Waxing is not long, but effective result. Frequently asked questions about waxing and sugaring

Or shugaring, the hairs may not be completely removed if you used a razor before depilation. Since shaving cuts the hair and often several hairs grow from one hair follicle at once, the shortest hair is usually not visible, since its length is less than 1 mm. In this case, it is extremely difficult to capture this hair with wax or sugar.

What is the best hair length for depilation?

In order for the effect of depilation to please you for 3 weeks or more, it is desirable that the hair length be from 5 millimeters. This length is reached 2-3 weeks after the last depilation or 1.5-2 weeks after the last use of a razor. If necessary, our master will correct the length of the hair with a trimmer before the sugaring or waxing procedure.

How often should I do waxing and sugaring?

For constant smoothness of the skin, it is enough to do depilation once every 3-4 weeks.

How long does an epilation session last?

Depilation in the armpit area usually takes 10-15 minutes. It takes about 30 minutes to remove hair in the bikini area. The first time, depilation takes a little longer. With each subsequent time, the procedure takes less and less time.

How long is the effect after waxing and sugaring?

After depilation with sugar and wax, the hair disappears for a period of 3 to 6 weeks. With regular depilation, the hair will be thinner and will grow more slowly.

Is waxing dangerous during pregnancy?

Yes, if the girl has never done depilation before pregnancy, or more than 2 months have passed since the last depilation. The threat of miscarriage is a direct contraindication for hair removal.

How is the waxing procedure performed?

When removing hair from legs and arms, the master uses warm wax. Wax is applied in a thin layer, and carefully removed with a special paper. For depilation of hair in the bikini area, armpits and facial area, the master uses hot wax, applying it to the skin in small strips, and then removes it with his hands (working with gloves). Hair grows back much more slowly, and is lighter and finer.

How is sugar depilation (sugaring) performed?

Sugar is applied to all areas of the skin with hands (the cosmetologist works with gloves) against hair growth, it is removed along the hair growth with a light and sharp movement of the hand. After the procedure, there is practically no redness and irritation on the skin.

Will I feel pain?

You won't be able to get rid of pain 100%, but you can reduce it to a minimum!

Factors that affect pain:

1. Psychological attitude.

2. Phase of the menstrual cycle.

3. Your sensitivity threshold

4. Insomnia, fatigue, depression, hunger can affect the pain threshold.

5. If you do depilation for the first time, and before that you shaved, then the discomfort will be stronger.

How to reduce pain:

1. Only a positive attitude before the procedure!

2. The ideal period for depilation is the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle.

3. Use the services of professionals. Only a real master knows which method to choose and how to do the procedure correctly. And, of course, that pain during depilation directly depends on the hands and experience of the master.

4. 1 day before depilation, use a scrub. Exfoliation of dead skin particles contributes to less painful and easier hair extraction. But never use a scrub on the day of the procedure itself!

5. The depilation procedure will be easy if you breathe deeply and relax. On sensitive areas, hair removal is almost painless if the jerk is made on a deep exhalation.

6. Try using topical anesthetics: Astra Emla cream, Light Dep cream, lidocaine-based sprays. You can buy such funds in pharmacy chains. One hour before depilation, apply a generous amount of anesthetic to the depilation area, wrap with a film and do not remove until the procedure begins. The film is needed to maintain the effect of anesthesia; without it, the product disappears.

7. Take one hour before depilation pain pills that help you. For example: pentalgin, ketanov, nurofen, etc.

8. Do not concentrate on pain, switch your attention, for example, talk to the master. After all, the depilation method is used by millions of women, and, of course, you can too! The skin will become beautiful and smooth for a long period!

How can I prepare my skin for waxing and sugaring?

We recommend exfoliating 24 hours before depilation. Also try to exclude body care products and a visit to the solarium for a day. The more hair grows, the better: if necessary, before the procedure, the master will reduce their length.

Why do ingrown hairs form after waxing and sugaring?

The appearance of ingrown hairs depends on the type of skin, not the method of depilation. It is recommended to exfoliate to remove dead skin cells to help the hairs break through to the surface of the skin. We recommend using special products against ingrown hairs.

Is it possible to get an infection through tools?

Absolutely out of the question. Our specialists use only disposable materials during the procedure.

Is depilation possible during critical days?

Possible. Just use a tampon and expect your skin to be more sensitive than usual these days.

How to care for the skin after waxing and sugaring?

You can not use a scrub within a day after depilation, it is not advisable to visit a solarium, do not play sports, and refuse to use self-tanning. After 24 hours, the skin can be moisturized and exfoliated so that ingrown hairs do not appear and it remains cleansed of coarsened cells.

Do you use painkillers during the epilation procedure?

The specialists of our salon use Lidocaine spray.

We also invite you to visit our author's blog, in which we try to cover the main issues related to waxing and sugaring that concern our customers.

Smooth and velvety legs without signs of vegetation in women have long become the standard of beauty. What tricks were not resorted to even in the "Soviet" times to give the legs and other parts of the body a smooth and even surface! It was painful, but the result justified itself - hair removal allowed you to enjoy smooth skin for several weeks. Those times when epilation brought pain and discomfort are long gone, as waxing allows you to do it quickly and not so painlessly.

Preparing for waxing

This procedure is also called the term "waxing", which comes from the English word "wax", which means "wax" in translation. For waxing, a specially prepared composition containing wax is used, which is preliminarily slightly heated, and then applied in a thin layer to the surface of the body.

Using the method, you can remove hair on all parts of the body, even hard-to-reach and with a low threshold of pain sensitivity. These are the legs, arms, bikini area, armpits, the area above the upper lip, abdomen and other parts of the body. Waxing is performed on previously prepared skin. Why is preparation needed? To remove dead cells of the epidermis.

The day before epilation, you can treat the intended area with a body scrub. To obtain the desired effect, the hair length should not be less than 3-5 mm. On the day of the procedure, the skin must be treated with fruit acid or tonic, which not only cleanse the skin of dirt well, but also prevent subsequent ingrown hairs.

Types of wax for epilation

Waxing is carried out using several types of composition in which there is wax:

  1. hard wax- used in beauty salons. Wax has the form of a briquette or granules, which are heated in a special device for this purpose - a wax melter. The melting time of hard wax is approximately 30 minutes, and the temperature of the mixture is up to 50 degrees.
  2. soft wax- Sold in finished form, soft in consistency. Used in salons and at home. The procedure for hair removal is about the same as with hard wax.
  3. Wax strips. In addition, for hair removal at home, there are special paper strips with cold wax, which are heated by hand and used in much the same way as regular strips with solid or liquid wax.

Hot wax epilation is carried out only in the salon by specialists, and epilation with soft wax and ready-made strips can be done even by non-professionals.

How is waxing done?

  • Hot wax epilation. To do this, the heated wax is removed with a spatula, then cooled slightly (up to 38-40 degrees) and applied to the skin with a thin layer along the hair growth. After hardening with a special plate in the form of paper strips, the hairs with wax are removed with a sharp movement against hair growth. This technology is simple, but requires certain skills, so it is carried out only by cosmetologists in beauty salons. Hot wax reduces pain and opens the pores well, which facilitates the depilation process.
  • Epilation with cold wax. The wax is slightly heated before use, applied to the skin with a spatula or roller along the hair growth, and then a paper or fabric strip is applied to the surface. To remove, it is enough to press the strip firmly against the skin, and then the removal is carried out with a sharp movement. If hair remains on the skin, then the same strip can be used several more times. The composition of soft wax contains resins that are insoluble in water, so after the procedure, to remove the remaining composition, you need to wipe the skin with oil.

Hot wax hair removal video

If pain occurs during epilation, then it is better to carry out local anesthesia with a special spray and lidocaine. The skin on the face is more sensitive, so the temperature of the facial hair removal wax should be slightly cooler than when used on other areas of the body.

Contraindications for waxing

There are some restrictions for hair removal, these include the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  • Inflammatory and purulent diseases of the skin in the treatment area.
  • Presence of rosacea.
  • Moles and warts at the epilation site.
  • Taking certain medications (anticoagulants and antidiabetic drugs).
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Peel less than 2 weeks old.


  1. Hair length for waxing? The optimal hair length is considered to be at least 3-5 mm.
  2. Can waxing be done during pregnancy? No, like any other procedure. Be patient for a few months, because the birth of a healthy baby is more important than smooth and beautiful legs. During pregnancy, it is better to remove hair with blades.
  3. What to do if irritation occurs? Immediately after hair removal on the skin (especially sensitive), irritation may occur, which disappears after a maximum of a day. To speed up this process, a moisturizer must be applied to the skin.
  4. Which is better - sugar hair removal or waxing? Sugar hair removal is less painful, as the mixture does not stick to the skin. Although many note that the effect of hair removal with wax and sugar mixture is about the same. You choose!
  5. Which wax is best? The choice of wax depends on the thickness and amount of hair. Removal of hard and thick hair is best done with hot wax in the salon at the beautician.
  6. How long does waxing last? The legs remain smooth and velvety for 2-3 weeks.

Women do not always have the necessary funds and the amount of free time for visits to beauty centers. On a weekday, such a trip cannot be planned due to work, and on weekends, as a rule, urgent household chores always accumulate. But, despite the lack of time and money, you still want to look good. Dear ladies, you can learn how to do many cosmetic procedures on your own without outside help. And waxing at home is no exception.

What is wax

Before you buy wax, you should know that it can be cold, warm or hot.

  • Cold wax is used in special strips that are sold in kits. It is good to use such wax strips on arms and legs. To find out how effective the strips are and how to use them, read reviews and watch videos on the Internet.
  • It is also better to treat only the legs and arms with warm wax for hair removal at home, since in these areas the hairs are softer in structure than in other places. It can be purchased both in cans and in cassettes with a special application roller.
  • Hot wax is better to remove coarse hair in the bikini area, as well as underarms. It is sold in jars or packaged in the form of briquettes of various shapes.

So let's define:

  • to remove hair from legs and arms at home, we take wax strips or cassettes with a roller;
  • for the treatment of the bikini area and armpits, we purchase hot wax in a jar or in the form of discs, tablets, granules and tiles.

You can find a lot of information about the types of wax in the posts on women's sites, which have videos and testimonials from those who have tried the method on themselves.

What you need during epilation

Of course, the first and most important thing you can't do without is wax.

Depending on the type of wax chosen, you can purchase a cassette or jar wax melter for it. For application to the skin, take a metal or wooden spatula.

To prevent the wax mixture from sticking directly to the skin, buy talcum powder or baby powder.

You still need to prepare special fabric strips with which hair is removed. They can be sold both cut and rolled. The roll is convenient in that you can adjust the required length yourself.

To clean the skin of wax residues, use any oil. It can be ordinary vegetable oil, olive, almond, peach, massage, etc.

At the pharmacy, buy any liquid antiseptic and salicylic acid. It will be better if you also get a soothing and healing gel.

Do's and Don'ts BEFORE Waxing

  • Before waxing at home, it is not recommended to sunbathe on the beach or visit the solarium.
  • Do not apply cosmetic products, such as moisturizer or antiperspirant, to the skin.
  • It is forbidden to do peeling immediately before hair removal. It is better to do it in a day.
  • To prepare the skin for waxing, it is better to take a bath. This will steam it out and let the pores open, which will reduce the pain of the upcoming procedure.
  • Remember that before epilation, the skin must be completely dry. So dry it well with a towel.
  • If your hairs are longer than five millimeters, cut them with scissors, but not too short. The length of the hair must be at least 4 millimeters.
  • In order for the wax to capture only the hairs and not stick to the skin, sprinkle the area to be epilated with a thin layer of talcum powder.

We do everything in order

The topic of hair removal at home has been discussed more than once. On the women's forums, you will find feedback from participants about this procedure in order to form a preliminary opinion for yourself.

Epilation with wax strips is the easiest. You warm up the strip between your palms with rubbing movements. Tear off one part from it, stick it to the skin and smooth it over hair growth. Then, with a sharp movement, tear off in the opposite direction. Do the same with the second part of the strip. With the help of the video, you will quickly learn this simple procedure.

Waxing at home with warm wax is as follows.

  • The first thing to do is to prepare the wax, bringing it to a liquid state. You can heat the wax container either in a water bath, or in a microwave, or in a wax melter.
  • Before waxing, you need to prepare your skin by treating it with a disinfectant and powder.
  • Try on a small area to see if the wax temperature is right for you. If you use a heater, you can skip this step, as the degree of heating can be adjusted on this device.
  • Apply the wax mixture to the epilated area in a thin layer in the direction of hair growth.
  • Attach a strip of fabric to the sticky layer. Smooth it out for a better fit and pull against the direction of hair growth.

See the video for an example.

How to properly epilate the intimate area

Consider hot wax hair removal on the example of the most sensitive and delicate place - the bikini area. Women's reviews indicate that this is the most problematic part, and removing hair in this place requires real courage.

The materials for waxing in the bikini area remain the same as the preparation of the skin for the procedure. The only thing that will be added is a mirror, although some can do without it. But we believe that you are doing everything for the first time, so it is better to prepare a mirror after all.

Choose a comfortable position for yourself. You can epilate standing up with one foot on a chair. In this case, the mirror can be freely placed on the seat.

In this method, it is better to use a wax melter to heat the wax. It is simply indispensable at home. Hot wax cools faster than warm wax, and if you heat it, say, in a water bath, it will be very difficult to maintain the desired temperature.

Check the temperature of the wax so you don't burn yourself. Then apply a thick layer on a small area of ​​the bikini area. So you injure the skin less and do not leave bruises.

For hot wax, you don't need fabric strips, because you'll be tearing it off with your hand, holding one end. Pull the frozen layer as quickly and sharply as possible. The sharper you tear off the layer of wax, the less pain you will feel. Always do this against hair growth and pull not up, but parallel to the skin. To ease the pain, pull on the skin before pulling.

Remove wax residue with oil, wipe the skin of the bikini area with salicylic acid and apply a cooling gel. Within two to three days, you still need to use salicylic acid, treating the skin once a day. This must be done to prevent ingrown hairs.

If it hurts a lot

To begin with, if during the procedure you almost lose consciousness from pain, then stop immediately! No beauty requires such sacrifices. Maybe it's just not your way. In the event that you still want to bring the matter to an end, you can use such an anesthetic cream based on lidocaine as Emla.

To start the action of this anesthetic, smear it an hour before the procedure and wrap it with cling film. By doing this, you will stop the access of oxygen to the epilated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin so that the cream works. After that, you must wait until the skin becomes numb and loses sensitivity.

A lot of videos have been shot on the topic of hair removal - these are both amateur shootings at home, and professional equipment. If you have a desire to see how women remove their hair abroad, then on the Internet you can find an English-language video with the tags "Wax" and "Waxing". Reviews of beauties about waxing can be found on women's forums, blogs, posts, discussions for articles. Feedback from other women will help you deal with all the nuances of the upcoming procedure and draw your own conclusions.

Stories from our readers

Waxing is considered one of the safest and most effective ways to remove excess body hair. This procedure can be carried out both in a professional salon and at home.

Smooth skin is one of the attributes of a flawless image. However, daily shaving is time consuming and irritates the skin. Waxing, or "waxing", will help you forget about unwanted hair on your body for up to 3-6 weeks or more.

Before you start depilation with cassette wax

For successful cassette depilation, it is desirable that the hairs have a length of at least 3-4 mm. To prepare your skin for waxing, take a relaxing lavender oil bath and exfoliate the area to be waxed. Thus, you will exfoliate dead skin cells, and the wax will stick to the body better.

Types of waxing

Distinguish depilation with hot, warm and cold wax. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

How to epilate with hot wax

To conduct hot wax depilation, heat the wax in a special thermostat to 60 degrees and carefully apply it directly to the surface of the skin (arms, legs, armpits, bikini or antennae areas). Press down on the wax with a cloth strip. After hardening, sharply remove the wax in the direction of hair growth.

Depilation with hot wax can also be done on sensitive areas, such as the bikini area or underarms. Under the influence of hot wax, the skin warms up, which contributes to easier and faster hair removal.

After the procedure, disinfect the skin, rinse under a cool shower and apply a soothing cream. You can also use ice cubes made from decoctions of calendula or chamomile.

When doing depilation with hot wax, make sure that the procedure is hygienic and the wax does not overheat, so as not to get burned.

How to depilate with warm wax

Before depilation with warm wax, also prepare and clean the skin. Heat the wax to 50 degrees, after opening the jar and removing the foil, checking the temperature while stirring with a wooden spatula with an indicator. Apply wax with a spatula to the skin, press with a fabric strip, wait for it to harden and remove with a sharp movement. Disinfect, cool and soothe the skin.

Warm waxing leaves the skin smooth for a long time, up to one and a half months, while it is absolutely safe to use at home. Under the influence of warm wax, the hair follicles are perfectly opened, so that the hair is easily removed. To close the pores after depilation, it is necessary to treat the skin with alcohol, wipe it with ice cubes, take a contrast shower and apply a moisturizer.

How to do cold waxing

Depilation with cold wax gives a good result if it is carried out on grown hairs. To carry it out, purchase ready-made wax strips, remove them from the package, warm each strip in your palms for 30 seconds and apply to the skin surface. Then, after about 20 seconds, abruptly rip off the strip against hair growth. Perform soothing skin treatments to soothe irritation and close pores. Each strip can be used 2-3 times. Cold depilation provides smooth skin for at least 3 weeks.

How to take care of your skin after waxing

In order for the skin to remain well-groomed and beautiful, after waxing it is necessary to provide it with proper care. It includes:

  • skin disinfection,
  • soothing and refreshing the skin with a contrast shower,
  • using a moisturizer to prevent dry skin,
  • avoiding tight-fitting clothing in contact with the skin for three days to avoid irritation,
  • avoidance of direct sunlight,
  • peeling three days after depilation (so that the hairs do not grow in).

When is cassette waxing contraindicated?

In case of problematic skin, i.e. if it has any painful manifestations, it is better to refuse depilation. Such painful manifestations include:

  • abrasions,
  • pimples,
  • cuts,
  • bites,
  • solar or thermal burns,
  • inflamed moles, etc.

Also, such depilation is prohibited for varicose veins in the legs. Pregnant and elderly people should do it with caution, since the procedure is often accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations.

How to calculate how much wax is needed for depilation

A standard jar containing 250 ml of wax will be enough for a double depilation of the legs. A wooden spatula with a temperature indicator must be included with the wax. Fabric strips are usually 10-15 pieces. The larger the area to be depilated, the more wax will be needed. As a rule, for complete depilation of all areas with unwanted hairs, two jars of 250 ml of wax are enough.

Thermostat sold separately. Instead, you can use a water bath or microwave, but it is safer to heat the wax in a thermostat, because the device has a temperature regulator and does not allow the wax to overheat.

Waxing in cassettes

Instead of jars of wax, you can use wax in cassettes. The cassette should be inserted into the warmer for 20-30 minutes, and at this time, prepare the skin for the procedure. A cassette roller is passed over the skin along the hair growth, the paper is applied and ironed, and, holding the skin with one hand, the paper is sharply torn off with the other hand against the hair growth. The same area is not recommended to be processed more than twice. Tweezers are used to remove the remaining hairs.

Comment on the article "How to do depilation with cassette wax at home"

Why can't you do it at home? I smeared the wax, stuck the fabric and pulled it, is it just everything? And when is the depilation of the bikini "zone" - for how long? And why again to some master?


Ripping out is still normal) And in the cabin you can do it yourself and it’s not difficult and generally tolerable. I went to electro and laser, that's where the trash and masochism is!!

04/18/2018 09:21:46, NeMamaSita

In the movie Bad Moms 2, it is very clearly presented how depilation of the bikini zone is done, and in a man.

Section: Epilation (Do-it-yourself epilation with wax biopaste at home). And who does his own hair removal at home? I thought .. not to start serving myself at home.


Never had a beautician. I have an epilator, quite satisfied - legs and armpits with a bang. I shave my bikini, it is too painful to epilate. I don't know, sugar, wax, I think it's the last century. I used to make it with sugar, but 15 years ago I was not impressed. Still fiddling with this heating, consumables.

I do. Toad strangles to pay in the cabin, and there is no time. I make it with sugar, I ordered hard and soft paste on the Internet. I only do bikinis for myself, not everything is perfectly clean, but it’s quite decent. My friend learned how to do it very cleanly and perfectly, but she has motivation - a new man, and I have been married for a long time :))

29.12.2017 19:54:30 Vot

Waxing (waxing). Special wax for epilation is sold in stores. Epilation for girls. Wax strips for depilation on the face Veet. don't shave with cream...


I removed my daughter, she is also 10, now in the summer with wax. Fast. Without screaming. And she is happy.

06.08.2017 15:29:30, Veronica-strawberry

Take phyto-resin on honey and depilate the places that excite her with a small piece. Just before the procedure, anesthetize with Acryol Pro. Techniques are now all described on the Internet, and the effect lasts longer. After shaving, I somehow had inflammation, so I am now their opponent.


I have two heaters:
1. heater for cartridges without base. He keeps my temperature, I have enough time to clean both legs. But with the base, it seems, it should be more comfortable. Non-woven strips. Waxes I use only dense, opaque. I don’t like transparent ones: - (Company, IMHO, any. The main thing is that the cartridge fits the heater in size.
2. Voskoplav for hot wax for bikini (especially deep :-))) and armpits. Here I use white wax with talc for very sensitive skin. Also dense.
I have everything in Spanish, I'm happy :-)

I don’t have a base, the wire is always on, I don’t turn it off. The strips look like paper. I always buy different wax, but in fact, not all cartridges are suitable. I bought it once, but they are really smaller and flew out of the heater.

Section: Epilation (I saw here in the store a device for heating wax for epilation That is, you can remove hair at home yourself, it turns out more economically than in a salon, for someone ...


try it once and go to the salon :-)

I make my own bikini. I buy Sally Hansen, which I rub in my palms and go (know hit). There used to be pink stripes, then you had to specially wash your hands :) now they released transparent ones cheaper and stronger. I like these more. It doesn’t hurt me :)


Let me try :)
First: From epilation with the help of a cartridge, there is very rarely blood, I have never had it either when I did it or when they did it to me.
Second: A normal master, even if blood comes out, will not smear wax there again.
Third: The cartridge is designed in such a way that the wax is applied from above, that is, there is a roller, there is wax on the roller, this wax is placed on top, well, this is not 100% protection, of course, but in theory a drop of blood, although this is practically impossible (see p. 1 and 2) in theory should not stick to the roller itself.
More often, blood occurs during epilation with hot wax, which is applied with a spatula, which should be disposable, like the wax used. In some "sharashkin offices" I can use a spatula 10 times and wax :))) Therefore, it is worth visiting a proven salon. :)) Well, as I could :)))

I don’t know if this wax is called hot or warm (it feels warm), but they do it to me in the salon: they smear the wax with a spatula, which the master takes from the special. device. Then he applies strips of some kind of fabric (prints out in front of me :), tears off the strips from the skin along with wax and hairs. Both before and after the procedure, the epilation site is disinfected :)))))
And recently I tried Veet cold wax - the result is the same, but it costs several times cheaper! In addition, I can epilate 2mm hairs with them, and not wait for 5mm :)))

Waxing (waxing). Special wax for epilation is sold in stores. It is more convenient to use wax in special cartridges that are inserted into the wax alloy.


Everything is very individual here, maybe in a week they will begin to grow, or maybe in three. If you don't try, you won't know. In general, while growing up you walk in trousers. Yes, and after wax, as many have already written, the hairs are not as thick as after shaving, i.e. less noticeable. It's a matter of personal preferences, so to speak: it's easier for me to wait a week than every day, sitting with a razor in the bathroom :) And there are no problems with a tan.

This is the main inconvenience of waxing: you have to wait until at least 4-5 mm grows, that is, you have to go unshaven for a week :(

On Monday I did waxing on intimate places, and was not satisfied. Half of the hair turned out to be simply cut off, and not torn out with the root, it turned out to be small ...


But, anesthesia exists, but they rarely resort to it, unless you have a low pain threshold - it doesn’t hurt, it’s rather unpleasant: ((I always take lotion with me to slow down hair growth, and nothing else.

In cosmetology, various methods for removing unwanted hair on all parts of the body. Dark " mustache", coarse hair on the chin and too thick eyebrows can ruin the look even the most attractive woman. Facial waxing or bioepilation is an affordable and very effective method for removing unwanted hairs. The procedure itself is simple, so it can be carried out both in a professional salon and at home.

If you decide on bioepilation for the first time, use the services of a good master. This will help to avoid unpleasant consequences and create a correct understanding of the process as a whole.

Advantages of the procedure

It has become widespread due to its advantages:

  • Availability. Wax mixture, spatulas, paper and linen strips can be purchased at large cosmetics stores;
  • Simplicity and speed. The average duration of bioepilation is 10-15 minutes;
  • Long lasting effect. Facial waxing allows you to remove unwanted hairs along with the bulb, which guarantees the effect lasts up to six weeks. After 4-5 treatments, the hair becomes much thinner and colorless.
  • The ability to remove a large amount of hair at a time;
  • Versatility. With the help of bioepilation, you can remove any unwanted hairs, whether they are thick and dark or thin and light. A wide selection of materials will allow you to choose a wax mixture for any type of skin.

Disadvantages of waxing

Many women still resort to insufficiently effective ways to deal with unwanted vegetation. Because bioepilation also has disadvantages:

  • soreness;
  • Inability to remove short hairs;
  • ingrown hairs;
  • Prolonged irritation. The problem most often occurs in owners of sensitive skin, as well as improper care of the depilation area.
  • Allergy to the components of the mixture;
  • The possibility of injury to the skin: irritation, bruising;
  • Most of the above problems can be avoided by using the services of a professional.

The wax mixture for bioepilation should be chosen based on your own professionalism, skin type, as well as the depilation zone. Wax comes in three types:

Cold wax is paper or linen strips, on which a wax composition is applied in a uniform layer. Sometimes available in tubes. It is very easy to heat the wax strips - just rub them between your palms. These strips are well suited for eyebrow waxing, as well as for use when traveling when it is not possible to create conditions for a full procedure.

Warm wax also involves the use of linen or paper strips, but requires longer heating. Usually available in roll-on cassettes and cans. Such a mixture is heated to 45 ° C and applied to the skin, after which it cools quickly. Warm wax does not have any harmful thermal effects on the epidermis and capillaries. Ideal for home treatments.

Hot wax is the most effective way to deal with unwanted vegetation, so it is most often used by professional craftsmen. It is melted at a temperature of 55-60°C and then applied to the skin. After hardening, it forms a plastic film, which is completely removed with one jerk. At home, hot wax should be applied with extreme care to avoid burns.

Zone preparation

In order for facial waxing to be as effective and painless as possible, the depilation area should be properly prepared. Owners of sensitive skin should strictly follow all recommendations for the care of the depilation area.

Preparatory care includes:

1-2 days before depilation, it is necessary to treat the face with a scrub. It will cleanse the face of dead cells and increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Pay attention to the fact that the hairs are not shorter than 3 mm, and with cold epilation not shorter than 5 mm .;

Do not sunbathe or visit the solarium 2-4 days before the scheduled procedure. Owners of sensitive skin are recommended to treat the area with an anesthetic half an hour before depilation. Eyebrow waxing usually does not require anesthesia.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test. Immediately before the process, steam the skin well. This is necessary so that the pores expand and the wax penetrates better to the hair follicles. After steaming, pat your face dry with a towel. Degrease the area with a special lotion. Powder with talc, powder or baby powder.

Description of the epilation procedure

Facial epilation with cold strips consists of several stages:

  • Cut the wax strips so that they are easy to use. For good, their size should be slightly larger than the depilation area;
  • Warm them up between your palms for 40-60 seconds;
  • Gently stick the strip on the skin in the direction how hair grows
  • Press firmly and smooth.

  • If necessary, repeat the process using the same tape.

Waxing on the face using warm or cold wax in a tube includes:

  • Preparation of the wax mixture. It should be heated strictly according to the instructions. To correctly select the temperature of the mixture and eliminate the possibility of burns, before starting the procedure, apply the mixture on the back of the wrist;
  • Apply the wax mixture with a spatula according to hair growth. Press it firmly with tape;
  • Remove the tape with a sharp jerk against hair growth;
  • Repeat if necessary.

Hot waxing on the face takes place in several stages:

  • Preparation of the wax mixture. It is advisable to use wax;
  • Hot wax should be applied with a spatula strictly according to hair growth. When applying, try to press it into the skin as much as possible. This will allow the mixture to penetrate deeper into the epidermis and securely fix the hair follicles;
  • Pry off the applied mixture with a spatula to form a “tip” for which it will be convenient to remove it. Or press the mass with a paper strip;
  • Let the wax cool for 10-20 seconds;
  • Remove the mixture with a sharp jerk against hair growth. If the wax mixture does not come off well, it means that it has not hardened. Try again in 5-10 seconds;
  • If hairs remain in the epilation area, repeat the procedure.

Skin care after the procedure

Proper skin care after epilation is important, as it helps to restore damaged epidermis. After bioepilation:

  • Remove any remaining wax mixture. This can be done in the following ways:
  • Soap and water;
  • Special lotion after epilation;
  • Vegetable or cosmetic oil: almond, shea, olive, coconut and others;
  • Oily (preferably baby) cream for hands or body.

All post-epilation care should be accompanied by light touches. Rubbing movements with hands or a brush can harm the epidermis and provoke irritation:

  • Wash your face with cold water;
  • Wipe lightly with a towel;
  • Apply milk (lotion) after depilation or any moisturizer. Do not use lotions containing alcohol.

If irritation lasts longer than two days, you should consult a doctor.


Like any cosmetic procedure, waxing has its limitations. Waxing and contraindications:

  • The presence of wounds, scratches, acne and other damage to the skin;
  • The presence of skin diseases: acne, enlarged pores, various types of rashes, fungus, etc.;
  • Violation of blood clotting;
  • Diabetes;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Low pain threshold;
  • Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the wax mixture.

Frequently occurring problems

Problem: A lot of ingrown hairs appear after the procedure.

Solution: To reduce their number, you need to use a facial scrub 2 times a week and follow all the recommendations for caring for the epilation area.

  • Problem: Unable to remove wax residue.
  • Solution: Use vegetable or special oils after depilation. Apply a large amount of oil to a cotton pad or swab and gently remove the remaining wax. Next time try a special warm wax that rinses off with water.

Problem: Severe irritation in the area of ​​depilation.

Solution: There may be several reasons: Allergy to the ingredients that are in the mixture (try sugar hair removal). Do an allergy test, if it is confirmed, change the wax. Recommendations for the care of the epilation area have not been followed. Wax is not suitable for your skin type. Try to use a wax that contains ylang-ylang, rose and aloe vera oils. To get rid of irritation, treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide. Then apply an antibacterial agent or any healing cream (Panthenol, Rescuer, etc.). Or you can make a compress with chlorhexidine and wipe the affected areas with aloe juice.

  • Problem: Severe pain during the procedure.
  • Solution: Half an hour before the procedure, apply an anesthetic to the face, it will reduce the sensitivity of the skin. If you're epilating at home, try removing the wax with quicker strokes. If the problem persists, use other hair removal methods. Even for hair on the head, hair keroplasty will be useful.

Problem: Bristle appears on the third day after waxing.

Solution: Most likely, this is due to a violation of the epilation process. If the wax does not fix the hairs well enough, then during the epilation process it will not removes them along with the bulb, and vomits. When applying hot wax and using paper strips, apply as much pressure as possible to the skin. It is these actions that will allow the wax to cling more tightly to the hair and remove them along with the bulb. If the procedure goes according to all the rules, consult a doctor.