Profuse bleeding during pregnancy. Causes and consequences of spotting in early pregnancy. Causes of bleeding not related to the "interesting" position

Pregnancy is the most responsible and important time for every woman. The expectant mother very sensitively and carefully monitors changes in her condition, any deviations in the direction of deterioration in well-being are alarming and alarming. Bleeding is what scares expectant mothers the most. Why does bleeding occur in the first half of pregnancy?

Why does bleeding occur in early pregnancy?

Bleeding, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, is a dangerous symptom that can lead to irreversible consequences. Even if there is very little blood, you cannot ignore the discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice and medical help. Statistics say that about 20% of pregnant women experience bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy, and about 100 Russian women die annually from related complications.

Bleeding in the early stages can be both harmless and indicate serious complications of pregnancy.

Discharge with blood can be for various reasons. Among them are the following:

  • risk of abortion;
  • miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized egg attaches and begins its development outside the uterus;
  • non-developing or missed pregnancy, in which the fetus dies in utero;
  • implantation (introduction) of the egg into the inner layer of the uterine wall;
  • cystic skid;
  • inflammatory processes - cervical erosion, uterine fibroids, cervical canal polyps, endometriosis;
  • anomalies in the development of the embryo (chromosomal disorders);
  • hormonal disruptions - deficiency of progesterone (the so-called pregnancy hormone);
  • trauma (blow, bruise) of the abdomen;
  • rough sex.

Causes of bleeding

Ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy is a phenomenon in which a fertilized egg is attached outside the uterus - on the cervix, ovary, fallopian tube, abdominal cavity.

The main cause of ectopic pregnancy is the obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Such a deviation can occur due to various diseases in history:

  • infections (chronic or transferred) of the uterus and appendages;
  • tumors;
  • adhesions and scar tissue as a result of inflammatory processes;
  • adnexitis - an inflammatory disease of the appendages;
  • endometriosis - inflammation of the mucous layer of the uterine cavity;
  • operations on the female genital organs;
  • abortion;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • anomalies in the development of pipes;
  • intrauterine device.

With age, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases.

One of the options for the location of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity

Another cause of bleeding is an undeveloped pregnancy. This is an abnormal cessation of the growth and development of the embryo, which most often occurs for up to 3 months. Factors that provoke the fading of pregnancy:

  • pathology of the internal genital organs;
  • intrauterine infections leading to fetal malformations:
    • herpes,
    • rubella,
    • toxoplasmosis,
    • cytomegalovirus;
  • autoimmune disorders such as antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • IVF (in vitro fertilization);
  • severe stress;
  • hard physical labor;
  • some medicines;
  • bad habits - alcoholism, smoking, drug use.

Uterine bleeding may indicate a threat of spontaneous abortion or a miscarriage. Factors that provoke miscarriage may be:

  • hormonal imbalance - lack of progesterone or an excess of androgens;
  • Rh factor conflict;
  • immune disorders;
  • genetic failures - chromosomal mutations;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • diseases of the genital organs - uterine fibroids, endometriosis;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which can develop due to mechanical trauma to the cervix during abortions, difficult births or hormonal abnormalities;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases:
    • viral hepatitis,
    • angina,
    • rubella,
    • pyelonephritis,
    • appendicitis;
  • chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • severe stress that cannot be the root cause of a miscarriage, but is a predisposing factor;
  • endocrine diseases.

One of the causes of heavy bleeding during pregnancy is spontaneous abortion.

Bubble skid is another reason for heavy uterine bleeding. This is a pathological condition in which the normal development of the embryo does not occur (it may be completely absent), and the trophoblast (the outer layer of cells of a fertilized egg) grows. From the trophoblast during the normal course of pregnancy, the placenta is formed, in the case of hydatidiform mole this does not happen. The reason for such a pathological deviation is the absence or incomplete set of mother's chromosomes in the presence of a double chromosome set of the father. This phenomenon can occur if 2 spermatozoa simultaneously fertilize an egg with developmental anomalies - non-nuclear or with a delay in chromosome set. Viral or infectious diseases, lack of estrogen, genetic mutations are considered provoking factors for drift. Until the end, the cause-and-effect relationship of hydatidiform drift has not been studied.

Vesical skid - a tumor formation that causes profuse uterine bleeding

Implantation bleeding occurs in approximately 30% of pregnant women and is not particularly dangerous. They are like a scanty period. Such bleeding occurs a few days after ovulation or 7 days before the expected date of the start of menstruation. A fertilized egg is introduced into the epithelium of the inner layer of the uterus, thereby damaging the vessels.

Breakthrough bleeding (breakthrough of menstruation) at the beginning of pregnancy indicates hormonal disorders. Sometimes this happens in the first months of gestation repeatedly, while the discharge resembles ordinary menstruation, which is why the expectant mother may not be aware of her special position. This phenomenon occurs due to a sharp hormonal restructuring of the female body.

Minor bleeding can be triggered by an exacerbation of gynecological diseases, such as cervical ectopia, polyps, uterine fibroids, and others.

Symptoms of bleeding during pregnancy

The leading symptom, regardless of etiology, is discharge with blood from the vagina, they are scanty or abundant, with or without mucus, clots. Depending on the factor that provoked bleeding, other manifestations are added.

The danger of an ectopic pregnancy is that it proceeds in the same way as a normal one, that is, a woman experiences signs characteristic of a healthy pregnancy:

  • nausea;
  • fatigue;
  • malaise;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • weakness;
  • delay of menstruation.

The embryo develops, grows and there are manifestations that are already characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy:

  • intense pain, almost unbearable, in the lower abdomen or on the side where the egg was attached;
  • pain syndrome increases with movement, tilt;
  • bright red blood - in case of cervical pregnancy;
  • with tubal pregnancy - brown discharge;
  • feeling faint;
  • loss of consciousness.

If the pregnancy is cervical, then the bleeding is very plentiful, prolonged, since this place is rich in blood vessels.

Symptoms of an undeveloped pregnancy

At the very beginning of gestation, especially if the pregnancy is the first, a woman cannot immediately understand that something is wrong with the fetus. Most often, pregnant women go to the doctor when heavy bleeding begins - the uterus spontaneously tries to reject the dead fetus. Bleeding when pregnancy fades does not begin immediately. The first symptoms of this condition are:

  • manifestations of toxicosis stop if it was observed before;
  • mammary glands cease to swell and hurt;
  • pulling pains of moderate intensity are felt in the lower abdomen.

Then the pain can intensify, become cramping and spotting begins.

Risk of miscarriage

This condition manifests itself with three main symptoms:

  • bleeding from the uterus (from light pink daub to significant discharge, reminiscent of menstruation);
  • uterine hypertonicity, which is determined by ultrasound;
  • drawing pain in the abdomen, may radiate to the lower back.

Increased bleeding and deterioration of the general condition most often indicates that a miscarriage begins. At the same time, the pregnant woman feels severe weakness, dizziness, nausea, increased pain. The discharge is at first small brownish or red with mucus, after 1-2 days it becomes plentiful, with large clots. Bleeding becomes worse with exertion and movement.

There are several stages of miscarriage:

  1. The threat of abortion - there are weak spotting discharge and pain. The child can be saved.
  2. The beginning of a miscarriage - the pain becomes cramping, bleeding intensifies. The pregnancy can still be saved.
  3. Spontaneous abortion in progress, the main symptoms are intense pain and a lot of blood with clots. Pregnancy can no longer be saved.

Video - signs of early miscarriage

Signs of a hydatidiform mole

Along with bleeding, a woman experiences symptoms characteristic of early toxicosis:

  • nausea;
  • fatigue;
  • taste change;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • increase in symptoms of liver failure.

In the secretions, it is often possible to detect characteristic vesicles that have come off the chorionic villi (the embryonic part of the unformed placenta). Allocations with blood during cystic mole are frequent, abundant, they lead to the development of anemia.

The cystic drift can be complete (simple), incomplete (partial) and destructive, when the altered chorionic villi grow into the uterine wall. This form is the most severe and often causes terrible internal bleeding, and the growth itself acquires a malignant course.

implantation bleeding

This type of bleeding does not affect the normal course of pregnancy and is characterized by scant discharge or a small amount of pure blood. The discharge caused by the implantation of the egg in the uterine wall is never dark in color and can literally last from one hour to 2-3 days. At this time, a pregnant woman may feel a slight pain in the lower abdomen, but most often there is no pain.

Signs of breakthrough bleeding

The discharge resembles normal menstrual blood, only in a smaller volume. This phenomenon happens once at the very beginning of gestation or can be repeated for another 3-4 months.

Bleeding in gynecological diseases, such as erosion, is usually mild and not accompanied by other symptoms.

Bleeding with mechanical damage to the vagina or cervix during a gynecological examination or after intense sex also does not differ in intensity. Most often, they manifest themselves as light spotting secretions, quickly end and do not repeat.

Diagnosis of uterine bleeding

Diagnosis always begins with an examination of the pregnant woman, an objective assessment of her condition, the nature of the discharge, anamnesis in order to establish the presence or absence of diseases that provoked bleeding. Laboratory and hardware examination of the patient gives the doctor a clear idea of ​​the cause of bleeding and determines further treatment tactics. The standard examination of a pregnant woman with bleeding includes:

  • clinical blood test;
  • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis;
  • clinical analysis of urine;
  • coagulogram (blood clotting test);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, preferably transvaginally.

Further additional examinations depend on the identified pathologies. It can be:

  • blood for hCG;
  • hormone analysis;
  • analysis for TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, rubella);
  • swab for sexually transmitted infections.

Ultrasound is one of the main methods of examination and diagnosis in early pregnancy.

Diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy always begins with a chair examination. The doctor can determine the place of attachment of the fetal egg by the type of bloody discharge. Conduct a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone) in dynamics. With a healthy pregnancy, the level of the hormone doubles daily, with an ectopic pregnancy - no. Ultrasound is prescribed by the transvaginal method, when the sensor is inserted through the vagina. The method allows you to determine the place of attachment of the fetus. In doubtful cases, culdocentesis is used - a puncture of the posterior wall of the vagina. By the nature of the aspirate (fluid removed during puncture), the doctor can diagnose an ectopic pregnancy.

A doctor determines a frozen pregnancy by collecting and analyzing complaints and anamnesis (how long ago the discharge and other symptoms, concomitant gynecological diseases, the functionality of the reproductive system began). A gynecological examination indicates that the uterus is smaller than it should be at this time. In a blood test for hCG, the indicators are significantly behind the level during a normal pregnancy. With the help of ultrasound, it is determined that the size of the fetus is smaller than expected and there is no heartbeat.

Diagnosis of threatened miscarriage and spontaneous abortion is to collect anamnesis and complaints. Ultrasound shows hypertonicity of the walls of the uterus. With a threat, separate areas of the uterine tone are clearly expressed, with the onset of the abortion process, a contraction of all the walls of the uterus and detachment of the fetal egg are visible. If a miscarriage is suspected, the doctor conducts an examination on a chair with a two-handed vaginal examination, that is, by touch determines the size and tone of the uterus, whether there is a cervical opening.

It is quite easy for a specialist to diagnose a cystic skid. The doctor conducts an examination and ultrasound. On ultrasound, a specialist observes a picture characteristic of a cystic drift. This examination is often enough to make a correct diagnosis.

Treatment of bleeding

The causes of bleeding can be completely different and the consequences can be completely unpredictable, so if bleeding occurs, you should immediately seek medical help.

If the discharge is very slight and not accompanied by pain, you can independently contact the gynecologist of the antenatal clinic, provided that it is nearby. With heavy bleeding, pain, deterioration of health, it is necessary to call an ambulance immediately! Before the arrival of the brigade, you need to lie down, put a pillow or a soft roller under your feet. You can not take any medications so as not to lubricate the clinical picture. The most dangerous condition that can cause bleeding is an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, every minute counts.

Treatment of uterine bleeding is carried out depending on the causes that caused them. The patient in any case needs rest and strict bed rest.

Therapy with the threat of spontaneous abortion and the initial stage, if there are no deviations in the development of the embryo, is aimed at preserving the fetal egg. The following drugs are prescribed:

  • hemostatic - Dicinon, Tranexam, Vikasol, aminocaproic acid;
  • to reduce the tone of the uterus, antispasmodic drugs - No-shpu, papaverine, magnesium sulfate;
  • progesterone preparations - Utrozhestan, Duphaston;
  • vitamin preparations - MagneB6, folic acid, Iodomarin, vitamin E.

Drugs used to treat bleeding in early pregnancy - gallery

Dicynon is used as a hemostatic drug Tranexam is effective for uterine bleeding Vikasol is prescribed for bleeding of various etiologies No-Shpa is used as an antispasmodic for increased uterine tone Magnesium sulfate is used to relieve spasms, with increased uterine tone Dufaston and Utrozhestan are hormonal drugs that are prescribed for deficiency progesterone A complex preparation for pregnant women with magnesium and vitamin B6 in the composition
Folic acid belongs to the B group of vitamins and is used as a hematopoietic stimulant.

If treatment is started on time and all medical recommendations are followed, pregnancy can most often be saved. Emotional peace, renunciation of sexual life also play an important role in this case. After normalizing the condition of the pregnant woman and stopping the bleeding, the doctor may prescribe a tincture of valerian or motherwort for a sedative effect.

A pregnant woman should eat fully and balanced. In her diet must be food rich in protein - dairy and sour-milk products, meat, liver, eggs, fish. Every day, the expectant mother needs to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, especially rich in vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples, currants, tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower. It is very important to include vegetable oils and fatty fish in the diet - to strengthen blood vessels and the harmonious development of a healthy pregnancy.

Of the physiotherapeutic methods, gynecologists prefer electrophoresis with magnesium to reduce the tone of the uterus. For the same purpose, sometimes acupuncture, an electro-relaxator device or endonasal galvanization are used - the impact on certain zones with a galvanic current.

Electrophoresis with magnesium is used to reduce the tone of the uterus

If spontaneous abortion still could not be prevented, an operation is performed - the removal of the remains of the fetus, the uterus is scraped. After surgery, Oxytocin is prescribed - a drug for contracting the walls of the uterus and hemostatic agents. After the operation, antibiotics are indicated to prevent bacterial complications, a course of hormonal and vitamin therapy. During this period, the prescribed drug treatment should not be neglected, otherwise there is a risk of complications in the form of inflammatory processes, which can ultimately lead to the formation of adhesions and infertility.

An ectopic pregnancy is always treated with surgery. Laparoscopy or laparotomy is performed with the removal of the ovum and fallopian tube if it is significantly damaged and the organ cannot be saved. In a cervical ectopic pregnancy, the bleeding is stopped and the embryo is removed. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the cervix and even the uterus itself with the preservation of the appendages.

If bleeding is caused by a frozen pregnancy, then doctors choose the appropriate treatment tactics:

  • observation (may be relevant only for a few days after the death of the embryo) - due to a sharp drop in the level of hCG, the uterus begins to contract and expels the frozen fetus on its own;
  • interruption by medication (can be used up to 8 weeks) - prescribe progesterone antagonists and other drugs that stimulate miscarriage;
  • operation - removal of the fetal egg by scraping the uterine cavity with a curette or vacuum aspiration.

After the operation, a course of antibiotic therapy is carried out, immunomodulators and fortifying agents - vitamins are prescribed.

The treatment of cystic drift also has its own characteristics. In more than 50% of patients, tumor tissue is isolated without medical intervention. Overgrown formations from the uterus are removed by one of the methods:

  • up to 12 weeks, manual removal is performed, and then an instrumental revision of the uterus;
  • up to 20 weeks, the vacuum aspiration method is used. Scraping with a curette is used only for small formations, otherwise there is a risk of perforation (violation of integrity) of the walls of the uterus.

The removed tissues are sent for histological examination. If the cystic drift has a destructive form, especially with severe bleeding, the threat of perforation of the uterus, growth in the vagina, an operation is performed to remove the uterus. After such an operation, a course of chemotherapy is prescribed. For metastases to other organs, radiation therapy is sometimes performed.

Bleeding caused by hormonal changes in the body in the early stages of bearing a child does not require special treatment. In some cases, doctors will prescribe hormonal drugs.

If we talk about alternative medicine, then in addition to tinctures of valerian and motherwort, it is not recommended to drink other herbs, since they are most often ineffective and can even aggravate the situation.

Video - bleeding during pregnancy, therapy

Complications and consequences of uterine bleeding

The most severe complications can be with ectopic pregnancy:

  • pipe rupture - entails severe bleeding into the abdominal cavity, which can be fatal;
  • tubal abortion, when the fetus enters the sterile abdominal cavity, can threaten the development of purulent inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis.

The most severe consequence of an ectopic pregnancy is the loss of reproductive organs during surgery and further infertility.

A miscarriage with a belated request for medical help can threaten:

  • large blood loss;
  • inflammatory processes - salpingoophoritis, endometritis;
  • spikes;
  • difficulties with conception and bearing a healthy baby;
  • infertility.

The loss of a child is a huge stress for a woman and it can provoke depression and serious psychological disorders.

Bubble skid is fraught with the following consequences:

  • amenorrhea - absence of menstruation;
  • high risk of complications in childbirth - anomalies of labor, bleeding;
  • sepsis;
  • metastases in malignant course;
  • infertility.

Frozen pregnancy is dangerous with endometritis, the decomposition of a dead fetus can cause peritonitis and sepsis.

Prevention of bleeding in early pregnancy

Pregnancy needs to be planned. Before you think about conceiving a child, you need to undergo a complete examination of the body, eliminate all foci of infection, special attention, of course, should be paid to the health of the reproductive system. During pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a antenatal clinic in a timely manner, undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist, and take the required tests. Be sure to maintain a positive emotional background, walk more often in the fresh air, eat right, drink clean water. It is worth giving up bad habits long before the planned pregnancy. You can not take any medications without a doctor's prescription, and if you have suspicious symptoms, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Tracking the nature and duration of spotting in early pregnancy is very important. Although such secretion is considered normal in the first weeks of gestation, it can also be a signal of various diseases and problems with the fetus.

It should be noted that bleeding in early pregnancy occurs in 75% of cases and most often indicates natural processes in a woman's body that occur after conception. But situations are also possible, the outcome of which will largely depend on a timely visit to the doctor. Therefore, you need to find out which discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy is considered the norm, and which indicate problems.

The main causes of bleeding

Natural discharge with blood can appear for the following reasons:

  • attachment of the fetal egg (implantation bleeding);
  • hormonal changes;
  • active replenishment of the blood vessels of the genital organs.

Among the causes of bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy that require attention, we can distinguish:

  • minor damage due to the vaginal probe or speculum;
  • unsuccessful douching;
  • discharge after sexual contact;
  • vanishing twin.

In these cases, brown or slight red leucorrhoea may appear in the twelfth week. There is no need to worry, but it will not hurt to consult a doctor once again.

The result of spotting in the first trimester of pregnancy can also be:

  • lack of progesterone;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • problems with the fetus;
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • placenta previa;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • exfoliation of the chorion;
  • cystic skid;
  • cervical erosion;
  • papillomas.

In this case, the secretion may have a smell, does not stop for a very long time and is accompanied by severe pain. Doctors advise paying attention to additional symptoms of pathology.

Variety of secretion by color

Bloody discharge at the 4th week of pregnancy and until the end of the first trimester can normally have the following options:

  • transparent with a few drops of blood;
  • brown discharge of a smearing nature;
  • color pink;
  • scarlet color.

If in the first trimester of pregnancy such secretion is observed once and does not cause discomfort, then there is no reason to worry.

Consider the causes of red discharge during pregnancy in more detail, analyzing some of the questions and comments of women on the forums.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy without pathology

During pregnancy (especially in the first month of pregnancy) secretion with blood may be the result of natural or relatively harmless processes, each of which has its own specific symptoms.

implantation bleeding

Olya, 27 years old: “Hello! I'm guessing I have . Tell me, does this happen or is it the menstruation that has been delayed for 2 weeks begins?

Very often, women take the presence of spotting at the 3rd week of pregnancy for the next menstruation. It is worth noting that the implantation of the fetal egg can occur both earlier and later, so slight bloody streaks can also indicate a successful conception.

During this period, brown or red marks on the linen appear due to the introduction of the embryo into the uterine mucosa. It turns out that it is minor damage to blood vessels that causes spotting in the first trimester of pregnancy. It can be:

  • mucous whites with bloody streaks;
  • small drops of blood on the panty liner;
  • brown marks.

Therefore, in the third week and earlier, such secretion without additional symptoms is considered the norm. But still, bloody streaks in the whites should not be ignored for any suspicion.

After visiting the gynecologist

On the Internet, questions are quite popular regarding:

Anna, 30 years old: “Pregnancy for 6 weeks was not disturbed by bloody discharge, but after yesterday's examination at the gynecologist, I noticed a couple of red drops on the pad. What to do? Is this a miscarriage?

Blood discharge at the 6th week of pregnancy can sometimes occur as a result of microtrauma. Naturally, in such a case, women begin to worry, since it is already too late for implantation bleeding. During pregnancy at week 6, spotting may appear due to damage to blood vessels and capillaries by a vaginal probe or speculum. They will not be systematic, so they will immediately disappear almost on the same day. If you observe a similar secret for more than a couple of hours or their intensity increases, then the phenomenon is most likely not associated with a doctor's examination. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.

After sexual intercourse

Bloody discharge in early pregnancy after sex is not considered a pathology, but in this case it is better to refuse sexual contact and consult a doctor, because you need to accurately determine the cause of their appearance, and whether there is a threat to the fetus. But in most cases, such secretion is the result of careless intercourse, so it makes sense to reconsider postures and stick to a more relaxed rhythm. You will find the full answer to the question: “What do they mean?”, You will find in one of our articles.

"The Disappearing Twin"

Doctors found that almost every eighth person had a twin in the womb, the development of which stopped at some point. Note that this process is very typical for artificial insemination. Here is what women write on the forums about this:

Zinaida, 36 years old: “I went through the IVF procedure because I had already lost faith in becoming a mother. Everything was fine, but soon there was spotting at the 12th week of pregnancy. I went for an ultrasound - they found the fading of one of the twins. I hope that everything will be fine with the second child, and the appearance of such a secretion will not harm gestation.

  • in the lower abdomen there are spastic pains;
  • convulsions may occur.

Only a doctor can confirm or refute such a condition with the help of ultrasound. As for the timing of the secretion, spotting at 10 weeks of gestation, but not before, may indicate a "vanishing twin".

A similar phenomenon most often passes without consequences for the health of the woman and the unborn child.

Possible pathologies with bleeding in the early stages

Unfortunately, spotting at the beginning of pregnancy can be dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the mother. That is why doctors advise in case of any doubts and ailments to go to the hospital. The first trimester of pregnancy allows in most cases to correct the situation, but only with timely diagnosis.

Lack of progesterone

In some patients, doctors note a lack of progesterone, which calls into question the normal bearing of the fetus to term.

Victoria, 22 years old: “Pregnancy 5 weeks, spotting began to smear. I went to the hospital, where the doctor prescribed Duphaston. After taking the drug, everything stopped, but it’s still scary. ”

Valentina, 31 years old: “At the 7th week of pregnancy, a daub began. Will I be able to keep the baby with progesterone shots alone?”

Bloody discharge at 5-12 weeks may well be caused by a lack of progesterone, but you can’t take drugs without permission, because the wrong dose may be useless or even aggravate the situation.

If the discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy began to disturb, and there are traces of blood on the daily basis, then you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe drugs such as: Duphaston, Utrozhestan, and also select their optimal dosage. Additional treatment may be prescribed. In this case, it is better not to self-medicate, but if you do not pay attention to this problem, then the situation may end in spontaneous abortion. Before using the listed drugs, find out what may be in the article at the link.

Detachment of the placenta

Larisa, 35 years old: “8 weeks of pregnancy and spotting arose unexpectedly, and they are more scarlet. She did an ultrasound at the hospital. Diagnosis - minor placental abruption. My stomach used to hurt, but now it's gone. Of the drugs pricked only papaverine. I'm worried and don't know what's going to happen next."

Bloody discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy, especially having a scarlet tint, may indicate placental abruption.

This negative process is caused by stress, trauma, allergies, high blood pressure, as well as bad habits.

As for the intensity of secretion, everything will depend on the area and place of detachment.

It is worth noting that the 7th week of pregnancy is an early period at which timely medical care can correct the situation and save the baby.

Various injuries

Olga, 26 years old: “I was 7 weeks pregnant and I fell. I didn't go to the hospital because there was no pain or bleeding. How stupid I was, because then I had to lie on conservation for almost the entire period.

This situation can occur at any period of bearing a baby, because during pregnancy a minor bruise or blow can cause damage to blood vessels. In this case, it does not hurt to consult a doctor who examines the fetus and gives recommendations.

placenta previa

Svetlana, 34 years old: “I am only in my ninth week, but the gynecologist diagnosed me with placenta previa. Has the placenta already formed by this time?

Many women think that placenta previa can only occur at a later date. In fact, spotting at the 9th week of pregnancy, and at any time, can be caused precisely by placenta previa. The main difference is systematic bleeding, which at first may be painless. In the first trimester, bleeding is mild, but it is at this time that actions must be taken to eliminate the threat to the life of both the mother and the child.

Spontaneous abortion

Rejection of the fetus can be caused by stress, infections, injuries, etc. Also, spontaneous abortion can occur if the body considers the fetus to be incompetent, especially if there are genetic abnormalities.

Blood may appear in small quantities without additional sensations, and sometimes severe bleeding may open. If you turn to the doctor at the first spotting secretion, then the probability of saving the fetus is very high. At a late stage of this process, there is practically nothing that can be done.

Chorion exfoliation

It is from the chorion that the placenta is formed during the second trimester. The chorion provides a link between the mother and her child, so its detachment threatens the fetus. This process may be accompanied by a small amount of brown secretion.

"Bubble Skid"

A very rare pathology, which is accompanied by the growth of placental tissue. A woman may not feel anything until the development of the fetus stops.
Soon there is a copious secretion of red color. In this case, the fetus cannot be saved. It is believed that this deviation is genetic in nature. As a rule, it manifests itself from the 11th week of pregnancy.

Cervical erosion and polyps

Increased blood flow to the uterus can cause vascular damage. As a result, there is a slight bleeding, which can appear for no reason or after sex. If this process quickly and spontaneously stopped, then it may be erosion of the cervix, which is exacerbated precisely during the gestation of the fetus.

All about this pathology and about, read by clicking on the link.

Another cause may be polyps of the cervical canal and decidual polyps. These growths most often disappear on their own, but if removal is prescribed, the doctor also prescribes concomitant treatment.

If you are planning a pregnancy or are already in a position, it does not hurt to get acquainted with all the causes of red secretion. It is very difficult for a woman herself to associate discharge during pregnancy in the early stages with a certain violation, therefore, keeping calm, it is necessary to go to the hospital at the first ailments. Remember that self-medication is dangerous for your health.

Bleeding is any discharge from the genital tract of any intensity. They can be very slight (smearing), medium or strong. The color of the discharge can be bright red, pink, brown or almost black. In addition to blood, clots and pieces of tissue can be released.

The severity of the condition does not always correspond to the severity of bleeding. Sometimes it can happen that the blood is trapped inside the uterus or between its wall and the placenta, and very little discharge comes out. With a large blood loss, symptoms such as severe weakness, dizziness, and nausea appear.

Possible causes of bleeding are very diverse and depend on the gestational age. In the first trimester (1-3 months) they are completely different than in the later stages.

Since any bleeding during pregnancy can be dangerous, you should immediately consult a doctor if you experience any bleeding from the vagina.

Bleeding in early pregnancy

This is any spotting in the first three months of pregnancy. Their strength can be different - from smearing to plentiful, with blood clots. A fairly common problem in early pregnancy, occurs in 20-30% of cases.

Possible reasons:

  • Implantation bleeding - a small amount of droplets of blood at the time of implantation (attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall). An absolutely normal phenomenon, but it is often confused with menstruation, since it occurs approximately at the time when they were supposed to come. Often this leads to embarrassment and incorrect setting of the gestational age.
  • The threat of miscarriage (miscarriage) is the most common cause of bleeding in the first trimester, accounting for up to 50% of all bleeding in the early stages. It is manifested by the discharge of blood from the vagina or cramping pains in the abdomen. The embryo still remains in the uterus, which can be determined by, but the outcome of the pregnancy is in question. Threatened miscarriage can be the result of an infection (most often urinary tract infections), the use of certain drugs, dehydration, physical trauma, and also a consequence of deviations in the development of the embryo.
  • Complete - if the miscarriage has already occurred, then the pain in the abdomen gradually subsides, the discharge stops, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bclosed, and its cavity looks empty on ultrasound. The reasons for this are the same as the threat of miscarriage. With a complete spontaneous miscarriage, there is usually no need for curettage of the uterus.
  • Incomplete miscarriage (abortion in progress) - the ongoing release of blood, clots and pieces of tissue from the genital tract. At the same time, on examination, the doctor can determine that the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bstill open, while with a complete miscarriage it closes. There are no longer any chances of maintaining a pregnancy during an abortion, tk. the embryo is already dead. It is often necessary to scrape the uterus to avoid infection or heavy bleeding.
  • - may not give any symptoms, but more often there are scanty spotting, abdominal pain, reduction and softening of the chest. The causes of a missed pregnancy are most often in the genetic abnormalities of the embryo. Ultrasound and blood tests will help confirm the diagnosis. The management tactics in this case can be different: wait for a spontaneous miscarriage or curettage.
  • Bubble drift - abnormal development of pregnancy, when unformed tissue grows instead of an embryo, it can also be manifested by bleeding in the first trimester. The reasons for this deviation are not fully understood. In most cases, hydatidiform mole is harmless to the mother. Sometimes its cells can penetrate into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, but in this case, the disease responds well to treatment.

Bleeding in late pregnancy

In late pregnancy, bleeding is always a sign of some kind of problem, and after 28 weeks it is already an emergency.

The causes of bleeding in the second and third trimesters are different than in the early stages. Most often this is a problem with the placenta. The main ones are:

  • Placenta previa - the incorrect location of the placenta in the uterus close to the entrance to it (uterine pharynx). As a result of prenatal changes in the muscular layer of the uterus, the thin wall of the lower part cannot hold the placenta, and small detachments occur. In 70% of cases, this is manifested by painless bleeding, in 20% it is accompanied by cramping abdominal pain. In 10% of cases, there are no manifestations, and blood accumulates between the placenta and the uterine wall.
  • Placental abruption - with this rare complication (probability 1:200), a normal placenta suddenly begins to get rid of the walls of the uterus even before the onset of childbirth or at the very beginning of them. Causes unknown, may accompany severe preeclampsia and preeclampsia. The most common manifestation is dark vaginal discharge with blood clots, abdominal pain, increased uterine tone. Fortunately, complete abruption is rare, mostly affecting only a small part of the placenta. At the same time, the condition of the fetus can be different, it must be constantly monitored by, in order to be carried out on time, if necessary.
  • Bleeding from the vessels of the fetus. Occurs in 1:1000–1:5000 cases. It can be caused by tearing of the umbilical cord or vessels of the fetal membranes. The baby's heartbeat first increases, and then its frequency drops as blood is lost. The decision on how to continue pregnancy and childbirth is made by the doctor, depending on the situation.

Causes of bleeding not related to pregnancy

In addition to these reasons, causes that are not directly related to pregnancy can lead to the appearance of spotting:

  • Injuries to the genital tract, such as cracks after intercourse;
  • Bleeding from varicose veins of the vagina;
  • Diseases of the cervix and vagina: erosion, polyps, cracks, etc.;
  • Genital tract infections - most often genital infections, as well as fungal infections;
  • Hereditary diseases such as hemophilia are very rare, about one in 10,000. They usually manifest themselves long before the start of pregnancy and the expectant mother already knows about them.

Prevention of bleeding

Unfortunately, in the first trimester, a developing embryo is affected by a lot of negative factors, each of which can cause developmental disorders. In addition, we should not forget that very often miscarriages occur due to genetic abnormalities in the fetus, and this does not depend on you.

If you do all of the above, as well as keep in close contact with your doctor, you will do your best for your baby, and you will definitely be fine.

Vaginal bleeding does not necessarily indicate any abnormalities in the development of pregnancy. As the placenta grows, many blood vessels form, so it's not surprising that one of these tiny capillaries can sometimes rupture. In this case, discharge or even slight bleeding is possible. About 20 percent of women with normal pregnancies experienced vaginal discharge or bleeding during the first weeks of pregnancy.

In what cases should you not worry. Bleeding, which should not cause you concern, is usually painless, transient, not very heavy, and is not accompanied by other symptoms. The color of the blood is red or pinkish and does not contain tissue fragments.

The three most common causes of safe bleeding during the first months of pregnancy are:

  • "Implantation" bleeding. Occurs two to four weeks after fertilization, when the embryo is introduced into the uterine mucosa rich in blood vessels. Such bleeding can be mistaken for menstruation, especially if you have irregular periods.
  • Menstrual bleeding. The developing placenta produces hormones that suppress menstruation, but in the first weeks, the levels of these hormones may not be high enough to completely prevent periods. Therefore, in the first and second months of pregnancy, you may experience slight bleeding at the right time.
  • Bleeding after intercourse. Bleeding after intercourse is fairly common and is not dangerous.
When should you be concerned. Anxiety should be caused by vaginal bleeding, accompanied by pain or spasms, profuse or non-stop bleeding, as well as brownish blood with clots and tissue fragments. Report these symptoms to your doctor immediately. Such bleeding may be a sign of a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. What to do with bleeding. If the bleeding leaves only one or two spots of red or pink color on your underwear, is not accompanied by pain and is not long-term, consult your doctor by visiting during your usual office hours. This is not an emergency. If this type of bleeding begins after exercise or sexual intercourse, stop these activities before consulting your doctor. If tissue fragments (greyish-pink or brownish) come out with blood (red or dark chestnut), keep these fragments in a clean container (plastic bag or jar) and call your doctor. Tissue fragments can help determine if there is an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, and sometimes the cause of the miscarriage.

If bleeding is heavy enough to soak a sanitary napkin, is painful, prolonged, accompanied by crampy abdominal pain, weakness, or fainting, seek immediate medical attention. Lie down and wait for a call from the doctor. Store the blood-soaked pad and fetal tissues in a clean container.

When talking to the doctor, try to remain calm in order to give him all the necessary information; only in this case, he will be able to determine whether you need medical attention or whether it is too early to worry. The doctor needs to know how the bleeding started (suddenly or gradually), how profuse it is, how long it lasts and what its nature is (blood is bright red, brownish, pink, contains clots), have you noticed tissue fragments, is the bleeding accompanied by pain, spasms or other anxiety symptoms.

In most cases, occasional bleeding or vaginal discharge early in pregnancy is not a sign of trouble, and you will most likely have a healthy baby. If the doctor during a telephone conversation does not find reasons for concern, and you continue to worry, make an appointment with him the next day to get rid of anxiety. The doctor may order an ultrasound to determine if the baby is at risk of bleeding or not.

Sears W. and M. Expecting a baby. Eksmo, 2009

The waiting time for a baby becomes the most pleasant and natural for every woman. With the onset of pregnancy, tremendous changes occur in the body of the fair sex. So, many expectant mothers are concerned about the issue of vaginal discharge. This article will tell you about what kind of bleeding occurs during and in later periods of fetal development. You will find out what can cause a particular pathology. It is also worth mentioning how to stop bleeding in the early stages.

What happens in the body after conception?

Immediately after the fusion of two gametes (male and female), a set of cells is formed, which begins to continuously divide and move towards the reproductive organ. When the fetal egg enters the uterus, it attaches to the wall covered with the endometrium. It is from this moment that it can be said that the pregnancy has come.

In most cases, the bearing of a baby in women occurs without features. However, there are times when bleeding occurs during early pregnancy. In this case, you should always consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to soberly assess the situation and prescribe the necessary treatment. With timely correction, it is possible to maintain the pregnancy and safely bear the child.

Early pregnancy: a general description

To begin with, it is worth saying that this is a period of time. Early pregnancy is considered a period up to 12 weeks. It is during this time period that most interruptions in the development of the embryo occur.

Many doctors say that when you have crossed this line, you can be calm. Pregnancy is more, as a rule, nothing threatens.

Bloody (early term)

While waiting for the baby, the internal hormonal background of a woman is completely rebuilt. As a result of this process, vaginal discharge may increase. In the normal state, they are white or transparent in color, and are also characterized by the absence of any odor.

About a third of all expectant mothers are faced with such phenomena as bleeding during pregnancy. Should I panic in this case? Or can everything be left to chance? The answers to these questions directly depend on the cause of the pathology. Only a doctor can determine what contributed to the occurrence of unusual discharge. Consider what causes of bleeding in early pregnancy are the most common

The first reason: damage to the endometrium by the fetal egg

This situation can be attributed to one of the most harmless. This condition does not threaten the unborn baby. Often, when women are unaware of their new position, they mistake the discharge for menstruation that has begun ahead of time.

Implantation occurs approximately one week after ovulation. It is the same time left before the start of a new cycle. When the fetal egg descends into the reproductive organ, it immediately begins to penetrate the endometrial layer. Thus, the embryo “digs” a hole for itself for further stay and growth. During this process, minor damage to small vessels may occur. Broken capillaries secrete drops of blood, which are subsequently mixed with abundant vaginal discharge and exit the genitals. It is at this point that a woman may notice that she has a brownish or pinkish discharge.

Such bleeding during pregnancy (at an early stage) does not pose any danger. They usually go away on their own within a few days. It is worth noting that in this case, the amount of secreted mucus gradually decreases, and it brightens.

The second reason: cervical erosion

Bleeding during pregnancy (early and late) may occur due to damage to the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. Most often, cervical erosion manifests itself in the normal state (before conception). However, with the onset of fertilization, the mucous membrane becomes even more sensitive. Vessels and capillaries inside the cervix overflow with blood. That is why, with erosion during pregnancy, spotting often appears.

Such a pathology does not pose a threat. However, doctors recommend undergoing a certain examination procedure called a colposcopy. It is this diagnosis that allows you to assess the complexity of the disease. It is recommended to treat erosion only after childbirth. Otherwise, there may be problems with the opening of the cervix.

The third reason: polyps and cysts of the endocervix

Bleeding during early pregnancy or at a later time may occur due to neoplasms in the cervix. Most often, such a pathology is a polyp or a small cyst of the endocervix. Since the cervix is ​​filled with many vessels, their minor damage may occur. In this case, droplets of blood are mixed with vaginal secretions and come out.

Such bleeding during early pregnancy or later does not pose a particular danger to the life of the fetus. However, if an infection enters the wound, infection can occur. The polyp requires mandatory treatment, but it should be carried out only after the birth of the baby.

Fourth reason: lack of progesterone

Bleeding in early pregnancy can be caused by insufficient production of the hormone. In the second phase of the cycle, progesterone is normally released in women. It is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. With some hormonal disorders, there may be insufficient secretion of this substance. In this case, premature contraction of the reproductive organ begins. All this leads to the fact that the fetal egg begins to exfoliate from its place and arises

Treatment in this case must be carried out necessarily. Before prescribing medication, the doctor may send you to donate blood to determine the amount of this hormone. After receiving the results, an individual dosage and correction method are selected. Most often, the following drugs are chosen for the treatment of such a pathology: Duphaston tablets, Progesterone injections or Utrozhestan suppositories. It is worth noting that taking medication in some cases takes a very long time. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the further course of pregnancy.

Fifth reason: endometriosis

Bleeding in early pregnancy often has a hormonal cause. So, the disease can be caused by a disease called endometriosis. In this case, the shell of the reproductive organ grows in other places. It can appear on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or in the vagina. After the onset of pregnancy and the cessation of the menstrual cycle, rejection of the overgrown endometrium sometimes occurs. In this case, the woman observes quite abundant spotting in the early stages of pregnancy.

Treatment in this situation should be carried out in accordance with the individual situation and the general well-being of the expectant mother.

Sixth reason: pregnancy developing outside the cavity of the reproductive organ

With an ectopic pregnancy, bleeding from the genitals of the expectant mother in the early stages can be observed. In this case, the woman begins to feel pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and nausea. Diagnosis of pathology is always carried out with the help of a blood test and an ultrasound examination. It is worth noting that an ectopic pregnancy can affect the ovary, fallopian tube, or even end up in the abdominal cavity. With the development of "tubal" pregnancy, a woman feels stronger signs of this pathology. More blurred symptoms occur when the embryo is in the ovary or peritoneum.

Treatment in this case must be carried out necessarily. It is almost always surgical.

The seventh reason: the low location of the placenta

The causes of bleeding during early pregnancy may lie in low placenta previa. If the fetal egg is attached too low or completely blocked the entrance to the uterus, then these symptoms may appear. In this case, a woman most often does not feel any additional discomfort. Allocations begin to appear after sexual intercourse, when lifting weights or strong physical exertion.

Treatment in this situation is most often carried out in a hospital. The expectant mother is assigned to bed rest. Some drugs that stop the blood may also be recommended: Tranexam tablets, Dicinon injections and others.

Eighth reason: inaccuracy

Bloody discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can be caused by banal inaccuracy. If you are prescribed a treatment in which you need to insert vaginal suppositories or tablets, then you need to do this as carefully as possible. Otherwise, the sensitive vaginal mucosa may be damaged. Also, during sexual intercourse, you need to be careful. Otherwise, the cervix may be slightly injured.

Treatment in this case is not required. However, the doctor will recommend that you continue to be careful and maintain personal hygiene in order to avoid infection of the wound.

Ninth reason: menstruation on time

Only a few pregnant women face such a situation. This category of expectant mothers has monthly menstruation, which comes strictly on time. In this case, spotting lasts several days and can be quite plentiful. Doctors are very wary of such bleeding. However, after conducting examinations and analyzes, experts come to the conclusion that nothing threatens the woman and her unborn baby. These discharges most often stop after the first three months of pregnancy.

Treatment is prescribed only if a woman has complaints.

Bleeding during pregnancy: causes, consequences

So, you know the most common causes of spotting in early pregnancy. The consequences of this disease can be very diverse.

In some cases, when erosion or banal carelessness is the cause, nothing threatens the health of the unborn baby. In this case, most likely, there will be no consequences.

If the cause of bleeding is a lack of progesterone, placenta previa, or an ectopic pregnancy, then everything can be much more serious. The consequences of such ailments can be very deplorable. That is why when they occur, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Summing up and conclusion

You have learned about the causes that cause bleeding during early pregnancy. Always with such symptoms, it is worth consulting with a specialist, and not self-medicating. Don't listen to your friends' advice. Every pregnancy is different and unpredictable.

Treat bleeding during pregnancy promptly. Only in this case you will be able to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Have a good pregnancy and childbirth on time!