How to make a coffee scrub. Aromatic cleansing - features of application and recipes for coffee face scrubs. How to make a coffee grounds scrub at home

Do not throw away the coffee grounds that are left over from drunk or brewed coffee, but use them for the beauty and health of your skin. Coffee is considered healthy if not overused. It contains tons of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins.

It is best to buy coffee beans and make healthy coffee () from it for breakfast. In the evening, use their coffee grounds to scrub the whole body or just the face.

Numerous studies have proven that coffee is great for the skin and is a beauty ally. It is an anti-aging product that perfectly exfoliates the skin, protects against premature aging, smoothes fine wrinkles, eliminates cellulite, and coffee is also often used for bagging under the eyes.

How to make a coffee scrub?

Making a coffee scrub couldn't be easier, especially if you are a lover of natural coffee beans. To do this, take ground coffee (or grind the beans in advance) - one teaspoon, add the same amount of lime or flower honey and olive oil (almond oil is ideal for the face). Alternatively, you can use any vegetable oil that suits your skin type best. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply on cleansed face for 9 minutes.

Then rinse off the scrub with warm water. Perform the procedure 1 - 2 times a week. Remember that the scrub should not be applied to the eye area. It is also worth noting that it is not necessary to add honey to the scrub. You can simply mix butter and coffee 1: 1.

Since my skin is prone to dryness, I do a coffee scrub once a month. And for the body, almost at every wash, I use a massage glove, on which I apply a little fitness gel with coffee. I love its awesome smell.

Coffee grounds can be used to massage legs, buttocks. This will promote better blood and lymph circulation. In addition, the nutrients in coffee will make the skin smooth and soft.

For a gentle scrub, grind the coffee beans as fine as possible. Especially if you are preparing a facial scrub and you have sensitive skin.

Also, coffee grounds or ground coffee scrub can be used to eliminate cellulite. There are even special fitness gels with coffee that are designed for this purpose. But why spend extra money when you can make your own anti-cellulite scrub from coffee grounds at home.

Tip: Before washing, massage your body with a dry brush. This will improve the circulation of lymph, will help remove toxins from the body, and will also improve the effect of the scrub. This will allow nutrients and caffeine to penetrate the skin better.

After washing, applying a scrub, be sure to apply a nourishing cream or oil to the body. This will help retain moisture and prevent dryness or flaking.

It is worth noting that some girls use coffee to rinse their hair. This method is especially suitable for brunettes. To do this, apply coffee grounds to your scalp and hair after washing your hair. Then wash off with plenty of water. This will give dark hair a shine.

Coffee helps get rid of dark circles under the eyes

It is believed that coffee can eliminate or make less visible circles under the eyes. For this, there are all kinds of masks, creams, products with caffeine. You can make your own homemade product for dark bags under the eyes. To do this, take coffee, cottage cheese or yogurt in equal amounts, mix, then drip a little lemon juice. Put in the mixture in the refrigerator. After cooling, apply the mask to the under eye area for nine minutes. Perform the procedure once a week.

Coffee grounds are an anti-aging product. It can be used for a lifting effect on the neck and face. For this, cosmetologists advise to mix ground coffee with one egg white. This mask should be applied to the face, neck, décolleté for a few minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Honey can be used as an additional ingredient.

Ingredients for making a coffee scrub

Homemade coffee scrub belongs to natural cosmetics for skin care. In addition to coffee, it may contain other useful products that cleanse the kosha, improve blood circulation, and slow down the signs of aging.

Researchers confirm that salt and sugar are excellent at exfoliating the skin, while oils, especially coconut and jojoba oils, are excellent moisturizers, prevent flaking and dryness. However, the main ingredient in a coffee scrub is coffee. Its main actions are antioxidant, anti-cellulite. The researchers state that the caffeine (in the scrub) cannot penetrate the skin and access the bloodstream. Hence, scrubs do not pose any health hazard. Because their main action is to exfoliate the skin, improve microcirculation. In order to make the coffee scrub more powerful and effective against cellulite product, you should add more coffee (more than 5%) to it. Less than 5% should be used on delicate skin or to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

Recipe for cellulite with coffee

The simplest recipe used by Australian grandmothers for many years includes the following products: coffee grounds - 1 cup; 3 teaspoons of coconut oil three teaspoons of table salt. Mix all ingredients and use while washing in the shower. Use a massage glove for best results. The more regularly you do this scrub, the faster you will get the result.

Coffee is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which has tremendous benefits for the skin. Ground coffee beans not only perfectly cleanse the skin, but also make it soft. Caffeine stimulates drainage and improves fat burning. To obtain the desired results, in addition to using a coffee scrub, you should eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. The first results will be visible in a month.

Coffee shower gel

Coffee grounds can be used to wash the body. To do this, simply add it to your shower gel. You can also add olive oil for a moisturizing effect.

To stimulate blood and lymph circulation, it is advisable to apply coffee grounds in a circular motion from the upper body to the legs.

Additionally, coffee can be used to massage the scalp to improve hair growth. for this, coffee grounds should be mixed with shampoo and applied to hair and skin. Then rinse with warm water.

Coffee face scrubs

It is believed that coffee scrubs perfectly cleanse the face of blackheads, dead cells, and prevent the appearance of acne. These scrubs can be made from regular coffee grounds or dry ground coffee.

Popular mix: take one tablespoon of almond oil, mix with one tablespoon of coffee grounds, then add a small spoonful of honey. The scrub is ready. Apply the mixture to your face for about 9 minutes, then rinse.

Scrub with salt: for a bactericidal effect and a more thorough exfoliation, you can use a salt scrub. For this, it is better to use fine sea salt. Ingredients: coffee, salt, vegetable oil (olive) \u003d 1: 2: 2.

You can also cook coffee oat scrub ... To do this, take one large spoonful of grounds, the same amount of heavy cream, stir, then add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Apply the mixture to your face for about 7 minutes, then rinse. These scrubs can be used 1 to 2 times a week for oily skin. For a normal one - once a week. For dry - once every two weeks.

For oily skin the following scrub is suitable: mix coffee grounds with yogurt, add lemon juice (2: 2: 1). Yogurt is usually recommended for oily skin because it perfectly cleanses it of grease, impurities, refreshes the complexion. Another option: the ratio of coffee, yogurt \u003d 2: 3.

For dry skin use the following mixture: mix thick with soft cottage cheese, or fatty sour cream (1: 1).

For all skin types a scrub with the addition of oil and honey is suitable. These ingredients moisturize and nourish the skin. Mix ratio of coffee, olive oil, honey \u003d 3: 5: 1.

Sugar gives a good effect instead of honey. You can also add egg white to the mixture for a lifting effect.

To save time, you can make a solid coconut oil body scrub that can be refrigerated for a long time (up to 2 weeks).

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, coffee allergy, skin diseases, wounds, skin inflammation.

The content of the article:

Coffee is one of the most favorite drinks of the inhabitants of our planet. It helps to cheer you up, the delicious aroma gives you vigor and strength, caffeine gives you a boost of energy. Moreover, coffee is a great occasion for heartfelt conversation. But this delicious drink also has a lot of other advantages - for example, coffee grounds have a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the body and face.

Many people simply pour out the coffee grounds, considering it a completely unnecessary product. And they do it in vain, because it can become simply an irreplaceable component of a natural coffee scrub, which is much more effective than store counterparts. Homemade coffee scrub has an amazing and delicious aroma, and most importantly, it is completely natural. This product can be used for face, body and hair care.

Using a coffee grounds scrub in cosmetology

As a result of numerous clinical studies of coffee as a cosmetic product, its effectiveness has been proven. That is why coffee is added to most creams, peeling gels and scrubs. These funds have a mild abrasive effect, therefore they do not provoke trauma to the epidermis.

With regular use of a coffee scrub, blood circulation improves, the skin becomes perfectly smooth, tone evens out, and natural softness returns. This cosmetic product helps to deeply cleanse the pores, removes impurities, so that the makeup lays down evenly and retains its beauty for a longer time. After the first application of the coffee scrub, positive changes will be noticeable.

Coffee scrub has a delicate creamy texture, contains small abrasive microparticles, which can be of different diameters, depending on the degree of grinding of coffee beans and the use of additional components. Quite often in cosmetology, coffee is combined with fruit and berry seeds, sea salt, kelp powder or chopped nuts.

Unlike ready-made cosmetics, a self-prepared coffee scrub has many advantages:

  • a positive effect appears after the first use;
  • the product is completely natural and safe, therefore it is allowed to use it not only during pregnancy, but also for small children;
  • helps to quickly get rid of ugly blackheads on the face (comedones);
  • there are practically no contraindications, but it is better to refuse to use a coffee scrub if there is an allergy to this product or there are serious skin diseases;
  • it is an excellent anti-toxic agent that helps to cleanse the skin of the face of toxins, radionuclides and heavy metals;
  • minimizes the likelihood of formations on the skin - effective prevention of the development of psoriasis, melanoma, papilloma growth;
  • there is a strong antioxidant effect, due to which not only renewal, but also rejuvenation of the skin occurs;
  • coffee grounds can be used on any part of the body - face skin, head, body skin, feet, etc.;
  • there is a pronounced antibacterial effect - the skin is reliably protected from a variety of infectious rashes, including the development of fungus.
Among the main advantages of this tool is financial affordability, because after drinking coffee, at the bottom of the cup there is an invaluable product that can be used to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin.

Useful properties of a coffee scrub

Coffee beans have a very diverse and rich composition, which is why this cosmetic product helps to carry out not only effective mechanical cleansing of the facial skin, but also has a complex effect.

Numerous studies and experience in the use of natural cosmetics have shown that coffee has excellent nutritional and anti-aging properties:

  1. The coffee grounds contain fatty acids and tocopherol, which provide support for the youthfulness of the skin, photoaging is also prevented, inflammatory processes and various skin diseases are removed.
  2. Caffeine helps accelerate blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin, increases vascular tone, relieves inflammation. That is why coffee scrub is one of the most effective remedies in the fight against cellulite.
  3. Coffee grounds have a pronounced lifting effect, which is most noticeable in the area around the eyes. Thanks to regular use of such a scrub, you can easily get rid of crow's feet, while intensive restoration of skin elasticity occurs.
  4. Sterols prevent the skin from losing moisture as a result of exposure to sunlight or natural aging. At the same time, the skin becomes elastic, firm and taut.
  5. A coffee scrub is most beneficial when applied to preheated skin or before base lotions and masks are used.
  6. Coffee grounds are an excellent natural cleaner, as they quickly remove the upper cell ball and do not cause irritation or micro-injury.
  7. Chlorogenic acid provides the beginning of the accelerated generation of the epithelium. Not only does the skin rejuvenate, but also increases resistance to negative environmental factors (for example, chemicals contained in cosmetics, ultraviolet rays, etc.).
Despite the fact that coffee grounds are quite an affordable natural remedy, they are often used for expensive body wraps, peels and anti-aging masks in beauty salons.

Features of using a coffee scrub

To make the most beneficial coffee grounds scrub, you need to know a few subtleties of this process. It is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. Store coffee grounds only in a clean, dry container with a tightly closed lid. The container must be placed in the refrigerator, but it cannot be stored for more than 5 days.
  2. To not only add to the shelf life of the coffee grounds, but also to simplify the process of making a cosmetic scrub, you can add a small amount of coconut oil. The coffee grounds and coconut oil are mixed in equal amounts and the scrub base is completely ready. This mixture can be stored in a glass container under a tightly closed lid for about 14 days.
  3. If you brew coffee correctly, you can enhance the positive effect of the coffee peel. To do this, first bring water to a boil, pour coffee into the Turk, and then boil it for a couple of minutes. It is best not to use cream, sugar or other additives.
  4. The basis for the scrub can be coffee beans, which must first be ground. Ground coffee is also suitable, the main thing is that the product is of high quality and does not contain any additional impurities.
  5. Taking into account the type of skin and its condition, the frequency of using a coffee scrub will also be determined - one procedure per week will be enough for dry skin, and once every three days for oily skin.
  6. The coffee body scrub should be used after a shower or bath - the composition is applied in gentle circular motions, which should be moderately intense.
  7. The scrub can be used in the décolleté area and for facial skin care. In this case, rub it in with superficial smooth movements so as not to scratch the skin.
  8. After the end of the scrubbing procedure, a moisturizing milk or cream is applied to the skin to avoid dryness of the epidermis.
  9. It is not recommended to use the scrub on areas of the skin where there is any damage - pimples, scratches, cuts or purulent wounds.
  10. Only ground and brewed beans can be used for the coffee scrub. Instant coffee is not suitable as this product has no nutritional value for the skin.
For anti-cellulite massage and body wrap, you need to use more coffee. That is why you can collect coffee grounds for several days and store it in a glass container under a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator. Coffee grounds retain useful properties for several days.

For the care of inflamed, thin and sensitive skin, you need to choose only fine-grained coffee. For rough and problem skin, to eliminate cellulite, it is best to use coarsely ground coffee.

Coffee grounds scrub: recipes for face, body and hair

Most scrubs made with coffee grounds are versatile. However, if you use additional ingredients, you can make a product for the care of different skin types.

Coffee scrub for dry skin

The coffee grounds help to quickly remove the remaining cellular fat and impurities. It is dry skin that is prone to strong tightening, peeling, dehydration and inflammation, the restoration of the lipid layer is very slow. For this type, it is recommended to carry out 2-3 scrubbing procedures per month. It is useful to add moisturizing components to the composition of the product - for example, cottage cheese, sour cream, essential oils.

The following scrubs can be used to treat dry skin:

  1. Curd coffee scrub - several tablespoons of coffee grounds are mixed with 20 g of cottage cheese (homemade). If desired, add 2 drops of lavender oil. All components are well mixed, the resulting composition is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face, a light massage is performed for 40-60 seconds. The remains of the scrub are washed off after 9-11 minutes with warm water.
  2. Scrub with coffee and cinnamon - coffee grounds (1 tbsp) are mixed with cinnamon (0.5 tsp), sugar (0.5 tsp), salt (5 g) and apricot oil (10 ml). The resulting mixture is lubricated on the skin of the face, the remains of the scrub are washed off after a couple of minutes.
Coffee scrub for oily skin

For problem skin, coffee is just an ideal remedy, because in just 15 minutes you can restore a healthy look to your face, remove an ugly oily sheen, and remove redness. The skin is literally transformed after the first procedure, there is a rejuvenating effect, but for this coffee must be combined with honey. The most popular recipe is a mixture of a beekeeping product and coffee grounds - you can select the proportions yourself.

To maintain the beauty and health of oily skin, it is recommended that you regularly use the following recipes:

  1. Coffee and honey - bee honey (25 g) is heated in a steam bath, but cannot be brought to a boil. Coffee grounds (2 tablespoons) and any cream (30 g) are added to warm honey. The mixture is applied to the face, a light massage is done, the remains of the scrub are washed off after 10 minutes.
  2. Coffee-oatmeal - oat flakes (40 g) are crushed in a coffee grinder, coffee grounds (1–2 tsp) and sour cream (25 g) are added. The resulting composition lubricates the skin of the face and the scrub is left to dry completely, after which it is washed off with a gauze swab, previously soaked in the warm broth of the train.
Coffee scrub for all skin types

For dry, combination, sensitive or normal skin, you can use a multi-purpose coffee scrub:

  1. Coffee is mixed with any gel or foam for washing, after which the composition is used as a simple peeling gel.
  2. Rice flour is taken and mixed with coffee grounds. Brewed coffee is added until the composition reaches the desired consistency. The mixture is applied to the skin of the face, a light massage is performed, then washed off with warm water.
Coffee body scrub
  1. Cleansing scrub - For 10 g of body gel, 15 g of coffee grounds are taken. The components are mixed, the resulting composition is applied to a massage glove, after which the body is scrubbed.
  2. Nourishing scrub - 50 g of coffee grounds is combined with 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, 2 drops of orange and neroli oil are injected. The mixture is applied to the skin for several minutes until a slight redness appears, then the scrub is washed off with warm water.
  3. Scrub for stretch marks - ground coffee is mixed with dry algae powder and water (2: 2: 4). The scrub is applied to problem areas, a light massage is performed with smooth movements, after 12-16 minutes the rest of the product is washed off with warm water.
Coffee scrub for hair

Coffee will help to renew hair color, make it brighter and more saturated, and blood circulation around the hair follicles also increases, therefore, hair growth accelerates.

For hair care, you can use the following products:

  1. Toning scrub for dark hair - 3 tbsp is brewed in 50 ml of boiling water. l. ground coffee. The resulting gruel is applied to the scalp and distributed over the entire length of the hair. A plastic cap is put on the head, the remains of the scrub are washed off after 20-30 minutes with warm water.
  2. Scrub for hair growth - a handful of coffee grounds are mixed with 0.5 tsp. ground red pepper and 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil. The scrub is applied to the hair roots, rinsed off after 15 minutes. During the first few procedures, there will be not the most pleasant sensations, but soon they disappear on their own.
  3. Anti-dandruff scrub - instead of a simple shampoo, you need to use this product for 2 weeks. For its preparation, 1 tbsp is mixed. l. honey with 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds and 1 egg yolk. The scrub is applied to the hair, washed off with warm water or herbal decoction.
Thanks to the regular use of a scrub made from coffee grounds, after several procedures the skin is renewed, a beautiful radiance appears, it becomes moisturized and matte. A gentle exfoliation of the old layer of the epidermis is carried out, black spots are removed, and small mimic wrinkles are quickly smoothed.

How to make aromatic cleansing scrubs from coffee grounds, see the video below.

In modern beauty salons, coffee has long become a part of popular cosmetic procedures for the face and body. Wraps and masks based on this aromatic product are successfully used to combat excess weight, stretch marks, cellulite, to activate the processes of skin renewal and remove dead skin cells from its surface. Besides the proven effectiveness, coffee scrubs have another advantage - they can be easily prepared by yourself.

Benefits of coffee for the body

In addition to caffeine, natural coffee contains many other substances, including vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides and essential oils that humans need. These elements contribute to the breakdown of the subcutaneous fat layer and help to remove toxins and toxins from the body. Therefore, a coffee body scrub is considered an indispensable tool for:

  • cleaning the body;
  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • fight against the manifestations of cellulite;
  • flabby and loose skin;
  • weight loss;
  • recovery after childbirth or dramatic weight loss.

Ground coffee or the grounds remaining after its preparation have the following effect on the skin:

  • remove a layer of dead cells;
  • stimulate blood circulation in various layers of the epidermis;
  • improve drainage and remove swelling;
  • help burn body fat;
  • nourish, moisturize and tone the skin;
  • return her firmness and elasticity.

Coffee scrub recipes

To make your own homemade coffee scrub, you don't need to have any special skills. Just choose the most suitable recipe for the mixture and follow the simple rules for its preparation and use.

The simplest scrub with coffee and salt for cellulite

Promotes the absorption of subcutaneous fat, smoothes the orange peel, removes excess fluid, softens the skin, makes it even and elastic.

Ground coffee - 3 tbsp. l.
Sea salt - 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons l.

1. Mix all ingredients. We get a thick mass of sour cream consistency. If the mixture comes out too thick, then add more oil.
2. Apply the scrub to all problem areas with massage movements: thighs, abdomen, buttocks.
3. We wrap the treated areas of the body with cling film, wrap ourselves in a warm blanket and rest.
4. After 50 minutes, wash off the scrub with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Remedy for stretch marks with coffee and vinegar

Helps to discolor or completely remove stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden weight loss, softens the skin and improves its appearance.

Ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l.
Apple cider vinegar - 5 tbsp. l.

1. Combine natural coffee with 5% apple cider vinegar.
2. Apply the mass to the stretch marks and massage for 2-3 minutes.
3. Wrap parts of the body with a vinegar-coffee mask with cling film for 15-20 minutes.
4. Wash off the mixture with water and apply a cream for stretch marks for greater effect.

Coffee and curd scrub for oily skin

The scrub is suitable for cleansing oily skin, tightens pores, removes residual sebum and dead skin cells.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l.
Protein - 1 pc.

1. Take the egg and separate the white from the yolk.
2. Grind the protein with low-fat cottage cheese.
3. Add natural ground coffee or coffee grounds.
4. Apply the mass to damp skin and massage for about 10 minutes.
5. Keep the mask for another 15 minutes, until the protein hardens, and rinse thoroughly.

Scrub with coffee and sour cream for dry skin

The product is used to moisturize, nourish and cleanse dry skin, helping to make it soft and supple.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 4 tsp
Cinnamon - 2 tsp

1. Grind coffee with granulated sugar and add fat sour cream.
2. Pour in a little crust and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
3. Apply the mixture to damp skin and massage for no more than 10 minutes.
4. Take a warm shower and gently pat your skin dry with a towel.

Scrub mask with coffee and clay for problem skin

The mask has a bactericidal effect, helps to remove acne, relieves inflammation, strengthens the walls of capillaries, nourishes and smoothes the skin.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Clay - 2 tsp
Aloe (juice) - 4 tsp
Grape seed oil - 1 tsp.

1. Prepare biostimulated aloe juice in advance. If it is not possible to use this ingredient, then you can take an infusion of chamomile, celandine, mint or nettle.
2. Mix blue clay and ground coffee, add aloe juice or any herbal decoction to them.
3. Apply the mixture to the skin and rub in gently for about 5 minutes, then leave it on for another quarter of an hour.
4. After the procedure, you need to take a shower and lubricate the skin with grape seed oil.

Nourishing honey and coffee scrub

The scrub perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin with nutrients, cleanses keratinized particles from its surface and fights cellulite.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Water - 2 tbsp. l.
Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

1. Dilute coffee with a little water until a thick porridge is formed.
2. Add olive oil and slightly warmed liquid honey, mix everything. If the mixture is too thick, you can add more water.
3. After taking a shower, apply the scrub to clean, damp skin, especially carefully massaging problem areas for 8-10 minutes.
4. After the massage, keep the mixture for the same amount of time and wash off.

Hot Coffee Pepper Scrub

The mask has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect, improves blood circulation and metabolism in tissues, helps to burn and remove subcutaneous fat.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Water - 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Black pepper - ½ tsp.
Red pepper - ⅓ tsp.

1. We dilute natural coffee or the rest of its preparation with hot water to a mushy state.
2. Pour olive oil into the coffee mass and add the pepper mixture. Before using, we check the scrub on the wrist and, if the mixture is too hot, add more oil, which will soften the effect of the peppers.
3. Apply the scrub to areas of the body with "orange peel" and keep it for no more than 10 minutes.
4. Wash off the mask with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Video: Recipe for making an anti-cellulite scrub with coffee and honey.

Which coffee is better to use

To make your own coffee scrubs, you need to use the highest quality products. First of all, this applies to coffee. It should be only natural, whole grain or ground. Soluble varieties or mixtures with additional ingredients will not do any good and may even hurt.

Instead of coffee, it is allowed to use properly prepared grounds:

  • which remains after cooking a strong natural drink (at least 2 spoons per glass of water);
  • during the preparation process, you should not add milk or sugar to coffee;
  • it is recommended to boil the drink, and not just pour boiling water;
  • storage of grounds in a closed jar is allowed, but not more than 5 days.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

Homemade coffee body scrubs give amazing results when you choose the right recipe and follow the sequence:

  1. It is recommended to shower first and cleanse your skin thoroughly.
  2. Then you need to apply the mixture to a wet body or its problem areas.
  3. If necessary, massage some areas with gentle circular motions.
  4. If recommended in the recipe, you can wrap yourself in cling film, a blanket and rest for a while or do housework.
  5. Wash off the product with warm water and gently blot the body with a towel.
  6. After the procedure, apply a moisturizer or oil to the skin.
  7. Within 2 hours after applying the scrub, it is advisable not to eat anything, just drink water or green tea.
  8. The procedure can be performed every 2-3 days. The course is designed for 10-12 sessions.
  9. During this time, you should adhere to a light diet regimen and exercise.
  10. To prevent cellulite and maintain a beautiful figure, coffee scrubbing courses should be carried out 3-4 times a year.

Video: An example of preparing and applying a scrub with coffee.

At all times, women have sought to take care of themselves to maintain and preserve beauty and youth. Recipes for natural home cosmetics have been passed down from generation to generation and have been improved. One of the most beloved and effective ingredients used in the preparation of various scrubs, masks and body wraps is coffee. What are its benefits for the skin and how you can prepare various care products yourself at home with it, we will talk in this article.

What is useful

In fact, it's hard to underestimate the benefits of coffee. Due to its caffeine content, it:

  • Promotes smoothing and rejuvenation of the skin, removing excess fluid from the body and improving blood circulation;
  • It is one of the best products used for weight loss, as it has a fat-burning effect and reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • Effectively fights stretch marks, restores skin tone and elasticity.

Besides caffeine, coffee contains antioxidants that help keep skin looking youthful.

What coffee is needed

However, not all coffee is equally beneficial as a cosmetic. It is necessary to refrain from using instant drink, because it will not bring you absolutely any benefit, on the contrary, it can even harm you. It is best to prepare masks, scrubs and wrap mixtures from ground coffee, and it is advisable to choose a fine or medium grind for better exfoliation of dead skin particles and to avoid trauma.

Using the grounds

If you prefer to buy coffee beans and prepare it yourself in a Turk, you can prepare a cosmetic product based on used coffee pomace (grounds). In order for the coffee grounds remaining after the preparation of the drink to work as such a remedy, please observe the following rules:

  • Brew coffee without additives (milk, cream, sugar, spices, etc.);
  • Use only natural coffee cake;
  • For maximum efficiency, the drink is brewed for a few minutes; do not just pour boiling water over it;
  • The coffee grounds have a certain shelf life - they can serve you no more than 5 days if stored correctly: they should stand in a cool, dark place, in a closed container.

Application rules

So, you've decided to make a coffee blend and use it to carry out your skin care routine. For maximum effect, your body must be carefully prepared. So, here's what you need to do first:

  • Make sure you are not allergic to this product. The main principle of any medical procedure is do no harm. Our goal is to care for the skin of the face and body, however, if the use of coffee is impossible due to individual intolerance, you will have to find another product for these purposes;
  • Before starting scrubbing or wrapping, you need to thoroughly steam and cleanse the skin. The pores should be opened as much as possible for better assimilation of the nutrients contained in the coffee mixture. That is why many people love to use such a scrub after visiting a bath or infrared sauna;
  • The duration of the procedure is at least 10 minutes.

To combat cellulite:

  • To prepare an anti-cellulite scrub, choose black or green coffee, coarsely ground, without any artificial flavors and additives. Instead of ground coffee, you can take coffee grounds and prepare the necessary mixture;
  • The massage of problem areas is performed as follows: you intensively rub your legs and buttocks from the bottom up (this is how the lymphatic pathways pass) to remove excess fluid from the body; massage the tummy in a circular motion;
  • The coffee scrubbing procedure must be carried out at least 2 times a week for the appearance and maintenance of a stable result;
  • The subsequent bath with grapefruit, juniper or orange essential oils will enhance the effect of the procedure.

If you want to get rid of stretch marks:

  • Take a finely ground coffee, green is best; mix it with sea salt in a 2: 1 ratio and add enough water to make a mixture with the consistency of sour cream. It is allowed to add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • With slow movements in a circle, apply the resulting mass to problem areas;
  • Leave the mixture on the body for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  • It is advisable to carry out this procedure no more than once every two weeks, for better regeneration of the skin.

With a coffee scrub, you can get rid of unwanted body hair. This is done like this:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of coffee pomace and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Dilute the mixture with cold water to the consistency of sour cream;
  • Pre-steam the skin thoroughly by taking a hot bath;
  • Apply the mixture in a circular motion to the areas where hair removal is required. Rub it in for about 5 minutes;
  • After the scrubbing procedure, wrap the treated areas with cling film without rinsing off the scrub. Sit quietly for half an hour;
  • To obtain the effect of such epilation, it is necessary to carry out at least 5 procedures with an interval of 4-5 days.


  • If you suffer from varicose veins, you have problems with blood pressure or the cardiovascular system, then you will have to refuse to use the coffee component as part of home care cosmetics;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, serious skin rashes, tumors are also contraindications to the use of coffee as a cosmetic;
  • Even in the absence of the above restrictions, you should not get carried away and apply coffee scrubs more than three times a week.


One of the best remedies for the prevention and treatment of cellulite at home, as well as for increasing the elasticity of the skin of the face and body, is coffee soap.

It is easy to make it at home according to the following recipe: take a couple of pieces of baby soap, grate them, pour in 30 ml of olive oil and melt in a water bath. Next, add 3 tablespoons of sea salt and 4 tablespoons of coffee pomace or finely ground coffee. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour into molds. Refrigerate. The soap should harden within two hours. Then remove it from the molds and wrap it with cling film.

This natural soap will be a great tool for daily care, as well as a gift for a loved one.

For a delicate and effective cleansing of oily skin, the scrub from coffee grounds and honey.To prepare it, take a teaspoon of each component: honey, coffee cake, natural yogurt, olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on face for 8-10 minutes, like a mask, then rinse it off with gentle circular movements;

Problem skin with rashes can be cured by using a mask of coffee, honey and cinnamon. The components are mixed in equal proportions, the mass is applied to the face for 6-7 minutes and washed off with light massage movements. Take care not to damage the inflamed skin and aggravate the rash;

Suitable for nourishing and moisturizing the skin coffee scrub with sour cream.Add fresh sour cream and olive oil to finely ground coffee, mix equally. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, apply on face, leave for 10 minutes. Next, rinse off the mixture with warm water. This mask will help you cleanse and even out the skin, as well as improve its color;

Another scrub that will leave your skin soft and silky - with coffee and coconut oil.Take coffee pomace (1 tsp), natural yogurt (3-5 tsp) and coconut oil (2 tsp), mix and apply on the body in a circular motion. You can leave the mixture on for 10 minutes for an even more moisturizing effect;

Now let's talk about anti-cellulite scrubs based on coffee. The classic scrub is prepared by mixing coffee grounds with water at room temperature, to the consistency of porridge. This mixture is applied to problem areas, massage is carried out for 15-20 minutes; then wash off everything with warm water;

For better glide, add shower gel to the coffee mass. You can also add some sea salt there, which also has an anti-cellulite effect;

Honey scrub using coffee pomace:mix coffee and honey in a 1: 2 ratio and massage the body for 10-15 minutes;

Salt scrub for anti-cellulite massage: take coffee (1 tablespoon), sea salt (1 tablespoon) and olive oil (5-6 drops). Beforehand, it is recommended to thoroughly steam the body in a bath, then treat the necessary places with this mixture and rinse off after 10-15 minutes;

The following recipe must be used with caution as it can cause an allergic reaction. It consists in adding to the coffee grounds of hot pepper tincture (5-6 drops) and olive oil (also 5-6 drops). The mixture is applied to the body in the form of a wrap and lasts for about an hour. If you feel discomfort, for example, an unpleasant burning sensation, then it is better to immediately wash off the product to avoid burns;

Take a few drops (literally 5-6, no more, so as not to cause a negative skin reaction) of grapefruit, orange or tangerine oils, add them to the prepared coffee grounds (about 100 grams), apply on the skin and massage problem areas for 10 minutes;

Oatmeal is also often used to combat cellulite. Mix 4 tablespoons of well-ground cereal with 2 tablespoons of coffee pomace, add a spoonful of sour cream or yogurt, mix well and massage for 10 minutes intensively. Then take a warm shower;

You can also use coffee grounds for the preparation of nourishing masks for the scalp.Take 1 packet of gelatin, dilute it in water, add a little over half a tablespoon of coffee pomace and some hair conditioner. Apply the mixture to your hair, leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash your hair thoroughly. This mask will give shine to your hair, make it manageable and smooth;

Another recipe useful for hair - mask with egg yolk. The ingredients are as follows: cognac - 1 tbsp, hot water - 1 tbsp, olive (or linseed) oil - 1 tsp, egg yolk - 2 pcs. Everything must be thoroughly mixed, applied to the hair, put on a plastic bag on top and wrap your head with a towel. It is necessary to maintain the mixture for at least 30 minutes. After applying such a mask, your hair will become silky and shiny, its growth will increase and the roots will strengthen. The procedure must be carried out at least once every 5 days.


Dear readers, today we will have a very fragrant article. And if you are the same lover of pampering yourself as I am, then I hope that you will like it. We will arrange for ourselves simple home procedures with a coffee scrub for face and body. Let's refresh and cleanse the skin, make it more elastic and aromatic.

Our scrub will be delicious. Surely, and you are doing something similar. I would be glad if you share your recipes for making such a coffee scrub. Let's move away from the standard approach to drinking coffee. We will benefit both the soul and the body. Let's try!

Why is coffee body scrub useful?

Opinions are usually divided about the use of coffee and its health benefits. Someone likes this aromatic drink, others consider it unhealthy. Today we will not delve into this topic. But, be that as it may, cosmetologists repeat almost with one voice: coffee is very useful for the skin!
Scrubs usually use coffee grounds or ground coffee. Particles of these ingredients perfectly cleanse the pores of the body from fat and impurities, and act as an excellent peeling. But this is not only the beauty of a coffee scrub.

Caffeine, which is part of ground beans, gives the skin the following benefits:

  • strongly dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation both in the skin and in the subcutaneous layer. As a result, metabolic processes are accelerated, fats are broken down faster;
  • removes excess fluid from skin cells, as a result the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, it becomes more attractive in appearance. Also, the volume of the body decreases in parallel and the weight decreases;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Because of this effect, the use of a coffee body scrub is a wonderful prevention of varicose veins. If the scrub is applied regularly, the walls of the vessels become more elastic, strengthened, and this greatly reduces the risk of disease.
  • In addition, the natural antioxidants found in coffee rejuvenate the skin and maintain its beauty.

What coffee is needed for a scrub?

Of course, you can buy a ready-made coffee scrub. But we are quite capable of making it with our own hands. Not only will it be cheaper than the purchased one, but we will also be 100% sure of its naturalness and quality!
For good scrubs and masks, use natural ground coffee. Be sure to pay attention to the period and conditions of its storage - it is better not to take expired coffee! According to experts, green coffee is best used for anti-aging purposes.

It is advisable to use natural fine and medium ground coffee. Very large particles can damage the delicate skin of the face and body.

Attention! Do not use various coffee drinks for making a scrub! It can harm the body. Instant coffee will be of little use. Even buying a light shade of tan, we can get a sad picture: the color will fade unevenly and it will not work out especially aesthetic.

How to use coffee grounds for scrubs?

Coffee grounds are also often used. It is important to remember that it must be:

  • from strong natural coffee;
  • without the use of sugar, milk or cream.

The thick can be stored in a tightly closed jar in a dry, cool, dark place for a maximum of 5 days.

Be sure to add emollients such as oils to the scrub.

And one more important point - any home scrub must first be tested for an allergic reaction. Especially if the product contains essential oils and honey.

Home scrub from coffee grounds. Recipes

Coffee scrub with butter and sugar

Scrub composition: coffee grounds - 1 tbsp. spoon, brown sugar - 1 tsp, any base oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt and cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.
Application: mix everything, apply the scrub on the face with massage movements, hold for 10 minutes and then rinse. This scrub wonderfully cleanses the skin of the face.

Coffee scrub with cottage cheese

Scrub composition: coffee grounds - 1 tbsp. spoon, fat cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
Application: apply the scrub on the face, massage the skin lightly, hold the scrub like a mask for 5-10 minutes. Then wash off with water. For oily skin, such a scrub is not used.

Coffee scrub with walnuts

The composition of the scrub: coffee grounds - 1 tsp, finely ground walnuts - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
Application: apply on face for 5-10 minutes, rinse off. This scrub will give freshness to tired skin.

Oatmeal Coffee Scrub

The composition of the scrub: coffee grounds - 1 tsp, ground oatmeal - 1 tbsp. spoon, sour cream, or yogurt, or cream - 1 tsp.
Application: Apply the scrub to your face, massage the skin for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with water.

Coffee scrub with fruit puree

The composition of the scrub: coffee grounds - 1 teaspoon, mashed potatoes from any fruit - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
Application: apply to face, massage, hold for a little on the skin, then rinse with water. This scrub is great for oily skin.

Homemade coffee scrubs. Recipes

A simple and safe way to make a coffee body scrub is to take a little coffee and one of the base oils, cream or body lotion. It is good to add a pinch of cinnamon to them - this seasoning will warm the skin and give a pleasant aroma to the scrub. You can also add special essential oils with an anti-cellulite effect.

For express scrubbing, coffee is mixed with regular shower gel. But, of course, "complex" scrubs will do much more good. And again, here we can always show our imagination, use what is best for your skin, which is available at home. Perhaps, after reading the recipes, you will also discover new recipes for homemade coffee body scrubs.

Coffee scrub with clay

The composition of the scrub: coffee grounds - 50 g, clay (black, blue or pink is suitable) - 100 g, water - 10-20 ml.
Application: apply to the body, massage the skin for 3-5 minutes, rinse with water. This scrub can also be left on for longer as a mask.

Sea Salt Coffee Scrub

Scrub composition: coffee grounds - 100-150 g, fine sea salt - 100-150 g, olive oil - 10 ml.
Application: mix the ingredients, apply to the skin, massage the body for 5 minutes. Then wash it off.

Coffee scrub with almond oil

The composition of the scrub: ground coffee - 2 tsp, almond oil - 50 ml, honey or brown sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Application: Apply to skin, massage, then rinse. Great for dry skin.

Coffee scrub with yogurt

The composition of the scrub: coffee grounds - 100 g, yogurt without additives - 250 g.
Application: as in the previous recipe, apply to the body and hold for a few minutes, then rinse with water. This scrub is good for dry skin.

Coffee scrub for cellulite with honey

Scrub composition: coffee grounds - 100 g, honey - 200 g.
Application: apply to skin, keep for no more than 10 minutes. It is very helpful to massage the skin gently with a series of upward strokes. Such actions will help to cope with cellulite.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub with ginger oil

The composition of the scrub: ground coffee - 1 teaspoon, olive oil - 1 teaspoon, sea salt - 1 teaspoon, ginger oil - 3-4 drops.
Application: mix the ingredients and massage the skin well. Then wash it off.

Coffee scrub with pepper

The composition of the scrub: coffee grounds - 150 g, pepper tincture - 1 tsp, fine sea salt - 150 g.
Application: apply to skin, keep for no more than 5 minutes. This scrub will warm up the skin well and increase blood circulation.

Coffee scrub with coconut oil

The composition of the scrub: ground coffee - 1 teaspoon, plain yogurt without additives - 3-5 teaspoons, coconut oil - 2 teaspoons.
Application: apply to the body, massage, you can hold for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Coffee scrub mask for cellulite

Scrub composition: ground coffee - 1 tbsp. spoon, blue clay - 1 tbsp. the spoon. Dilute all this in mineral water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
Application: massage problem areas on the body, then wrap with foil for an hour.

How to apply coffee scrubs correctly?

  • before applying the scrub, steam the skin, you can take a warm bath;
  • the scrub is applied only to damp skin;
  • it is imperative to massage the skin for at least 5-10 minutes, otherwise there will be no obvious effect from the scrub;
  • after scrubbing, apply cream to the body;
  • do not get carried away with scrubs - use them no more than two or three times a week;
  • if you have dry or normal skin, you can safely use coffee grounds to make scrubs. It is better for owners of oily skin to prefer scrubs with ground coffee;
  • after the end of the procedure, it is good to take a contrast shower, or a bath with sea salt;
  • for the effect of maximum weight loss with a coffee scrub, it is better to use a massage washcloth, and after scrubbing it is good to take an anti-cellulite bath with essential oils;
  • rub the abdomen in a circular motion, thighs - from bottom to top, arms - from hand to shoulder;
  • if you are allergic to coffee - stop using coffee scrubs! Take care of your health!

And do you know what else I like so much to use coffee scrub for face and body? Then you go into the bathroom, and there are magical aromas - the aftertaste of our female secrets ... What are they extraordinary. It is precisely the notes of something elusively inviting that they create ... And one more subtlety, which we all should also not forget: try to carry out all procedures without your soulmate. Let them see us beautiful, shining, alluring, but the procedure itself usually does not make them very happy (of course, I am discussing everything here with humor, but I think you perfectly understand what I wanted to say).