Prevention of cruelty and aggressiveness in the school environment and ways to overcome it Maltseva o.a., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Androgogy Togirro. Prevention of child abuse

"Children's aggression and cruelty and its prevention"

Purpose: to indicate the reasons for the aggressive and violent behavior of students; factors influencing child cruelty; give examples of the prevention of child aggression and cruelty.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is cruelty? forms of cruelty.

2. Features of the violent behavior of students.

3. Causes of child cruelty.

4. Prevention of child cruelty.

The German sociologist and philosopher Erich Fromm wrote:

“A person has the ability to love, and if he cannot find an application for his ability to love, he is able to hate, showing aggression and cruelty. He is guided by this means as an escape from his own mental pain ... "

The topic of our meeting is serious and difficult, and has recently become very relevant. This is the theme of the manifestation of cruelty and aggression by our children. Unfortunately, these manifestations live among us, adults, and among children. What is this phenomenon and should we talk about it? Costs. If so, let's look at what aggression and cruelty is and how we adults can help children overcome it.

Aggression and cruelty in a more or less developed society is always under control, but this control will be effective to the extent that resistance to aggression is developed in society.

As you know, after aggression comes the second stage of emotional breakdowns, manifested as cruelty.

What is cruelty? Cruelty is a human feeling that does not know pity, regret, sympathy. It is the ability to inflict suffering on people or animals.

For many centuries, the child was considered as an adult, only small, weak and without rights, children were even sewn the same things as adults, only smaller. They started talking about the specifics of children's behavior after Dickens' novels - at first in the plane of literature, and children seemed to be real angels: meek, kind, unhappy. And using a scientific approach, the psychology of childhood began to be seriously studied mainly after the works of Z. Freud, who proved the influence of events that occurred in childhood on the entire future fate of a person.

It quickly became clear that children are no more angels than adults, and cruelty is fully inherent in them.

Forms of manifestation of cruelty

In children, as in adults, there are two forms of manifestation of cruelty: purposeful cruelty and hostile. The first is a mechanism for satisfying desire, achieving a goal, and adaptability. It encourages the child to compete in the world around him, to protect his rights and interests, and serves to develop knowledge and the ability to rely on himself.

The second is not just malicious and hostile behavior, but also the desire to inflict pain, to enjoy it. The result of such behavior is usually conflicts, the formation of cruelty as a personality trait and a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the child.

According to numerous studies, now manifestations of child cruelty are one of the most common forms of behavioral disorders that adults have to deal with - parents and educators, social protection workers. These include outbursts of irritability, disobedience, excessive activity, pugnacity. The overwhelming majority of children have direct and indirect verbal cruelty - from complaints to direct insults and physical measures (“You are ugly”, “Well, you are a fool!”, “Now it hurts like ladies!”). Many children have cases of physical cruelty - both indirect (destruction of other people's toys, damage to their peers' clothes or their school supplies), and direct (children hit their peers on the head or face with their fists, bite, spit, etc.). Such cruel behavior is always initiative, active, and sometimes dangerous for others, and therefore requires competent correction.

Features of cruel behavior of children and adolescents:

1. Close people - relatives, friends, etc. - often become victims of aggression. This is a kind of "self-denial" phenomenon, since such actions are aimed at breaking blood ties - the lifeblood of human existence.

2. Not all violent children are brought up in dysfunctional families, many, on the contrary, have very wealthy and caring parents.

3. Cruelty often occurs without a real reason.

4. Many violent acts of teenagers are the result of a personality crisis. Within adolescence, both in boys and girls, there are age periods with higher and lower levels of aggressive behavior. It has been established that boys have two peaks of manifestation of aggression: 12 years and 14-15 years. Girls also show two peaks: the highest level of aggressive behavior is observed at 11 years and at 13 years.

Reasons for child abuse

Children learn violent behavior, both through direct reinforcers and through observation of violent acts.

Unfavorable conditions in the family

Adults themselves need to set an example of kindness and humanity in human relations, especially in relation to children.

The development of violent behavior is influenced by the degree of family cohesion, the closeness between parents and the child, the nature of the relationship between brothers and sisters, and the style of family leadership. Children who have a strong family discord, whose parents are aloof and cold, are relatively more prone to violent and aggressive behavior.

In trying to stop negative relationships between their children, parents may inadvertently encourage the very behavior they want to get rid of. Parents who use extreme harsh punishments and do not supervise their children's activities may find that their children are cruel and disobedient.

It has been reliably established that the abuse of a child in the family not only increases the cruelty of his behavior towards peers, but also contributes to the development of a propensity for violence at a more mature age, turning physical cruelty into a person's lifestyle. But such people in the future are almost impossible to correct.

Aggression and cruelty in children can be manifested if:

1. Parents do not set rules for the behavior of children at home.

2. They do not track the whereabouts of children.

3. Do not apply appropriate educational measures (punishment or encouragement). Encouragement is of great importance in the upbringing of children: by word, look, gesture, action. It is very significant for a person and punishment if:

It follows immediately after the transgression.

explained to the child. It is harsh, but not cruel.

It evaluates the action of the child, and not his human qualities.

4. Do not try to resolve emerging problems and crises with the help of compromise solutions.

You can also name other factors: illness, poverty, unemployment, marital conflict, divorce, broken family, parents are completely absorbed in work, hobbies.

In order to prevent the detection of mental and emotional state in children, it is possible to conduct a survey of students.


How often a child has to deal with cruel or unfair treatment from parents.

How old are you?

1. How many people are in your family?

2. Who is raising you?

Internet influence

Recently, not only American pediatricians, but also Russian ones, have revealed a relationship between the promotion of violence in the media and violent behavior among adolescents. Schoolchildren who are addicted to violent video games are more prone to aggression

Moreover, the most serious impact on the psyche of the child is provided by violent videos distributed on the Internet. It is natural to assume that the more different media promoting cruelty available to a child, the more aggressive he is. However, the influence of TV shows, movies, music, Internet cartoons and computer games has been much less influenced by Internet videos depicting violence from real people.

In this direction, the military-patriotic education of students is very important. It is one of the priorities in our school.

For several years in a row we have been holding the military-historical game Zarnitsa, which consists of the following stages:




Creative competition of projects-presentations.

Traditional meetings with WWII veterans on the eve of May 9 and veterans of the Baltic Fleet.

Every year we remember February 15 - the day of the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. It's a day of remembrance. A memorial plaque to Aleksey Lvovich Solovyov was installed on the school building. He is a graduate of our school, died in the line of international duty. We hold meetings with veterans of local troops and conflicts on the basis of the school museum. A lieutenant colonel of the reserve comes to visit us.

Participated in the city historical marathon "Long Miles of War", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow.

We hold traditional meetings with representatives of city-forming enterprises: RSC Energia, Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering.

We participate in the “space marathon”, which is held on the eve of Cosmonautics Day.

Every quarter we conduct a Unified Safety Lesson. And twice a year we participate in the action of the Moscow region “Attention children! Road Safety".

In order to prevent a healthy lifestyle, every quarter we conduct health lessons on the following topics:

- "Tobacco smoking and its impact on the body of schoolchildren";

-"No Drugs!";

- "Say YES to life!";

The medical psychologist of the narcological dispensary gives monthly talks and talks on the following topics:

Harm of smoking;

Features of the formation of dependencies;

The problem of alcoholism;

Problem of gambling.

The narcologist comes not only to class hours, but also to parent-teacher meetings.

Often the inspector of the ODN police captain comes to the school with preventive talks on the prevention of offenses by schoolchildren.

The school has a choir (as part of the work of the music school of the city, the organization of additional education). Sports mugs.

We solve the problem of increasing the effectiveness of early prevention at school in the following main areas:

    identification of adverse factors from the immediate environment, which cause deviations in the development of the personality of minors and timely neutralization of these adverse effects;
    modern diagnostics of asocial deviations in the behavior of minors and the implementation of a differentiated approach in the choice of educational and preventive means.

· Group and individual work, both with teenagers and with parents (conversations, lectures, conferences, campaigns against drugs and alcohol);

· Participation and creative representation in social life (holidays, holidays in country camps);

The school carries out its work in the following areas:

1. Social and preventive work to prevent offenses.

2. Military-patriotic education.

3. Creation of a health-saving environment outside school hours in the conditions of educational institutions.

Let me remind you of the "golden" rules of education related to this topic:

Learn to listen and hear your child.

Try to make sure that only you relieve his emotional stress.

Do not forbid children to express negative emotions.

Learn to accept and love him for who he is.

Obedience, obedience and diligence will be where they are presented reasonably.

The aggression of the family leads to aggressive manifestations in the behavior of the child.


1. Ivanova, cruelty and the attitude of high school students to their manifestations. - M., 1999.

2. Korneeva in the family conflict. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2001

3. Kozyrev conflicts // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 1999. No. 2 - p. 108.

4. Mozhginsky adolescents: emotional and crisis mechanism. - St. Petersburg, 2008.

5. Semenyuk features of aggressive behavior of adolescents and the conditions for its correction. M:. 1996 - p.21

6. In union with beauty. M. "Enlightenment", 1997

7. Aslamova to live with different people. Ed. House "Muscovy", 2009.

8. Scientific and methodical journal No. 4. Classroom teacher. M. "Pedagogical search". 2011.

9. Fedorenko in a comprehensive school. Ed. "Karo". S.-Fri.2007.

Oksana Nikiforova
Consultation "Children's aggression and cruelty and its prevention"

Target: give reasons

aggressive and cruel

student behavior; factors

affecting childish cruelty;

give examples prevention

child aggression and cruelty.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is cruelty?

Forms of manifestation cruelty.

2 reasons child abuse.

3 Prevention of children's


“If a child is taught goodness,

the result will be good, they teach evil

the result will be evil - for

a child is not born ready

man, man needs it


V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The topic of our meeting is serious and difficult, and in

has become very important lately.

This is the theme of manifestation by our children

cruelty and aggression. Unfortunately,

these manifestations live among us,

adults, and among children. What is this

phenomenon and should we talk about it?

Costs. If so, let's consider

what is aggression and

cruelty and how we, adults, we can

help children overcome it.

What is cruelty?

Cruelty is human

a feeling that knows no pity,

regret, sympathy. This is

ability to cause

human suffering or


Why are children indifferent cruel? - often

we ask. How to help kids become empathetic

generous, merciful, how timely

put up a barrier cruelty and callousness? Everyone

of us wants to raise children in such a way that

got good people. But when a child

becomes aggressive or violent,

parents give up. Why is the baby so

behaves? Children are naturally inclined to be

egocentric. Their some actions just don't

do not fit into any framework. At the same time, parents

are perplexed: where did the kid get this from?

Forms of manifestation cruelty

purposeful cruelty

hostile cruelty

straight cruelty

indirect verbal


Peculiarities violent behavior

victims aggression is often

close people

Not all cruel children are brought up in dysfunctional families

Violence is often

for no real reason

Many violent acts of teenagers,

are the result of a personality crisis

Cruelty in children under three years of age, unconscious.

Parents may think that the baby

does it on purpose and needs it brutally

punish. For example, a child may

throw the cat against the wall. Isn't he sorry

kitties? Actually, baby does it

not for revenge. So he

plays. Children do not yet know all the sensations -

what hurts and what doesn't. He

may simply not understand that the cat

it feels pain.

Such cruelty child is only a stage of his development and

personality formation. When he is the same way

hits a soft toy against the wall, mom will not

resent, because it is an inanimate object. Furthermore,

parents with understanding react: child

knows the world. But in fact, children play the same way with

living and inanimate objects. The only difference is

that it's easier to play live. Cruelty of children

preschool age is unconscious. It's just

stage of personality development, which he will soon outgrow.

Another thing - cruelty conscious when the child

intentionally causes harm to another (always more

weak, enjoying it and not experiencing

feelings of guilt. It is essential to develop skills

socially acceptable behavior in preschool


It should be noted that cruelty preschoolers usually have

other reasons than in older children. In-

first, behavior contrary to the attitudes of adults

typical for the age of 3-4 years due to the fact that the child

begins to realize his "I", and with the help of an unacceptable

behavior tries to dissociate itself from the rest. Secondly,

cruelty young children is based on many

physiological grounds - for example, children with reduced

pain threshold just do not understand how they can

to harm someone if they themselves do not feel anything in

a similar situation. Third, children in a similar way

react to a bad psychological situation in the family -

quarrels, scandals, contempt for individual family members.

The main thing is that up to 6 years, such behavior in principle

subject to correction. Sometimes it's enough just to

for adults to correct their behavior.

Our world cruel, and the children begin to act the same

methods that they see around. Parents don't show

a proper example, and children first of all look at

your family. Children often protest if they

see a discrepancy between what parents say,

and what they do. This protest is brewing inside and may

lead to various problems, including

cruelty. It is important for a child that an adult be

feels good. The most efficient method

(however, this applies to almost all childish

problems) - a personal example.

It happens that a kind child who cries over

cats and dogs, can offend their

peers. Why? Dogs and cats -

this is something fabulously toy, for them

the child as a patron, and children's team

This is a kind of society where you have to fight for

survival. AT children's team often

one child begins to perceive another

as a rival. It's the same with

adults are so sorry for the dogs, but people

hate. And it turns out that we teach children to live

according to law "jungle"- it is sad.

Aggression and cruelty children may show if:

Parents do not set rules for the behavior of children at home.

They do not track the whereabouts of children.

Do not apply appropriate educational measures

(punishment or reward). Great importance in

parenting has encouragement: word, look,

gesture, action. Very important for a person

It follows immediately after the transgression.

explained to the child. It is harsh, but cruel.

It evaluates the action of the child, not his human

Do not try to resolve emerging

problems and crises

through compromise solutions.

"Golden" parenting rules:

Learn to listen and hear your child.

Try to make sure that only you

relieved his emotional stress.

Do not forbid children to express negative

Know how to accept and love him for who he is.

Obedience, obedience and

performance will be where they are

presented reasonably.

To aggressive manifestations in behavior

brings a child family aggressiveness.

Cruelty and violence among children is a very scary phenomenon. But

there is something really terrible - indifference, indifference

parents in relation to their children and their problems. Exactly

this is the root of all troubles.

Kindness is for all people

May there be more good ones.

They do not say in vain when they meet

"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".

And it is not for nothing that we have

Wish "good time".

Kindness - it is from the century

Human decoration...

thanks for


Faced with manifestations of cruelty in a child, adults are often lost. Indeed, how can one imagine that a smiling baby with dimples on his cheeks is capable of torturing kittens and puppies, throwing stones at birds, hurting someone who is weaker than him? However, this behavior is quite common. Why are small children cruel? And most importantly, how should parents and educators behave with them?

Why are kids cruel

“If a person is taught good - taught skillfully, intelligently, persistently, demandingly, the result will be good. They teach evil (very rare, but it happens), the result will be evil " .

Aggression is in each of us. This property of a person is necessary for a person to protect himself and his loved ones. With age, a person learns to control his negative emotions, but a child who is just beginning to explore the world is not able to cope with this on his own. He needs the help of the closest people - mom and dad, who will teach him how to cope with his feelings, explain how to act, and how unacceptable.

The cruelty of young children is fundamentally different from the cruelty of adolescents. In most cases, preschoolers do not understand that they are causing pain, and are not aware of the consequences of their actions. This is a certain stage of growing up. In addition, if the student's behavior is strongly influenced by an aggressive external environment (television, computer games, the Internet, negative processes in society, etc.), then preschoolers, due to their age, are still spared from such influence. They have in the foreground the family and the inner circle in which they revolve.

“Children, in every sense, are our future.
If we don't want to have a cruel future,
We have an obligation to confront cruelty and violence in the present."

T. Golikova, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

It is important to respond appropriately to a child's abusive behavior. On the one hand, it cannot be ignored, and on the other hand, severe punishment can lead to even more serious problems. To better understand the situation, it is necessary to know the reasons for such actions. Unconscious cruelty in children can be due to a number of factors. Let's consider them in more detail.

Curiosity and misunderstanding. Children want to know how the world works, they explore the objects around them in order to understand and study, it is very important for them to find out what is inside the car, doll, tumbler. Such "study" exposed to everything that interested the child. So far, he does not see the difference between a living being and a toy. The child does not understand that a bird, a kitten, a butterfly can be hurt, and harms them unconsciously, out of ignorance. The task of adults is to put this knowledge into it.

Imitation. Toddlers study not only the objects of the world around them. Their attention is drawn to different behaviors that they try on themselves in much the same way as we try on clothes. Children adopt the actions of adults and peers, imitate the characters of cartoons, books, games. Such imitation is necessary for them to understand how to behave in different situations.

Compensation or revenge. Often parents and caregivers notice that the child "punishes" toys. He scolds them for certain "misdemeanors" or traits of character, can apply physical punishment to them. Sometimes he transfers similar activities from toys to pets or younger children in the family. For the most part, this is due to the behavior of adults in relation to him. Sometimes he so compensates for the insult inflicted on him by his peers. In this case, cruel behavior makes him feel strong, powerful, invulnerable. This is a way of self-affirmation, as well as an opportunity to take out your anger on those who cannot answer.

Attracting attention or manipulation. In the book by A. Lugovskaya, O. Shevnina "Let's be friends!" an example is given of the child's cruel behavior, due to the desire to earn his mother's love: the boy tortured the kittens, because the mother repeatedly said in his presence that she hated cats.

By such actions, children try to attract the attention of adults when they lack parental love. Perhaps the child is simply trying to draw the attention of adults to his problems or get them to do something for him. In this example, one more aspect can be traced - aggressive statements by adults increase aggression in children.

Protest. A child may show cruelty in response to the infringement of needs that are important to him: suppose some important thing was taken away from him, his personal space was invaded, his creation was broken, etc.

The desire to be like everyone else. Even small children can exhibit the so-called herd instinct. (committing violent acts as a result of collective action). The child may not want to hurt others, but he steps over himself, because everyone in his company does it.

family behavior pattern. At preschool age, the main source of knowledge for children is the family. Examples of aggressive behavior, the approval and justification of cruelty, the application of physical punishment to the child form an aggressive model of behavior in him. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that it is precisely this scheme of relations that he will apply to others.

Release of energy. Often outbreaks of aggressive behavior are directly provoked by the attitudes or prohibitions of adults. Children, especially active ones, accumulate a lot of energy, which must be spent.

According to the first law of physics, energy does not disappear without a trace, but a child has plenty of it. If you forbid children to play, run, jump, and even make noise and uproar, then you will certainly encounter childish aggression. The child's body will find just such a way out of the situation so as not to "explode" from excess energy.

Sometimes children do cruel things for no apparent reason. The very purpose of such behavior is the conscious infliction of harm, the child intentionally and in cold blood takes pleasure in causing pain to a living being. In this case, you need to contact a specialist (psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist), which will help to find the cause and correct the behavior of the preschooler.

How to prevent the problem of child abuse?

It is completely wrong to believe that cruelty and aggression are characteristic only of children from dysfunctional families. This problem can come to any home, therefore, work on the prevention of cruelty should be started from a very early age, because raising a kind, sensitive child who will always lend a helping hand to those in need and will not offend the weak is the dream of any parent.

How to avoid child abuse problems:

  • From a very early age, use every opportunity to show and tell your child the rules of behavior in this world. It is a constant and continuous work;
  • Lead by example with your behavior. Parents for the baby are the only indisputable authority, so it is important that your words do not diverge from deeds;
  • tell your child about your love, praise him for good deeds, even if they seem insignificant;
  • try so that the child does not see the aggressive behavior either in reality, or on TV, or on the Internet;
  • tell him about wonderful animals and their heroic deeds, about the need to protect and protect all living things around;
  • tell your child about the need to forgive others, those who voluntarily or involuntarily offended him. Such conversations have a positive effect on the character of the baby and form his correct attitude towards life and others;
  • Emphasize to your child that everyone is different. They may look different, talk differently than he does, think differently, but we all live on the same planet and should be able to love and respect each other;
  • find an interesting activity for your child in which he can express himself. This can be sports, games, creativity, etc.;
  • show good kind cartoons and movies, listen to children's songs with him;
  • read and discuss books with your child. May good always win in fairy tales! Talking about the actions of fairy-tale characters, you can give examples from life, ask the opinion of the child himself. This will help him form an understanding of what is good and what is bad.

In modern society, human cruelty has become problem number 1. Newspapers, television, the Internet daily prove this fact to us. Only the people themselves choose - to live in a cruel world or try to change it. To do this is quite simple: from early childhood to prevent the penetration of anger, hatred, aggression into the lives of children. If every adult teaches a child kindness, then such a thing as cruelty will simply disappear.

How to deal with child abuse?

If a problem has arisen, first of all, you need to calm down, do not panic and do not look for demonic traits in the child, assuming the worst. This can aggravate the situation and it will be difficult to solve it without a specialist. While any deviation in the child's behavior is a signal of help that must be provided in a timely manner. So where do you start?

1. Don't ignore.

Do not turn a blind eye to the cruelty of the child. Do not justify his actions, fearing accusations of his own insolvency and helplessness. If the problem is ignored, then changes in his personality can become irreversible.

2. Find out the reason.

Children are inherently very responsive creatures, they do not have anger, they do not want to cause pain. Therefore, every manifestation of cruel behavior has its own reasons. They need to be understood and eliminated.

3. Give a negative evaluation.

Putting the baby on "crime scene" should be very strict and stern. He must understand that his behavior is unacceptable and his parents are very upset.

4. Pedagogically punish.

Every unacceptable action of the child must find a response from the parents. However, physical punishment not only does not solve the problem, but is also one of the causes of child cruelty. Therefore, it is recommended to look for pedagogically justified punishments. For example: a remark, a reprimand, deprivation of something pleasant, etc. The type of punishment is chosen depending on the severity of the misconduct.

5. Analyze the style of family relationships.

At preschool age, the influence of the family on the actions of the child is especially strong. The likelihood of his aggressive and violent behavior depends on whether he sees manifestations of aggression at home. It is important to try to manage your negative emotions, take into account the fact that shouting, insults, approval of cruelty, raising your voice are also a manifestation of aggression.

6. Pay enough attention.

It is very important for a child to hear from his parents that he is loved. Therefore, it is important not to miss a single opportunity to remind him that dad and mom are happy to be the parents of such a wonderful child like him, and are proud of him. It is important to listen to his problems, no matter how small they may seem. The child simply needs the opinion or advice of the parents.

7. Explain.

A small child knows almost nothing about this world. He does not understand why one thing can be done, and the other cannot. Parents need to explain everything to him. If you do not discuss with him the reasons for the prohibitions, then in itself this impact can be absolutely meaningless.

8. Praise.

It is important to celebrate and support any positive actions and qualities of the child. This will form in him a clear idea that being kind, sensitive is good, and cruel, evil is bad.

9. Provide an opportunity to express emotions in a different way.

Sometimes a child just needs to express their feelings. You should show him constructive ways of expressing anger and aggression: arrange a fight with a punching bag; crumple, throw away, tear several sheets of paper; draw your anger, etc.

10. Be patient.

Child abuse is a serious problem. It cannot be solved with one word or one action. Gradually, if adults are constantly working in this direction, the child will understand what is good and what is bad.

In conclusion, we give a list of literature for parents and educators, which will allow you to learn more about the problem raised and options for solving it.

  1. Alekseeva E.E. Psychological problems of preschool children. How to help a child - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008.
  2. Barkan A.I. Ultramodern child. - M.: Bustard-Plus, 2007.
  3. Barlozhetskaya N.F. Tips from an experienced nanny - M.: AST-PRESS BOOK, 2007.
  4. Georges J. Children's stress and its causes. - M.: RIPOL classic, 2003.
  5. Kolosova S.L. Children's aggression. - St. Petersburg: ID "Peter" , 2004.
  6. Kravtsova M., Shevnina O. Little robber. What to do if a child misbehaves. - M., Eksmo, 2006.
  7. Lugovskaya A., Shevnina O. Let's be friends! How to help your child overcome communication problems. - M.: Eksmo, 2006.
  8. Manelis N.G. 5 days with a super nanny that will teach you how to communicate with your child. - M.: Reed Media, 2013.
  9. Pentin R. Aggressive, hyperactive, irritable child. What to do? Psychologist's advice. - St. Petersburg: ID "Peter" , 2012.
  10. Svirskaya L.V. 76 recipes for proper communication with your child: tips for parents and caregivers. - M.: AST; St. Petersburg: PRIME-EUROZNAK, 2008.
  11. Shapiro E.I. Fights, bites, and even calls names! Psychological assistance to parents of aggressive children. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2013.
  12. Engelhardt L.O. What is good and what is bad? A book to help a child. - M.: Eksmo, 2012.

The material was prepared and implemented by Oksana Klyueva, teacher-psychologist at MBDOU "DSOV "Fairy Tale"

PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE AND AGGRESSION IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT AND WAYS TO OVERCOME IT Maltseva O.A., Ph.D. ., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Androgy of TOGIRRO Skryabina O.S., student of the IPPSU Tyumen State University

School Violence School violence is a form of violence in which force is used between children or teachers against students, or - extremely rare in our culture - students against a teacher. Violence is any behavior that violates the rights of another. School violence is a type of violence that involves the use of force between children or teachers against students, or - extremely rare in our culture - students against a teacher. Violence is any behavior that violates the rights of another.

School violence Taunting, nicknames, endless remarks, biased assessments, ridicule, humiliation in the presence of other children, rejection, isolation, refusal to communicate with the victim, etc. Beating, hitting, spanking, slapping, damaging and taking things, etc. Emotional abuse physical violence violence

Classification of different types of violence Physical. Sexual abuse or seduction. Mental (emotional) violence. Neglect of the interests and needs of the child. Physical. Sexual abuse or seduction. Mental (emotional) violence. Neglect of the interests and needs of the child.

In a school setting, direct signs of mental violence against students are: threats against the student; deliberate isolation of the student; presenting to the student excessive requirements that do not correspond to age; insult and humiliation of dignity; systematic unreasonable criticism of the child, leading him out of mental balance; constant negative characterization of the student; defiantly negative attitude towards the student. threats against the student; deliberate isolation of the student; presenting to the student excessive requirements that do not correspond to age; insult and humiliation of dignity; systematic unreasonable criticism of the child, leading him out of mental balance; constant negative characterization of the student; defiantly negative attitude towards the student.

School violence is facilitated by: The anonymity of large schools and the lack of a wide choice of educational institutions. Bad microclimate in the teaching staff. Indifferent and indifferent attitude of teachers. The anonymity of large schools and the lack of a wide choice of educational institutions. Bad microclimate in the teaching staff. Indifferent and indifferent attitude of teachers.

Influence of the family on children's propensity to violence Incomplete families. Families in which the mother has a negative attitude towards life. Powerful and authoritarian families. Families with conflicting family relationships. Families with a genetic predisposition to violence. Incomplete families. Families in which the mother has a negative attitude towards life. Powerful and authoritarian families. Families with conflicting family relationships. Families with a genetic predisposition to violence.

Levels of prevention Primary prevention: 1. Study of the mechanisms of formation of maternal and paternal behavior, family type and upbringing. 2. The study and correction of violations of maternal-child relationships that cause a decrease in the emotional well-being of the child and deviations in his optimal mental development in infancy, early childhood and preschool age. 3. Formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional behavioral strategies and personal resources. 4. Directed awareness of the available personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. 5. Development of personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. 6. Development of highly effective strategies and behavioral skills. Primary prevention: 1. Study of the mechanisms of formation of maternal and paternal behavior, family type and upbringing. 2. The study and correction of violations of maternal-child relationships that cause a decrease in the emotional well-being of the child and deviations in his optimal mental development in infancy, early childhood and preschool age. 3. Formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional behavioral strategies and personal resources. 4. Directed awareness of the available personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. 5. Development of personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. 6. Development of highly effective strategies and behavioral skills.

Secondary prevention: 1. early intervention in the correction of clinical and biological disorders in a child; 2. study of the family genogram; 3. correction of family relations, physical and emotional ties, determination of child-parent boundaries; 4. definition of clear family roles. Tertiary prevention is carried out in relation to adolescents who have committed an offense, and its goal is to correct the behavior of a teenager and its development. Secondary prevention: 1. early intervention in the correction of clinical and biological disorders in a child; 2. study of the family genogram; 3. correction of family relations, physical and emotional ties, determination of child-parent boundaries; 4. definition of clear family roles. Tertiary prevention is carried out in relation to adolescents who have committed an offense, and its goal is to correct the behavior of a teenager and its development.

The main factors provoking cruelty in the student community are intrapersonal aggressiveness of students, depending on individual characteristics; previous experience of the life of schoolchildren, including manifestations of their own aggressiveness and observations of similar manifestations in the immediate environment; intrapersonal aggressiveness of students, depending on individual characteristics; previous experience of the life of schoolchildren, including manifestations of their own aggressiveness and observations of similar manifestations in the immediate environment;

Insufficient level of development of communication skills, including the lack of examples and experience of non-violent relationships and knowledge of one's own rights; traditions of the school environment, provoking and stimulating cruelty. These include: an insufficient level of development of communication skills, including the lack of examples and experience of non-violent relationships and knowledge of one's own rights; traditions of the school environment, provoking and stimulating cruelty. These should include:

A) the general psycho-emotional background of the educational institution; b) the “political” system of the educational institution; d) the system of relationships within the class team; e) the presence of generally recognized social roles, including the roles of "victim" and "owner"; f) traditions in society propagated by the media. a) the general psycho-emotional background of the educational institution; b) the “political” system of the educational institution; d) the system of relationships within the class team; e) the presence of generally recognized social roles, including the roles of "victim" and "owner"; f) traditions in society propagated by the media.

Do not demand work from students, but work together with them. To give students the opportunity to adopt a work position by identifying themselves with the (favorite) teacher, and not by fulfilling the (abstract) requirements of the "super-I" that manifest themselves in the process of pedagogical manipulation.

Forms of the implementation of aggression Forms of the implementation of aggression (according to the 13TA method of G. Ammon) Forms of the implementation of aggression Forms of the implementation of aggression (according to the 13TA method of G. Ammon) Social acceptability of the manifestation of aggression, the ability of the individual to resist harmful influences. Social acceptability of the manifestation of aggression, the ability of the individual to resist harmful influences. A direct manifestation of aggression, the destruction and deformation of relations with others, associated with a violation of moral and ethical standards, there are delinquent and criminal components of behavior, and various personality disorders play a significant role. A direct manifestation of aggression, the destruction and deformation of relations with others, associated with a violation of moral and ethical standards, there are delinquent and criminal components of behavior, and various personality disorders play a significant role. Low level of social activity, insufficient development of behavioral skills that contribute to the implementation of aggressive impulses. Low level of social activity, insufficient development of behavioral skills that contribute to the implementation of aggressive impulses. “Constructive” form “Constructive” form “Destructive” form “Destructive” form “Deficit” form “Deficient” form

The system of psychological and pedagogical prevention diagnostics of the psycho-emotional environment and motivational and educational work with the administration; consultative and educational work with teaching staff and parents; consultative and corrective work with children who have been abused; information and educational work with children; formation of a psycho-emotional environment of an educational institution, which includes a system of relationships between all subjects of the educational process. diagnostics of the psycho-emotional environment and motivational and educational work with the administration; consultative and educational work with teaching staff and parents; consultative and corrective work with children who have been abused; information and educational work with children; formation of a psycho-emotional environment of an educational institution, which includes a system of relationships between all subjects of the educational process.

Activities aimed at uniting the school community Improving the psychological climate in the school; increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of adults (parents, teachers); increasing the level of communicative culture of students. Improving the psychological climate at school; increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of adults (parents, teachers); increasing the level of communicative culture of students.

Work with personal constructs Prevention and correction of deviations in the emotional sphere of adolescents; reduction of antisocial behavior of schoolchildren; development of stress-resistant personality traits of students; Prevention and correction of deviations in the emotional sphere of adolescents; reduction of antisocial behavior of schoolchildren; development of stress-resistant personality traits of students;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional strategies and behavioral skills; skills in assessing the social situation and taking responsibility for one's own behavior in it; skills of perception, use and provision of psychological and social support; skills to defend their boundaries and protect their personal space; skills of self-protection, self-support and mutual support; skills of conflict-free and effective communication; directed awareness and development of available personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional strategies and behavioral skills; skills in assessing the social situation and taking responsibility for one's own behavior in it; skills of perception, use and provision of psychological and social support; skills to defend their boundaries and protect their personal space; skills of self-protection, self-support and mutual support; skills of conflict-free and effective communication; directed awareness and development of available personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior.

The content of the psychological and pedagogical module includes psychological and pedagogical approaches to the correction of aggressive behavior; recommendations for the correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents; recommendations for working with children prone to suicidal behavior; recommendations for the prevention of anxiety and fears in children and adolescents; individual work with the child. psychological and pedagogical approaches to the correction of aggressive behavior; recommendations for the correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents; recommendations for working with children prone to suicidal behavior; recommendations for the prevention of anxiety and fears in children and adolescents; individual work with the child.

When working with aggressive adolescents, it is possible to use the following diagnostic methods Bass-Darkey Questionnaire (aggressiveness); Scale of reactive and personal anxiety Spielberger-Khanin (anxiety); Freiburg questionnaire to identify the tendency to aggressive behavior; Risk Appetite Test; "Scale of hostility" Kuka-Medley; PDO (A.E. Lichko); The method of express diagnostics of neurosis (K. Heck and H. Hess). Bass-Darky questionnaire (aggressiveness); Scale of reactive and personal anxiety Spielberger-Khanin (anxiety); Freiburg questionnaire to identify the tendency to aggressive behavior; Risk Appetite Test; "Scale of hostility" Kuka-Medley; PDO (A.E. Lichko); The method of express diagnostics of neurosis (K. Heck and H. Hess).

Organization of a safe environment for the teaching and upbringing process 1. Teacher The dual role of the teacher - directs learning and promotes the development of children; plays the role of leader. 2. A set of special events with the help of the teaching staff. 3. Publicizing acts of school violence. 1. Teacher The teacher's dual role is to guide learning and promote children's development; plays the role of leader. 2. A set of special events with the help of the teaching staff. 3. Publicizing acts of school violence.

Specifics: - adults and teenagers take part here on an equal footing; - such games imply a high level of independence and responsibility of each participant, freedom and independence of his actions, a constant need to make choices and make decisions; - the distribution of roles that does not depend on the age and social status of the participants, the modeling of unusual systems of relationships - all this makes it possible to change the existing situation and build relationships between children and adults in a new way. Specifics: - adults and teenagers take part here on an equal footing; - such games imply a high level of independence and responsibility of each participant, freedom and independence of his actions, a constant need to make choices and make decisions; - the distribution of roles that does not depend on the age and social status of the participants, the modeling of unusual systems of relationships - all this makes it possible to change the existing situation and build relationships between children and adults in a new way. Role-playing games

According to R. Baron and D. Richardson, the training of social skills in aggressive behavior consists of the following procedures: 1) modeling, which involves demonstrating examples of adequate behavior to people who do not have basic social skills; 2) role-playing games that offer to imagine yourself in a situation where the implementation of basic skills is required, which makes it possible in practice to test the behavior patterns that the subjects learned in the simulation process; 3) establishing feedback to encourage positive behavior (“positive reinforcement”); 4) the transfer of skills from the educational situation to the real life situation. According to R. Baron and D. Richardson, the training of social skills in aggressive behavior consists of the following procedures: 1) modeling, which involves demonstrating examples of adequate behavior to people who do not have basic social skills; 2) role-playing games that offer to imagine yourself in a situation where the implementation of basic skills is required, which makes it possible in practice to test the behavior patterns that the subjects learned in the simulation process; 3) establishing feedback to encourage positive behavior (“positive reinforcement”); 4) the transfer of skills from the educational situation to the real life situation. Social skills training

As measures for the formation of a non-violent environment of an educational institution, the following are distinguished: - expansion of freedoms and opportunities to choose types of activities; - introduction of the principles of "pedagogy of cooperation" and "pedagogical support"; - expansion of the system of joint activities of all subjects of education; - Creation of a psychological climate of mutual respect and trust. As measures for the formation of a non-violent environment of an educational institution, the following are distinguished: - expansion of freedoms and opportunities to choose types of activities; - introduction of the principles of "pedagogy of cooperation" and "pedagogical support"; - expansion of the system of joint activities of all subjects of education; - Creation of a psychological climate of mutual respect and trust.

Forms of school bullying 1. Student behavior: Physical aggression; verbal bullying; Intimidation; Insulation; Extortion; Property damage. 1. Student behavior: Physical aggression; verbal bullying; Intimidation; Insulation; Extortion; Property damage. 2. Adult Behavior: Humiliating a student who fails/does well academically or is otherwise vulnerable. Negative or sarcastic remarks about the student's appearance/origin. Intimidating and threatening gestures or expressions. 2. Adult Behavior: Humiliating a student who fails/does well academically or is otherwise vulnerable. Negative or sarcastic remarks about the student's appearance/origin. Intimidating and threatening gestures or expressions.

Typical features of students who are inclined to become bullies (D. Olvaeus) - have a strong need to dominate and subjugate other students, thus achieving their goals; - impulsive and easily angered; - often defiantly and aggressively behave towards adults, including parents and teachers; - do not feel sympathy for their victims; - if they are boys, they are usually physically stronger than other boys; - have a strong need to dominate and subjugate other students, thus achieving their goals; - impulsive and easily angered; - often defiantly and aggressively behave towards adults, including parents and teachers; - do not feel sympathy for their victims; - if they are boys, they are usually physically stronger than other boys;

(According to I. Colman) - in the lesson he constantly attracts attention, enters into arguments when receiving a negative mark, is quick-tempered and rude; - manipulates the circle of friends and acquaintances, many children are afraid of him or curry favor with him; - may lie or cheat to avoid responsibility for their actions; - there are complaints about his behavior from both children and adults; - skips school, often in the company of peers from other schools, districts; - is part of a small deviant group that terrorizes a class or school; - speculates on a misunderstanding, a hostile society, avoids socially useful activities, as this can be interpreted as a sign of weakness. - in the lesson constantly attracts attention, enters into arguments when receiving a negative mark, quick-tempered and rude; - manipulates the circle of friends and acquaintances, many children are afraid of him or curry favor with him; - may lie or cheat to avoid responsibility for their actions; - there are complaints about his behavior from both children and adults; - skips school, often in the company of peers from other schools, districts; - is part of a small deviant group that terrorizes a class or school; - speculates on a misunderstanding, a hostile society, avoids socially useful activities, as this can be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

Most often, the victims of school violence are children who have: - physical disabilities - wear glasses, with hearing loss or movement disorders (for example, with cerebral palsy), that is, those who cannot protect themselves, are physically weaker than their peers; - Behavioral features - closed, sensitive, shy, anxious children or children with impulsive behavior, insecure, unhappy and have low self-esteem; - features of appearance - red hair, freckles, protruding ears, crooked legs, a special shape ready, body weight (fullness or thinness), etc .; - physical disabilities - those who wear glasses, with hearing loss or with motor impairments (for example, with cerebral palsy), that is, those who cannot protect themselves, are physically weaker than their peers; - Behavioral features - closed, sensitive, shy, anxious children or children with impulsive behavior, insecure, unhappy and have low self-esteem; - features of appearance - red hair, freckles, protruding ears, crooked legs, a special shape ready, body weight (fullness or thinness), etc .;

- undeveloped social skills - often do not have a single close friend and communicate more successfully with adults than with peers; - fear of school - lack of experience of life in a team (home children); - diseases - epilepsy, tics and hyperkinesis, stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence), encopresis (fecal incontinence), speech disorders - dyslalia (tongue-tied tongue), dysgraphia (written language impairment), dyslexia (reading disorder), dyscalculia (impaired ability to count ) etc.; - low intelligence and learning difficulties. - undeveloped social skills - often do not have a single close friend and communicate more successfully with adults than with peers; - fear of school - lack of experience of life in a team (home children); - diseases - epilepsy, tics and hyperkinesis, stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence), encopresis (fecal incontinence), speech disorders - dyslalia (tongue-tied tongue), dysgraphia (written language impairment), dyslexia (reading disorder), dyscalculia (impaired ability to count ) etc.; - low intelligence and learning difficulties.

The behavior of the victim is determined by the following indicators (I. Kolmen) his school supplies (textbooks, notebooks, personal items) are often scattered around the classroom, or hidden; in the classroom he behaves secretly, timidly, when he answers, noise, interference, comments begin to spread in the classroom; during recess, in the canteen, stays away from other students, hides, runs away from peers and older students, tries to stay close to teachers and adults; his school supplies (textbooks, notebooks, personal items) are often scattered around the classroom, or hidden; in the classroom he behaves secretly, timidly, when he answers, noise, interference, comments begin to spread in the classroom; during recess, in the canteen, stays away from other students, hides, runs away from peers and older students, tries to stay close to teachers and adults;

He is insulted, teased, given offensive nicknames, he reacts to aggressive actions on other children with a stupid smile, tries to laugh it off, run away, cries; gets along well with teachers and badly with peers; being late for school or leaving school late; during group games, classes, he is ignored or chosen last. he is insulted, teased, given offensive nicknames, he reacts to aggressive actions on other children with a stupid smile, tries to laugh it off, run away, cries; gets along well with teachers and badly with peers; being late for school or leaving school late; during group games, classes, he is ignored or chosen last.

Comparative table of psychological portraits of the victim, the aggressor and the self-confident child Program of action Attitude towards others Victim Sacrifices himself, suppresses his desires, feelings and emotions, suffers, experiences anxiety; allows others to make choices for themselves; avoids conflict, does not achieve goals Feels sympathy, guilt, or contempt for rivals, achieves goals through perseverance and integration outside of school Aggressor Achieves goals at the expense of other children; prefers to defiantly express his emotions and harm others, makes choices for others or offends if his opinion is ignored Feels like a winner, attacks more often than defends, like an outsider, may be isolated from peers Self-confident child Asserts his own position ; acts in their own interests; adequately expresses his feelings; respects the rights of others, usually achieves his goals, maintains respect for himself and others Feels respect for his own needs and is able to openly express his thoughts and feelings; has the ability to achieve goals; endure conflict situations

Psychological aspects of bullying prevention With regard to the post-stress consequences of bullying, primary prevention is implemented in three directions. 1. Creating conditions to prevent bullying. 2. The fastest and competent separation of the child (teenager) from the corresponding stressful effects. 3. Strengthening the protective forces of the individual and the body in resisting bullying, both for relatively healthy children and adolescents, and for those who already have a somatic or mental pathology. With regard to the post-stress consequences of bullying, primary prevention is implemented in three areas. 1. Creating conditions to prevent bullying. 2. The fastest and competent separation of the child (teenager) from the corresponding stressful effects. 3. Strengthening the protective forces of the individual and the body in resisting bullying, both for relatively healthy children and adolescents, and for those who already have a somatic or mental pathology.

Recommendations for teachers, psychologists, school administrators 1. Start with a precise definition of bullying acceptable to your educational institution. 2. Establish forms of bullying that take place in your school. 3. Find out in what ways teachers, administrative workers, school students maintain their authority. 1. Start with a precise definition of bullying acceptable to your educational institution. 2. Establish forms of bullying that take place in your school. 3. Find out in what ways teachers, administrative workers, school students maintain their authority.

4. The organization of actions should be started after researching the problem of violence at school with the help of questionnaires, studying special literature and video recordings. 5. Discussion of the problem. Conversations with schoolchildren, both individually and in a group, are very important and useful. 6. Identify school staff behaviors that promote positive interpersonal relationships among students. 4. The organization of actions should be started after researching the problem of violence at school with the help of questionnaires, studying special literature and video recordings. 5. Discussion of the problem. Conversations with schoolchildren, both individually and in a group, are very important and useful. 6. Identify school staff behaviors that promote positive interpersonal relationships among students.

7. Do not exclude "offenders" from sight. Be sure to talk not only with the guilty, but with their parents, even if this is difficult to do. Basic ideas for working with companies of offenders Working with offenders, "divide and rule" - offenders need to be urgently and effectively exposed; do not push for punishment, this will only strengthen the group solidarity of the offenders; working with one person, you need to skillfully use the power of confrontation of everything, for example, a cool community. 7. Do not exclude "offenders" from sight. Be sure to talk not only with the guilty, but with their parents, even if this is difficult to do. Basic ideas for working with companies of offenders Working with offenders, "divide and rule" - offenders need to be urgently and effectively exposed; do not push for punishment, this will only strengthen the group solidarity of the offenders; working with one person, you need to skillfully use the power of confrontation of everything, for example, a cool community.

8. Help a child who has become a victim to solve the problem himself, of course with the help of others. 9. Work constructively with parents. 8. Help a child who has become a victim to solve the problem himself, of course with the help of others. 9. Work constructively with parents.

Technique for responding to identified or established facts of bullying (bullying) 1. When a fact or suspicion of the existence of a bullying situation is established, the specialist reports the situation to the representative of the administration. 2. The administration, together with the psychological service of the school, decides on the urgency of responding to the revealed fact of aggression. 3. Direct work with victims and persecutors. 1. When establishing the fact or suspicion of the existence of a situation of bullying, the specialist informs the representative of the administration about the situation. 2. The administration, together with the psychological service of the school, decides on the urgency of responding to the revealed fact of aggression. 3. Direct work with victims and persecutors.

Psychological and pedagogical approaches to the correction of aggressive behavior The first step is to achieve harmonization of the emotional sphere of adolescents through the organization of various events and psychological actions: School-wide events such as “Minute of Glory”, “Star Factory”, etc. “Dating board” or “Our discoveries”. "Star Day", "Name Day". Organization of the Exhibition of Achievements. Organization of games that contribute to the reaction of negative emotions. The first step is to achieve harmonization of the emotional sphere of adolescents through the organization of various events and psychological actions: School-wide events such as “Minute of Glory”, “Star Factory”, etc. “Dating Board” or “Our Discoveries”. "Star Day", "Name Day". Organization of the Exhibition of Achievements. Organization of games that contribute to the reaction of negative emotions.

The second step is the rehabilitation of the "I". Activities: Organization of clubs or studios in which different children will participate. Big psychological games. Individual remedial sessions. The third step is behavior reorientation through various programs and trainings aimed at behavior modification. The second step is the rehabilitation of the "I". Activities: Organization of clubs or studios in which different children will participate. Big psychological games. Individual remedial sessions. The third step is behavior reorientation through various programs and trainings aimed at behavior modification.

How to work with aggressive children: recommendations for parents and teachers Depending on the identified causes of aggression in working with adults, it is necessary to make several accents: changing a negative attitude towards a child to a positive one; changing the style of interaction with children; expansion of the behavioral repertoire of parents and teachers through the development of their communication skills. Depending on the identified causes of aggression in working with adults, it is necessary to make several accents: changing a negative attitude towards a child to a positive one; changing the style of interaction with children; expansion of the behavioral repertoire of parents and teachers through the development of their communication skills.

Practical recommendations for parents and teachers on how to properly behave with children who show aggression towards adults or peers. 1. Calm attitude in case of minor aggression. 2. Focusing on actions (behavior), and not on individuals. 3. Control over your own negative emotions. 4. Discussion of wrongdoing. 5. Preservation of the positive reputation of the child. 6. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior. 7. Reducing the tension of the situation. 8. The work of restorative reconciliation. 1. Calm attitude in case of minor aggression. 2. Focusing on actions (behavior), and not on individuals. 3. Control over your own negative emotions. 4. Discussion of wrongdoing. 5. Preservation of the positive reputation of the child. 6. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior. 7. Reducing the tension of the situation. 8. The work of restorative reconciliation.

Types of aggression in children and ways to build relationships with them 1. Hyperactive-aggressive child. Such children, being brought up in a family of the “idol” type or in an atmosphere of permissiveness, getting into a group of peers, can become aggressive. It is necessary to correctly build a system of restrictions, using, among other things, game situations with rules. Encourage children to admit their own mistakes. Teach them not to place their blame on others. Develop a sense of empathy, sympathy for others - peers, adults and all living things.

2. Aggressively touchy and exhausted child. The resentment of a child can be associated not only with shortcomings in education or learning difficulties, but also with growing pains, maturation features nervous system and organism. Hypersensitivity, irritability, vulnerability can provoke aggressive behavior. Help your child to defuse mental stress, tinker with him in a noisy game. And try to avoid situations of overexertion if the child is almost always aggressive.

3. Aggressive child with oppositional defiant behavior. If a child is often rude, but not to everyone, but only to parents and people he knows, then something is probably wrong in your relationship. You rarely engage and communicate with the child; you are no longer a role model, as before; the child is bored, has nothing to do, and he transfers his own mood and problems to you, shifts responsibility for his behavior. Try to solve problems together, in cooperation with the child, but not for him.

4. Aggressive-fearful child. Hostility, suspicion can be a means of protecting the child from an imaginary threat, "attack". Work with fears, model, that is, create, a dangerous situation and overcome it together with your child; at the same time, the situation should be on the verge of pleasant and unpleasant with a predominance of pleasant.

5. Aggressively insensitive child. There are children who have an impaired ability for emotional response, empathy, sympathy for others. The reasons may be in adverse conditions of family upbringing, impaired intellectual development of the child, as well as in the features of emotional coldness, callousness, flatness, increased affective (emotional) excitability, which are transmitted from the parents or relatives of the child. At the same time, it is difficult for him to understand that the other, that is, the offended 5. Aggressively insensitive child. There are children who have an impaired ability for emotional response, empathy, sympathy for others. The reasons may be in adverse conditions of family upbringing, impaired intellectual development of the child, as well as in the features of emotional coldness, callousness, flatness, increased affective (emotional) excitability, which are transmitted from the parents or relatives of the child. At the same time, it is difficult for him to understand that the other, that is, the offended, is bad or hurt. Try to stimulate humane feelings in such a child: take pity, stroke cats and dogs, take care of animals; draw the attention of the child to the sad, depressed state of the other person and stimulate the desire to help. If this does not help, teach the child to be responsible - to "work out" for his aggressive behavior ("Now go and apologize", "Pet on the head", "Shake hands", "Offer a toy to the child offended by you" and the like).

Directions for corrective work with aggressive children 1. If aggression is a conscious, controlled act on the part of a child, then it is important for an adult not to succumb to this manipulation. 2. If aggression is an expression of anger, it is possible to use a variety of strategies to influence: Teaching children to control their emotions and ways to express negative feelings without harm to others; Teaching the ability to present your feelings to a communication partner through their pronunciation and invitation to cooperation; The formation of such qualities as empathy, trust in people. 1. If aggression is a conscious, controlled act on the part of a child, then it is important for an adult not to succumb to this manipulation. 2. If aggression is an expression of anger, it is possible to use a variety of strategies to influence: Teaching children to control their emotions and ways to express negative feelings without harm to others; Teaching the ability to present your feelings to a communication partner through their pronunciation and invitation to cooperation; The formation of such qualities as empathy, trust in people.

LITERATURE Berkovits L. Aggression: causes, consequences, control. SPb.: Neva, S. Beron R., Richardson D. Aggression. SPb.: Peter, S Guggenbühl A. Sinister charm of violence. SPb.: Academic prospectus, - P. 98. Grebenkin E.V. Prevention of aggression and violence at school. - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", Kleibert Yu.A. Psychology of deviant behavior. M.: Sphere, S. 47. Romanova O.L. Violence Prevention Program "Stop Violence". – M.: Globus, Semenyuk L.K. Psychological features of adolescent aggressive behavior and conditions for its correction. M.: Flinta, - S. 27. Berkowitz L. Aggression: causes, consequences, control. SPb.: Neva, S. Beron R., Richardson D. Aggression. SPb.: Peter, S Guggenbühl A. Sinister charm of violence. SPb.: Academic prospectus, - P. 98. Grebenkin E.V. Prevention of aggression and violence at school. - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", Kleibert Yu.A. Psychology of deviant behavior. M.: Sphere, S. 47. Romanova O.L. Violence Prevention Program "Stop Violence". – M.: Globus, Semenyuk L.K. Psychological features of adolescent aggressive behavior and conditions for its correction. M.: Flinta, - S. 27.

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External sources of violence for children and adolescents are often parents or relatives, neighbors, casual acquaintances suffering from mental anomalies and having deep psychological problems, as well as, paradoxically, teachers and educators.

Therefore, in the forefront, along with the need to organize assistance to affected children and adolescents, is the task of creating prevention - measures to reduce the likelihood of acts of violence in educational institutions. To create such a system, it is necessary to identify the factors that provoke ill-treatment and the conditions that reduce the possibility of aggressive behavior.

The school is inseparable from society and carries all the phenomena, including the negative ones, that occur in the country. Moreover, the school system itself, by its very nature, is clearly violent. The school is an institution with strict regulatory requirements for all members of the school community and the regulation of life. The question inevitably arises: where is the line beyond which violence begins? For example, should teachers demand that schoolchildren do their homework as violence? And in general, how to distinguish the necessary pedagogical influence from pedagogical violence?

In our opinion, this difference lies not so much in the field of forms and methods of such influence, but in the field of goals pursued by this particular teacher. Moreover, we are talking about true personal goals, which are often covered by standard and quite humane educational tasks.

1. Levels of prevention of violence in the school environment

Prevention is a system of state and public social, hygienic and medical measures.

Primary prevention

Study of the mechanisms of formation of maternal and paternal behavior, family type and upbringing.

The study and correction of violations of mother-child relations, which cause a decrease in the emotional well-being of the child and deviations in his optimal mental development in infancy, early childhood and preschool age.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional behavioral strategies and personal resources.

Directed awareness of the available personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior:

* I - concepts (self-esteem, attitudes towards oneself, one's abilities and shortcomings);

* own system of values, goals and attitudes, the ability to make independent choices, control one's behavior and life, solve simple and complex life problems, the ability to assess a particular situation and one's ability to control it;

* the ability to communicate with others, understand their behavior and perspectives, empathize and provide psychological and social support;

* awareness of the need to receive and provide support to others.

5. Development of personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior:

* the formation of self-acceptance, a positive attitude towards oneself, critical self-esteem and a positive attitude towards the possibilities of one's development, the ability to make mistakes, but also to correct them;

* formation of the ability to adequately assess problem situations and resolve life problems, manage oneself and change oneself;

* formation of the ability to set short-term and long-term goals and achieve them;

* the formation of the ability to control one's behavior and change one's life;

* formation of the ability to realize what is happening to me and why, as a result of the analysis of my own state;

* the formation of the ability to empathize with others and understand them, understand the motives and perspectives of their behavior (the formation of skills of empathy, affiliation, listening, dialogue, conflict resolution, expression of feelings, decision-making);

* the formation of the ability to accept and provide psychological and social support to others.

6. Development of highly effective strategies and behavioral skills:

* Skills in making decisions and overcoming life's problems;

* skills of perception, use and rendering of psychological and social support;

* Skills in assessing the social situation and taking responsibility for one's own behavior in it;

* skills to defend their boundaries and protect their personal space;

* skills to protect one's self, self-support and mutual support;

* skills of conflict-free and effective communication.

Secondary prevention:

*early intervention in the correction of clinical and biological disorders in a child;

*study of family genogram;

correction of family relations, physical and emotional ties, determination of parent-child boundaries;

clear family roles.

Tertiary prevention is carried out in relation to adolescents who have committed an offense, and its goal is to correct the behavior of a teenager and its development, and not the crime itself. It is planned to create juvenile courts that evaluate the anthroposociocentric approach to the personality of a teenager, taking into account his social vulnerability in society, negative social experience and low social prospects.

violence teenager cruelty

2. School violence prevention program

The purpose of the program is to identify the level of morality of children of primary school age, the prevention of cruelty and aggressiveness of children of primary school age.

Program objectives:

1. The study of moral values ​​of primary school students.

2. Formation of the moral foundations of the personality of a younger student.

3. Involvement of younger students in extracurricular activities (game interaction, subject-practical activities, security and protective activities).

4. Formation of the humanistic attitude of children to the world around them as a whole.

Expected results:

Prevention of rigidity and aggressiveness in children of primary school age in relation to the environment and their peers; - raising the level of moral upbringing of children.

Participants of the program: younger schoolchildren and their parents, primary school teachers, social pedagogue.

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

1. High level of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers of a general education school. 2. Sufficient material and technical equipment. 3. Joint efforts of the teacher, family, micro-society.


Over the past decades, Russia has undergone profound changes in all spheres: economy, politics, social structure. Raising a child, taking care of his health and well-being is a laborious process that requires a lot of strength and patience from parents. As practice shows, even in prosperous families, where parents experience sincere love and affection for their children, such forms of influence on the child as corporal punishment, intimidation, depriving the child of communication or walks can be used in the educational process. At the same time, most parents are well aware that such tactics of education are a violation of the rights of their children, as well as the cause of possible deviations in the mental and physical development of the child. The position of the child in families with a lower level of culture, in families where the child becomes a burden rather than a joy in life, is much worse. The above methods of upbringing, which are rather the exception for the first group of families, are becoming the norm here. The situation is even more aggravated if one or both parents suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction, or the family experiences constant financial difficulties. Therefore, the problem of violence and child abuse in the family today is the issue that needs not only to be discussed, but also to take measures to address it.


1. Prevention of rigidity and aggressiveness in the school environment and ways to overcome it Compiled by Maltseva OA, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Andrology, TOGIRRO.

2. Social work of the school with the family. V.N. Gurov. Pedagogical Society of Russia, Moscow 2002

3. Grebenkin E.V. "Prevention of aggression and violence at school". Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2006

4. Handbook of social pedagogue. Shishkovets T.A. -M..VAKO, 2005-2008 p.-(Pedagogy. Psychology. Management

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