How to celebrate New Year in China. What and how to give to the Chinese New Year? Also, the color of the present plays a huge role - the main rule - neither a gift nor gift paper should be white or blue. In this country, these colors personify death and funeral

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the New Year is celebrated in the spring. He is called - Chunjie, which means the holiday of spring. Of course, the new year is the most important event for all residents of China, and this is almost 1.5 billion people.

According to the tradition of the Chinese New Year between the 20th day of January and February in the Gregorian calendar. Chunjie's holiday has an ancient history that dates back to ancient rites and commemoration of ancestors committed to our era.

IN chinese New Year Residents push steam paper inscriptions on both sides of the entrance to their home, and the inner premises are decorated with special New Year pictures. Previously, such decorations and the launch of festive clappers were considered a way of expulsing evil spirits and unclean strength. Since then, this is a solemn ritual of Chinese, which is distinguished by incredible popularity.

How to celebrate the Chinese New Year?

At night, on the eve of the Chinese New Year, all family members must come together. A festive table is covered, on TV shows the performances of famous artists - preparation for the triumph is practically no different from the classical European New Year. Young Chinese do not sleep all night, spending time behind games and drinking conversations. This time is called "Show Sui", which means "Waiting for the New Year".

The morning of the Chinese New Year begins with the treats with traditional dumplings "Jiaoces". Their form resembles gold bars, which makes them symbols of wealth and prosperity. After such breakfast, it is customary to visit friends, native and colleagues, and give gifts for Chinese New Year.

In China, in honor of this holiday, children are accepted to give small coins that are wrapped in red paper. Such souvenirs are presented with the wishes of wealth in the family and the successful development of the child. According to ancient legend, this gift distilts evil spirits from the baby and brings happiness.

Of course, each Chinese New Year is accompanied by bright events and concert programs. Here you can see the Dragon Dance, the dance of Lviv and even ideas on the stilts.

Corporate New Year's Gifts in China

If your partner is located in China, then you should take care of a corporate gift for the Chinese New Year. This will serve not only a sign that you appreciate relationships with a partner, but also become a unique chance to remind yourself. In China, they are very appreciated by ceremonies, sometimes they are even more important than the souvenir itself. That is why with the choice of New Year's gift, the Chinese need to be careful.

As in any other country in the world, in China there is a certain fashion for gifts, there are trends and preferences. More recently the best corporate gift for chinese new year Could become food, alcoholic beverages or tobacco. However, today your partner is better to present a bouquet of fresh flowers compiled by florist, taking into account all the characteristics of the color range or, for example, a lottery ticket.

Modern ways of congratulations will get rid of you from the need for a personal presence while serving a New Year's gift to your Chinese business partner. The delivery service can cope not worse than you, and you can add the selected souvenir with a telephone call or an electronic card.

No new year can do without sweet. Exquisite fruit baskets, sweet chocolate gifts and gastronomic delights will not leave anyone indifferent on this holiday day. Most importantly - do not forget to inflict your company logo on packaging or souvenir itself. Individualization will allow it incredibly beneficial to highlight your corporate Gift for Chinese New Year Among the rest!

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2019 - Year of the Pig on the East Calendar.

In 2019, the Chinese New Year on the Eastern calendar is celebrated on the night of 4 to February 5, at 24:00.

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival: (Chinase New Year, Spring Festival, 春节, 过) - the most important holiday in China, the date of the celebration of which is determined by the on the lunar calendar, in 2019 it falls on February 5th.

Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Holiday, has more than 4,000-year history. This is the greatest and most important holiday in the year for the Chinese, let's look at why:

  • Time for the reunification of the whole family

Chinese New Year is the holiday of reunification of the entire family clan, just as they do in Christmas in the West, only on a larger scale: all the popular masses are leaving from the cities on the eve of the New Year to meet the family table in their hometown. What causes a transport collapse for many weeks before and after the new year.

  • The longest holiday in China

In most organizations, China festive holidays last from 7 to 15 days, and schoolchildren and students go on vacation for a whole month.

Traditionally, the celebration lasts 15 days from the 1st to the 15th day of the first lunar month, and in the people it is customary to begin preparations even earlier - from the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month.

  • The holiday is obliged to be the origin of the Mint "Nian"

The holiday originates from the time of the Shan dynasty (17-11 centners to AD). Then the festival was carried out for the expulsion of the Monster "Nanny", which loved to devour children, supplies and livestock. The monster was afraid of red and loud sound, so people decorated their homes in red and launched a lot of fireworks to drive it.

Chinese new year celebration dates

When is the Chinese New Year? Based on the lunar calendar, the festival does not have a permanent date, and it changes every year, but mostly falls on the day from January 21 to February 20 in the Gregorian calendar.

The lunar calendar also defines a 12-year-old repeating cycle of Eastern Zodiac, and each year owns an animal.

How long does the Chinese New Year last? The festival lasts 15 days: from the holiday of Spring to the festival of lanterns.

How to celebrate the Chinese New Year?

Preparation begins seven days before the Chinese New Year, and the holiday itself lasts the lanterns festival, which falls on the 15th day of the new year.

The Chinese have a list of cases for every day you need to stick during the holiday. Important days - the eve and first day, these days are arranged festive feast and launch fireworks.

▷ 23rd day of the last lunar month (8 days before the new year)

Make a belitment to the cuisine

General cleaning in the house

Festive shopping, buying new year attributes,

▷ Eve of the Chinese New Year:

Preparation of red envelopes, family dinner reunion, watching holiday programs on TV, launch fireworks.

▷ 1st day of the first lunar month:

Running fireworks, preparation and eating dumplings or Nengao (sweet delicacy), visiting relatives.

▷ 2nd day:

The worship of the God of wealth, married daughters attend the home of the parents (the first day you need to spend your bridegarian family).

▷ 5th day:

Greeting of the deity of wealth and well-being, visiting friends.

15th day (Festival of Lanterns):

On the last day of the new year, the lantern fair is held, sweet rice balls with filling are preparing and eaten.

Events on the eve of the holiday

Before the Spring Festival, every family spends thorough cleaning at home and go shopping. Gift red envelopes are prepared, various New Year's decorations are purchased for home, red ribbons are hung on the door to the house luck and wealth.

In addition, it is necessary to buy new clothes, especially for children, for the Chinese it is very important to meet the New Year in everything new. During the family dinner on the eve of the lunar new year, the northern Chinese eat dumplings, and Southerners - Nyangao 年糕 (sticky rice and flour cookies). All family members exchange red envelopes with money.

Why is the red color so popular in China? Red symbolizes happiness, prosperity and good luck in Chinese culture.

What is forbidden to do into the Chinese New Year

At the beginning of the lunar New Year, the Chinese in their daily matters try to ask the pace of their lives for the next year, as they say: as the New Year will meet him and spend it. During the whole holiday, it is forbidden to say such words as "death", "losses", "murder", "ghost" and "disease".

During the whole Chinese New Year it is impossible:

    Break things - all year will be away from the family.

    Play - climb failures.

    Take medicines - all year will be in diseases.

  • Having and leaning money - will bring financial losses next year.
  • Wash your head - wash off wealth (in Chinese, words hair and wealth are synonyms).

    Sweep - Have a good luck.

    Use scissors - quarrels with people.

    There is a porridge - bring poverty.

Gifts for Chinese New Year

What gives the Spring Festival in China:

  1. Alcoholic beverages
  2. Cigarettes
  3. Tea and fruit
  4. Cosmetics and means for longevity (balsams, swallows nests)
  5. Red envelopes with money (amounts in no way should contain a number 4 in themselves, the amount with a large number of eights) is welcomed.
How to give gifts: Gifts for Chinese New Year better buy in red boxes, or packaging in a red wrap. The combination of yellow and red in China is also considered extremely favorable. It is necessary to avoid black and white, as they are considered mourning flowers.

The amount is also of great importance, since numerology plays great importance in China, and for each digit worth a certain meaning. The Chinese believe that in all the best there should be a couple, so gifts are also given in pairs, for example two packs of cigarettes or 2 bottles of rice wines. If you decide to give a red envelope with money, it is best that the figures are multiple: 8 (the most revered number in China, consonant with the word wealth), 6 or 9, for example, you can put in an envelope 68, 288, 688, 999 yuan follow To beware of the numbers 4, it is unfortunate digit, and consonant with the word death.

Congratulations on the Chinese New Year:

春节 快 乐 (Chūn Jié Kuài Lè) - Happy New Year!
年年 快乐 (Xīn Nián Kuài Lè) - Happy New Year!
恭喜 发财 (Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái) - I wish you a huge wealth!
一凡 风顺 年 年年, 万事 如意步步 高! 想 想 吉 大大利! - I wish you success in all matters, and fulfillment of all the desires, so that every year the well-being inhabited! I wish you happiness and well-being!

What can not be given to the Chinese:

  1. Umbrellas
  2. Footwear
  3. Pears
  4. Acute subjects
  5. Chrysanthemums.

Where to meet the festival of spring?

In China, each province exists their own traditions and events that are held during the celebration of this Grand Festival. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an with authentic folk festivities are wonderful places to visit during the holidays. But still, we advise at the time of Chinese holidays to choose another country to visit, since at this time most of the institution is closed in China, the overwhelming majority of local residents leaves the cities, and tickets for all types of transport become a deficit.

Celebration of the Chinese New Year in other countries

The festival is celebrated not only in China, but also Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, some Asian countries, such as Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam, as well as in Chinese quarters in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Australia. The traditions of the celebration in different places are gradually modified under the influence of local peculiarities and become unique.

Amazing Country China: Magical combination of modern technologies and centuries-old traditions. And the culture that remains unchanged from its very nucleation.

National holidays are generally special. For example, on the Eastern calendar does not have a permanent date and depends on the movement of the moon. It is one of the most important and ancient traditional holidays in Middle Kingdom.

When will the new year celebrate in China?

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Usually it falls on the first new moon of the year somewhere between January 21 and February 21. Each coming year symbolizes one of the twelve animals, which correspond to five elements. 2018 will be held under the sign of an earthen dog and will begin on February 16.

How to celebrate New Year in China?

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The Chinese people are very carefully preparing for the holiday. Streets are decorated with red lamps, flowers, and at home and apartments with thematic pictures and garlands.

These days in the country there are theatrical performances, spectacular carnivals, fairs and pyrotechnic shows. The Chinese are generally noisy, so without loud slate chaps and fireworks. It is believed that they scare the evil spirits, and the louder to slam, the more unclean runs away.

This belief is associated with an ancient legend about the monster Nanny, which every year came out of the raging sea depths and ruined the Chinese villages, going all the living on its way. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, local residents tried to leave their homes and hid in the mountains. So far, one of these villages did not come old man. He asked to shelter him, but everyone was very busy and did not pay special attention to him. And only one old woman took it in his home. She began to tell him about the monster and persuaded to run with them. But the old man asked permission to stay, promising in return to deliver the inhabitants from the terrible beast once and for all.

In the evening, when everyone went away, he put on red clothes, took the clappers and went outside to meet the mandes. And when Nian came to the village, his horribly scared bright red, lights and noise. He rushed away from the village and never appeared.

Since then, China's people have noticed a holiday in red outfits and with a huge number of Petard and Fireworks. The celebration lasts 2 weeks, and the country on these days looks bright and beautiful.

Chinese New Year: Traditions and customs.

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A couple of days before the new year, the Chinese arrange global cleaning in the house, after which all the brooms and mops are definitely hiding in a secluded place and do not touch the end of the holiday. Because there is a belief that the gods on this night showered the inhabitants of China Golden Dust, which brings good luck and well-being. And if this dust accidentally take it, then it will turn into ashes and wait for trouble.

On the eve of the holiday, everyone gather in a family circle. Most Chinese return during this period to their homeland to celebrate with their parents, where they rose.

We have already talked about love for the red. But this is also an important tradition. For the new year it can be found everywhere: red lights, flappers. And even congratulations for friends and loved ones are written on paper of red shades.

Another interesting custom - to hang on the doors and gates New Year's paired inscriptions and hieroglyphs with the wishes of good and good luck.

At midnight, either early in the morning of the next day, residents of the Middle Kingdom eat a dish, very similar to our dumplings. They mold them yourself, try to make the whole family. Children especially like this occupation, because in the process of modeling the dates or coins are laid in them - for happiness.

What is customary to give a new year in China?

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Traditionally, this is money in red envelopes, or pair things, symbolizing harmony and unity in the family.

The word Mandarin is consonant with the Chinese word Gold, which means that attracts wealth and success. Therefore, the basket with tangerines is also one of the most popular gifts for the new year.

If you are not indifferent to the east, to antiquity, they missed you good and bright traditions, you can safely go to this amazing country. Chinese New Year will give you a lot of incredible positive and wonderful memories.

According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year comes between January 21 and the end of February. It is that winter is completed directly, warmer, and nature begins to awaken. For this reason, with the holiday of Spring, the hopes for health, grace and wealth are conjugate.

What to gift?

The Chinese New Year will often present the exterior stuff with oriental symbols - caskets for jewels, balls to calm nerves. Also present gifts with meaning - Feng Shui candles, designed to significantly improve life; bowl of wealth; scores giving success in business; Bells in order to clean the room from bad energy; Hourglass, streamlining thoughts.

It is important to consider the number of presents on absolutely all guests: they usually give or absolutely everyone or one person.

Another idea for the present borrowed from Chinese families is an envelope with red money. Instead of real cash, it is possible to put a souvenir coin for good luck. Comrades and family members also give classic candy, tea, pies, seeds, fruits and flowers. There is also a custom to briefly bring wine as a present. It should be wrapped in high-quality silk and tape with a tape with a tassel. The Chinese New Year will usually present warm items that personify the integrity and homework. An excellent presentation has every chance of being, for example, two vases, two mugs or two bottles of wine.

And in order to exclude unpleasant situations in which the presents sharply turned out to be not enough, prepare Chinese rice cookies Nian-Gao. It is very appetizing and is considered to be an adorable treat, both children and adults, directly for this reason can be extremely pretty present. A couple of Mandarins is a general binding present on the Chinese New Year. In the event that you go to visit, you must certainly take with a pair of tangerines for each family member! The sound of the word "Mandarin" is commensurate with the sound of the phrase "Gold" in Chinese, for this reason bringing as a gift of tangerines, you will conventionally present gold. In response to your present, the owners of the house will also present you a couple of Mandarins.

odokki elderly people.

Instead of alcohol and cigarettes, older people make a more correct to make a gift in the form of a cap, gloves, paletening or clothes.
If a person is closely familiar with the elderly, you can give a massage brush, a massage bathroom for the legs or another thing.

In classical medicine, China Massage is a simple and productive method to maintain health status for many years. The brush may be used for head massage, and the foot bath can be applied to improve blood circulation in the legs.

Gifts to children.

New Year's present for children is obliged to express wishes to grow strong and intelligent. During the Chinese New Year, take a treat with a lot of treats: you can refress the kids with whom they meet.

If the family has kids, do not forget to prepare a range of classic red envelopes. And family members and guys will be happy, the fact that you understand their traditions.

You can make the kids a nice gift, hitting the guests with adaptations for school, for example, attractive pencils, notebooks or a set of tassels (if children are engaged in creativity).
Books that coincide with the interests of children, for example, a directory or essays of the famous World Classics, moreover, it is possible to recommend as a present: this will be your ideal contribution to his future.

Ties of the highest quality will be a great presentation for a child of your friends. For example, a Barbie doll for a small girl or a remote control machine for no longer boy. Chess or other similar games will be an excellent gift for the child.
If you are very close to the Chinese surname, in this case you can buy a set of children's clothing in the present: it will be quite practical.

What does not need to be present?

Any present - expensive either inexpensive, with meaning either without constantly gives pleasure. However, the Chinese fit the selection of the present quite gently and selectively. If you want to make a gift to a close friend from China, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the main taboo, in order to eliminate the inconvenient situation and not to turn the solemn arrangement of the Spirit and him, and for yourself. So, in the Chinese New Year should not be given: egg-shaped gifts (the problem is that in Chinese the term "egg" is used in many curses and for this reason is not a completely decent gift), weapons or imitation of weapons clock ( The term "clock" (in Chinese "Zhong") in Chinese is very similar to the sound with the word "death"), snow-white or yellowish flowers, as the color data are flowers of mourning, their Chinese are usually brought in the cemetery. Remember these tips in order not to look ridiculous.

So, use this article, pick up the right gifts for each person in Chinese New Year and enjoy this wonderful holiday.

What gifts prefer the Chinese? What should Chinese business partners be given?

How to choose a gift? What do not need to give? The cornerstone of the Chinese mentality.

In the article we will answer these questions.

The Chinese economy occupies one of the leading position in the global market. Due to the population, their market is able to absorb absolutely any volume of goods and produce as much. Our neighborhood with them gives our businessmen and entrepreneurs wide opportunities for conducting mutually beneficial business with Chinese partners. Mostly in China, cheap labor, so buying various goods in large volumes is extremely profitable. The sphere of trading is one of the main areas of business with China. Therefore, for the successful business of business with the Chinese, it is necessary to negotiate with them, to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe people and customs of the Chinese.

Gifts - an indispensable element in any business relationship. And on how you react to his choice, packaging, the process of donation depends on your future cooperation.

The main postulate for Chinese businessmen is the principle of "Guanci". It implies the development of friendly relations, in addition to business. Joint dinners, rest, travel, holidays.

What to give partners from China.

The presentation of souvenirs, gifts an integral part of any negotiations. In any book on etiquette, this is given a separate chapter. In order to choose the right one and does not insult your partner present, you need to take into account the national characteristics of the Chinese people. What is accepted to give among themselves can be an absolutely unacceptable gift for the Chinese.

The first thing sees your partner is a gift packaging. For the Chinese, it is unacceptable to open a gift at once, so they will postpone it and look later. It should be wrap either in red, either in gold colors. These colors are considered in China with good luck and well-being symbols, so the packaging of these colors will serve as a good tone. Be sure to hand it with due respect and two hands.

The Chinese give the meaning of gestures, one incorrectly chosen gesture can spoil the impression of you, and about your gift.

Do not put partners in an awkward position. Do not give too expensive, gifts should always be equivalent. Show a sense of measure and tact in everything.

Complying with the principle of "Guanci", your partner will call you to visit. Provide the presence of small gifts for all family members and spouses.

The process of donation is strictly in which your partners have been presented.

If your business partner of the opposite sex give flowers. Women regardless of where they come from, love flowers. Chinese women are not particularly lifted in this regard. Men Chinese rarely give flowers to their women, because they have not been so accepted. Therefore, you, like a man and as a partner earn extra points. Mandatory condition: even quantity! But not in the amount of 4. Along with this good gift, imported and expensive cosmetics will be considered.

National souvenirs.

Gifts with a popular flavor are always happy with the Chinese. These can be various products: samovar, matryoshki, lapties, hatches-Ushanki, Balalaika. Things containing Russian Spirit are highly appreciated in China.

Souvenirs with the emblem of your company and with your corporate style.

Elementary stationery: handles, weekly, notepads, calendars, vests, ties, flags. Your company's emblem, which contains in itself, will have to be your partners. Of particular value will be the things that will be captured by your corporate characters together! It will show your location to the partner and readiness for long-term cooperation.


If your partners love to recruit smoke, and as a rule most of the Chinese men smoke. The cigarettes of elite grades can serve as a good gift. You should buy strong cigarettes. You can give a good cigar box. They will demonstrate your delicate taste and attention to the partner.

Nephritis or amber

Nephritis among the Chinese is considered the most precious stone. The culture of jade takes its beginning from the ancient centuries, so the Chinese have a special attitude towards him. Various jade products will show your knowledge of Chinese culture. It can be a conventional set of accessories for a table, etc. The same can be said about amber. This stone is highly appreciated in China


If your partner is close to art, give him an oil picture in a big frame. It should be given preference to domestic artists, as the Chinese are highly appreciated by Russian culture. Preferably, nature or beautiful young lady is depicted in the picture.


Foreign brands are in demand from Chinese businessmen. It can be: smartphones, tablets, laptops, cameras and others. Of course, it should be high quality and expensive.

Luxury alcohol

One of the most common gifts is Russian vodka. It must be elite varieties and in expensive packaging. The Chinese love to accompany their feast with the sawing of Russian vodka. Russian vodka is a real brand, known all over the world. It may be a French brandy or whiskey of good varieties and excellent quality from leading manufacturers.

Russian gold.

Gold in China is outwardly different from Russian, so jewelry from it will be profitable to differ from products from Chinese raw materials. In China's northern provinces, it is customary to give the chains from Russian gold. The thicker chain, the more respect and the opposite.

Do not give:

White products


In addition to wrist. The reason is the same as with the number "4". Perceived as the wires in the "last way".

Figure "4"

Avoid the presence of this figure in a gift, or do not give in such quantities. Pronunciation specifics involves a similar sound with the word death.