Beautiful marriage proposals. The most original proposal to a girl. How to make a nice marriage proposal to a girl

After lengthy meetings, if you are sure that your girlfriend is the one you would like to see as your wife and mother of your children, the question arises: how to make an offer that is touching, beautiful and original? This is a pretty serious question. After all, I so want everything to work out and you are answered with consent! How to make an offer so that this day will go down in your family history as one of the most beautiful?

When making an offer, you need to remember that this step will most likely be the beginning of your life together, so it should be thoughtful and beautiful. Here are a few very important details, without which it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a beautiful proposal:


All solemn events require champagne, celebration, fruit, chocolate, dance. This will create a general romantic atmosphere, thanks to which the girl will remember your proposal for a lifetime. Beautiful music will be the best accompaniment.

As for the place, it can be almost anything. Just not at home! You can propose in a restaurant, in nature, in another city - the main thing is that you like it there, and it was something unusual!

In order to beautifully propose to a girl, the place must be memorable, romantic, in general, to match the reasons for his choice. Maybe your couple has your "special" places, think about them, choose the most romantic and feel free to ask the main question.

Girls really like it when their guys remember important details of their relationship. You will move her to tears if you propose in the place where you met or kissed for the first time, where you spent your first vacation, etc. Remember what is dear to her, what place she remembers more often, what photos she keeps, etc.

And, of course, choose the right moment. If a girl needs to study for an exam at the institute, and you make an appointment with her at a restaurant at eight in the evening, it’s clear that this is not the best day to propose.


Buy flowers - this is the first thing to take care of. Just give your favorite flowers. If a girl loves lilies, and you give her roses, it will make you think about how well you know her and how much you want to please her. Keep in mind that some people like flowers in a basket, others - in cellophane. But did you have time to find out what flowers your girlfriend prefers?

Wedding ring

This is a very important action and the main thing here is not to get into a mess. After all, you need to choose the right engagement ring. How to do it? You can go to jewelry stores and casually ask what the girl likes, you can ask a friend or mother of the future wife to help you in this matter.

Be sure to find out in advance before proposing to a girl - if your bride wants to choose the ring herself! Since some girls are very scrupulous in matters of jewelry. Many girls now know what kind of ring they want to see on their hand, so buy the rings together later.

You can also, as if by chance, walk past the jewelry showcase and casually ask what exactly she likes. Or you can ask her mother, sister or friend to help you choose a ring.

The words

This is also very important. Just do not repeat the "hackneyed" phrases from the movies. Rather, tell her how much you love her and how much you want to be with her. Listen to your heart, and do not give out memorized speech - words should come from the soul.

It would seem that a simple sentence “Marry me!”, But sometimes it is very difficult to pronounce. The stage of creating a family is the most important decision for a loving couple and, of course, you want this moment to be remembered for a lifetime. There is no specific answer to the question of how to make an offer, but there are a number of tips.

Make an offer unexpectedly. After all, what could be better than a surprise, and even more so such a pleasant one. Choose the moment when the girl does not expect anything like this from you - and act! However, it should be understood that the situation must be appropriate, you should not make an offer, for example, in a supermarket.

The first option that you can propose to a girl is quite common. You invite your beloved to a good restaurant. In order to make such an offer, you need to pre-book a table, buy flowers, buy a ring, put on a classic beautiful suit, prepare a speech - and pronounce the main words in your life at the right time.

Despite its popularity, this method is very effective and works almost flawlessly. Live music, which can be performed by a violinist, can add efficiency and romanticism to this method.

The second option is that you propose to a girl in public. At the same time, options are possible both from a narrow family circle at some common celebration, and proposals publicly, for example, on the radio. You can propose at a party or at a karaoke bar while singing her favorite song.

This method is especially effective in rooms where there is a small stage and a microphone, after reading out a speech that lists all the advantages, as well as a story about the history of your relationship.

The next step should be a declaration of love and a marriage proposal. It's best to have a cheat sheet handy when delivering a speech in such an exciting environment, as your over-excitement can simply ruin everything.

An extreme romantic confession can be made by booking a hot air balloon flight.

If you have enough funds, you can propose to a girl during a trip to Paris, or, for example, on exotic islands. By the way, in the same place you can hold a wedding ceremony according to their customs. It is very spectacular and will surely be remembered by you and your bride.

If you and your fiancee are skydivers, divers, or just about to become one, you do not need to say how beautiful it is to propose to a girl. It will be unexpected, beautiful, romantic and, at the same time, extremely exciting.

You can invite your beloved on a trip around the night city in a limousine or, climbing onto the roof, admire the starry sky. Why not a place for a proposal?

Soon the concert of her favorite band? Do your best, and she will know about your intentions from the lead singer of the group. And you with a ring and flowers will be nearby.

An offer to a girl can also be made in an original way. To do this, you can arrange flash mobs that have recently become popular for your soulmate, involving a large number of mutual friends, as well as absolutely strangers who are ready to help you, people. It is noteworthy that with this method, the essence of a flash mob can be completely different and is limited solely by your imagination.

If your girlfriend has strong nerves and is not against practical jokes, you can make a little action out of your proposal. Invite the girl somewhere for a walk or dinner, asking someone or hiring a courier to deliver her a box with a ring. And you can pretend to be surprised too.

And finally, you can propose to a girl in contrast. Those. it should happen in the most everyday environment. For example, on an ordinary gray morning, when she will make coffee, you will invite her to look out the window and see a banner placed there in advance asking her to marry you.

Or put her ring in the most inappropriate and everyday place - on her dressing table, for example. This method requires two important things - a carefully thought out continuation and at least 1 hour of free time for both of you.

Proposal to your girlfriend

Creating a family is an important life milestone, a responsible decision for every couple, and if you decide to be together in sorrow and in joy, then it is necessary that the moment of the marriage proposal be remembered for a long time. Here are some tips for the groom:

  • First and foremost, to avoid surprises and discord in the future family life Before making an offer, weigh the pros and cons. Talk to your future spouse about your upcoming family life, make sure your ideals and values ​​match. When you make sure that you and your future wife are looking in the same direction, you can proceed to action. Make sure you both aspire to such a life. But despite the talk of family life, the proposal itself should come as a surprise. Choose the moment when the woman does not expect it.
  • When you decide to propose to a girl, you will need to tell her why you want to marry her. The most important thing here is not just to mint the cherished five words that almost all men pronounce. If you are concerned about how to make a beautiful proposal to a girl, then remember - it should be classic, but at the same time individual.
  • Explain to your future wife why you want to marry her. For example, you can focus your speech on the fact that with her appearance, your life, and you yourself, have changed a lot for the better, that you really want your girlfriend to always be with you.
  • Talk to the girl's parents. Yes, such a ritual is no longer mandatory. Many years have passed since the daughter was considered the property of her parents, and her marriage necessarily required the consent of her father. But there is still something respectful about asking for the blessings of the bride's parents. This, moreover, will help, in the future, to establish good relations with them.

And last but not least, don't expect your lady to say yes right away. Remember that it takes time to make such an important decision.

How not to propose marriage

In the desire to exceed the expectations of his beloved, many men begin to go too far. A surprise is great, but don't hide your wedding ring in your food, it's no longer relevant. This has been shown in dozens of films, so you won't get a prize for ingenuity.

No need to try to propose to a girl at sports games, the stadium will not allow you to achieve the attention and focus that such an event deserves. Don't complicate your life with limousines and garlands of flowers and balloons. The head should be free from vain problems. The most important thing is you and her, and what binds you.

Don't expect a woman to say yes right away. You offer to spend your whole life with you. This is a difficult and rather serious decision. If your lady of the heart said, "I'll think about it," treat it with dignity and understanding and give her some time to think. This decision must be conscious and come from the heart.

Now you know how to propose to a girl. Good luck!

You have met the one and only girl with whom you want to connect fate, go through life together and grow old surrounded by children and grandchildren. And to hear: “Yes! I agree! ”, It remains to make an offer. How to make it memorable and become a family history, and your chosen one bragged about it to her friends?


Find out the size of the ring

To propose to a woman, first of all, you need to buy a ring.

There are two options: you make a surprise or go to the store with your chosen one, and she chooses the ring herself.

In the latter case, the surprise effect will be lost. We will not consider such a situation.

Does the girl really love you

In order not to get into a stupid position, you need to be 100% sure that the girl loves you. You can read about how to do this in.

How to choose the best words to talk about

Before proceeding with the implementation of your plans, it would be nice to think about what you will say.

In fact, you can say whatever you want. The only rule is to avoid pompous, bombastic phrases. It will look stupid and unnatural. The more concisely you formulate your thoughts, the better. Ideally, just say a few words: “I love you. Will you marry me?".

House offer options

romantic dinner

It is necessary to create a romantic atmosphere around: light candles, decorate the room with balloons or flowers. For a change, you can sit on a bedspread on the floor.

Don't forget to buy a bottle of champagne.

No need to throw rings into glasses, put them in cakes, fruits. A ring placed in food you can choke.

Wrap the ring case in cellophane and place the case in the center of the cake, on the bottom, so that it is not visible. Ask the girl to cut the cake. When she cuts the cake and pulls out the box, you can get on more than one knee and make her an offer she can't refuse.

Such a proposal will cost about 3-4 thousand rubles. Without the cost of the ring.

If you have the skills to work in Photoshop, create collages from photos, create websites, you can create a website or post collages from photos in a certain order on a photo hosting site.

Photos can be arranged in the form of a tree: first, each of you is small, then photos of teenagers, adults, then you met, your joint photos. End it all with the question: “Are we going to continue this tree with our family photos? Will you be my wife?"

Professional website creation will cost from 5 000 rub. Good hosting will cost about 100-150 rubles. per month, but for such purposes it is quite possible to use free.

Quest at home

Come up with tasks, solving which, the girl will move around the apartment, approaching the finish line. There the last riddle will be waiting for her, the answer to which will be a box with a ring and a cherished question. Here it is only your imagination and the Internet to help you.

Photo puzzle

Order a puzzle from a photo where you kneel in front of your girlfriend with a box in your hand.

You can merge 2 photos, your new one where you are standing in front of her and the existing photo of the girl. You will put the puzzle together, and in the final you will hear a request: “Become my wife!”

Ordering a puzzle from a photo costs from 300 rubles to 6500 thousand depending on the size. The main thing is to choose a magnetic one. You can then place it in the refrigerator.

You can find a suitable agency using Yandex on request: "Puzzle from a photo in (your city)"

Suggestions in a restaurant

Gather relatives and friends, make an offer in front of everyone.

After the musician puts on her favorite music, invite the girl to dance. Arrange with the waiter to bring a tray with a ring and a question about marriage laid out on a tray of fruit pieces or written chocolate. Get on your knees and propose.

Combine business with pleasure, if you already have a vacation planned and you are going on a trip, make an offer on the trip.
Or arrange a romantic trip specifically for the proposal.

5 most romantic places in the world to propose

Paris- one of the best places. Propose a girl to marry in a restaurant on the Eiffel Tower.

You can fix the result at the Père Lachaise cemetery at 12 o'clock at night, giving the sphinx a kiss on the grave of Oscar Wilde. According to giving after this, the lovers will no longer part.

Verona. Juliet's house. You can attach a note with your proposal to the stand next to the sculpture of Juliet. You can propose on Juliet's balcony.

Stroke the parts of the Juliet sculpture so that happy love does not end.

Relaxing in a bungalow and writing on the sand, coupled with an atmosphere saturated with romance, is the key to a positive response.

Charles Bridge in Prague. Carry your girlfriend through it, according to legend, this is the road to happiness. And at the end, make an offer.

By the way, the length of the bridge is 520 m. Therefore, before carrying the girl, it does not hurt to practice a little.

Butterfly Valley in Turkey. Untouched nature, many butterflies, the beauty of waterfalls and silence. The only way to get there is by sea. What could be more romantic than a proposal on a boat? Tie a box with a ring with a thin fishing line, and make the girl “catch” it

public offerings

Here you can not do without agencies to organize such events. Agency employees will agree on everything and settle issues with the administration of the place chosen for the event. You can find a suitable agency in any search engine on the request: “Agency for organizing holidays in (your city)”, “Make an offer to a girl with the help of an agency in (your city)”.

Here are some options:

  • In the theater, go on stage after the performance;
  • In the cinema, after the film, launch a video dedicated to your relationship (From 18,500 rubles);
  • On the field after the match, an inscription with a question appears on the scoreboard.

Flashmob will cost from 13,500 rubles without shooting. With video and bells and whistles (balls, fire show, increased number of people, etc.) about 100,000 rubles.

How will it look like? For example, you invite her for a walk. Strangers will approach her and give her a rose. The surprise of the girl will not be the limit.

Do not forget to make a surprised face, otherwise, the girl will immediately guess everything.

The last person will give you a bouquet of flowers and a box with a ring, which you will give to your chosen one.

You can organize a flash mob for free, with the help of friends:

  • Friends will raise their parts of the posters at once, constituting a marriage proposal;
  • The guys begin to dance, diverting attention from the stand with a poster, on which a proposal will appear at the end of the dance;
  • The guys dance, balls appear and a banner with a proposal;

The most creative ways

Balloon and the offer on it will cost from 5000 rubles. depending on the airline.

Organize a pseudo-interview(pseudo business meeting). This can be done either through an agency, or arrange with friends who are unfamiliar to the girl so that they play the role of personnel officers (customers).

The option is suitable if the girl is looking for a job or if her work involves meeting with customers. This guarantees the full effect of surprise both from your appearance there and from further actions. The meeting must be scheduled in a cafe in a shopping center.

Then sing a song for her, or play an instrument if you can play compact instruments (violin, guitar, flute) and are not afraid to draw attention to yourself.
Present the ring after the performance. If there is a beautiful fountain nearby, with light music, get the ring out of there by tying it to a fishing line. And give it to the girl.

Proposal in the form of a diary. Make a diary. Enter there significant events and dates of the relationship. Describe your emotions, impressions and thoughts at that moment. You can add photos. Celebrate the day of the offer. Further, the diary will become a family one.

Kinder Surprise. If a girl loves sweets, then you can hide the ring inside the Kinder Surprise. To do this, carefully divide the chocolate egg into two parts, put the ring, “solder” the chocolate with a warm knife and carefully wrap the wrapper.

If a the risk is in your blood then you can do something like this:

Prince on a white horse. All girls dream of a prince on a white horse. Why not make this dream come true literally. The biggest problem is finding a horse. This can be done at the nearest equestrian club.

Knock on the window. You can rent a car with a lifting basket from electricians. Your beloved will be very surprised when you wake her up by knocking on the window and give her a huge bouquet of flowers.

Organize an unexpected and unplanned picnic in nature or in the park and propose marriage during it. Take the girl on a walk to a place where a picnic blanket will be spread out, there will be a basket of food, a table will be set on this blanket.

If you decide to get out into nature, do not forget the insect repellant.

How not to propose

If you do not want to receive a negative answer, spoil such an important moment in the life of two, then you should not make an offer:

  • via sms or phone. It looks frivolous and looks like a joke or a mockery;
  • in extreme ways if you have a homely or conservative girlfriend;
  • in public ways, if your girlfriend is shy and does not like to draw attention to herself;
  • on the run and by the way;
  • in a state of intoxication.

Whatever method you choose, it will be a truly memorable event in your and her life. For her, the very fact that she is the only one, the one with whom you decided to connect your life, will be pleasant. So keep it up!!!

Before an important stage in the life of every man - a wedding - there is an equally important stage. Proposing to your girlfriend is exciting and not easy. And an offer made in an unusual setting, exciting, original, with elements of surprise will always be remembered.

In the life of every man, there inevitably comes a place for a feat - the intention to marry. And he begins to be tormented by the question: “Will the girl get married?”. But the main thing is not right, but original and wholeheartedly, so that the chosen one feels not only loved, but also erected on a pedestal.

To make this moment more exciting, memorable, some grooms are not shy about coming up with incredible scenarios. Hollywood, music, fun... We've got some creative ideas for you to inspire. Remember, the element of surprise is important.

Hyperboloid engineer Garin or the most original proposal for a girl to marry

Don't worry, we're talking about a regular laser show. Only if an engineer destroyed mountains with his help, you write on them in huge burning letters: “Mashenka, I love you!”. This option is good on vacation, especially if you are on a night boat trip. The name, of course, of his beloved.

You will go down on one knee in front of your beloved and give her a ring with the appropriate words.

Arrange in advance with the captain and the organizers of the show, let them announce a break during the party, and an inscription with recognition will immediately flash on the mountains. This is a very beautiful marriage proposal, and most importantly, the girl will feel that you are ready to move mountains for her.

The second option is if the mountains are visible from the hotel window and are located nearby. The same recognition with fiery letters, the same handing of the ring, and then - as you decide. Both options are good, and your friend will be both touched and flattered.

Of course, the pleasure is not very cheap, but you don’t feel sorry for the money, do you?

Unusual marriage proposals on a desert island

In the case when there are no mountains nearby, invite the girl to the “desert island”. Organize a walk, arrange with the animators (they will agree for a small fee), connect the vacationers with whom you have become friends, and especially children. Everyone will be happy to participate in such a fun and romantic event.

Send them to the island in advance with a minimum food supply - fruits, champagne, sweets, light sandwiches - and let them hide somewhere. For example, in some clearing, in the bay, and festive banners will be prepared. And you act according to circumstances - either make an offer on the seashore, let them go out to cheerful music with everything in store, or take the girl there with your eyes closed, and those who meet you launch balloons, shout "Hurrah" and create a cheerful mood.

If a girl does not like crowds, shows, you can find your "desert island" in a city park. Let it be the place where you had your first date, for example. Use the weather to your advantage. In winter, surprise her with a question about when the snow starts to fall. Walking through the streets of the city at night during the rain is also beautiful. For added dramatic effect, ignore personal comfort and kneel in the water. She will see how worried you are about her answer and do not notice anything around at that moment.

Parisian marriage proposal

If you have the time and the means, ask her your question in the most romantic city in the world: Paris. Avoid streets where tourists live. It is better to choose a place that is quiet and quaint, like a dimly lit café or the banks of the Seine.

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Organization of weddings abroad

A beautiful marriage proposal will be prompted by the Marquis Ricardo

Remember the film "Dog in the Manger", as the Marquis Ricardo sang there: "The crown of creation, marvelous Diana, you are a creature in which there is not a single flaw." If you can't sing - make a soundtrack, now it's not a problem. Or negotiate with students of a music school, it will be inexpensive.

Make a romantic proposal to your girlfriend from the bottom of your heart

And sing your favorite serenade under the window. So you will make an unusual proposal to marry your girlfriend and bring her to complete delight - after all, who is being serenaded under the window now? Unless, of course, she lives on the 16th floor, where you can’t scream. And then carefully bring a large balloon on a long ribbon with a confession written on it and a rose or other flower tied to it to a balcony or window so that your beloved accepts it .

Say a word about a poor student

Arrange in advance about painting at the registry office, connect your friends, let them expect you there with gifts. And you yourself write a note with a proposal right at the lecture and send it by plane - like at school. Or pass on the relay.

Even if you have not collected funds for the wedding and are poor students, do not be discouraged. And in this case, you can make an original proposal to the girl to get married. When she says: “Yes, I agree,” take her (or take her) to the registry office, sign, go somewhere in the park together or organize a picnic with friends. If your chosen one truly loves you, she will be pleased.

You can make an original marriage proposal without collecting a lot of money

And when you unlearn and start earning, you will go to. Believe me, it will be as romantic as a standard wedding.

A marriage proposal is an important step for which you need to properly prepare. How to propose marriage and where - read in this article.

An offer of marriage- one of the brightest moments in a woman's life, which she will remember for a lifetime and will tell her friends and colleagues with rapture and tenderness.

It is important that this moment be really intriguing filled with your feelings for the chosen one and showed that you are the one a man who is worthy of her hand and heart. We will talk about how to make an offer correctly in this article.

How to make an original marriage proposal to your girlfriend: useful tips

Modern women, although they have become completely independent iron ladies who build a career, drive cars and carry iron in the gym, but still remain romantic natures, expecting from you, men, something touching. And if you made an offer to your beloved, including all the fantasy and originality, and heard humble consent without tears of joy in the eyes Your proposal failed miserably.

If your beloved was not moved to tears by your revelation, then the confession was unsuccessful.

First of all, you need to find out Is your soul mate ready for such a decisive step? or in her immediate plans there are no thoughts about the wedding.

Perhaps she is one of those who want to build a career or finish their studies first, and only then create a family hearth. Carefully probing the soil, you will understand whether now is the right time to make an offer or whether it is necessary to postpone it For undefined period.

If the relationship has reached such a climax as a marriage proposal, then you know about the preferences of your chosen one and at least once, at least in passing, she mentioned how this moment should be. If your beloved shared her dreams and desires, then you should definitely make them come true.

How to prepare for a marriage proposal?

Gone are the days when you could just propose to be a wife and solemnly present the coveted ring. Today's young ladies consider it a fetish to be extraordinary in everything and be different from others - give it to your beloved magic moment of a fairy tale which she will never forget.

It is necessary to make an offer so that a woman remembers it forever.

In order for the marriage proposal to be original and touch your beloved you have to sweat a lot:

  1. Choose a good date- it must be a significant day, for example, her birthday, Valentine's Day, any date that is important for the two of you
  2. Prepare required attributes– ring, champagne, flowers
  3. Make a plan of action- plan where, when and under what circumstances you will make an offer
  4. Get Support– in the preparation and organization you can help the mother of the beloved or best friend

Don't forget that the place will be incredibly important, where you say the words cherished for your woman. If you do not have iconic places that have a meaning that is understandable only to you and your beloved, then you can choose just a beautiful place that will have a romantic mood.

It is very important to choose the right place for a marriage proposal.

If your plan has an unlimited budget, you can make an offer by the sea, but even in a cozy homely atmosphere, a marriage proposal can be made unforgettable.

What not to do when you propose marriage?

As already mentioned marriage proposal an incredibly important event for a woman and if you make a fatal mistake at this moment, it can even become a reason for refusal. When you ask for hands and hearts, you can’t:

  • by the way to say: "Marry me"
  • during such important words be distracted, chew, talk to someone in parallel- there are only you two in the whole Universe and there is nothing more important than the words that you are going to say
  • With make an offer over the phone, through an SMS message - only an evil eye, lovingly looking into her eyes and tremblingly squeezing her hands in his
  • be drunk- although this is an exciting moment, but throwing a couple of glasses for courage is absolutely unacceptable. So you show your disrespect for your beloved
  • propose in bed- a marriage proposal happens once in a lifetime (at least with you), so let your beloved be beautiful at this moment, and not disheveled and sleepy
  • hide the ring in food- perhaps in the movies it looks beautiful and extremely romantic, but in real life, a ring hidden in dessert can cause a visit to the dentist. Besides, it's trite and not at all impressive.

Don't hide your ring in your food

Men often make the mistake of proposing in the wrong place. For example, it is not right to propose in the house of the beloved, while accompanied by her family. You can put her in an awkward position, so it's better to say such important words in private.

If your woman does not like everyone's attention, then you should not propose. in a crowded place, where all eyes will be riveted to it, for example, on stage during a concert or performance.

When making an offer in a public place, evaluate what the reaction of the chosen one will be

In case the girl did not respond promptly, but said that she would think about the proposal, you should not be upset and make claims, make a scandal and beat the dishes. Such decision is very important and the fact that a woman wants to think about it does not mean that she doubts you.

How beautiful it is to propose in the spring: words, phrases

Spring- it's time for love, a time when pheromones are in the air, and hearts are filled with romance. It is very good to make an offer in a favorable spring time. If your beloved loves animals, then her impressive offer in the dolphinarium.

Propose marriage at the Dolphinarium

Arrange in advance with the staff of the dolphinarium that going to propose beloved woman. Don't tell her anything about the upcoming, you can only mention that prepared a surprise. Arriving at the dolphinarium, the girl will think that this is a surprise and will gladly give herself to entertainment with smart mammals.

At a convenient moment when the girl comes out of the water, and you will stand nearby, the dolphin will bring ring box. When she takes it in bewilderment, they will bring you a bouquet of flowers (this should be agreed in advance). With flowers in hand, propose to your beloved:

"Sun, today special day and I have prepared for you something more than a trip to the dolphinarium. Today I I want to offer you my heart who will love you selflessly, and the hand that will become a support in life, through which we let's walk together, hand in hand. If you agree to become my wife, then accept this ring.

Speak words coming from the soul - the beloved will appreciate them

« Life is impossible without love but only mutual feelings give strength to move forward. Meeting you was not accidental - you are the woman with whom I want to share everything. I love you and please be my wife."

How beautiful it is to propose marriage in the summer: words, phrases

Summer- it's time for vacations and a fabulous vacation, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of such a good opportunity to propose to your beloved. If you have planned joint trip to the sea, then it is there, on the shore during sunset, that you can make the most memorable and romantic act.

Proposal by the sea

Invite your loved one to swim in the sea at sunset. Wherein prepare everything you need in advance:

  • ring
  • champagne
  • glasses
  • flowers

In advance prepare a place where everything will happen: spread a blanket on the sand, scatter everywhere rose petals(even if the weather is a little windy, this will only enhance the effect). When you and your soulmate arrive at the scene, you must immediately fill glasses and only after that say the pre-prepared words:

“This sea is boundless - you can not see its shores, it stretches into the distance beyond the horizon. My love for you is just as endless. You are like sunlight lit up my life and made me happy. I realized that without you I am nothing To be myself, I need you by my side, forever. Darling, will you be my wife?"

“Life before you was a gray fragment in which there was nothing. With your appearance i was born again, felt all the joy of life, found happiness. You are my half part of me without which I am incomplete. This is to the ring is infinite, like my love. You will accept this symbol of boundless feelings, which will bind us into a single whole. until the end of life?"

Sprinkle rose petals on the beach to create a romantic mood.

How beautiful it is to propose in winter: words, phrases

There is something fabulous in winter and it's a sin not to use it. In winter, you can make an original marriage proposal that your soul mate can't forget.

Every girl believe in a fairy tale, even if somewhere deep, deep in the soul. A great idea to propose will be the idea to come to the window of your beloved ... on a horse. You can make an offer in this form in a public place, but then without help of strangers that will lead her to the right place at the right time is indispensable.

Fabulous marriage proposal

Order live music. Not necessarily an ensemble of violinists and a choir, but a romantic accompaniment must be present. Let the violinist plays a soft melody, and at that moment you will drive up to the window of your beloved on a beautiful noble horse with a huge bouquet of red roses.

When the beloved comes closer, the horse can be left alone - he played his part- Further it is very important to say the main words. Here are some examples:

“Beloved, with your appearance, my life has changed dramatically. It made sense, every morning I wake up with the thought that I am the happiest man in the world because you are with me. Today I want to give you a fairy tale that we will compose and build together throughout life. The life we'll spend together. Expensive, Do you agree to be my wife?"

Don't forget to get on one knee

"Today is the most exciting day of my life. It depends on your decision whether I will become the happiest or unhappiest in the world, because life without you is impossible. You are my air, without which I simply cannot exist. I beg, be my wife."

"When I met you, I thought that love with such force is simply impossible. Every day I fall in love with you more and more and if you decide to leave me, I, like crazy, will not be able to find peace until the end of my days. You are my treasure, the most valuable thing that can be, is more precious than life itself. You will you be my wife?"

Of course, such words must be spoken, kneeling before your beloved and holding a ring.

How beautiful it is to propose in the fall: words, phrases

In autumn, you can propose using fallen leaves. In advance decorate the clearing and lay out words from the leaves"Marry me". After that, invite the girl for a walk and take her to the decorated meadow. When a girl notices the words are needed say what's on your mind:

"I want to make you the happiest girl in the world and fulfill your dreams. To do this, you must be there in grief and joy, sickness and health. I promise that I will love you as strong as today and carry my feelings through the years. You agree become my wife?

If you are on vacation, then instead of leaves, sand is suitable, with which you can lay out words

“Beloved, I thought for a long time what is the meaning of life and realized that my meaning is you. You are exactly the one with whom I want to go through life hand in hand. Be my wife."

In fact, it is not at all necessary to memorize the proposed phrases. Speak from the heart, express your feelings and the girl will definitely appreciate it. And quite no matter how much money you spend to make a beautiful proposal - even at home on the couch it will be unforgettable if you put your soul into words and actions.

the offer can be the most ordinary - the main thing is that it be sincere

How beautiful it is to propose to your beloved at home: words, phrases

If appropriate, then the proposal can be done at home. The option to do this in front of parents and other relatives smacks of the Middle Ages - if you still want to solemnly asking for the hand of the girl's parents, then before that they should make an offer to her personally and in private. Only after her consent can you go "marry" the bride.

If you live with a girl together, then be sure arrange a romantic dinner to make a beautiful marriage proposal. To do this, decorate the room with rose petals, flowers, hearts, light candles, turn on slow lyrical music.

Organize a romantic dinner

Dinner does not have to be cooked by hand - you can order food or pre-buy. In extreme cases, you can get by with fruit, sweets and a bottle of champagne. It is unlikely that after the proposal made, the girl will wake up a brutal appetite and she will most likely will not appreciate your culinary skills.

When the girl recovers a little from the unexpected surprise in the form of dinner, proceed to the main thing. Pour champagne into glasses and get down on one knee with the ring. Tell her about your feelings and desire to be together:

« You are a dream come true, this is how I imagine the perfect girl. You know how to love, you know how to forgive, you can create comfort and take care of loved ones. I think you will become a great wife and mother, loving and reliable. Will you be my life partner?"

You can make an offer during a toast - it will be original and unexpected

After the girl gives her consent, you can take permission for marriage from her parents. It is not necessary to do this at all, but if you know that mother and father of the girl are disposed towards you and they will be pleased with such a gesture, then why not.

Pick a good moment and invite the parents of your loved one to visit or visit them yourself (only when it is convenient). During dinner, raise a toast:

“Today I would like to express to you gratitude for such a daughter She is the embodiment of kindness, beauty and tenderness. Only wise and caring parents could raise and educate such a girl. She had it's hard not to fall in love and I could not resist her charms. Moreover, I cannot imagine my life without your daughter and I want she became my wife."

How beautiful it is to propose in a public place, in a restaurant: words

If your companion is not afraid of everyone's attention, then you can do offer in a public place. You should not choose such places as the metro, the market, the supermarket and other impartial concentrations of people. The effect of the proposal in them will be blurred people pushing and hurrying about their business and noise.

Proposal in a public place

Better to choose for such an important event restaurant or cafe. It would be nice if this place was iconic for you - for example, if you met there or like to visit often. In advance agree with the administrator that you want to propose to a girl and ask for help.

Don't forget to prepare well:

  • order a musician who will play the violin or accordion
  • buy a bouquet of flowers that you give to your beloved and let the waiter bring it into the hall at the right time
  • order the girl's favorite dishes and champagne
  • ask for candles to be lit on the table (if appropriate)
  • take care of the table decorations

Marriage proposal in a cafe

When the waiter brings a bouquet of flowers and fills the glasses, and the musician plays touching quiet music you can say the main words:

“Today I invited you for a reason. I want to tell you maybe the most important words in your life. I want to say how dear you are to me and how important you are in my life. I don't understand my existence without your eyes and gentle smile. Darling, you are everything to me and I want to see you next to me as my wife. Will you marry me?"

After that, get down on one knee and offer the girl an engagement ring.

A romantic mood can be created anywhere, because between people in love it exists even in everyday life

Exists lots of ways to propose beloved girl. This can be done anywhere and in any form, the main thing is to do it from the heart and be completely sure that the woman in front of you which you need.

It is not necessary to go on a trip to Paris in order to create the right romantic atmosphere It is enough to put all your feelings into words. Sometimes a simple but sincere marriage proposal much more effective than a whole theatrical action.

Video: How to propose to a girl?

You have been dating for a long time and are sure that you see your chosen one as a life partner and mother of your future children. They are already ready to make an offer, but the question is tormenting: how to propose to a girl to get married so that she will remember this day for a long time, and her girlfriends will die of envy?

Just giving a ring, getting down on one knee, is no longer original, you want to surprise and cause a storm of emotions.

We have prepared some tips on how to get away from ordinary phrases such as: "You will become my wife", "Let's live together." We hope that our selection will help to make an offer to your beloved interesting.

Surely you are already familiar with the tastes of your chosen one and at least once heard her hints about how she sees this event in her fantasies. If not, contact her mother - this is your best assistant and ally. True, there are also best friends, but it is not a fact that they will not give you up ahead of time.

So, first of all, the proposal should sound beautiful. It's no secret that women love with their ears, so prepare those words and phrases that will be especially pleasant for your girlfriend.

Sample sentences in verse

Before you, my love, kneeling down,

I will repeat once again that I love you!

Be my wife!

I want to confess to you - you are my best gift in the world!

I give you my heart and I want us to have children!

Will you be my wife?

Hold my hand and heart! Own it!

From now on, I'm yours forever!

Do you remember we saw those swans

They are inseparable forever.

I will love you all my life, marry me!

I didn't live before you

I didn't see you before.

The Lord offered you to me.

I saw the world in a new way.

My angel, I dream that you and I will always be together!

Be my wife!

It doesn’t matter what kind of words you say, but they must come from the very depths of your heart and express sincere feelings. Your girlfriend will immediately feel it.

Immediately stretch the treasured box with a ring. The ring must be purchased in advance, while choosing the right size. Mom will also help you here if you can’t figure out the size yourself.

Where is the best place to propose?

Where and how the proposal is made depends on the hobbies and preferences of the couple. If you like to travel, choose the most romantic place for this. It can be a sunset by the sea, a sunrise in the mountains, any other place that seems suitable for this event.

Now it is very popular to make proposals with a large crowd of people. Girls are simply delighted when many people become witnesses of how they are loved and desired. You can record a video and put it on the Internet, very quickly gaining a large number of likes and reposts. Usually people are happy to support such impulses.

If you like to walk in the park, you can arrange with local musicians so that when you and your chosen one appear on the scheduled day and hour, they start playing the desired song.

Fashionable flash mob is now liked by students. They will gladly support your idea with a proposal and beat any song. Go to the nearest university, talk to the guys, you will be surprised by their energy and desire to help.

What mistakes should be avoided

But no less important is the mood of your future bride. Choose a day when she will not be overwhelmed at work if she works and complains all the time about the lack of time. Try to propose outside of the session if your girlfriend is a student. The mood should be positive, tuned in a romantic way.

Do not forget also about flowers and champagne, because no important event takes place without them. A marriage proposal is one of the most important in the life of any girl.

You must be sober (for your words to be taken seriously), not chewing gum or whatever. Be sure to turn off the phone so that at the most crucial moment the call does not interfere with such an important event.

In no case do not hide the ring in advance in food or drink. It is only in the cinema that such an undertaking looks romantic and the ring is caught by the lips. In life, such an experience is much sadder - a broken tooth can lead not only to the dentist, but also to separation. Therefore, let the treasured box be with you.

Why do girls say "I'll think about it"

When making an offer, you should be prepared for the fact that the girl will not immediately answer the coveted “yes”. She may refer to the fact that she needs time to think. Do not despair, it was you who prepared for several days and nights, developing a plan for how to call her in marriage. She didn’t know anything at that time (even if she secretly dreamed about it for the last couple of years). So treat her "I'll think about it" statement as part of the script, especially since she's heard the phrase in almost every romantic movie she's seen.

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