Congratulations on your silver wedding from your aunt. Silver wedding (25 years) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms

A silver wedding is a significant event in the life of every family. It is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. And not without congratulations. We have prepared just a mega-selection with the best congratulations and wishes for this holiday. All types of congratulations - poems, statuses, SMS, prose for the wedding anniversary of 25 years.

Husband from wife

My beloved husband!
I want to congratulate you
Among friends, girlfriends
Happy new wedding day.

For twenty-five
Great different years
We lived with you
I am a grandmother, you are a grandfather.

They give us silver
In honor of our wedding date,
Oh God, twenty-five
Great different years!

Congratulations to you and me!

Husband, father and even grandfather!
Twenty-five years together -
Silver wedding,
Heat, pancakes, pancakes.

In the circle of relatives and friends
We gathered at home
Bows to the lowest
We have been waiting with you.

Here is silverware
Got it on this day -
And fruit treats
For grandchildren and children.

Comfort, hearth, homestead -
This is our wedding!

Congratulations on your wedding day, beloved husband, you!
How many roads you and I had to go through.
Our day has come, it has come - we love each other
Let's cross the silver threshold now.

For twenty-five wonderful years together,
I will not say that the fairy tale has become a reality.
We cry with you together and sing
It happened that wings grew from happiness!

I look into your eyes - beloved to the point of pain!
About how many years have passed, and how many have flown
Living water and dead, tempting roles
We have learned to reject. It wasn't easy for us.

Silver wedding! My dear, congratulations!
To be near, to be a wife and I promise further!

My husband, we are conjugated together! We have one fate for two, one roof over our heads, common children, grandchildren, friends and plans for the future. Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of our difficult life together. Healthy forces to us and desires for two, interesting events. And let's already learn to relax - the second half of our life - before the golden wedding!

wife from husband

Today I want to give you all silver,
Hug with a gentle, brilliant, sparkling light.
Whisper in your ear that I love you dearly,
I will never get tired of surprising you.

Happy wedding day, dear, already on the twenty-fifth!
Once again I want to repeat the oath of allegiance,
As on that glorious day of our engagement,
With loved ones, relatives, matchmakers and sister-in-law.
Congratulations, love, hugs!

Dear wife, my dove, beautiful!
We spent all these years together not in vain.
Twenty-five holidays, twenty-five years,
We have three grandchildren, you are a grandmother, I am a grandfather.

Thanks to the guests for coming to congratulate
And wish my wife and I a lot of happiness.
Happy wedding day beautiful, happy wedding day big!
Let's live to see gold!

Twenty years and five on top, -
I want to congratulate my wife
With a silver wedding
With an excellent date.

Be healthy, have fun
Be beautiful and gentle.
Cook me a delicious dinner
Here we will love!

My dear wife!
Until the end, I don't know you.
We've been together for twenty-five years
But I'm still looking for a clue.

You are like the sea - now a breeze, now a surprise,
That new lovely whim.
I run to perform, because I'm yours,
A faithful husband is the helmsman!

Happy wedding day, love!

I want to tell you:
We won't grieve.
We know how to celebrate
Forgive and trust.

We've traveled a long road together
So that everything with your work
Earn, acquire
Rest at the end of the journey.

Congratulations, honey!
Happy wedding day and good luck!
Let the basket be full
There will be silver!

Tender, bright, precious, persistent, feminine - it's all about you, my love. I can name twenty-five more epithets in your honor, my wife! I don’t even know who needs to be congratulated more on the twenty-fifth anniversary of our family life. Who is more fortunate, me with you or you with me? Our love is strong, brilliant, hardened by time. However, my dream is to turn our silver into real gold of the highest standard. You agree? Happy wedding day, dear!

From parents

How our children have grown, and we have grown old!
But it's a joy to be with you on such a special day.
We congratulate you on your silver wedding
And we give you such beauty!

Take care of each other as you have learned
During the years of difficult family life.
Do you have children, grandchildren and, of course, we -
Let's start a family business.

Our daughter has grown up, married already
As many as twenty-five years - whether there will be more!
The husband is always nearby and on the alert,
We are calm for her, the wind will not blow you away.

The roof of the house is strong, there are children. Hooray!
Congratulations on the silver, much good to you!

Children have an unusual holiday today,
We sincerely wish you congratulations.
How difficult everything is in personal life,
To be together for years without embellishment.

Twenty-five years old, like silver,
They flowed like a river to a foggy land.
You were both sad and funny
There was a lot of truth and deceit.

Despite the difficulties of luggage,
You love each other just the same.
Congratulations! Today is your holiday!
We will come to you more than once!

Our dear children, who have become faithful spouses to each other! Your wedding today is not simple, but silver - brilliant, bright, strong, precious. We give you words of admiration and wish, of course, to live soul to soul for the same amount more - until the golden jubilee!

From friends

Congratulations from a friend
Dear spouses:
You are already silver in the morning,
And can't sleep at all.

Twenty-five years together
Someone is a grandmother, someone is a grandfather.
Happy wedding day to you, friends,
I came to congratulate you.

I am your witness!
How many years have passed since then
We fill our cups
To make it warm.

Let's raise the cups
Yes, congratulations to the spouses
With a silver wedding
With the mood of a song.

My dear sister
You are lovely and kind
faithful wife,
Look without fear.

I want to congratulate you
And whisper softly:
Be happy always
After many years.

With silver legal!
Congratulations modestly!

So many years to live together
So friendly and so loving
Not everyone will survive.

With silver, friends, hurry
Congratulate you and give
Thirst cure!

Twenty-five difficult years
Fate has measured you.
They said "no" to troubles,
They only believed in luck.

Your happiness, silver -
Sparkling, alive!
Live the same
It will become golden!

We came to the wedding of our best friends,
We've known each other for a quarter of a century.
Around silver, light and warm,
under the roof of your house.

Congratulations on your silver wedding
And we wish you continued love!

Funny and comic

Today we will read to you
short verses,
But don't be angry
Don't hee hee.

Of course, for a very long time.
You live together.
Silver wedding -
The vicissitudes of fate.

Today is your 25th birthday
It's time to accept gifts from us!

From a friend, accept congratulations as soon as possible,
How many years have known you - a lot of days.
We are celebrating a wedding in silver with a crowd,
And I wish you to live until the golden wedding.

Someone ate chocolate
And someone is sweet.
But it's not sweet for you at all -
Because BITTER!

Everyone is looking at you today
They are perplexed.
So many years to love each other -
Is it possible?
A quarter of a century, day after day,
Build this warm house
And give birth to children, teach
Grandchildren to nurse, guard.

We give you a notebook
Write down riddles
For grandchildren and children
The whole family will be smarter.

So many kind words
You've already been told
About good and silver,
Did you dream about it?

Silver is good
But not yet.
Mark diligently
To the gold diggers!

Twenty years and top five!
Live and not get bored
each other every day,
Faithful spouses.

It's time to open your school
About family matters
Mysteries and secrets
Families with many children.

You called us - we came,
Congratulations on the date!
We modestly brought you
Two meat salads.

To make it tasty for you
We will add salt
And split it in half
Something has become BITTER!

SMS congratulations

We know about your wedding
Congratulations and wish
Lots and lots of silver
Above happiness and goodness!

Twenty years and five more!
This is to be congratulated
Loud and beautiful
And eloquent!

We are a short text message
Congratulations friends
Happy wedding anniversary secular
And with the wedding! HURRAH!

25 years together!
You are cool, you are just trash!
Receive an SMS from us
And a starfall as a gift from heaven!

The planet is spinning - a wedding with friends,
Not a simple wedding - in the brilliance of silver.
Be further together, more fun together,
We wish you sunshine and good!

Married 25 years
No problem, no more words.
Doesn't that happen too?
So we wish you!!!

Let everything work out!
You are such a couple!
With a silver wedding
We congratulate you!

Send sms to friends
With best wishes,
Made it to silver!
Here's a cheer for you!

Silver glitters and beckons,
Congratulations on your wedding.
Together 25 years
We just don't have words!

Congratulations, hugs,
Take our birds!
We love, admire
Let's not say goodbye.

Let it be just words
But they have a soul:
Happy wedding!

Congratulations shortly
With a big date.
Together for twenty-five years
You worked hard!

Invite us for a cake
And accept gifts.
Happy silver day
Add mood)

For love and kindness
People are given silver.
A quarter of a century together
Bride and groom.

We're going to a wedding
To your estate.
We carry silver
And good in the heart.


From husband

My queen, today you are all in silver - you didn’t go to this much, not a little - a quarter of a century. You weren't walking alone, I held your hand, I was afraid to let go and lose you. You are a faithful companion, a brave, resourceful woman, a caring mother, a tender grandmother, and for me a queen! I raise my silver cup and invite you to raise yours - with me! For our silver that longs to become gold! For our life together!

My wife has learned to listen to me - only for this it was worth living side by side for 25 years. Do not think that everything was smooth and smooth, it was painful and disgusting. However, I tried, and she tried. So over the years we turn into miners. And one day they find real gold. On the day of the silver wedding, I invite you, my love, on the road for our golden date!

From wife

My brave knight, I want to thank you for every year that you dedicated not only to me, but to the whole family. I see how you try, how important your mission is for you - to protect, protect, provide. I ask you: learn to rest in my arms, forgetting about the earthly, approach the heavenly. I raise my glass to romance - twenty-five years later! Happy wedding day, dear!

We were told so many words - warm, beautiful, sometimes fair. But we know with you what the true price of our silver date is. Ready to go further with you for exactly the same number of years and winters. I love you and I will follow you to the ends of the earth. Just call. And now we're on the edge of a new day, a new night. Congratulations to you and me on the 25th anniversary of our marriage. Glasses full to the silver moon!

From parents

Dear children, who no longer look like children! We congratulate you on your silver date and wish you to remain children, despite your appearance, silver hair and different dates. Let time freeze before your love and tenderness. We wish you eternity and raise a glass to eternity!

How beautiful, close, beloved you are!
You were bombarded with silver today, but not all the silver that is called silver. There are fakes in this pile of good-silver. So let's drink to you learning to distinguish true jewelry from fakes. Happy wedding day to you!

Statuses for VK, Instagram, Facebook

  1. Silver dust was scattered here on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of marriage.
  2. In the rays of silver, the artists came to celebrate a quarter of a century since the birth of the family.
  3. There is a desire to admire in this silver date. Congratulations!
  4. Who has what, but we have silver. Together 25 years!
  5. Who likes to celebrate silver dates - come to our holiday. To be continued)
  6. Everything glows and silvers - we celebrate the anniversary of the wedding.
  7. A quarter of a century is how much. Exactly so much? to live and love each other.
  8. We accept silver congratulations on your wedding. Yep, it's been 25 years!
  9. Wrinkles wrinkles, and children and grandchildren came to the silver wedding.
  10. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary, we invite everyone to the cake.
  11. Yesterday everyone shouted bitterly to us, but today they gave us silver.
  12. If they give silver, then it's time to go to the hairdresser to do a hairstyle in honor of the wedding anniversary.
  13. Silver in the head, silver in the soul. Together for a quarter of a century!
  14. We just know how to forgive and enjoy life for 25 years in a row!
  15. We were silvered, filled with gifts and congratulations. Silver wedding, gentlemen!

You have been married for a quarter of a century and all this time you have cherished, helped, respected and, most importantly, loved each other. And today, on the day of your silver wedding, I would like to wish you warmth, luck, prosperity, happiness, smiles, tenderness. Enjoy life and each other to the fullest!

Silver wedding - 25,
I heartily congratulate you.
All my life I wish you to live together,
I wish you good and happiness.

And let the years go, run,
You don't pay attention
Keep faithfulness and love
Celebrate your wedding every year!

Gently silver sparkles -
Wedding anniversary.
Let prosperity reign
In your only homestead.

Let love warm in a blizzard
Happiness - life will be hammered,
Gentle, quivering breath, -
Joy will burst into the house.

May luck be a ringing song
It flows like in a fairy tale
Let the days become more interesting
And only in bright colors!

Silver wedding.
Oh my god, what a date!
Already a quarter of a century
You are happily married!

May your life be
Happy hundreds of days!
May your union grow stronger
Stronger every year!

Silver rain fell today
Twenty-five years your union lasted!
We wish the sun always shines on you,
And the power of heaven helped in everything.

Be happy and inspired
Let your paths be incomparable,
Lucky, beautiful, worthy, kind,
May your cherished wishes and dreams come true!

Congratulations on your silver
We wish sincere love
Let happiness fill the house
Let luck beckon.

We wish you many bright days
To be strong for each other,
We wish you bold ideas,
And don't be sad about anything!

We wish you not to be discouraged
Let gray hair not upset your hair.
Dreaming of walking together
Gold for your wedding.

Since you guys lived together for 25 years,
You know what this date means for life!
You are so smart that marriage has always been appreciated,
After all, you loved each other faithfully and affectionately!

You just have to wish good luck
They will cherish their grandchildren and simply adore them.
Everything else you own for a long time
And any family dispute is capable of winning!

Such a wonderful idyll you have.
Let the light in the souls not go out either tomorrow or now.
Over the years - only gets stronger, becomes stronger,
And more sensual, and more affectionate, and only more tender!

We walk the wedding twenty-fifth time.
And nothing that without a veil is a bride,
After all, all the same, the groom does not take his eyes off,
Enchanted, he does not leave the place.

And at twenty-five you are young at heart,
It's nice to hold your hands.
Although gray hair has already appeared,
You still love to hug!

Silver wedding and ringing rings again
What does a quarter of a century mean for loving hearts?
After all, it seems that many days have been experienced,
But the road ahead is even brighter now.
You became one in twenty-five years,
Any storms, storms are not afraid of you now,
After all, love filled the sails.
So let the wind be fair
There will be no tears, sorrows, troubles,
So that you are happy for half a century,
Although, yes, there is a whole century!

A quarter of a century, twenty-five!
Congratulations to your couple
There is a very important reason.
Our congratulations - in your honor.

The rings still shine
The eyes are still glowing...
Is it twenty five
Can feelings cool down?

It's definitely not about you.
"Bitter!" shout a hundred times
We wish you happiness a hundred times
Congratulations on the silver!

silver wedding- this is really a significant date in the life of spouses, because not every couple manages to live in love and harmony for 25 years! The name of this anniversary is easily explained: the longer the husband and wife live together, the better they get to know each other, the stronger their relationship becomes.

Of course, metals have been encountered before - a cast-iron, tin, iron wedding, but silver is not only a durable, but also a noble element, and the joint life of spouses is an example for others. On this day, it is customary to give silver items to anniversaries: table sets, anniversary medals, glasses, figurines, vases, jewelry, candlesticks and other decorative elements that will bring comfort and beauty to the house. But at the same time, you should definitely stock up on suitable congratulations coming from the heart. We offer you several congratulations on the occasion of the silver wedding in prose and poetry.

Congratulations on the silver wedding

Dear anniversaries, I want to drink for the fact that for a quarter of a century you have been walking side by side with each other, helping and supporting in difficult times. You have not dropped the high title of husband and wife and added this terrible prefix "ex". We sincerely and wholeheartedly congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary, wish you health, longevity and happiness!

In nature, there is a lot of silver color - the silvery surface of the river, jets of rain under the morning sun, light cirrus clouds and crisp snow frost. Silver is the celebration of life and the embodiment of the beginning of nature. A silver wedding is a truly wonderful and precious period, so we want to drink to your well-being and marital happiness and we wish you to celebrate your golden wedding as well! Bitterly!

Our dear anniversaries (the names of those who celebrate the silver wedding).

Today we have gathered here to celebrate with you one of the brightest and most memorable dates - a silver wedding. And we want to dedicate a little verse to you:

Silver wedding - a wonderful anniversary,

Therefore, the audience should not forget about her,

After all, this is a romantic and colorful rite,

Silver wedding - your love parade.

Silver wedding - the excitement of the moment,

After all, it will embody the wealth of spouses of common years

And we want to celebrate the celebration with your soul,

After all, 25 years of marriage is a step towards gold!

Scientists say that sometimes silver can be valued much more than gold. I want to raise this glass to the value and uniqueness of those years that you lived together and wish you that the flame of your family hearth not only does not fade, but flares up more and more over the years!

Our dear anniversaries!

Today we have gathered at this table to witness a significant date - the 25th anniversary of your family life. We are glad to see that luck, love and happiness have not left you and we want to wish them to be your constant companions in the future of your path. I also really want to say that we want not only the number of candles on the family cake to grow, but also respect and love for each other, so that you celebrate more than one wedding anniversary together. For you!

In order to live in harmony until the silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron endurance. Let's drink to the wonderful fusion, thanks to which we are now sitting at this table and congratulate our anniversaries!

Our dear anniversaries!

On this beautiful day, spring blossoms. Now she is blooming in the family - your lasting and happy marriage is 25 years old. And this means that the relationship is tested not only by time, but with fate itself. We wish you happiness, love, longevity and mutual understanding, and everything else will follow!

Our dear (names of anniversaries)!

Despite the fact that now it is winter (autumn) outside the window, we wish that in your soul there will never be a place for coldness and sadness. May peace, harmony and beauty always reign in your family, and a silver wedding will become only one of the most important steps in your family. For you!

Dear anniversaries!

A silver wedding is a wonderful event and we want to wish you that your paths never diverge, that only kind and good people go hand in hand with you, and that you succeed at work and at home. You are already united by love, kindness and happiness, and this is a lot, so stay as you are! Today we shout “bitter” to you so that you can live sweetly for the rest of your life!

A silver wedding is an extraordinary event, it is a confirmation that the union is happy and lasting. You have shown us that even for a quarter of a century it is possible to preserve love without losing a single drop of happiness. You exchanged silver rings, and we really want your life to be as beautiful, smooth and durable as this symbol. Live long and happily! We raise this glass to you!

Time is a serious test for love. Only a strong and real feeling can overcome all adversity. And we congratulate you on this victory! We wish you warmth, happiness and harmony, for you!

If you imagine life as a rugged terrain, you can only guess what obstacles you will meet there. And we are sincerely glad that you, dear anniversaries, did not leave the race and with honor overcame all the trials that fell to your lot. A quarter of a century together is a lot, and we, ordinary fans, want to give you a silver prize (note it can be glasses, medals or a vase) to reward your work and efforts and celebrate your undoubted success. And we want to drink this glass for you! Health to you, longevity, many more achievements await you ahead!

You accept our wishes,

Happiness, joy and love,

So that there is no place for despair in life,

Nightingales wake you up at dawn.

To always be there for you

Support each other in difficult times

So that all annoying obstacles,

In this life were not for you.

The article will provide congratulations in verse and prose, a scenario for holding a silver wedding.

Every wedding anniversary is a special occasion. But 25 years of marriage is a significant date for any union.

  • The symbol of the 25th anniversary of marriage is silver. That is why the wedding is called silver
  • Silver is a precious metal that symbolizes the strength and purity of the union.
  • There are many traditions and beliefs about a silver wedding. For example, the first kiss in the morning. This is how the spouses should start this significant day so that their union is strong in the future.
  • On the day of the silver wedding, it is customary to organize a real holiday. Close relatives and family friends are invited to attend.
  • You can organize a holiday on your own or use the services of special companies. On this day, guests prepare gifts and warm congratulations for the spouses.

Congratulations on the silver wedding of parents in verse

  • For children, the silver wedding of parents is no less important event than for the spouses themselves.
  • When preparing a congratulation, try to make it as unique as possible. Include something personal in it that is familiar only to your family.
  • Congratulations should be memorized rather than reading from a piece of paper. Try to put your soul into it and say everything as sincerely as possible.

The day is covered in silver today
The holiday knocked on our quiet house
Anniversary for parents
We have gathered all the friends, friends.

Congratulations dear family
In our house only love and kindness
We wish you to live another 100 years
Together, without encountering troubles in life!

Favorite parents
We want to wish you
Be the same in life happy
Like those twenty-five!

you have lived so long
Can't imagine
But the main thing is you are together
Know how to love!

We are so proud of you
After all, you are our family.
Support and hope
And best friends.

Today is a public holiday
For you, well, for us
Let's raise our glasses
For happiness again!

Congratulations on the silver wedding of parents in prose

  • Congratulations in prose are especially touching, since you can add a lot to them from yourself.
  • Do not pronounce too pretentious text. The main thing is that it reflects your real thoughts and conveys wishes.
  • Use one of these templates to give a great wedding anniversary speech.
  1. « Today is a special day for our entire family! You have lived together for twenty-five years, a quarter of a century. This is a significant time that proves the power of love and family ties. By your example, you give us how to build family happiness. We wish you to continue to be as sincere, patient and caring. Love you to a ripe old age!
  2. » I can't even believe that you've been together for twenty-five years. We remember smaller anniversaries when we were just kids. We remember how happy we were for you when you looked lovingly into each other's eyes. And now, after so many years, our family rests on your strong feelings. We wish you to continue to take care of each other, take care and be truly happy!”

Congratulations on the 25th wedding anniversary of friends in verse and prose

  • A silver wedding is important not only in the family circle, but also for close friends. Many of them have been with their spouses from the very beginning of the union, they have seen changes and different situations.
  • Close friends can tell some special stories about spouses. Or prepare a speech that outlines the visible changes that have taken place over these 25 years.
  • Friends who know a couple for a short time can prepare just warm and sincere wishes for the couple's further happiness.

Union couple twenty-five
What more could you want?
We want to wish the couple
More such dates to meet!

Love you, happiness and success
Less trouble and controversy
Live in the union for a quarter of a century
And bring love and happiness!

  • » Today is a special date for your family! We have watched your union for many years. And a lot, in fact, can be envied. You kept love and loyalty to each other, met all life's problems with dignity. Support and love were your motto. And now I want to say that you truly deserve the happiness that you have! May it continue to be so! Love to you, dear friends!

Cool congratulations on a silver wedding

Congratulations again
This time it's twenty-five
Year after year the couple is stronger
Year after goth together is easier

You are no longer just a couple.
A real family!
If in life suddenly zapara
Solve everything without difficulty!

Can't even believe it's gone so many years
Year after year, summer after spring
And it's wonderful that there is a person
What is life by the hand with you.

Your union is truly great
And we believe that love erases time
Happiness only promises you eternity
Freeing from adversity and burden

SMS congratulations on a silver wedding

  • SMS congratulations should be short, but at the same time convey the mood of the holiday
  • It is better if you write a wish in prose or send a cute quatrain
  • Sign your congratulations SMS, indicating who you are. Indeed, on this day, the couple will receive a lot of similar SMS
  • SMS congratulations cannot replace real warm words. Therefore, it is better to call the spouses and congratulate them on this holiday with words.

An example of concise SMS congratulations in verse:

25 years is a decent time
Life has provided a long lesson
We congratulate you on this date
Be loved, happy, rich!

Beautiful poems for a silver wedding

"Happy anniversary to you!"
Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can not forget about it!
Silver wedding is the most beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment
Silver wedding - the wealth of common years!
You celebrate the silver wedding with soul,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

"Silver is a precious metal"
Silver is a precious metal
He lived up to his name.
Your famous anniversary
And the light of love has not gone out. May you be happy,
Never lose love.
May there be peace and comfort in the family,
Children bring joy and help!

Humor for a silver wedding

Sometimes at the celebration of a wedding anniversary, you can hear a lot of funny sayings. Some of them have even turned into classic jokes.

  • How beautiful are they now? and happy, just like never before!
  • Beloved parents! We congratulate you and take away the keys to your apartment and car!
  • Now, ladies, exchange reproaches!
  • Love and happiness are tight entered their gray life
  • Let's drink to the experience and for graying horns
  • Let's do the white dance! Ladies Wake Up Cavaliers

Silver wedding script

  • The scenario of any holiday should be planned in advance based on the budget and the number of guests
  • A holiday can be arranged at home, in a cafe or not in nature.
  • The organization of the holiday can be undertaken by a relative or family friend. It's great if the holiday is prepared in secret and for the couple it will be a surprise.
  • To get started, set the time and date, the number of guests and a list of events
  • Greeting spouses is an important part of the event. If there is enough space, then before the arrival of the couple, all the guests line up in a living corridor. The Mendelssohn march turns on and the couple solemnly passes to the applause of the guests
  • Next, the host congratulates the couple. You can give her a solemn diploma for happily lived years
  • Then all the guests sit down at the tables and the main part of the event begins.
  • At this time, the leader directs who and when pronounces wishes. So that the holiday does not turn into a routine, it will be important to diversify it with comic contests
  • Another important part of any silver wedding celebration is the presentation of silver rings to spouses. They can be presented by children with wishes for further love and happiness.
  • It is necessary to provide a speech to the spouses themselves so that they can express gratitude to each other and to all invited guests

What to give for parents' silver wedding?

  • The gift of children should be special and solemn. After all, this is a holiday for the whole family.
  • A good gift would be the purchase of silver rings, which will be solemnly presented at the holiday.
  • Any silver jewelry is very appropriate on this day, such as commemorative pendants
  • You can make a silver medal, which will indicate the names and date of delivery. It is given to spouses for love, fidelity and a strong family.
  • Organization of the holiday, also a great gift. Parents will be delighted and surprised
  • Treat your parents to a romantic dinner for two
  • Another special gift is a trip for parents. Buy a ticket to a sanatorium by the sea or just for a holiday for two

What to give friends for a silver wedding?

  • Any souvenirs with silver decor will be relevant. For example, cute figurines or vases
  • Give a silver cutlery set to symbolize this special date.
  • A good gift is a silver frame for a photo. You can process the photo in the editor and make it in vintage style
  • You can give practical gifts. You can ask their children or other relatives about what spouses need.
  • Cards, sweets and flowers are a great addition to any gift.

Video: Silver Wedding Songs

Silver wedding - 25 years from the date of the wedding. The name of the anniversary is explained by the fact that the spouses appreciate and respect each other, that they are like jewels for each other. Silver is a symbol of a strong family union. A life lived together is an example for others. This is a quarter of a century, lived by two hearts in love and harmony, they were able to carry their feelings through many years, not allowing them to break into daily problems and troubles. A gift for a silver wedding should be made of silver or include silver-plated elements. Traditionally, cutlery, various decorations, figurines, original silver souvenirs are given. A good and unusual gift for spouses can be a collectible silver commemorative coin, presented for good luck, or a couple of cute spoons or glasses, candlesticks or photo frames that will create coziness and a romantic atmosphere in the house.

Congratulations on your silver wedding
We wish you success, happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Live in peace, love one another,
For 25 years now, you have been husband and wife.
May happiness always smile at you
Let the hearts beat in unison
Let the house be a full bowl
Let love and joy dwell in it.

25 years, as you are one family,
Handsome husband, hostess wife,
The daughter is already marriageable and the son is married,
And hearts, as before, tremulously knock.
With a silver wedding, congratulations,
Let life give you only inspiration,
May your fate be happy
May God grant you health, longevity, kindness.

On this day we met again
To good luck to you, wish you happiness,
Like 25 years ago
Everyone is happy to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Live in harmony and love
Always appreciate each other
God forbid that age does not rush for a long time,
And that there was prosperity in the house.

25 years since golden rings are worn,
And there is a seal in the certificate,
At the table you are young again,
We want to wish you happiness and good luck.
Let life give you inspiration
Let luck walk side by side
Let there be many bright impressions
May there be 365 happy days a year.

You live as a friendly family for 25 years,
There is no better and happier couple in the world,
Fun is knocking on your house like silver,
Let fate give you only inspiration.
We wish you prosperity and good luck,
Mutual love for many years in addition,
Good health, good luck and warmth,
Patience, attention, joy, kindness.

Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can not forget about it!
Silver wedding - the most beautiful rite,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding - an exciting moment,
Silver wedding - the wealth of common years!
You celebrate the silver wedding with soul,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

Adam donated a rib
To get a wife.
You found each other without a rib,
And your wedding is silver
Already gives - worthy metal:
Pleasant shine does not hurt the eyes,
The color is light, matte-calm..
Let me congratulate you:
Together you know the meaning of life
Love carried through the years
Finding peace and happiness
They became a single, common whole.
We don't know what Adam would say
But would support us, perhaps:
We want you to stay
And continue to be such a wonderful couple!

We watched the fire every day
Which flared up more and more.
And at night and wonderful day
You cherished the fire of love.
And now the long-awaited hour has come,
When we congratulate you,
So turn to us
Your clear and cheerful eyes.
We wishes a whole kilo
We will ship it to you in a beautiful package.
We so want to wish you
So that soon you can again
To those gentle, beautiful days
Add a new, colorful environment.
So that you can never lose each other!