How to evaluate the physical development of the child. Health and physical development of children

As the child grows, a pediatrician is regularly assessing its physical development. The content of this concept includes a combination of multiple functional and morphological signs that determine the physical performance of a person on one or another stage of his life.

Harmonious physical development is very important for the baby, because if he will lag behind his peers on a number of parameters, he will not be able to acquire new skills in a timely manner, and his performance during school learning will leave the best. In this article we will tell you what methods the physical development of children and adolescents is being evaluated, and what basic signs are investigated.

Evaluation of physical development on central tables

In most cases, doctors evaluate the development of the baby and its biometric indicators on the central tables compiled on the basis of studies of a certain number of children in a particular age. There are several such tables, with the help of each of which you can estimate, as well as the circle of the chest and the crumbs correspond to normal indicators.

In this case, under the norm, averaged value, characteristic of most children at this age, is understood. Since boys and girls, especially in early childhood, differ significantly from each other by the parameters of physical development, the central tables will also be different for each floor.

Measuring the corresponding biometric indicators of the child, the doctor must substitute the values \u200b\u200bobtained into the table corresponding to its sexual attribute, and determine how much they differ from normal values. About half of the kids at the same time "fall" into the middle column, or the "corridor", from 25 to 75%. Indicators of the remaining children are distributed over other columns.

The growth of the child in this case is determined by the following tables:

Body mass to others:

Finally, the measured value of the circle of the breast is used to evaluate using the following centle tables:

The deviation from the norm on the study of one parameter has no clinical value. To assess the physical development of crumbs, it is necessary to determine which "corridor" on the central tables all its characteristics fall. If all the indicators remain within one "corridor", conclude that the child develops harmoniously. If the data differ significantly, the baby is sent to an additional examination. At the same time, no diagnoses are established for central tables.

Evaluation of physical development on regression scales

This method also allows us to evaluate whether the child develops harmoniously, and if necessary, to carry out an additional examination. In this case, biometric indicators are not considered separately, but in the aggregate. At the same time, the main independent magnitude takes the growth of crumbs.

All other indicators, namely the weight and circumference of the chest and head, are considered exclusively in aggregate with growth. That is, if the child develops harmoniously, then with increasing body length increase, all other biometric indicators should also increase. In this case, all values \u200b\u200bmust correspond to each other or slightly differ within the same regression scale. Graphically, this dependence is as follows:

When they talk about the physical development of the child, they imply a set of certain indicators. It is height, weight, chest circle and head. All these indicators each month are estimated at the reception at the pediatrician. The doctor is important to track exactly their growth dynamics. Based on the basis of the sex of your baby and all four indicators is concluded about the physical health of the child. Thus, a specialist can say the level of physical development of your child and, if necessary, to give recommendations.

It is believed that the growth of the child corresponds to its age, and about a year, children grow up for 25 cm.

The weight of the kid must match his growth. By the end of the first year of life, kids weigh about 10 kg. At the same time, the mass of the body is considered the most unstable indicator. It depends on the state of the baby (illness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, discomfort)

Up to 4 months, the head circumference should be a couple of centimeters more than the busty circumference. By 4 months, these indicators are equal. After four, the chest circumference becomes greater circle of the head.

All children are different and level of physical development even at birth different. Someone is born small and long, actively sucks the chest and lies calmly in the crib, and someone has a big weight weight, the muscle tone is too high, and the child flies from the slightest sound. Therefore, the point of reference of physical development in all kids is individual. Parents must be alert and if something causes anxiety or excitement you need to immediately contact the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to correctly identify and calculate the physical development of the child.

In the first year of life, children are well developed skin sensitivity and for better physical development it is necessary to constantly touch, touch, produce light massage movements to your crumb.

Physical development of children up to 1 year by months

Newborn It has congenital unconditional reflexes: food (sucking movements), approximate (turns of the head on various incentives), defensive (cry on annoying factors). The movements of the hands, legs, spontaneous eyes, disordered and uncombounded. Moves the newborn with the whole body.

By the end first month The life of the movement becomes more coordinated, the baby tries to raise his head in the pose lying on the stomach. The loud sound reacts to the breeding of the handles to the side, and then presses them to the body and compresses the cams.

On the 2 months of life The movement of the eye becomes coordinated, the head turns towards the sound, the infants are trying to grab and touch the objects interested, the head can hold the head within 1-1.5 minutes in the pose lying on the stomach. Some kids at this age answer a smile smile.

During 3 months of life The child in the pose on the stomach relies on the forearm and elbows. Turns from the back on the side, turns his head, holding it in a vertical position. Pulls up your body when they take on the hands. When contacting it, an adult appears "Complex of revival" - smiles, can laugh, adagge and respond.

IN 4 months The baby can recognize the faces and the simplest objects, turns away from the back on the stomach. In the layout lying on the back, can raise your head. Enough and keeps small items in your hands, pulls them in the mouth, they appear favorite and not beloved toys, prefers to mom with another adult.

Fifth month "Trying to sit down, but I can't keep my back without support, recognizes familiar voices, with support for the armpit, it is exactly on the legs, imitates sounds.

Sixth month - It sits on your own, trying to crawl on all fours, learns to pronounce elementary syllables whose pronunciation is similar to the sucking movements of the lips and mouth: ma-ma, etc. The baby sleeps less, physical activity increases, the handles will tell to her mother, firmly enough toys with both hands. There is a rapid development of small motility, throws toys to the floor and looks that it will happen to them. The first teeth are dispersed, first appear 2 lower middle cutters.

During seventh month of life Fluently crashes, in the sitting position can straighten and tilt the body forward, trying to perceive, understand and memorize words. It is upset when it loses a toy out of sight and is looking for it. Able to move food from the front of the mouth to the back and as a result he swallows.

At the end of the article, we have prepared a convenient table of physical development of the child. Download it to be sure that the crumb is developing according to the standards!

Eight months - Himself gets up, having a support. With the support, it tries to walk, produces various manipulations with toys (drops, rolling, throws, etc.), confidently sits on his own. There are 2 upper medium cutters.

IN nine month He walks, keeping his name, he knows his name, can perform simple requests. Holds objects with great and index fingers.

Ten months - It can rise and stand without the help of outsiders, begins to pronounce simple words, does not give the toy you like, at the request of an adult looking for a familiar subject. There are 2 upper side cutters.

IN eleven months He knows the name of many objects and parts of their body, the small motorcy is well developed, freely oriented in space, continues to try to make independent steps.

TO one year Self walks, maybe he himself will bend. Understands everything about what they say and what they are asked to do. Pronounces the first meaningful words. There are 2 side lower cutters.

By the end of 1 year of life, the baby should have 8 teeth, of which 4 are top and 4 below.

Not only genetic factors affect physical development, but also the factors of the external environment (upbringing, nutrition, social conditions). If you want the child to develop all the physical indicators in a timely manner, it is necessary to deal with it every day, correctly feed in an unlimited quantity to give your love in which your baby needs.

Baby swimming since birth. . Read in our next article.

Print on the wall! Physical development of children up to 1 year in the table.

Do you know how the kid should develop up to a year? Download a convenient child's physical development table to be sure that the crumb is developing according to the standards!

Even today your child is an inconspicuous infant, but quite soon on the house will run an active one-year-old kid. To know whether all the necessary skills acquires the baby on time, you need to track its development by month.

The first year of life: child development calendar

We present to your attention a detailed calendar for the development of a child from birth before reaching it. The period of the year is the stage of life when the baby knows everything around, studies himself and others, so it is one of the most important life stages. Therefore, read carefully. But first we want to show you a short video summary about the development of a child by month:

First month

The main points of the child's development of the second month of life:

  • reacts to sounds, turns his head towards its source;
  • explore your own palms and fingers, compresses them in cams and considers;
  • makes the first awkward attempts to reach the rattles;
  • the reflexes of the newborn gradually fade;
  • the child is improved by the auditorium, from this age, the baby begins to show interest in bright items.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 800 g.
Increased growth - 3 cm.

Third Month

  • being raised into a vertical position and touching the feet of the surface, trying to push off with legs;
  • gulitis and imitates the sounds pronounced by adults ("Ma-Ma", "A-GU");
  • it reaches the toys, grabs them and pulls to the mouth;
  • rejoices with adult games, in case of termination of the game, it can cry;
  • at 5 months, many children begin to break the first teeth.

Raising weight (on average) by the end of the month - 700 g.
Increase growth - 2 cm.

Sixth month

  • , by the end of the 6th month, can crawl by 20-30 cm for the subject;
  • getting on all fours, learns to ride back and forth, which helps to strengthen the skill of crawling;
  • the game uses both handles, shifts toys from one hand to another;
  • plays on a developing rug with a unbreakable mirror, gives preference to musical toys;

Preasurement in weight (on average) by the end of the month - 650 g.
Increase growth - 2 cm.

Seventh month

  • stretches for the subject or to mom with both hands;
  • sits with an adult and;
  • trying to attract attention, shows interest in simple games ("Ku-ku", "Ladushka");
  • sounds actively comes out, there is a simple sound resolution of animal votes ("Ga-ha", "Master-Kry");
  • loves to flipping a book and consider bright pictures.

Increase growth - 2 cm.

Eighth month

The child behaves much more actively than in previous months. It can sit down and move with crawl, gets up in the crib. The kid easily distinguishes its parents from strangers and can find their faces even in the photo. Shows a desire to independently hold a spoon when taking food. Understands simple requests, something to show or bring one of his toys.

  • Physical development

He is enjoying walking and mastering the palm steps near any accessible support. It sits on your own, during crawl can get up and swing on all fours.

  • Psychomotor Development

Hebles, repeating the syllables of "ma-ma", "ba-pa", etc. Collecting the movement of goodbye hand. Loves to play "Ku-ku", "Ladushka". When question, trying to find a familiar subject or person look.

The main points of the child's development of the eighth month of life:

  • holding a support;
  • easily oriented and moves from one place to another;
  • the child is already less like lying, he tries to take a vertical position at any convenient case;
  • actively brains, vocabulary is replenished with new sounds and simple words.

Poster in weight (on average) by the end of the month - 550 g.

Ninth month

Standing on the legs and tries to make the first unsure steps, holding the support. He has not yet learned to fall on the floor without falling, so it can often fall. By the end of the month, the child will learn better to hold balance and equilibrium. Krocha is already well drinking from the row with a nose and learns to drink from an adult mug.

  • Physical development

The kid actively begins to learn independent walking. The nine-month-old crumb sits down and stands on the legs, holding the support, without the help of an adult. Walks with the support of both hands.

  • Psychomotor Development

It begins to imitate himself, repeating randomly arising sounds and syllables. Reacts to your own name. Plays in "Ladushka", waving "while still".

The main points of development of the child of the nine-month life:

  • sit down from the position lying on the back / stomach independently;
  • during crawling, it may turn and move to any side, and not only forward;
  • well remembers the names of the surrounding items and at the request shows them;
  • reacts to the word "impossible", understands the prohibitions;
  • much loves in its own language, understandable only close.

Raising weight (on average) by the end of the month - 500 g.
Increase growth - by 1.5 cm.

Tenth month

The baby can hold the equilibrium and even do a few steps in a row until an adult picks up him. For 15-20 minutes to continuously play, get involved in a pyramid or cubes. Can turn the pages in the books. She strives to play with other children away or walk.

  • Physical development

A ten-month baby, keeping only one hand for support, can make self-steps. Sats and gets up at wish for any subject. The main way of movement becomes no longer crawling, but walking.

  • Psychomotor Development

She strives to copy adult speech, listens to the conversation. Learn and finds familiar items at the request of an adult ("Let Lyalny", "Where is the ball?")

The main points of development of the child of the tenth month of life:

  • may stand a few moments without support;
  • makes 2-3 steps forward without support;
  • crawls on the hands and knees, holding the body weight on them;
  • loves to scatter toys from a crib / player;
  • shows pieces of body on yourself and adult.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 450
Increase growth - by 1.5 cm.

Eleventh month

To all that they are surrounded. The child seeks to learn the object with the most familiar ways - shake them in the air, throwing or hitting the surface. He likes to play the game "Hidden toy", easily finds it. The books look at the correct picture when he hears the name of a specific subject.

  • Physical development

At 11 months, the child confidently stands without support. Actively learns to take the first step without support. Loves to move, dance to music, play with other children.

  • Psychomotor Development

Pronounces conscious brass words ("ma-ma", "pa-pa", "av-av"). Reacts to the word "impossible". Plays with a pyramid. He knows and shows parts of his body.

The main points of the child's development of the eleventh month of life:

  • actively moving (sits down, falls, gets up independently);
  • it is not indifferent to praise, also understands a strict speech;
  • can show your finger to the desired subject;
  • new steps in communicating with adults: Hi's "Hi" / "While" handle, nods or negatively waves his head;
  • can independently take small pieces of food with your fingers.

Raising weight (on average) by the end of the month - 400 g.
Increase growth - by 1.5 cm.

Twelfth Month (1 year)

As a small person. . If briefly, it worries less in the presence of unfamiliar people, behaves persistently, actively expresses his desires. Begins to demonstrate the propulsion in relation to mom or toys. The vocabulary of the child grows very quickly, the kid understands the entire address facing him and is trying to respond.

  • Physical development

An annual child confidently stands and goes without support. The kid shows activity in combing, bathing, dressing. Trying to retain a spoon independently, there is a dense food from it; Learn to drink from the mug.

  • Psychomotor Development

Pronounces the first words, correlating them with actions - "Dai", "Buk", "AM-AM". Performs simple requests - "Go to mom", "give a cube". He knows the appointment of simple items (telephone, comb, toothbrush).

The main points of development of the child of the twelfth month of life:

  • can pass without support and support a small distance;
  • leans and raises the objects to the floor;
  • can step over an obstacle in the form of a threshold or a lying toy;
  • looking for the necessary subject at wish, even if I did not see where it was put;
  • simple words expresses its needs and desires. Call mom and dad. Vocabulary to this age - 8-12 words.

Raising weight (on average) by the end of the month - 600 g.
Increase growth - by 2-3 cm.

Useful story about how to care for the baby

Differences in the development of boys and girls

Pediatricians have long been noticed that in the development of newborn babies of various sexes there are differences. And although each child is individual, some patterns exist. For example:

- The boys are born larger girls in growth and weight. So, in the long-term newborn male sex at birth at birth - 53-56 cm, while girls are only 49-52 cm;

- Speaking about children's norms of general physical and mental growth, it is noted that the development of boys is a little behind the peers at the time of birth. But this difference is invisible, and is not more than 2-3 weeks;

- French representatives miniature at birth, but later the physical development of girls is accelerated. The bone skeleton is on average formed earlier than the boys.

Table with growth and weight of children up to year

With the help of a centle table, you can track exemplary rates of the monthly gain in the weight of the child, and how the body length should occur. Rights of growth and weight of children are indicated within the minimum / maximum indicators, so they can be used as a guide.

Boys Girls
Age Growth (cm) Weight, kg) Age Growth (cm) Weight, kg)
1-2 months.52-60 3,5-5,8 1-2 months.51-59 3,1-5,2
3-4 months.59-66 5,1-7,4 3-4 months.57-64 4,6-7,1
5-7 months61-71 6,2-9,7 5-7 months61-69 6,1-8,7
8-10 months.68-75 8-11 8-10 months.66-73 7,3-10
10-12 months.71-78 8,8-12 10-12 months.69-76 7,6-11

Table of key moments of child development from 0 to 1 year

A brief overview in the table, where the child's development is indicated up to a year per month, will become an excellent "cheat sheet" for young mothers.

Age Speech development Motor development Mental development
1-1.5 monthsPacificFirst attempts to raise headsBriefly watching a rattle
2 monthsIn a good mood, gradually GulitBetter coordinates movementHolds a look at the moving subject
3 monthsLong bustyConfidently holds his headTurns to sound sources
4 monthsThe first bauing comes to replaceDoes not take a look from moving itemsDistinguishes mom from outsiders
5 monthsLovely, pronounces syllables "Ma," Pa "Independently turns over, crawls backAlerts in other people's voices
6 monthsActive slaughter, reproduces simple syllablesCrawls "inlantic"Shows emotions of joy and discontent
Seven monthsSheets, the appearance of the syllables "TA", "on" yes "and others.Sits with support, crawls forwardUnderstands intonation, the word "no"
8 monthsThe first single wordsGets up and moves at the support, sits independentlyExpands the range of emotions (surprise, perseverance)
9 monthsActive poverty, new syllablesIt costs and walks with a support, crawlsUnderstands simple orders
10 monthsPronounces simple words "La la", "Av-Av"Sits down from the standing position, trying to walkRepeats behind the facial
11 monthsExpresses desires - "on," Dai "Raises objects from the floor, gets up, squatShows at the request of familiar items, body parts
12 monthsMuch mischief, consciously says the words "mother", "Baba"Actively moving, falls, gets up, walksUnderstands adult speech, reacts to requests and prohibitions

Pediatricians, instructors, physical education teachers regularly diagnose children. Physical development is the main criterion for which data on the state of health is obtained, as well as the health of the kid. It is directly related to psycho-emotional development, so using diagnostics you can find deviations. Parents are important to a year to regularly visit the pediatrician crumbs in order to detect deviations in a timely manner. Assessment of the physical development of the child helps with the solution of this task.

The assessment is carried out on centralized indicators adopted by world medicine specialists. Each doctor has special tables for this, in which the boundaries of the main measurements of the infants are given: growth, weight, head circles, chest. Studies have shown that the methods of diagnosis are improved every year. Now they are based on domestic experience, the results of foreign developments of medical organizations.

Parents often do not understand why there are no clear numbers that must match the real parameters. This is due to the fact that research is far from reality. Doctors can only assume what children may be, based on heredity, family lifestyle, its habitat. Thanks to the timely diagnosis, children are found with the peculiarities of psychophysical development. For them, an individual recovery program is drawn up. All parents receive recommendations on health promotion.

Many mothers believe that the assessment of the physical condition of their baby is not needed, as he was born healthy. It is completely in vain, since the development violations can lead:

  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • bad ecology in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence;
  • lack of vitamins and trace elements;
  • hydodine.

The lack of motor activity is a big problem, especially for schoolchildren. Most of the day adults spend at work or at the computer, trying to make money on life, and children take an example from their parents or begin to wander around the worldwide web from hopelessness. Doctors are not the first year trying to draw attention to this problem, since health problems in childhood are fraught with a large number of chronic diseases.

Parents often shift responsibility for physical development on school teachers or kindergartens. This is the wrong hike so that the child is healthy, you need to start with changing the lifestyle of the family.

Evaluation of the development of Breastnikov

The stage of intensive growth proceeds to the year, the skeleton of the baby changes, its internal organs. This time most often helps to detect development deviations. For this, pediatricians examine the crumb into the monthly, test, testing.

Child development up to a year can be divided into steps:

Pediatricians are recommended not to rush babies if they have a slight lag of physical development. Nature is laid so that the first steps or attempts to crawl children only when their skeleton will be ready for this.

The assessment of the physical form consists of checking the regulatory parameters, measurements. Indicators of the physical development of children (growth, weight, head and chest circle) depend on the parameters that were when they were born. Mostborn newborns develop on special schedule, while the births born can grow slower.

Features of the period from 1 to 2 years

The growth of the child slows down, but the formation of his bones continues. The diagnosis of physical development of this period consists of standard measurements (growth, weight), inspection. Special attention is paid to posture, footsteps obtained. By two years, Kroch must be able to:

  • rising on socks;
  • a low bouncing in one place;
  • perform a variety of exercises with the ball (roll, throw, kick, raise);
  • move the stairs up or down.

For the care of the physical development of the child in the second year of life, his parents are responsible. As the prevention of deviations of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to choose the right shoes for the baby - made of natural materials, with a hard backdrop, orthopedic insole with a special pad. Her wearing will be better than the prevention of flatfoot. Additionally, it is allowed to walk on the uneven surface of the barefoot.

Pay special attention to hardening. The formation of the immune system occurs until two years.

Parents for two years begin to accomplish the crumb to the toilet. They make a serious mistake in this process, while having fallen out the little baby on a pot. It is best to include this procedure in the ritual before placing. Baby learns to endure to three years, at this moment the nights should be dry.

Development Features on the third year of life

The physical development of young children to three years is interrelated with intellectual. Most of the time parents are engaged in intellectual development, forgetting that they need to instill physical skills in the kids. The kid develops correctly if he knows how to three years:

  • confidence stand on socks;
  • confidently hold on one leg;
  • perform jumping forward;
  • catch from two meters the ball and throw it back
  • navigate a bike;
  • at the same time, perform several actions, such as stupid and clap.

Self-service skills do not have such clear boundaries. If adults give sufficient freedom to a child, he may be fully dressed in three years, including the laundry zagging and buttons. Other children up to 5-6 years old are mastered only the simplest skills - wiping hands, wash, cleaning teeth.

Parents often unconsciously do not give the child freedom, which is in vain. The sooner you give him the opportunity to try your hand, the faster it will learn independence.

Do not throw a child to the arbitrariness of fate, find a gold middle in the learning process. " Give him the opportunity to learn from my mistakes. After all, the ability to fasten buttons or tie the laces is important not only for physical development. It helps to improve fine motility, and a positive result increases self-esteem.

Senior preschool age

By four years, children begin to attend pre-school institutions. There they will receive harmonious development. The diagnosis of physical development will be held regularly during the morning gymnastics. If the child does not cope with the instructor's tasks, mom or dad will be informed. Also, from this age, medical workers are established for children, helping to identify the peculiarities of the physical development of children who have not seen earlier.

If you have not paid attention to physical development or strengthening immunity, this error will be seen in the first months. For this period, an increase in the number of diseases is characteristic. Many parents deliberately decide not to give the kid to kindergarten. This is an incorrect solution, since the body will not be resistant to most common viruses. The peak of morbidity will come in elementary school, which will prevent the learning process.

In order for the development of physical qualities to be within the normal range, in the senior preschool age it is necessary to conduct hardening. It includes:

  • solar and air baths;
  • wiping and dumming cool water;
  • road vendor
  • regular long walks;
  • lack of supercooling and overheating.

Assess the development of the child of this age on average standards. Check physical form with running, jumping, throwing the ball. Before conducting diagnostics, a thorough medical examination is always conducted. Its goal is to draw up a characteristic of the baby, determine the health team, to detect the presence of chronic diseases. It is usually carried out before entering a kindergarten.

When visiting specialists, designate existing development problems so that the survey is the most complete and accurate.

Features of schoolchildren's development

The physical development of school children is also evaluated constantly. This is done during the delivery of standards in physical culture. Up to 12 years old is formed by the skeleton of schoolchildren, in this regard, it is important to correctly organize the day of the child, follow his posture and weight. This task helps to solve school education obtained in person. If there are no testimony for health, it is not necessary to choose home training, as parents most often do not be able to give the right all day to organize the right regime, sports.

Age from 9 to 14 years old is the most complicated to evaluate, since it has no rules for the growth and weight of the child. Medical indicators are taken averaged. This is due to the fact that hormonal restructuring flows in the body. Schoolchildren can take a height jump at different times, this is due to individual features in both sexes. The growth of hormones thrown into the blood is influenced by growth. Heredity at school age is becoming increasingly noticeable. If parents do not differ in high growth, then their Chado is unlikely to overcome the average.

The main problems of junior and medium schoolchildren are:

  • hormonal restructuring;
  • disproportionate growth of body parts;
  • an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • increased fatigue;
  • the appearance of the smell from the body.

For adolescence, these problems are only enhanced and complicated by the beginning of puberty. It starts from 12 years old, together with him the behavior of the heir. Parents, starting from the first class, it is necessary to take into account all the factors listed. If the procedures for hardening were not started in a timely time, it would be complicated this time with numerous viral and infectious diseases. Most often they are found in children who have not previously visited the children's team.

The physical development of primary school children is estimated at special standards that change after the transition to Grade 5. Hygiene is given the greatest attention in elementary school. Schoolchildren regularly check for the presence of lice, the parents can make a remark if there is an unpleasant odor. Teach your heir to keep track of your hygiene, teach to the adoption of water procedures every day. One of the common problems in junior schoolchildren is the smell of mouth and caries. Once in 6 months it is necessary to visit your dentist with your chance, make sure that he cleans his teeth.

It is not necessary to shift responsibility for assessing the physical form of a child on teachers and doctors. Parents must independently follow the day of the day, weighing, the health of the baby at any age. In a timely manner, react to CAD complaints, attend doctors with him. Do not self-medicate. It is in childhood that can irreparable to harm health. If the heir visit educational institutions, learn about the results of the assessment from teachers in order to promptly adjust the day's regime or visit the necessary doctor.

Physical developmentthe child is a combination of morphological and functional signs in their relationship and dependence on the surrounding conditions characterizing the ripening process at a given time.

In clinical pediatrician, the term "physical development" is interpreted as a dynamic growth process (an increase in the length, mass and development of individual parts of the body) and the biological ripening of the child at various periods of childhood.

Algorithm for assessing physical development

Definition of passports

Assessment of measurement results

Evaluation of harmonicity of physical development

Physical Development Conclusion

    Determination of the passport age :

Date of measurement - date of birth \u003d Passport age

    Measuring body weight:

The weight of children until 18 months should measure on the scales with the possibility of "zero-zero", calibration and the ability to evaluate weight gain up to 10 g.

Children should be weighed either naked or in a pure diaper.

Weighing is better to spend in the morning hours.

To do this, put the child on the scales, fix on the scale of its body weight, write indicators.

The weight of children over 18 months should be weighed on scales with a division scale of 100 g.

Weighing is better to spend in the morning, with a minimum number of clothes.

For weighing, you should put a child on the scales, fix on the scale of its body weight, write indicators.

    Measurement of body length and growth:

A child up to 2 years old should be measured in a lying position (dynamine), legs must be restarted into the fixed partition of the measuring table.

Child should put so that:

Head rested in a stationary partition

Legs were straightened

Heels "watched" on a footpack, fingers of legs - up.

The growth of the child from 2 to 18 years should be measured using stadiometers (heighters) when it stands back to the scale, the movable limiter. Measurements to spend better in the morning hours, in exhalation, the position of the head - the top edge of the ear and the eyes are located on one horizontal direct

Baby to put without shoes and headlife straight, back to the scale, the stops completely on the floor, the legs will disperse. Heels, buttocks, blades pressed to the scale.

With the right position of the child, fix it length, write indicators.

    Measurement of the circle of the head :

This parameter must be determined only in children up to 36 months.

The measurement of the circle of the head is made according to the "circular-frontal" circle - the greatest circumference of the head with an accuracy of up to 1 cm.

Apply a ribbon over the eyebrow, then over the ears, behind the widest part of the head.

    Surface measuring chest :

You should use a flexible non-tensile graded tape.

Measurements should be carried out at the undressed child, in exhalation, with omitted hands.

In the standing position or sitting to arrange the front ribbon at the level of the nipple line, rear - subclosure.

When the tape is correct, fix the indicators, record the results.

    Evaluation of measurement results.

Best indicators can be translated into percentile or Z-indicators.

tables standards for each indicator depending on the age and sex of the child.

Central distributions most strictly and objectively reflect the distribution of signs among healthy .

The centers columns show the quantitative boundaries of the feature in a certain share or percentage (valuable) of children of this age and gender. At the same time, for medium or conditionally, normal values \u200b\u200bare taken values \u200b\u200binherent in half healthy children of this floor and age in the range from 25 to 75 centles.

Each measured feature (growth, body weight, chest circumference)

can respectively be placed in its area, or its own

"Coridor ", the central scale in the corresponding table. Nic

the calculations are not produced. Depending on where

located this "Curdor ", it is possible to formulate the estimated

judgment and take a medical solution.

In a simultaneous assessment, it is customary to belong to the options for the norm.

measurements related to 3-5 intervals, i.e. In the zone from 10 to 90 centles.

(except for body length) is the basis for the inclusion of a child in

a group of "Translation" of the district pediatrician and attributing the 2nd group of health.

The position of the indicators in zones 1 and 7 of the intervals indicates

the need for an in-depth study for differentiation

possible diseases.

Find the position of the obtained measurements in central intervals by

standards tables for each indicator depending on age

and the sex of the child.

The z-indicator or standard deviation is a more accurate prognostic factor, especially in children who are lower than the 5th or higher than the 95th cent.

Modern graphs of the Z-indicator (nomograms) body weight, growth have x (for age) and axis y (for weight, length / growth, head circle).

The resulting body mass values, length / growth, head circumference need to be applied on the graphs of the Z-indicator. Horizontal (axis x) find the age of the child using the line to draw a vertical line from this point. Vertically (axis y) find the measured weight value, length / growth, head circle. Using the line to draw a horizontal line to its intersection with the X axis. The intersection point to designate the point.

When interpreting the results of the Z-criterion for the mean values, the interval -1 + 1 is taken. According to the recommendations of WHO, Z \u003d -2A -3 values \u200b\u200bfor growth are indicators of growth delay, for weight-gradual weight and alliance. The values \u200b\u200bz \u003d + 2 and +3 for mass can be regarded as problems with increasing, according to the graphics of the weight ratio to growth - as an excess body weight and obesity.

    Evaluation of harmonicity of physical development :

Find the difference between the maximum and minimum numbers

corridors of the core scale obtained for mass, growth and

circle breast relative to age. If the difference is 0 or 1

- physical development is harmonious if the difference is 2 - physical

development disharmonious if the difference is 3 and more -physical

development is considered sharply disharmonious.

    Conclusion in physical development.

The conclusion of the actual anthropometric data is given compared to the tables of the hearts or graphs of Z- indicators.

A general assessment of anthropometric data and the degree of harmonicity of physical development is formulated.