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Delicate indoor flower spathiphyllum, or "female happiness", is loved by many flower growers. Some are attracted by its simple but graceful snow-white flowers. There are those who are delighted with the dark green shiny foliage of the spathiphyllum. However, unfortunately, for all its comparative unpretentiousness, sometimes a flower loses its attractive appearance. Most often, flower growers complain that the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn yellow and blacken. Let's see why this happens.

Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn black?

Usually problems with growing indoor plants are associated with errors in care. So, for example, most often the leaves of plants turn black due to excessive dryness in the room. The fact is that many residents of window sills have roots from tropical regions, where it rains almost daily. They are closer to constant high humidity, and therefore the dry air of our houses due to central heating is atypical, and therefore destructive. The same applies to spathiphyllum, which in the wild prefers to grow along streams, swamps and rivers.

It often happens that the spathiphyllum leaves turn black due to illness. And waterlogging leads to the disease itself. As you can see, excessive watering, like its absence, is equally harmful to the plant. Excess moisture promotes the development of pathogenic fungi, such as black rot. It affects the roots of the flower, its stem, and then the leaves, covering it with black spots.

Another reason why spathiphyllum leaves turn black may be the need for top dressing. Most plants need fertilizers containing phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen to grow and bloom. In their absence or irregularity, “female happiness” reacts by blackening the tips of sharp leaves.

What to do if the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn black?

For your pet to bounce back and delight you with green foliage again, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that caused such unpleasant changes. The most dangerous cause of blackening of the leaves is waterlogging and, accordingly, black rot. If measures are not taken in time, the spathiphyllum will simply die. First of all, you need to pull the flower out of the pot, remove the damaged roots and leaves, and treat the whole ones with activated powder. Then the flower is transplanted into a new pot with new soil.

With a lack of moisture, the spathiphyllum should be sprayed often, and also placed in a pan filled with stones with water.

Fertilizing with complex fertilizers for flowering plants is carried out from spring to autumn every two weeks.

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Spathiphyllum, or Spathiphyllum, from the Aroid family is well known to amateur flower growers as an excellent ornamental houseplant, which has earned very wide popularity due to its surprisingly beautiful, unusual flowers.

With insufficient care, the leaves and flowers of the spathiphyllum begin to turn black, and other changes in the appearance of the room culture also occur.

Why do the tips and edges of the leaves turn black

The notorious, ubiquitous problem of this ornamental plant, well known in indoor floriculture, is the appearance of dried and blackened leaf tips, which greatly spoil the appearance of the culture. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the causes of this phenomenon and eliminate them:

  • the main rule for caring for spathiphyllums is the presence of high humidity, so overdrying often becomes the main reason for changing the color of the tips of the leaves;
  • incorrect arrangement of the indoor flower can also be a factor causing darkening of the leaves;
  • the tips of the leaves may turn black due to a lack of phosphorus-potassium or nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

It is for this reason that it is very important to observe not only the temperature regime, but also adhere to the optimal humidity indicators in the room for growing indoor decorative culture. The most comfortable are the following conditions for growing spathiphyllum in indoor floriculture:

  • the upper part of the soil mixture must be sure to dry before the next watering;
  • at the stage of active plant growth (from about the end of February to September), the plant needs to be fed with a full complex fertilizer in a low concentration;
  • periodically, an adult room culture should be transplanted with a complete replacement of the soil;
  • the heat-loving houseplant Spathiphyllum develops and grows well in humid air and a temperature of 20-23 ° C, but the presence of direct sunlight can be detrimental to a room decorative culture.

From time to time it is advisable to provide a warm, refreshing shower to the Spathiphyllum potted flower. However, it must be remembered that overzealous watering causes rotting of the rhizome, which is also characterized by the appearance of black tips on the leaves. The solution to such a common problem is quite simple and is to regulate the water supply of indoor spathiphyllum.

Spathiphyllum: flowers turn black (now we know)

Why spots appear

In some cases, the spathiphyllum not only leaves the edges dry, but also characteristic black drying spots appear in the central part of the leaf blades. Usually, dark brown or black spots on the spathiphyllum may indicate overwatering, which accompany a houseplant for quite a long time. In this case, the root system of the ornamental culture quickly begins to rot, which causes blackening of the leaves.

As a result of a burn of the root system with fertilizers, extensive dark spots appear on the leaves of the spathiphyllum very quickly. The leaves then turn yellow and die.

To correct this situation, it is enough to rinse the root system of the plant in clean and warm settled water, and then transplant it into a clean soil substrate.

The flower turns black in the case of the so-called "wet" hypothermia, which accompanies evening watering with subsequent freezing of the root system on a cold windowsill. In this case, it is recommended to insulate the window sill or place the flower pot at some distance from the window in winter. With a strong freezing of the roots, saving a houseplant can be quite difficult. An increase in the immunity of an ornamental culture and watering through a pan with warm water with the addition of "Kornevin" has a good effect.

Causes of blackening of flowers

Spathiphyllum flowers are very attractive, and abundant flowering makes this indoor culture very decorative. Spathiphyllum has a very high level of sensitivity to waterlogging of the soil, and if this happens, the cores turn black and the flowers darken.

Insufficient soil moisture when growing "female happiness" (as spathiphyllum is often called) is also very difficult for the plant to tolerate and negatively affects the appearance of the flowers. The plant needs almost constant and regular spraying of the leaves, but moisture should not be allowed to get inside the flowers themselves.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

As a rule, while observing the cultivation technology and providing the plant with full care, diseases and pests of spathiphyllum practically do not affect.

Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn black

Nevertheless, you should pay special attention to the indoor flower in the following cases:

  • a fairly common pest of Spathiphyllum is a mealybug, for the destruction of which it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a weak alcohol solution, and then spray it with an infusion based on citrus peels or Aktellik;

  • damage by a sooty fungus is accompanied by blackening of the leaves of the spathiphyllum, and treatment of the affected surfaces with a standard soap solution is used for treatment;
  • significant damage to the flower can be caused by shield moth, which provokes the appearance of dark spots on a houseplant, and to combat which a soap-tobacco solution or treatment of the aerial part with nicotine sulfate is used, at the rate of 1 g of the drug per 1 liter of warm water.

The best way to prevent Spathiphyllum from being attacked by pests or diseases is still to systematically wipe the foliage with a damp sponge.

How to care for spathiphyllum (now we know)

When growing a spathiphyllum, one should take into account the fact that foliage grows better in pots that are too large for a houseplant, and in order to obtain abundant and prolonged flowering, it is imperative to observe the proportion between the size of the root system and the diameter of the planting container.


Spathiphyllum: the tips of the leaves dry

Spathiphyllum is exactly that indoor plant, from which experienced and novice flower growers do not have any special problems with its cultivation. This is one of the easiest plants to care for.

However, problems can still arise. One of them is the drying of the tips of the leaves of female happiness. So, the tips of the leaves dry at the spathiphyllum - what is the true reason for this phenomenon?

If the tips of the leaves of female happiness begin to gradually blacken from their very tips, perhaps it was simply flooded with excess water. The plant loves water, but not in excess. Especially it does not tolerate "overflow" in the case when it stands in a cool room.

It is worth being very careful with watering in the winter. With excess moisture, female happiness can be affected by horse rot, which leads to the drying of the tips of the leaves.

In this state of affairs, it is worthwhile to carefully examine all the roots and eliminate their rotten parts. To do this, you need to carefully remove the plant from the pot, blot the ground with a newspaper, cut out the blackened roots, and the rest are treated with activated charcoal. Further, the plant requires a transplant to a new land, after which special care must be taken when watering.

The tips of the leaves can dry out not only due to excess moisture, but also due to problematic watering. Lack of moisture is a very important reason for the yellowing of the tips of the leaves. Maybe you just water your spathiphyllum very infrequently, or the earth ball dries up between waterings, which is not recommended. It should be slightly moist even during the winter.

You need to adjust the watering regimen of the plant. It should be plentiful in spring and summer, but moderate in autumn and winter. At the same time, moisture stagnation should not be observed in the pot.

In addition to all of the above, the leaves may turn yellow due to lack of light. Women's happiness is a plant that loves light. But you do not need to put it in direct sunlight, let the light be a little diffused.

Another very common reason for the drying of the tips of the leaves can be insufficiently humid air in the room.

Spathiphyllum leaves turn black - what to do?

Spathiphyllum does not like dry air, so you should try to spray its leaves as often as possible, especially in the hot season. It is best to install the pot directly on a layer of expanded clay, which will be constantly wetted with water.

Also, the drying tips of the leaves can be a sign of damage to the plant by any pests. It is not difficult to determine this.

Video: How to care for spathiphyllum Everything will be fine ...

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Spathiphyllum: leaves turn black

Spathiphyllum is a very popular indoor flower among flower growers. The plant is quite unpretentious, but sometimes the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn black, and it loses its attractive appearance. Let's try to figure out why the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn black? What is the reason for the adverse changes that occur with a houseplant?

Spathiphyllum: tips of leaves turn black

The fact that the spathiphyllum leaves dry and turn black is more often associated with a violation of watering. Either the plant is watered excessively, or the plant is not watered enough, moreover, in the room where the flower is kept, the air is dry. Experienced flower growers recommend watering the plant only as the soil dries up, but on the other hand, weekly spraying the flower from a spray bottle, and periodically dousing with a small shower in the summer.

Spathiphyllum turns black

Sometimes flower growers ask the question: I water regularly, why does the spathiphyllum turn black?

There can be two reasons.

Spathiphyllum flowers turn black

Less often, but such a phenomenon is observed: flowers turn black in a spathiphyllum, what to do in this case? As noted above, a houseplant is sensitive to waterlogging of the soil, as a result, the core and tips of the petals may blacken. The advice is the same: regulate watering, avoid excessive flooding of the roots.

With good care, the elegant spathiphyllum will delight you with its bright green shiny leaves and snow-white flowers!

The black color of the various organs of the plant is, of course, associated with the deterioration of the health of the spathiphyllum. Externally, black looks different. There may be “dry” blackness, the affected areas dry up, crumble. And also weeping blackening is a clear sign of the process of decay, when fungal spores and mold appear on top of the affected area. When the spathiphyllum is unwell, the flowers turn black: the cores, the veil darken, the tips of the inflorescences also acquire an unhealthy dark shade.

Why is this happening?

Like it or not, but most of the ailments are associated with errors in care, which lead to such disastrous consequences. Most often, black flowers signal problems with the root system..

Excess moisture

A moisture-loving plant should be watered regularly. The flower really prefers moist soil, but not stagnant water.

But it is important to know that abundant watering gets tired in summer, and moderate watering in winter.

Here we must not forget about changes in fluid volumes with the change of seasons. With the constant presence of the roots in a wet substrate, the process of decay occurs. The disease is expressed by darkening of most of the leaf, a black rim along the edge of the inflorescence. Also, excess fluid can form if there is no drainage in the flower pot, which leads to fluid stagnation.

fungal diseases

Fungal diseases are considered another reason for the defeat of flowers, primarily affecting the roots of the plant. Particularly good fungal infections develop in a moist substrate and at low air temperatures. The external picture of lesions is blackness with characteristic signs of fungal intercourse. The affected part of the flower is weeping, loose. Perhaps the appearance of spots and blotches of brown color. Fungal infections are also dangerous because they spread quickly and affect nearby houseplants.


Spathiphyllum is a heat-loving flower, and with drafts and a sudden drop in temperature, the foliage leans lifelessly down, the inflorescences darken. For example, this can happen when transporting a room exotic from a store during the cold season. Or when frosty air enters the room and directly on “women's happiness”.

If hypothermia is not significant, then the flower restores elasticity, but black dry tips remain. Enough it is dangerous if the flower has undergone hypothermia in a wet state. The consequences of such a phenomenon can be disastrous.

Low air humidity

High humidity for this plant is quite important. Through large leaves, gas exchange occurs, a significant amount of moisture evaporates, which, accordingly, must be compensated by watering or a humid microclimate. But in the conditions of an apartment, it is quite difficult to create optimal humidity parameters, especially in winter. With dry air, many ailments develop. A symptom of low humidity: the leaf itself is green, only the tips of the leaves and the edges of the bedspread are black.

Illiterate use of mineral fertilizers

Often, a lack or excess of nutrients leads to blackening of the edges of the inflorescence. From time to time, the soil in which the plant will grow should be updated. After all, the soil is depleted, and the plant reacts sharply to the lack of micronutrients. It is recommended to feed indoor exotic all year round..

To restore the natural balance, it is necessary to fertilize the plant with a complex of minerals, thereby protecting the flower from starvation.

However, incorrect dosage of fertilizers or their illiterate use can provoke blackness of inflorescences. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions on the package of the drug, do not increase the indicated amount of minerals.

Consequences for "women's happiness"

The blackness of snow-white flowers, of course, spoils the aesthetic appearance of the plant. Of course, this upsets the owner of the spathiphyllum, but this is only a symptom of poor health. If dark spots on the bedspread, blotches, black tips or roots are visible on a recently still healthy plant, this is a signal for action.

It is important to determine the cause. If the wrong care is to blame, then the situation is fixable, it is only necessary to put in order the conditions of detention. Worse, when the exotic rots, as a result, an infectious disease develops. In this case, you need to catch yourself in time and take emergency rescue measures, otherwise the spathiphyllum will die. It is possible that in the later stages the whole flower will become black, then all the actions taken are in vain.

What to do if parts of the plant darken?

Tips only

There are many reasons for the darkening of the edges of the indoor flower. The most common of these is humidity. To get rid of this disease, you should:

  1. normalize the temperature and humidity conditions in the room;
  2. use a humidifier regularly;
  3. spray the leaves daily with a spray bottle;
  4. if possible, place a flower pot near the aquarium;
  5. put a pallet next to the flower with wet expanded clay or sand;
  6. remove a flower from a cold windowsill in winter.

Spread to flowers

If the leaves began to turn black, brown spots of various forms appeared on them, possible causes: fungal diseases, in particular black rot. This disease affects all organs of the plant. Together with the foliage, the middle of the inflorescences and the edge turn black. In this case, you should act immediately.

  1. Move the infected spathiphyllum to a separate room.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot, analyze the root system.
  3. With a sharp knife, cut off all rotted areas to living tissue. Remove diseased flower stalks completely.
  4. Disinfect sections with an antiseptic.
  5. Treat the plant with a 0.2% solution of the drug Fundazol or Topsin.
  6. Be sure to change the soil. Choose a substrate designed for Aroids.
  7. In the future, normalize the irrigation system and indoor microclimate.
  8. After 2 weeks, re-treat the flower with a fungicide.
  9. Move the houseplant to a place with diffused light, minimizing watering for the adaptation period.


Despite the apparent difficulties, caring for spathiphyllum is easy. Main:

So, now you have information for a full recovery, further care, and preventive measures for your beloved spathiphyllum. Do not neglect the advice, and a beautiful exotic will delight you with long flowering and excellent views for more than one year.

Among the many varieties of domestic plants, spathiphyllum is very popular. This tropical flower is loved by many housewives. Caring for it is simple, but when the cold season comes, the plant reacts sharply to the dry air in the living room. It begins to dry and blacken the tips of the leaves. For what reason is the indoor flower sick and how to help your favorite plant?

plant description

Many flower growers are familiar with spaciphylus under another common name - "woman's happiness". An elegant-looking flower is considered unpretentious in care and is very popular. It can be seen in almost every home. With proper care, he pleases with his original and exquisite flowering.

The indoor flower belongs to the genus Spathiphyllum and there are 45 plant species in total. Some of these species are very decorative in appearance. The homeland of a tropical plant is South America, the tropics of several countries:

  • Brazil;
  • Colombia;
  • Venezuela;
  • Philippine Islands.

Unusual inflorescences of a white plant resemble a white blanket. Translated from Greek, the name of the flower has two words - “veil” and “white”.

Foliage with solid edges has an oval shape, and in the very center prominent central vein. Thinner veins adjoin it. The petioles of the flower expand at the base. The species with white inflorescences are mostly common, although there are less rare species with a greenish veil.

The flowering time of the spathiphyllum is approximately 2-3 weeks in the spring season. If properly cared for, the flower will delight with its flowering in summer and autumn. When the flowering period has come to an end and the inflorescences have dried up, they must be removed.

Features of care

Even such an easy-to-care houseplant needs constant care and attention. When the spathiphyllum leaves turn black or begin to turn yellow, the tips of the leaves dry, such symptoms should be an alarm. The plant reacts to improper care, disease. Necessary immediately after the manifestation of the listed symptoms take action otherwise the plant will continue to hurt and may soon die.

Spathiphyllum is one of those plants that need warmth, because it comes from the tropics. It is recommended in the warm season to create high humidity for the flower in the room. In winter, spathiphyllum should be limited in watering, it does not tolerate excessive moisture. Excess water from the pan must be removed if it is there.

Indoor flower does not tolerate direct sunlight. For normal development, penumbra is more suitable for him. The temperature regime in the summer should be within 22-23 ° C, and in the cold season the temperature should not fall below 18 ° C. The flower reacts very painfully to drafts in the room. If you do not know these features, the spathiphyllum will be difficult to grow without problems.

Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn black?

There can be several reasons why this plant has problems. Most often, flower growers notice that the tips of the leaves begin to blacken at the flower. This is influenced by various unfavorable conditions for growing "women's happiness". The main indicator of the health and proper care of a spathiphyllum is its beautiful appearance. Often, flower growers notice that the tips of the leaves dry at the spathiphyllum. Most likely, such signs are associated with a violation of watering a houseplant.

Experienced flower growers identify two reasons why the tips of the faces of the leaves of the plant turn black:

  • excessive watering;
  • inadequate nutrition.

When the plant is too often, watered abundantly and is in a cool room, its roots begin to rot. Gradually, this is reflected on the leaves of the spathiphyllum - the tips of the leaves dry, black spots appear on them. When it is seen that the root system begins to darken, then this is a clear sign of damage to gray rot. It is necessary to immediately treat the soil with fungicides, and place the plant in a ventilated room with a temperature of at least 16 ° C. In the winter season, it is better to put the plant on a windowsill facing south. The plant should be watered only with settled water and reduce the number of waterings.

The second reason - lack of nutrition. This may be due to insufficient amounts of nitrogen or phosphorus in the soil mixture. If this is the reason, then you need to apply fertilizer, which includes:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

The dosage of top dressing should correspond to that indicated on the package. In the warm season, fertilizer is applied 1 time in 2-3 weeks. In the cold season, the spathiphyllum does not need fertilizer, since it is at rest.

Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow?

Although spathiphyllum is considered an easy-to-care houseplant, troubles can appear in the process of its development. Very often one has to observe that the indoor flower turns yellow or dries and the question immediately arises, why is this happening? Experts believe that this is due to low indoor humidity. When the air is too dry, then the tips of the leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow or dry at the ends.

You can spray the plant more often at home, but this does not always give positive results. Humidity can be increased in other ways:

  • the pot should be placed in a tray with moistened pebbles;
  • cover the soil in a pot with wet moss;
  • place a container of water next to the pot.

Yellowing or drying leaves may be due to too dry soil or excessive watering. The second reason is that the capacity is too small, the flower needs a freer pot.

The main cause of dryness and yellowness of the leaves can be direct sunlight or excess sunlight. For example, direct sunlight will cause burns on the leaves of the plant.

If the plant is over-watered, it can also cause dryness and yellowing of the foliage. It is advisable to water as the topsoil dries. It is best to spray the leaves of "female happiness" more often, to prevent stagnant water, to carry out moderate watering so that the soil is slightly dry, but not dry.

By following the simple rules for caring for spathiphyllum at home, you can achieve regular flowering. A healthy plant will delight the eye with juicy green foliage, exquisite white flowers.

Any gardener will tell you that sooner or later one of the plants begins to either shed its foliage, or the leaves gradually begin to dry. Moreover, all attempts to reanimate the flower are in vain. A lover of "pleasing" with dry leaves -. There are a lot of reasons why the tips of the leaves dry at “female happiness”, and sometimes you don’t even know about them, and the answer to the tormenting question lies on the surface.

At the flower "female happiness" the tips of the leaves dry and turn yellow

The most difficult thing is with yellowness and dryness. With such symptoms, all the subtleties of the care regimen are usually observed, and pests with diseases are excluded. You should not be afraid and start an attack with fertilizers and increased watering. If you have been caring for the plant all this time using the same technique and there have been no problems, then nothing terrible has happened. It's almost certainly just a stage in your pet's development. The fact is that in this way the plants are prepared for the upcoming flowering, they literally remove the excess and accumulate strength. And there is also a possibility that in addition to flowering, new sprouts in a flowerpot await you.

The second reason why the tips of the leaves dry in “female happiness” and characteristic yellowness is observed may be banal aging. Yes, plants do too. After flowering, the flower has almost no strength left, and thus he asks you for help. And pay attention to how exactly the foliage begins to dry out and die:

  • when the tips of the leaves dry at the very base of the “female happiness” flower, then the old large leaves die off, this is a normal process and your pet really saves its strength;
  • but when new leaves begin to dry and turn yellow, you should sound the alarm and start looking for reasons.

What to do if the leaves of “female happiness” suddenly dry?

In principle, each process has its own starting point. In other words, you began to violate the care regimen for "female happiness", and as a result, the tips of the leaves dry. What can really affect the condition of most plants is the location, watering regimen and shortage (or maybe excess). The list below has answers to the question why the tips of the leaves dry at “female happiness”, perhaps you will find your own version:

As for the location of the flowerpot, in order to avoid the problem when the tips of the leaves dry, it is better to choose a place for the “female happiness” flower on the western or eastern window. Then he will have enough light, and the sun's rays will not burn the foliage.