A girl who looks like a barbie doll. Living Barbie: the most famous girls with a doll appearance. Venus Palermo before and after

Incredible Facts

Barbie doll shapes were considered the universal ideal of the female figure. However, as scientists have analyzed in real life, the figure of a Barbie doll is anatomically impossible.

A girl with Barbie proportions would have to walk on all fours and be unable to lift anything. Such a "live" doll would have height 175 cm and weight 49 kg.

With such a lack of weight, her periods would have disappeared.

Her head would be 5 cm larger than the average head of a woman, and waist circumference of 45 cm did not leave enough room for the liver and intestines.

A real-life Barbie with a huge head and breasts would have small feet of only 21 cm and tiny ankles, which would make it impossible for her to walk normally.

Her long and thin neck would sag under the weight of her head, and she would had to crawl on all fours due to the fact that the feet and ankles would not be able to support the body.

Such a comparison of the famous doll with the proportions of real women was made in order for the fair sex to develop a healthy body image.

Anorexia, in which a person severely restricts himself in food and is afraid of gaining weight, is considered the single most deadly mental disorder. Between 5 and 20 percent of anorexic women die due to complications from extreme weight loss.

Proportions of an average 19 year old girl:

Height -163.3 cm

Waist - 85.4 cm

Shoulder length - 35.8 cm

Thigh length - 36.7 cm

Head circumference - 50.8 cm

Neck circumference - 38 cm

Barbie proportions:

Height 175 cm

Bust - 91 cm

Waist - 45 cm

Hips - 83.8 cm

Head circumference - 55.8 cm

Neck circumference - 22.8 cm

Living Barbie dolls

However, there are girls who dedicate their lives to the Barbie style, changing their appearance in order to completely resemble the famous doll.

Odessa Valeria Lukyanova became famous after her photos appeared on the Internet. A girl with an impossibly thin waist, large breasts, big eyes and flawless skin has raised doubts about whether she is a real person.

Valeria, who looks exactly like a Barbie doll, uses clothes and makeup, as well as magnifying contact lenses, to transform herself into a famous plastic girl.

Although she herself denies that she has undergone many plastic surgeries, experts believe that in order to achieve such an appearance, it was necessary to undergo more than one surgical procedure, including breast augmentation and rib removal surgery. Despite her weight of 45 kg, she is on a liquid diet and is afraid of gaining weight.

Justin Jedlica - Living Ken

Justin Jedlica underwent 90 different plastic surgeries to look like a Ken doll. The 32-year-old American has inserted silicone implants into his buttocks, abdomen, biceps, triceps, and other parts of his body.

In recent years, all over the world, doll appearance is considered very cute among young girls and they are passionately pursuing it. Unnaturally large eyes, long eyelashes, lips with a bow and a wasp waist are the main attributes of a doll girl.
I present to your attention a selection of live dolls from around the world.
Russian Barbie

The new Russian Barbie can be called Muscovite Angelica Kenova, who has a puppet appearance and successfully uses it, taking part in various photo shoots.

american barbie

The main Barbie of America is Dakota Rose. In a short amount of time, Rose has become an internet sensation as well as a style icon. Hundreds of thousands of teenage girls dream of looking like her. From a young age, Dakota dreamed of becoming famous. It didn’t matter to her who she would be - a singer, actress or model - the main thing for her was world fame. After graduating from the modeling school, the American starred for one of the glossy magazines, and offers from designers and fashion designers rained down on her. In one of the interviews, she admitted that she does not want to be a catwalk model, as it is boring and uninteresting, but prefers to be a trash model - bright, funny and cheerful. Dakota is most popular in Japan and China. In America, she is often invited to various TV shows and is ready to pay substantial fees to Dakota.

Japanese doll

Another heroine of the younger generation - Venus Palermo, having moved from Japan to England, also decided to turn into Barbie. She has an incredible success among girls and girls around the world and is very doll-like: porcelain skin, doe eyes and heart-shaped lips. She is idolized, imitated, envied.

Barbie from Odessa

Valeria Lukyanova (known as Amatue), a girl from Odessa, loved to play with dolls as a child. She loved so much that at 26 she looks like a doll herself. The girl is obsessed with the desire to become outwardly similar to the famous Barbie, she underwent several operations that bring her appearance closer to the ideal. As a result, the image of Amatue became practically a puppet: huge eyes, plump lips, long blond hair, large breasts, a wasp waist (which cost the girl the removal of several ribs). Valeria is very popular on social networks, not only in Odessa, but all over the world. She is married, engaged in esoteric and psychological practices - she organizes psychological seminars "on out-of-body travel." The video, posted by Amatue on YouTube, has been viewed by more than 1.5 million people.

old barbie

Her name is Sarah Burge and she is the same age as the legendary Barbie. From an early age, Sarah dreamed of becoming like her famous rival. And now, after much torment, grandiose expenses and surgical operations, this dream came true - Sarah became the only woman in the world to be awarded the title of Real Life Barbie. To win this title, Sarah had to spend more than half a million dollars. Twenty-six plastic surgeries have changed almost everything in her - from her face to her legs. Everything would be fine, but the manic passion for plastic and love for the doll began to spread to her youngest daughter Poppy. Recently, foreign media wrote that Sarah Burge gave her 7-year-old daughter a liposuction procedure for the New Year, worth 8,500 euros. True, little Poppy will be able to take advantage of her mother's generosity only at the age of 16. It is this age that is the minimum possible for plastic surgery in England.

Other living dolls from around the world:

Every girl's dream is a Barbie doll. The girls grow up, but for many of them, Barbie remains the best friend, a role model in clothes and makeup. More and more girls are sparing no effort to recreate the image of their favorite doll. Pink color becomes the main color in the life of a girl or woman "in the style of Barbie."

So, the basic rules for a girl in this style:

1. Pink color with its various shades in everything: clothes, accessories, interior design. In order to look more interesting, it is better to diversify pink with some other delicate color - blue, white, lilac.

2. The best model of clothing is the one that maximizes all the advantages of the figure: hips, waist, chest, opens the legs.

3. An important criterion for matching the Barbie style is the perfect combination of clothes and accessories with each other, the use of all fashion trends, all this with impeccable style and taste.

4. It is not forbidden, but on the contrary, the use of various accessories is encouraged: earrings, scarves, bracelets, hats, anything, the main thing is that it fits into the overall style.

5. Pink or white shoes, wedges - all the actual shoes of the season, always with heels.

When creating an image of Barbie, you need to know not only about the basic rules of style, makeup, behavior, but also about what categorically does not correspond to the chosen image. Barbie can't be a plump, short girl, let alone an older lady. In addition, an easy, romantic style of behavior is associated with Barbie. Barbie is all about parties, music and fun.

Let's look at the living girls of Barbie dolls and see what their names are.

Ukrainian girl Barbie Valeria Lukyanova

A bright representative of the Barbie style is Valeria Lukyanova from Ukraine.

This girl with a wasp waist, a porcelain face, big wide blue eyes, ample breasts looks like a real Barbie.

The girl is also known to the general public under the name Amatue or Odessa Barbie.

In order to achieve such a match with Barbie, Valeria had to resort to the services of plastic surgeons, and in order to maintain her ideal figure, the girl leads a healthy lifestyle.

She is a fruitarian.

Valeria is a creative person, she writes music, poetry, and is engaged in esotericism.

He actively promotes his creativity, views on the world around him and our place in it.

Dakota Rose (Dakota Rose) - a girl with a face and a figure of Barbie

American Barbie Dakota Rose claims that she managed to achieve a striking resemblance to the doll without plastic surgery, and the way she looks in the photographs is not an achievement of Photoshop, but her real appearance and I must admit she looks great.

Dakota became famous for her fashion and beauty lessons, in which she demonstrates how to do makeup, style her hair, which look to choose for different occasions.

Dakota gained particular popularity in Asian countries, due to the similarity of her style with anime style.

Living doll Venus Palermo, or Angelic Venus, also gives her fans makeup lessons.

Venus was inspired to create her "living doll" look after several years spent in Japan and exposure to anime.

Although the girl is only 15 years old, she already has thousands of fans around the world.

The mother of the Barbie girl supports her desire to continue to embody and improve the doll image.

The girl wants to look beautiful, she works hard on herself, does not drink, does not smoke.

Venus knows five languages ​​and is trying to make a commercial profit out of the created image by negotiating with a cosmetics company.

Anzhelika Kenova - Moscow Barbie from Russia

The choice of the puppet image of Angelica, according to her, was influenced by the fact that from childhood her parents treated her like a little princess: they dressed her in beautiful bright dresses, pampered her.

Angelica is a psychologist by education, but she does not need to work, because her parents continue to support their little princess.

The girl looks gorgeous: blond curls to the waist, plump pink lips, a slender figure, long legs.

With a height of 165 cm, the Russian Barbie weighs only 40 kg.

Those who talked with the girl note her naivety and some complexes.

Anastasia Shpagina - new Barbie girl from Odessa

Another Barbie from Odessa, Anastasia Shpagina, began to experiment with her appearance in order to become more photogenic and like herself first of all.

The puppet image is the most successful at the moment and it is in it that Nastya feels harmonious now.

By her example, the girl shows that a woman's face can be worked like a sculpture, giving it the desired shape.

In the case of Nastya, her search for herself and her appearance is harmoniously connected with the choice of profession: Nastya works in a beauty salon.

Odessa Barbie denies the intervention of plastic surgery in creating her image, but does not exclude such a possibility in the future.

What unites Anastasia with famous living dolls is that, while admiring their fans on the Internet, girls often do not have close friends.

Barbie girls BEFORE and AFTER

Let's see what a colossal work these girls have done on themselves before they succeed:

Valeria Lukyanova before and after

Dakota Rose (Dakota Rose) before and after

Venus Palermo before and after

Angelica Kenova before and after

Anastasia Shpagina before and after

Now in the world individuality is beginning to be valued more and more. To emphasize it and stand out in the crowd, some people try to look like dolls. They spend a lot of money on make-up, skin care products and plastic surgery. All for one goal - to be like Ken or Barbie. Below we present a list of ten people who look like dolls come to life.

10. Rodrigo Alves

Rodrigo from childhood did not like his appearance. Therefore, he knew exactly how he would spend his grandfather's inheritance in the future: plastic surgery cost Alves $ 250 thousand. Now he looks like a real Ken doll. Rodrigo became a frequent guest on various television shows.

9. Lil Michela

Until now, fans are wondering who it is: a real person or a Sims character? The model publishes her photos exclusively on Instagram. Some motion graphics experts believe that Lil's images are a combination of real shots of a person and a 3D computer model.

8. Amber Guzman

Due to muscular dystrophy, the girl turned into a living doll. Amber says that the image of Barbie saved her life. Guzmán imagined herself to be a toy that constantly needed help, even just to move. She does not consider herself sick, but perceives the disease as a process of transformation into a doll.

7. Dukey Toth

After participating in the program "Top Model", this girl became known to the whole world. Due to her resemblance to Barbie, Dukey has gained not only thousands of fans, but also regularly appears on the covers of such well-known publications as Harper's Bazaar and Vogue.

6. Justin Jedlica

Justin wants plastic surgeons to remake his body 100%. The young man has already gone through 190 operations, but despite this, he does not consider his appearance to be ideal. Now Jedlica is planning new changes in appearance that will bring him even closer to the image of the Ken doll.

5. Anastasia Shpagina

This girl is a professional makeup artist. There are many videos on her YouTube channel where Anastasia skillfully transforms into Justin Bieber, Sherlock Holmes, Jack Sparrow and other media characters. And Shpagina's own puppet appearance is the result of a professional make-up.

4. Nannet Hammond

To look like Barbie, Nannet spent half a million dollars. The mother of five children from the USA has been collecting dolls since childhood and adored their perfect appearance. Hammond had her first plastic surgery at the age of 21. At the moment, Nannet is 43 years old and she is planning new changes in her appearance.

3. Dakota Rose

Dakota assures fans that her puppet appearance is not the result of plastic surgery, but only a good make-up and the right clothes. Rose is 22 years old and lives in Tokyo. Therefore, most of her fans are from there, which is not surprising - the Japanese love anime.

2. Angelica Kenova

From childhood, Angelica was raised and dressed like a princess. Parents did not even let the girl go for a walk so that she could communicate with her peers. Now the girl has become a famous model and considers it a big compliment when she is called "Barbie".

1. Valeria Lukyanova

Ukrainian Barbie claims that she did only breast plastic surgery and nothing more. And her doll-like appearance is the result of good makeup and the right diet.

All little girls loved to play barbie. But for some, this love for beautiful blondes has survived until adulthood. And the power of this love is so great that the "girls" become like their idols.

Here are photos where the Barbie Woman becomes the center of attention. By the age of 38, she had done a huge amount of plastic surgery, while spending about 42 thousand dollars. But this Barbie Woman has achieved sheer absurdity in another way. She goes through hypnotherapy three times a week to make herself look progressively more silly and perhaps a child's toy doublet.

(Total 16 photos)

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1. The former model, who changed her name to Blondie, had five breast augmentations and liposuction on her chin to give her a doll-like facial contour.

2. She regularly goes to the solarium, makes injections in her lips to create a more artificial look.

3. Blondie says her obsession with Barbie started at a young age when she played with a favorite of girly toys.

4. As a teenager, she dressed like a Barbie, bleached her hair and even drove a Corvette, just like her idol.

5. Like a true American Barbie does not work. She lives on the money that men pay her in exchange for erotic pictures in the form of a doll.

6. According to Blondie, thanks to hypnotherapy, she has achieved significant success in degradation.

7. “Recently, a friend asked me to meet her at the airport, and I thought for a long time which hall I need: arrivals or departures. I also couldn’t find my mother’s house, where I spent all my childhood, for several hours, ”Blondie said proudly.

8. A woman does not understand why people think that she is not all right with her head. “When people ask me why I want to be Barbie, I always think: “Who wouldn’t want to be one?”.

9. My heroine knows no worries. All she does is go shopping and go to the gym. She does not think and therefore is happy.

10. I used to have to live a double life and only be real on the weekends. However, recently I decided to finally spit on what others think of me, ”said Bennett.