Complete nutrition for the artificer. The mode of the child on artificial feeding

Manufacturers of milk formulas for children assure: all these mixtures are perfectly balanced and adapted for babies. If a mother has to artificially feed a baby due to health problems - yes, you can’t do without milk substitutes. However, pediatricians note that it is not uncommon for women, without good reason, not to want to breastfeed a child for a long time or are not going to do it at all, relying on formula milk. Common reasons for such a decision are the desire to quickly get to work, the unwillingness to lose the shape of the breast, the belief that lactation is already very weak, so there is no point in tormenting it.


Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly recommends adhering to breastfeeding for the first six months of a child's life, and then introducing complementary foods while maintaining access to breast milk until 2 years of age. The information below may help you decide how to feed.

Immunity, allergies and respiratory diseases

The main problem of "artificial" children is reduced immunity. Thus, with the introduction of vaccines, the immune response is achieved faster in children who are breastfed. The study was conducted by comparing the results of an immunological examination in children aged 1, 3, 6 months and a year. Conclusion - breastfeeding, unlike artificial, supports the immune system and prevents the development of allergic diseases.

With allergies or, even worse, asthma, the “artists” are not doing well, and in all countries of the world. In Finland, studies have confirmed that children fed milk substitutes are much more likely to develop eczema, atopic reactions, food and respiratory allergies. In Brazil, the incidence of pneumonia in artificial babies is 16.7 times higher than in breastfed babies. More than 1000 children were studied in the USA, trying to establish a link between the type of feeding and recurrent bronchial obstruction, and the incidence of the disease in "artificial" was 3 times higher. More than 2,000 children were examined at a hospital in Toronto, and according to doctors, the risks of asthma and recurrent bronchial obstruction in “artificial” children are 50% higher. In Western Australia, the results are similar: the risks are 40% higher.

In general, the analysis of statistics showed that in developed countries, where children are fed more often with milk substitutes, they are more susceptible to respiratory diseases.


Digestive problems are very often accompanied by artificial feeding. Researchers attribute this to the fact that breast milk has a significant protective effect against inflammatory bowel disease. So, Canadian scientists, examining a group of children, found that those who were breastfed had intestinal infections almost half as often.

Cases of diarrhea also occur in artificers at least 2 times more often.

Cardiovascular diseases

Formula feeding during childhood can have a direct impact on adult health. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the blood pressure of "artificial" is higher, and secondly, to the fact that breastfeeding reduces the level of cholesterol and lipoproteins. Thus, there is every reason to believe that full breastfeeding provides a low level of cholesterol in the future and is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

diabetes and obesity

Another unpleasant conclusion that scientists have come to in several countries at once: "artists" more often develop diabetes of the 1st and 2nd types. But breastfeeding for at least the first 5 months of life is an excellent prevention of this disease.

As for obesity, children who were fed with mother's milk substitutes are much more susceptible to it. Scientists attribute this to the presence in it of a number of hormones that are absent in mixtures. It should be borne in mind that obesity may not occur immediately - already at school age. But if you breastfeed at least up to 6 months, then for a child the risk of obesity is reduced by 60%.


Mental development

Here, scientists also observe a clear correlation: breastfeeding has a much better effect on the intelligence and cognitive abilities of children. One hypothesis links this to the effect of breast milk on brain growth, especially white matter.

Children who were artificially fed showed lower results in all tests in terms of intelligence, motor skills, and speech.

As well as…

Breastfeeding reduces the incidence of cancer and multiple sclerosis. Some studies reveal a very specific link between artificial nutrition and the incidence of autism. "Artists" are also more likely to suffer from otitis media and decreased visual acuity. Finally, neonatal mortality among “artists” is higher than among children who received a breast in the first day of life. The same applies to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Against the background of such disappointing facts, the risk of malocclusion in children fed with a mixture from a bottle looks already quite insignificant.

Scientists around the world point out that the occurrence of various diseases in children and artificial feeding are directly related. Therefore, if your baby is an "artificial" involuntarily, pay maximum attention to his health. If you are in doubt about whether to spend a year of your life breastfeeding, we hope that you will come to the conclusion that for the health of your baby, breast milk is the most important thing that cannot be replaced.

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Comments on the material (38):

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Oksana, think with your head before wishing others your problems. What you have sick children says about a combination of genetic factors and lifestyle. Well, and on such people who wish evil to others, misadventures usually pour in. I quote Oksana:

everything will appear later, do not think that all the sores will come out in a child in 1-2 years.

Quoting Alina:

It's complete nonsense. My daughter is one and a half years old. Since the first day of her life she has been artificially fed. This is a completely healthy baby. We have never had any digestive problems or allergic reactions to anything during this time (we eat absolutely all vegetables and fruits, including strawberries and citrus fruits). We got sick only 2 times during the period of viral epidemics without any complications. The child easily shows almost all letters, animals, distinguishes all colors, knows the purpose of absolutely all things in the house. I think that a child gets health after all from his parents, just like the ability to think. And there is no mixture here.

Now you don't even know what your baby could be like if you were breastfeeding him. God bless him. The article only says that breastfeeding is much better for the baby than artificial feeding. If a woman does not have milk, this is another matter, but when it’s just laziness or pity for boobs or some other stupid reason, well, it’s just out of the way.

Quoting Shark:

My husband has one of the highest intellects in the world, several master's degrees and a Ph.D. Artist since birth. My cousin was an excellent student and graduated from Moscow State University with honors. He has a business in Moscow. Artificer.
I think if they were breastfed, they would probably be geniuses in general and could levitate themselves with the power of thought ... Damn.

Is there a reason why formula fed women always react so strongly to any articles and studies about the benefits of breastfeeding? Weird..
You see, if everything was obvious about the mixture and breastfeeding, then there would be no talk and no one would feed the mixture. After all, no one wants to eat a semi-finished product when there is a natural one. But there is no such regularity in nature like an artificial man - it means a fool and a loser, on GV - it means a genius and healthy for life. That doesn't happen. What is absolutism? We are people, and besides the type of feeding, we are influenced by many other (most often social) factors, favorable living conditions, etc. GV provides basic benefits, lays the foundation. Studies say that "the risks of asthma and recurrent bronchial obstruction in "artists" are 50% higher." What does it mean? It’s not at all that every artificial worker will get sick with this, but the GVshniks will never get sick, do you agree? Too many factors other than GW influence.
The child who was breastfed also gets sick, but not like the artificial one.
Man is a strong being, and who has insurance in the form of a favorable heredity, can cope on his own, without the help of breast milk. But does it hurt all of us, each of us, health, given for free, with love by our mother? maybe this will not save our life, but it will make it better, at least from the point of view of health ....

Quoting Irina:

The advantages of mixtures are obvious: the child eats less often than on the breast (we sucked the breast every hour for up to 3 months, up to 6 every 2 hours, then with difficulty it lasted up to 3 hours and at night the same way!), Mom gets enough sleep, which is very important! And physical and intellectual development ... So I’ll think about how to do a mixed diet with the second baby ... feed a mixture at night or something :) so that you can sleep well and well :)

Yes, feed him doshirak, it will be digested for a week, - treat him! Didn't you know?! Artificial in all ages, academics, athletes and champions, and gonery infants from childhood, if not diarrhea, so scrofula! They would have a mixture ...
Dear commentators, what progressive artificers you are, your comments speak for you. Those who really need to feed powders such funny nonsense will not write.

1 2

Do you know that:

The rarest disease is Kuru disease. Only representatives of the Fur tribe in New Guinea are ill with it. The patient is dying of laughter. It is believed that the cause of the disease is the eating of the human brain.

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6.4 calories per minute, but in the process they exchange almost 300 different types of bacteria.

Over the course of a lifetime, the average person produces as many as two large pools of saliva.

During work, our brain expends an amount of energy equal to a 10-watt light bulb. So the image of a light bulb above your head at the moment an interesting thought arises is not so far from the truth.

Smiling just twice a day can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove neoplasms.

Four slices of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to get better, it is better not to eat more than two slices a day.

According to studies, women who drink several glasses of beer or wine a week have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

A person taking antidepressants will, in most cases, become depressed again. If a person coped with depression on his own, he has every chance to forget about this state forever.

If your liver stopped working, death would occur within a day.

Most women are able to get more pleasure from contemplating their beautiful body in the mirror than from sex. So, women, strive for harmony.

It used to be that yawning enriches the body with oxygen. However, this opinion has been refuted. Scientists have proven that yawning cools the brain and improves its performance.

Even if a person's heart does not beat, he can still live for a long period of time, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal demonstrated to us. His "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in the snow.

Each person has not only unique fingerprints, but also a tongue.

The weight of the human brain is about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes the human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by lack of oxygen.

Every person wants the best for himself. But sometimes you don’t understand on your own that life will improve several times after contacting a specialist. Such a situation...

If it turns out that the mother cannot breastfeed the baby, then she has to switch to artificial feeding of the child.

As a result, she has many questions. How to organize artificial feeding? How to choose a mixture? How often should an artificial baby be fed?

Today we will talk in detail about artificial feeding and try to find answers to the most important questions about how to feed an artificial baby.

Artificial and breastfeeding

As is known, breast-feeding - this is the best that a mother can give a baby - the most healthy and natural food for a child.

But there are situations when breastfeeding is completely impossible or insufficient, so artificial feeding is required.

Artificial feeding It is a forced way of feeding a child. It is recommended to use it only in cases where all attempts to organize breastfeeding have been in vain or it is contraindicated by a doctor.

Marina Shimkova, breastfeeding consultant, lactologist, birth preparation instructor at the ABC for Parents family center: “I insist that initially everyone has milk. Therefore, before giving a mixture to a child, you need to try to establish lactation: contact an experienced mother, breastfeeding specialists. Often there is no such thing that there is simply no milk, everything has its own reasons that can be eliminated if you want. If it so happened that it’s not possible to breastfeed, then you have to give the baby a formula or donor breast milk.”

Artificial feeding - this is stress for the child's body, therefore, if the mother has a little milk and there are no categorical contraindications to breastfeeding, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast and try to feed the baby with breast milk at least several times a day.

If your bottle-fed baby , do not take it as a tragedy, there is nothing wrong with this way of eating. Modern mixtures allow children to grow up healthy and strong. It is important to properly organize artificial feeding and adhere to the basic recommendations for feeding artificial children.

How to formula feed a baby?

On demand or not?

Breastfed babies are recommended feed on demand , especially this recommendation is relevant in the first months of a baby's life, when lactation is just being established. As for artificially fed children, earlier all doctors recommended feed them on schedule - Approximately every 3 hours. This recommendation was due to the fact that earlier formulas were of lower quality than today, they were much more satisfying than breast milk and took longer to digest.

Modern formulas are well adapted, which is why partially free feeding is now practiced.

Modern mixtures are well adapted , which is why it is now practiced partially. This method consists in the fact that the child is given the amount of food he wants, but within a certain norm. This method makes it possible to determine how much food the baby actually needs.

If the baby does not eat the recommended amount of formula in one feeding , you should not force him, you can try to offer the child food later, perhaps the baby needs more frequent feeding, but in small portions. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, the number of feedings per day may vary, but the total amount of the mixture eaten should be no more than recommended.

Thus, even with artificial feeding, it is recommended to take into account the individual needs of the child.

Artificial feeding and overeating

Baby on artificial feeding much easier to overeat than a breastfed baby. Most often this is due to the fact that you can drink the required amount of milk from a bottle much faster than suck it out of your chest, so the artificial baby does not satisfy his own. Because of this, he may cry after the bottle is taken from him. Many mothers regard the crying of the child in this situation as a signal that he has not eaten enough. Then the mother offers the baby more food. Doctors do not recommend giving the child more than 30 ml. extra food, this can lead to overeating and weight gain. To help your baby satisfy the sucking reflex, offer him pacifier or a bottle of water.

To solder or not?

As you know, babies of the first month of life who are on breastfeeding , do not recommend supplementing, so that the baby more often requires breasts, and the mother's lactation improves faster. Artificial babies are recommended to offer water from the first days of life. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't need to, but he should offer.


In organizing successful artificial feeding, it is very important to choose the right mixture for the baby.

In organizing successful artificial feeding is very important. It may not work out the first time. Now there is a big variety of mixtures , it is recommended to select the mixture together with the pediatrician, taking into account the needs of the child.

When preparing the formula, keep it clean, prepare the mixture for only one feeding, follow the recommendations for preparing the mixture indicated on the package.

Mix quantity for one feeding depends on the age and weight of the child. The recommended amount of formula for one feeding is usually indicated on the formula packaging.

You can determine the amount of formula your child needs by consulting a pediatrician, as well as by experience. If the baby does not have enough of the amount of the mixture that you give him, he will definitely “tell” about it.

The best food for a newborn is mother's breast milk. And no nanotechnology and the latest advanced developments of modern science are able to make the mixture as close as possible to the composition of natural milk, which only a mother can give to a baby.

However, breastfeeding is not always possible. Unfortunately, there are reasons that prevent normal breastfeeding of the baby. This may be a serious illness of the mother, which requires treatment with strong antibiotics, antitumor drugs, and a banal lack of mother's milk or its complete absence. When the prospect of artificial feeding becomes a reality, parents have many questions, which are answered with pleasure by the authoritative doctor and favorite of millions of mothers, Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell more about artificial feeding in the next video.

Komarovsky about children - "artists"

It is impossible to replace mother's milk with any, even the most expensive "premium" mixture. Its value is not only in vitamins and enzymes, but also in immunoglobulins. Mom's milk gives the child the same immune protection, thanks to which the baby is quite reliably protected from most viruses in the first six months of its life, until its own immunity begins to actively form.

This does not mean at all that artificial children are completely deprived of their mother's immunity. They still have innate immunity, which was formed during pregnancy, and with proper care, it will also be able to protect the child, not as effectively as breastfeeding, but something is better than nothing.

Evgeny Komarovsky notes that artificial feeding should be carried out only with the use of adapted milk formulas. They cannot be replaced by either cow's or goat's milk.

Even 30 years ago, the doctor says, there were much more problems for artificial children, because there was no alternative. Now choose goat milk as food for babies, according to the doctor, is barbarism and a sign of parental irresponsibility.

Evgeny Olegovich advises not to listen to grandmothers who remember how the great-grandmother fed “seven cows' milk” and call the mixture “chemistry” and “poison”. Up to a year, the doctor generally does not recommend giving milk to children, up to three - do it with caution. The reason is that the amount of calcium and phosphorus in cow's milk is so high that children's kidneys are not able to excrete such compounds. This is fraught with serious diseases, allergies to cow protein and problems with the skeletal system.

If the child eats mixtures, the mother needs to be more attentive to the quantity and quality of what the baby eats. Bottles and nipples should be clean, and the mixture should be diluted strictly in the proportions indicated on the package.

Complementary foods and IV

If the baby is gaining weight well, and artificial people usually add very well, then no complementary foods are needed for up to six months, Komarovsky believes. From six months, you need to introduce additional food, according to the complementary feeding schedule. Pediatricians overwhelmingly advise mothers to start complementary foods with vegetable and fruit juices and purees, but Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends starting with kefir and cereals, and leaving fruits, even in a state of puree, until better times, when the child's first tooth erupts.

It is his appearance that Evgeny Olegovich calls a sure sign that a small body is ready for solid food, which in nature is all fruits and vegetables.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you how to make the first complementary foods and how to feed the child in the video below.


A common problem is excessive weight gain with formula feeding. When breastfeeding, food is given to the baby more difficult, he feels full faster and does not overeat. And it sucks more fun from a bottle, and therefore the baby almost always eats 20-30 extra grams of the mixture. If the pediatrician sighs sadly at the next examination after weighing, looking at the chubby little one, the mother can reduce the concentration of the mixture by adding a little less dry matter to the water than is provided by the recipe and recommended by the manufacturers.

There is an opinion that children who eat mixtures are more likely to suffer from dermatitis and allergies. There is a grain of logic here, but it is impossible to argue that this is a pattern. If the child showed an inadequate reaction to a particular mixture, you can replace the mixture itself. But Komarovsky does not recommend doing this too often and without the knowledge of the pediatrician.

    Feed your baby from a pacifier with a small hole so that he has to make an effort to satiate, then the chances are reduced that the little one will overeat, suffer from excess weight and other unpleasant consequences of overeating.

    Choose only blends that are labeled "Adapted" if the baby is prone to allergies, it is advisable to feed him with a hypoallergenic mixture. Of course, it is more expensive, but it is better to overpay for food than to spend many times more on treatment.

    If the family has the opportunity to use the services of a breadwinner, then there is no reason to refuse such an opportunity, Komarovsky believes. The main thing is to make sure that the nurse is clean, to know what foods she eats, whether she smokes or takes any medications. At the same time, the doctor clearly distinguishes between the concepts of “donor milk” and “nurse”.

    Donor milk is quite difficult to transport in order to preserve all its beneficial properties. And if it was stored in the refrigerator, pasteurized, boiled or subjected to any other processing, there is definitely nothing useful left in it, and there is no point in giving it, says Yevgeny Komarovsky.

    When to stop formula feeding is ultimately up to the parents. However, Komarovsky's position here is similar to his position on the issues of cessation of breastfeeding. After a year, the child, in principle, does not need mixtures or breast milk. His diet should be expanded and include meat, vegetables, fruits, grains, and mixtures can no longer satisfy all the needs of a grown organism.

A formula-fed baby cannot be fed formula alone for a long time. Within a few months after birth, the baby will begin to reach for the plates of adults, which means that it is time to introduce new foods into his diet.

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Sometimes a child is forced to be bottle-fed instead of mother's milk. Of course, such a diet will not have a positive effect on the health of the baby, because store-bought mixtures do not contain many elements and vitamins that strengthen the immune system. So, let's try to figure out how breastfeeding differs from artificial? And how to feed an artificial baby?

A formula-fed baby cannot be fed formula alone for a long time. Within a few months after birth, the baby will begin to reach for the plates of adults, which means that it is time to introduce new foods into his diet. How to correctly calculate the daily rate of the mixture and when should you start the first artificial feeding?

Artificial feeding from birth to 3 months

Whether or not to breastfeed a baby is a personal matter for every mother, but there are also cases when indications for artificial feeding are given by a specialist. Usually they include:

  1. Prematurity of the child.
  2. Difficult birth (needs time to recover).
  3. Insufficient lactation or its complete absence.
  4. The impossibility of breastfeeding the baby (mother works a lot) and the lack of expressed milk.
  5. Chronic or infectious diseases in the mother.

The composition of store mixes is as close as possible to breast milk, but they still lack the antibodies produced in the body of a nursing woman. Therefore, you will have to monitor the health of the artificial child until his immunity is fully strengthened.

An approximate diet for a baby from birth to 3 months:

  • It is recommended for a baby up to ten days to prepare a mixture, the daily norm of which is calculated by the formula: 70 ml (80 ml if the birth weight was more than 3200 g) * P (age of the crumbs in days). For example, a baby is 6 days old, which means that the daily norm of the mixture for him will be 480 ml (80 * 6).
  • After ten days of life up to 2 months of age, the amount of the mixture per day will depend on the weight of the baby (1/5th of body weight or 600-850 ml).
  • From two to four months, the rate of formula feeding per day will be 1/6th of the baby's body weight (or 750-900 ml).

Also, do not forget to give the baby boiled water.

It's time to introduce complementary foods. Nutrition from 3 to 6 months

If the first complementary foods during breastfeeding are introduced when the baby is half a year old, then the artificial person will need additional food as early as 3 months. Such an early change in the baby's diet occurs because mother's milk varies greatly in composition from store-bought. So, What is the difference between breast milk and formula?

  • Breast milk is produced exactly in the amount that the baby needs.
  • Biologically active water is the main component of mother's milk (88%). Thanks to this component, the baby on GV (breastfeeding) does not need to be given additional water to drink.
  • Carbohydrates (7%), fats (4%), proteins (1%), iron, minerals, vitamins, growth hormones, white blood cells and antibodies to protect the immune system (0.2%) are presented in the ideal ratio necessary for crumbs. Such a composition is difficult to find in mixtures.

But your baby artificial, so his diet will have to be balanced on his own. It's time to introduce complementary foods, where to start? Usually, as a new product, doctors recommend giving the baby fruit juice. At first, it is better to offer him half a teaspoon so that the baby can feel the taste. Then the portion can be gradually increased, of course, if the child does not have an allergy and he willingly drinks a new drink.

A good helper in how to introduce baby's first complementary foods, serving and food calculation tables according to the age of the baby. There are quite a lot of them on the Internet, but they are all different. Therefore, it is better to make a menu for an artificial person with the help of a doctor or take a feeding table from your pediatrician.

If the child is gaining weight well, then the next new product in the diet may be vegetable puree. The main rule is not to salt his. Spices, salt and sugar are not recommended for a baby at this age, but this does not mean that boiled vegetables for crumbs will seem tasteless. The child's receptors have not yet been spoiled by adult food, and he will eat with pleasure everything that is given to him. As the first vegetables, the baby can be given zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower and broccoli.

Another good product for the first complementary foods can be cereals, such as buckwheat or rice. They are recommended for those children who are not gaining weight well.

Diet for 6 to 8 months

Products for artificial babies at 6-8 months do not differ much from the same diet for infants, so the daily regimen will look something like this:

  • 6 a.m. 180-200 ml of mixture in milk or water.
  • 10 hours. 150 g of milk porridge, 4 g of butter (can be added to porridge) and 60 g of fruit puree.
  • 14 hours. 150 g vegetable puree, 0.5 tsp. olive or sunflower oil (can be added to puree), one fourth of the yolk and 30 ml of fruit juice.
  • 18 hours. 150 g milk mixture, 40 g cottage cheese, 30 ml fruit juice and 3 g crushed biscuits.
  • 22 hours. 180-200 g of the mixture on water or fermented milk products.

If parents introduce complementary foods from 6 months, recipes for crumbs can already be selected independently.

Approximate menu for an anniversary

At this age, kids should switch to more solid food, which means that the menu of the year old will become much more diverse.

  • Breakfast. Any milk porridge at the discretion of the parents (oatmeal, rice, semolina), cottage cheese casserole or scrambled eggs.
  • Dinner. Be sure to attend the first and second course. It can be meat soup and vegetable puree with a cutlet (steamed), borscht and fish (pitted) with cauliflower and much more.
  • afternoon tea. It's time to please the baby with something delicious. Offer him cookies with kefir or yogurt. Don't forget fruits.
  • Dinner. This is the lightest meal of the day, so it's best to feed him porridge with milk or vegetable puree.

Regardless of whether the baby is artificial or is on breastfeeding, do not rush to give him adult food (sausages or exotic fruits), because such products can only cause allergies and poisoning.

It is not in vain that nature laid down the wise principle of breastfeeding - together with mother's milk, the baby receives not only all the microelements necessary for proper growth and development, but also the first communication skills, emotions, learns to trust and love. However, what to do if the newly-made mother does not have milk or doctors forbade breastfeeding for health reasons?

Artificial feeding of the newborn comes to the rescue. How to choose the right formula, how much to feed the baby, how to create an emotional connection when feeding from a bottle? Read the answers to these and many other questions below.

From this article you will learn:

By definition, artificial feeding is a type of nutrition for a child in which breast milk in the diet is less than 20% or not at all. Doctors do not recommend it - in mother's milk there are many essential substances that are not in cow's milk, from which most mixtures are made.

In addition, caring mothers often overfeed their children, which creates a certain risk of obesity, and this is impossible when breastfeeding. Even complementary foods are introduced to artificial babies earlier in order to somehow make up for the lack of certain substances.

Of course, artificial feeding of the baby has its advantages: not only the mother, but also the rest of the family can feed the child. You can easily control the amount of food you eat, there are no painful sensations or problems with allergies - you can eat whatever you want. But if your decision to stop breastfeeding is due to one of the following reasons, it is worth considering:

  • It seems to you that the child is gaining little weight - if the doctor does not give any recommendations on this matter, then everything is in order;
  • It seems to you that there is not enough milk - the same thing;
  • You go to school or work - if breastfeeding is not at all possible, practice at least mixed feeding;
  • You just don't want to - maybe it's worth a little patience for the sake of your child's physical and mental health?

The objective reasons for refusing HB are:

  • lack of milk;
  • refusal of the child from the breast;
  • difficult childbirth, after which it is necessary to restore strength;
  • infectious diseases of the mother;
  • medical indications;
  • the birth of twins or triplets.

If this is your case, don't panic and don't blame yourself. Modern conditions for artificial feeding of crumbs are optimal and can minimize the consequences for the child, but this will require some effort.

The first step - choose a mixture

First, and most importantly, do not use regular cow's milk and other dairy products instead of formula. They are completely unsuitable for a newborn and can cause a bunch of problems. Set them aside for at least eight months of age.

When choosing a mixture, be sure to read all the information written on the package. Usually it contains information about the composition, the age of the children for whom it is intended, the recommended method of preparation and the expiration date. Please note that the packaging must not be damaged or opened.

Pediatricians usually use the following classification of products:

  • adapted;
  • partially adapted;
  • physiological;
  • medical.

This means the following:

  • Adapted variations are recommended for use from the first days of life. They are as close to natural as possible and adapted to the needs of babies - hence the name. Partially adapted mixtures can be called "transitional". They are used from 12 months, and in their composition they are already slightly moving away from breast milk towards ordinary food.
  • Physiological mixtures are only suitable for completely healthy children from a year old and cost an order of magnitude less than the previous ones.
  • Therapeutic analogues should not be used without consulting a doctor.

Another more well-known classification is classification according to the age of the child. It has 3 categories, and it is very easy to determine whether the mixture belongs to one of them - the number on the package will tell you.

Number 1 corresponds to a sweep that can be used from the first days of life, 2 - for children from the age of six months, 3 - for children from one year old.

How is it possible to artificially feed a newborn?

In the same way as with GV, there are two options: on demand and on a schedule . You can feed your baby on demand for the first time until a comfortable diet is established for him. But in no case do not overfeed - in this case, underfeeding is even safer, because the baby will not get an upset stomach.

If you want to stick to the exact schedule from the first days of life, feed your baby every 3-3.5 hours 6-7 times a day. A monthly baby needs no more than 90 gr. sweep at a time. In the first week, the required amount of food is calculated as follows: the child's age in days is multiplied by 10. Thus, a baby who is 4 days old needs 40 grams of the mixture at a time.

after a week calculated differently: The baby's weight is divided by 5 and then by the number of feedings. That is, if a child weighs 4000, he needs 800 grams of formula per day, which corresponds to about 120 grams of formula at a time.

There is another way to calculate the required amount of food - use the recommended calorie table, which is given below. All information about the content of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the mixture is indicated on the packaging. Remember that you can not exceed the calorie content by more than 50 kcal and the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by more than 1.5 grams.

Age Energy kcal/kg Proteins g/kg Fats g/kg Carbohydrates g/kg
0-3 months 120 2,3 6,5 13
4-6 months 115 2,5 6,0 13
7-12 months 110 3,0 5,5 13

Wash your hands with hot water before feeding. It is advisable to give a mixture of the same temperature each time so that the child gets used to it. Also, do not save what he has not eaten - throw it away immediately or store in the refrigerator (in the refrigerator, not in the door) for no more than six hours. Otherwise, the use of the product can lead to poisoning, because the product is not absolutely sterile, and microbes can begin to multiply in it.

Make sure that instead of the mixture the child does not receive air - this will create a false feeling of satiety. Holding the baby in the classic position in which mothers sit with breastfeeding, tilt the bottle, making sure that there is always food in the nipple. After feeding, in order for the air to leave the ventricle, hold the baby in an upright position for several minutes.

In no case do not leave a newborn alone with a bottle - at this age, contact with you is important for him, this will lay the foundation for his behavior for life. In addition, the baby may lose the bottle or choke. From 4-5 months you can already give the baby to hold the bottle, but you must carefully monitor the feeding process:

  • You can't feed a sleeping baby.
  • It is impossible to force-feed, even if the child has not eaten the prescribed norm, but if he has not eaten this norm, it is permissible to give another 30-50 ml if he has a normal body weight.

Preparation for artificial feeding of a newborn

When preparing food, follow the instructions completely and follow the dosage exactly. If you overdo it - there may be problems with the digestive system, if you don't give it - the child will be capricious, and, possibly, will bring down the regime.

If you have problems with this, take a closer look at specially packaged formulas for one feeding. However, as practice shows, for most parents, cooking comes to automatism after a month of daily practice.

Remember that the mixture is already diluted directly in the bottle, after which it is shaken, looking to see if any lumps have formed in it. There are also liquid milk analogues, with the preparation of which you do not need to bother at all. Do not forget about sterility when cooking - the measuring spoon should be clean, the water should be boiled. It is also important to comply with all product storage conditions.

  • The manifestation of allergic reactions in a child;
  • The mixture causes problems with the digestive tract;
  • The child has already left the age category for which the mixture is intended;
  • There was a need for a medicinal mixture.

The pacifier is an important detail

A lot in artificial feeding of a newborn depends on how comfortable the nipple is for him. If the hole in it is too large - the baby will choke, if it is too small - it will be very difficult for him to drink, he will slowly empty the bottle and, most likely, be nervous at the same time.

A convenient size is individual for each child, but if it is chosen correctly, one bottle is drunk in about 20 minutes, and the liquid pours out in drops, not a stream.

Bought the wrong pacifier? No problem! The size of the hole can be enlarged at home. Just use a heated needle. Now on sale you can find nipples with an indication of the recommended age for which they are intended. In general, nipples wear out fairly quickly, so be sure to buy new ones.

Hygiene rules, or how not to harm health

Naturally, when artificially feeding a newborn from a bottle, very strict hygiene rules must be observed, because the baby's body is still very weak and fragile. Bottles must be sterilized using a special device - a sterilizer, or in the old proven way - a water bath. Before sterilization, food remains are removed with a brush.

Particular attention should be paid to carvings and other details where food can get stuck. For a child up to a month old, it is necessary to sterilize the “dishes” after each feeding. From a month - it is enough to sterilize no more than once a week, if you rinse both the bottle and the nipple with boiling water immediately before each feeding.

It is also imperative to sterilize a new, just bought bottle. Of course, it’s better not to take risks and not use unboiled water for feeding - even if it is filtered, it’s better to play it safe, because the baby’s health depends on it.

Complementary foods with artificial feeding

As already mentioned, with artificial feeding, complementary foods are introduced earlier than with breastfeeding - at 4.5-5 months (against 5-6 months). This is due to the lack of some and an excess of other substances in mixtures. The indicated terms are approximate, to establish more accurate ones, a consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. Complementary foods start with tiny portions of the product, gradually increasing them.

So, on the first day, the child eats a teaspoon, and after a couple of weeks - already quite a full portion. Complementary foods are given before feeding with a mixture, usually from a spoon. The product must be crushed to a puree state, carefully making sure that there are no lumps or pieces - the child is not yet ready for their use.

In addition, you should not introduce two products at the same time - it is difficult for the body, and if a negative reaction occurs, there will be problems with determining which product it is.

Emotions during artificial feeding

You can create the right atmosphere when feeding a child by adhering to a few simple rules:

  • First of all, you should feel comfortable, not feel uncomfortable, have a good and calm mood. Relax, put away your mobile phone, and with it all your business. Now you are a mother, and this is the main thing.
  • Choose a cozy and comfortable place to feed.
  • Take the baby in your arms, talk to him, smile, look into his eyes while feeding.
  • To add realism to the process, it is sometimes recommended to heat the milk to the temperature of the human body or a little more - about 37-38 degrees. If you don't have a temperature measuring device, put some of the mixture on your shoulder - the drop should be neither cold nor hot.

Remember that your child requires more love and affection than a child on breastfeeding, so spend more time with him, play, massage.

It is good when other relatives help in feeding, but at first, when the newborn is still very small, the constant change of faces during feeding can cause stress. Therefore, either the mother or two people should feed him in turn.

To drink or not to drink?

Most parents are not in vain worried about the problem of supplementation - the child may really need more water than he gets with the mixture, especially in summer. It is possible to supplement the child only in very small portions, in no case before feeding, so that there is no feeling of false satiety. Use exclusively boiled water. Also, water can help if the child has constipation or a fever.

Chair for artificial feeding of the baby

The stool of an artificial child is usually less frequent than the stool of a breastfed child, but in a newborn it should not be less than once or twice a day, otherwise you should consult a doctor. To avoid constipation, which is also often a problem for children on IV, it is recommended to do gymnastics and massage the abdomen.

In total, we can distinguish a list of basic rules for artificial feeding of a newborn:

  • Choose a quality mixture, taking into account the age and individual needs of the baby;
  • Follow the instructions exactly when preparing the mixture and do not store the finished product;
  • Watch how the baby eats;
  • Watch how much he eats;
  • Be responsible in choosing the right nipple;
  • Sterilization is the key to your child's health;
  • Soldering is a perfectly appropriate practice;
  • Take care of the correct emotional development of the baby.

Subject to these rules, losses from the lack of breast milk will be minimal, the health and immunity of the baby will be strong, and development will be fast and correct. Isn't that what makes any parent happy?