The dress is very prickly what to do. A woolen sweater, jacket, dress, downy scarf pricks: what to do, how to fix it? How to remove prickly fur? How to wash, soften the wool so that it does not prick? Special detergents

knitted natural wool items not only warm, but also wearing them has a beneficial effect on health. Of course, this is a great opportunity to abandon synthetics and wear natural raw materials. The only and big minus of woolen clothing is that it is prickly. Because of this, children refuse to wear such things, and adults often think about how to make a woolen thing not prick.

Why is it useful to wear clothes made of natural wool?

Oddly enough, but it is believed that this raw material should be prickly, because it is thanks to the causticity that the main function, the so-called reflexology, occurs. This is especially useful for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases. It has a beneficial effect on the health of people with vegetovascular dystonia.

High quality sheep wool absolutely does not cause allergies.

Sheep wool is considered the most prickly. It is as if covered with small scales and thereby scratches the skin. Of course, this is extremely annoying for the owner of the robe, but if you look at it from the other side, you can find its pluses, and our advice will help to cope with the “causticity”.

How to make prickly things soft, 5 tips

  1. First, let's turn to grandmother's methods. As practice shows, they are the most effective. You need to stretch the thing in the usual way, and then add a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon to the rinse water. The proportion is based on 10 liters of water, so if you have a baby blouse or sweater, then you can take less vinegar and salt.
  2. You can pour a little glycerin into the rinse water. It is sold in every pharmacy and is not expensive. Then it will be possible to find another use for it, for example, to make a hair mask or hand cream.
  3. If you start from the fact that wool is the hairline of an animal, then you can try using a regular shampoo to soften the wool. And by the way, do not forget to rub the wool product with hair balm after washing. Rinse to remove detergent residues and preferably dry in a horizontal position, slightly straightening the fibers.
  4. Many manufacturers produce lines of conditioners that also soften wool fibers well. Soak preferably in cold water with a double portion of fabric softener. The substances contained in the rinse aid, as it were, envelop the villi, and prevent them from bristling. After exposure to cold water, the villi will adhere to the main thread more densely.
  5. You can also use mustard powder to soften woolen items. All you need is to dissolve a handful of mustard powder in warm water and soak the product. Leave for half an hour and rinse. This method is best used to soften dark or colored items, as mustard can color the item.

Some, especially enterprising housewives sometimes use the freezing method. They initially wash a sweater or jacket in a detergent, wring it out, put it in a plastic bag and put it in a freezer for several days. This method is not very effective, as several such freeze cycles will be required, and the winter will pass while the sweater is in the freezer. Most often, an integrated approach helps, and then the woolen thing will probably stop pricking.

The softest wool found in mustelids, foxes, hares and beavers is called fur.

If you know your own way to make wool things not “bite”, tell us in the comments below and we will publish them.

With the onset of cold weather, such necessary and warm woolen things are removed from the closet. Here it is, my favorite sweater. Very beautiful, but prickly. Saves only a turtleneck with a high neck worn under the bottom. Don't worry about it - we'll fix it. We will share with you ways to help remove tingling hair.

All these methods will not require special costs: neither material nor physical. To eliminate the causticity, it is enough to apply some tricks when washing.

The fact that the sweater pricks is natural: animal hair is the same human hair. If the ends of the hair are cut, then a kind of brush of hairs forms in this place. In wool, skin irritation is provided by just such a pile structure. All skin is sensitive to tingling, especially children. That is why it is recommended from the very first days of life to use soft acrylic or wool of a special line adapted for such products for children's things.

Ways to eliminate the causticity of a sweater

All the methods and methods of influencing the structure of the hair fibers given below have been tested by the people and have long proved their effectiveness. For some things, one method is suitable, for some other. So what to do? Here are some general tips for caring for natural wool products:

Important! Ordinary fabric washing powder destroys the structure of the pile and does not rinse well. Avoid using it on wool products.

So, to eliminate the causticity, you need to try the work of a special wool softener. If there is no result, we start looking for “our own” way.

We use mustard

This method has been used by people for a long time. We will need 1-2 tablespoons of mustard powder. Everything is quite simple:

Applying hair conditioner

The method is simple and affordable. Products designed to cleanse the hair will work best for the coat:

  • We wash the sweater in warm water, we take hair shampoo as a special powder;
  • We rinse several times with the addition of a hair conditioner of the same series (if not, you can take a balm).

Important! Shampoo and then conditioner will make the structure of the pile softer and fluffier.

Lemon for pungency

One of the hardest ways:

Glycerin for softness

This method is quite simple: you need a teaspoon of glycerin per liter of water. The woolen thing is soaked in the resulting composition for half an hour. It is clear that glycerin still needs to be bought at a pharmacy, although it is inexpensive. And you can’t soak a sweater in a liter of water, you need to select the volume already on the spot. After the procedure, thoroughly rinse the sweater in several waters.

Dish detergent

It is used by many housewives as a universal remedy for getting rid of tingling wool. Although According to the degree of negative impact on the structure of the pile, experts do not recommend this method.. Use it or not - you decide. Moisten the sweater with water, apply dishwashing detergent and leave it for a couple of hours. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.

Winding out in the cold

Another way to tame an obstinate sweater is exposure to low temperatures:

Attention! Not always the desired effect is achieved by a single freezing, there are times when repetitions are necessary.

More methods

Often the softness of wool is achieved by repeated rinsing in a solution of vinegar and salt (a teaspoon per 10 liters of water). True, the smell of vinegar does not disappear from the product immediately. Bleach is used for a white sweater. Simply soak the thing in warm water with the addition of a certain amount of chemical. Then a thorough rinsing of the composition and ventilation from a pungent odor is required.

Important! The structure of the wool can collapse, which will lead to deformation of the product and a significant reduction in the life of the product.

Tricks for housewives so that the sweater does not prick

It also happens that none of the methods gave the expected result, but together they worked as they should. Advice from this series:

Well, and absolutely an extreme case - sewing on thin strips of fabric from the wrong side of the sweater on the neck and in the cuff area. It is worth noting that this is not so easy to do: the stitches must be made invisible, and the details of the product must not be deformed.

If your knitted sweater is too stiff and unbearably scratchy, then you can either continue to tickle your nerves, or try to make sure that the sweater does not prick.

Of course, the easiest option to get rid of the discomfort caused by too stiff yarn is to wear a long-sleeved T-shirt under such a sweater.
When buying such a thing, specify what kind of wool it is knitted from. The most prickly is sheep's wool, it is covered with very small, but at the same time very prickly scales.

However, wearing woolen clothes on the naked body is considered beneficial, as it is reflexology for our body. Stiff hairs stimulate nerve endings, improve blood circulation, which is very useful for many diseases.

Well, if you do not agree to put up with such reflexology, we advise you to pay attention to the following methods used by experienced knitters to soften woolen yarn and the finished product.

What to do so that the sweater does not prick

Alas, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the prickly wool. You can’t change the structure of the hairs so much, but you can try to make them a little softer by resorting to heat treatment and various rinses.
  • Steaming
Prepare a piece of cloth (chintz or cotton) and a solution of citric acid. To do this, dilute a bag of lemon (20 gr.) In 0.5 liters of water. Lay the sweater on the ironing board, turn on the iron on high heat. Wet and wring out the fabric, lay it over the sweater and iron it. Be careful not to press on the iron, otherwise you may stretch the product. After you have steamed the entire product, leave it to cool completely in a straightened state.
  • Freezing
Try to keep a scratchy sweater in the freezer for a couple of days by packing it in a bag. This is one of the old ways, but at that time, instead of a freezer, the wool was kept in the open frost. In addition to softening, this also allowed the wool to be slightly bleached.
  • Shampoos and balms
To prevent the sweater from prickling, use a shampoo intended for long-haired cats for each wash.

You can also use any hair balm - lay a wet sweater on the bottom of the bathroom and evenly apply balm to it. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Do not forget to apply the balm on the back of the product.

  • Vinegar
Fill a basin with warm water, add a spoonful of liquid wool detergent and a spoonful of vinegar. Immerse the woolen garment completely. Leave it on for one hour, then gently wring out, rinse and squeeze out excess water by wrapping the sweater in a towel.

  • mustard powder
Soak a woolen item in a mustard solution. To do this, dilute a handful of dry mustard (powder) in warm water in a basin. After 30 minutes, rinse the product under water, wring it out with a towel (twisting it with a roll) and lay it on a horizontal surface.
  • Glycerol
The recipe is similar to the previous one, but instead of mustard, make a solution with 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

If you are just going to knit something from prickly wool, then it is better not to count on the fact that in the future you will be able to make this thing much more pleasant to the body. And if we are talking about children's things, then it is better to refuse such yarn altogether.

Sweaters should be somewhat prickly. Such things have been valued at all times, because, first of all, it is good for health - they stimulate nerve endings, help those who have problems with the kidneys, liver and blood vessels.

However, if you are still wondering how to make a sweater not scratchy, unable to tolerate it, we will tell you how to deal with it.

For some, this problem is especially important, because if the wool is poorly combed and washed, then the lanolin in its composition can cause allergies.

Alpaca fur is the softest, but sheep fur is the most prickly. Her villi hurt her skin. An ordinary iron will not help here. You have two options: seek help from professionals or use one of the following folk methods.

How to make woolen clothes soft with mustard?

Ordinary instant mustard effectively copes:

  1. Just soak the item in warm water with a few tablespoons added for a couple of hours.
  2. After - rinse the sweater, squeezing lightly.
  3. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to add vinegar or salt to the solution.
  4. Air dry in an upright position.

Important! An old recipe - after soaking, put the product in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for eight hours. Let things thaw and dry - there will be no trace of prickly.

How to make a sweater soft with shampoo?

The second way is for those who have a washing machine in the house. It is necessary to wash the jacket with the addition of shampoo to wash the hair.

Important! If there is no machine, then you can soak the thing with the addition of hair conditioner.

lemon and steam

The next way to soften a scratchy sweater is with citric acid and steam.

Important! Lemon is an amazing softener, and hot steam enhances this effect at times.

Here's what to do:

  1. The first step is to squeeze the juice from three or four lemons.
  2. Heat up the iron or prepare the steam generator.
  3. Lay the sweater out on the ironing board.
  4. Soak a thin cloth in citric acid and place on the product.
  5. Leave for half an hour, and then proceed to steaming.

Important! Special softeners of industrial production will also help to solve the problem. Their range is quite wide, so you can easily choose an affordable one for yourself.


An equally effective way to soften a scratchy sweater is with glycerin. You can buy it at any pharmacy. The price is usually low.

You need to soak the "thorn" in warm water with the addition of one to two tablespoons of glycerin. Leave the item to soak for several hours, then rinse in cold water and dry.

Important! A few words about drying - this is best done outdoors or at room temperature. But the use of electrical appliances is not prohibited. The main thing is to dry the jacket properly. This must be done in a horizontal position.


If you have winter and there is a lot of snow and frost outside, then it is enough to leave the “thorn” in the snow overnight. The next day, there will be no trace of the problem of unpleasant tactile sensations. The product will become soft and pleasant to the body.

Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing liquid is a versatile product that can tackle many stains. In addition, it perfectly eliminates "pricklyness". Lightly wet the product that is prickly, and cover it well with the agent. Rinse thoroughly after a couple of hours.


There are other options. For example, you can not subject the “nipper” to any processing, but simply wear something underneath. Wearing a turtleneck, you will not only not have unpleasant tactile sensations, in the cold season you will be much warmer.


How to make a knitted thing soft? A knitted prickly sweater can be tied up:

  • Start to dissolve it, moving from the neck.
  • After all the threads are unraveled, they can take on a wavy look. To solve this problem and straighten them, steam them. This can be done with an iron, a special device - a steamer, or you can simply hold it over boiling water.
  • After that, arm yourself with a crochet, as well as cotton or silk threads, and start dressing.


If you are faced with the task of how to give softness to a prickly product of white shades, this can be done using ordinary bleach. Add some product to warm water, soak the problematic sweater in it. After the procedure, it will become much softer.


These were all ways to make a scratchy sweater soft. You are guaranteed to find one that will help you deal with this problem. If this did not happen, then, unfortunately, nothing can be done - it remains only to part with the thing. And henceforth, when buying woolen products, remember that the composition must necessarily contain impurities of other materials, such as silk or cotton.

As a rule, woolen things in the process of wearing cause some discomfort with their prickliness. True, there is an opinion that the sensation of tingling has a healing effect. But not many people want to put up with it. The “biting” property is affected by the structure of the woolen thread, which, like human hair, tends to split, forming small villi along the edges of the thread, which irritate our skin.

How to get rid of the pricklyness of woolen things when worn?

Powder for woolen clothes

There is a special powder and fabric softener that gives woolen clothes softness. It is even more convenient to use the liquid version of the product - washing gel. It works better on the fabric and does not leave streaks.

Before washing a woolen product, you need to study the recommendations on the label of this product - what special softeners can be used for a washing machine or hand wash, which washing method should be preferred. When hand washed, the fabric is less deformed. The effect of the remedy is not durable, but tends to accumulate. Therefore, with each wash, the thing will become a little softer.

Shampoo and hair conditioner

There was no special means for washing wool at hand - it does not matter! Ordinary shampoo and balm (conditioner) for hair are quite capable of coping with the task.

More effective will be products designed for dry, long and split ends. An excellent result is the use of zoo shampoos for long-haired animals.

The shampoo should be diluted in water at room temperature and the woolen thing should be soaked for a while. The balm can be applied after washing directly on the product or also soaked in a container with a product diluted in water for 5-10 minutes.

Steaming wool

To make the woolen product softer, you can try to steam it. For this procedure, it is enough to have an iron or a steam generator and a lemon. Citric acid tends to soften the thing, and steam only enhances the effect.

With the prepared lemon solution, moisten a piece of cloth (it is better that it is cotton) and put it on a woolen product. Without pressing hard on the iron, walk over the item to be steamed on both sides. When using a steam generator, the process of preparing and steaming the product does not change.

mustard powder

Mustard softens the villi and the wool product becomes softer and more pleasant to the touch. Preparing a mustard solution is very simple.

To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of mustard into a bowl of warm water and place a woolen product there. Leave in the solution for 1 hour, then rinse well. After that, it should be easy to wring out and send to dry.

Vinegar and salt solution

To prepare a solution based on vinegar, you need to mix the main ingredient with salt in equal proportions. For 5 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and table salt is enough. The product is placed in the solution and left in it for 30 minutes. After that, you need to rinse the wool product well under running water, getting rid of the smell of vinegar, and place it to dry.


Glycerin can be purchased at a pharmacy. The solution is made in proportions: 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. It is used in the same way as the vinegar solution, the only difference is that it does not smell so much.

Drinking soda and ammonia

To prepare such a solution you will need: 10 liters of water, a teaspoon of soda and 5 drops of ammonia. Mix all components well. Place a woolen thing in the resulting solution and let it lie down for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse well in cool water and leave to dry. After applying this composition, the woolen product receives the desired softness.

Cold exposure

The most original way to make wool not prickly, but soft with the help of freezing. To do this, place a wet woolen product in a bag and put it in the freezer for a day. After that, take out the product, let it defrost, rinse in cool water with the addition of fabric softeners.

It is worth remembering that the most prickly wool is sheep. As a general rule, hand knitting will always be tighter than machine knitting. When purchasing a thing made of wool, carefully study the composition, the manufacturer and do not forget to feel it (it is better to put it against your face or neck and rub it lightly - if the irritation is noticeable enough, it is better to refuse the purchase).