The masquerade focussing costume is one of the most magical images for the carnival! New Year's costumes do it yourself


Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

We offer the best costumes for the new year 2019 for boys made by your own hands! The new year is considered one of the most beloved holidays. Many parents face a problem how to make a New Year's suit for the boys on their own, because the child's mood depends on the outfit and the ability to stand out in the crowd.

Not everyone can afford to buy a ready-made suit. In addition, the outfit made independently will stand out by originality and its own design. Many people think that New Year's costumes are represented only in the form of bunnies - this is an erroneous opinion. Thanks to fantasy and creative inspiration, it is possible to create stunning works.

New Year's costumes for boys

Costumes for children for the new year

Choose an outfit for a children's matinee is very hard. Many parents do not know what option to give preference. The most important thing, when creating a suit, it is worth considering the age of the child.

On New Year's matinee in preschool age, you can pay attention to simpler models. Already in school years, it is best to give preference to more adult characters.

So the boy will be able to demonstrate his character and will look like a beloved hero.

Suit gray wolf

Make for boys 4-5 years old will not work. A little patience and the original costume will be ready.

For work it is required to prepare the following materials:

  • felt black, white, gray, yellow colors;
  • gray jacket, preferably with a hood;
  • glue pistol;
  • needle, thread.
  1. For convenience, you must prepare paper templates. With their help, cut the desired details from felt.
  2. Fasten them with each other, to the hood to attach the wolf mouth and nose.
  3. Hooded to arrange the eyes.
  4. Inside the sleeves attach claws.
  5. Ears glue from above. The wolf is ready, you can try out the outfit.

Step-by-step photo create suit


Favorite suit of many boys. Each parents will be able to fulfill the child's dream and turn the matinee in a real holiday.

Batman suit for boy

The following materials will be required for work:

  • black fabric;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • needle.

Sequence of execution:

  • before starting to work, you need to measure the distance from the tips of the fingers of one hand to the fingertips of the other hand of the child.
  • calculate the length of the cut.
  • according to the received parameters, cut a rectangular shape, folded in half, make the neck.

Details of cutting suit

  • above the strip in the inside. The width of the strip and sleeves must match.
  • shape cuts with semicircle. The result is the wings of a bat.
  • from the curved bands to form the sleeves, sew them to the fabric.
  • adjust the suit is possible with the help of black clothes and masks.
  • create a mask will not be difficult. The work requires felt and rubber band. A little fantasy and super hero's suit will be ready.

Mask Batman do it yourself

Suit Snowman

Create an unusual outfit for the baby will be able to any parents. Suits for the new year for boys with their own hands with patterns make it quite difficult - the work is troublesome. However, each craftswoman can cope with the task and can surprise not only his baby, but also the rest of the children in the garden.

Suit Snowman

Materials for work:

  • fleece white, blue or red;
  • filler;
  • white turtleneck;
  • threads.

Sequence of execution:

  • first of all, you need to prepare the details. The pattern is not as terrible, as many people think. Get details using baby things. They are enough to attach to fabric and circle. Sleeves do not need to circle. The pattern of sweaties and pants will be required;

Costume details pattern pattern

  • it is best to sew a vest in such a way that the fastener turned out to be in front. For this reason, when painting it is worth adding several cm on the one hand;
  • finished elements cut, flash;

Pants for suit

  • sections of every detail also stall;
  • pants to get out to after pulling the gum;
  • doing the preparation of the vest, sew velcro. From the fleece of blue color cut 3 small circles. Fill the circles with filler, sew, attach to the vest;
  • from the tissue cut the scarf, the end must turn out like noodles;
  • from the material cut a bucket, sew items.

Details of a snowman costume

Christmas tree

What a holiday can be without the main decoration - why not make a Christmas tree suit? For boys, there are its own models: a luxurious well-shaped jacket will become a wonderful outfit.

To perform work, it is required to prepare green and red material, tinsel, ribbons, decorations, fishing line, filler.

Suit Christmas tree for boy

Sequence of execution:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the necessary parameters. The obtained values \u200b\u200bare fixed on paper, make patterns.
  2. The result will be 2 parts for sweatshirts, 2 for hoses, 5 for the cap, 1 for cape.
  3. Sew the details.
  4. Turn the edges of the capes, strain. Side ribbon, they will act as tires.
  5. Sew the elements of the header.
  6. From the scarlet material to cut the star, fill the filler, sew to the header.
  7. The rotated edges to flash in such a way that the distance from the edge to the seam is more than 1 cm.
  8. In the resulting part to turn the line, giving the edges a triangular shape.

Details patterns of blouse

Brave cowboy

Suits for the New Year for boys can be made with their own hands, the child in the age of 6 wants to be brave and brave. With this costume, it will be possible to show your character and masculinity.

To work, it is required to prepare the following materials: 1.5 meters suede, thread, jeans, cage shirt, accessories.

Cowboy costume

Accessories should pay special attention, they will help to supplement the image as a whole. In their quality, a pistol holster, hat, handkerchief on the neck.

Cowboy costume, rear view

Execution technique:

  1. Take the cloth, shifting it 4 times, attach pants, outlines. It is important to retreat 5 cm from the edge. The resulting part is cut.
  2. Top to mark the belt, bottom to make rounded.
  3. From the belt to mark the band about 6 cm, create a straight line, cut.
  4. From the material to form a band with a width of 7 cm, on the one hand, create a fringe. Cut 5 stars equal in size.
  5. Stripes shifting in half, flash.
  6. To put a fringe on the pant, cover with another panta, see.
  7. From the bottom to the pants to sew stars.
  8. Sew the product, make a belt.
  9. With the help of a shirt, create a pattern of vests. Sleeves are not needed.
  10. The front part is cut, make a fringe, attach to the product.
  11. To the back to sew a star. Similarly, impose a fringe, strain.
  12. All elements sew.

Step-by-step photo create a suit:

Pirate costume

The outfit of the sea robber is one of the most popular. Create a suit with your own hands for the new year for boys will not be difficult, the child is 7 years old with pleasure trying out the outfit.

A variety of pirate costumes for boys

The most common option consists of bandans, vests, eye bandages, hats. Broken pants perfectly complement the image.

For work it is necessary to prepare the following: black felt, fabric, stripe, thread.

Execution technique:

  • doing the campaign. Take felt, cut oval, create 2 slots, pull the gum.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a pirate dressing

  • next make a hat. To begin with, measuring the scum of the child's head, create a pattern.
  • the headdress will look more accurate if the item make a little curved.
  • the result is the patterns of fields, bottom, Tuli. Sew elements.

  • folded the fields, attach the pins, strain, turn out. The edges inhabit, put the Tuli, sew.
  • remove the hat, sew the fields, spend.
  • attach the stripes, raise the fields up, sunm. A pirate tri-finger should go out.

Pirate hat ready

Superhero costume

Each mother tries to please your child. To buy a suit for the new year for boys is not difficult for boys, but the product performed with your own hands looks much more effectary. The child's age is quite interesting. The boy no longer wants to be in the usual outfit, you will have to make a maximum effort to remember the holiday for many years.

Superhero costumes

Superheroes are idols of boys. Among them are different characters: Batman, Superman, Spiderman. You can make any outfit based on the preferences of the child and the capabilities of the parents. In any case, the work will be unique and original.

To perform a suit you need to prepare the following: tight material, mask, shirt, super hero logo. It is best to give preference to a thin felt.

Superhero costume for boy do it yourself

Sequence of execution:

  1. Be sure to prepare a mask. It is best to purchase it ready. With this accessory, you can stay mysterious and maintain a mysterious image throughout the holiday.
  2. Doing the creation of a shirt. This is the main detail of the costume. Also made like a shirt. The most important thing is that the shirt is free.
  3. Create a super hero logo. It is possible to make it from the felt either of the paper. If there is an opportunity, it is better to buy a finished stripe at all. Attach the logo to the shirt.
  4. Wrinkles from felt will help to supplement the image.
  5. Pants and shoes can be selected any. The most important thing is that the suit is not only attractive, but also comfortable. The child must feel freedom. This option is easy to create. In addition, it will not wear it difficult. Already for a minute, the super hero will be ready for new feats.

Cosmonaut costume

What boy in childhood does not dream of being a cosmonaut? The matinee will make a dream. Many parents create costumes for the new year for boys with their own hands, quickly and without pattern will be able to create a stunning outfit.

Cosmonaut costume

Not everyone has sewing skills, but I still want to give your child to your child. Even from the girlfriend, you can create incredible work and stand out on New Year's Eve.

Cosmonaut costume perform very simple. To work, it is required to prepare the following: sports suit, silver stripes, fabric, foil, wire, papier-mâché, plastic bottles.

Costume do it yourself

Execution technique:

  1. From the fabric to sew pockets, they will need a lot. At the sports suit to attach ready-made pockets, stripes.
  2. To create a helmet. It is best to make it from the papier-mache, decorate the foil. With the help of wire, create an antenna, it perfectly fit into the image.
  3. An important detail of the costume is a backpack with cylinders. They can serve plastic bottles. To create a cosmic effect, the bottles should be painted with silver paint and wrap foil.
  4. Cylinders are attached to the neck down, they need to have them near, pressing each other.

Kitenka costume

Many children love animals and gladly try on the unusual outfits of their pets. Suits for the new year for boys are quite varied, make them quickly won't work.

Costumes can be completely different - the main feature is to create a makeup.

Kitenka costume

Drawn on the face of the nose and mustache make an image more natural.

To make a suit, you need to link with a hat, ears, tail. Details attach to clothing. In general, the outfit can be selected from the existing things. Gray turtleneck, tights, shorts will help add the image as a whole.

Mask for kitten suit

Costume of the Mumor

The highlight of the outfit is a mushroom hat - it's easy enough to make it. It is best to take an old hat with large fields. Free space Fill in foam rubber, cover with a hat with a red material. From above, be sure to attach white spots and insert a gum.

There should be no problems in another. It remains only to pick up the outfit as a whole. White turtleneck, shorts, tights will help add image. As shoes it is worth choosing sandals, but also white.

Ammoman suit for boy

As you know, in 2019 a dog comes to their possessions. It is impossible to offend the symbol of the new year - it is necessary to pay attention to the costume with this character. Make a dog outfit easily, it is also created as a cat costume. Differences can be in some details and colors.

Hurray, our fabulous train drives up to the next station - Carnival, and speech today - about New Year's costumes for children, as well as carnival masks and other ways to reincarnate in a festive evening.

At the carnival station already wait for articles about New Year's costumes for children!

Selection number 1: - fungus, shark, jellyfish, octopus, paper pupa and other simple children's costumes for the new year (and not only) can be done with their own hands!

Best children's books

But how to make a wonderful cap Smurfika With your own hands (and not worse than in a fairy tale) - look in the video (less than 3 minutes):

3. Mouse costume

Such a suit will be especially good to look at the small hostess. Do not forget about the nose! This is the most fun detail of the costume.

Costumes mouse and ladybugshence \u003e\u003e

4. Costume kitty

Costumehence \u003e\u003e

In this video you will find a detailed master class on how to make a New Year's kitty costume. Skirt, depending on the color, can be the basis of a wide variety of carnival costumes:

5. Snow Queen Suit

How often is the key to the whole costume becomes a crown - for the queen and snowflakes, the hostesses of the copper mountain and the sun, Christmas trees and stars ... How to make a beautiful New Year's crown with your own hands? One of the very beautiful master classes is in the video (18 minutes).

If the painstaking work for the sake of a very spectacular result does not scare you, if there is time and the ability to make every day on a little bit (for several "diamonds" handmade at once) - you can make a beautiful coronu DiageAs in the roller (12 minutes):

6. Suit Elsa from the cartoon "Cold Heart"

Luxurious white braid can make a happy any girl, probably so this cartoon carnival costume is so popular. Although, of course, not only in this case: the cartoon heroes love not only for appearance. Live a holiday in the role of Elzy or Snow Queen - unforgettable!

7. Fairy Costume Din-Din from Tales Peter Peng

The summer outfit Fai Din-Ding is simple, and how to feel good for mobile summer heroines in the midst of winter! All three wonderful New Year's costume (Snow Queen, Elsa and Fairy Ding Ding) - hence \u003e\u003e

8. Suit Peter Pan - the easiest option

9. Costume of Mermaid

11. New Year's costume Rapunzel

How to make self-braid Rapunzel? Detailed master class Watch a video clip 13 minutes:

13. Suit of Bob-Builder

Costumehence \u003e\u003e

14. Star costume

Star is vital for a hat-cone with fields. Make it will help the master class on making their hands with cardboard hats. Just attach to the fields prepared in the size of the cone - and in our hands the procurement of an awesome hat, will remain to decorate it!

15. Carnival suit "Ninja"

For those who make a "combat" New Year's suit (for example, Vityaz or Knight) - may be a useful master class on the independent production of sword, a shield and armor of cardboard:

16. Children's New Year's suit Lion (Lion)

17. Pony-Rainbow costume for the new year

18. Dinosaur costume (Lizard)

But the simple paper alternative to the stitched dinosaur costume (or the dragon), in which it is intuitive that and how to do:

19. Carlson Suit

20. Masha cartoon suit "Masha and Bear"

Costume for the new year for the boy with your own hands is sometimes very easy if there are step-by-step photos and patterns. For young children, it is not necessary to make clothes on special patterns; It is enough to add baby bodies with a suitable pattern with an interesting hat or other accessories.

But for the older children, you will have to make full-fledged suits from felt, textiles, cardboard and with the help of a multitude of remedies.

A huge plus will be the use of makeup and toy weapons with workers blaster, arrows or paint.

No matter how much effort was attached to the creation of a New Year's costume, the main thing is the joy of a child from a full image. Select a festive outfit for a boy follows from its preferences. Then the product is assessed by the child and will wear more at home or on other holidays.

Create a suit for the new year for the boy with your own hands will help the photo with a detailed description of the work process. The instructions attached video and practical advice, how to make work easier, and the image is more attractive for the child.

Costume for a boy of 1 year

A suit for the new year for the boy with your own hands can be done, even if the child is only 1 year. In stores not find the range of festive goods for such kids, so needlework in this case is often the only way out.

Consider two main options of costumes that even suit the kids:

  1. Sailor. It can be made of white bodies with blue stripes and soft blue beret. For completeness, the image can be completed with a red ribbon, to sew textile anchors or helpers.
  2. Bogatyr. To create such a costume, you will need a gray translucent T-shirt (mail), red body, self-made helmet.

Consider in more detail each version of the costume.

Sail Costume: Create a collar with your own hands

Without a collar, which looks like a blue handkerchief with a white shiny edging, not a single sea suit will not be completed. To make it for a one-year-old boy, you will need:

  • sewing scissors;
  • white threads;
  • sewing machine or own sewing skills;
  • white satin ribbons (from one to three pieces);
  • blue or blue fabric (denim or textiles).

The main thing is that the fabric is mild, and its edges did not scratch the tender neck of the child. For a collar there are no specific standards: you need to choose the size of this part based on the parameters of the child. It is necessary that the collar slightly covered the back, but did not reach the lower back.

First you need to make two identical patterns.

They are folded together by the facial sides inside, flash along the contour, but do not touch the end. The collar is spinning and can go "waves" when sewing. To this not happen, serifs are needed in the bend places.

Now you can turn out the product out. This technique will allow to hide the non-accurant parts of the seams and fabric. After turning, the fabric needs to be stroke, and then flash the remaining free side by the same white threads.

Ultimately, the collar of this type should turn out.

So that it looks more approximately to the original, you need to add a few white satin ribbons.

The photo shows the product without ribbons, but you can attach them easily and without visual benefits. You just need to start the atlas around the perimeter of the collar, flash it with a typewriter.

If one more tape is needed, it should be attached at a short distance from the previous one (10-30 mm). To flash ribbons only with light threads, preferably hidden seam.

Bogatyr suit: Bogatyr helmet with their own hands

Such a suit for the new year for the boy is not difficult to do! Even a one-year-old kid can look impressive in a brilliant heroic helmet and imitation under the chain, with a mild sword and shield. Helmet can be made of remedies:

  • plastic bottle (preferably from 2 to 5 liters, depending on the size of the child's head);
  • plastic caps from under bottles;
  • aerosol paint silver or gold color;
  • slice of a mosquito net of neutral shade.

Bottle should be trimmed in a circle, leaving only the top. Well, if it has an additional pattern, resembling a chasing on a boysk helmet. On the neck of the bottle, you need to screw the large cover, to attach one more, and to push the entire design with a non-footing tip.

You can connect together the details of the design using glue-moment or tape, but without glue from the pistol. This type of substance melts thin plastic.

After the main parts are connected, you can proceed to the collapse of the helmet. On a pre-prepared surface (newspaper or coating, which is easily washed from paint), you need to cover a helmet from the aerosol on all sides, including from the inside.

No heroic helmet costs without a metal chain chain. To simulate it, you can use any shallow and necessarily a soft grid. The material should be safe for the baby.

The grid must be attached from the inside to high-quality bilateral scotch, better in several places. Glue when fastening the grid will be ineffective.

So that the child looked as impressive as possible, you can give him a horse toy, a soft sword or shield.

Costumes for children 2-3 years

Older boys are already beginning to explore the world, namely, they are trying to gnaw, take, can accidentally swallow the small object. At an older age, from 4-5 years, it passes. But in the manufacture of a suit for a boy for 2-3 years, it is necessary to consider that it should not be small details that the child could swallow.

An ideal and non-standard option that will definitely not meet for the new year by any other child, is a scuba costume. It doesn't need a big budget for its manufacture. You will need:

  • black top and bottom without prints and patterns;
  • two 1-1.5-liter bottles;
  • aerosol paint;
  • silver and black scotch;
  • rope;
  • scuba diving mask.

Out of the bottle make scuba. Two bottles must be connected together with three tapes of Scotch: approximately on the sides of the center go through a black tape, and in the middle to make a silver scotch band. When painting, you need to not forget about the lid: it should also be under the color of the bottle.

On top and bottom in bottles are made holes. To immediately skip the rope through them, you can use a major needle. The rope is tied next to the holes, and it turns out straps for scuba. Skip the rope is needed through both bottles to get two straps.

I need to wear a swimming mask on my head, and the black top and bottom will symbolize the scuba costume. As a result, it turns out the outfit of this species.

Snowman suit for boys

A suit for the new year for the boy with your own hands is easy to do with the patterns "Snowman". There are two options for the costume: with a single ball and with separation into several parts.

Photo: Snowman suit for boy for new year 2018

To create any option you will need:

  • contrasting pumps (black, blue, red, red);
  • thin durable wire;
  • white satin or matte fabric;
  • white or black light gloves;
  • white shoes;
  • white pants or tights.

As a result, it can work out as a standard snowman costume, and the image of the popular Olaf Snowman is now a Cold Heart Studio Cartoon.

Depends on how the top will be selected. If the usual hat, then the standard snowman will turn out, if you get a cap of Olaf - a popular character will come out.

You can make a suit right in front of the matinee, because the algorithm for its creation is very simple. If the outfit with two balls is done, then you need to bend to a round shape two pieces of wire. One of the rings will be attached to the neck, and the second will remain in the navel area.

Fabric tensiones on the rings. So that it is more lush, along the perimeter of the costume should be made spacers from the same wire: from 10 to 20 pieces, depending on the completeness of the child. In order for the fabric to be stretched on a wire easily, it should be double-sided, with cavity inside and a hole to produce wire. You can create such a basis from two rounded pieces of satin fabric.

On the balls, if the time is allowed to be crowded. There are three pieces enough, one - on the chest, the remaining two on the bottom ball.

Bind the image will help the headdress. It can be:

  • black hat with a low cylinder;
  • white takes;
  • specially purchased Olaf cap;
  • white Christmas hat.

If the child is not against, it is also worth to wear a scarf and gloves of black or white colors. Boots and pants are chosen into the tone of the suites. Under the top of the dress is put on a turtleneck or sweaters without a gate.

Suit for the new year for the boy with his own hands like "Snowman" is suitable for children of preschool age: boys from 4 to 6 years. Older children prefer more serious costumes.

Suit for children of younger school age

What suit for the new year for a boy to sew your own hands if he is already 8 years old? Boys from the age of 7, who have already enrolled in school, usually love superhero films and animated series. Therefore, they themselves may ask to make Superman or Batman's outfit for them. The most effective costume for the new year for the boy do it yourself with the patterns of the Spiderman. He especially enjoy the child, if in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrists to attach blasters that shoot almost the same as the original character.

To create a classic spider person, you will need:

  • red fitting jacket;
  • blue pants;
  • high red golfs;
  • sneakers with corrugated soles;
  • fitting red gloves;
  • black fabric paint in a small dispenser;
  • spider stripe, suitable for fasteners on the chest;
  • red ski mask or big red hat;
  • blaster;
  • dense blue tissue;
  • small window sect or similar material;
  • material for lenses (sheet of plastic for cutting or wire).

It looks more likely to have a purchased suit, which is independently complemented by lenses and soles, but the budget option is discussed below.

On the shirt of red you need to put two blue patterns and spider icon. It is desirable that the blue tissue is sewn on the sides of the chest, as well as on the inside of the hands next to the armpits.

The fabric is sewn with blue threads so that the seam is not noticeable.

Next is made independently or seams spider. It is fixed in the area of \u200b\u200bsolar plexus. The paint can be made by hand, if you dream in advance drawing on the fabric. The drawing of the grid is made: it is planned according to the photo of the superhero, and then it is passed on it with convex black paint.

Before you wear the resulting sweaters, you need to give paint to dry and in no case touch the drawing. Otherwise, all convex elements will be deformed.

The ski mask also need to be covered with a grid, and if the cap is used for the base, then it also makes the slots in the eye area. Then in the slits are inserted lenses.

Algorithm for creating lenses such:

  • if they are made from the polymer material, then they sculpt the desired shape and impose it on the slits with the help of super-glue or threads under the color of the material;
  • if there is plastic in stock, we carefully cut out two lenses and fastened in the same way;
  • in the absence of additional materials, you can enter the wire around the eye in which the mesh will then be attached, and to flash the wire with black threads from above.

Important! If lenses are made of polymeric material or plastic, then insert the grid to them before attaching to the header. If from the wire, the grid is attached after the wire mount.

The last moment is the creation of shoes. With the Pants of special "problems" is not required: you can just put on blue leggings. But for the manufacture of shoes you will need socks and soles disconnected from sneakers.

From the sneakers together with the sole, the sock with the heel is separated. All this design is sewn through the perimeter to the socks.

Socks are covered with a black grid that you also need to apply on gloves. When the paint is dry, the costume is ready. If you want, you can hide blarsters under the sleeves on the wrists. All parts of the costume need to be charged one in another so that there is no noticeable discrepancies in the neck or gloves.

Below is a video that shows another option of creating a spiderman suit:

Suit for middle school children

Children from 9 to 12 people want to appear adults. They are already close to adolescence, so they begin to watch full-length films, they want to be similar to their main characters. It is easier for all the mother, whose children adore franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea". Make a suit for the new year for the boy with your own hand in the style of the pirate very easily (Fig. 15).

Costume components:

  • tel in red, blue or black stripe;
  • hat that will need to make with your own hands;
  • black or brown leather jacket;
  • dark pants with allowance;
  • high boots with challenges;
  • sword or pistol, bandage to taste.

First we will make accessories - belt, shirt or vest, vest or sweaters.

For a pirate, you must need a belt that will lie in the waist area, and not pants. Such a belt can be made from the finished product, but supplement it with a wide red ribbon.

On a ribbon, rolled one or twice (it can be a piece of satin red cloth, a former sheet or a big scarf) marking where the belt is fixed. Then the strap is placed on the markup made and sewn to the fabric almost along the entire length. It is necessary to leave about a third of the length so that the red cloth can be spectacularly tied on the side. It is not necessary to secure the belt to the tissue, but this will eliminate its loss when performing and bring extra comfort.

If a shirt is chosen as the base of the costume, and not a vest, it is worth flashing in the collar area. Establish a shirt on 3-4 buttons, take a dense black lace and proceed through the collar several times. It should turn out from three to five interstitations.

The vest is wearing a fur or satin gold ribbon along the edges. If a leather jacket is selected, then you can put a sign of the skull and bones or crossed swords.

The main thing in a suit is a hat. It can be made of fabric or dense cardboard, adding stripes in the form of a traditional pirate symbolism. At the bottom edge, you should put the red ribbon with the string, and the entire cloth is evenly flashing the thin white ribbon along the contour. How to make a hat independently, tells a detailed video:

Pirate is a great suit for the new year for the boy with your own hands, if he is 8-10 years old. Older children will also appreciate it if you add their image with beautiful attributes:

  • pistols with pistons;
  • drawn on the face of scars;
  • hook;
  • compass, card and "knockers" from Zhwakhk;
  • children's sabers of good quality;
  • mask, depicting the Pirate-dead (in the form of a skull).

Other popular costumes

There are other costumes for the new year for a boy who can be made with their own hands with patterns. The following options are now most popular:

  • a student of Hogwarts;
  • wizard;
  • Batman;
  • Joker;
  • Superman;
  • Jack Frost (hero of the animation film "Keepers");
  • Cristoff (Hero of the Cold Heart);
  • Zorro;
  • prince;
  • musketeer;
  • Peter Pan;
  • knight;
  • hero of "Star Wars";
  • cowboy.

Each specified suit can be done with theft or purchase in a children's store.

So that the outfit accurately came to the child, did not seem uncomfortable for him and could not harm it, you need to follow certain rules when choosing clothes. They change depending on the age of the child.

Small children should not wear suits with sharp corners or heavy elements. It is advisable to do clothing for them from natural materials so that the skin of the baby breathe during the holiday. The costume will enjoy the child if you add it with bright elements or give a kid into the hands of some attribute: soft or inflatable hammer, a safe light shield. The basis of the outfit should not be small details that can be easily disconnected. This rule is valid until 3-4 years, and if the child especially loves to study objects through samples and bites - then up to 5-6 years.

Older children adore maker. It can be done in a professional salon or at home using safe paints. With the help of a grima, it is easy to add the image of a snowman, a mime, pirate and many other heroes.

The main thing is to ask children what they themselves want. If the outfit is selected not to taste, joy neither parents nor the children will bring the celebration.

Patterns for suits for the new year of the boy can be created independently or take from this article. Mothers who have sewing and needlework skills will have to be easier: they can also sew the most diverse clothing, which will look great on their sons.

Before the new year, a little more than 2 months remained, which means it is time to start thinking about the dress for your beloved Chad. While enough time to learn patterns, pick up a cloth and sew a children's New Year's suit with your own hands. Some of the presented models can be sewed from the residues of the fabric, and the accessories to them make it from the remedies.

Children's New Year's costumes do it yourself

Let's start with the simplest and most popular carnival costumes: Matryoshka, Parsley, Ladybug and Parrot.


Square shawls fold, as shown in Figure 22.9, and laid two lines. Between them, the net to the wire to the distance on which the nodules will be tized. Sample the handkerchiefs on the girl, tie the knot and hide the visible wire tips.

The sundress will require a cut of a tissue, the length of which will be equal to the growth of the child from the armpit and to the floor. The width of the canvas is 120 cm. From the wrong side of the slice of the waist. Sew the cloth, perform the assembly at the top. Sew coquette with straps. Cut a piece of wire, equal to the busty busty circumference. Side the bottom of the sarafanchik and in the seam of the wire. Also in to inhale a wire of 120 cm between the cloth and the trouble on the waist.

Matryoshka costume (photo for example from the network)


New Year's Costume of God's Cow - one of the most popular outfits. It looks very beautiful and elegant, and the tailoring is not so complicated. The cap can be made of paper or in advance starchy fabric.

Wings - from fabric with drawn or glued paper points. Shorts will sew from dark fabric. Black tights and turtleneck (or climbing) will also need. Bows for tufels can be made of paper.

Suit of God's Cow - Pattern

Following Figure 22.11, SHAVE CHAPTER FOR HAPPY. Stretch the cover from above, corners on both sides, make, forming a "mustache". Cut a strip of paper (you can also use the stash cloth) fold the harmonica and pinched the hole in it with a seboard, in the lace.

Now proceed to the wings. Cut the piece of fabric on the pattern 22. 12, adjust and smash the sections, then grind to the bench side of the wire. If you decide to make paper wings, then make two parts of each part, to launch the wire between them, and after glue them. Top of the wings are attached to the ribbon.

Shorts Sust around. You can also take advantage of the ready-made free shorts of the child by attaching them to the fabric, reset the pattern. It is advisable in this case to expand a little details. Stitching shorts, their top and bottom smoke on the gum.

Instead of shorts, you can sew a beautiful magnificent skirt of red-black organza or tulle. Read more about how to sew such a skirt is written and.

Children's costume parsley or scomer

It is advisable to use bright multicolored fabric loskuts. Collar can be made of both paper and fabric. Before sewing the cap, the cloth should be starched for it.

Cut two details and laps. Sust. In order for the headdress to hold shape, type it with a synthet or crumpled paper. Decorate the cap with bells and multicolored buttons.

The jumpsuit of the scomer must be free. It is best to combine multicolored fabrics. Build the pattern on paper, after transfer the parts to the fabric: two shelves details and two backs of the back. Sust. Assemble the bottom of trousers and bushes on the elastic tape (gum). To create buttons from cardboard, cut the circles, cover their cloth and sushit to the suit.

Put the details of the collar and connect them by following the scheme 22.14. The collar must keep the form. Collect it along the neckline and treat it with a braid, on the ends. Leave the strings. For complete resemblance to the character, do not forget to inflame the kid appropriate makeup - bright cheeks and redhead freckles.

New Year's costume parsley (scomerous) - examples

Parrot carnival costume

This is perhaps the most multi-storey suit. Beak and feathers make out of paper. Everything else is a fabric. As a supplement, use colored bushes and tights.

Sew the case for a cap and visor-beak, connect them. Sew chick-buttons and colored paper cilia. For the Khokholka, also use paper strips, slightly twisted with a pen or pencil. Ties on top of the Khokholok. Selling peppers inside.

The jumpsuit, as in the previous case, consists of two details of the transfer and two parts of the back. Build the pattern, cut the details and sew. Low stunner and bushes collect on elastic ribbon.

Start creating decor. Cut out a multicolored paper for a ponyttees and breasts. Also make a tail from paper - feathers of different lengths and colors. Each feather is glued from two halves, between which the wire is laid. Attach the tail to the back, additionally strengthen the place of attachment from the wrong side. From any bright fabric sewing the covers for the paws so that they are better kept on the leg, enter the elastic band at the bottom. Finished covers lock on the foot of the braid.

"Parrot" - photo for inspiration

New Year's suit fairies or butterflies

Fairies are cute and charming creatures. Each girl dreams of having the same charming dress and wings, like a favorite character. In the meantime, it's not so difficult to create a fairy outfit. So, for the manufacture of wings, a wire will be required, kapron stockings or tights and all kinds of brilliant decor. By the way, for the costume of God's cow or butterflies, the wings created in a similar way are suitable. It is only necessary to change color and shape.

We decorate the soldiers and disguise the knots

The easiest option, how to make a magnificent skirt for the girl, is to tie an organza segment to elastic band. It is advisable to use the material of different colors. Length depends on the growth of the girl.

Children's New Year's costumes: patterns and ideas

Here are some more interesting masquerade costumes. The principle of creating some of them is identical to those described above. For example, for a bee suit you need to make the same wings of wire and capron, and the skirt is made of organza or tulle. Striped top and "mustache" will complement the ensemble.

And the costume of Snow Maiden can be sewn, using the pattern - a large circle is cut out of the fabric, in the center of which is made a neckline for the neck.

And for the cuts presented below, some knowledge of modeling will be needed. First, you will need to build a pattern on paper, according to the parameters specified for each size, and then rebuild on the fabric.

Sleeping Beauty (click to enlarge)

Bell Suit (Click to enlarge)

Princess Jasmine Princess (Click to enlarge)