How to increase lactation: proven ways. Effective pills to increase lactation

The production of milk by the mammary glands (lactation) is regulated by hormones (estrogen, progesterone, prolactin). Often in the first days after childbirth, a woman experiences disappointment and anxiety: the process is slow and it seems that the child is malnourished.

In most cases, milk deficiency in the early stages of feeding is not an obstacle to breastfeeding and the transition to artificial formula. Correct organization of hepatitis B and the use of various methods will help stimulate lactation after childbirth.

Ways to stimulate lactation

The most accessible and simple method is the frequent latching of the baby to the breast. During feeding, the nipples are naturally stimulated, which makes the mammary glands work harder. Night feeds are especially useful, since the hormone prolactin is most actively produced during these hours.

The key to normal lactation is feeding on demand, not by the hour. You also do not need to limit the time the baby is at the breast during this process.

In addition to natural stimulation, there are a number of additional methods. Possible drug stimulation of lactation, the use of a breast pump, regular expression, the use of special teas.


Most often, the problem of lack of milk occurs in the first days after childbirth. Sometimes this problem is contrived or grossly exaggerated. Then she is solved by frequent attachment of the baby to the breast.

Deficiency can occur after suffering or other infectious diseases. In this case, natural stimulation may not be enough. To normalize the feeding process, the following drugs can be recommended.


The advantage is the natural origin of the drug. It is based on royal jelly, vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, folic acid, amino acids. The recommended dose is 1 tablet 3 times a day. Duration of admission is 10-15 days. It is not recommended to increase the dose.

Acceptance of funds contributes to:

  • improving lactation;
  • rapid recovery of the body after childbirth;
  • increasing the immunity of both the mother and the baby;
  • normalization of the psycho-emotional state of the mother.

At the same time, doctors note that there is no direct effect of the active substances of the drug on the production of breast milk and on changes in the hormonal system of a woman. But the general strengthening and sedative effect of Apilak has a positive effect, increasing the mother's confidence in her capabilities.

Since the drug is based on a beekeeping product, there is a risk of rashes in children prone to developing allergies.


It is a homeopathic medicine that includes:

  • nettle - stimulates milk production, relieves swelling of the mammary glands, ensures normal blood circulation in the milk ducts;
  • Abraham tree - has a calming effect, stimulates the production of prolactin;
  • meadow lumbago - eliminates stagnation in the mammary glands, normalizes lactation.

Also used to prevent mastitis and treat postpartum haemorrhage. Mlekoin granules should be taken in 5 pieces at a time. They are placed under the tongue until they are completely absorbed. The best time for an appointment is half an hour before breakfast. If necessary, make a second appointment in the evening. The tool does not cause side effects and has practically no contraindications. Some breastfeeding experts recommend alternating the intake of Mlekoin with Apilak.


Dietary supplement based on carrot juice, nettle, oregano, dill, royal jelly. It is fortified with potassium iodide and vitamin C.

Forms of release - tea and tablets. The tool is effective not only for milk production, but also for normalizing the thyroid gland, eliminating colic in a newborn, improving his appetite, and increasing immunity. Tablets are taken 3-4 times a day with meals. If a nursing mother prefers tea, two glasses should be drunk a day.

Lactogone is well tolerated and does not cause side effects or allergies in infants. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.


Release form - dry mix. It is dissolved in water and taken before meals. This food supplement is used to improve the diet of a nursing mother. It contains natural cow's milk, corn, soybean and coconut oil, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.

Femilak can be taken even during pregnancy. The daily norm is 40 g (this is approximately 9 scoops). The mixture can be used to enhance the flavor of other dishes. It is added to tea, cocoa, milk porridge. Pieces of fruit and berries can be added to the prepared Femilak mixture.

It should be noted that lactation preparations are not a panacea and by themselves do not guarantee the formation of milk. They are effective only when combined with other methods of increasing lactation. In addition, some of them can cause allergic reactions in a child, therefore, they should not be abused and the recommended dose should not be significantly exceeded.

Lactation teas

Many mums choose to use tea to stimulate lactation. This method was also used by our grandmothers, who prepared such drinks on their own based on herbs. Today, milk-boosting teas are available over the counter.

HIPP tea

Tea can be taken at a time when the child at a new stage of development requires more food than the mother's body can provide. Clinical studies have shown that regular use of the drug helps to increase lactation several times.

The main advantage of tea is its composition, which does not contain preservatives, flavors and chemical dyes. Compound:

  • anise - increases the amount of milk, relieves painful spasms;
  • fennel - improves the functioning of the child's digestive system, has a calming effect;
  • lemon verbena - gives tea a pleasant aroma;
  • cumin - increases milk flow.

Grandma's basket

For nursing mothers, teas are produced with two flavors: anise and rosehip. In addition to them, other natural ingredients are also included: fruits of fennel and caraway, nettle and lemon balm leaves.

Drinking teas "Babushkino basket" is necessary in courses. Within 2-3 weeks, you need to drink a glass of tea 2-3 times a day half an hour before feeding the baby. Then a break is required for several weeks, after which the course is repeated.


The composition is similar to the drink from "Babushkino Lukoshko". These are fennel, cumin, anise, nettle leaves. Lactavit should not be taken during pregnancy. The tea is also known as Lactafitol.

Using a breast pump and expressing

If the child, for certain reasons, cannot or does not want to breastfeed, and the woman intends to continue hepatitis B, lactation is stimulated with a breast pump. Although there is a small risk that your baby will get used to bottle sucking, it is better to feed him expressed milk than to switch to formula. The use of a breast pump is a must for mastitis. With its help, it is possible to prevent stagnation in inflamed areas and increase the blood supply to the mammary glands.

There are mechanical and electric breast pumps. Electric models are more perfect. They are easy to use at home. The disadvantage of such models is the high cost, but it pays for itself on condition of long-term use.

One of the most readily available methods is pumping stimulation. Expression is especially effective in the first 2 to 3 weeks after delivery. Usually babies still eat very little, and many breastfeed with difficulty and fall asleep from effort. To stimulate the mammary glands to work intensively, you need to express after each feed. When expressing, the nipple should be between the index and middle fingers of the hand. Movements should be rhythmic.

When the feeding process is fine, there is no need to overuse pumping. Excessive enthusiasm for this process can cause. For normal lactation, active sucking of the baby is sufficient.

Hormonal stimulation of lactation

There are methods that can induce milk production in nulliparous women. They are necessary for those mothers who are raising an adopted child. Since breast milk is produced at a hormonal level, artificial stimulation of lactation will facilitate its production.

A woman takes a certain amount of hormones that stimulate lactation. Children fed with such milk develop no less fully than their peers.

Hormonal stimulation of lactation has its own side effects and contraindications, so it can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The diet of a nursing mother

High-quality, balanced and high-calorie nutrition is also the key to successful lactation. Today, pediatricians no longer insist on a strict feeding diet. It is enough to exclude or limit the intake of foods that can cause allergies. These include citrus fruits, chocolate, and some sweets. Sweet carbonated water, spicy foods and fast food are undesirable.

Products to stimulate lactation:

  • lean meats (turkey, chicken, rabbit meat);
  • buckwheat or oatmeal cooked in milk or water;
  • nuts;
  • radish with honey;
  • carrots and carrot juice;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins);
  • black and red currants, gooseberries;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lettuce with olive oil.

A prerequisite for normalizing milk production is drinking plenty of fluids. Recommended drinks include:

  • plain or mineral water without gas;
  • goat milk;
  • fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, kefir, natural yogurt);
  • green and ginger teas;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • natural juices.

It was previously believed that cow's milk significantly improves the secretory function of the mammary glands. However, this is not true. It can be included in the diet of a nursing mother only if the baby is not allergic to cow protein. It is better to drink natural juices diluted with water.


Massage to stimulate lactation increases milk production while preventing external damage and stretch marks. Before carrying out it, you need to rinse your chest with warm water. The mammary glands are rubbed in a circular motion, using castor and olive oil. Before feeding, the remaining oil must be washed off!

The breast of a nursing mother should always be warm. Therefore, the effectiveness of the massage is increased if it is carried out while taking a shower. A stream of water is directed to the mammary gland from the side of the collarbone. It is useful to massage your breasts after feeding.

Breast massage to stimulate lactation

Complex special exercises during massage provide the necessary muscle tone, start blood circulation, and protect the mammary glands from stagnation.

Stimulation of lactation after cesarean

Scientists have proven that the quantity and quality of milk during lactation directly depends on the products that a woman consumes. Therefore, if the question arises about how to increase lactation, you need to think first of all not about drugs and medicines, but about how to increase the calorie content of your own diet. But this should be done correctly, without going beyond the use of healthy and wholesome food.

Diet as a means of increasing lactation

Before starting to eat more, it is necessary to analyze the existing diet and determine its nutritional value. During breastfeeding, it should be on average 700-1000 kcal higher than in the normal state, for which the energy value of the food consumed per day should be on average 2300 kcal.

The mother's daily diet should contain poultry or fish, milk and dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese, vegetables and fruits. From fats it is better to use butter, but not more than 20 g per day. The main tool that helps a woman both increase lactation and maintain it at this level is maintaining the correct ratio of these products. It is impossible to allow an overweight in the direction of proteins, carbohydrates, and even more so fats. Increasing the consumption of one component, you need to adjust the amount of the rest.

The amount of water you drink should be at least 2 liters per day. Some women find that if they drink more fluids, the amount of milk they produce will increase. And this is true, but at the same time its composition will change. It should be borne in mind that in this case the milk will contain less protein and vitamins. Therefore, this is not the best way to increase lactation. The level of protein in breast milk is also influenced by how much a nursing mother consumes sweets - sugar, rolls, pastries, bread. The more of these foods eaten, the less protein the child gets.

Products that increase and decrease lactation

Before you start artificially increasing the amount of milk, you need to be firmly convinced that it is really not enough. If you cannot determine this on your own, then you can always consult a pediatrician.

But if it nevertheless turned out that the baby is malnourished, then first of all you need to limit yourself in products that reduce lactation: chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, mushrooms, cocoa. In addition, you need to exclude alcohol in any of its manifestations. Contrary to the stereotype, it is not only not a product that increases lactation, but also negatively affects the health of the child, since it passes through the blood quite quickly into milk. The same applies equally to nicotine.

Onions, garlic and spices should also be excluded from the diet, since they give milk an unpleasant aftertaste, due to which the baby can refuse to breast.

If we talk about how to increase lactation, one cannot fail to mention such a remedy as warm tea with milk. Sometimes it is advised to drink it with honey, but since honey is a strong allergen, it should be added to tea with caution. Tea should be drunk half an hour before feeding the baby. This simple method does not affect the amount of milk, but the intensity of its production.

Lactation is also stimulated by meat and chicken broths, cheeses (especially Adyghe and feta cheese), seeds and various fermented milk products. In addition, you can start drinking drinks on a regular basis with natural lactation enhancers - dandelion, ginger, cumin, radish, carrots and fennel.

Means for increasing lactation: simple recipes for healthy drinks

  • Carrot juice. Washed carrots should be doused with boiling water, grated and squeezed out. 1 glass of juice should be drunk 2-3 times a day, and it should be prepared immediately before use;
  • Carrots with cream. One of the variations of an effective remedy for increasing lactation. Grated carrots (3-4 tablespoons) should be poured with a glass of milk and let it brew a little. Take 1 glass 3 times a day;
  • Tincture on dandelion leaves. Wash freshly picked leaves, scroll through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and salt a little. Leave to infuse for half an hour, then take half a glass 1-2 times a day. To slightly improve the taste, you can add a few drops of lemon juice and sugar;
  • Caraway cocktail. Pour 8 g of caraway seeds with 0.5 l of water, add half a chopped lemon and 50 g of sugar. Mix everything, put on low heat and cook for 5-10 minutes. Strain and cool the finished drink. Take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Anise drink. Anise is an excellent product that increases lactation. To prepare a drink, you need to pour 15 g of the seeds of this plant with a liter of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain, cool and drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Preparations for increasing lactation

In some cases, folk remedies to increase lactation do not help. It often happens that a young mother simply does not have enough time to prepare tinctures and drinks. In this case, the woman is forced to use some medicines with a similar effect.

At the same time, taking medications and pharmaceutical teas to increase lactation does not cancel the normalization of the diet, since this is the main way to increase the amount of milk. Here is a list of some of the most effective drugs for increasing lactation:

  • Lactagon. The preparation contains royal jelly in combination with nettles, carrots and some other components, due to which the desired result is achieved;
  • Femilak-2. Dry milk product, which contains protein, vitamins and some useful minerals;
  • Lactavite. Cumin, fennel, nettle and anise - the most powerful herbs that improve lactation are collected here;
  • Apilak. The preparation is based on royal jelly with a variety of trace elements and vitamins;
  • Tea "Babushkino basket". It contains useful herbs in the right proportions. This is a ready-made answer to the question of how to increase lactation - packed and waiting for a woman on the shelf of a store or pharmacy. Such tea saves time, which is spent on self-preparation of the collection for brewing drinks;
  • Mlekoin. Homeopathic medicine in granules taken before meals.

How to increase and maintain lactation?

After enough milk has been produced, women often wonder how to maintain this condition.

Firstly, you need to remember about the quantity and quality of the foods consumed, and secondly, follow simple recommendations:

  • Observe the daily routine: sleep 8-10 hours a day, walk in the fresh air for at least 2 hours;
  • Do not skip night feedings, they are required. This point is especially important because the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, is produced precisely at night. Due to this, the night feeding of the baby is of better quality, and the process itself is lengthy. If a mother has stopped feeding at night and is interested in the question of how to increase lactation, then all she needs to do is to resume them;
  • Consume more fermented milk products;
  • Apply the baby to the breast more often;
  • Drink multivitamins;
  • Be less nervous, have a positive attitude;
  • Relax during feeding and put off all business for the sake of this process.

These are the main methods of how to increase lactation. If after their application the situation does not change, then you will need to consult a doctor for advice. You may need to additionally feed your baby formula milk.

Text: Alina Litovchenko

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Every mommy can breastfeed her baby, but on condition that she really wants it and does it right. Only in 3-5% of women lactation is impossible due to physiology and various diseases. There are lactation enhancement pills available over the counter without a doctor's prescription to help milk release in just the right amount.

What causes lactation problems?

Some women, especially those who have become mothers for the first time, may need pills to improve lactation, since for a number of reasons milk does not arrive as the child requires, or for some reason it suddenly became scarce during mature lactation. To understand what happens in a nursing body, you need to understand a little about the processes that affect milk production.

The newborn baby is immediately applied to the mother's breast, but not in order to feed, but for planting useful, not pathogenic microflora in a still sterile body. But the milk will not come earlier than on the third or fifth day, and some even later.

It is provided by nature so that all this time the baby still does not experience severe hunger and that colostrum that gets during regular attachments is enough for him. It is they who stimulate the production of a very important hormone - oxytocin, which is responsible for the secretion of milk.

But for the appearance of it, as such, prolactin is responsible, produced to a greater extent in the dark (at night, in the morning hours), and therefore it is necessary to feed the newborn not only during the day.

But sometimes milk comes in very little and mommy starts to get nervous, as the child screams from hunger. In this case, hot teas, warm baths, rest and pills designed to enhance lactation, of which there are several types, will come to the rescue. Let's find out which ones.

List of pills to enhance milk lactation

Medicines designed to increase the amount of milk in a mother may have a homeopathic or herbal composition, and also contain bee waste products as the main component. All of these substances, with regular use, contribute to both the production and the better excretion of milk. All funds belong to the group of dietary supplements - biologically active additives.

This is the most famous and widespread remedy that is quite cheap, but it can change a lot in the life of a mother and child. The main condition for taking these pills for lactation is the absence of allergies in mothers and babies to products produced by bees (honey, royal jelly, pollen, and others). In addition, the composition contains vitamins necessary for feeding a baby.

Apillac is taken in pill form three times a day for two months. The effect comes in two to three days, but it takes a long time to consolidate.


In addition to royal jelly, these tablets for enhancing and restoring lactation include extracts of useful plants (ginger, dill, oregano, oats, nettle, carrot juice), which enhance the effect of the main component. In addition, there is also vitamin C and iodine that every woman needs.

This dietary supplement can be used in case of insufficient milk from the very birth of the baby, and also for its recovery during forced breaks in feeding. You should take 3-4 tablets a day half an hour before feeding, drinking them with a sufficient amount of liquid.

This remedy has a homeopathic composition and is usually well tolerated by lactating women, but sometimes, at the very beginning of the intake, there may be an even greater decrease in milk levels and an allergy to the drug. Mlekoin is prescribed 5 granules under the tongue for resorption twice a day with early hypogalactia (lack of milk), as well as late (lactation crises).

Reading time: 7 minutes

The drugs that are used to stop breastfeeding act on the female hormonal system by stimulating the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, to stop. It is necessary to take pills to stop lactation with caution: the hormonal system is extremely unpredictable and for some women such drugs may be contraindicated, since they can cause the development of serious diseases, including mastitis.

Termination of lactation with pills

A natural stage in the life of any mom is to stop feeding her baby. At the same time, the timing of the interruption of feeding is individual, however, WHO standards provide for the completion of feeding up to 2 years. In the future, the child does not need breast milk. Too long breastfeeding causes health problems for the mother (the main pathology is osteoporosis).

It is best to wean your baby gradually so that dietary changes do not cause stress and digestive problems for him. However, in some cases, you need to stop feeding or stop lactation immediately. Good reasons for this are:

  • separation from the baby;
  • severe pathologies of the mother (tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, HIV);
  • late termination of pregnancy;
  • stillbirth;
  • breast abscesses;
  • deep prematurity of the fetus (especially with cerebral hemorrhages).

Operating principle

Medicines to reduce lactation are aimed at suppressing the production of prolactin, a hormone that triggers and maintains milk production. Nevertheless, the active components in the composition of such medicines can cause side effects and have a number of contraindications - these factors must be taken into account when choosing a means to reduce prolactin. According to the instructions, pills for stopping lactation, created on the basis of a gestagen, have fewer possible negative reactions than drugs with estrogen, which often provoke:

  • migraine;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting, etc.

Indications for use

There is no consensus regarding the timing of breastfeeding, however, the minimum period is 6 months (until the moment when the baby is introduced to complementary foods). Typically, pills to stop lactation are prescribed by a gynecologist at the request of a woman who no longer wants to breastfeed or for medical reasons. The latter are divided into unconditional (mandatory) and conditional (applicable only in some cases).

Unconditional reasons for taking pills:

  • drug or alcohol addiction;
  • late miscarriage;
  • chemotherapy of pathology;
  • herpes of the nipples or breasts;
  • HIV infection;
  • taking medications prohibited during breastfeeding;
  • active phase of tuberculosis;
  • lactose intolerance of the newborn.

Conditional indications for suppressing lactation are:

  • mastitis;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • deviations in the development of the nipples or mammary glands of the mother.

Lactation Suppression Tablets

The baby receives from mother's milk a large amount of nutrients and antibodies to various diseases, therefore, natural feeding is the primary task of any mother. This is why doctors strongly recommend maintaining lactation under conditional contraindications (breastfeeding can be stopped for a while to eliminate the negative factor, and then resume). The production of milk by medicines is stopped only in extreme cases, when weaning from the breast should be abrupt.

Steroid hormonal drugs

Steroid hormone-based anti-lactation pills have a similar or similar effect to hormones produced by a woman's body. To stop the release of milk, gestagens are usually used, which have a feedback effect on prolactin; in more rare cases, estrogens are prescribed. Despite the similarity of contraindications and side effects, the drugs are tolerated in different ways: the former are much easier. The group of steroid hormonal pills for termination of lactation includes:

  1. Microfollin. The tablets contain estrogens and are perfectly absorbed in the digestive tract. The hormonal drug is able not only to stop lactation, but also to cure acne on the face, to help in the fight against prostate cancer in men. The disadvantage of pills is the prohibition on their use by women with thrombophlebitis, pathologies of the circulatory system and liver, etc. Plus a medication to stop lactation is the effectiveness and speed of action.
  2. Norkolut. The main active ingredient is norethisterone. The drug belongs to the representatives of the group of progestogens, under its action the uterine mucosa from the proliferative phase passes into the secretory phase. Lactation pills can block the production of gonadotropin (pituitary hormone) and suppress follicle maturation followed by ovulation. The disadvantage of means for stopping milk flow is the likelihood of thromboembolism and thrombosis with prolonged use. The advantage of the drug is a wide spectrum of action in comparison with analogues.
  3. Duphaston. The main substance is dydrogesterone, an analogue of the female hormone progesterone. With the correct dosage, Duphaston eliminates the lack of female sex hormones, thereby normalizing the functioning of the female reproductive system, which is the main advantage of tablets to stop postpartum lactation. The negative effect is the possibility of bleeding, which is eliminated by increasing the dose. Before starting therapy, you need to undergo a gynecological examination, donate blood to determine the level of hormones, since taking pills can negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system (knock down the menstrual cycle, lead to the development of neoplasms, etc.).

Non-steroidal hormonal pills

The action of drugs in this group is based on the accumulation of dopamine or stimulation of receptors that are sensitive to dopamine. Thanks to this action, non-steroidal hormones help to reduce the synthesis of prolactin, as a result of which the tablets stop lactation. In addition, dopamine is a precursor to adrenaline, which slows down the production of oxytocin, which is responsible for milk secretion. The category of non-steroidal hormone pills includes:

  1. Dostinex. One of the most popular anti-lactation remedies. the second name of the drug is Cabergoline. Dostinex is prescribed immediately after childbirth, the tablets act on the hypothalamus, as a result of which the production of hormones, including prolactin, that contribute to lactation stops. Doses of Dostinex are prescribed by a doctor, while their exact observance is mandatory, since the medication can cause side effects. The disadvantage of the remedy is considered to be headaches that often occur against the background of its administration. The advantage of tablets is their effectiveness: a minimum amount of the drug is required to achieve the expected effect.
  2. Bromocriptine. The drug is a derivative of the ergot alkaloid, it provides a stimulating effect on the dopamine receptors of the hypothalamus, thereby reducing milk production. The advantage of pills for stopping lactation is their wide spectrum of action: the agent helps in the treatment of infertility due to increased levels of prolactin, mastopathy, cystic formations, etc. The lack of a medication is its prohibition with low pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.
  3. Parlodel. It is prescribed when it is necessary to abruptly wean the child from the breast. In addition, the tablets reduce the production of growth hormone, thereby restoring the balance between estrogen and progesterone, which reduces the number of cysts formed in the mammary glands. The disadvantage of the drug for stopping lactation is that it cannot be combined with vasoconstrictors, in addition, the medication has a large list of possible side effects. Parlodel's advantage lies in its relatively affordable price and efficiency.


Such a method of stopping lactation, such as taking pills, has a number of contraindications, therefore, before starting to use them, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. The main prohibitions on the use of medicines of this type:

  • chronic pathologies of the liver, kidneys;
  • other diseases of a chronic nature;
  • tendency to hypertension or hypotension;
  • diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels;
  • ailments of the digestive tract;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle.

Price for termination pills

Stopping lactation is difficult for both the mother and the baby, since this process is stressful for the body. However, in some cases this is the only possible solution. Special drugs that are sold in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription help to stop milk production. The pharmacodynamics of such tablets is approximately the same, but the composition and spectrum of action may differ, so the choice of medication should be carried out by a gynecologist. Below is a table showing the prices of milk stopping tablets.


Breastfeeding is a very intimate and important moment in the life of every young mother. But it happens that the child does not gorge himself on breast milk, then special drugs will come to the mother's aid, which will help increase lactation.

When to start taking medications

Here you and your baby were discharged from the hospital, there is euphoria around, the world has blossomed with new colors, all your time is devoted to the baby. But such a joyful event can be overshadowed by a lack of milk. The baby begins to cry, does not sleep at night. How to find out that the child is malnourished, because he cannot say anything yet.

Hypogalactia - milk deficiency, is determined by how the child behaves. Lack of milk is indicated by:

  • slight weight gain (less than 0.5 kg per month);
  • urinating less than six times a day;
  • restless state of the child when feeding.

Baby's anxiety may indicate a lack of milk.

There are many reasons for a decrease in lactation, here are the main ones:

  • feeding on schedule, not on demand;
  • feeding the child with mixtures;
  • stress;
  • uncertainty that breast milk is better than artificial feeding;
  • unbalanced nutrition during pregnancy and lactation;
  • long breaks between feedings of the baby.

With a decrease in lactation, of course, you need to revise your diet. Also, to increase milk production, women use drugs that can be purchased at any pharmacy. So, let's take a look at the most popular ones.

Means for increasing lactation

Lactation tablets help not only to increase the volume of milk, but also to saturate it with useful elements.

Often, lactation can only be restored with medication.

Table: drugs that affect the increase in lactation

A drug View Compound Effects on lactation Mode of application Admission rules
Femilak Dry mix for preparing a drink
  • cow's milk;
  • oils:
    • coconut,
    • corn,
    • Palm,
    • soy;
  • dry milk whey;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids.
Increasing milk volume and saturating it with vitamins and minerals. Dilute 40 g of the mixture (9 measuring spoons) in 200 ml of warm water, stirring thoroughly until the lumps disappear. 40 g is the daily dose of Femilak, the drink can be added to cocktails, tea or coffee, but not boiled. The instructions say that the drug must be used immediately after preparation, but if necessary, the drink can be put in the refrigerator, the maximum shelf life of the finished mixture is 24 hours.
An allergy to the components of the drug is possible, so a doctor's consultation will not be superfluous.
A nicotinic acid Pills vitamin PP Increased milk production. 2 times a day, 1 tablet half an hour before meals. Admission is recommended only as directed by a doctor and under his supervision. May cause an allergic reaction in mother or baby. In order not to harm the baby, the drug should be used 3 hours before feeding. Be sure to monitor the baby's reaction, for any signs of allergy, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.
Oxytocin Injection Stimulation of milk secretion, pain relief. It is used only as directed by a doctor in recommended doses. Oxytocin injections should be done only in the first weeks after childbirth and under the supervision of a doctor. Through the mother's milk, the drug enters the child.
Glutamic acid Pills glutamic acid Increased lactation. 2 tablets three times a day 20 minutes after meals. The drug must be washed down with hot sweet tea, since the acid dissolves in it. The course is at least 10 days. Often the doctor prescribes glutamic acid in combination with nicotinic acid.
Domperidone \ Motilium Pills Increases milk volume. 3 times a day, 1 tablet 10 mg before meals. The drug should be used for at least 2 weeks, an increase in lactation occurs on the third or fourth day of administration. The tool is recommended to be used no earlier than 3 weeks after childbirth.
Leptadenti Pills
  • net leptadenia;
  • brainium.
Increased lactation, improved milk flow, saturation of milk with useful components. 2 times a day, 2 tablets half an hour before meals. Leptadenti should be taken for a month, during the course, monitor nutrition, reduce fats, sugar and sweets.
Plantex Beverage granules
  • fennel essential oil;
  • fennel fruit extract;
  • lactose;
  • acacia gum;
  • dextrose.
The effect on increasing lactation has not been proven. Dissolve 1 sachet of Plantex in 100 mg of warm water, take up to four sachets a day. The drink should be consumed immediately after preparation, do not store ready-made tea. Monitor the baby's reaction, through milk the drug gets to the newborn, possibly the manifestation of allergic reactions to the components of Plantex
Desaminooxytocin Pills
  • demoxytocin;
  • sucrose;
  • lactose;
  • methylcellulose;
  • calcium stearate;
  • potato starch.
Stimulates milk production. 0.5-1 tablet up to 4 times a day 5 minutes before feeding. The tablet must be slowly dissolving without drinking water. The drug is prescribed to be used only from the second to the sixth day after delivery. It should be taken with caution by women over 35 years old. The drug does not affect the child, since its half-life is only three to five minutes.

Photo Gallery: Medications to Increase Breast Milk

Femilak not only increases milk volume, but also saturates it with vitamins Nicotinic acid should be taken 3 hours before feeding Oxytocin is used only as directed by a physician and under supervision The main component of motilium is domperidone You will notice the result from Domperidone no earlier than the third day of taking Leptadent saturates milk with useful components The effect of Plantex on milk production has not been proven.
Desaminooxytocin should be used with caution in women over 35 Glutamic acid must be washed down with hot tea.

Contraindications and side effects

Young mothers need to remember that all means can help, but they can harm both the woman herself and the child. Therefore, do not self-medicate, do not prescribe drugs for yourself, with a decrease in lactation, the best solution would be to see a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the right products and dosage for you. Almost every drug has side effects. The main one is an allergic reaction to the components of the medicine. It can manifest itself in both the mother and the child. If you notice a rash or fever in your baby, see a doctor immediately..

Homeopathy to stimulate lactation

Many women, when reducing lactation, use homeopathic remedies that help increase milk volume. What is it: self-hypnosis or the real action of the drug? The tablets contain a useful substance, but it is several times less than in medicines.

Experts consider homeopathy to be a pseudoscience, often saying that when taking homeopathic remedies, the placebo principle works (the patient believes in the therapeutic effect of the pill and recovers).


The main component of Apilak is dried royal jelly, which is produced under vacuum at low temperatures. The product also contains many vitamins:

  • inositol,
  • folic acid.

Apilak contains 23 amino acids and such mineral elements:

  • potassium,
  • sodium,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • phosphorus,
  • iron.

Apilak stimulates milk production and saturates it with useful components

Apilak has many advantages: it helps a woman recover from childbirth, cope with postpartum depression and increase immunity. Often, lactation depends on the psychological state of the nursing mother, Apilak can relieve fatigue, which is important for a woman. It stimulates milk production and saturates it with useful components. The tablets should be taken three times a day, one at a time.

The remedy is contraindicated in women suffering from Addison's disease (with impaired adrenal function) and allergic to apilak and bee products. When taking the drug, monitor the baby's condition, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may also appear in the child.


The effect of Lactogone is noticeable already on the second day of taking the drug. It stimulates lactation, increases milk volume. The homeopathic remedy includes:

  • carrot juice,
  • nettle,
  • oregano, dill,
  • royal jelly,
  • potassium iodide,
  • vitamin C.

Lactogon is available in both tablets and sachets with tea brewing powder.

Pour one sachet of Lactogon with a glass of boiling water, and after 10 minutes the drink will be ready. You can drink up to two glasses of this tea per day. If you are taking the drug in tablets, then drink them three times a day with meals. The course of taking the drug is 10 days, but if there is no effect, you can repeat taking the drug, but only after consulting a doctor.

Contraindications include allergies to the components of Lactogon in both the mother and the child, and pregnancy.


Mlekoin has a vegetable composition, so it has practically no contraindications, only if the mother exceeds the dose of the drug, the child may experience an allergic reaction.

The main components of the drug:

  • meadow lumbago;
  • sacred vitex;
  • stinging nettle.

You can take Mleoin on the seventh day after giving birth. The advantage of the remedy is that it needs to be taken once a day, put 5 Mlekoin granules under the tongue and dissolve them slowly. If the effect does not come from a single dose of drugs, you can double the dose by taking 5 balls in the morning and 5 in the evening. It is better to take it 15 minutes before meals.

Mlekoin balls are convenient to take even outside the home

Mlekoin not only helps in increasing lactation, but is also prescribed for mastitis and to prevent cracked nipples.


Lumbago (dream herb) is the main ingredient in Pulsatilla. The drug is mainly prescribed for neurasthenia, neuralgia and headaches. To increase lactation, Pulsatilla is useful if the decrease in milk production is associated with stress or nervous strain.

It is better to take the drug at night, put 5 grains under the tongue and dissolve until completely dissolved. The tool must be taken at least 20 minutes after eating, otherwise there will be no result. The duration of the course should be indicated by the doctor.

As with other drugs, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug can become a side effect of Pulsatilla.

Pulsatilla compositum

Pulsatilla compositum is produced in the form of ampoules with a solution. The drug should be taken only as directed by a doctor. There are two ways of taking it: injections for intramuscular administration and drinking the contents of the ampoule if it is impossible to give an injection. The dosage and frequency of use is also prescribed by a specialist; it is better to refuse self-medication with the drug, so as not to harm either yourself or the child.

Pulsatilla compositum contains:

  • pulsatilla - extracted from the herb of lumbago;
  • cortisonum - has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • sulfur is a sulfur preparation that enhances the effect of the preparation components.

Lumbago is a poisonous herb that is used in Pulsatilla and Pulsatilla compositum

Contraindications include:

  • age under 18;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • allergy to the components of the product.

After the injection, dizziness, an allergic reaction, or a slight loss of coordination of movements may occur.