Family tree Claudine Wolfe Monster High. Character and biography of clawdeen wolf from monster high

15-year-old wolf girl, daughter of a werewolf. Claudine attracts with her beauty and self-confidence, many girls want to be like her. She always gets what she wants. Her style is always impeccable, she attracts attention and easily stands out from the crowd of Monster High School students. Of course, Claudine is the brightest, most energetic and memorable, and her stunning appearance helps her in this. She has caramel skin and long, thick, brown hair that forms many curls. Usually Clawdeen Wolf walks with flowing hair down, but at the same time he likes to experiment with his appearance and constantly changes hairstyles. She has all the attributes of a real wolf. And sharp claws, and white fangs, and pointed wolf ears - she has everything. As with any werewolf, on the full moon, it is not known what to expect from her, she becomes unpredictable. The young wolf is trying to be a leader among Monster High students, she always knows her own worth and is not silent if something goes wrong.

Claudine Wolf fashionista

As a true fashionista, Claudine loves shopping, beauty salons, spa treatments. And she cannot imagine a happy life without charming high-heeled shoes that give her self-confidence. She has long decided that she wants to shine her future only in fashion and everything connected with it. The dream to which she confidently goes every day is her own fashion empire. Clawdeen Wolf wants to become a world famous fashion designer.

Friends and entourage Claudine

At home, Claudine is always waiting for her big friendly family, she loves all her loved ones very much, but at the same time she values ​​\u200b\u200bher personal space. Numerous relatives very often annoy her and she prefers to avoid them, both in the Monster High and beyond. In a small house, there are constant quarrels and disputes between siblings. But if someone close is in danger, the whole family becomes one and will not let anyone offend.

Claudine also loves her friends and values ​​their friendship. Our werewolf's best friends are Draculaura and Frankie Stein. She gets along well with Laguna Blue and Gulia Yelps. Everyone knows that it is difficult for two leaders to be friends, so Clawdeen and Cleo de Nile constantly competed, but over time they found a common language and became friends.

Favorite pet

Claudine's favorite pet from Monster High is Crescent. This sweet, graceful kitty (somewhat reminiscent of the hostess herself) just wants to be picked up. A distinctive feature of the pet is its thick chic fur, shimmering in the sun with a purple tint.

Claudine Wolf doll can be bought in dozens of series in our online store!

Unlike vampires, werewolves in movies don't usually look like sophisticated ladies and noble gentlemen. Wool, fangs, claws, fear of silver and complete dependence on the phases of the moon - such werewolves appear on screens and in books. The most famous toy manufacturer MATTEL has once again decided to break the stereotypes and show a completely unexpected and very beautiful werewolf! Meet Monster High Claudine Wolf doll original and fashionable!

Who is the brightest? Of course, the most stylish werewolf doll Claudine Wolf! She calls herself a fashion monster and dreams of becoming a designer when she grows up. If your daughter is interested in fashion history, don't hesitate to buy a Claudine Wolfe doll. Of course it's worth it! Moreover, we guarantee delivery to any corner of Russia!

She-wolf in a chic skin

The Claudine Wolfe doll is also one of the main characters of the animated series and books about the School of Monsters Monster High, just like Frankenstein's daughter Frankie Stein and the vegetarian vampire Draculaura. The Claudine Wolf doll strives to be the main one in everything: in fashion, in sports, in studies and even in relationships with girlfriends. Since this doll lives in a large werewolf family (you probably know her older sister Claudia (or Claudia), older brother Claude and younger sister Howlin), she constantly has to prove who is the alpha in the pack.

But despite her strong character, the young she-wolf is a very kind and reliable friend who, for the sake of her dear monsters, will go into fire and into water. But the character also has flaws. The main one is a real addiction to fashionable things. For Clawdeen Wolf, buying an entire new collection of outfits in the store is a common thing!

The appearance of the Claudine Wolfe doll is always a little “on the edge” - very bright and extravagant clothes, gorgeous hair (Claudene often changes her hairstyle and hair color) and accurately and tastefully selected accessories that emphasize her origin. In the Magic Dolls online store, among the many toys of the Monster High brand, Claudine Wolf can be bought today and at a low price.

Clawdeen Wolf Monster High is the daughter of a werewolf, a 15-year-old cute and stylish she-wolf who always stands out from the crowd. At the School of Monsters, her brothers and sisters study with the girl, among them - Claude Wolf, Claudia Wolf and Kholin Wolf. Claudine is very kind and gentle towards her werewolf parents, but she is unhappy with a large number of brothers and sisters.

Character and biography of Claudine Wolf from Monster High

Claudine Wolf Monster High is self-confident, bright and enchanting. If you listen to what her friends say about her, then at night the girl becomes a little "bizarre" and strange, this is caused by a relationship with werewolves. The daughter of a werewolf is arrogant, arrogant, overly self-confident, but at the same time devoted to her friends.

This character has an impeccable style, a practical and very confident character for her age, and her nature also rewarded her with stunning beauty. Her hairstyle, and she herself, is the envy of many Monster High students.

Unfortunately, Claudine's gorgeous thick hair grows not only on her head, but all over her body, because she has a lot in common with wolves. She takes a lot of time to shave and pluck out excess hair.

The monster's favorite color is gold, in this she looks like Cleo de Nile, although Claudine does not like her very much. The favorite dish of a werewolf girl is a steak with blood.

From the biography of Claudine Wolf, it is known that most of all she loves to go shopping and flirt with boys, but her heart is still free.

Almost all the time, Claudine's head is occupied with dreams and thoughts about how she will someday become a famous designer.

Economics became her favorite subject at school, the girl simply adores her, but she hates physical education, because she is not allowed to wear her favorite platform sandals there. In the future, she plans to start her own fashion empire, which is why Claudine is so fascinated by the economy.

The Claudine Wolfe doll has a pet, a purple kitten with yellow eyes with green pupils and a heart on the tip of her tail. His name is Crescent. Clawdeen Wolf made friends with Draculaura, Frankie Stein, Skeleta Calaveras at the School of Monsters.

The appearance of the doll Claudine Wolfe from the School of Monsters

Doll Clawdeen Wolf Monster High has a really bright attractive appearance. She has long thick chestnut hair, dark skin, long claws, sharp fangs and cute little ears, all of which she inherited from her werewolf parents.

The girl has an athletic build, she looks great in any outfit, everything suits such a beauty.

Most often, the monster wears a long hairstyle with many seductive curls, without collecting hair with hairpins and elastic bands, this can be seen in the photo of Claudine Wolf a little lower:

The doll is wearing a pink top with a tiger print, a stylish black jacket with a collar trimmed with luxurious fur, a fluffy satin skirt and high boots, decorated with many straps.

In the photo, Claudine Wolfe Monster High from jewelry has several gold earrings in each ear, a necklace-collar and a medallion:

Meet this girl, the daughter of a werewolf, and her name is Claudine Wolfe. Her skin has a dark hue, sharp wolf ears stick out above her hair, and fangs are also a hallmark of this beauty. Claudine is insanely talented, she incredibly loves to do various creative things and has a huge variety of such hobbies. Therefore, the daughter of a werewolf so dreams that in the future she will organize her own design agency, where she will independently invent incredible beauty things.

This flash entertainment for girls Monster High Claudine Wolf games belongs to the Monster High Tests section of games, which means that here you have to pass a certain test. If you consider yourself a fan of the Monster High school, then you can easily complete the task of this game. Remember what outfits Claudine madly loves to wear and try to dress her up so that the girl is one hundred percent satisfied with your stylistic work on her image. site wish you a pleasant pastime in the company of the beauty Claudine.

Passing Tips:

In the lower right corner after loading the game, you will be able to see a round button with a triangular arrow inside. Click on it to start an immediate walkthrough of our exciting game. First of all, try to create an amazing hairstyle for Claudine by choosing the best option from the menu on the left side of the girl on the playing field. Then choose a beautiful skin tone, apply the right makeup, choose chic stylish outfits and don't forget to complete the look with accessories. Use your computer mouse to control.

Claudine Wolfe is the daughter of a werewolf who goes to Monster High School with her two sisters: nineteen-year-old Claudia and fourteen-year-old Kholin, as well as seventeen-year-old brother Claude. She is considered the most fashionable and stylish girl, as she has a very spectacular appearance.

The girl has dark skin, some ill-wishers spread rumors that this is the merit of a solarium, but this is not true, since these are all the consequences of wolf roots. Also, Claudine is the owner of simply luxurious long and thick hair and yellowish-pink slightly slanting eyes. And its main highlight is the small and cute wolf ears on the very top of the head.

Claude just loves the golden color, so most of her clothes and accessories are golden, even lipstick and eye shadow give off gold. More than anything, this monster loves shopping. There she buys a wide variety of clothes, some of which she never even wears later. And her main passion is platform sandals. In them, she would go to physical education, if the teacher allowed.

In the future, Claudine dreams of becoming a designer and creating clothes under her own brand. Already, she is constantly drawing new models of clothes and putting together existing outfits, trying them on herself. In , you will be able to choose the best costumes for the future fashion show of our heroine.

The best friend of the werewolf is the vampire Draculaura, they are never bored around, so most of the time they can be seen together. The only thing the couple don't see eye to eye on is food. After all, Draculaura is an avid vegetarian, and Claudine simply loves a steak with blood. Also, Claudie was at first against her brother's relationship with her girlfriend, but then she put up with it and now she's even happy for them.