A unique rosehip product is oil. Reviews of the application in cosmetology, characteristics. Cosmetic rosehip oil for facial skin: the healing power of nature

Rosehip oil has a number of beneficial properties, including it has a positive effect on the skin, allowing it to maintain its elasticity and tone. The product contains a large number of useful substances, one of which is ascorbic acid. It is thanks to her that the oil has a rejuvenating effect.

The beneficial properties of rosehip oil are due to its rich composition. It contains a number of micro and macro elements, saturated fatty acids, vitamins of group B, C, E and K. Thanks to this composition, the oil has the following effect on the skin:

  • moisturizes the skin, prevents moisture loss;
  • eliminates acne;
  • protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • stimulates collagen production;
  • helps to protect the skin from harmful radicals;
  • allows you to maintain elasticity;
  • eliminates flaking;
  • relieves pigmentation;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • eliminates edema;
  • improves complexion.

Rosehip oil, unlike many other products, can also be applied around the eyes, as it does not irritate even thin skin.

Indications for use

Rosehip oil is used for different skin types, depending on the task at hand. The product is truly versatile. Thanks to the zinc included in the composition, the oil does not clog the pores, but, on the contrary, eliminates the formation of comedones. The product can be used for normal skin as well as for oily and dry skin.The only thing to remember is not to use the oil alone too often. This rule applies to oily and combination skin. Enough 1-2 times a week.

Rosehip oil is an excellent remedy for dark circles under the eyes.

How to use oil to remove wrinkles

To eliminate wrinkles, the product can be used either alone or in combination with other beneficial ingredients. This tool can be used to enrich creams by adding in 1 tsp. composition of 4 drops of oil. It is more convenient to apply the product in its pure form with a cotton pad. This can be done regularly before bed for 30 days. Then it is better to take a break for several weeks and continue using.

Effective Rosehip Oil Recipes:

  1. Mask that increases skin elasticity. You will need 2 chicken yolks. Beat them with a mixer and add 1 tsp. rosehip oil. Mix both components and apply to the skin with a cotton pad. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water and moisturize your face with a cream suitable for your skin type. Repeat the procedure once a week for several months.
  2. Anti-wrinkle nourishing mask. Oatmeal is required. It is recommended to grind them in a coffee grinder to obtain flour. Then boil half a glass of milk. Pour 2 tbsp. l. flour. Let stand until the mixture is slightly warm. Then apply to face. After 20 minutes, wash off with cool water. This mask should be done at least once a week. The course is 1-2 months.
  3. Anti-wrinkle blend around the eyes. Additionally, you will need capsules of vitamins E and A, as well as rosehip oil. All ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions. It is recommended to carefully pierce the capsules with a needle before use. After mixing, apply the composition to the skin around the eyes. Leave on for 30 minutes. You don't need to wash it off. It is recommended to blot the rest of the product with a paper napkin. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 2 months.
  4. Anti-aging composition. You must mix 1 tbsp. l. rosehip oil and wheat germ. Add 2 drops of patchouli and geranium ethers. Mix everything and apply on the face. Leave on for 20 minutes. Then either rinse with water or blot with a damp cloth. Repeat once a week for a month.
  5. Rejuvenating mask. You must mix 1 tsp. honey and one yolk. Then add 1 tsp. rosehip oil. Apply to face with massage movements. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Then moisturize the skin with a cream. This recipe is not suitable for people who are allergic to bee products. Repeat the procedure once every 10 days. The course is 2 months.

It is advisable to store rosehip oil in the refrigerator. It is recommended to purchase a cold pressed product. It retains the maximum useful properties of the plant.

Rosehip Oil Recipe Ingredients - Gallery

Chicken yolk improves skin condition Medium fat milk is better Oatmeal improves complexion
Vitamin E capsules have an antioxidant effect Vitamin A capsules rejuvenate the skin Wheat germ oil helps eliminate wrinkles Patchouli oil nourishes the skin
Geranium oil allows you to maintain elasticity It is better to take honey in liquid, as it is easier to mix

Skin cells. It has a very powerful regenerating effect. Helps to reduce scars and eliminate skin imperfections. The scars left after operations, cuts, and burns become less noticeable.

Rosehip oil effectively heals wounds, improves skin elasticity, improves its color, slows down the aging process of the skin, helps prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, sagging skin, crow's feet. Fights the already existing signs of skin aging. Helps to eliminate age spots, even those that appeared during pregnancy. Reduces stretch marks.

Rosehip oil promotes the normalization of metabolism, helps the skin to get rid of accumulated harmful substances, enhances immunity, protects against the harmful effects of the sun. Helps hair restore its natural shine and softness. If the hair is damaged due to dyeing or perming, due to unfavorable environmental conditions, the oil will improve its condition. Also helps to strengthen nails. If rosehip oil is added to oil mixtures, it will reduce their fat content.

Rosehip oil used as a remedy for scars and old scars. Very effective remedy for skin irritation. Rosehip oil is indispensable for the treatment of eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, inflammation, darkening of the skin. It is used to treat gingivitis and stomatitis, cracked nipples, bedsores, ulcers, dermatoses, and cracked skin. Helps restore skin after burns. External use is practiced for leg ulcers, bedsores and dermatoses.

Rosehip oil has a general strengthening effect on the human body, promotes tissue regeneration and hormone synthesis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps carbon and mineral metabolism, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Below are the results of the effects on the body rosehip oil with the addition of other essential oils to it.

The addition of immortelle oil helps to reduce old scars, making them pale
- The addition of rose oil, rosewood oil or incense gum prevents and helps with skin aging
- The addition of jasmine oil replenishes dried skin with moisture
- The addition of lavender oil helps to heal burns and scars, helps with sunstroke
- The addition of frankincense oil promotes the healing of scars
- The addition of mandarin oil helps prevent and get rid of scars and stretch marks on the skin
- Adding tea tree oil or nioli is very helpful for skin that has been exposed to radiation
- Adding immortelle oil helps to reduce scars

Rosehip Oil Recipes

Below are some recipes using rosehip oil.

For external use, moisten gauze wipes and apply to the affected skin.

For ozena treatment, moisten the tampons and inject into both nostrils several times a day.

For the treatment of ulcerative colitis, an enema is made using rosehip oil and 50 milliliters are injected every day or every other day.

If a person has dermatoses, then along with local treatment, it is recommended to take orally 1 teaspoon, 2 times a day, rosehip oil.

Dry eczema is also treated with rosehip oil (10 milliliters) with the addition of lavender oil (5 drops).

Rosehip oil helps to smooth out wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. To do this, you can apply a few drops of the oil to clean skin at night. The oil nourishes the skin with vitamins.

The oil gives a wonderful effect if it is applied to the skin around the eyes and mouth. Apply the oil with light, massaging movements, do not stretch the skin. But handle the oil carefully. Make sure that the oil does not get on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth. Don't overdo it.

To get rid of scars and stretch marks, do it 2 times a day. Be patient, the first results will appear in 4 weeks. But you can see a significant improvement in the skin not earlier than in half a year.

Masks and applications are the best way to help get rid of spots on the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and remove signs of fatigue. Saturate the napkin rosehip oil and apply on problem skin. For such procedures, add a few drops of one of the oils such as almond, wheat germ, avocado, jojoba to the rosehip oil and leave for 20-30 minutes.

You can indulge your body with a rosehip oil massage. Take 50 ml of base oil, add a few drops of one of the oils of chamomile, patchouli, bergamot, orange, rose. Although you can add any oil. Po - massage your body well. Get a charge of vivacity and good mood.

But with oil, you need to take some precautions. If you have oily skin, it is forbidden to use rosehip oil in its purest form. On acne-prone skin, the pure oil can cause acne to increase. If you are treating wounds with rosehip oil, use it when the wound has healed a little.

The oil can be stored for up to 6 months if it contains no preservatives. With the addition of vitamin E - 2 years. It should be in a dark and cool place, you can in the refrigerator.

Natalia Garkavenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Healing decoctions and miraculous rosehip-based tinctures do not need advertising, and rosehip oil for the face and its colossal potential as a cosmetic product for skin care are not known to everyone.

For a long time, the fruits of the wild rose have been used as the most effective remedy against colds and viral diseases. It is believed that wild rose (as the common people call wild rose berries) improves immunity better than any other remedy. But what opportunities open up rose hips if you use it for skin care at home?

Have you noticed that fine wrinkles began to appear on your skin? Is she flabby and inelastic? Is it dry and flaky? Are there any damaged areas on the skin (sunburn, age spots, bruising and peeling)? If the answers are yes, then you should start applying rosehip essential oil to your face.

Properties and chemical composition of the oil

The production of oil from wild rose berries has not been so long ago. The production process uses the extraction method and organic solvents. Essential oil is extracted from rosehip seeds using an extractant (a solvent that does not mix with the solution). Extraction is a method that allows you to maximize the preservation of the original beneficial properties of the original substances, determining their existing healing capabilities.

Rosehip oil is an orange-colored liquid, sometimes with a brown or golden hue. It tastes bitter and has a specific smell.

The chemical composition is unique: it includes a variety of substances that easily penetrate the cells of the epidermis, saturating them with nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

  • Organic acids (saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic and linolenic acids).

Fatty acids act as protection against the negative influence of various factors on living skin cells. It is they who retain moisture in the cells, making the skin soft and elastic.

  • Tocopherols.
  • Carotenoids.
  • Vitamins. The vitamin complex restores damaged tissues, regenerates cells frozen in their development, nourishes, moisturizes and saturates them with vitality. Some vitamins have powerful antioxidant properties that slow down the aging and aging process of the skin, on the contrary, increasing the amount of moisture in the cells. So, vitamin C in oil acts as a stimulant for collagen production, which is responsible for skin elasticity. Vitamin E is a source of oxygen, which means it saturates the skin with moisture, freshness and, as a result, youth.
  • Many trace elements: iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium.

The presence of trace elements in the oil contributes to the improvement of metabolic intracellular processes.

Such a composition helps cells to live and function fully, enriches them with the necessary amount of oxygen.

Based on this, it can be argued that rosehip oil for the face is the leader in cosmetology, if the goal is to rejuvenate, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Despite the colossal cosmetic possibilities, it is important to know and understand that any product requires correct use, which is based on a specific purpose, individual indication and typical skin predisposition.

Effect of application

The use of the product guarantees the following effects:

  • aging processes slow down;
  • the level of skin elasticity increases;
  • microcracks and wounds are healed;
  • the upper layer of the epidermis softens;
  • the indicators of intracellular metabolism improve;
  • the protective barrier of the skin is strengthened;
  • moisture is effectively retained;
  • protection against UV and IR radiation is manifested.

Rosehip oil is not recommended for young skin

Contraindications: what to fear?

The use of rosehip oil is prohibited in the following cases.

  1. The skin is young. The optimal age period, when rosehip extract has an active effect on the skin of the face, is the age of 40+. The use of oil suggests that the skin is dry and dull.
  2. The skin is of an oily or problematic type.
  3. There are rashes on the face (irritation, acne, pimples) or a boil.
  4. There is an individual intolerance to one of the components of the composition of the product.

To exclude the undesirable appearance on the skin of the face of an allergic reaction to one of the components of the composition of the essential oil, preliminary testing of the rosehip extract should be carried out and its interaction with the epidermis should be checked. Apply a couple of drops on the wrist (it is believed that this area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is most susceptible to reagents) and make sure that there is no individual intolerance. If the result is negative, limit the use of oil.

Rosehip oil: how to apply?

The skin around the eyes and lips is the most suitable area on the face, where the product “demonstrates” its healing and cosmetic properties to the maximum. Indeed, it is in these places that the skin is the most delicate, thin, and, therefore, the most vulnerable to the appearance of wrinkles, the manifestation of dryness. This area on the face needs delicate care, which an oily liquid can provide.

The application and use of rosehip oil provides two options.

  1. Pure application
  2. Used as a base for various face masks and compresses.

Rosehip oil as a compress

As a compress, oil is used if the face has: scars, scars, traces of acne, dermatitis and eczema.

If a pure oily liquid is regularly applied to the damaged areas, then after a while the result can be observed - the skin is renewed, its cells are regenerated. The healing effect is achieved through metabolic processes that are stimulated by the active components of the agent. The effect is impressive: scars and abrasions become much smaller, traces of acne become less noticeable, microscars are not expressed.

How to make a compress?

  1. Dampen gauze, bandage, or cosmetic sponge with rosehip oil.
  2. Apply a compress to problematic skin areas.
  3. Leave it on for 30 minutes.

On a note

To make the effectiveness of the use of the compress more effective, this procedure should be carried out at intervals of 2 times a day.

Enhanced hydration and saturation of the skin with natural fat is what the epidermis lacks so much. The problem is solved if you use the product as an additive to your cream, day or night.

  • Add drops of oil to the portion of the cream that you plan to apply on your face afterwards.
  • Apply the cream to the skin around the eyelids.
  • The process of applying the cream should be accompanied by light massage movements.

Rosehip instead of cream

Try replacing your face cream with a natural remedy, rosehip oil. The effect will be better for several reasons.

  1. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes.
  2. Does not contain harmful substances and additives, which means it does not cause allergic reactions.
  3. Much cheaper than face cream.

Method of use

  1. Cleanse your skin.
  2. Massage the liquid onto the skin.

You will be able to observe how it is quickly absorbed without leaving an oily sheen. It is thanks to this feature that the product can be used as a base for makeup.

If your goal is to moisturize combination skin, then it is advisable to use oil only in those areas that are most dehydrated and dry. Of course, these are the cheeks and lips, as well as the area around the eyes.

Fortified cream

If your skin has entered the active phase of aging and fading, we recommend preparing a vitamin face cream.

  1. Take an ordinary baby cream (40 grams will be enough).
  2. Add freshly squeezed aloe juice to the cream in a volume of 5 milliliters.
  3. Add 10 drops of liquid vitamin B2 from the pharmacy and 20 drops of olive oil to the cream as well.
  4. Add 10 drops of oily rosehip liquid to the mixture.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly.

Rosehip and face mask options

Rosehip oil mask for dry skin

  1. Place 10 ml of oil (1 tablespoon) in a separate container.
  2. Separate two egg yolks.
  3. Combine the yolks with the butter, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Apply the mixture to your face.
  5. Carry out the procedure for 10 minutes.
  6. Wash your face.

Milk-oatmeal mask

  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Pour the boiling milk over 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  3. Cool the resulting solution.
  4. Add 5 milliliters of rosehip oil.
  5. Treat your face with this mixture.

Do you want your skin to be well-groomed and healthy? Rosehip oil is both a cosmetics and a medicine that will help maintain your face in perfect condition, effectively caring for it.

In secret

  • You missed a classmate meeting because you are afraid to hear that you have grown old ...
  • And less and less often you catch the admiring glances of men ...
  • The much-touted skin care products do not refresh the face the way they used to ...
  • And the reflection in the mirror more and more reminds of age ...
  • Think you look older than your age ...
  • Or just want to "mothball" your youth for years to come ...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and are ready to use every opportunity for this ...

Yesterday, no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today it appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and return youth


The oil is extracted from the ripe fruits of the wild rose. This substance has a bitter taste and a peculiar smell. The shade depends on the type of plant and the area where it grew, therefore the oil is brownish, pinkish, golden and orange. The composition contains:

polyunsaturated fatty acids (over 15 types), which are responsible for moisturizing cells and protecting against external influences;
a complex of vitamins A, E, C. They are responsible for the restoration, rejuvenation and nutrition of tissues;
a set of important elements for the normalization of metabolic processes within cells.

Benefits for the body

With the constant use of oil, cholesterol is reduced. This is an excellent prevention of heart and vascular diseases. It will be useful for atherosclerosis, as it helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, it is known that the composition of the rose hips contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits, therefore it is an excellent tool for enhancing immunity.

Rosehip oil for face. Properties

The oil contains many vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, it has a large list of beneficial properties for the face. It is able to provide nutrition, moisturize the skin, improve cell metabolism, and remove toxins. With regular use, you can achieve the beauty and health of your skin.

It is irreplaceable in the care of mature skin, since it not only slows down aging, but also can remove fine wrinkles. With constant use, the tone of the skin increases, the complexion is evened out, and pigmentation decreases. In addition, the oil relieves fatigue and irritation, softens the skin.

The property of the oil, which helps to accelerate metabolic processes, helps to improve the healing of skin lesions. You just need to regularly apply a few drops to abrasions or burns. Reduces traces of scars, scars. It is used as a prophylaxis of dermatitis, psoriasis, allergic reactions in the form of a compress.

The best effect is achieved when used for dry skin types, prone to flaking, but not recommended for mixed and oily skin types.

It is used instead of a cream due to its excellent moisturizing properties. It is enough to rub a small amount into clean skin and massage it a little.

Rosehip oil for face. Contraindications

Any natural component, despite its beneficial properties, has contraindications. Rosehip oil for the face is contraindicated for those who have problem skin, prone to oily, with boils. Individual intolerance should also be taken into account.

Rosehip oil face masks

It is worth noting that face masks with rosehip oil should be used only on steamed, clean skin, and the compositions are applied along the massage lines. So, the miraculous recipes:

to create a mask that nourishes the skin, you need to beat 2 yolks and a half spoonful of oil and leave on the skin for 10 minutes. Remove with warm water;
for cleaning the skin and supplying useful vitamins, the following composition is suitable: 2 tbsp. oatmeal is brewed with milk. Leave to swell. Now 1 tsp is added. oils. Keep on the skin for 15 minutes;
also rosehip oil fights inflammation and edema: in 1 tbsp. wheat bran is added 1 tbsp. infusion of nettle and half a spoonful of oil. Apply on the skin for a quarter of an hour;
to improve elasticity, the following mask is suitable: 1 tsp. whipped honey with raw yolk, add 1 tsp. oils. Leave on face for 15 minutes.

To quickly heal wounds or get rid of skin diseases, the gauze is impregnated, and the compress is left for half an hour on the affected area, you need to repeat it several times a day. In addition, rosehip oil is suitable for massaging the face, as a base for creating a homemade cream.

The oil is added to lotions, cleansers, as well as to any masks for the skin for 1 tsp. By the way, this is a great way to deal with chapped lip skin. It is enough to apply a little oil on dry lips instead.

Rosehip oil for wrinkles

As mentioned earlier, rosehip oil is an effective and tremendous aid in the fight against skin aging:

to achieve the effect of rejuvenation, the following mask is used: mix 1 tbsp. rosehip oil and wheat germ oil, 2 drops each of pelargonium and patchouli oils. Apply for 15 minutes. It can be used instead of a night cream;
to prepare a composition with a large amount of vitamins, you will need: 40 g of baby cream, 1 tsp. aloe vera juice, 20 drops of olive oil and 10 drops of rosehip oil and vitamin B2. The mixture is poured into a jar and kept cold. It is applied to the skin before going to bed.

In addition, it is used instead of the daily cream, or a couple of drops are added to the used one. Best applied with a patting motion to improve blood flow and benefit.

Is it possible to use rosehip oil for acne

According to the results of research by scientists, it became known that the use of rosehip oil is not beneficial. Experts even assure that it can only worsen the condition of problem skin, increase the number of some rashes.

Scientists say rosehip oil is loaded with fatty acids, which are higher in fat than other cosmetic oils. This causes the pores to become clogged, which increases the chances of infections growing.

To get rid of acne, it is suitable only for those with very dry skin types. In addition, the oil contains retinoic acid, which is suitable for certain types of acne. Although it is not advised to use rosehip oil to get rid of acne, it is claimed that it can help with acne, acne scars. Fatty acids will reduce the size of these imperfections and even out the color.

To destroy the traces of scars, it is enough to apply a few drops to the problem area. The result from the application will be noticeable after 12 weeks.

Before using the oil to get rid of scars and acne, you need to consult a doctor. It cannot be combined with prescription drugs.

Rosehip oil at home

To create rosehip oil at home, you will need the seeds of this plant. They need to fill the jar to 1/3 part, and then add olive oil to the top. The mixture is sent to a cool place, protected from light for 25 days. After that, the composition is filtered and poured into a clean bottle. That's it - the oil is ready to use. It is added to masks, creams, used as a compress or ingested.

December 24, 2013, 18:24

Rosehip oil is obtained from the flowers and fruits (seeds) of the wild rose (among the rosehip people). The balanced composition, enriched with vitamins, fatty acids and trace elements, provides the healing properties of rosehip oil, which are used in medicine. In the field of cosmetology, today this tool is used to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

Properties and benefits of rosehip oil for the face.
Externally, rosehip oil is a yellow-red bitterish liquid with a characteristic aroma. Due to its complex composition, the oil has a unique property to penetrate deeply into cells, thereby ensuring their full functioning. The tool has a highly nourishing, moisturizing (due to the ability to retain moisture), regenerating, restorative effect on the cells and tissues of the epidermis, improving intracellular metabolism. Due to the fatty acids present in it, the oil acts as an effective skin protection from external influences.

Sometimes oil can provoke allergic reactions in the presence of individual intolerance. Before using it directly, it is advisable to test it on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Ways to use rosehip oil for the face.
Rosehip cosmetic oil is freely available at any pharmacy. In home cosmetology, it can be used undiluted as a cleansing wipe. Just soak a cosmetic disc in hot water, drip a couple of drops of rosehip oil and rub your face along the lines of less stretch of the skin. It is better to do the procedure in the evening, since the oil takes a long time to be absorbed, this can affect the process of applying morning makeup (increase the period of time), which is unacceptable if you are working. The oil can be used as a night nourishing cream, apply a small amount with "hammering" movements, leave for fifteen minutes, and then blot the skin with a cosmetic napkin. Rosehip oil can effectively enrich cosmetics (cream, masks, lotions, etc.) that you use daily, take a couple of drops of oil no more per application. Pure oil can also be used to lubricate flaky spots, soften rough skin on elbows, knees and heels, heal wounds, cracked lips and bumps in the corners of the mouth, and use it as a protective agent in bad weather.

For the treatment of wounds and microcracks, dermatoses, trophic ulcers, etc. good applications with rosehip oil, moisten a gauze napkin in it and apply to the damaged area for fifteen minutes. This procedure should be carried out three times a day.

Rosehip oil serves as an excellent base for dissolving essential oils to create healing nourishing masks for facial skin care. For these purposes, it is best to use the essential oils of neroli, chamomile, orange, patchouli, lavender, rose, bergamot, ylang-ylang.

Due to its high regenerative capacity, doctors advise using rosehip oil in the treatment of burns, stretch marks, scars and scars (including post-acne), because it allows not only to accelerate healing processes, but also prevents the formation of keloid scars. Clean oil several times a day should be lubricated with massaging movements of problem areas. The visible effect will come within a month, a significant improvement - after 3-6 months.

To combat wrinkles, the oil in an undiluted state should be applied to the wrinkle area (around the eyes, mouth), a similar spot application can be used for owners of oily skin.

Rosehip oil for face is ideal for cilia care, strengthens them, makes them more elastic and thicker. Every day for a month, undiluted oil, or in combination with burdock or sea buckthorn (in equal proportions), apply with a special brush to the eyelashes.

It is good to massage the face with oil, which is important for very dry skin. First, moisten your fingers in warm water, then in oil and lightly hammer it into the skin for fifteen minutes. After that, blot the rest of the product with a paper napkin.

In the care of the delicate and thin area around the eyes, the oil also finds its use, add three drops of vitamins E and A in the oil to a tablespoon. Apply at night.

Rosehip oil face mask recipes.
Immediately, I note that any facial procedures must be carried out on previously prepared, that is, steamed and cleansed skin. Masks should be applied strictly along the massage lines: from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the temples, from the upper lip to the ears, from the nose to the temples.

Here is a recipe for a nutritious mask: beat two egg yolks, add a teaspoon of rosehip oil to the resulting composition. Apply for ten minutes, rinse with warm water.

This recipe perfectly nourishes and cleanses the skin: brew two tablespoons of oat flakes, pre-crushed, with milk, let them swell. Add a teaspoon of rosehip oil to the resulting mass in a warm form. Keep the mixture on your face for fifteen minutes.

But an anti-aging remedy with a rejuvenating effect: combine one tablespoon of rosehip oil and wheat germ, add two drops of patchouli and geranium essential oils. Leave the composition for fifteen minutes. Can be used as a nourishing night cream.

Such a mask perfectly copes with edema and inflammation: add the same amount of nettle infusion to a tablespoon of wheat bran (a tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes) and a teaspoon of rosehip oil. Withstand the mask for fifteen minutes.

Vitamin cocktail for aging skin.
Baby cream, just take 40 g, dilute with a teaspoon of aloe juice, add ten drops of vitamin B2, twenty drops of olive oil and ten drops of rosehip oil. Transfer the finished product to a clean jar and store in the refrigerator. Use on face at night.

Cooking "rosehip oil" at home.
Put rosehip petals (seeds) in a liter jar, the jar should be a third full, add olive oil. Keep the mixture in a dark and cool place for twenty-five days, then strain and pour into a bottle.

Contraindications for external use.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Dermatic, allergic, acne rash.
  • Furunculosis.