Haircuts for guys of medium length. Types of men's haircuts

Men are interesting people. Many of them are not interested in their appearance and the smallest thing they can do is cut their hair once a month. Of course, there are exceptions among men, such are called metrosexuals, who very carefully monitor their appearance and fashion in general. But this category of men is rare and not so common. Let's take a look at the average men who cut their hair and forget about it. It will be about fashionable short men's haircuts that do not need styling.

How to choose the right short men's haircut?

For those who want to look their best, when choosing a hairstyle, it is better to consider some of the tips noticed by professional hairdressers for a long time. Usually these rules are associated with a specific face shape.

  1. For guys with a square shape, the presence of wide cheekbones and an angular chin is characteristic. Therefore, in this case, short-cropped sides will look beautiful, and the hair on the crown can be left longer.
  2. Those with an oval face are more fortunate. Different fashionable hairstyles suit them. No matter how you cut your hair, always handsome.
  3. For chubby men, it's best not to cut your hair very short. It is better to leave the hair longer on top. So the face is visually stretched, which brings it closer to the ideal.
  4. For a triangular face, you can choose a haircut with long bangs that fit on the side.

However, it should be borne in mind that short haircuts are not suitable for all men. This exception includes the lucky owners of large ears, a disproportionate head shape, large birthmarks on the head, scars and other imperfections. Therefore, the best option to hide the ugly is authentic.

Ultra short haircut

One of the most fashionable hairstyles today is an ultra-short haircut, which is done under a typewriter. The hair length of such a haircut is the same everywhere. She looks very masculine, you don't need to care for and dry. This is probably what many men like about her.

In order to somehow diversify the image, many start up a two-day stubble, which looks very good with such a hairstyle.


For young and extravagant guys who want to stand out from the gray crowd, you can get a mohawk haircut. This is a short, fashionable hairstyle, which is a small patch of rather long hair left right in the middle of the head. The hair on the sides is cut very short. So, if necessary, you only need to take care of and fix with varnish with an oblong island in the middle.


One of the popular haircuts that does not go out of style is the Canadian. This hairstyle looks good on straight and curly hair. To do it, you need to have hair at least three centimeters. The temporal region is removed with a typewriter, and the crown remains slightly longer.

The Canadian is suitable for those who are tired of short men's haircuts and want something new. She looks pretty neat and beautiful, which attracts most men. The main thing in this hairstyle is smooth transitions, nothing should stick out anywhere. It looks especially good on blond hair.

Boxing is a fairly frequent men's haircut. This is a hairstyle for confident and cocky men. Despite the fact that it is very easy to perform, it is not suitable for everyone. The head for this haircut must be perfect: no scars, birthmarks or other imperfections. Otherwise, everyone around will be able to contemplate this.

Understanding hairstyles, many are beginning to wonder what is the difference between boxing and semi-boxing. The answer is simple: the box cut is cut shorter and the edging starts above the occipital protuberance. Otherwise, there is not much difference.


Haircut Tennis came to us from sports life. For the first time, it was the male tennis players who began to get their hair cut like that, who did not experience the most pleasant sensations, sweating under the scorching sun. Then this haircut was adopted by the rest of the athletes.

The main advantage of this haircut is that it suits all men, regardless of age, hair color and face type. Also a good plus is the simplicity of its installation. There are different variations of it, everyone will find their own.

Tennis has varieties: one of them is called "Hedgehog", the other "Bobrik". Despite the fact that the names are very funny, the haircuts themselves look very serious.

The complete stylish image of modern men is impossible without a fashionable hairstyle. To avoid disappointment, before going to the hairdresser, you should decide on your preferences. To do this, you need to find out what names men's haircuts have, as well as what are their differences from each other. Only in this case the master will be able to do exactly what you have in mind.


A classic haircut requires a smooth styling, in which the hair must maintain its natural volume. The length of the strands usually does not exceed 3-5 cm. Haircuts in this style are suitable for owners of all types of hair.

In addition, you don't have to worry about your hairstyle going out of style - it will always be up-to-date. Classic haircuts include:

  • Boxing is a short haircut that resembles a gladiator's helmet. Often, when performing hairstyles, masters shave whiskey.
  • Semi-boxing is a variation of boxing with longer strands in the parietal region.
  • British - hairstyle with a side parting and elongated strands at the crown.
  • Canadian - a haircut, characterized by a significant amount of curls from the forehead to the crown, short nape and temples.
  • Bob - a thick layer of strands is left on the crown and back of the head, hair is shorter on the temples. The haircut can be styled evenly or the strands can be tousled in different directions, giving the image a casual look.
  • Platform - hair of medium length is cut in a flat area, the area of \u200b\u200bthe back of the head and temples should be shortened. Suitable for men with hard hair.

In addition to the time-tested, there are options that have gained popularity not so long ago:

  • Hitler Youth - short temples and nape in combination with elongated curls at the crown.
  • Princeton - a haircut with long strands at the top of the head, blending into shorter strands at the temples and back of the head.
  • Caesar - hair at the temples is cut very short. Long strands are left on the back of the head, which are laid to one side.

Sport style

Differs in a restrained appearance and ease of care. Sporty men's hairstyles resemble classic boxing with short strands at the temples and the back of the head slightly longer at the top.

This haircut is suitable for men of all ages who prefer not to waste time styling. The most popular sports haircuts are named as follows:

  • Zero is an uncompromising and extreme option, ideal for men who want to add brutality to their look. Hair length usually does not exceed 5mm. However, the hairstyle requires a perfect skull shape.
  • Hedgehog - the length of the strands can reach 7 mm at the bottom of the head, and 12 mm at the top. The haircut repeats the silhouette of the skull, but if desired, the shape can be slightly extended by lifting up the curls with the help of styling.
  • Tennis - elongated top strands, combed back. The hair should be short on the sides. Will give the missing angularity to chubby men.


Already from the very name of the style, it is clear that the hairstyles will be conservative and short. Indeed, for military men, convenience and minimal hair care are important. The style assumes several varieties of men's hairstyles, but they are all characterized. Sometimes in the upper part of the head, the curls remain elongated, but not more than 20 mm.

Romantic men's haircuts

They are performed on medium-length hair with oblique or straight bangs. Includes a lot of options: from retro with combed voluminous bangs to tousled light strands falling over the shoulders.

The haircut has smooth lines and is suitable for men with pretty features. The most famous owner of this hairstyle is Leonardo DiCaprio.


Hairstyles characterized by unusual elements and deliberately careless styling. In the grunge style, the presence of long oblique bangs, asymmetry, shaved temples or the back of the head is encouraged. As for the length, there are no restrictions: it can be anything. For men with curly hair, such haircuts will be a real godsend - curly curls will require a minimum of effort to maintain the chosen image.

Choose a style based on your own taste and lifestyle. Knowing the names of men's hairstyles, you can easily explain to the master what is required of him.

Until recently, monthly visits to hairdressing salons were considered a woman's prerogative. The real man dropped in there for fifteen minutes, removed the excess and left this institution as unnoticed as possible. And, of course, you would never hear: "Oh, you have a new hairstyle!" in a real male conversation.

Fortunately, the metrosexual movement, and just the culture of looking after oneself, is becoming increasingly popular among the strong half of humanity. The complexity of styling for the most stylish and desperate fashionistas sometimes exceeds the complexity of women's hairstyles.

And yet, the most popular are those haircuts that will look as impressive as possible with minimal effort.

Fashionable hairstyles for men

Most of the trendiest modern hairstyles are designed for short hair. Extremely short, and sometimes completely shaved, whiskey and the back of the head have become especially popular. In this case, the hair on the crown and bangs can have a very impressive length.

Parting on the side

Let's start our review with the unchanged classics. This hairstyle has been relevant for the last two hundred years. She is invariably associated with style, intelligence and intelligence. This is the hairstyle of a true gentleman.


This is one of the most common haircuts for men. Half boxing is a very democratic option that is suitable for both employees of companies with a strict dress code and men who are not limited by any regulations. In this haircut, there is a smooth transition from longer strands at the crown to shorter ones at the temples and back of the head.


She is a "mushroom", very much like a semi-box, but it is less official. It also does not have a "high nape", like a semi-box, that is, the head looks more rounded. Fade styling is simple and straightforward, does not require skills in handling a hairdryer and a comb-brush.


Gorgeous hairstyle, a choice of real dudes. A prominent representative and "promoter" is the king of rock and roll Elvis Presley. Pompadour is associated with the style, rebellion and coolness of "rebels for no reason" of the 50s. Whoever saw the good old films "Crybaby" with Johnny Depp and "Grease" with John Travolta, imagine all the chic of this hairstyle.

The pompadour also resembles a half-box, but has an elongated top, which is laid back in a high hairstyle. Previously, this was done with grease, but now, much to our relief, there are much more pleasant means for fixing the hairstyle.


Undercut or under is a very bold haircut, as it implies shaved temples and the back of the head (less often - very short haircut). In fact, the hair remains only on the forehead and crown, thus forming a wide mohawk. As in the "pompadour", the bangs are lifted and combed back.

Node at the top

An extended version of the previous haircut (clipping), in which the hair is gathered in a small ponytail. This hairstyle came to us from the formidable samurai and really carries in itself a special masculinity and mystery.

Male bun

This is a really shocking hairstyle, as it challenges the stereotype that only girls can wear a "bun". Hair collected in this way, and even in combination with a neat but thick beard, greatly increases the level of a man's sexuality.

Such different short haircuts

Men who are inexperienced in style and fashion may have the feeling that a short haircut is something boring and always the same. But we have already demonstrated six such haircuts, and this is far from the limit. Due to the variety of styling and hairstyles for short hair, every man, regardless of the structure and color of his hair, as well as the shape of his face, can choose a short haircut that will emphasize his dignity.

Nevertheless, you can familiarize yourself with some of the features of short haircuts to decide which option is best for you:

  • For those with fine hair, it is better to thin the strands to add volume.
  • At the same time, for soft hair, focus on naturalness.
  • And with "liquid" hair, it is better to pay attention to asymmetric haircuts, but avoid too long strands.
  • For wavy hair, it is better to make a "cascade" haircut.
  • Men with wide faces are also better off going for layered haircuts.
  • But the owner of thin elongated faces can experiment with slight negligence.

Male braid

One of the trends of 2016 is the men's braid. Who would have thought that a braid could make a man look brutal. Of course, to dare to have such a hairstyle, you need to have immeasurable self-confidence.

As you can see, men's fashion also does not stand still, and now it is much easier for men, and most importantly, it is not shameful to look well-groomed and even a little shocking.

Of course, when choosing a short haircut, it is necessary to take into account the age and type of appearance, as well as lifestyle, features of work and hobbies. A hairstyle, like the whole image, should reveal individuality, however, if caring for it, and even “wearing” it itself, causes inconvenience - go to the salon, the master will solve this problem.

When it comes to choosing clothes or hairstyles, men are often much more conservative than women. The main selection criteria for them invariably remain convenience and functionality. But you shouldn't forget about looking attractive too. Therefore, especially for the representatives of the strong half, designers come up with haircuts and hairstyles based on them, which will decorate and emphasize courage.

Hair that gets in the way during work can often seriously ruin the mood of its owner. Many stylish short hairstyles are specially designed to prevent this from happening.

A man's profession associated with intense physical labor, playing sports, serving in the army - these are the cases when men choose short haircuts. It seems as if the short length of the strands does not allow for a wide variety of hairstyles.

But skilled hairdressers create interesting variations based on classic haircuts for short hair of any thickness and structure. They are versatile, do not cause any particular difficulties when laying. It will take very little time to put your head in order. Classic or avant-garde haircuts for originals are invariably successful.

Many basic haircuts, on the basis of which various hairstyles are created, allow you to change images several times a year. Short hair grows back quickly, this is the very moment when you can try on a new haircut. Everyone can choose the option that suits him.

Classic haircuts "Canadian", "Tennis" are considered sports. This is due to the history of their origin. However, they always look very elegant. Hair that is cut short on the temporal and occipital zones, in such hairstyles, is successfully combined with longer strands in the upper part of the head.

A haircut, invented at the beginning of the 20th century by tennis players for convenience during training, makes it possible to make several options:

  1. "Tennis classic" - the hair in the temples and the back of the head is cut short, longer strands from the top of the head fall in waves. It is fashionable this season to comb them back, creating an aristocratic look.
  2. "European hedgehog" - a haircut that involves longer strands on the crown, smoothly turning into short ones on the sides of the head. It is performed using curved and thinning scissors. Looks best on coarse hair by making it stick out in different directions.
  3. "Bobrik", this option differs in that the hair in the temples is cut very short. At the top of the head, the hair is shaped like a flat area.

Fashion options

When creating the "Canadian", the hair is cut short on the back of the head, on the temporal and lateral surfaces, on the crown. But the strands in the region of the crown and above the forehead are left long. They have to create volume. A fashionable aristocratic image will turn out if you comb them back. The short strips of hair on the head that stretch from the forehead to the back of the head are called "Mohawk".

The temples and lateral surfaces of the head behind the ears are cut very short or shaved off altogether. But the most popular option today is the shaved drawing that accompanies the "Iroquois". Hairdressers create real masterpieces on the heads of their original clients. For those who prefer even more ascetic haircuts, there are “Boxing” and “Halfboxing” options, in which the hair is cut very short over the entire surface of the head.

Choosing a haircut - take into account all the features

There are no exactly alike people. Therefore, what suits one person may not be at all suitable for another. The same applies to haircuts. Choosing them, you should know that short hair length can focus the attention of others on some features of the structure of the skull.

Before you cut your hair, pay attention to the shape of the face. If it is elongated, then with a short haircut, the features will seem even more elongated. In this case, it is better to choose an option in which, along with short hair, there will be an elongated bangs that go down to the forehead or cover part of the face. Chubby, on the contrary, are recommended haircuts with short temples and longer and voluminous strands at the crown. For those who are fortunate enough to have the correct oval, hairdressers can suggest any of the options they like.

Short haircuts are not only chosen by young athletic guys. Adults, respectable men do not forget about them either. After all, short hair cut by a skilled craftsman is able to visually rejuvenate its owner. Besides, this hairstyle is very comfortable for every day.

If you have an important meeting or negotiations, installation will not take long, while the whole day will look fresh. Laying the hair of the frontal area back or to one side, the man acquires a restrained and elegant look, as befits a respectable businessman.

European hedgehog

The haircut differs from the classic version with longer hair on the crown, which creates volume. To complete it, you will need straight and thinning scissors, a machine.

  1. On clean, damp hair, parting the crown strands is separated, fix them with a clip.
  2. Starting from the central occipital part, the strands are cut from the bottom up. Gradually move to the lateral parts of the head and temples.
  3. At the temples, the haircut is made to the final length, which should smoothly transition from short (3-4 mm) to longer (up to 3 cm).
  4. The hair on the back of the head is cut in the same way. The comb and scissors move from the growth line to the crown. The temporal, lateral zones and the back of the head must be worked out very carefully, making sure that long hairs are not knocked out of the total mass. Using a typewriter with a nozzle # 1, remove the cannon hair on the back of the head, and carry out the edging.
  5. The hair on the crown begins to be cut, separating them with wide transverse strands, moving from the back of the head to the forehead. In this case, scissors with curved blades are used.
  6. The next stage is a haircut in the direction from the frontal zone to the crown. Long strands are captured starting from the temples and cut to a length of 7-8 cm.
  7. The final processing is carried out with thinning scissors over the entire surface.
  8. Styling hair by evenly distributing a small amount of gel or wax over it. Fingers fluff them in different directions, then grab small bundles and form small "needles".

Elegance and convenience of "Canada"

One of the haircuts that has not lost its popularity for many decades is "Canadian". It is appropriate in any situation - in training, in business negotiations, and at a gala evening. Thanks to the ability to style strands every time in a new way, it is so versatile. If you want to try creating it yourself, use our tips.

  1. Comb thoroughly washed and slightly dried hair.
  2. They begin to cut from the central occipital zone. Use the clipper and attachment # 3 to remove hair from the nape of the head to the crown of the head. The movement of the machine should be smooth, direct it from the bottom up.
  3. The haircut continues in the temporal and lateral areas, behind the ears.
  4. Changing the nozzle to No. 2, remove the protruding hairs in the already treated areas. At the same time, 2 cm do not reach the hair at the crown. This allows you to get a smooth transition of strands of different lengths.
  5. The hairline is treated with the smallest attachment.
  6. Scissors using a comb with large teeth are used to trim the curls at the crown. Their length is about 4 cm for the sports version, 5-7 in the fashionable version today.
  7. In conclusion, it is necessary to smooth the transition from short to long hair using a typewriter, scissors, cutting the curls at a slight angle.

For fans of sports style

Men of all ages, with different types of face choose the Tennis haircut for its beauty. Convenient in everyday life, it allows you to style your hair back or to the side, separating it with a parting.

  1. Brush clean, slightly damp strands from the face to the back of the head.
  2. Separate the strands on the back of the head with a parting from one ear to the other, which will be cut first. They are removed with scissors from the bottom up to the crown zone.
  3. Then shading the cut hair is done under a comb. The work of the scissors should be with a small amplitude and fast.
  4. The temporal zones and lateral surfaces are treated in the same way. You can get a smooth transition of different hair lengths by carefully working out each section.
  5. The hair in the upper part of the head is combed again, moisturized if necessary. They cut them, starting from the zone above the forehead. The strands are captured medium-sized, transverse, moving to the highest area at the crown. It should look like a rectangle.
  6. Using the pointing method, they work out the entire crown area. Grab thin strands across the head. The movement of the scissors is towards the parietal region.
  7. Smooth the transition from short to long hair, check the length of the strands.
  8. Lay with a hair dryer. Slouching your hair or smoothly combing your hair back can create a trendy look.

Well-groomed hair - a man's decoration

A short haircut for a man makes life much easier for its owner. He does not need to spend a lot of time on styling. But this does not mean at all that the hair does not need careful care. Short strands grow at the same rate as short ones. But growing back, they break the shape of the haircut. Therefore, you need to visit the hairdresser quite often, once a month.

To wash your hair, you should choose products from the male lines. They are designed with the scalp in mind, which is more oily than women, and the type of hair. Means that nourish the roots will help maintain the density and health of the hair. They are rubbed into the hair roots, gently massaging, and left for 5-10 minutes, then washed off.

The frequency of shampooing depends on the type of hair. But those who use styling products should do it more often. Use a hair dryer with a warm stream of air to dry and style. It does not dry out the skin and hair as much as hot. Do not forget that the general condition of the body is always reflected on the hair.

Good health and a minimum of stressful situations will also help preserve their beauty. Don't forget that a short haircut requires a daily styling that doesn't take long. A successful hairstyle can give a man confidence in his abilities in any situation.