Why do toenails grow in? Possible complications and prevention. Steaming foot baths

Ingrown toenails (most often on the thumbs) cause a lot of problems for a person. After all, this is not only very unattractive and unhygienic, but also causes severe pain and discomfort. Therefore, the problem must be disposed of as soon as possible, since delaying treatment can cause more serious consequences in the form of severe inflammation and suppuration. To do this quickly and effectively, you first need to carefully understand the causes of the phenomenon.

Why do toenails grow - we analyze the reasons

Most often, the thumbs are affected, but in general it can happen on any other, both on the legs and on the hands. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Wrong and poor quality pedicure. Not all people know that when cutting toenails, in no case should they be rounded strongly and the sides should be cut very deeply. Of course, such a pedicure looks aesthetically pleasing and attractive, but often leads to ingrowth of the nail plate into the skin. Therefore, it is better to leave a square shape when cutting, and instead of trimming, it is recommended to carefully file the edges with a nail file.
  2. Especially often this reason affects women. After all, from time to time, shoes with narrow toes come back into fashion, wearing which strongly squeezes the fingers. The nail, as a result of constant pressure from the side, digs into the skin. The longer you wear such “beauty”, the deeper and more painful this wound will become, and it will be more difficult to cure it. Comfortable, high-quality shoes in size will help to avoid problems. Before purchasing it, be sure to carefully measure each shoe and try to walk around the store in them. It is better to make a purchase in the morning if you do not have a tendency to edema.

  3. Special shape of the nail. This problem is inherited. In this case, the right pedicure and some folk remedies will help. By the way, flat feet can also be attributed here.
  4. Sudden weight gain. Often this happens in girls who are in position, or as a result of any diseases. After weight loss occurs, a person immediately forgets about the hassle with nails.
  5. Various leg injuries that led to a change in the shape of the nail plate.
  6. Fungal diseases of the feet and nails. In this case, the latter are twisted or thickened.

Treatment with folk remedies

An ingrown toenail can be treated surgically by seeking help from the doctors of the appropriate clinic, or you can try to get by with treatment at home. The latter option is relevant if the inflammation has not yet gone far, and the pain is not clearly expressed.

  • Of course, first you will need to change all problematic shoes to more comfortable and wide ones. No narrow capes and inappropriate sizes. This will immediately reduce. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to completely refuse to wear shoes for a while or choose one where the fingers are completely open.

  • It is very important to stop cutting your nails short, as this will only increase the painful ingrown. It is best to cut the nail plate exactly in one line with sharp scissors. By the way, they should also be straight, not rounded. The minimum length of the nails should reach the top of the thumb. All sharp edges should be carefully filed so that they do not injure or irritate the skin.
  • In addition, special ones will help. They will relieve pain, reduce swelling and stop the inflammatory process. The procedure should be repeated once a day regularly. For example, in the evening after a hard day, when you can finally take off your shoes.
    A handful of coarse salt is poured into a bowl of warm water. Suitable for both sea and food. Warm salt water will soften the nails and skin in the affected area. For prevention and as a disinfectant, it is also recommended to add potassium permanganate or furatsilin to the finished bath. After the procedure, when the skin has already steamed enough, under the sharp edge of the nail, which presses on the wound, you can carefully place a piece of cotton wool. This will lift the edge and reduce pain. Baths with the addition of various dry herbs, such as St. John's wort or chamomile, are very effective.

  • Aloe also helps in this case. It is necessary to carefully cut off a piece of a leaf without a skin and bandage it overnight to the injured finger. In the morning, the bandage should be changed by cutting off the overgrown fragment of the nail if it again began to dig into the damaged skin.
  • Another effective "night" recipe. For treatment, you should take a condom, fill it with warm softened butter and put it on a sore finger. The pain will subside very soon. At this moment, it is also necessary to lift the edge of the ingrown nail and slip a piece of gauze under it, and tightly bandage the finger from above. Already in the morning you will feel a noticeable relief.
  • You can also try to trick your body. To do this, you need to use a nail file to make a small hole in the center of the diseased nail at its very edge. As a result, the sawn part will begin to compact, and not the side ones.

Video about home treatment

Inflammation and suppuration

If treatment is not started in time, then inflammation and even suppuration may occur at the site of ingrowth of the nail into the skin. In this case, it is best to seek advice and help from an experienced specialist. Before going to the doctor, you should regularly wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide, which will disinfect it.

It is also worth preparing a special medicine from improvised means. To do this, you need black bread and natural bee honey. These products must be mixed in equal proportions, and then applied to the wound under a bandage. This medicine helps to draw pus out of the wound and relieve inflammation as quickly as possible.

Video from the program "Live healthy": how to get rid of the problem of an ingrown toenail on the big toe

Ingrown toenail - at first glance, not such a serious problem as acne or boils. It is also difficult to call this phenomenon in the initial stage a noticeable cosmetic defect.

However, anyone who has ever experienced an ingrown toenail knows how much pain and inconvenience this trouble causes. What to do if you find an attack on your finger? Heed the advice of experts.

general information

Onychocryptosis is the correct name for this disease. The edge of the nail, more often on the big toe, for various reasons, grows into the nail bed.

The essence of the problem:

  • the area where the ingrowth of the nail plate occurs is small, but the body believes that a foreign body is sticking into the tissues, which needs to be disposed of;
  • active resistance begins, suppuration develops, a person is tormented by throbbing and aching pains;
  • finger is swollen. In the absence of adequate treatment, pus spreads to neighboring tissues, acute purulent inflammation (phlegmon) develops;
  • in severe cases, the infection affects a large area, gangrene is diagnosed. Sometimes the case ends in amputation.

Important! The longer the wounds heal, the more the disease progresses. Diabetics often suffer from the consequences of suppuration on the toes. Complications often occur.

Causes of onychocryptosis

There are several contributing factors:

  • fungal skin lesions;
  • curvature of the fingers;
  • congenital flat feet;
  • wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes;
  • wrong pedicure;
  • injury when cutting nails;
  • venous pathologies in which blood circulation worsens, feet swell;
  • cuts, bruises, frostbite injury toes.

Do you know what pedicure mistakes lead to ingrown toenails? Check your knowledge:

  • rounding (deep cutting) of the corners of the nail;
  • too short cut nails.

First symptoms and signs

Some people believe that onychocryptosis is not worth seeking medical help. Meanwhile, this is not a trifle at all. Re-read the information above. All severe complications begin with swelling and mild pain in the tissues.

How to understand that the nail grows into the toe and you are facing a serious problem? Seek immediate medical attention if any of the following symptoms appear:

  • sharp pain at the point of contact between the nail and soft tissues, aggravated by walking;
  • pain of varying intensity, not only during movement, load on the feet, but also at night;
  • the stratum corneum becomes less shiny, exfoliates, the edges thicken;
  • the upper part of the finger swells, turns red, touches cause pain.

Note! Visit a dermatologist or surgeon in the initial stage, when there is only a slight pain on pressure. Without timely treatment, the amount of pus increases, granulation tissue grows. This painful phenomenon is popularly called "wild meat". Do not allow the development of such a dangerous stage.

Ingrown toenail treatment methods

Depending on the severity of the process, the following types of therapy are prescribed:

  • conservative treatment;
  • application of home methods;
  • surgical intervention.

initial stage

What to do if the nail grows into the skin on the leg? At this stage, the problem can be dealt with in a short time. As long as there is no acute infection, it is enough to simply stop the process by observing certain rules and carrying out hygiene procedures. Recipes of traditional medicine will help.

What to do:

  • visit a doctor;
  • buy comfortable shoes that exclude strong pressure on the affected area;
  • wear special tires to protect the epidermis from a sharp corner. The device is made of rubber, soft plastic, special resin;
  • sometimes the doctor makes a small incision in the nail to change its shape;
  • overgrown tissue is most often removed. So the healing process is faster;
  • the doctor does not cut out the nail plate or individual fragments.

Folk remedies and recipes

How to cure an ingrown toenail? Proven home methods will prevent the development of the inflammatory process. The procedures are simple, there is no need to look for expensive components.

Consult a dermatologist find out which methods are right for you. Most physicians favor the use of herbal medicines and natural products. There will definitely be no harm from the use.

Ingrown toenail treatment at home:

  • baths with furacilin. Warming up the foot in a disinfectant solution can relieve inflammation, reduce pain, soften the skin, the stratum corneum. A bath with a solution of potassium permanganate of light purple color gives a good effect. For 1 liter of water - on the tip of a knife, potassium permanganate crystals or 2 tbsp. l. furatsilina solution;
  • herbal baths. Prepare an infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula or succession. Proportions - 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. l. raw materials. Steam the herbs, let it brew for 30-40 minutes, strain. Keep your feet in a warm infusion for 30 minutes, gradually adding hot water. Raise the steamed skin, put a piece of gauze between the nail and the swollen tissue to reduce pain;
  • salt baths. After the procedure, swelling decreases, inflammation subsides, pain subsides. For 2 liters of warm water - 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​or regular salt. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes. Wash your feet, lubricate with a nourishing cream. Do baths with salt daily before going to bed;
  • butter to reduce pain. Take a piece of high-quality oil, attach to the swollen area, wrap with cellophane. Keep the bandage all night, in the morning cut off the softened skin and the sharp edge that causes pain;
  • aloe for onychocryptosis. The healing power of the fleshy leaves has long been known. This remedy will also help in the treatment of tissue inflammation on the finger. Cut a fresh leaf, apply to a sore spot, bandage, but do not squeeze your finger. Do the procedure in the evening, in the morning cut off a sharp piece of the stratum corneum, apply a new bandage.

Advice! If it is not possible to go to the doctor, wipe the affected area with hydrogen peroxide several times a day. The disinfectant composition well disinfects the surface of the epidermis. This is how you prevent infection.


In advanced cases, with severe suppuration, doctors have to remove the affected nail or part of it. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the chosen method and the severity of tissue damage.

Main methods:

  • surgical removal in the traditional way. This method is used only for traumatic damage to the nail or birth defects. Disadvantages: the possibility of relapse, a long period of rehabilitation;
  • modern technique. Not the entire nail is removed, but only its edge. The resulting void is filled with a piece of skin from the ball of the toe. The postoperative period lasts 15-20 days. Depending on the age of the patient, the operation is performed under local or general anesthesia;
  • radio wave method. An effective way to remove the affected area of ​​any size. Radioknife combines several factors. The technique is painless and less traumatic. The treated area heals in a few days;
  • laser removal. A carbon dioxide laser is suitable for the procedure. There is no blood loss, because the beam "welds" the edges of the vessels. The nail roller and the plate itself are completely “evaporated”. Advantages - the minimum number of relapses, low invasiveness of the method, the absence of pain.

Ingrown toenail in a child

The problem may appear not only in adults. Fortunately, neglected cases in young patients are recorded less often, because parents quickly pay attention to the complaints of the baby.

Causes of onychocryptosis in children:

  • poor quality, uncomfortable shoes, squeezing toes. Pointed toe or shoes "for growth" lead to "tucking" the edge of the nail, the corners cut into the tissue;
  • congenital clubfoot, flat feet;
  • poor nail care, improper cutting of the nail plate;
  • curvature of the finger, thickening of the nail roller;
  • various injuries of the toes and the nail itself;
  • rickets, vitamin deficiency, fungal infections.


  • at the first symptoms - swelling, soreness, take the child for a consultation with a surgeon. The specialist will tell you what to do next;
  • at the initial stage, tampons with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic solutions are recommended;
  • to prevent further traumatization of soft tissues, the doctor imposes a "barrier" from a special material;
  • after reaching the age of five, the surgeon will place plates or staples. These designs last for a long time. With the help of devices, the nail rises, the process of ingrowth into the tissue stops. Gradually, the nails take the correct shape;
  • in the absence of noticeable results, experts recommend removing partially or completely the stratum corneum. The most gentle methods are laser removal of an ingrown nail, a radioknife, a modern technique for surgical removal of the edge of the nail plate.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms will help the implementation of simple rules.

Take note:

  • buy comfortable shoes. Avoid "pointy" models. Pinched fingers can lead to ingrown toenails, inflammation, and wild meat;
  • perhaps after a while you will feel that you didn’t guess with the size or it turned out: the shoes don’t sit well on the leg, the fingers are twisted, they hurt. Feel free to replace this pair of shoes with another one. Think about what to spend finances on: buying new shoes or treating a painful ingrown toenail;
  • wear only your own shoes, including indoor shoes. Fungal infections of the skin are one of the common causes of damage to the nail plate;
  • in case of congenital defects (clubfoot, flat feet), curvature of nails, fingers, consult a surgeon as soon as possible. Timely correction will avoid problems in the future;
  • cut nails correctly, do not cut them too short, round off the edges of the stratum corneum in moderation, do not provoke ingrown edges;
  • for bruises, frostbite, trauma to the toes, follow the development of the process. At the first sign of onychocryptosis, tell your doctor;
  • regularly do a pedicure, taking into account the rules for cutting nails. When visiting the salon, ask the master not to shorten the nails to a minimum length;
  • maintain the health, strength of the nail plates, prevent their peeling, thickening. The poor condition of the stratum corneum is a direct path to injury to the nail fold, soft tissues in the adjacent zone, and infection penetration through damaged skin.

Next video. An excerpt from the TV show “Live Healthy”, in which Elena Malysheva will tell even more details about the ingrown nail:

An ingrown toenail on the big toe is a fairly common problem, in most cases purely cosmetic, but, nevertheless, can lead to more severe complications. The causes of ingrown toenails are quite varied, and its consequences range from minor discomfort and unattractive appearance to infectious diseases.

Ingrown toenails can be caused by a variety of reasons. We list the most common of them:

What the pathological process looks like can be seen in the photo of an ingrown toenail, which abound on thematic sites on the Internet dedicated to this problem.

Symptoms of an ingrown nail - photo

Photo: Symptoms of an ingrown nail

An ingrown nail is a defect in the formation of the nail plate, in which part of it is located under the periungual roller. This disrupts blood microcirculation in the soft tissues and in the nail itself. The degree of damage can be different, up to the almost complete disappearance of the nail plate under the soft tissues of the periungual roller.

In the early stages, this condition does not cause inconvenience, the only problem is an unaesthetic appearance, since the nail plate thickens and deforms. With a long course of pathology, pain appears when walking, then the pain becomes constant and manifests itself even at rest. Most often, such changes occur on the big toe or little toe, other toes are affected less often. Sometimes an ingrown toenail is possible. One of the outer edges of the nail plate usually grows into soft tissues, much less often - both edges. Specialists distinguish 3 degrees of the pathological process:

An ingrown toenail is a health hazard because, due to its improper location, it damages the surrounding tissues and becomes the entry gate for infection. Disturbed microcirculation of blood in the periungual roller prevents the rapid healing of injuries, which ultimately can lead to the fact that the ingrown nail on the thumb fester, inflames and abscesses. If such a condition is triggered, it can threaten with severe purulent lesions of the foot and even sepsis.

Treatment and correction - what to do?

There are many ways to treat an ingrown toenail. Some of them allow you to quickly solve the problem, others take time, but reliably prevent relapses, others help well in the early stages, preventing the development of severe pathologies. Both conservative and surgical methods are used, folk remedies can help to prevent and treat the early stages of an ingrown nail.

With the question of what to do if the nail on the big toe has grown in, you should first of all consult a doctor so that he selects the most optimal treatment option, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Consider treatment options for an ingrown toenail.

Treatment Methods

Such a pathology as an ingrown nail is difficult to treat, since in almost half of the cases the disease returns with relapses. Depending on the severity of the lesions and the causes of ingrown nail plate, specialists select a complex therapy regimen. All existing methods of treatment are usually divided into conservative, orthopedic and surgical.

Photo: Treatment of the affected nail

Conservative methods of treatment are aimed at reducing pain and preventing purulent-inflammatory processes in the surrounding soft tissues. They can be used as an independent type of therapy for relatively mild lesions or as an adjunct to surgery.

The patient is recommended to do hot foot baths with a solution of potassium permanganate or calendula infusion, which will provide anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. The affected nail should be treated daily with antiseptic solutions and antimicrobial ointments or creams (Levomekol, Baneocin). This will help prevent the addition of a bacterial infection.

Simultaneously with the treatment of the affected area, gauze rollers are applied or gauze strips impregnated with antiseptic solutions are brought under the sharp edge of the nail. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to ensure proper care for the nail plate and very carefully trim its edges.

Conservative treatment in most cases is ineffective, therefore, it is justified only at the initial stage of the disease. With the further development of the pathological process, they move on to orthopedic techniques.

Photo: Orthopedic treatments for an ingrown nail

Orthopedic treatment is aimed at changing the direction of growth of the nail plate due to the gradual extension and increase in the radius of curvature of the problem nail. The use of these methods helps to lift the edges of the ingrown plate and separate it from the tissues of the nail fold. Before the procedure, hard areas of the nail are treated with a special softening compound. A good result is given by a hardware manicure, but the greatest effect of this procedure will still be at the initial stage of the disease.

  • Hardware or medical pedicure. This procedure is carried out in specialized clinics using special instruments. It allows you to remove the ingrown parts of the nail and the affected soft tissues, if the area of ​​ingrown is small. It is also a good preventive measure that does not allow the development of an ingrown nail.
  • Gel Coat helps to cope with the early stages of ingrown nails. The gel is applied to the nail plate, creating the desired shape of the nail. After hardening, it maintains the specified characteristics, protects the nail from the negative effects of the external environment, and protects against infection. At the same time, the gel is completely transparent, so the appearance of the nail is preserved. Over time, the gel helps to restore the normal shape of the nail. Another advantage of this method is that further relapses of the disease are practically excluded.
  • Support brackets or plates (identical to braces) are placed over the nail. They create pressure on soft tissues, moving them away from the growing nail and provide conditions for its normal growth. It is used not only at the early, but also at the middle stage of the disease, if there is no infection. The plates can have a different appearance and, in addition to their main function, they also perform a cosmetic one.
  • Nail prosthetics. This method is similar to gel correction. It is used either to give the nail the necessary shape, or to replace the nail removed along with the nail matrix after surgery. In this case, a special gel is applied to the affected skin of the finger, forming an artificial nail plate.

If these methods do not give the desired result, there is only one way. This is the surgical removal of a problematic nail.

Surgical treatment - when surgery is needed

Surgical treatment of an ingrown toenail is performed if the area of ​​soft tissue damage is large and the patient develops inflammatory complications. Surgery allows you to radically remove the affected area and stop infectious complications. But the method has its drawbacks. So, after surgical removal of an ingrown nail, a long recovery period follows and there remains a risk of recurrence and re-ingrowth of a new nail. In order to avoid negative consequences, conservative methods are also used along with surgical methods.

Surgery. Surgical treatment involves the removal of the nail along with soft tissues under local anesthesia. The nail is removed completely, but its matrix - the source of growth - is not damaged, so the nail grows back after the operation. Even after a radical removal of the nail, the risk of recurrence is not excluded, since the surgical intervention does not affect the causes of its ingrowth. In the postoperative period, the patient must regularly do dressings, if necessary - with the use of antibiotics. After the wound surface has healed, it is possible to prosthetic the nail or use various conservative techniques to prevent its re-ingrowth.

The surgical operation is characterized by a high degree of trauma, a long period of rehabilitation, preservation of soreness and sensitivity of tissues even with slight pressure, which in some cases prevents the patient from putting on his usual shoes and prevents walking. In addition, even such a radical treatment does not eliminate relapses, and in almost 50% of cases the growing nail begins to grow into soft tissues again. Therefore, now classical surgical intervention is rarely used, giving preference to more progressive methods.

Photo: hardware procedure

In addition to surgical treatment, there are modern hardware procedures that minimize the risk of relapses and significantly reduce the rehabilitation period.

laser removal. This is the most modern and gentle method, during which a special medical laser is used. The procedure is aimed at removing the ingrown part of the nail and the soft tissues around it, allows you to remove the inflamed tissues and prevent re-ingrowth. The laser is able to destroy the spores of the fungus and prevent the development of complications. The procedure is characterized by bloodlessness, pronounced bactericidal action and minimal damaging effect. As a result, tissue healing after the procedure is twice as fast as in classical surgery. The disadvantage of the method is that the nail matrix is ​​damaged, so the shape of the nail is not restored, the appearance of the nail ceases to be aesthetic. In this case, partial nail prosthetics are used.

Photo: apparatus Surgitron

It has a diverse effect on the damaged nail - it removes damaged areas, disinfects, and promotes faster healing of the postoperative wound. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, the rehabilitation period after it is quite short. The nail recovers on its own, the risk of complications is minimal. The intervention is performed using the Surgitron apparatus, which produces radio waves of a certain frequency. The advantage of this method is higher accuracy and controllability of exposure, as well as the absence of thermal damage to surrounding tissues.

Alternative methods of treatment allow you to cope with the disease at an early stage. They are permissible only if the ingrown nail is not complicated by inflammatory diseases and is not affected by the fungus. There are several methods to deal with the problem at home.

Photo: overnight compresses on the affected finger

The simplest of them is compresses for the night on the affected finger. Vishnevsky ointment, butter or aloe juice diluted with water can act as a therapeutic component. The therapeutic composition is applied to gauze, which is then tightly bandaged to the finger. To enhance the effect, you can put a sock on the affected leg. In the morning, the compress is removed and the ingrown part of the nail is removed with nail scissors as far as possible. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times. After removing the ingrown part, the edge of the nail must be carefully trimmed with a nail file.

Baths with potassium permanganate, salt, soda, furacillin, chamomile or St. John's wort help get rid of an ingrown nail. Water for baths must be warm or hot (so much so as not to cause discomfort), this gives an additional steaming effect, makes the nail more pliable. After the baths, you must carefully remove the ingrown part of the nail, trim it with a nail file and put on a sock. Furacillin or salt baths can also help with purulent lesions, they accelerate the discharge of pus, have an antiseptic and disinfectant effect, and facilitate the healing of tissues around the nail.

An ointment consisting of equal parts of garlic, onion, aloe, butter and honey may also be useful. It is applied to the nail in the evening, like a compress, has a softening and antiseptic effect, prevents the development of infection.

Photo: butter

Another effective recipe that is best used at night. First you need to melt a small piece of butter. Then take a fingertip, fill it with warm butter and put it on your big toe. As soon as the pain subsides, the finger is released, slip a gauze roller soaked in an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine) under the edge of the softened nail and bandage the finger tightly.

Another common method is based on an attempt to deceive the body. To do this, they begin to regularly file the middle part of the nail plate with a file. Sawing is performed after a hot foot bath. In this case, you need to act carefully, removing no more than 2/3 of the thickness of the nail. As a result, the sawn off central part of the nail will begin to thicken, it will seem to shrink to the edges, and the side edges will stop growing.

Folk recipes help well if the process has not gone into an advanced stage. But before using them, you should consult your doctor. This will help avoid unwanted consequences.


Experts say that before treating an ingrown toenail, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its ingrowth.
It is necessary to be examined and treated for fungal diseases, if any, to develop the habit of wearing comfortable shoes - with a wide enough toe so as not to squeeze your fingers. Heels should not be too high, shoes should be chosen exactly in size. After surgery to remove the nail, it is necessary to use conservative correction methods to prevent its re-ingrowth.

It is important to learn how to properly care for your nails - do not cut them too short, trim them with a nail file so as not to leave a sharp edge, use steaming foot baths before a pedicure, use creams that soften the skin. An important role is played by personal hygiene, regular washing of the feet and cleaning of the nails.

A professional pedicure in beauty salons helps keep your toenails in order, allows you to notice a possible threat in time and consult a doctor in a timely manner. For greater efficiency, it is useful to attend a medical pedicure procedure from time to time - it prevents the problem and prevents ingrown nails.

Watch the video: Ingrown toenail: causes and prevention

At least once in a lifetime, but everyone faced this problem. An ingrown toenail is a very common occurrence, as we often simply ignore the discomfort and wear synthetic underwear and tight shoes, which are the main causes of ingrown toenails.

Medical treatment

If an ingrown thick nail has rotted or a large abscess has formed, then it is necessary to contact specialists, since home methods can only do harm. Now there is a special operation, during which the plate is leveled and the skin around the nail is cut off, preventing it from growing normally. Applies laser surgery, the pleasure is expensive, but very effective, in this way you can cure fungi, remove warts, remove cracks on the heel and foot.

Only a laser, a radical remedy, will help to get rid of this trouble forever. But it should be borne in mind that such an aggressive effect on the body is not allowed for everyone. For example, pregnant and lactating women have a lot of contraindications, as well as small children.

When choosing a place where to remove an ingrown nail, give preference to proven clinics, where one of the profiles is plastic surgery. Read reviews about their work, be sure to check with the doctor how he is going to treat your particular case and how much it costs.

Folk methods

If an attack of pain overtook the house, then what to do? In any case, you can’t cut it right away, you need to start a little steam out the plate for him to get out. To do this, you can use animal fat, preferably lamb and bandage. Fix the fat with a bandage and wait a few hours, then remove the fixative and carefully trim the nail under the root.

You can use the juice of yarrow (aloe). We rub the leaves of the plant with warm water (for one middle leaf we take no more than two tablespoons of warm boiled liquid). We spread the gruel on the sponge, and apply it to the problem area, leave it overnight. In the morning, it will noticeably soften, and it can be cut off or trimmed with a pedicure file.

Photo - Ingrown toenail

A radical way to deal with an ingrown toenail is sandpaper and wood block. We wind the sandpaper on the stick and begin to file the plate halfway with light movements, very carefully so as not to damage the skin.

If the inflammation has not yet begun, but pain is bothering you, then you can simply take sea ​​salt bath. In the case of heredity or during pregnancy (when the body is particularly susceptible to the influence of external factors), preferably several times a week:

  1. Trim the cuticle;
  2. Treat fingers with coconut oil;
  3. Cut correctly;
  4. Go for a hardware pedicure once a month.

If the nail is festering, then attach to it tea mushroom. This remedy will also help if there is a fungus on the legs. It is necessary to apply the mushroom with a fresh layer and fix it on the finger, put on woolen socks so that the legs are steamed and so go to bed. In the morning, just cut off the problem.

An ingrown toenail causes us a lot of inconvenience, not to mention an unaesthetic appearance. Most often this is a hereditary disease. This can be eliminated with special filing. With the help of a nail file, an opening is made in the plate of the nail on the arm or leg so that an open "book" comes out. Now we just leave everything as it is, and in a few days the ingrown nail will rise by itself.
Video: how to get rid of an ingrown nail at home

Photo - Nail removal

Prepare a special onion ointment: one onion and one garlic, crush it all and mix with lard (or fat). Apply the resulting mass to the leg.

It often happens that the nail grows from the root, in which case it is necessary to saw the plate over the entire surface in order to thin it. Then the edges will begin to rise, and the nail will eventually grow properly.

If the nail hurts a lot, then you can do bath of manganese. Add a little, literally a pinch of powder to warm water and dip your feet. The pain goes away in a matter of minutes, then apply onion ointment and put on natural warm socks.

Quickly eliminate discomfort will help and soda bath, for five liters of water, four tablespoons of soda, five salts and tea iodine. So we disinfect the wound and speed up healing. Pain baths:

  1. Salt;
  2. soda;
  3. With a decoction of sage and chamomile;
  4. Vitamin (vitamins A, C, E - one ampoule per 5 liters of water).

How to deal with sharp pain due to an ingrown toenail? Attach an anesthetic to it, for example, a sponge soaked in ice cream or chloroethyl. It will help for a short time, but quickly.

Treatment in children

Photo - neat manicure and pedicure

If a child’s nail has grown, then make a bath with a decoction of oak bark. This is an excellent remedy for inflammation and suppuration. In general, this very often happens in children: tight shoes, frequent stay in crawlers or pantyhose. In babies, the nails are much ball, they can be cut without steaming.

Children are often treated with calendula. It is necessary to apply compresses from a decoction of the plant. After a few days, the plate will level out significantly, and the roller will become more pliable, and it will be possible to trim the shape. But remember that this disease does not manifest itself in a child just like that, you need to look for internal causes.

Calendula ointment proved to be excellent. You need to mix a spoonful of wax with two decoctions of calendula and one leaf of aloe, add a little oil or mutton fat to the porridge and apply on the ingrown nail on the leg. After a few hours, you can try to get it out, since the pain will already pass, and the plate will soften significantly.

Prevention after treatment:

  1. Wear only breathable, spacious shoes;
  2. Linen exclusively from natural materials;
  3. For a pedicure, do not cut the nail at the root, just gently give the desired shape.
  4. During each pedicure, strengthen the plate and soften the skin around it.

Very often, when wearing narrow model shoes, the fair sex is faced with such an unpleasant and rather painful problem as an ingrown toenail. With this disease, the big toes are most often affected.

What is an ingrown toenail?
An ingrown toenail (or onychocryptosis) is a disease in which the nail plate grows into the side of the nail fold. In other words, the edge of the nail grows into the skin, while this process is combined with inflammation of the soft tissues, noticeable redness, swelling of the finger, and significant pain. In most cases, an ingrown toenail occurs on the big toe (rarely on other fingers) of the foot on one side, but there are cases when it occurs on both sides.

This disease is quite serious, therefore, at the first signs of an ingrown nail, measures should be taken, otherwise the process will be aggravated, as a result of which swelling of the skin around the nail will appear, purulent discharge will occur at the site of ingrowth, and the tumor formed against this background will begin to bleed. In this case, a rather unpleasant picture is observed: the finger becomes bluish-red, festering and very sore, while greatly increasing in size, which causes discomfort and inconvenience when walking.

Causes of an ingrown toenail.
In most cases, improper and poor-quality pedicure contributes to the development of this disease, when you or the master cut the nail too deeply at the edges. The main prerequisite for the development of this disease is hereditary predisposition.

One of the possible causes of an ingrown toenail is also called the constant wearing of narrow, uncomfortable (with pointed socks) and low-quality shoes. In this case, against the background of pressure, the nail cuts into the nail roller and constantly presses on it.

Finger deformity (acquired or congenital: clubfoot, flat feet, etc.) of the foot, fungal diseases, finger injuries can also become a fundamental factor in ingrowth. Quite often, an ingrown toenail is the result of improper growth of toenails, against which the nail plate thickens and twists. Circulatory disorders in the legs, inflammatory diseases are less common, but still contribute to the development of this problem.

Ingrown toenail home treatment.
When the first signs of an ingrown nail appear, when the signs of inflammation are not yet great, and the pain is not pronounced, you must immediately abandon narrow shoes in favor of a looser one with a wide front, this will eliminate pressure on the toe. At every opportunity, it is advisable to walk barefoot, or use open-toed shoes.

In addition, at an early non-purulent and non-bleeding stage, it is recommended to steam the leg and try to carefully trim the ingrown edge of the nail.

Also, at an early stage of the development of the process, warm baths with chamomile infusion can be carried out. To prepare it, you need to pour six tablespoons of chamomile flowers with two liters of boiling water, close with a tight lid and leave to infuse for an hour. Then the infusion should be filtered, put on fire and heated (so that it can be endured). In this infusion, hold your finger until it cools down. After that, it is necessary to dry the leg with a towel and cut off the ingrown part. Apply a cotton swab dipped in brilliant green or iodine to the affected area.

To reduce pain, swelling and inflammation, you can also do warm soda baths (three times a day for ten minutes) with the addition of potassium permanganate. The procedure will soften the skin and ingrown nail, which will facilitate the removal of the damaged area. After this procedure, you can attach a washed and dried plantain leaf to your finger, securing it with a bandage, and put on socks. Do the bandage daily until complete recovery.

For more severe damage to the nail fold with a nail, topical antibiotics in the form of ointments should be used. The best option would be Vishnevsky's ointment or Ichthyolka, they perfectly draw out pus, preventing the development of infection. The ointment should be applied to a dense cotton roll or a bandage folded in several layers and applied to the affected area, then wrapped with cellophane and a bandage, and to secure the bandage, put on a sock. This procedure is most effective at night, because it is at this time that the leg is in a calm state for a long time. The next morning, you should remove the bandage, try to slightly cut off the ingrown tip of the nail, file the tip and again apply a bandage with ointment. If the situation does not improve, the wound is festering and bleeding, you should seek medical help.

With this disease, traditional medicine recipes can also help. To reduce pain at night, you need to put on a tight fingertip in which to place butter, put on a warm sock on top. This procedure should be done for twenty days. As soon as the pain subsides, it is necessary to try to gently move the ingrown nail, walk on it with a nail file and put a bandage under it. It is not necessary to cut the nail, let it grow along with the corners, otherwise it will constantly grow into the soft tissues of the finger.

You can also use such a folk remedy at the initial stage of the process: crush an aloe leaf and mix with twenty-five drops of water. Moisten a bandage in this solution and apply it to the damaged area of ​​the finger overnight, wrap it with cellophane on top and secure with a toe. The next morning the nail will soften and it will be possible to file it.

And another way: take one tablespoon of chopped garlic, onion, aloe leaf, melted butter and add a teaspoon of beeswax to this mass. Put the mixture on fire and cook with constant stirring for two to three minutes. Mix only with a wooden spoon. Remove the mixture from heat and cool to room temperature. Apply the mass to the damaged area in a thick layer, wrap the cabbage leaf on top (previously beaten off to give juice) and bandage it with a bandage. You can wear warm socks (optional). The procedure is carried out at night until complete recovery.

In the case of mild ingrowth, that is, when the nail fold is thickened, the surgeon usually removes part of the nail plate, or part of the changed nail fold. In this case, due to such a surgical intervention, the manifestation of irritation and inflammation of the soft tissues of the foot is significantly reduced. A few months after such treatment, the plate completely returns to its original shape.

In case of purulent discharge from under the nail or in case of severe deformation of the nail plate, the ingrown nail is completely removed. In this case, the wound is thoroughly cleaned of pus and an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medicine is applied. The doctor changes the bandage daily, this will last about a month until the nail grows back. This operation is often associated with the risk of damage to the growth zone of the nail, against which the newly growing nail has an irregular shape.

Laser treatment.
The most popular, most effective and less traumatic treatment for an ingrown toenail is laser correction. The method consists in removing the ingrown part of the nail plate and the edge of the growth zone of the nail. Simultaneously with the removal, the foci of inflammation are neutralized. After treatment with a laser technique, the cases of re-ingrowth are reduced significantly, since the edge that is inside the nail plate no longer grows.

The laser technique for the treatment of an ingrown nail is also used in cases of ingrown against the background of a fungal infection. In this case, laser sterilization is carried out from fungal spores all under the nail surface, and then antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Despite the obvious advantages of this technique, it still has its drawbacks. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the burn of surrounding tissues, the slow process of wound healing and the long and painful recovery period.

Conservative treatment.
To prevent surgery in the case of an ingrown nail, you can use special corrective devices (plastic or metal plates, springs, staples, etc.), which, against the background of constant interaction with the nail plate, unbend its deformed part. These devices are attached to a deformed nail (a pedicure master can do), while they are not large, hypoallergenic, not noticeable and do not interfere with wearing shoes. With their help, by lifting the ingrown nail, the pressure on the nail roller of the finger is reduced, and inflammation and pain syndromes are also removed. And most importantly, these devices correct the growing nail plate. A nail with a plate does not need special care. It can be coated with ordinary varnish.

Radio wave treatment.
Radio wave treatment is a type of surgical treatment, carried out in most cases under local anesthesia (lidocaine). During the procedure, the nail is partially cut from the sides with a scalpel, then the growth zone of the nail is treated with special nozzles of the Surgitron device. Within six seconds, tissue coagulation is carried out. If the patient has "wild meat" (excessive formation of granulations at the edges of the wounds of the outer integument of the body in the form of fleshy tumor-like growths), it is also subjected to radio wave treatment. At the end of the procedure, the treated area is lubricated with an antiseptic solution, and then a bandage is applied, which will be removed only after four days. By this time, in most cases, the wound has already healed. In more than ninety percent of cases, the disease does not recur after treatment with this technique. The operation does not limit the patient's normal life, there is no pain, immediately after it you can go to work only in wide and comfortable shoes.

Prevention of ingrown nails.
To prevent the development of this problem, simple rules should be followed:

  • when visiting public places (sauna, swimming pool, bath, etc.), you should wear appropriate shoes;
    never wear someone else's shoes;
  • the shoes you choose should be breathable, spacious and comfortable, that is, so that they do not put pressure on the feet;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • if you do a pedicure yourself, do not cut off the edges of the nail too much (this increases ingrowth), but it is better to trust the professionals in their field.
The ideal technique for trimming an ingrown toenail is to cut in a straight line no deeper than the top of the toe. For this purpose, it is better to use scissors with sharp edges. If, nevertheless, the nail is cut too short, it is necessary to use a file and file it in the corners to eliminate sharp edges.

If nothing helps with an ingrown nail, and the pain intensifies, you need to contact a specialist.