condition of the child:

  • The room where the baby lies should be well ventilated, and the air temperature should be within 20 ° C. However, do not open a window or window in the presence of a sick child;
  • In no case should you wrap up the baby so that he "sweats" - this will only aggravate the situation. On the contrary, you need to open it, dressing it as lightly as possible - in a cotton vest;
  • Be sure to immediately remove the diaper when the temperature appears: it prevents normal heat transfer;
  • The baby can be wiped with water at room temperature.

Such measures are often enough to alleviate the condition of the baby. How can a baby bring down the temperature, if it still remains high? In this case, drugs based on paracetamol will come to the rescue. Babies are better off using rectal suppositories. But in any case, you need to call a doctor, even if you managed to cope with the fever on your own - after all, the drugs do not last long, and the treatment should be comprehensive. Rubbing with vodka, alcohol or vinegar is indeed more effective than wiping with water, but for a baby, such a procedure can be dangerous due to sudden hypothermia and inhalation of vapors. It is better to use another method - for a very short time, apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knee and elbow bends. This should only be done if the temperature is very high and it is necessary to bring it down as quickly as possible.

If the baby has diarrhea and temperature at the same time, then it is necessary to establish the water-salt balance of the body and stop the diarrhea. Before the arrival of the doctor, you can give the baby Smect and try to put the baby to the breast more often. Most likely, he will be capricious and eat poorly, but he absolutely needs milk. You can give the baby water to drink, and offer cranberry or lingonberry juice diluted with water to children older than six months. The doctor may prescribe special drugs to restore the water-salt balance.

In newborn children, in the first days, the temperature is kept at around 38 degrees, and then gradually decreases to 37. Up to five to six months, the thermometer will show different temperatures in the baby (36.4 - 37.2), until the body adapts and adjusts thermoregulation. But sometimes the temperature in the baby can rise above 39 degrees, and this causes great anxiety in the mother. Let's figure out why the baby's temperature rises, and how he can be helped.

Features of thermoregulation of infants

The body of a newborn child functions somewhat differently than that of an adult. This is due to the peculiarities of intrauterine development. The fetus was protected by the placenta from external influences, and he was not afraid of changes in atmospheric pressure. After birth, a baby has to adapt to new conditions of existence - breathe, eat, watch, listen on their own, and also fight viruses and bacteria.

A temperature of 37 is a natural state for a one-month-old baby. It can fluctuate - rise by one or even two degrees when crying or overwork, and then quickly fall. The temperature in the baby also rises from overheating, if it is too hot in the house or on the street. The temperature also rises when the child becomes ill.

Important! Before bringing down the temperature of the baby, take a closer look at his behavior. If the newborn has a good appetite and a calm mood, then he is completely healthy.

A temperature of 38 in a baby indicates the activation of the body's defenses. If the child is active, not naughty and eats with pleasure, there is no reason for the disorder. What can be done in this case? Offer your baby some water, remove excess clothing - you can also remove the diaper. Watch the child, humidify the air in the room. If the temperature persists for more than two or three days, tell your pediatrician.

A temperature of 39 is a bad indicator. If the baby has a fever, he needs the help of a pediatrician - urgently. Most bacteria and viruses die at a temperature, however, toxins remain in the blood - the decay products of their vital activity. It is this condition that causes the symptoms of fever. Only a pediatrician will be able to find out why and from what the child has a fever. What to do with a high temperature before the ambulance arrives? You need to quickly bring down the temperature in the baby with safe medicines for babies.

Fever in the chest

How to bring down the temperature of infants? The World Health Organization recommends two types of antipyretics and their derivatives:

  1. paracetamol;
  2. ibuprofen.

Other medicines at high temperature in infants can not be used. If the fever rises to 38.5 or 39, syrup must be given. What to do if the baby vomits the medicine? It is necessary to put an antipyretic candle. Body temperature should not be allowed to rise above 39.1 degrees and further - this can lead to convulsions. If the child is 1 month old, and there are no symptoms of a cold, then we can talk about a dangerous internal illness.

To alleviate the condition of the crumbs, every half hour offer some water from a spoon / pipette, apply to the chest. Undress your baby as much as possible to ensure the outflow of excess heat through the open pores of the skin. Sometimes an air bath can significantly improve the condition of the crumbs: just do not keep the child undressed all day, 15 minutes is enough. If the baby has a fever, put a wet cloth on the forehead, wipe the body with a damp cloth.

Wiping a baby (1 month old baby):

  • Place an oilcloth on the changing table and a clean diaper on top.
  • Place a bowl of warm water next to it - 37 degrees.
  • Soak a soft cloth in water and wring out.
  • Wipe the body of the crumbs, starting with the palms and moving towards the chest.
  • Wipe the body, starting from the feet and moving towards the stomach.
  • Cover your baby with a dry diaper.

Watch the water - it should always be warm (put the thermometer in a bowl). If the water gets cold, add hot. Wiping with cold water is not done - there may be a sharp jump in temperature instead of a decrease. It is important not to overcool the child. Do not make sudden movements, do not wipe more than three times. Cover the treated area with a soft diaper to keep moist skin from getting too cold. You can do the same to a child at 2 months and at 3 months.

What can harm the chest?

Inexperienced mothers in a state of panic can harm the child with the wrong actions. You can not listen to the advice of grandmothers or girlfriends, it is better to listen to the words of a competent pediatrician.

What is unacceptable at a temperature in the baby:

  • rub the skin with a solution of vinegar or alcohol;
  • wrap the baby so that he sweats;
  • do enemas with cool water;
  • wrap in wet diapers;
  • give analgin, aspirin, amidopyrine and phenacetin.

Inhalation of alcohol and vinegar vapors is very harmful to the baby, it can lead to poisoning. If vinegar helps adults reduce fever, then it is contraindicated for children. The baby cannot sweat because the sweat glands are not developed in him. Wrapping up a child will lead to an increase in fever: the body temperature will only increase. You can not wrap a child at 4 and 5 months for the same reason.

Wrapping in wet diapers can only aggravate the situation - the child will have chills. Also, wet diapers will disrupt the heat transfer mechanism, which will further harm the baby. Do not give an enema to babies - this is a barbaric way to solve the problem. An enema violates the intestinal microflora, which is already not perfect in a baby. If the baby has a temperature, you need to be extremely careful.

The condition of a newborn child can be determined by several criteria: appetite, sleep, behavior. Among the main indicators of a healthy body is the normal temperature in the baby. It is not the same as in an adult, and depends on many factors.

The processes of thermoregulation continue to form in children until the end of the first year of life. Accordingly, the temperature by this time will be the same as in adults (36.6 degrees).

In the first month, the child's body temperature is in the range from 37 to 37.5 degrees. In the following months, the normal level decreases and can range from 36 to 37 degrees.

The temperature in children can be measured in several ways and various thermometers (electronic, infrared, mercury) can be used. The answer to the question of what temperature is considered normal in children under one year old depends on the place where the measurement takes place.

  • In the axillary region, 36–37.3 degrees is considered the norm.
  • Oral temperature ranges from 36.6 to 37.2.
  • Rectal temperature can be higher - from 36.9 to 38. This method of measurement is used when the baby can lie quietly for several minutes. Otherwise, you can damage the walls of the intestine. The number 38 on the thermometer is considered the norm if the child feels well.

Since the heat exchange process has not yet been established, the baby is very easy to cool or overheat. It is very important to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room.. Don't over wrap your baby. All these factors affect the temperature level of the body.

To determine what temperature is the norm for a child, it should be measured daily for several days at the same time. It is not necessary to measure the temperature immediately after waking up, after eating, crying or after the baby is active. You can keep a diary of observations.

How to measure temperature correctly

If applicable , then you need to use it only for measurements in the axillary region. After the sixth month of life, the temperature can be measured in a sitting position. Be careful not to drop the thermometer. Mercury is dangerous to the human body, damage to the thermometer should be avoided. It takes 5-7 minutes to get a reliable result.

Electronic thermometer simple and safe to use. They can be used from the first month of a child's life. The sound timer will signal the end of the measurement procedure. This takes up to 3 minutes. Accurate readings can be achieved by oral or rectal administration. If you install it in the armpit, the result will fluctuate within a few degrees.

For oral use, the tip of the thermometer is placed in the mouth under the tongue. 1 minute is enough.

Rectal insertion will require more preparation. The child is laid on the side, legs are bent to the tummy. The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with baby cream. After that, gently and carefully injected into the anus, no deeper than 2 cm.

temperature indicator is a small strip with divisions, which is applied to the child's forehead for a few seconds.

Dummy thermometer. This thermometer is very convenient for measuring temperature in children who are under one year old. But it can be used if the baby is used to a pacifier.

How to keep the temperature of the baby at the same level

In order for the baby's body temperature to be equally normal - 36.6 degrees or slightly higher, you should follow simple hygiene rules.

What causes the rise in temperature

An increase in temperature is a consequence of some provoking factor. Children who are under 3 months old should not bring their body temperature down below 38.2 degrees. You can disrupt the process of thermoregulation. But this is the case if the baby feels relatively well. If convulsions appeared, he became lethargic, his appetite disappeared, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

The reason for the increase in temperature can be:

  • Viral and bacterial infections. In this case, there will be other symptoms: cough, redness of the throat, runny nose.
  • stressful situations.
  • Overheat. Long exposure to the sun, improper dressing.
  • Active games or prolonged crying.
  • The cause may be teething.
  • A high temperature may be due to an intestinal infection or a cold.
  • The temperature in children under one year old may increase after vaccination.

In the event that an elevated body temperature lasts for three days, if it reaches 39 degrees and above, is not knocked down by antipyretics, you should immediately seek medical help. When the body tissues are hot, they stop receiving oxygen, the defenses weaken, which is a very dangerous condition.

An ambulance should be called in cases where the following symptoms appear:

  • There is a fever in a child under three months old.
  • The temperature of the baby is above 38.5 degrees.
  • There were convulsions.
  • Tension of the cervical region, there is no way to bend the head forward.
  • Breathing becomes noisy, frequent.
  • The child constantly cries, while he is lethargic and apathetic.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • There is frequent vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Violation of urination or color of urine.
  • The appearance of a rash on the skin.
  • The presence of chronic diseases.
  • Inability to bring down the temperature with antipyretics.

Before the doctor arrives, you should follow a few simple recommendations.

  • The baby should be given as much liquid as possible.
  • Children's room needs to be ventilated. The child should be moved at this time to another place.
  • The light must be dimmed. No harsh sounds.
  • You can do compresses on the legs. The towel is moistened in water (about 20 degrees) and applied to the feet.
  • You can not wrap a child.

If in children the body temperature drops, but slightly (up to 35 degrees) and at the same time they feel good, then you should not worry. Perhaps this is an individual feature of the organism. If the value falls below 35, they speak of hypothermia. You should consult a doctor. He will order additional examinations. You will need to consult a pediatrician, endocrinologist, immunologist.

Reasons for lowering the body temperature of a child up to a year:

  • In children born prematurely.
  • During sleep.
  • Against the background of a long-term illness, the body's defenses are weakened.
  • Avitaminosis, anemia.
  • Violation of the hormonal background.
  • Against the background of taking antipyretic drugs.
  • malignant formations.
  • Hypothermia.
  • after severe poisoning.

If the decrease is associated with hypothermia, then the child should be warmed up (warm drink, warm clothes, you can attach a heating pad to the legs). It is important to harden and increase immunity.

When to take your temperature

Do not once again, without reason, measure the body temperature of children up to a year. This is stressful for them. But the procedure will be necessary if alarming symptoms appear:

  • Excessive anxiety, lethargy, capriciousness.
  • Increased need for fluid.
  • There is dryness of the mouth and lips.
  • Pulse and breathing become frequent, intermittent.
  • Cheeks become very red or vice versa pale.
  • There is a chill, the look is blurred.

A child under one year old requires increased attention from adults. Any non-compliance with hygiene standards can lead to a malfunction of the body. This causes various diseases.

When a man and a woman become parents, from the first minutes of a baby's life, they begin to anxiously monitor his health. The temperature in a newborn child is one of the main indicators of the state of the body.

Causes of low temperature

Sometimes mothers worry that a low temperature in a baby (hypothermia) is associated with serious illnesses. In fact, indicators below the norm may be associated with the following factors:

  • insufficiency of thermoregulation. In the first time of life, all the systems of the baby's body are just beginning to form. If this temperature persists for a long time, then the insufficiency could become pathological.
  • in premature babies and children with postpartum problems (trauma or asphyxia, for example), the temperature drops more often, and is the norm;
  • in addition, the cause of hypothermia in the newborn is fetal hypoxia during the mother's pregnancy, as well as insufficient development of the bronchi and lungs;
  • a decrease in body temperature is possible with low blood glucose levels and malnutrition.

It should be remembered that not always low temperature is caused by various serious diseases. Sometimes newborns simply experience hypothermia when the child is in a draft for a long time or is lightly dressed in the cold season.


With signs of fever in newborns, young mothers are much more likely to experience. Temperature is usually accompanied by additional symptoms. Snot, colic, sweat.

  • Viral infection. When the body effectively fights a cold, the temperature rises within the normal range.
  • Overheat. If the room is stuffy or the baby is wrapped too tightly, the temperature will increase.
  • Vaccination. After the first vaccinations, the immune system gets stronger, an increase in performance is possible.
  • Excitement and crying. A frightened baby or prolonged activity without sleep can cause a slight fever to appear.
  • Gas formation. Colic is a common problem in young children. The disease also contributes to increased temperature.
  • Eruption of the first teeth. Reddening of the gums, crying of the child and a slight fever should tell the mother what the child is worried about.
  • Allergy. Newborns are very sensitive to any irritants, especially to strong drugs.

Recovery methods

The main question that worries any parents when a newborn is ill: what needs to be done to make the baby feel better? It is not always possible to bring down or raise the temperature using medications alone. Fortunately, there are other means to bring the child's body back to normal:

  • temperature fluctuations in a small range - a normal condition for a small child. Doctors sometimes advise to refrain from active treatment and just wait if the baby's temperature does not rise above 38 degrees. Perhaps the body can handle itself;
  • to cope with a fever in a newborn, you should give him as much water as possible, otherwise there is a risk of dehydration;
  • it is necessary to ensure the optimal mode in the room. Try to ventilate the apartment more often and, if possible, maintain the required level of humidity;
  • no need to carefully wrap the baby or keep undressed for more than the allotted time. At low temperatures, it is best to briefly cover the baby with a blanket, and at high temperatures, use light clothing;
  • to bring down the heat, you can make the baby compresses on the legs. It is necessary to moisten the cloth in warm water, wrap it around the feet and cover with a dry towel;
  • special preparations will help you. Medicines are usually released in the form of syrups or suppositories. The safest drug for newborns is paracetamol.

Summing up

  • Thermoregulation of the newborn is carried out gradually. This means that the temperature of a small child differs from the adult norm of 36.6 degrees.
  • When measuring temperature, consider the possible errors of the thermometer, the features of the chosen method and the time of day. Pay attention to the condition of the baby.
  • Low temperature is typical for babies only in the first year of life. Sometimes hypothermia becomes chronic.
  • To eliminate an attack of hypothermia in the body of a newborn, it is better to simply hug him to you and warm him with warmth.
  • Most often, fever is a sign of a cold. The baby may have snot, sore throat and other accompanying symptoms.
  • A slight increase in temperature during a cold is good for the child's body, as it strengthens the immune system. It is believed that the body can cope with a slight heat at a temperature of 38 degrees.
  • If you choose to give antipyretics, choose ones that are safe for your baby's age.
  • You can bring down or raise the temperature without abusing the use of physical methods and folk remedies.
  • When choosing medications, remember that aspirin is not currently recommended for use in children under 15 years of age.
  • Snot and cough are not the most dangerous accompanying symptoms at high temperatures. You should immediately consult a doctor if the baby has not only a fever, but also diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Newborns may have convulsions during a rise in temperature in the first year. There is nothing dangerous here.
  • Heat exchange in a small child is a very important component of health. Even an ordinary diaper covers about 30% of the baby's body, at a temperature it is better to remove it.
  • It is necessary to call an ambulance if the baby's temperature in the armpits was more than 39 degrees, and with a rectal measurement - more than 40.