Feeding the baby for 11 months. Fish soup with potatoes. meals throughout the day

The kid grows up every day, becomes stronger, eats funny. It is interesting to watch him - he will soon be a year old. New mothers are given the opportunity to expand their diet, although many questions arise. Nutrition for a child at 11 months old - what is possible, with what is not in a hurry? How not to provoke allergies with new products, whether to continue giving breast milk? The topic is extensive and interesting, it is worth understanding in detail.

There are general recommendations, but each kid has his own taste preferences. The weekly and daily ration of the child at 11 months is varied with products that are gentle for the child's digestive tract. Food with coarse fibers that are difficult to digest is excluded.

It is important to monitor your child's reactions to new foods. Trial times are given in a teaspoon so that the children get used to it. If an allergy or individual intolerance appears, it is easier to notice and cancel.

Breast milk is on the menu for an 11 month old baby when mom has it. But the basis, in addition to milk, is already made up:

  • stewed and chopped vegetables;
  • cereals and soups;
  • curd, yogurt and kefir;
  • soups and casseroles;
  • mashed potatoes and steamed dishes;
  • yolk, meat (minced meat) and fish;
  • juices and drinks;
  • light desserts.

Adapted formulas, which children willingly eat at 11 months, are already gradually being replaced by "adult" food, which after a year will be preferred. You should not be zealous with cow's milk if the baby is not artificial: the percentage of proteins differs from that of the mother. Excess protein is an additional burden on the kidneys, which is why the amount of vegetables in the diet of a one-year-old child should increase when they switch from formula to natural product.

Children at eleven months are already very active, they behave differently at the table: some eat actively and willingly, others are capricious, demanding breast, do not want to get used to the taste of slightly salted meat and fish. Some people like the smell of fruit juices, others frown, feeling the natural sourness and specific aftertaste.

For children who love adapted milk formulas and prepared baby cereals, many mothers try to give them as often as possible: they are faster and easier to cook. This does not mean that other products should appear on the children's menu only sporadically. Breastfeeding fades into the background - preferably 2 times a day.

The kid has grown up, behaves quite consciously, the menu already has his favorite dishes. While awake, he willingly watches his mother cook. And it is worth spending more time not only on its development, but also on a variety of diet for an 11-month-old baby.

It is necessary to add exotic fruits, beef liver, nuts, legumes (hard to digest foods) little by little as a component of other dishes. It is better to start with asparagus, avocado and spinach than rush with citrus fruits and berries.

To avoid the question of what to feed him today, pediatricians and nutritionists recommend making a menu for 2-3 days in order to rationally make purchases. Five meals for the daily nutrition of an 11 month old child is enough if it is tasty, satisfying and varied.

Try not to give sausages with spices, fried and peppercorns, fatty and salty foods. Don't overdo it when you want to sweeten cereals and drinks. Do not give salads with a lot of ingredients: the children's enzyme system will not cope with their absorption. Children's menu up to a year - proven classic recipes, there is no room for experimentation and the use of "special" culinary skills.

Baby development at 11 months

Eleven months is an inquisitive period when the baby develops more and more consciously, masters skills, "babbles" the first words. He studies the world around him not only visually, but also by touch (with his hands) and by taste (with his tongue).

At the time when the child grabs everything, fine motor skills of the hands develops. Do not be discouraged when your daughter or son throws something on the floor: the trajectory of a flying object and the sound of landing are also part of its development.

Memory is actively developing:

  • visual;
  • tactile;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory.

Because of this experience, the baby reacts cautiously or turns away if a spoon with vegetable puree is brought to his face, the taste of which did not cause delight last time. It is necessary to reckon with the fact that even small individuals form their own opinion on the taste of dishes and on the diet.

You need to be patient in order to correctly respond to children's whims and wisely turn minor troubles into a game. If the kid has eaten, but wants to play with a spoon with porridge himself, let him experiment. So what if then you will wash your whole head in semolina after feeding, but every time you will not take away the spoon so persistently.

It is also necessary to accustom an 11-month-old "capricious" to independence, even if he holds a spoonful of soup ineptly, spilling half of it. If he wants to bring it to the mouth himself - give it an opportunity, then change it. If parents have enough patience, then at 11-12 months children are able, albeit uncertainly, to hold a cup and a spoon, although they do not always get into their mouths.

Diet for an 11 month old child - by the hour. During this period, he sleeps 2 times a day. The night schedule is calmer, so my mother also rests. If it seems that the baby does not have enough basic food for 5 meals, treat him during unscheduled wakefulness. For example, give milk with soft, unsweetened cookies or apple compote.

In no case do not force the baby to eat when he is not hungry or lethargic: there is a suspicion that he is sick! A useful product, "fed" on the negative, has every chance of becoming unloved for a long time. Vomiting and indigestion of food are possible - a reaction of rejection.

Children under one year old are more and more active: they begin to walk, new rooms for them - the whole Universe. In order for an inquisitive “naturalist” to have enough energy for “flying in dreams and in reality,” his diet should be high in calories and balanced in vitamins and important amino acids.

Children during this period should learn to chew, even with those few teeth that they already have. But the food should not be solid for them, requiring a long chewing - not every baby wants to fully cope with such a task when there are only 6-8 teeth. Too dense or hard food is best chopped with a blender.

There can be no talk of bones: babies up to a year do not yet know how to separate it from the vegetable pulp with their tongue and extract it on their own. Help him grind meatballs, sausages and cutlets with a fork. Make sure that the child does not overeat if his favorite food is given.

When, what and how to feed the baby?

  1. Feeding at night is not recommended if children are sleeping peacefully. Even if the baby is awake and wants to eat, liquid food is enough. The path to tooth decay is food leftovers in the mouth overnight. Children eat differently at night - some are satisfying, others light. If there is enough breast milk, then applying at night is enough.
  2. Babies are given more to drink if breast milk is no longer there. Children drink half a glass of fruit juice or drink at a time, but it is important to monitor the amount of sugar. You don't need to add a lot of sugar or add a few tablespoons of honey to acidic juices, it is better to replace it with a liquid with a more neutral taste. Relevant water, dried fruit compote, "sour milk" and milk mixtures, herbal tea according to the "children's" recipe.
  3. The main diet - according to the schedule - children should eat about 5-6 times. Sometimes mom thinks that the crumbs have a bad appetite, but, most likely, he is eating up. A serving of about 200 grams is sufficient. One meal includes the entire volume with liquid and complementary foods.

The 11-month-old toddler enjoys watching food preparation and recognizing favorite dishes. He has already formed certain tastes, which are quite difficult to influence. Most babies by this age do without breast milk. Some kids enthusiastically help their mother "feed themselves", and you should not be upset if the kitchen after that resembles the battlefield of Poltava - the main thing is that your child is energetic, healthy and in a good mood.

Diet of an 11-month-old baby

The set of products has practically not changed: it contains different types of meat, lean fish, an extensive list of vegetables, milk, kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese, flour products (without cream). Only the list of dishes is expanding. Their recipe is gradually changing. If before the mother carefully chopped food to the state of puree, now there is no need for this: the baby is already able to chew food himself. Of course, it still needs to be kneaded with a fork, but not as thoroughly as before.

A common mistake many parents make is transferring a child to a common table. Although the baby is already used to most foods, his digestive system is not yet strong enough to cope with fried, spicy, pickled or salty foods. You should not offer the crumbs and canned food for adults, since they contain spices, in addition, products of acceptable quality are not always used for their manufacture.

Smoked meats, a variety of semi-finished products, chocolate, lollipops and other sweets are prohibited. They are bad for the digestive system and can cause constipation, bloating, or other problems. You don't want that, do you? Then try to offer your baby healthy meals, such as soups, vegetable stews (stews), drinks made from natural vegetables.

Features of cooking meals for a baby 11 months old

Two or three times a week, the baby should be offered fish... Not necessarily boiled, it can be cooked in a double boiler or stewed in a saucepan. If the baby is neutral about the onion, it can be used as a supplement, and to make the fish taste more pleasant, add a little greenery to it. It is advisable to buy fillets - so you can be sure that the prepared dish is safe for your child.

Expanding the list meat dishes... Now the kid can cook chicken stew, veal meatballs or just puree from turkey or beef. If the child already has well-developed chewing skills, it is permissible to give him finely chopped boiled meat, but most children prefer minced meat dishes - it is much easier to cope with them. It is not at all necessary to add bread to the cutlet mass, it can be replaced, for example, with mashed potatoes, then the cutlets will come out softer and softer - it has been tested in practice.

Due to lack of time, young mothers often overuse porridge... Undoubtedly, they are useful, but do not forget about vegetables. Our recommendation: it is advisable to give cereals no more than 1-2 times a day. Cook the rest of the dishes with vegetables. Do not limit yourself to such popular potatoes, alternate it with pumpkin, all types of cabbage (cauliflower, kohlrabi), periodically offer your baby spinach - it is extremely useful.

Dairy products in the diet of an 11 month old baby

If the baby is normally lactose tolerant, he needs offer dairy products daily... In addition to vitamins, they contain calcium, which is so important for the formation of the skeletal system. Basically, babies consume milk along with cereals. To make every meal pleasant for the child, supplement them with fruits or berries: blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, apricots, peaches.

Cottage cheese and yoghurts are ideal for an afternoon snack. Of course, it's better to cook them yourself, but if you can't, choose products with natural ingredients: no preservatives, flavors and other "chemicals". To prepare yoghurts, you can purchase a special starter culture at a pharmacy or baby food store.

Fruit on the kids menu

The counters of grocery stores are full of overseas fruits, and the temptation to treat a child with an exotic delicacy is great. But it is better to limit yourself to standard apples, apricots, strawberries and peaches - at this age, the baby's body may poorly perceive mango or avocado. This is due to the fact that fruits of not the best quality come to us - many of them were harvested unripe, not always adequate storage conditions are provided for them.

How to avoid whims?

If the baby does not want to eat soup or vegetable puree, it is almost useless to force him. This can only increase its resistance. There are several proven ways to boost your baby's appetite:

  • decorate dishes beautifully - a grown up kid is already showing interest in creative "mosaics" laid out on a plate;
  • make sure that the menu is varied;
  • to eat the same as the child himself - he will see that adults have the same food as his, and will imitate mom and dad.

No clowning or performances, otherwise you will have to dance with a tambourine for a long time so that the kid can eat at least one more spoon.

Menu for an 11-month-old baby for a week

We bring to your attention a sample menu for babies 11 months old. So:


  • Breakfast. Buckwheat with milk. Apricot puree. Tea with croutons.
  • Dinner. Rice soup with broccoli in chicken broth with a small slice of bread. Mashed potatoes with zucchini and carrots, turkey meatballs with rice. Apple and carrot juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Curd casserole with strawberries. Dried fruits compote.
  • Dinner. Homemade noodles with cutlet, kefir with cookies.
  • Breakfast. Millet porridge with milk. Tea with cookies.
  • Dinner. Children's borscht (without fried vegetables). Rice porridge on the water with fishcake. Kissel from black currant.
  • Afternoon snack. Yogurt with banana. Fresh fruit compote, as an option - apples and plums. Crackers.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree. Chicken liver pate. Tea with cookies.
  • Breakfast. Oatmeal flavored with prunes. Carrot and apple puree. Dried fruits compote.
  • Dinner. Pumpkin puree soup. Vegetable puree made from broccoli, zucchini and carrots. Apricot juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Curd with strawberries. Cherry jelly.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with veal cutlets. Tea with cookies.
  • Breakfast. Milk rice porridge with apple and raisins. Fresh fruit compote and croutons.
  • Dinner. Chicken noodle soup with egg and herbs. Spinach and potato puree. Meatballs. Carrot and apple juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Kefir with cookies and curd.
  • Dinner. Rice casserole with chicken fillet. Tea with cookies.
  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge on water with liver pate. Raspberry jelly. Biscuit.
  • Dinner. Borsch. Mashed potatoes with fish. Boiled beetroot salad (finely grated). Tea with croutons.
  • Afternoon snack. Peach curd pudding. Dried fruits compote.
  • Dinner. Vermicelli with turkey cutlets. Tea.
  • Breakfast. Wheat porridge with milk. Tea with cookies.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat soup. Mashed potatoes with stews and herbs. Apple compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruit puree and apple juice.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree, meatballs. Tea with cookies.


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal. Pear jelly and biscuits.
  • Dinner. Rice soup with chicken broth. Broccoli, zucchini, cabbage and carrot puree. Veal cutlets. Dried fruits compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Curd with fruit. Apricot or plum juice.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge with meat pudding. Tea with cookies.

Before going to bed, offer your baby a portion of the formula, kefir or breast milk.

At 11 months, the size of a portion of soup or vegetable puree is on average about 200 g. But if the child eats significantly less, do not worry, it means that at this moment he has no appetite or he fully satisfies his needs. Cook with love and your little one will appreciate your efforts.

Proper nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting human health. This is especially true for children, in particular, babies. What should be the food of an eleven-month-old baby, what recipes are the most acceptable - you will learn about all this from our article.

11 months is a kind of Rubicon, crossing which is an important phase in the life of every child. Many new products typical for an adult table are introduced into the diet of children of this age. Babies are transferred to a five-day diet. Many mothers wean their babies.

If the baby continues to be breastfed, the first (after waking up) and last (before bedtime) meal consists of breast milk. The "artificial" at this time receive the milk mixture.

A variety of products should be present in the weekly menu of the toddler. But this does not mean that all the time it is necessary to look for more and more new recipes and endlessly bother about what else to cook for a child when he has entered the age of 11 months.

It is important that the menu includes:

  • Cereals,
  • Fish and meat,
  • · vegetables and fruits,
  • · dairy products.

What they will be is not the most important thing. The baby does not like, for example, rice, but he eats oatmeal with pleasure - give it and do not insist on rice porridge. He prefers apples to other fruits - feed him fresh, applesauce, juice.

Limit your presence on the menu as much as possible or do not include citrus fruits, nuts and exotic fruits in it at all, as they are aggressive allergens. You should also not use undiluted whole milk to make cereals.

Here are a couple of recipes for foods that are allowed at this age, which are sure to please your baby.

Stew with zucchini.
To prepare it, you will need one small (60 g) fresh young zucchini, a leaf of white cabbage and a medium-sized potato.
Cut the zucchini and potatoes into cubes, leave the cabbage leaf intact. First, simmer cabbage and potatoes in 100 grams of water for half an hour. Then add the zucchini there and leave on low heat for another 15 minutes. At the end of this time, rub it all through a sieve, add five tablespoons of breast milk or formula and a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Curd casserole with carrots.

Required Ingredients:

  • · Cottage cheese - 50 grams;
  • · Soaked white bread - 20;
  • Carrots - 80;
  • · One chicken egg yolk.

Mix the boiled grated carrots with the rest of the products. Put the resulting mixture in a mold, previously greased with melted butter. Spread over the surface of the casserole too. Cook for thirty minutes in a water bath.

In order to save time, you can combine canned industrial products for children (mashed potatoes, meat soufflés) with self-prepared meals.
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The kid grew up and got stronger, delighting his parents. By the age of eleven months, a child needs complete nutrition, rich in proteins and vitamins. How to feed your child now? What are the best foods to choose and how to prepare them? Only correctly, with great love, cooked food will benefit the child.

When breastfeeding, babies at eleven months receive their mother's milk several times a day. It is advisable to take these meals the first - in the morning, the second in the evening - after swimming.

It is better to refuse to use potato starch, various spices and sweeteners when cooking.

It is not worth chopping food too much, the pieces should be small. Meat and fish should be cut into small pieces or shreds. Mash vegetables with a fork.

By giving different food: cereals from various types of cereals, meat and fish dishes, fruits and vegetables, you will diversify the child's menu. Do not forget about the benefits of fermented milk products. Often, kids only like apples, which is quite natural.

Do not force the child to eat what he does not like. A good mood is the main ingredient in the feeding process.

What is the norm of food for a baby's meal? There are the following recommendations: milk mixtures - 170-210 ml, porridge - 140-160 g, kefir - 140-150 ml, cottage cheese - 40-50 g, meat or fish - 40-60 g.

Kids love cookies, but don't get carried away with them. You can give about 10-15 g daily.

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Daily feeding ration

When drawing up the menu, one should adhere to rational principles of nutrition: variety, moderation, regularity. An example of a baby menu is shown below.

If you get up at 6 in the morning

The first feeding takes place after waking up. It is useful to use breast milk, an adapted mixture or kefir.

You should have a hearty breakfast about ten hours.

- Light snack - 6.20-6.40 min;

- Hearty breakfast - 9.20-9.40;

- Lunch - 12.30-13.30;

- Dinner - 16.00-16.40;

- Evening snack - 19.30-20.20;

- Sleep - 20.40-21.00.

Wake up at 9 am

If the child sleeps longer than usual, up to nine o'clock, then feed him more densely. It is better to have a morning snack later, as the baby will go to bed later. For an evening snack, breast milk, kefir, or formula are suitable. Food Routine:

- 9:00 - first feeding;

- 12:00 - full breakfast;

- 15:30 - lunchtime meal;

- 19:00 - dinner;

- 21:30 - kefir, breast milk or milk formula;

- 22:00 - getting ready for bed.

This mode is based on 10-11 hours of sleep, breaks between meals in three and a half hours. Daytime sleep is reduced to one or two times.

Closer to eleven months, daytime sleep in children is rearranged by one, more often two times.

Weekly menu

Check out the 11 month old baby's daily diet set.

- In the morning we use breast milk or milk formula with a volume of two hundred ml.

- For breakfast, cereals with the addition of half a chicken yolk are best suited. Dessert can be fruit juice or puree - about forty grams.

- For lunch, prepare your baby a soufflé, meatball or cutlet with a mashed vegetable garnish of cauliflower, zucchini, potatoes. Meat semi-finished products can be prepared in advance and frozen, for convenience in future use in a double boiler. Many children like soups with rice or barley, chopped vegetable salads.

- For dinner, children are usually offered cottage cheese (30 gr.), Kefir (125 ml.), Fruit puree (60 gr.). For dessert - grated fruit or juice. It is advisable not to use meat products that load the stomach at night.

- Before going to bed, baby breast milk or formula is useful.

Vegetable puree for dinner is the perfect combination of vitamins.

Weekly diet table

An approximate list of dishes for a one-year-old baby in the table:

Days of the week Morning feeding Breakfast Dinner Dinner Evening feeding
Monday Breast milk or milk formula, kefir - one thing in the amount of 200 ml Porridge with half the yolk, juice Vegetable soup or puree and meat cutlet Fruit puree and biscuits Mother's milk, infant formula, kefir
Tuesday Porridge, cottage cheese, juice Vegetable puree, half a yolk, a slice of bread Fruit puree with croutons or drying
Wednesday Porridge and fruit puree and juice Fish pudding with vegetable puree Cookies and cottage cheese
Thursday Porridge with half the yolk, compote Mashed soup with meat cottage cheese casserole and fruit puree
Friday Porridge and juice with cookies Vegetable puree and meat pudding Cottage cheese, muffin or crouton
Saturday Porridge, fruit puree, juice Vegetable puree with half yolk and a slice of bread Baked apple or banana puree and cookies
Sunday Porridge with cottage cheese and juice Milk soup Fruit puree and biscuits

At the age of one year, light biscuits can be introduced into the diet.

The table provides a detailed list of meals for feeding babies, which makes life easier for young mothers. The next section provides great ideas and detailed recipes for children's meals.

Fish and meat dishes

Turkey meatballs.


- turkey meat 100g.;

- semolina 1 tsp;

- milk 3 tsp;

- butter 1.5 tsp.

Grind a piece of meat in a meat grinder. Add milk, softened butter, dry semolina to the resulting minced meat. Mix thoroughly and leave for 10 - 15 minutes for the semolina to swell. Stir again and spoon the meatballs together and boil them in low-boiling water. The dish is ready in 12 minutes.

Fish is also a wonderful component of baby food.

Stewed fish with a vegetable side dish.


- pollock or hake 180 gr.;

- a small carrot;

- a couple of broccoli inflorescences;

- half an onion.

Pour a set of vegetables with water and cook, stirring occasionally. Knead the finished carrots, broccoli, onion and season with one teaspoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. Steam a piece of fish in water for about 10 minutes. Knead it well, removing all the bones. You can feed the baby.


Creamy vegetable soup

- potatoes 1 pc .;

- a bunch of cauliflower,

- a small carrot,

- milk 2 tbsp. l .;

- a piece of butter 5 gr.

Boil the washed and chopped root vegetables until soft. Pour the vegetable broth into a separate bowl. Mash the vegetables thoroughly and dilute with hot milk or broth to a creamy state. To improve the taste, add a little salt and add a lump of butter.

Soup with vegetables and veal

Have to take:

- a slice of veal 25 gr.;

- potatoes 1 pc .;

- pumpkin 15 gr.;

- onion, optional, 1 pc.

Preparation: after soaking the meat, chop finely, cook until it becomes soft. Next, we introduce vegetables, prepared and cut into cubes. Cook until tender. For taste - salt on the tip of a knife, half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

By analogy, you can make a variety of soups. Choose meat and vegetable products, fish from your baby's taste preferences.

Dishes from vegetables and fruits

Zucchini stew

- zucchini 200 gr.;

- three leaves of cabbage,

- potatoes 2 pcs.

Boil a glass of water in a saucepan. We wash the roots well, cut them into pieces. The order of laying vegetables:

- cabbage - boil for twelve minutes.

- After adding the potatoes, boil until soft, about 18 - 20 minutes.

- In the last place, we lay the zucchini. We bring to readiness for 15 minutes.

- Season with milk (3 tbsp. L.) And vegetable oil (1 tsp. L.).

Zucchini is a valuable component of baby food. The vegetable is easy on the stomach and does not cause an allergic reaction.

Apple dessert

- green apple - 1.5 pcs.;

- baby biscuits - 1 pc.

Wash the apple, cut into two halves, remove the core. Bake the apple in the form, with the addition of water. Grind the finished product in any way convenient for you. Bring the puree to the desired consistency with boiled water, breast milk, or formula. Sprinkle with crushed cookies on top. Bake in the oven for about fifteen minutes, or in the microwave for 3-5 minutes.

Apple desserts are a favorite food of little children.

Curd and carrot casserole

A set of products:

- cottage cheese - 50 gr.,

- carrots - 80 gr.,

- egg yolk - 1 pc.,

- loaf - 20 gr.

- boil carrots, wipe.

The loaf soaked in water, cottage cheese, yolk, mix into the carrot puree, then put the blank in the mold. Sprinkle with oil again. We cook in a water bath for half an hour, until tender.


To prepare porridge, you need to take from the calculation: half a glass of cereal - one glass of milk or water. During the lactation period, it is preferable to use breast milk. The cooking technology is the same as for adults. You can resort to flavors such as natural fruits: pear, banana, apple. For cereals, rice, buckwheat, oats are suitable.

The drinks

Water, the best remedy for thirst, is a source of life, an accelerator of metabolic processes. How can you diversify the drinking of a little crumbs? Natural juice works best. The optimal volume for one time is 80 ml. When starting to introduce juices, monitor your digestive reactions (allergies, diarrhea) to new foods. The initial volume is 10 ml, gradually, step by step, approaching 200 ml per day. Drinks - fruit drink, compote are boiled for no more than five minutes to preserve vitamins. Below are some of the recipes.

Apple and pear compote


- Apple,

- half a liter of water.

- carefully washed fruits, cut into pieces, the core is removed. Fruits are poured with water, brought to a boil and kept for 4-6 minutes. The saucepan is removed from the heat, the broth is infused and cooled. Compote is ready to eat.

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What can you feed your baby at 11 months: a menu of healthy foods

Which menu for a child at 11 months old will be right? How does his diet differ from that of an adult, and how is it similar? What dishes can you cook for your baby for lunch and dinner?

It seems easy to compose a menu for a child of 11-12 months. A crumb can already eat many products, almost everything that is present on the parent's table. But here mom is faced with another problem. The amount of cooking increases many times over, because the baby should always be offered fresh meals. How to keep feeding your baby tasty and healthy food without settling in the kitchen? This is possible if you adhere to the menu of a child at 11 months from the Union of Pediatricians.

Features of the menu at 11 months

An approximate menu for a child at 11 months breastfed is compiled taking into account two breast milk feedings. The artificial man continues to receive the mixture, also twice a day. For these feedings, the first morning after waking up, and the last evening, before going to bed are ideal.

Other features of the diet of a child at 11 months are presented below.

  • Steam the dishes, simmer and boil. If it is customary in your family to eat such food, congratulations: you no longer need to cook stewed stews and cereals separately. And the baby can eat what other family members eat.
  • Spices, potato starch and sweeteners should not be present in the baby's menu.
  • It is not necessary to grind food until smooth, but the size of the "chunks" is still different from adult food. It is most convenient to knead vegetables with a fork, and divide meat and fish into fibers.
  • A child's menu at 11 months for the week should include a variety of foods, but do not try to "inflate" it too much. The main thing is that it contains cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish, dairy products. But what types of them the child eats is no longer important. For example, if he only loves oatmeal, but refuses to eat rice, let him eat oatmeal. Or he eats only apples from fruits (mashed potatoes, juices), and does not eat others - this is also normal.
  • When a child is 11 months old, food and menus should not include aggressive allergens: citrus fruits, exotic fruits, nuts. Leave the whole milk undiluted for age after a year.

5 meals throughout the day

So what can you feed your baby at 11 months old? The menu is divided into 5 meals, choosing the following products for each of them.

  • The first feeding is a formula (for an approximate menu for a baby at 11 months, bottle-fed) or breast milk. The volume is 200 ml.
  • Breakfast is always just porridge with half the yolk. You can use the porridge from the pack by simply steaming it with 150 ml of water. Or cook the porridge yourself, then beat it in a blender or rub it once through a sieve. For dessert - fruit puree of 30-40 grams and juice.
  • Lunch - make a vegetable puree from zucchini, cauliflower and potatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil. To it, make a steam cutlet or meatball (cook them at once for several days, and then send them to the freezer. Remove them as needed and steam them). You can cook vegetable soup with cereals, such as rice or barley. And even make a salad of fresh grated vegetables with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner - according to the table, the child's menu at 11 months includes a standard set for dinner: 150 ml of kefir, up to 30 grams of cottage cheese and 60 grams of fruit puree. Is it possible to replace this list with something if it seems insufficient? For a mobile kid who eats at 18.00 with a great appetite, you can use the recipe for an "adult" dinner, for example, again make vegetable puree or combined with cereals. You don't need to give heavy foods like meat in the evening. For dessert, also try fruit puree or juice.
  • Give your baby kefir, formula, or breast milk before bed.

Recipes for crumbs

How to make the menu for an 11 month old baby more interesting and tasty? Recipes from products familiar to him will help with this!

Stew with zucchini

READ ALSO: A child of 11 months is afraid to walk on his own

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole

Chicken dumplings

If you use industrial canned food for crumbs in your diet, you will provide him with a tasty and healthy menu, and yourself more free time. Combine industrial purees with homemade meat and fish balls. Or add ready-made meat soufflés from jars to mashed vegetables, cooked on your own.

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Source: http://kids365.ru/menyu-rebenka-11-mesyacev/

Doctor Komarovsky on the menu of a child at 10-12 months

The kid is almost a year old. At this age, some children already gobble up everything that lies poorly, others are still breastfed with little complementary foods. The peculiarities of the development of the digestion of the crumbs at this age already allow him to eat a lot, but not all. And the state of his health depends on how the parents make up the daily diet of the toddler. The well-known doctor and author of books and articles on children's health Yevgeny Komarovsky tells how and what to properly feed a child aged 10 to 12 months.

Age features

At the age of 10-11 months, children already, as a rule, have several teeth, and therefore the mother now does not need to thoroughly grind everything and turn it into puree. An apple chopped into small pieces or a pear grated on a coarse grater will do much more good than swallowing a smooth smoothie from these fruits quickly.

At this age, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, the baby should be given the opportunity to actively develop the chewing reflex. This is very important for the digestive system to function properly. It is also important to give the baby a spoon and a glass, he should already learn to use these devices, try to eat on his own, get used to a large adult table.

There is no biological need to feed by the hour, but the mother should work to ensure that the baby wakes up at 7-8 in the morning, and therefore during the day she must distribute meals in such a way that the child can eat up and sleep well until the morning.

While feeding on "normal" food should still alternate with the mother's usual baby breast or adapted milk formulas if the baby is artificially fed, but every month before the first anniversary, the baby's biological need for breast milk is rapidly decreasing. Komarovsky believes that after 12 months breastfeeding should be stopped, bottle feeding should also be gradually abandoned, although you can safely feed up to one and a half to two years with special mixtures with age marking 12+. The main thing to remember is that at this age neither milk nor mixtures fully satisfy all the needs of a growing organism.

10 months

In the diet of the crumbs at this age, there should already be such products as fish, meat, cottage cheese, fruits, chicken or quail yolks (no more than one and a half chicken yolks per week), clean drinking water and juices are desirable from drinks, but only of exceptional homemade preparation, without dyes and preservatives (no more than 100 ml per day). It is good to cook compotes, jelly for a child, make fruit drinks.

  • 7.00 - the child has just woken up and until his body is tuned in to the intake of complex food. Therefore, it is best to give your baby his usual breast milk or an adapted formula.
  • 10.00-11.00 - low-fat kefir (about 120-150 ml) and cottage cheese (no more than 30 grams).
  • 14.00 - 15.00 - vegetable soup or vegetable puree in meat broth (about 200 gr).
  • 18.00 - breast milk or formula.
  • 22.00 - milk cereal porridge in a volume of up to 200 ml. Porridge should be satisfying so that the child can be satisfied and sleep better.

READ ALSO: Congratulate a child for 11 months

A baby at the age of 10 months does not need night feeding.

11 months

In terms of the set of products, it differs little from the menu for a 10-month-old baby, unless, at this age, it is recommended to introduce vegetable oil into the diet (no more than 1 teaspoon per day), adding to various foods. All dishes are best cooked, stewed or steamed. Meat and fish in soup or mashed potatoes no longer need to be wiped, it is enough to chop finely or split into fibers.

You can add pasta to the soup (in a small amount), you can boil baby vermicelli for the crumb. Eugene Komarovsky recommends the diet to be the same as a month earlier.

12 months

At the age of one, the diet should be slightly adjusted, the last meal should preferably be "shifted" and carried out a little earlier (not at 22-23 hours, but at 20.00, in extreme cases at 21 hours). It is not necessary to introduce whole cow's milk, it is still too early for this. But it is already possible and necessary to add soups with fish broth, as well as a small slice of bread for dinner.

You need to be careful with bread - it is better not to give fresh yeast, it is more difficult to digest. A piece that has lain in a bread bin for 1-2 days is perfect.

When introducing a new product for a child, observe it carefully. Start with small portions, literally 1-2 teaspoons. In case of an inadequate reaction of the body to a new delicacy, the new dish should be removed from the diet.

Keep a diary of complementary foods, write down what and when the child ate for the first time, in the future this will help to quickly understand which product was allergic to.

Children under one year old should not be given food that is not usual for their latitudinal strip (if a child lives in Siberia, then oranges are not needed, and residents of the south of the country should hardly feed their baby with Far Eastern fish).

All the most interesting about the introduction of baby foods can be seen in the following video by Dr. Komarovsky.

Recipes for a baby from 10 to 12 months

Oatmeal with dried apricots

Cook regular oatmeal in water with a small amount of baby milk or an adapted formula. Add butter on the tip of a knife and close the lid. Finely chop the well-washed dried apricots into the prepared porridge.

Meatball soup

In meat broth (from lean meat), boil finely chopped pieces of potatoes, zucchini, grated carrots without adding spices and bay leaves. Roll a few small meatballs out of the minced meat (beef) and put them into the cooking soup 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

Buckwheat porridge with apple

Cook milk buckwheat porridge, each grain should be boiled. Add a little butter to the porridge. Grate a green apple on a coarse grater, add to warm porridge before serving to preserve maximum vitamins.

Vegetable mix

Boil pieces of potatoes, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin in meat or fish broth. When all the vegetables are done, drain the broth, add a little butter and smoothly purée with a blender. Add boiled lean meat, cut into small pieces, to the finished puree.

Cauliflower puree

Boil pieces of cauliflower in salted water, drain, add a little butter and half boiled chicken yolk and pass through a blender. Before serving in mashed potatoes, you can add some finely chopped meat or fish.

Cottage cheese

Mix cottage cheese with a spoonful of sour cream, a little sugar and a grated apple. Add half the raw chicken yolk. Form small pancakes from the resulting mass and bake them on baking paper in the oven until tender. You can check the stage of readiness with a toothpick (if it remains dry, everything is ready). This dish is perfect as a hearty and healthy afternoon snack.

Steam cutlets

Salt minced meat from lean meat or fish, add half raw chicken yolk, form cutlets and cook in a double boiler for about 40 minutes.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about the variety of baby food in the next video.

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