Ideas for decorating the door for the new year. Decoration with glass balls and toys. Garlands are a classic way to decorate your home.

So the long-awaited time has come when the New Year is about to step on the threshold. Surely you are already in anticipation of the holiday, choose an outfit, prepare gifts, make a menu and, of course, decorate the interior.

An important role in the festive decor is occupied by the New Year decoration of the front door - after all, it is the first to meet you and your guests on the threshold. Therefore, the "House of Dreams" offers not to postpone this task on the back burner and right today to figure out how to decorate the front door for the New Year.

Snowman at the front door: will meet guests cheerfully

One of the interesting and not "hackneyed", like wreaths of the same type, decorations can be considered a decorative snowman. He will fulfill his role 100% - such an entrance door decor for the New Year and Christmas will give everyone a great mood, both households and their guests.

How to make such a snowman on the door? It's very simple: find an armful of twigs that bend well and twist three wreaths of different sizes out of them. Ready-made wreaths can be spray-painted, preferably white, but silver and gold paint are also perfect. Put a hat or any knitted hat on the snowman's head, tie a bright scarf around the “neck”. On the top wreath, attach eyes and a carrot nose to the side (for example, from felt or any other fabric), on the second wreath, make fabric buttons in the same way. A couple more branches will replace the snowman's hands, you can also build a broom for them.

A similar snowman can be made from spruce branches. In the photo you see that this decor also looks great on the front door and impresses the New Year holidays.

Christmas tree on the door - another beauty

Another idea for decorating the front door for the New Year can be a Christmas tree, which can be built from a garland and small balls of different colors. It is better that the balls are the same size, you can also add decorative shiny or plain paper snowflakes to the composition. Attaching it all is easy with double sided tape.

The decor, similar to a Christmas tree, is also shown in the next photo. We think you can easily do something similar for your front door.

Snowflakes for New Year's decoration of the front door

Original snowflakes on the door can be made from newspapers and music books.

Cut out a small circle from cardboard, then glue the music sheets wrapped in envelopes onto it one by one. In the center of this composition, you can glue a homemade flower from the same notebook. This decoration looks more than original, try it yourself!

And in the next photo - a snowflake made from newspapers. For her, the sheets of the newspaper are folded in the form of airplanes and glued in a circle on a cardboard base in two rows. The pattern for such a composition can be changed, then what idea will come to your mind.

If the wreath is only original

As you understand, decorating your door with a Christmas wreath that came to us from the West, you will not surprise anyone. But only if you don't make it different from others. Here are some creative wreath ideas for decorating your front door for the New Year.

  1. Wreath of ties

Why not an idea for an original decor? All you need is to collect multi-colored ties available at home or from acquaintances, take a round base and create such a wreath.

  1. Cork wreath

If you collect corks from wine bottles, then here is a ready-made material for making a wreath on the door. Find a thin wire and thread corks and decorative balls in turn. You can find those made of foam or other material, as an option, use large beads. Such red balls will look very bright. You can complement the composition with a beautiful ribbon, bell or bow.

  1. snow covered wreath

Such a wreath will turn out from branches. After twisting, you can simply dip it in glue, and then in salt, and let it dry. Cones, balls and spruce twigs for the decoration of such a wreath need very little, so as not to obscure the main idea with them.

How to decorate the front door for the New Year

  1. Appetizing compositions

When creating a wreath, you can use not only branches, balls, cones, but also what you find in the kitchen. Drying oranges, gingerbread in the form of stars and cinnamon sticks became the main decor of the next composition. Agree, such a wreath looks very appetizing, and most importantly, it is filled with winter aromas.

Door handle decorations

A couple of fir branches, ribbons, a beautiful homemade wire bell - these are the simplest ideas for decorating front door handles for the New Year. But they immediately add their note to the atmosphere of the holiday.

How to decorate the front door for the New Year photo

Just beautiful

We offer photos of several more compositions for decorating the front door on the eve of the New Year.

We hope that our tips and suggested photos with ideas will come in handy when you make a New Year's decoration for your front door. With coming!

There has always been a special relationship with the door. After all, the owner or guest, when he comes to the house, first sees the door. Therefore, great importance was attached to it and is being attached now all over the world. So why not decorate the door for the New Year in a beautiful and original way to please yourself, your family, your friends? Read on for how to do this!

How and what to decorate

You can decorate not only the front door leading from the entrance and the street (if you have a private house), but also interior doors. Thanks to this, the entire home for the New Year will shine from a colorful and festive decor!

The traditional decoration of the door for the New Year and Christmas with your own hands for many countries is a wreath. It can be wreaths of twigs, spruce branches, rain, even sweets! How to do it will be described a little lower.

How else can decorate the front and interior doors for the New Year? Several options :

  • themed stickers (for example, a snowman, a cartoon character, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus);
  • a poster with drawings, wishes (it is especially interesting to involve children in drawing);
  • decor from artificial / natural Christmas tree branches;
  • traditional shiny rain, tinsel;
  • New Year's sock / boot;
  • Christmas toys, balls;
  • rain of snowflakes;
  • snowflakes;
  • Garland.

To beautifully decorate such an element of the home for the New Year, you can use purchased decorative items, or you can do it yourself! It all depends on your desire and free time.

Of course, the above list of options does not end there. You can always come up with something of your own to surprise your loved ones with originality. It is worth noting that snowflakes and stickers are perfect for decorating for the New Year. balcony door. There are also other specific recommendations regarding door decor.

  • Start decorating this part in two weeks, because unlike a live Christmas tree, you can hang various decorations in advance. This will help increase the anticipation of the holiday.
  • Use the main symbol of 2019 - the Yellow Earth Pig. It is very relevant and beautiful.
  • Refuse to use sharp parts when making jewelry with your own hands. Also, do not buy such products in the store. This is necessary in order to protect yourself, children, pets from accidental injuries.
  • When fixing a decorative element be careful not to scratch the doors.

And don't forget that 2019 is the Year of the Yellow Pig! Choose it to decorate the door for the New Year. She will protect your home, give joyful emotions!

Video: how to decorate the front door for the New Year.

How to make a wreath to decorate a door

A wreath is a wonderful decoration not only because of its festive look, but also because it can be made from a wide variety of materials! For example, from cones, artificial, live branches of a Christmas tree, branches, dried flowers, acorns, chestnuts, dry leaves, Christmas decorations ... There are a lot of materials! Let's look at classic and original ideas for decorating the door for the New Year 2019.

classic wreath

Traditionally, it is made from spruce branches and candles. Now there are other "classic" options, say, a wreath of cones.

By the way! You can put a toy yellow pig inside the wreath! Children will be delighted!

You yourself can choose wreath festive level:

  • if you wish modest but stylish wreath, then use several plain materials, for example, cones, branches.
  • if you want to solemn New Year's wreath, you can use bright colored ribbons, beads, artificial berries.

Video: how to make a classic wreath to decorate a door for the New Year.

Sweet decorations are always in trend, because they are not only original, but also delicious. And it's really easy to make them!

To make a wreath of jelly (marmalade) sweets you will need:

  • foam base in the form of a donut;
  • toothpicks;
  • jelly sweets;
  • satin ribbon.

You need to buy multi-colored beautiful sweets, string each one on a toothpick, then decorate a foam wreath.

You can use a variety of candy wrappers. The video below explains in detail and shows how this is done.

For your ideas, inspiration, you can see photos of decorations for the door for the New Year from candy wreaths:

Wreath of twigs

A wreath of twigs is perfect for decorating a street door for the New Year. It is made from natural materials, so you do not have to spend money. And he looks great - stylish, elegant.

What you need for a wreath of twigs:

  • thin branches of shrubs, trees (you can use willow twigs);
  • glue gun;
  • twine;
  • ribbons, beads, chestnuts, acorns, cones, other decor.

If the rods are dry, do not bend well, then they are initially needed soak in water. Then take enough twigs, connect them into an oval, wrap the twine th. Now the workpiece can decorate with improvised means, paint and decorate the doors before the New Year.

Photo and video:

And from the rods it turns out whole snowman that is attached to the door. Use spray paint to paint over the twigs. The parts are connected to each other with a thin wire.

original ideas

As mentioned above, such crafts for decoration can be made from almost any material. This provides an opportunity to perform interesting, original options that can surprise even a person who has seen a lot in life.

Photos of how you can decorate the entrance to the house for the New Year with wreaths:

And here's how you can do the original version:

Other door decorations

A wreath will always be interesting to look at any door - from the entrance to the interior. But there are other, no less wonderful and beautiful decorations for the door for the New Year. They also deserve attention!


You can cut many different snowflakes, attach them to absolutely any door. Snowflakes can decorate the glass door for the New Year, it will look stylish and elegant!

To make snowflakes, use white, blue, red, green, shiny, mother-of-pearl paper. Your interior will sparkle with new colors!

Video: how to make paper snowflakes.

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations are beautiful not only on a green, fragrant tree. They can decorate any door for the New Year! It can be both traditional balls and original figurines.

Christmas toys can be used to make:

1) a wreath;


3) Christmas trees.

Note! Secure the toys well so that they do not accidentally fall and break.


The New Year's sock can be used not only to decorate the house and the fireplace, but also the door. It is the best way to attach it to a wreath or hang it separately and decorate it with Christmas toys, beads, ribbons.

Video: New Year's sock in 10 minutes.

Fairy lights

With garlands, you can decorate for the New Year not only the doors themselves, but also the doorway. Usually, garlands are used as an addition to wreaths, Christmas tree decorations, compositions from fir branches.

Important! When decorating doors and doorways, remember about safety during operation: use only high-quality garlands, do not leave appliances unattended, and to decorate a street door, use only those garlands that are intended for the street!

Decoration in kindergarten, school, work

We spend a lot of time not only in our homes, but also in the kindergarten, educational institutions, at work. So, they must also be decorated in order to create a good mood!


Little kids love bright, funny details, so they will be delighted with decorating the kindergarten doors for the New Year 2019. You can place drawings that the kindergarteners themselves drew, stick colorful New Year's stickers with cartoons, Santa Claus.

By the way! In addition to the door in kindergarten, you can decorate lockers for the New Year.


It is possible to decorate the premises with such elements for the New Year at school not only for elementary school students, but also for middle and senior students. After all, the holiday has no age restrictions! It’s just that younger kids are encouraged to make simpler decorations, and for high school students something more complicated.

Original door decoration for the New Year at school - wreath of school supplies:

It is also just right to decorate the school door for the New Year with the help of bright tinsel, large snowflakes, colorful themed posters drawn by the students themselves and even balloons.!


Of course, decorating the door for the New Year at work should be chosen more moderately and more modestly than in your home or school. But that doesn't mean everything has to be dull! On the contrary, use stylish decorations, posters with wishes. It will be great if you hang a poster on which your colleagues will write congratulations.

Or you can decorate the door for the New Year at work in a very original way! For example, do wreath of office supplies- stapler, pens, pencils, office paper, markers.

To decorate the office door for the New Year, it is not a sin to make a very original Christmas tree made of stickers:

If your field of activity proceeds in a different direction, then you can use materials characteristic of your profession in the manufacture. For example, if you are sewing, it is not forbidden to use fabric, thread, buttons, zippers.

The New Year is a wonderful holiday that inspires and inspires original interior solutions. You can afford to make absolutely any decor, and then admire it during all the holidays. We wish you all the best in the New Year 2019!

In contact with

Everyone's favorite holiday is approaching - the New Year. It is the expectation of this event and the preparation for it that create the New Year's mood and faith in miracles. Creating souvenirs, various handicrafts, toys and decorations with your own hands together with children, including the New Year's decoration of the front door, give a fabulous feeling of New Year's magic.

A Christmas tree wreath is considered a traditional decoration of the entrance to a house or apartment; the idea of ​​using this attribute came to us in Russia from Europe and America.

A wreath of spruce twigs or other improvised materials

The base-circle is made of thick cardboard or drawing paper, then various decorative elements are glued onto it: cones (you can additionally paint them with gold or silver paint), ribbons, tinsel, beads, snowflakes.

And if you show your imagination and ingenuity, you can build a Christmas wreath on the front door from wine corks, satin ribbons, even pasta. This decoration will wow your guests. Photos of such wreaths can be viewed on the Internet.

Wreath in the "snow"

Such a wreath is formed from branches.

  1. We take long rods (branches), twist them into a circle, fix them with a wire.
  2. Spread with glue and sprinkle with salt or sugar, give time to dry.
  3. We decorate with small balls, ribbons, spruce branches, cones (using a glue gun).

We do not allow iterating with decorative elements so that the main idea is visible - the basis of the branches.

Christmas tree door decor

Let's not forget that the main attribute for the New Year holiday is the Christmas tree. She is present at the festival in all her glory. But the tree made for decorating doors looks no less original.

Door decoration for the new year can be made from pine or spruce branches, and decorated with a garland, small Christmas decorations. In this version, the door for the new year looks festive, elegant.

The design of the Christmas tree can be as follows: mom, dad, children circle their palms on colored paper, cut out and stick on cardboard in random order, trying to give the shape of a triangle. Such a Christmas tree can be decorated with artificial snow - cotton wool, stick snowflakes made of paper or beads.

The Christmas tree looks original, made on paper, with the help of a spray (which turns into artificial snow when dried), decorated with sequins, rhinestones.

Snowman as door decor

A cute DIY snowman will look great as a door decoration. There are many options for its manufacture, the main thing is to approach this process with taste and imagination.

Snowman from DVDs and CDs

  1. We find used unnecessary disks (you can new ones).
  2. We fasten together with the help of ropes, twine.
  3. We make out the appearance of a “snowman” - eyes are glued, a nose is glued to the head, buttons are glued to the body, and a roll of paper can be put into the hand-twig in which congratulations for the guests will be written, or vice versa, an empty sheet on which all guests can write your wishes for the hosts.

Alternatively, you can make a snowman from dry twigs twisted into a circle or from three rings of different diameters wrapped with threads (we make a loop-like winding to make an openwork edge).

A snowman drawn on paper using the following technique:

  1. PVA glue is taken, the contour of the future snowman is applied.
  2. Small cereals are poured (you can use corn, semolina), wait until it dries and shake off the excess.
  3. Now you can start coloring and decorating.

Christmas boot on the door

A Christmas boot or sock is another original front door decoration for the new year. This type of decoration was also borrowed from the inhabitants of the West. It is usually sewn from soft felt or red fleece. You can decorate the boot with figures of Santa Claus, bells, a sleigh with deer made of fleece. You can attach the decor to the boot with a glue gun or carefully sew it on with decorative stitches. It will be a nice bonus if you put small gifts for guests in it.


Flickering, winking lights of an electric garland, especially in the dark, give the holiday a special fabulous mood. You can fix the garland with adhesive tape along the edges of the door leaf, or build a New Year's figure from it in the center, for example, a Christmas tree, a snowflake. Also, the garland can be made of artificial spruce or pine ribbons with weaving, Christmas balls. A garland of baked cookies, salt dough will look original. You can quickly make a garland of Christmas decorations with your own hands.


What else is there a Christmas decoration on the door? Another type of festive decor is the bell. How to make it yourself?

For its manufacture you will need:

cardboard, woolen threads, various small decorations (sequins, beads) for decoration.

  1. Take thick cardboard, trace around the stencil and cut out the shape for the bell.
  2. Spread it thickly with PVA and wind the threads (red or gold).
  3. Spray a little glitter varnish on the threads.
  4. Make a hole at the top so that the satin ribbon can easily enter it, make a loop out of it in the shape of a bow, or simply attach it with stapler clips.

Bells can also be crocheted, then starched to stiffen.


There are many ways to make snowflakes. From paper or napkins. You can download from the Internet and print stencils for cutting. An exclusive version of snowflakes from newspapers, magazines or music sheets.

  1. We take cardboard, cut out a large even circle.
  2. Then, from musical or magazine sheets, we fold bags or tubes, glue them together to keep their shape.
  3. Alternately in a circle glue on a cardboard blank.

Snowflakes cut out of foam are attached to the door with double-sided tape.

Santa Claus

The figurine of Santa Claus is considered one of the traditional decorations for the New Year. You can buy ready-made in the store, but do-it-yourself always looks more original.

Grandfather from a decorative broom

  1. We buy a blank from a small broom, place the wide part down (imitates a beard).
  2. We begin to form the face - glue the nose, eyes, mustache with a glue gun.
  3. We put on a cap on top (you can buy it in a store or sew it yourself from red fleece).
  4. We make a loop of twine and hang it on a door hook.

You can make a face or a full figure of Santa Claus using the felting technique, for this you need special hooks, layers of wool and instructions if you are doing this for the first time.

Santa Claus is always associated with a bag of gifts, you can sew it yourself from any fabric of New Year's colors (red, gold, silver). In order not to be empty, put small sweets (sweets, cookies) there - guests will like it.

There are more options on how to decorate the door for the new year, and these are posters.

Posters can be made in any technique:

  • In the form of a collage (a funny photo of each family member or friend is taken, cut out and combined with funny pictures showing funny cases or situations) - and contagious laughter is guaranteed.
  • Draw New Year's motives (snowflakes, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, reindeer team) and add congratulations (possible in poetic form).

Symbol of the year

As a talisman for decorating doors, you can use the symbol of the coming year (in 2018 it is a dog). The shops sell postcards, magnets with the image of a mascot, as well as soft, Christmas decorations. It will not be difficult to make a symbol of the year yourself. There are several ways:

  • Make an application (paper or fabric).
  • Sew a soft toy or crochet or knit.

School decorations

Schoolchildren are looking forward to the New Year - a holiday that will bring with it not only gifts, but also long-awaited holidays. The school is the second home for children, and in order to feel the festive atmosphere, it is necessary to decorate the halls, classrooms, the assembly hall where the festive concert will take place.

Pupils of junior and senior classes are involved in decorating the school assembly hall. There should be scenery on the stage, for example, you can make snowmen from balloons, threads and glue - the process will not take much time.

For crafts you need:

  1. Take three balloons, inflate them of different sizes (if the snowman has to stand on the floor, then you need to put a load in the bottom balloon - a magnet, a pebble) and only then inflate.
  2. We wrap the ball with threads layer by layer, smearing each with PVA glue.
  3. Dry, pierce the ball with a needle and carefully remove the remnants of the resulting ball.
  4. We fasten the balls together, starting with the larger one, then decorate to our taste with beads, sequins.

On the door you can hang holiday posters with congratulations, New Year's drawings of children, collages of photographs.

New Year decorations made to decorate the classroom for the holiday are an interesting and exciting activity for children and their parents, joint creativity brings them even closer. You can decorate the walls with paper snowflakes, make a poster with congratulations for teachers and parents. On the windows you can stick stencil drawings in the New Year theme (bells, Santa Claus in a reindeer sleigh). And also pay attention to decorating the front doors and cabinet doors. In addition to traditional wreaths, you can make garlands from Christmas toys, threads, and even bells from plastic bottles:

New Year's Eve is approaching. It's time for you to start decorating your home. Decorating the front door is perhaps the most important thing in any celebration. Guests who come to you will immediately see how hospitable and friendly you are.

For the attention of the readers of the Design Museum, here are some design tips for festive door decoration.

First of all, these are different types of wreaths. Among them there are unique ones, for example, from sweets or fabric. But most often they are still made of coniferous branches or artificial. Wreaths can be supplemented with garlands, holiday stickers. An original decor element will look like a stocking decorated with sprigs and cinnamon sticks. You can make large fluffy snowflakes by connecting white-painted branches.

If you have your own home, put a small artificial Christmas tree in a wicker basket near the front door. Decorate it with garlands and add some homemade cotton wool snow and pine cones.

Unique Christmas door decorations made from vintage items, such as sledges or old-fashioned skates, look amazing.

Beautiful evergreen garlands with pine cones tied with bright red satin bows never go out of fashion. The garland can also be assembled from paper snowflakes using waterproof paper.

A congratulatory inscription “Happy New Year!” is desirable. In general, unique attributes are created by hand. No one remains indifferent to them - neither family members nor guests.

Make sure that the decor creates an upbeat mood and says that the holiday is already in your home and in your souls.

New Year is a magical holiday. But no less exciting is his expectation. An unchanging tradition at the school is the decoration of corridors and classrooms with crafts, drawings that set both the children and teachers in a great festive mood. How to make the New Year's class decoration original and memorable? Let's consider some options.

Design Ideas

Think over the decor so that it does not create inconvenience

Before the New Year, schoolchildren have a “hot” time: tests in all subjects on the eve of the end of the semester, preparation for classroom and school-wide matinees, subject Olympiads. But still I want to feel the approach of the most incredible holiday. To create the right atmosphere, it is customary to decorate the classroom. There are several approaches to accomplish this task:

  • buy a lot of rain, tinsel and hang it all on the walls, ceiling (but this option requires certain costs, for which the parent committee may not allocate funds or your classmates refuse to collect money - this is also possible);
  • decorate the class with drawings (this requires preliminary preparation, since it is necessary to give an assignment to classmates, designate the subject of the drawings, indicate the deadlines, and, as a rule, there are usually not so many drawing children in the class, unless you have an art and aesthetic class);
  • put a live Christmas tree, decorate it with toys (but not glass ones!), Brought from home - make one strong New Year's accent in the decor (only it's better to appoint attendants in advance who will sweep the falling needles every day);
  • decorate the windows with drawings made with toothpaste (just keep in mind that after the holiday the windows will have to be thoroughly washed);
  • attach paper snowflakes, garlands to the curtains (you can also decorate a board, walls), etc.

Video: Making 3D Snowflakes

We decorate the door

The decor should not interfere with opening and closing the office door

The most traditional and practical way to decorate a door is to hang a large postcard in the form of Santa Claus, a snowflake or another symbol of the New Year on its inside. It should be noted that it is better to glue on double-sided tape around the entire perimeter, since the door often opens and closes, and the postcard can tear or fray very quickly. We propose to modernize this approach a bit and decorate the door with a New Year's wreath.

Catholics have a tradition of hanging a wreath of evergreen mistletoe on the front door on Christmas and New Year's Eve. When a guy and a girl are under the wreath, they must kiss so that they and the owners of the house are lucky all year.

To make a New Year's wreath, it is not necessary to look for mistletoe. It can be:

  • glued cones;
  • intertwined and well-glued pine branches;
  • felt wreath with toys - multi-colored carved animal figures are sewn onto a fabric base;
  • a purchased version of an artificial pine wreath with miniature toys.

To draw even more attention to this decor, come up with your own tradition for those who meet under the wreath. Of course, kissing at school is not worth it, but coming up with an original congratulation for each other is quite appropriate. You can congratulate in English (French, German), especially if this is a foreign language office.

We decorate windows

On the windows you can paint with watercolors

The most spectacular decoration of windows are winter patterns made with toothpaste. For this:

  1. We draw on paper stencils of snowflakes, a fairy-tale house, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden - in general, everything that has enough imagination and skills in drawing.
  2. Cut out stencils.
  3. Dilute toothpaste (white without inclusions) with water so that the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained.
  4. With a small sponge moistened with the mixture, “glue” the stencils to the window and let them dry.
  5. Carefully remove the paper and admire the beautiful drawings on the window.

Video: Window decor

A less troublesome option for window decoration is to glue snowflakes. To do this, cut out the corresponding figures from white thin paper (you can take coffee filters - a very convenient size). You can find a huge number of templates on the Internet or come up with your own - it's not difficult at all, we attach them to the window using double-sided tape. By the way, after the holiday, when you remove the decorations, wipe the place where the adhesive tape came into contact with the window with cologne - there will be no traces of glue left.

Such snowflakes will turn out airy and light.

Separately, it should be said about the decoration of the window sill. If there are no flowers on it, then you can stick pieces of cotton wool on the adhesive tape - to create the illusion of snow-covered windows. Or decorate with tinsel, put up a small Christmas tree, etc.

How to decorate the board?

Board decoration should be kept to a minimum.

The main "hero" of any school classroom is, of course, the board. But it is constantly used, so the decorations on it should:

  • do not take up much space (still, you need to leave a place for the teacher to explain the material);
  • securely fasten (you must admit, it’s not very pleasant when, in the midst of solving a problem, tinsel falls on your head);
  • be bright.

We offer an old tried and tested method - a homemade garland of colored paper.

  1. We cut colored sheets for the printer into strips 2-3 cm wide and about 10 cm long.
  2. Glue the ends of one strip.
  3. We pass the second workpiece through the ring of the first and glue its ends.
  4. We cling to the third for the second, etc.

Using buttons or double-sided tape, we fasten the garland around the perimeter of the board. If there is no desire to glue a homemade garland, then you can decorate the board with rain.

When the size of the board allows, you can place snowflakes, drawings on it.

We bring zest to the design of the office

The figure of the Snowman can be made voluminous

Naturally, you can not ignore the walls. Usually in the classrooms, visual aids or various posters hang on them. In this case, hanging rain is enough, but if space allows, then you can make an imitation of snow and a snowman. For large snow flakes, we use cotton pads, sticking them on adhesive tape, but a snowman can be made from white disposable plastic cups.

  1. We turn the plastic cup with the neck towards us, put the second one in the same position and fasten them with a stapler.
  2. Next, we arrange the cups in the form of a flower around the first one until a circle of the desired diameter is obtained. We connect them with brackets.
  3. We do the second and third circles in the same way.
  4. Paints (preferably gouache) draw the mouth of a snowman.
  5. Make the nose out of a carrot or an orange marker (any ideas are welcome).
  6. We wrap a red scarf around the neck (a piece of fabric will do just fine).

One caveat: since the snowman is not very stable, it is better to lean it against the wall or attach it to paper, and then place it on the wall.

To decorate the desks, you can glue a snowflake on each. But you don’t need to put a lot of decorations on the teacher’s table - this will limit the teacher’s working space and obviously will not cause positive emotions. Therefore, a symbolic Christmas tree made of cardboard will suffice.

  1. On cardboard, draw a trapezoid with a very narrow upper side.
  2. We glue the sides. The Christmas tree is ready.
  3. It can be decorated with drawings or tiny snowflakes, gluing only their middle to create a more natural picture.

How to make jewelry with your own hands?

Small Christmas trees can be made from threads soaked in glue

To decorate the office, it is better to use not ready-made toys, but crafts made by yourself. It can be:

Christmas trees from improvised means

  1. From clothespins. We take thick cardboard, cut out the “trunk”, and put clothespins on it. Now we put a few more pieces on each so that a Christmas tree is formed. Clothespins can be painted with green gouache (if they are wooden) or multi-colored - it will also be very original.
  2. From colored paper. We draw several identical Christmas trees on paper, cut the side parts into small strips - these are branches. We fold the blanks in half and glue them together.
  3. From tinsel. Glue the tinsel onto the cardboard base.
  4. From buttons. We draw the outlines of the Christmas tree with a green marker, fill the space with multi-colored buttons.

Master class: how to make a Christmas tree from tinsel and sweets


In addition to the already described version of crafts from plastic cups, you can make a snowman from cotton pads. We draw the circles of the figure and stick cotton pads inside. Draw eyes, nose, mouth with paints. You can also make a snowman out of white balloons, fastening them with tape or silicone glue.

Fairy lights

This indispensable element of the New Year holidays can be made from anything. For example, paper snowflakes are put on dental floss, and such a garland is attached to the ceiling. Or a garland of pieces of fabric, small balloons, etc. There is only one principle: elements are put on the warp thread, and the structure is attached to the walls or ceiling.

Master class: DIY Christmas garland


It can be paper crafts using the origami technique, quilling: from small boxes with gifts to the symbol of the coming year.

Master class: origami Christmas tree


Such familiar thematic illustrations can also be non-standard. For example, try to draw a Christmas tree ... with handprints. Such a work, by the way, is an original gift for a teacher. What could be better than a bright drawing on which the pens of your favorite students are printed.

Create a symbol of 2017 - Rooster

The symbol of the coming year will be the Fire Rooster. You can make it in a variety of ways: tying, embroidering, sculpting, etc. We will tell you how to make a cute cockerel from plastic bottles.

In addition to the three brown bottles, you will need:

  • disposable plates, cups and spoons (white);
  • a small plastic ball - for the head (you can borrow from a child in toys or take it in a dry pool).

It is advisable to take plates and cups in two colors - red and yellow, then the cockerel will be bright and colorful, but a white design will also look good (for lack of colored materials).

Tools to help create a cockerel:

  • sharp scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • stapler;
  • black marker or acrylic paint (for drawing eyes);
  • 2 types of adhesive tapes (double-sided and regular colorless).

So, if everything you need is at hand, let's get started:

  1. From the cut off upper parts of the bottles we build the body of a cockerel, focusing on the photo. The design is created through the use of adhesive tape. One of the bottles should protrude a little more, this will be the front of the bird.

We build the body of a cockerel from the tops of the bottles

  1. We cut off the bottom of plastic glasses and make round cuts along the edge. Using different colors, we put these blanks on the tail section, attaching with adhesive tape. At the same time, you can show your imagination by alternating one, two, etc. cut cups of one color.

Notched plastic cups are useful for the tail

  1. We make the tail unit from disposable plates. To do this, we use the edges of plates of different lengths with cuts. The stapler will help connect individual feathers into a beautiful and bright tail.

Disposable plates make such beautiful feathers

  1. We insert the resulting tail into the back of the bottle structure by making a small incision with a knife. We decorate the place of the incision with colored paper.

After creating the frame of the product, you can proceed to decorating

  1. From the remaining centers of one-time plates, cut out the wings and glue them with tape to the right place.
  2. We put the plastic ball in place of the head (on double-sided tape).

We make the head of a cockerel from a plastic ball

  1. For the scallop, beak and beard, use red plastic plates. The resulting parts are inserted into the cuts on the ball-head.
  2. We cut off the handles from the spoons, draw black pupils and attach the eyes at the top of the head.
  3. The lower part of the cockerel can be attached to a stick and decorated or inserted into the neck of a bottle or jar.

The symbol of the New Year is ready

Decorating your office on New Year's Eve is a great way to show your imagination and creativity. In addition, you can gather like-minded people, attract a class teacher and make the design of the classroom another New Year's event. The main thing is not to forget to repeat it after the holiday - when you have to remove and clean all this beauty before the next New Year.