Small flakes in the urine. Video on the topic. Causes of cloudy urine in children

In case of the slightest suspicion of problems with internal organs, you should seek the advice of a doctor as soon as possible - based on the results of the examination, tests will be prescribed.

It happens that people find white flakes in the urine. Of course, any foreign inclusions in urine are a reason to think and seek the advice of specialists. The reasons for the development of various diseases in men and women may differ, but most often it is a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and bad habits.

The appearance of urine directly depends on the characteristics of metabolism. The hue of urine is determined by the speed and quality of metabolism, and the presence of white flakes when urinating does not necessarily mean that the body needs treatment. However, identifying possible problems on your own is quite difficult.

The cause can be not only diseases, but also the usual use of food, because sediment, white particles or can be explained by the presence of protein fractions.

With a normal water balance and obtaining the necessary nutrients, the urinary system functions fully and copes with its duties. Violations of the same daily diet can lead to metabolic failures. And then a white precipitate in the urine or will already become a signal of disease.

In case of the slightest suspicion of problems with internal organs, you should seek advice from your general practitioner or urologist as soon as possible. Based on the results of the examination, tests and other diagnostic tests will be prescribed. First of all, laboratory blood tests are carried out. With their help, the possible causes of white flakes are more accurately determined, which, in turn, allows you to prescribe the necessary treatment.


It happens that discharge from the urethra is visible to the naked eye. Such flakes may have the following composition:

  • salt;
  • epithelial cells;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • leukocytes;
  • protein formations.

Against the background of prolonged dehydration, salt deposits can accumulate in the body, so urine with white flakes is a sign of their excretion. Often dead epithelial cells enter the urine. In the general analysis, it may be found that white urine is excreted along with the epithelial cells of the ureters or kidneys.

White discharge in the urine or a whitish liquid may occur as a result of an infectious disease accompanied by an inflammatory process. A film or plaque after drying when collecting a urine sample or directly white clots in the urine are formed from protein or accumulations of white blood cells that appear with kidney dysfunction. The inability to fully filter and excrete fluid affects the entire body, and the person begins to feel unwell. Basically, it manifests itself as weakness, fatigue, impaired urination.


Pathological manifestations include infectious diseases or pathologies that directly affect the structure of the urinary system:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis.

There may be a suspension in the urine. This is a small deposit, which later becomes the cause of the formation of sand or stones in the bladder. If white flakes are released into the urine from the urethra, such a pathology can lead to the development of serious changes in the internal organs, and the formation of stones can cause blockage of the urinary tract. In this case, treatment without surgical intervention is impossible, and the operation is provided.

Among women

The female body differs from the male, especially the physiology of the genitourinary system. And her pathology is more common in women. Whitish formations or white threads in the urine can be caused by such reasons:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • pathologies of the renal pelvis;
  • candidiasis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Inclusions in the urine may be vaginal discharge, appearing due to changes in the microflora. Therefore, simultaneously with a general urine test, a smear is prescribed to detect gynecological diseases, and not just diseases of the genitourinary system.

Of course, pathologies are very often accompanied by concomitant symptoms, and not just inclusions in the urine, but in many cases there are latent or chronic forms of the disease that a woman may not even be aware of. Therefore, after detecting flakes in the urine in women, it is important to seek the advice of a specialist.

In men

White flakes in the urine in men most often occur as a symptom of prostatitis or urethritis. Inflammatory processes in the urinary tract or directly inflamed urethra provoke the accumulation of protein or leukocyte accumulations in urine. Whitish inclusions may be a consequence of inflammation of the prostate. Their excretion through the urinary tract is explained by the physiological characteristics of the genitourinary system of the male body (the prostate is adjacent to the urethra).

In children

A white clot in the urine of a child for several weeks after birth only means that the urinary system quickly adapts to the "new" living conditions. Therefore, do not panic, because white discharge is the norm at this age. The reason for their formation is an excess of protein in the diet or dead epithelial cells.

Medical treatment

Treatment of the disease is always directed to the elimination of the root causes, and then to the fight against the consequences. Without vivid and visible symptoms of the disease, drug therapy is not prescribed, but only regular laboratory diagnostics are carried out. With nephrotic signs without cardinal pathological changes, drugs are prescribed.

Medications to maintain immunity are prescribed only with the active development of nephrotic syndrome to slow the progression of infectious diseases.

Any prescription of medicines is carried out by a qualified specialist, because self-medication is unacceptable. The therapeutic course lasts at least six months. Preparations are periodically changed to achieve pronounced positive results.

For the choice of a drug, two aspects are important: the type of disease and the individual characteristics of the body of a sick person. It is important to consider the age of the patient when determining the required dosage of the drug. With the introduction of drugs intravenously, the effectiveness of treatment increases several times, since the absorption of active substances proceeds much faster, but the use of tablet preparations is also acceptable.


Features of the diet for kidney disease directly depend on the type of disease, but there are principles that are universal. Diet therapy is aimed at such aspects:

  • decrease in protein intake;
  • maintaining fluid balance;
  • restriction of salt intake.

Diet for infectious diseases, as well as for exacerbation of renal failure, is prescribed on the basis of table No. 7. You should control the food that is placed on the dining table. It is important to refuse as much as possible the use of salt in the preparation of foods and exclude dishes containing it from the diet.

Folk remedies

If the cause of white formations is candidiasis, then it is considered effective to wash with a soda solution. A teaspoon of soda dissolves in a glass of warm water. Before going to bed, it is important to wash yourself with the resulting product. It is recommended to use it for 3 to 5 days, because soda can greatly dry the vaginal mucosa.

At the same time, a decoction of calendula is used. For 500 ml of water, 30 grams of dried herb is required. Calendula is poured into water and boiled for 15 minutes. Next, you need to insist the resulting broth for 6-7 hours in a dark place. Usually the product is used for washing, but after consultation with a specialist, douching with a decoction is possible. This method can be used for about a week, and then take a break. Douching is not recommended for more than 5 days.

Any impurities in the urine identified by parents can be both a sign of illness and a harmless symptom associated with the baby's nutrition. What to do if your child's urine contains white flakes? Why they can appear in children's urine, what do they testify to and is it worth worrying about? Let's figure it out.

Where do flakes come from?

Changes in the urine of a child indicate the work of the kidneys and other organs of the excretory system. Urine is produced in the kidneys when blood passes through their filtering system. So it is cleared of toxins, harmful substances and other compounds, but all the important elements of the blood (proteins, cells, glucose and others) are returned back to the blood. If the work of the kidneys is disturbed, they will not be absorbed, but will be lost along with the urine. This is one of the reasons for the appearance of flakes in the urine.

The white flakes of many parents suggest that these are proteins that the child has lost in the urine. But such flakes do not always show the release of protein. In fact, protein molecules are very small and their excretion in the urine can most often only be noticed during analysis. Visually, proteinuria is determined quite rarely and occurs with serious pathologies of the kidneys.

The appearance of flakes in the urine is an alarming signal. To exclude random factors, analyze the presence of flakes during subsequent urination

Most often, white flakes are epithelial cells, leukocytes and bacteria that can get into the urine both with diseases and with improper collection of a sample for analysis. Also, such flakes may turn out to be salts excreted by the child with urine in large quantities.


White flakes can appear in the urine both due to diseases and under the influence of changes in the child's diet. The presence of inclusions in the urine can indicate problems with the kidneys, bladder, urethra. Another common cause of flakes is the incorrect collection of urine for analysis. In this case, microorganisms and leukocytes from the child's genitals can enter the urine.

At home, parents can determine how dangerous white flakes in the urine are. For this, the child is asked to urinate in two transparent jars - first in one, and then in the other. If white flakes got into the first portion (first jar), then it is more likely that the cause of such inclusions are diseases of the bladder or urethra. If white flakes are visible in the second portion, then kidney disease manifests itself, which is a reason to immediately take the child to the doctor.

The presence of flakes in the urine is a reason to see a doctor

Possible diseases

White flakes may be one of the signs:

  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Amyloidosis of the kidneys;
  • Thrush;
  • cystitis;
  • Acute urethritis;
  • Balanoposthitis;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Pelvic trauma;
  • Anomalies of the kidneys and ureters.


A white sediment in the urine can appear with a vegetarian type of diet, when phosphates begin to be excreted in the urine in larger quantities.

White sediment in the urine may be related to the child's diet

In addition, the frequent use of dairy products, fresh vegetable and fruit juices leads to the appearance of a white precipitate. It should also be noted that an increased concentration of salts may be due to insufficient fluid intake, so it is important to monitor not only the balance of the baby's nutrition, but also the optimal drinking regimen.

Sometimes a specialist can determine the nature of an existing disease by the color and smell of urine.

So, an important role in this liquid is played by its transparency. As a rule, any impurities and additional components should not even be visually noticed in the urine.

But quite often, people notice the content of white flakes in the urine. What's this? Is this phenomenon dangerous?

Deviation from the norm

Specialists have approved certain requirements for the type of urine. As a rule, it should be "crystal" clear, without impurities, straw-yellow in color and only slightly exude a characteristic smell of the urethra.

If the urine has changed color, for example, it has become white or, then in the human body it is possible to identify the onset of destructive processes or the development of a serious disease.

Often a person is not bothered by any discomfort, but when collecting urine, characteristic light flakes can be found in the light. Such impurities can indicate the development of dangerous diseases of the urinary system and even the genital organs.

Often, flakes form when present. Such indicators of analyzes signal the development and progression of the inflammatory process, which requires an immediate visit to the doctor.

Testing is the first step

The detection of white flakes in the urine after collecting the fluid does not always indicate the presence of a disease, the reasons may be commonplace and not so dangerous.

In some cases, people simply do not follow basic hygiene rules, as a result of which dirt can enter the vessel when collecting urine.

Ideally, there should be no impurities in the urine, and the characteristic may signal the presence of cells such as:

  • erythrocytes;
  • epithelium;
  • salt.

When conducting laboratory studies, a specialist will establish the type and nature of the available flakes. This will indicate the type and features of the development of the disease.

To avoid errors, it is important to collect urine correctly.

To implement the presented process, you must perform the following steps:

  • on the eve you can not eat foods that stain urine, such as carrots or beets;
  • take a shower and thoroughly rinse the groin area, but without the use of household chemicals;
  • when collecting analyzes, only the secreted fluid is collected in the middle of urination;
  • urine should be collected in the morning before eating, drinking coffee or tea;
  • immediately after collecting the fluid, it should be taken to the clinic for laboratory testing.

Compliance with the presented norms and rules of collection will avoid mistakes and incorrectly diagnosed diseases.

Don't Panic Right Away

As mentioned above, white flakes in the urine do not always indicate the presence of a pathology or disease of the body, therefore, before drawing disappointing conclusions for yourself, you should analyze the “safe” causes of this phenomenon.

There are several reasons why the existing substances in the urine do not indicate disorders and diseases of the genitourinary system:

These include:

Analyze the situation as a whole if you notice small white particles in your urine. It may not be necessary to see a doctor, especially if you are not worried and do not have an increase in body temperature.

When you need to urgently see a doctor

The formation of flakes in the urine is characterized by an increased content of organic substances.

This manifestation is possible due to the following reasons:

  1. Various . An infectious disease of the bladder is often found here, which leads to an increase in protein and. During the presented manifestations, a person is disturbed by severe pain, and an increase in body temperature is noticed.
  2. Violation of the glomerular formations of the renal pelvis. This part of the entire urinary system acts as a filter. If a malfunction or malfunction occurs, protein, red blood cells and plasma enter the urine.
  3. Sometimes flakes are found due to mechanical damage to the urethra and urethra. In this case, a large amount of exfoliated epithelial tissue that lines the urinary tract enters the urine. The channel is damaged by the introduction of equipment intended for extraction into it.

At the first signs of the formation of an additional component in the urine, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Even if the existing diseases do not manifest themselves in the form of other signs, a significant deterioration can occur the very next day.

It is better to prevent pain and other unpleasant moments that accompany the manifestation and development of diseases in time.

On this, the possible reasons for which white flakes form in the urine are not exhausted, there are several factors that differ depending on gender and age.

Women at risk

The fair sex is more prone to inflammatory processes of the urinary tract.

But there are reasons why white flakes in the urine can only appear in women.

These include:

At the slightest discomfort in the groin area - itching or pain - women should contact specialists for examination.

In the case of pregnancy, doctors often refer women to a hospital for a complete examination in order to identify the cause, as well as eliminate them. When diagnosing preeclampsia, a woman can stay in the hospital until the very birth.

And what about men?

White flakes appear in the urine of men for the following reasons:

  1. The presence of the disease - an inflammatory disease that occurs as a result of hypothermia or infection. Accompanied by pain during urination and ejaculation.
  2. Development prostatitis, which is formed as a result of excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle, or infection, which is transmitted in most cases sexually. Urination with prostatitis is difficult and painful, therefore, at the first manifestations of the symptoms presented, you should consult a specialist.

Men should take care of their reproductive system, not be exposed to hypothermia and use contraception in case of dubious sexual intercourse.

Also, the development of diseases in men is affected by bad habits - smoking and alcohol.

Cereals that the child will not be happy with

White flakes in the urine of a newborn baby occur under quite normal circumstances and should not alert parents. Their genitourinary system is adapting to a new life outside the womb.

In addition, white flakes are often formed in the urine of children due to the regular consumption of heavy protein foods, which young parents overdo in order to increase the weight of the baby.

Such acts lead to disruption of the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system. To eliminate the cause, review your baby's diet.

Why is it dangerous?

At first glance, particles of turbidity in the urine do not pose a danger. But if you do not find out the reasons for this composition of urine in time, you can miss the time to treat a serious illness.

In this case, a person may suffer from pain and discomfort, as well as expose himself to long-term medication and other procedures.

Contact a specialist

If you detect an incomprehensible substance in urine, immediately contact a specialist for an examination.

This should be done especially when such discharges are accompanied.

Flakes in the urine may signal the development of a serious illness or may not pose a threat to human health. Only a specialist can identify the cause. He will prescribe a treatment plan.

Self-administration of drugs is strictly prohibited.

If white flakes in the urine are visible in women and men when passing a general urine test, it is necessary to pay attention to this and undergo a more detailed examination. Normally, urine analysis should not have impurities and inclusions, so this is a pronounced pathology, the causes of which can be very diverse. Why do white flakes appear in the urine, what are their causes and what treatment is indicated?

Manifestation in women

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genitourinary system of a woman, situations often arise in which the organs of a woman are affected by diseases of a different nature. Most often, urine with flakes in women is observed with a fungal infection of the vagina and uterus. In this case, white inclusions come out with urine, forming a sediment. White particles are also excreted in a normal state, and before collecting urine in a container, hygiene procedures must be carried out, which will help to avoid inaccuracies. But it is better to go to the doctor, as you can skip the initial stage of the development of a serious disease.

When using the hormonal preparation "Utrozhestan", transparent or white inclusions are visible in the urine. In this case, the discharge is accompanied by plaque on the external genital organs. "Utrozhestan" is indicated for gynecological problems, if a woman cannot become pregnant. "Utrozhestan" will help to establish a hormonal background and eliminate the problem.

Manifestation in men

White flakes in the urine with normal nutrition and drinking regimen means that negative changes for the human body have occurred in the genitourinary system.

Urine with white flakes in men also has features of origin. Small white particles appear in the urine with such diseases:

  1. Prostatitis is when an inflammatory process develops in the prostate. If the disease is not treated at the initial stage, problems with urination develop, in addition to flakes, red blood inclusions float in the urine.
  2. Urethritis, in which the ureter becomes inflamed. In the urine, the presence of white spots is visible, which are dead damaged epithelium of the mucous membrane of the urinary canal.
  3. If the stoma is removed, a white sediment is visible in the urine in men.

With any manifestation of the disease and the appearance of symptoms, one cannot expect the disease to go away on its own. Diseases of the urinary system is a dangerous and severe course that causes complications and severe consequences. If white things appear regularly in the composition of urine, you should not delay a visit to the doctor and therapy.

Manifestation in a child

If white threads are visible in the urine of a child, it is important to correctly distinguish the disease from the norm. For example, the functioning of the organs of the urination system has not yet been established in a baby, the kidneys are only normalizing their functioning, so there is a white inclusion in the urine. Failure of the kidneys occurs due to the child's abundant consumption of protein foods, then the urine will not be transparent, lumps of white mucus will be found in it. If it is bad to monitor the hygiene of a child, especially a girl, a urine test will show a negative result.

One of the reasons for the appearance of flakes in the urine of a child is a violation of the kidneys.

But you should be wary if the baby behaves uncharacteristically, he has a fever without signs of SARS, he refuses to eat, and when going to the toilet he becomes whiny and refuses to urinate. Pay attention to the color of the urine. If it is dark and cloudy, pieces of flakes are visible in the urine mixed with red inclusions, you need to urgently take the baby to the hospital. This may mean that a dangerous inflammation occurs in the body, which requires urgent drug therapy.

Causes of white impurities in urine

What diseases contribute to the appearance of white flakes in the urine? This is an inflammation and bacterial complication in the kidneys, urea and urinary organs. However, it is not possible to visually determine what disease is bothering the patient. To do this, he needs to be examined, then, according to the diagnostic results, the doctor will be able to see the full picture of the disease and prescribe treatment. In the presence of a nephrostomy, a person has white discharge in the urine.

In an inflammatory disease, epithelial and mucus fibers float in urine, since in this case the body increases the production of protective cells and epithelium. Their concentration in the urine increases and they are visible in the composition with the naked eye. Infectious cystitis, pathologies during pregnancy, urethritis, prostatitis can occur in the body. Infectious diseases of the urinary system are characterized by such characteristic symptoms as:

  • pain when urinating;
  • frequent urge to empty the bladder;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • itching and burning of the external genital organs;
  • the use of drugs, for example "Utrozhestan".

Urine in pregnant women can show various pathologies in a latent form, so it is important to take tests in a timely manner and monitor your condition. With the development of pathology, a blood and urine test will quickly show a deviation from the norm, and this is important for timely treatment and prevention of complications.

Yellow and green inclusions

Flakes in the urine with yellow and green pieces of mucus mean that inflammation is occurring in the human body, complicated by a bacterial infection. Pathogenic microflora multiplies in the affected organs, while releasing toxic waste. And green and yellow spots in the urine are pus, while the smell of urine is unpleasant, it smells of rot and decay products. If a stoma is removed from the urea and inclusions are visible in the urine, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this is not normal.

To determine the causes of the appearance of yellow and green inclusions in the urine, a number of important studies are carried out for the patient.

Pathological inclusions occur in diseases such as pyelonephritis, urethritis complicated by a bacterial infection, and a sexually transmitted disease. All diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a deterioration in the general well-being of the patient, and a manifestation of difficulties when trying to release the urea. If such symptoms occur in a small child, do not delay a visit to the doctor. With pyelonephritis, the work of the kidneys is rapidly deteriorating, which leads to the development of renal failure, and this is a dangerous complication.

Urinalysis is a simple and very convenient way to check the health of a child. It allows you to identify the development of inflammatory processes in the baby's body and suggest a violation in the work of some of its organs. This is evidenced by a change in the normal state and composition of urine. Normally, it has a yellow color - from light to straw-colored, does not smell of anything "foreign", does not contain visible impurities (such as flakes, sediment, blood, mucus, pus) and looks transparent. Therefore, cloudy urine in a child can be considered a violation of the norm.

At the same time, the determination of urine turbidity at home and in the laboratory is a difference. And in both cases, the turbidity of the urine does not necessarily mean that the child is unwell.

Turbid urine in a child: Komarovsky

If your baby looks healthy outwardly, nothing worries him, he feels great, but the analysis showed cloudy urine, then leave the child alone, pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky advises. Turbid urine is not a pathology. Moreover: absolutely any urine becomes cloudy! True, only in the case of contact with air. And the larger the surface of this contact, the more turbidity appears faster and to a greater extent.

That is, if you collected pies in a pot, and after some time they became cloudy, then this is a completely natural process. Reacting with oxygen at a low ambient temperature, the salts in the feces precipitate, which makes the urine cloudy. In fresh urine, the salts are in a dissolved state and are not visually determined. This is one of the reasons why urine for analysis should be freshly collected.

In addition, turbid urine in a child, emphasizes Komarovsky, is very often the cause of non-compliance with sterility when taking material. Therefore, the doctor advises using only containers intended for this, which are sold in a pharmacy, and correctly collect urine for analysis.

Why does a child have cloudy urine: other reasons

However, in combination with other analysis indicators, urine turbidity may be evidence of certain health abnormalities.

The composition, density, transparency and color of urine is influenced by a large number of factors. It matters what the child ate the day before, how much he drinks, what medications he took, whether he is sick at the time of the test, what kind of physical activity he experiences.

So, cloudy urine in a child after an illness or at a temperature is quite understandable. It indicates an inflammatory process in the body or contains processed substances of drugs. Due to the fact that many of them put a strain on the kidneys, cloudy urine in a child after taking antibiotics is a very common phenomenon.

If the analysis was passed in order to diagnose the state of health of the baby, then its turbidity, combined with deviations from the norms of other indicators, may indicate certain pathological processes. In particular, in this case, the doctor may suspect:

  • inflammatory process in the genitourinary tract;
  • kidney disease (most often it is cystitis or pyelonephritis);
  • dehydration of the body (may occur against the background of an illness with fever, vomiting or diarrhea, and also if the child drinks little and sweats a lot);
  • violation of the liver (if cloudy urine is dark brown);
  • the development of diabetes mellitus (if the urine has a pungent smell, similar to the smell of an apple or acetone, if the baby drinks a lot);
  • acetonemia (with a specific smell from feces);
  • disturbance in the state of the blood.

Cloudy urine with sediment in a child

If cloudy urine is sometimes observed in a child, but the rest of the time the urine is clear, then this should not cause any concern in parents.

By the way, in newborns in the first days of life, urine is almost always cloudy, but after a few days it takes on a “normal” appearance. It is also quite normal if sometimes there is cloudy urine in a child in the morning: during the night, the water balance in the baby’s body is disturbed, which is also reflected in the state of urine.

If cloudy urine with sediment, flakes, mucus, is pink, red, greenish or dark brown, has a sharp fetid odor, or the test results are poor, then the doctor will look for the cause of such a violation.

You should also consult a doctor if a child whose urine has become cloudy reveals signs of trouble: eating or sleeping poorly, experiencing pain and other discomfort, has a temperature, urinates often or painfully. A sediment in the urine of a child indicates the presence of bacteria, leukocytes, erythrocytes or salts in it - the analysis will show what exactly caused the turbidity.

Summing up, we note the main thing: turbidity of urine in itself does not bode anything dangerous. But in combination with other disorders in its composition (in the presence of protein, erythrocytes, bacteria, a pungent odor or a pathological change in color), as well as with the child’s malaise, the cause of cloudy urine must be sought. And this should be done by a doctor based on the examination.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko