We get acquainted with the owners of curls and silky hair - the most fluffy breeds of dogs. Small, white and fluffy. Overview of decorative dog breeds

Fluffy dogs are usually associated in people with tenderness and kindness. Such pets cause tenderness in both children and adults. Fluffy dog ​​breeds are popular not only among professional breeders, but also among animal lovers. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a four-legged friend, it is advisable to know the distinctive characteristics and temperament of dogs with fluffy hair. This will help TOP-11 most fluffy dogs.

bearded collie

The Bearded Collie is a guard dog breed. The history of the breed originates in medieval Scotland. The ancestors of the animal were lowland shepherds crossed with collies. The bearded collie got its name due to its peculiar appearance. The body of the dog is covered with long hair, growing on the muzzle into a beard.

A charming pet that has retained the hunting skills of its ancestors, suitable for living in a city apartment. A fluffy companion dog with a cheerful disposition will easily make friends with all family members. The bearded collie grows up to 54 cm. The weight category of the animal is 20–21 kg. The dog lives for about 13 years.

The fluffy coat of a pet needs regular combing. Only in this way, the coat will look well-groomed and neat.

The Pomeranian is a toy dog ​​breed that originated in Pomerania, a territory divided between Germany and Poland. There is an opinion that these fluffy dogs were born due to a gene mutation of larger Spitz.

The Pomeranian is a domestic dog that, despite its small stature, feels like a big dog. Often, a charming four-legged pet provokes larger relatives, which is why he himself suffers. The Pomeranian has the makings of a leader. As soon as the owner makes concessions, the dog will immediately consider himself the leader and take a dominant position. Therefore, this dog breed is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders.

Pomeranian Spitz reaches 22 cm at the withers, while the weight of the animal does not exceed 3.5–5 kg. With proper maintenance, the Spitz will live for at least 15 years. Pet care includes regular brushing of long hair. Otherwise, it will begin to fall off, ugly tangles will appear, which will be difficult to get rid of.

samoyed husky

The Samoyed is an arctic dog breed with a snow-white coat. Laikas were accompanied everywhere by the ancient Samoyed tribes wandering across Siberia and the northern part of Russia. They not only helped the natives to survive, but also grazed deer herds, nursed children, hunted bears and walruses. The Samoyed is characterized by endurance, friendliness, self-confidence and courage. A four-legged pet perfectly feels the emotional mood of its owner; if necessary, it can simply sit on the sidelines if it sees that the owner is tired.

The growth of an adult animal reaches 57 cm, weight - 25–30 kg. Laika lives for about 15 years. The wool of the northern breed of dogs is thick, long with a dense undercoat. Keeping a dog will not cause much trouble to the owner, since the molting period takes 2 weeks once a year. To keep the coat from falling off, it must be combed at least 2 times a week. To do this, you need a slicker or a special metal comb.

The Tibetan Spaniel (Tibbi) is one of the oldest dog breeds used by Tibetan monks as companions. Spaniels were considered sacred, so they could not be sold, but only given. As for the origin of the animal, there is an opinion that the Pekingese and Shih Tzu were the ancestors of the tibby. Similarity is manifested both in appearance and in character.

The Tibetan Spaniel is an intelligent and sensitive dog, devoted to its owner. Tibetan spaniels are not characterized by aggression, they will not bully their relatives and bark at cats. Children are also never offended, but they play with them according to their mood. The pet prefers to sleep in the owner's bed or in any secluded corner of the house.

The growth of a tibby at the withers is 24.5 cm, the average weight is 6.8 kg, the life expectancy is 12–15 years. Since the dog sheds, she needs regular brushing at least 2 times a week. The owner will be rewarded with a beautiful and smooth coat.

Coton de tulear is an amazing breed of dog, originally from distant Madagascar. The animal gained fame thanks to dexterity and the ability to catch rats. In the Middle Ages, pirates and peaceful seafarers took Coton de Tulear on a voyage so that the dog would destroy rodents on the ship. The animal came to European lands only in 1977. The origin of the breed was laid by Italian lapdogs and French bichons.

The psychological portrait of the coton de tulear is purely positive. This is an obedient dog, easily trainable. Behind the cute appearance is a resourceful and inquisitive four-legged pet. A dog can be trusted to protect property and a house, because it has well-developed watchdog instincts. Despite all the advantages, the coton de tulear has one drawback - it is intolerance to loneliness.

The growth of a native of Madagascar is 33 cm, weight - 7 kg, life expectancy - 12–14 years. Pet grooming includes occasional brushing.

A luxurious fur coat will look perfect if the wool is divided into an even parting in the middle of the back, while laying the mustache and the “cap” of the animal.

The American Eskimo is an active dog breed whose ancestors lived during the Neolithic. Modern Eskimo dogs were born as a result of crossing white German Spitz. A cute fluffy ball will not leave indifferent even the most callous person. Thick snow-white wool has a variety of shades. The pride of the northern dog is a chic collar with a tail.

The American Eskimo is distinguished by incredible curiosity and ingenuity. Despite the fragile physique and small stature, the four-legged friend will become an excellent guard at home, demonstrating devotion to the owner and members of his family. The average growth of a fluffy miracle is 38 cm, the maximum weight is 5.5 kg. The life expectancy of a dog is 12-14 years.

The luxurious coat of an Eskimo dog in white or cream tone provides for regular grooming. Twice a week, the coat is combed out with a stiff brush. During the molting period, the procedure is carried out every other day.

The ancestors of the Bichon Frize include not only the Maltese, but also the Bolognese with the Bichon. There is an opinion that the breed was brought to Europe from the Canary Islands. In appearance, the Bichons are similar to their counterparts in the Coton de Tulear breed.

The Bichon Frize is an affectionate and intelligent dog with artistic inclinations. Previously, these animals with beautiful snow-white curls were often used as circus actors. The dog is not picky, quickly gets used to new living conditions. However, the Bichon requires training and education. In addition, it is not recommended to keep the animal in families with small children. This is due to the excessive playfulness of the pet, which during the game can injure the baby.

The growth of the Bichon Frize reaches 30 cm, weight - 5 kg. The average life expectancy of a four-legged friend is 12-15 years. Regular grooming will prevent tangles.


The Maltese (Maltese) is a decorative breed of dog, originally from Malta. The first mention of the breed dates back to the VIII century BC. Maltese are even found in Egyptian papyrus scrolls.

The Maltese is a harmoniously built animal with a silky coat and an accommodating character. Small pets are extremely energetic, bursts of activity are inherent in them, during which they are able to tirelessly run in circles. Due to their calm disposition, the Maltese is recommended for novice dog breeders. The growth of a beautiful dog is 25 cm, weight varies within 3 kg.

To care for a lapdog, you will need a whole arsenal of all kinds of cosmetics and devices. The coat should be brushed daily.

Tibetan mastiff

The birthplace of the Tibetan Mastiff is considered to be Tibet, from where the name of the breed came from. The first mention of the mastiff dates back to 1121 BC. In ancient times, these fluffy animals guarded monasteries and monks' dwellings from snow leopards and other mountain dwellers.

A characteristic feature of these large dogs is a thick long coat of different colors. The Tibetan Mastiff has excellent guard and guard qualities. A massive four-legged pet easily takes root in the family. High intelligence allows you to control your ardor and prevent manifestations of aggression. Tibetan mastiff puppies need to be taught to train from childhood in order to avoid many problems in the future.

The weight of an adult dog is 70 kg, height is 71 cm. The mastiff lives for about 12–16 years. In order not to collect dog hair throughout the house, it must be combed regularly.

This cute plush pet has an exotic appearance, a clumsy gait and a beautiful lion-like mane. Chow-chow is native to the steppe regions of China and Mongolia. The breeding of animals was done by Buddhist monks.

Long-haired Chow Chow breeds have a dense long coat with a rigid structure. The animal is characterized by a sharp mind, an independent disposition and an amazing sense of self-worth. Adult pets are wary of strangers and guests at home. Small children are treated quite patiently, but do not tolerate bullying.

The weight of an adult dog is 27–32 kg, and the height is 48–51 cm. The average life expectancy is 12 years. Chow Chow coat care involves systematic combing with a special massage brush.

The Shih Tzu is an Asian dog breed native to ancient China. The ancestors of this small animal are Pekingese and pugs. The friendly nature of the four-legged pet allows him to quickly establish good relations with all family members. In this case, the dog is not attached to one owner. Shih Tzu prefers active games, loves children, but does not allow them to drag him by his long hair. This breed of dog will make an excellent companion for an elderly person. Proper socialization will allow the animal to get along not only with relatives, but also with other pets.

At the withers, Shih Tzu grows up to 27 cm, weight varies between 4.5–8 kg. The life expectancy of a pet can reach 15 years. Pet grooming includes daily brushing. At the same time, Shih Tzu practically do not shed.

In contact with

Fluffy dogs are one of the most popular pets. Some breeds look elegant and graceful, while others are funny and charming. These dogs are considered excellent helpers and companions, as well as excellent candidates for exhibitions. However, it should be borne in mind that long-haired breeds require special care.

Features of caring for fluffy dogs

When buying a dog of a long-haired breed, you need to understand that you will have to apply remarkable patience and care. The most important thing in caring for a fluffy dog ​​is frequent combing. If you skip this procedure, the wool quickly falls off and will have to be cut.

Curly, fluffy dogs (like the Goldendoodle) need soft brushes that don't hurt when brushed. Long-haired breeds, such as the Shih Tzu and Spitz, require professional grooming. Often the owners of such dogs take them to the groomer or, with proper skills, carry out a home haircut. Long, fluffy coats need to be trimmed to keep them in good condition.

Breeds of small fluffy dogs

Representatives of miniature breeds usually weigh a little (up to eight kilograms) and short in stature (up to thirty centimeters). Therefore, a small dog is ideal for keeping in a small apartment. However, when choosing a pet, temperament and appearance should be taken into account. We list the most common breeds.

  • Pomeranian. Considered a lap dog. The color is dominated by brown, red, fawn, gray and white shades. By nature, these dogs are playful and energetic.
  • Tibetan spaniel. It can be black, brown, golden, beige and white. The temperament is wayward, assertive, but the dogs are very smart.
  • Continental toy (or papillon). This is a companion dog, very energetic and friendly. The coat is white combined with black, brown and fawn.
  • Shih Tzu. Loves affection, a good companion for the whole family. In the color you can find all shades.

  • Bichon Frize (or French). Always has a snow-white curly coat. By nature, playful, affectionate and quick-witted.

Medium sized fluffy dogs

Medium breeds of dogs are optimal in terms of keeping both for a private house and for an apartment. Their height is about half a meter, and they weigh about twenty kilograms. Such dogs can be friends with adults and children. More than two hundred medium breeds are known, but we will pay attention only to a few common ones.

  • Chow chow. This is a fluffy dog ​​that looks like a bear cub. That is why she is loved by many people. The skin is black, fawn and cream in color, and the tongue is, surprisingly, a blue tint. By temperament, these dogs are quiet and calm.
  • Rough Collie. The breed is known to many from the film "Lassie". Dogs are tricolor, with a predominance of white and sable. They are very smart, energetic and love children.
  • Keeshond (or wolfspitz). In appearance, they vaguely resemble a wolf. But by nature, these dogs are good-natured and wonderful. The color is represented by a palette from black to white.
  • Barbet. These are fluffy curly dogs in black, brown or gray. They are friendly and cheerful, so they will be great companions for the whole family.
  • Goldendoodle. These dogs are intelligent, agile and non-aggressive. The coat is curly in a variety of colors.

Fluffy dog ​​breeds of large size

Large dogs are best kept in private homes. The apartment will not be able to provide them with the necessary space. They weigh an average of sixty kilograms, and their height can reach seventy centimeters. In general, large fluffy dogs are non-aggressive, calm and phlegmatic.

  • Newfoundland (or diver). These dogs are calm, gentle and easy to train. The coat is usually black or brown.
  • Samoyed dog. It always evokes positive emotions, because it is an affectionate, cheerful and devoted animal. This breed is characterized only by a light color.
  • Bobtail. This is a cute shaggy gray-white dog. She is cheerful, friendly, playful and trainable.
  • Biardid (or bearded collie). May be tricolor, black, brown or white. Dogs are intelligent, active and hardy.
  • South Russian Shepherd. Self-sufficient, energetic and distrustful of strangers. The color is dominated by light colors: white, cream and fawn.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the care of the most popular dog breeds.


These mischievous and fluffy kids are attentive to their owners. However, a careless attitude can give rise to aggression and irritability in a pet. Pomeranians behave like clockwork, so during the day you need to actively play with them so that they become calm by the evening. Otherwise, even at night, the Spitz will bark and run around the apartment.

Like all fluffy dogs, this breed requires careful grooming. You need to comb daily, and once a month you will have to visit the groomer so that there are no tangles.

This small fluffy dog ​​is sensitive to heat, so overheating should be avoided. Sometimes it is difficult to find food, and food should be exclusively dietary. Pomeranians also need frequent cleaning of the ears, eyes and washing. Although some individuals do not like the bathing procedure. Owners may experience issues such as early tooth loss and a luxating patella.

shih tzu

Translated from Chinese, the name means "the one that gives happiness." And you can't argue with that. Dogs are often compared to lions. The breed is quite patient, but does not like violation of personal space. With all his might he tries to protect his master and please him.

The Shih Tzu is known as a white fluffy dog ​​with black, gray and brown hair. The coat is quite thick and long, so it needs careful care. You will have to periodically bathe, cut and comb daily. A big plus is that the Shih Tzu does not shed. It is also necessary to regularly clean the eyes and ears, otherwise there may be inflammation.

The breed is quite agile, energetic and quick-witted, the pet will often have to walk. This is necessary to maintain his psychological and physical health, as well as to avoid fullness, to which the dog is very susceptible.

french lap dog

Bichon Frize are snow-white graceful dogs that look like a cloud. They love to receive attention and are great with children and other animals. They prefer active and noisy games, so you can not expect silence in the house. The French lap dog is an affectionate and cheerful friend.

The Bichon is odorless and does not shed. But thick and curly hair must be carefully combed with a soft brush. In addition, you need to regularly bathe, clean your eyes and ears. In addition to positive emotions, this small fluffy dog ​​can cause trouble in the form of genetic abnormalities. They manifest as inflammation of the eyes, ears, knee joint, cataracts and other more serious diseases. Therefore, the Bichon Frize simply needs to be regularly shown to the veterinarian.


The Wolfspitz is a very cheerful, intelligent and cheerful dog who is attentive and affectionate to his owner and the whole family. On a walk he is restless and energetic, and at home he behaves very calmly and patiently. Gets along well with children, other animals and even cats. Keeshond perfectly defends its territory and loves to bark.

In principle, these fluffy dogs are unpretentious in care. You just need to carefully monitor the long and thick hair so that it does not fall into tangles. As a tool, it is better to give preference to a special soft brush, which will be able to process lush fur. Brushing should be long enough for the dog to receive a skin massage that improves blood circulation and regeneration. Bathing should not be too frequent and without the use of aggressive shampoos. Otherwise, there is a high probability of loss of the protective layer and irritation.


This breed was bred by crossing a poodle with a golden retriever. The result is a very sweet, affectionate, intelligent and easy to train dogs. The goldendoodle dog is also known for its high sociability, love for children and other pets. The animal is generally calm and balanced, but still needs exercise and walking, as it is very active.

The coat of this dog rarely causes allergies and practically does not shed, especially if it is very curly. Fur requires care only after it is fully formed. You will have to go to the groomer infrequently, basically you can handle the coat yourself. Combing should be done a couple of times a week. With a trimmed dog, this can be done less often - only twice a month.

The white fluffy dog ​​gets dirty faster than other colors. Therefore, light-colored dogs need to be washed more often. However, everyday bathing can destroy the natural protective layer of the skin and coat. It is worth carefully monitoring the ears, since the goldendoodle is prone to infections of the auditory organs.

chow chow

This breed is very similar to a fluffy bear cub. But you can’t call it a bumpkin, because the Chow Chow dog prefers an extremely active pastime with a person. Great friend and good guard. Dogs are aggressive when the owner is in danger. They do not tolerate loneliness well and need constant attention.

Like all fluffy dogs, the Chow Chow needs grooming. However, the fur of this breed simplifies the task a bit. It does not fall off and is prone to self-cleaning, so you do not often have to bathe. There is no need for a haircut, and it is enough to comb once a week with a metal brush with rare teeth. Slicker is needed only during active molting.

It is worth paying attention to health, as this breed never shows that it is sick. Often a Chow Chow dog suffers from skin diseases, allergies and is sensitive to chemicals.

bearded collie

Representatives of this breed are friendly, quick-witted and disciplined. Such dogs are not afraid of other pets and rarely show aggression towards them. However, some features of the content give reason to think about the acquisition of this animal.

Bearded collies love all family members, but only recognize one. These are quite large and active dogs, so the conditions of an apartment, especially a one-room apartment, are categorically not suitable. It is necessary to provide space for games and running so that the animal is affectionate and non-aggressive.

Since these are long-haired fluffy dogs, they need careful daily combing. Shedding is very active, in some cases a haircut may be required. Bathe the dogs as they get dirty, after combing the hair.

samoyed husky

Puppies and even adults are very active and hardy, so they need regular exercise and daily walking. If the animal is not allowed to throw out energy, then it will turn everything upside down. For the same reason, apartment maintenance is considered blasphemy.

The Samoyed dog has a self-cleaning coat. Therefore, you need to bathe rarely and if necessary. Comb a couple of times a week with a metal brush with long teeth or a slicker brush. Shedding is strong, but some owners collect wool and knit warm clothes from it. Once a week, they wipe their eyes and ears, and cut their claws every two months.

The breed often suffers from diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts, hypothyroidism, bloating, kidney disease, and hip dysplasia.

As you can see, fluffy dog ​​breeds need special and regular care. In addition, they differ in size and temperament. And these features are very important to consider when choosing a pet. Give preference to a fluffy dog ​​that you can properly maintain.

Before you get a dog, you need to get the consent of each family member, weigh the pros and cons, think about who will be involved in its upbringing, walking and feeding. Keeping a dog requires patience, effort and money. It is important to decide on the breed of the dog so that it matches the character of the owner, his lifestyle and meets his requirements for appearance.

australian terrier

This is a companion dog. Color: from blue and gray to sandy and red with red tan. Height - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. Active, mobile dog. In training, you need to be persistent. In food unpretentious, not prone to gluttony. The attitude towards children is good if you take the dog as a puppy.

Alaskan Klee Kai (Miniature Husky)

This is a fluffy dog ​​breed. Color: gray, black with tan. Height from 33 to 49 cm. Weight: 4.5-10 kg. Good-natured, agile, playful dogs, have a character, so they are difficult to train. They treat children well. Wool during molting must be combed out. Feeding: mix of dry and wet food.

american eagle

Dog from the category of the smartest breeds. Beautiful, friendly, affectionate, easy to train. Great with children. Suitable for an apartment. You need to comb 2 times a week. Height: 23-48 cm, weight from 2.5 to 16 kg. Milk color with red and cream markings. It is prone to gaining excess weight, so the diet should consist of their professional feed.

american water spaniel

A dog from the category of small hunting breeds. Color: chocolate, black, spotted, tan. Height - 38 cm, weight - 12-20 kg. Smart, has a good sense of smell, suitable for bird hunting. Easily trained. Unpretentious in food. Doesn't tolerate being rude. Behaves calmly with children and pets.

american lo-shi pug

The dog belongs to the category of the smallest breeds. We accept any color. Height up to 21 cm, weight: 2.5-5.5 kg. This is a miniature pug. Affectionate, loyal, intelligent, good with children, easy to train. Feeding: standard diet for small dogs. Hair Care: Comb 2 times a week. Prone to gaining excess weight.

american toy terrier

An inquisitive, mobile dog with character, color - tricolor: white-black-red, black-white, sometimes completely red. Height up to 25 cm, weight up to 3.5 kg. Not very well trained. In food unpretentious, eats a little. Like many decorative dogs, children are wary.

American Eskimo

Beautiful "smiling" fox dogs. Color milky or cream. Height: 22-49 cm, weight: 12-17 kg. Despite their kindness, they will not let the owner be offended. Obedient, well trained, love children. The dog is prone to overweight, so the diet should not contain fat. They have a loud voice, it will have to be weaned from "emptiness".

English Cocker Spaniel

This is a hunting dog breed. Color is different: red, black, blue, golden. Height: 39-41 cm, weight: 12-14 kg. Smart, energetic, affectionate dog. Loves children. Well trained. Feeding is best divided into 3 times in small portions, otherwise a hungry dog ​​can pick up food on the street.

English toy terrier

A rare breed that looks like a miniature Doberman. The color is black or rich chestnut. Height: 25-30 cm, weight: 3-5 kg. A frisky, energetic dog, with the wrong upbringing, can be aggressive. Feeding: 2 times a day with a complete food for small breeds. Children over the age of five are treated well, they love to play outdoor games.

Affen griffon

These are decorative dogs with a funny appearance. The color is black and red-brown with red markings. Height up to 20 cm, weight up to 5.5 kg. They love to eat, tend to be overweight. Feeding: Standard complete food for small breeds. Smart, emotional, obedient, affectionate animals. They love children and are easy to train. You can't shoot.

Affen pinscher

The dog looks like a funny monkey. Color from black to red, may have an uneven color. Height up to 30 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Belongs to the category of decorative dogs of small breeds. Jealous, not loyal to children, walking - only on a leash. Training will require patience from the owner. They can not be overfed, they are prone to obesity.

affen terrier

These are medium sized dogs. Height 61 cm, color white with black. Very active and stubborn animals, good hunters, rarely bark. They are trainable but prefer diversity in teams. Feeding: standard diet for dogs of medium breeds. Patient with children.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

This is the smallest breed, the long-haired subspecies of the Yorkshire Terrier. The color is tricolor - white with black and red, there are two-color individuals. Height: 22 cm, weight up to 3 kg. Attentive, contact, cheerful, energetic dog. When feeding, the bowl of food should be taken away 15 minutes after the start of the meal, regardless of whether the dog has finished eating, as they are prone to overeating. Likes to play with children. It has a slightly "pompous" look.

Bichon Frize (Curly bichon, Curly lap dog)

Very cute and beautiful animals. The color is white, height is not more than 30 cm, weight is up to 7 kg. Obedient, smart. They love to eat, the diet should be meat and vegetables. They are great with kids and love to play. They can be very bored when alone.

Bologna Bichon (Bolognese)

The breed is also called "Italian lapdog". Height up to 30 cm, weight up to 4 kg. They have a long, beautiful white coat, almost do not shed. They do not tolerate loneliness. Restrained with children. Pretty calm, non-capricious dogs. Feeding should be varied, necessarily including vegetables and vitamins. The dog does not tolerate a sudden change in diet.

border terrier

Small hunting breed. The appearance of the dog resembles the muzzle of an otter. Color light yellow, gray, red, blue. Height up to 40 cm, weight up to 7 kg. Loyal, kind, obedient animals, they adore children, they are ready to play with them all day long. Good for training. They are unpretentious in food, but it is better to feed them with natural, nutritious food.

Boston Terrier

This is a small, short-haired breed. Color seal, black and white, brindle. Height: 38-43 cm, weight is divided into 3 categories: up to 6.8 kg, up to 9 kg, and up to 11.3 kg. Playful and active animals. They are stubborn and may be difficult to train. They don't like being scolded. They love to play with children. Feed Boston need food with a high protein content.

brussels griffon

One of the smartest breeds of small dogs. They have funny facial expressions. The color is red with parts of black. Height up to 20 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Dogs are highly anxious and may bite if startled. Smart, well trained. Feeding: Complete food for small breeds. They don't like children. Loyal to the owner.

Breton fawn basset

Small hunting dog. The color is golden-red and fawn-wheat with a white mark on the chest. Height up to 36 cm, weight up to 20 kg. These are good-natured, accommodating dogs. In training, they can be stubborn. Daily feeding of an adult dog requires 300 grams of meat and offal. Children are treated very well. They don't like other dogs.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

This is a small short-haired decorative shepherd dog. Permissible colors: red and white, tricolor, fawn, rarely black. Height no more than 30 cm, weight up to 13.5 kg. Loyal, obedient, active dogs. Excellent trained. They tend to overeat, require a dosed diet. They are kind to children, good nannies and companions.

Westphalian Dachsbracke

Hunting dog. Color is black with rusty markings. Height up to 38 cm, weight up to 15 kg. Perfectly takes the trail, quite vicious, can be used even when hunting a wild boar. At home, he turns into a kind and affectionate dog. Well trained. Feeding must be balanced, otherwise urolithiasis may develop. They love children. Get along with other pets.

West Highland White Terrier

Short-haired decorative breed. Color is white only. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 10 kg. These are fearless, inquisitive dogs. Training can be difficult. Feeding involves 2 options: top dressing with natural food or completely professional food. Good for children over 10 years old. Small children are jealous of the owner.

Volpino Italiano

Miniature fluffy dog. The color is white, sometimes red. Height up to 30 cm, weight up to 5 kg. A cheerful, energetic breed. In training, the owner will need perseverance. Feeding: standard diet for small breeds. He gets along well with children and loves to play with them. Suspicious of others. Excellent caretaker.

havanese bichon

A small and fluffy breed, with white, cream, peach coats. Height up to 29 cm, weight up to 5.5 kg. Cheerful, intelligent dog, may be offended by a rude tone. Good for training. It is unpretentious in nutrition, it can be fed with dry food or natural food. Kind with children. Very attached to the owner.

Smooth Fox Terrier

A small hunting dog, the color may be completely white or spotted without impurities. Height - 39.5 cm, weight - 8.2 kg. A dog of comical appearance, very mobile, active. Feeding - disposable, without mixing dry and natural food. Likes to play with children. May be jealous of other pets. On walks can fight with other dogs.

dutch spaniel

Small hunting breed. Color: white with red spots and black and white. Height up to 40 cm, weight up to 11 kg. Affectionate, faithful friend. They are well trained, but can be stubborn. Feeding: standard complete food. They maintain a good relationship with children. This dog is best for experienced dog breeders.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Decorative breed of pepper or mustard color. Height - 28 cm, weight - 11 kg. Active, courageous, independent dog. In training, you need to be persistent. Feeding: dry or natural food for small breeds. Children are indifferent. The dog has an interesting "hairstyle". It is considered the longest terrier.

Jack Russell Terrier

Shorthaired breed. The color is white with red or black spots. Height - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. Clever hunter, excellent watchman. When trained, it can show character. The diet of the animal should consist of half natural meat. It is better not to start families with babies and inexperienced people.

Dogs of this breed became very popular after the release of the movie "Mask" with Jim Carrey.

Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier

Formerly a hunting, and today a decorative breed. Color: wheaten, blue, brindle. Height - 35.5 cm, weight up to 16 kg. Brave dog, excellent watchdog. Shows independence when trained. It is unpretentious in food, you can feed it with both natural and dry food. He treats older children well, does not like small ones.

Italian greyhound

Shorthaired breed. Color: white, black, piebald, red, lilac. Height - 38 cm, weight up to 5 kg. Gentle, sweet, kind dogs, they recognize only one owner. Betrayed, they can sit in the hands of the owner for hours. Training should begin at 3 months. Good with older children. It is better not to let go of the leash when walking.

Yorkshire Terrier

A popular small long-haired dog breed. Color - dark steel with a bright golden chest. Height up to 23.5 cm, weight - 3.2 kg. Sociable, intelligent dog, gets along with other pets. Easily trained. The quality of its coat depends on the nutrition of the dog. Preferred diet: chicken, olive oil, carrots, boiled cereals. They are not affectionate with children, they remember rudeness for a long time.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This is a hunting dog. Color: tricolor, ruby ​​and black and tan. Height - 27 cm, weight - 8 kg. Kind, smart dog. Very well trained and trained. Nutrition should be selected individually - the animal is prone to allergies and obesity. He loves children very much. Incapable of protection due to its good nature. Needs grooming.

Can Guicho (Quiscuelo)

Quite a rare small short-haired breed. Any color is acceptable. Height up to 42 cm, weight up to 12 kg. In Spain, these dogs are used to catch rabbits. Kind and reliable assistant hunter, does not sit still. Easily trained and trained. Unpretentious in food. They get along well with children, love joint outdoor games.

Miniature Pinscher

This breed looks like a small Doberman, especially in black and tan. There are also fawn-red and dark red-brown individuals. Height - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. Bold and intelligent dogs, easy to train. Prone to obesity, therefore the standard diet for small breeds is preferred. Get along with children, like to spend time on walks.

Cairn Terrier

Shorthaired breed. Color wheat, milky, black, gray. Height - 31 cm, weight - 7.5 kg. Playful, sociable dog, in training shows "temper". It is unpretentious in food, the breed was bred to hunt rats and involves eating them. Get along with children if they do not offend them. They tend to bark a lot and are aggressive with other pets.

Chinese Crested

Decorative small breed. Any color is allowed. The dog is hairless, but there is also a downy variety of the breed. Height - 33 cm, weight - 5.5 kg. Non-aggressive, mobile, contact dog. Will be happy to train. Unpretentious in feeding, can eat boiled vegetables, fruits, standard food. Likes to play with children. In cold weather, warm clothes are needed.

Cocker Poodle (Cockapoo)

One of the smartest dog breeds. The color is acceptable different, but more often: cream, fawn, white. Height up to 38 cm, weight up to 11 kg. This is a cheerful, good-natured, very smart dog. Easy and happy to train. You need to feed a complete prepared food. They love to play with children. The breed appeared recently, and is still very rare.

Continental Toy Spaniel (Phalene)

This small, fluffy breed is called the "moth dog" because of its drooping ears. Any color with spots is allowed. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 4.5 kg. Bold, affectionate dog, suitable for a city apartment. Well trained. Nutrition is the most common: natural food or a ready-made diet. Treats children well.

Coton de Tulear

Decorative breed. The color is white, with shades of gray. Height - 28 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Active, cheerful, kind dog, a wonderful companion. Smart, well trained. Needs special nutrition for decorative small breeds. Strongly attached to children. The animal requires grooming and grooming (eye treatment).

Lancashire Heeler

A rare small breed of dog that looks like a Doberman. The color is black, with tan. Height - 30 cm, weight up to 5.9 kg. Unpretentious, affectionate, playful dog. In training, he shows stubbornness, has "his own" opinion. You can not overfeed the animal from your table, it is better to stick to the standard diet. Excellent with children. Needs physical activity.

Lhasa Apso

An ancient breed of dog with long hair. Color golden, honey, sand. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 8 kg. The character is not easy - wayward, naughty, do not tolerate punishment, can growl in response. In training, they do what they like. The dog eats little, but it is important that the food is balanced. He likes to play outdoor games with children.

Lesser lion

Decorative dog. Outwardly, it looks like a pocket lion. Color can be any. Height up to 32 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Smart, brave, funny, easy to learn. The diet of the animal should contain additives that affect the quality of wool. The dog is good with children. The breed is quite rare. Wool requires care.

Maltese (Maltese)

Little fluffy dog. Color white, height - 25 cm, weight - 4 kg. Affectionate, sociable, friendly, can not stand loneliness. Learns well. The diet should include supplements to improve wool. Treats children well. The dog does not require long walks, a long-liver. Needs careful grooming.

Manchester Terrier (Black and Tan Terrier)

Another breed similar to the Doberman. Color black with tan. Height - 30 cm, weight up to 5 kg. Smart, cheerful dog, contact, gets along with all household. It is better to feed fresh food with the addition of vitamins. The animal loves children, loves to play Frisbee with them. Better to keep on a leash, can run away.

Meliteio kinidio (Small Greek domestic)

An ancient rare breed similar to small collies. The color is black, with a red chest and eyebrows. Height - 35 cm, weight - 12 kg. A city dog ​​that follows its owner everywhere, friendly, affectionate, distrustful of strangers. Learn easily and with joy. It is unpretentious in food, the breed was bred to catch rats and dogs ate them. Friendly to children.


A rare decorative breed, appeared in the 80s and is considered a designer breed. Color can be any, height up to 28 cm, weight is proportional to height. Very friendly dogs, even to strangers. They train well. Feeding: standard diet for small dogs with long hair. Children are well treated and love to play.

Miniature Australian Shepherd

Dogs of this breed are similar to small Border Collies. Color blue-marble, black, red, red-marble with marks. Height - 46 cm, weight up to 14 kg. A devoted dog, ready to take care of any pet or child in the house. Well trained. It can eat both dry food and natural food. Loves children.

miniature bull terrier

This is a small short haired dog. The color is white with spots, brindle, red and any other. Height - 35.5 cm, weight up to 8 kg. Courageous, balanced, energetic dog. Training lends itself, but it must be started as early as possible. Feeding: Complete food for small breed dogs. Children are treated well. Beginners should not get this dog.

Miniature Schnauzer (Zwergschnauzer)

Shorthaired breed. Colors: "black silver", "pepper and salt", white and others. Height - 35 cm, weight up to 8 kg. This is a sociable, loyal and affectionate dog that loves its owner very much. Diligent student in training. Feeding: Complete food for small breeds. From children "requires" careful handling. Needs grooming.


An ancient short-haired breed. Color black, silver, peach, beige. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 8.1 kg. This is a friendly, positive dog. Amenable to training. In feeding, you should know the measure, as pugs are prone to obesity. They treat children well. Breathing problems may occur due to the structure of the muzzle. Sheds heavily.

Moscow Longhair Toy Terrier

It belongs to the smallest breeds of dogs. Color black, brown, blue with tan. Height - 18-26 cm, weight - 3 kg. Excitability is a feature of their nervous system. It is better to raise a pet from childhood. They are unpretentious in food, eat in small portions. They don't like small children. Dogs often "tremble", but not from the cold, such a feature of the breed.

german hound

Hunting breed. The color is red, fawn, with black black and white marks. Height - 40-53 cm, weight - 20 kg. The dog has "its own opinion", this will have to be taken into account when educating. Excellent hunter. The nutrition of the animal must be balanced. Not very fond of small children. Will not be able to live in a city apartment. Needs walks and games.

German Miniature Spitz (Pomeranian)

Fluffy and very sweet breed. Common colors: gray, golden, cream, apricot. Height - 22 cm, weight - 6 kg. They have a rather complex character, active, self-confident. They love the owner very much. Happy to learn. It is better to feed the spitz with natural food specially prepared for him. The breed is not suitable for families with children.

new guinea singing

This is the domesticated version of the wild dog. Color: sable, black and tan, red. Height up to 46 cm, weight - 14 kg. These are very smart animals, they can make independent decisions. Training lends itself poorly. Their independence is akin to that of a cat. Unpretentious in food. Children are treated with caution. They have a unique melodic voice.

norwegian lundehund

A rare breed bred in Norway for the production of birds. The dog can climb rocks. Color from red to brown with the presence of white. Height - 38 cm, weight - 7 kg. The dog is an excellent watchman and hunter, a good friend. Difficulties may appear in training, the dog has “his own opinion”. Unpretentious in food. He treats children evenly, does not allow himself to be tortured.

norwich terrier

One of the smallest terriers. Color: red, black, fawn. Height - 26 cm, weight up to 6 kg. This is a cheerful, good-natured and loyal dog. Well trained. Unpretentious in food. She loves children and pets living near her. He doesn’t get into fights, but he won’t let himself be offended either. The animal is very active and needs to be walked.

norfolk terrier

Very playful and active breed. Color: red, beige, black with gray hair. Height - 25 cm, weight - 5.5 kg. A brave dog, a wonderful watchman, needs constant physical activity. Well trained. The diet of the animal must be balanced and include natural food. They are good with children, but you should not let the kids torment the dog.


The name stands for "Odessa Domestic Ideal Dog". Color allows various variations of white. Height - 30 cm, weight up to 10 kg. A dog with a stable psyche, friendly and active. Enjoys training. It is unpretentious in food, feeding with a complete feed is enough. Children's best friend. The coat needs to be combed daily.


The breed appeared as a result of crossing the Beagle with the Pug. Color: brown, yellow, black. Height - 38 cm, weight - 14 kg. Affectionate dog with an even character, loves the owner very much. When alone, he starts to bark a lot. Excellently trained. May have a tendency to obesity, nutrition should be balanced. He loves children and actively plays with them.

Patterdale Terrier

The breed was bred for fox hunting, now it is decorative. Color: black, gray, bronze, with white marks. Height - 38 cm, weight - 14 kg. Affectionate, tireless, loyal dog, an excellent watchman. It lends itself poorly to training, due to “their views” on the world. Unpretentious in food. He loves children, but you need to start a dog not earlier than the child is 7 years old.


An ancient breed of dog. Color: red, white, murugy, black. Height - 25 cm, weight - 5.5 kg. The character is proud, jealous of the owner of children and other animals. The ability to train is average, you will have to be persistent. Special attention should be paid to the nutrition of the dog, due to the characteristics of the muzzle. Doesn't like children.

Prague rat

The small dog was bred in the Czech Republic to fight rats. Color: black, red, brown, blue. Height - 23 cm, weight - 2.2 kg. Brave, frisky dogs, get along well with other pets. Easily trained. They are unpretentious in food, they can overeat, so it is better to feed them with standard ration food. Good for older children.

Poodle dwarf

This is a mini version of the poodle and one of the smartest small dogs. Color: apricot, black, white. Height - 35 cm, weight up to 4 kg. The character is even, good-natured, cheerful. Very attached to the owner and smart. They are excellently trained. Feeding is preferably natural food, but it is important not to overfeed the dog. They get along well with children.

Russian colored lapdog

The breed was bred in St. Petersburg in the 50s, but has not yet been officially recognized. Color: black, fawn, beige and so on. Height - 25 cm, weight - 4 kg. The dog is active, cheerful, a wonderful companion. Well trained. In food it is completely unpretentious - it can eat both dry and natural food. He loves children and loves to play with them.

Russian toy terrier

Miniature dog, bred in Russia. Color: blue, red, tan. Height - 28 cm, weight up to 3 kg. The character is cute, very devoted to the owner, they like to sit on their hands. Well trained, it is important to educate a dog from childhood. They are unpretentious in food, a complete food for small breeds is suitable for them. They are friendly with children, but it is better not to trust them with small children.

scotch terrier

Popular miniature breed. Color: white, red, black and so on. Height - 28 cm, weight - 10.4 kg. The character is lively, friendly, inquisitive. Well trained. You need to feed the animal with a complete dry food, she does not need an excess of protein. They are good with children, but it is better to have a puppy when the child is 7 years old.


The most famous miniature breed. Color: red, beige, fawn, black and tan. Height from 30 to 35 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Very active, tireless dog, a good watchman. Excellently trained. They are unpretentious in food, but have a tendency to gain weight. Get along with older children. It is better to walk on a leash, they often run away.

teddy roosevelt terrier

A miniature breed named after the president. Color bicolor: black and white, reddish black, chocolate brown. Height - 34 cm, weight - 3 kg. This is a mobile dog, vicious and active on the hunt, but kind, loving and friendly at home. They can be cocky with other animals, so they need to be brought up from childhood. Training lends itself poorly. They love to play with children.

tibetan spaniel

A small breed that looks like a Pekingese. Let's say the color is different. Height - 25.5 cm, weight - 6.8 kg. This is a smart dog, well trained, but often show their independence. Not a guard breed. You can feed your dog a complete food for small breeds, but it is important to respect the fat content of the food. Unlike the Pekingese, they get along well with children.

toy poodle

This is the smallest variety of poodle. Color brown, black, silver, apricot and others. Height - 28 cm, weight up to 8 kg. Toy poodle can be called the most calm breed of dog. They love the owner, but calmly endure loneliness. Well trained. It is better to feed the dog with natural food with the addition of vitamins. They are friends with children.

miniature pinscher

A breed resembling a Doberman. Color: red or black with tan. Height - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. These are active, fearless dogs with an interesting gait. They are excellently trained. It is better to feed the dog with natural food, make sure that it does not pass. Children are treated with caution, it is better to remove the dog from small children.

Czech Terrier

This is a low, strong, downed dog. Color: blue with gray, coffee. Height - 32 cm, weight - 10 kg. Cheerful dog, a good watchman and hunter. Can be stubborn when trained. It is preferable to feed a standard complete diet. Children are loved, but only if they do not offend them. Wool does not shed, requires the services of a groomer.


This is the smallest dog breed. The color is varied: monophonic, spotted, two-colored. Height up to 23 cm, weight up to 3.5 kg. Dogs are friends with all households, but their heart belongs to only one person. Easily trainable. Feeding should be given special attention, the dogs are miniature, and ordinary food does not suit them. They love children.

shih tzu

Miniature rather whimsical breed of dogs. There is a whole classification of permissible Shih Tzu colors. Height - 27 cm, weight - 8 kg. The character is strong, so you need to engage in education. Training lends itself easily, perceiving it as a game. Nutrition may include natural and prepared foods. The dog gets along well with older children.


A miniature dog that looks like an imp. Color: black, red and so on. Height - 33 cm, weight - 9 kg. The dog has a rather independent character, inexperienced owners should not start this breed. Training is difficult, due to the stubbornness of the dog, so you need to be persistent. Unpretentious in food. With children communicate with pleasure.

Japanese Chin

An Asian breed with cat habits, she can even climb furniture. Color: black with white and white with red. Height - 25 cm, weight - 3 kg. The dog adapts well to its owners. In a cheerful family, the dog will be active, in older people it will be calm. Well trained, for the sake of praise. Food should be selected so that the dog eats up. Befriends children.

japanese spitz

Little cute fluffy dog. Color white, height - 38 cm, weight - 10 kg. Cheerful, loving, active companion dog, excellent watchdog. Well trained, loves to play. It is better to feed your dog a ready-made complete food. The coat after eating should be looked after so that smudges do not form. They love to play with children.

06.05.2017 by Evgeny

Not all people are able to distinguish between dogs, therefore, having met some cute animal on the street, they are interested in the owner: what kind of breed is this? But this is not always possible, and then the Internet comes to the rescue.

Many would like to know the name of a white and very fluffy dog. This breed is called "Samoyed". Her homeland is the northern regions of Russia, where animals are used as draft force by local peoples. Currently, Samoyeds have become very popular in North America, but in our country, more and more people choose them as pets.

This dog is not very small, but not big either, it is strong and has fascinated many with its ability to smile all the time.


This dog is medium in size. According to the standard, a male Samoyed must be between 53 and 60 centimeters tall. Bitches are not so tall - from 49 to 53.

Dog hair:

  • very fluffy;
  • white or cream (biscuit shade color is allowed);
  • two-layer (dense undercoat and long outer hair).

Other colors are considered as a serious defect.

An adult dog looks like a bear - it is tightly knocked down and seems larger than it actually is. There is evidence that this breed has been known to indigenous northern peoples for about 3 thousand years. Most likely, the ancestors of the Samoyed are the wolf and the husky, bred by the Nenets. There is another less well-known name - the Arctic Spitz.

Strength and endurance, good nature and resistance to adverse external conditions are the most important characteristic features of these dogs. Samoyeds, in particular, were used by the famous pioneers who explored the north, Amundsen and Nansen. The latter claimed at one time that without their help he would never have been able to reach the Pole.


The loyalty of the Samoyed is legendary. Despite the fact that representatives of this breed are trained with great difficulty, their attachment to the family is worthy of respect. For many thousands of years of living side by side with people, these dogs have already learned quite interesting habits at the genetic level. For example, if the owner falls asleep in an embrace with his pet, he will freeze and will not budge until the person wakes up.

The puppy quickly enough accepts the way that exists in the family that adopted him. However, the dog loves attention very much, and therefore, if there is a shortage of it, it often closes and sometimes becomes quite aggressive.

Samoyed perfectly reads the emotions of loved ones. In difficult moments, the pet does everything possible to comfort his owner, and in moments of joy, he has fun with the whole family.

Dogs of this breed are quite talkative. They express their feelings by barking and whining. When an animal needs something, it simply pokes its nose into a person's hand. For the sake of the master's attention, the dog is ready for a lot, including debauchery and other "offenses".

Like any other breed, Samoyeds have a number of disadvantages. In particular, if they have nothing to do, they begin to systematically destroy the apartment. Outside, their favorite pastime is digging holes.

Once in a new home, the Samoyed quickly finds a common language with the animals already living there, including cats. However, if aggression arises from their side, the dog will begin to defend itself with all the fury of a wolf. Being a sled dog, the Samoyed will only benefit from having other pets at home and active long walks.

With children, the dog is friendly and ready to look after them, play and sometimes kindly educate.

How to care

The Samoyed should not be used as a watchdog. He will never resign himself to having to chain up all day.

Dogs of this breed are very curious, and therefore you need to follow them very carefully on a walk. Carried away by the pursuit of some animal or game, they often forget about everything and run out onto the roadway.

In the summer, you should do everything possible so that the Samoyed does not overheat - heat strokes are not uncommon for them. If the animal is released into the yard, all the necessary conditions are created for it there:

  • arrange a shadow;
  • put a bowl of fresh water, etc.

Contrary to popular belief, the Samoyed's coat needs fairly thorough care. The advantage can be called the absence of an unpleasant smell from a wet dog.

The dog should take a bath once every 2-3 months. Her fur coat is combed out every week. This should only be done when the coat is completely dry. To remove dead hairs, it is enough to wipe the beast every day with a wet terry towel. Vegetation on the stomach is regularly trimmed - otherwise it will prevent the Samoyed from running normally.

What food is suitable? Many feed premium dry mixes. But there are also those that give exclusively natural products. In any case, the main thing is not to overeat, since obesity is very dangerous for this dog.

Samoyed puppies often eat little. In order for the baby to receive the energy supply he needs, it is better to additionally season dry food with meat sauce.

Every animal lover has dreamed of having a dog in the house since childhood. And if you decide to buy a pet, then a small dog will be a reasonable decision. The advantages of small dogs are obvious: they do not take up much space, they are easier to care for, they need to be fed less and they are cute. In this article, you will see a list of small and furry members of the dog community.

This mischievous and fluffy baby will keep you company in every lesson. It reaches 3.5 kg in weight, the body is quite muscular and strong. The coat is very long and does not adhere to the body on the body and neck. The main feature of Spitz is the presence of a large collar. The color of the coat varies from black to sandy-cream shades, white is very rare. Spitz have short strong limbs.

Pomeranians love outdoor activities and do an excellent job with acclimatization, they are very attentive to the owner and are able to catch the slightest changes in his state of mind.

Spitz dogs should be handled very carefully, because carelessness in care can make them irritable and angry.

Volpino Italiano

It does not exceed 4.5 kg in weight, the color is always snow-white. It belongs to the Spitz-like species and resembles a fox in appearance. It has a long coat, the eyes are small and round, dark in color.

Volpino Italiano is considered an Italian Spitz and has long served as a symbol of wealth for wealthy ladies. Those decorated them with ivory bracelets as a sign of affection.

Representatives of the breed have an excellent character. Volpinos are easy to train and perfectly trainable. They are attached to the owners and do not tolerate loneliness, they are very kind, but they always try to become leaders in relation to other pets.

Bichon Frize

The name of the breed is translated from French as "curly lap dog". Recently rescued from extinction. These lovers of being the center of attention have a snow-white, highly curly coat and a magnificent tail. Height does not exceed 30 cm.

Bichon Frize do not shed and are odorless. A distinctive feature is white wool. The breed often has genetically incorporated inflammation of the eyes and knees. Therefore, they need to be carefully looked after and regularly checked by a veterinarian. Bichon Frize are always cheerful and cheerful, get along well with other animals and children.

Lhasa Apso

This breed was bred by Tibetan monks specifically for the protection of monasteries. It has a very long, hanging coat that needs careful and regular grooming. They weigh up to 8 kg. Their tail is curled up. Representatives of the breed have an elongated body and cat-like round paws.

Lhasa Apso are amazingly intelligent and highly trainable. Lhasa people are devoted to their owner and family, they love to spend time with them. These dogs are cheerful and balanced, but dislike strangers.

It is better not to disturb representatives of this breed when they are not in the mood, they can snap or even bite.


Cockapoo is a hybrid and. It was bred by American breeders to get rid of skin problems found in Cocker Spaniels. Purpose - companion dog, refers to decorative dogs. The Cockapoo is a gentle and devoted friend who loves to spend time with his family. He is easy to train and very smart. With the right upbringing, he will be friendly to children and other pets.

The coat of the cockapoo is short and wavy. She is combed as needed and visited by a groomer once a year. Ears that are prone to infections need to be closely monitored.

Japanese Chin

Truly a royal dog. For several centuries it was kept in the courts of Japanese emperors. Once one of the emperors recognized these crumbs as sacred animals. In 1853, a pair of chins were brought to England as a gift for Queen Victoria.

For its love of long-term chewing of food, the Japanese Chin is called the "chewing dog". These kids are very hardy, love children and are ready to keep the owner company.

shih tzu

It is one of the oldest dog breeds. Mentions of lion dogs have been found since the reign of the Chinese Empire. The breed is not so popular in the world due to the fact that it was taken out of China only in 1930.

Shih Tzu can weigh up to 7 kg and have a very long coat of any color.

Shiu Tzu is translated from Chinese as "the one who gives happiness" and this is exactly the case.

Dogs of this breed are trying with all their might to please their owner and are always ready to protect. They are quite patient, but not too fond of violations of personal space.

norwich terrier

At the withers they do not exceed 28 cm and weigh 5 kg. Norwich is a consequence of crossing red and black terriers. As a result, it has such an interesting color: there are individuals of both black and wheat shades. For their size, the dogs are quite strong.

The Norwich Terrier needs regular trimming and brushing. Unpretentious in content and does not shed. Strikingly smart and cunning, needs small but regular physical activity. A distinctive feature of terriers is energy.

Coton de Tulear

Belongs to the Bichon group and takes its origin from the island of Madagascar. The breed got its name due to the structure of the coat. It is snow-white long and looks like cotton wool or cotton. Unlike other types of Bichons, champagne and black spots are allowed in representatives of the breed.

Coton de Tulear are very helpful and intelligent dogs, at any moment they are ready to entertain the owner in order to please him. Very perky and charming, it is impossible not to fall in love with them. Caring for them requires regular brushing and daily active walks and games.

toy poodle

It is used as a companion dog, but was originally bred as a hunter for downed game. - the dog is tiny, reaches 28 cm at the withers, and its weight usually does not exceed 10 kg. Curly hair hides a strong body and limbs.

Dogs are endowed with good health and adaptability to new environmental conditions. Curly hair requires special care: daily combing and haircut once every six weeks.

Toy Poodles are beautifully built and very energetic. The character is even, but they like to bark and are impressionable. Therefore, when acquiring a dog of this breed, you will have to put up with constant loud barking.


Belongs to the Bichon species. It is impossible to say with certainty that the birthplace of the lapdog is Malta, they were mentioned in the ancient chronicles of China and the Philippines. Representatives of the breed were adored by rulers and high society. By the end of the 19th century, people almost faced the disappearance of the Maltese lapdogs, but they were preserved through the efforts of breeders.

The main feature is its long silky coat, it must be snow-white and never roll down. Has a very fluffy high tail. They are prone to tooth loss and respiratory and skin problems, and they do not tolerate heat and damp. Therefore, they require constant dental care and regular neat combing of wool. They love to be the center of attention.


The birthplace of this decorative dog is China. Distant relatives are the Japanese Chin and. Until the end of the 19th century, Pekins could not be exported outside of China.

Pekingese are loyal and love their owner, but if necessary, they are ready to rush to the offender. Overly jealous, proud and arrogant. Pekingese are born watchmen, they can bark a lot and are suspicious of guests. Representatives of this breed are neat and clean, easily accustomed to the tray.

In this article, you learned about the features of caring for decorative dogs. You are able to make a choice and choose a suitable friend for yourself. First of all, they are friends of a person and treat their owner with trepidation.