Syndrome of increased excitability in infants. Increased nervous excitability - what is it

Restlessness and increased activity is characteristic of most children. These are quite normal qualities that should not bother parents. However, in some babies, such features are so pronounced that they force parents to seek help from doctors. Fathers and mothers complain that the child cannot sit still even for a minute, he is impulsive, absent-minded, it is difficult for him to concentrate on the task at hand. Moreover, with such a baby it is difficult to find a language not only for a peer and teacher, but also for parents. Doctors in this case often diagnose the child with "hyperexcitability". What is characterized by increased excitability in a child, and how to properly treat it, we learn from this article.

Causes of increased excitability

According to statistics, 8 out of 100 children face this disease, and boys have such problems 6 times more often than girls.

There may be several reasons for this condition. If hyperexcitability has appeared in a child, as a rule, such symptoms can be found in at least one of the parents of the baby. If adults suffer from this disease due to constant stress and the frantic pace of life, then the child develops a syndrome of increased activity due to insufficient stability of the nervous system, which is unable to cope with the huge amount of incoming information. According to doctors, children with suspicious character traits are most susceptible to excitability. The disease is exacerbated due to the excessive workload of the school curriculum, the restless situation within the family, due to poor nutrition, lack of sleep, lack of rest, as well as many hours of sitting in front of the TV and at the computer. Computer games have a particularly negative effect on the child's condition.

Symptoms of hyperexcitability

A child with this disorder is easy to distinguish from a normal active baby. Observant parents may notice his lack of concentration, lack of attention, backlog in the subjects of the school curriculum, conflict with peers and teachers. Moreover, a child with increased excitability may complain of headaches and suffer from insomnia. It is sleep disturbances, when a child cannot fall asleep for 2-3 hours or wakes up at night and does not close his eyes until morning, that indicate that he has a hyperexcitability syndrome. Doctors also pay attention to the following signs: asymmetry of the facial muscles and impaired movement of the eyeballs. If these signs are present, the child is treated.

Treatment of hyperexcitability

It should be noted that excitability is not a dangerous diagnosis that requires serious medical treatment. This is a minor disorder in which it is necessary to adjust the child's daily routine, and if necessary, prescribe funds to help the baby return to normal as soon as possible.

If we consider the drugs prescribed for this disease, then most often doctors advise taking natural herbal remedies. The most popular among them are valerian extract, as well as motherwort tincture. In more complex cases, an experienced doctor, depending on the age, gender, causes and manifestations of this disorder, may prescribe some medications, for example:

  • sedatives in drops or capsules (Valocordin, Barboval);
  • metabolic agent for improving brain activity Glycine;
  • cardiac medication Tricardin;
  • sedative homeopathic preparations (Cardioica, Calm);
  • nootropic Piracetam.

Prevention of hyperexcitability

Parents should remember that in order to prevent unpleasant symptoms of excitability, the child needs to adjust the rest and sleep patterns. He should sleep at least 8 hours a day, be outdoors more often, eat a varied diet, spend less time at the computer and be outdoors more often. All this will help to ensure that the increased excitability of the child no longer makes itself felt. Take care of your children!


One of the most famous and common disorders of the nervous system is the syndrome of increased nervous excitability. The number of patients suffering from this disease is increasing year by year. They suffer regardless of gender, age, professional affiliation, etc. However, psychologists are sure that boys and male teenagers are at risk.

Excitability of the nervous system: symptoms and causes of the disease

People who suffer from hyperexcitability syndrome can be calculated by the following external signs:

The muscles of the face are asymmetrical;
The movement of the eyeballs are disturbed;
Failures in the spatial orientation of a person;
These people are characterized by absent-mindedness and disorganization in movements and expression of thoughts;
Patients often complain of headaches;
A psychotherapist quickly detects intellectual development disorders in such a person;


There are several reasons that cause increased excitability of the nervous system in an adult:

Incorrect (unbalanced) nutrition;
Overwork as a result of improper work and rest. Particularly strongly affects the occurrence of constant lack of sleep;
The desire to do several things at the same time, etc.

It is noted that three-quarters of the patients are residents of large cities.

The nervous system of the younger generation is too unstable to sudden changes and heavy loads. The flow of information that daily falls on the child at home, at school and on the street has a particularly negative effect on her. The load that is considered normal in a modern school, conflicts in the family and adherence to gadgets, is detrimental to the psyche of a teenager. The heaviest damage to the child's nervous system is caused by computer games.

Prevention of the syndrome of nervous excitability

First of all, it is worth noting that any problems can arise in life, but alcohol and drugs have never become a way out of the situation. The only thing they lead to is the aggravation of troubles and the emergence of new ones. So, the following methods can become the prevention of the syndrome of nervous excitability:

If you have been dreaming of doing any sport for a long time, start today. Sign up for a class or just start with morning runs. You will see how after a few days of classes your mood will improve, and many problems that seemed insoluble will recede into the background;
Walks. Make it a rule - do not run from work to the bus, but walk a couple of stops on foot. No time for stupidity? Don't lie! Free yourself this half an hour. It is especially good to walk in the park or through the forest. Go out on weekends to nature in order to just get some fresh air;

Break free from computer addiction. Often, running home from work, we again find ourselves at the computer. We can even spend weekends with a gadget. Force yourself to give up gadgets at home. Take care of the house, bake a cake, do something useful, just stay away from the computer. This dependence quickly disappears, as soon as the body understands how good it is without a “blue screen” or a tablet;
Negative information from the outside should be kept to a minimum. Try to protect yourself from negative emotions caused by criminal news bulletins, stories about problems in the country's economy, political instability, terrible diseases, etc.;
Restore your normal work and rest schedule. An adult should sleep at least 7 hours a day, preferably 8. At the same time, it is necessary that there is enough time not only for work and sleep, but also for good rest - hobbies, sports, communication with family and friends, etc .;
Have a good rest on weekends. Try not to burden yourself with different responsibilities on weekends. Say "no" to those who are trying to burden you with extra work and make you spend precious minutes on yourself. Go out with your family, spend more time with those you really love, get positive emotions;
Protect yourself from. Try to exclude from life those who do not bring joy into it. and acquaintances, have fun and try to listen to your heart, and not succumb to despondency.

It requires the intervention of doctors only if it disturbs the patient himself. In most situations, it is corrected independently.

Measures to combat nervous excitability

If you feel that your efforts to restore the nervous system do not lead to any noticeable results, consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a survey, prescribe tests, make a diagnosis. Only according to the results of the examination, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Never listen to friends and acquaintances who "had the same symptoms and took this or that drug." Without a recommendation and, it is impossible to take antidepressants or tranquilizers.

However, in folk medicine, valerian root, motherwort flowers, plantain leaves, hawthorn berries, etc. were used to eliminate nervous tension. These mild and harmless antidepressants can be bought at pharmacies without a prescription. In addition, they will not harm health, and will not have a negative impact on the human psyche. They can be taken both separately and in combination. From the dried components prepare infusions on alcohol or decoctions on water. Currently, tablets and capsules of valerian, motherwort, etc. are being produced. In addition, there are many herbal preparations that are used to relieve nervous tension, but for proper treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Depending on the severity, causes and course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following groups of drugs to the patient:

Sedative (suppressive consciousness) drugs;
Cardiological (heart) drugs;
metabolic agents;
Homeopathic preparations;
Vitamins and drugs that weaken menopausal manifestations in women.

Glycine is considered one of the most common drugs for nervous excitability. This metabolic agent improves the functioning of the brain, positively affects its performance, eliminates emotional and mental stress. The drug helps well in situations close to critical (stressful). These include exams, conflicts in the family, etc. The drug restores sleep patterns, eliminating insomnia. Reception of Glycine contributes to the normalization of mood. An important factor is that this drug does not belong to the group of narcotic drugs, does not cause addiction and dependence. In addition, Glycine is prescribed for both children and adolescents, and adults. The doctor chooses a regimen for taking the drug individually. There is only one contraindication to taking the drug - allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

To prepare it, you need to take the components in the following proportions:

Calendula (dried flowers) - 0.5 stack;
Oregano (twigs with dried flowers) - 0.5 stack;
Common tansy (dried flowers and twigs) - 2 tsp;
Boiling water - 1 l.

Herbs must be thoroughly mixed and steamed in boiling water. Cover the container with a warm cloth and let it brew for 1 hour. Strain the product and bring the amount of decoction to the original 1 liter. Take 100 g in the morning and evening for 20 days.

March 22, 2014

SNRI - a syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability, is a neurological disorder that is quite common in babies of the first year of life, especially up to 3 months of age. Such children are restless, sleep little, fall asleep poorly and suckle sluggishly at the breast. They often flinch, worry and cry at any touch, they can be difficult to calm down.

Very often, the syndrome is not detected on time, since a consultation with a pediatric neurologist is not included in the list of mandatory. Therefore, parents who notice symptoms of increased excitability in their baby, it is better to show it to a specialist as soon as possible. This will help to avoid deterioration in the future, namely: the development of hyperactivity syndrome and even epileptic syndrome. With the correction of SNRI started in time, the baby's condition returns to normal by the age of one.

Why does it develop, how does the syndrome of increased excitability in infants manifest itself, how is it carried out? Let's talk about it:

Causes of hyperexcitability syndrome in infants

Most often, this condition is diagnosed in babies who experienced oxygen starvation or hypoxia before birth or during childbirth.

A great influence on the functioning of the brain of the baby, the state of his nervous system is exerted by the state of health of the mother during pregnancy, as well as himself immediately after birth. These are, first of all, various infectious diseases.

Also, the risk factors for the development of this syndrome include: experiences, stress of the mother during pregnancy, severe toxicosis, rapid delivery.

SNRI in infants - symptoms of hyperexcitability in infants

During communication with the baby of the parents, as well as during a medical examination, when they touch him, turn him around, talk to him, he starts screaming loudly. At the same time, the cry is high-pitched, irritated. In addition, he shows motor restlessness, shudders, trembling of the limbs and chin is observed.

In addition, the syndrome of increased excitability in infants is manifested in increased muscle tone. When nervously excited, he throws his head back, the movements of the arms and legs become large-scale. The convulsive syndrome is expressed by various paroxysmal phenomena.

It is difficult to calm the baby, he falls asleep badly, sleeps little, sucks badly at the breast. Often, parents notice that he just lies with his eyes open and looks at one point.

Correction methods

The need for corrective measures is determined and developed by a neuropathologist. Before this, the baby is examined in order to exclude other diseases that cause similar symptoms. These pathologies include increased intracranial pressure in a child. This condition is also often manifested by anxiety, sleep problems and frequent crying.

When the diagnosis of NRTI is confirmed, the doctor will determine the necessary measures for your baby, and the drug will not necessarily be prescribed. Prescribing medication depends on the condition of the child and is always individual.

Traditional correction methods include:

Massage (general, point or relaxing). This is a very effective method helps to reduce muscle tone, reduces nervous excitability. The course of therapeutic massage is carried out only by a specialist. For classes, you will need to visit a children's clinic or other medical institution.

Swimming and gymnastics. Exercising in the water is very beneficial for a child, especially those with SRDD. Swimming trains muscles, reduces their tone, relaxes. Gymnastics trains the brain of the baby, directing the right impulses to it. When performing exercises, its damaged tissues recover faster and more actively. Therapeutic exercises are carried out under the guidance of a specialist in a clinic.

In addition, the child should establish a daily routine. In general, this is a simple but extremely effective method that contributes to the normal development of the child. With hyperexcitability syndrome, it is also used for therapeutic purposes. Hours should be determined for sleeping, playing, eating, walking in the fresh air, etc. The attending physician will help develop the correct regimen.

Medical hyperexcitability in infants

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out medical correction of increased excitability in infants. Magnesium preparations are prescribed, soothing herbs, for example, motherwort or valerian, vitamin B6. According to the indications, drugs are used that improve cerebral circulation.

When diagnosing increased intracranial pressure, the doctor will prescribe diuretics, preparations containing potassium. Naturally, in age-appropriate dosages.

Usually, dosage forms in the form of suspensions are prescribed for infants. If the drug is produced only in tablet form, the required amount of pills is crushed and then mixed with water, breast milk or infant formula.

Folk hyperexcitability in infants

A good soothing, relaxing effect is given by healing baths with infusions, decoctions of medicinal plants. The baby's skin is permeated with nerve endings and quickly absorbs all the beneficial substances contained in plants. Such baths are recommended to be taken before a night's sleep.

Bathing water temperature should not exceed 36-37 degrees. So always use a thermometer. The course of treatment is 15 procedures.

For example, here is a good healthy recipe:

Finely chop 50 g of calamus roots and 20 g of willow bark, mix. Combine with 20 g dried juniper berries. Pour everything into a large bowl. Add 3 liters of boiling water. Simmer at a light boil for 15 minutes. Then insulate, wait until cool. Pour the cooled broth through gauze into the prepared bath with water. The duration of bathing a child is 10 minutes.

In addition to this collection, it is useful to make baths with an infusion of mint, chamomile, string, and a decoction of pine needles. Relax and soothe a bath with sea salt. The possibility of using therapeutic baths for your baby, be sure to discuss with your doctor.

In conclusion, it should be noted that any corrective technique usually includes a whole range of different measures. If there is such a need - with the inclusion of drugs. Subject to all the recommendations of the attending physician, the symptoms of SNRS disappear without a trace by the age of one and the baby is no longer disturbed.

Unfortunately, almost every second baby has pathological changes in the nervous system, which is referred to as hyperexcitability in infants. This syndrome is determined at the first visit to a neurologist. However, not all parents take seriously the unusual condition of the child, deciding that over time everything should go away by itself, refusing to give the child medication prescribed by the doctor.

Hyperexcitability syndrome occurs with somatovegetative disorders and neuro-reflex excitability, so it cannot be treated with indifference. After some time, more serious disorders of the nervous system may develop, which often manifests itself in a delay in the mental and speech development of the child. The baby can grow up nervous, weather-dependent. Dysfunction of brain activity is often observed to a small extent, which leads to inattention, hyperreactivity, and the development of epilepsy.

Such children should grow up under the strict supervision of a neurologist, and parents should carefully follow all the doctor's instructions. Only then can the risk of complications be reduced.


All the main causes of hyperexcitability in infants depend on the passage of pregnancy by the mother. The nervous system of the child depends largely on it and is formed while the baby is in the womb.

There is a great dependence on the pregnant woman's intake of varied food, the sufficiency of oxygen supply, on the arising stresses and disorders of the nervous system of the expectant mother.

Many children born prematurely do not have time to fully develop neurons, which leads to this pathology. Complicated childbirth also often affects the state of the nervous system of the baby.

The nervous system of infants recovers well with minor pathological changes, but control by specialists is necessary. Sometimes it happens that without medical interventions it is not possible to remove the excitation of the nervous system.

Remember: if left untreated, the pathological symptoms may intensify.

Main symptoms and signs

Parents need to be very attentive to their baby in order to notice the development of pathology in the early stages and consult a doctor in time. Then it will be possible to cure the child without consequences. The syndrome is diagnosed by certain symptoms and signs.

These include:

  • frequent restless behavior of the child, manifested by shuddering and waking up from the slightest noise;
  • poor sleep and poor sleep;
  • weak sucking and frequent regurgitation of food;
  • tearfulness;
  • weak muscle tension;
  • tremor of the chin and hands.

In addition to the listed signs, there are pathologies of the child's body system associated with disorders in the work of neuro-regulatory processes:

  • the child often sweats;
  • when crying, the nasolabial triangle turns blue;

  • pulse quickens;
  • irregular stools with alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • the skin becomes marbled.

As soon as mothers notice these symptoms, they must definitely react: pay the attention of a pediatrician and visit a pediatric neurologist.

What treatment is prescribed and what should parents do

Before starting treatment, the neurologist establishes the causes of the child's hyperexcitability. If the nervous system has been damaged while the fetus was in the womb, soothing baths are prescribed at birth. Decoctions of herbs with a sedative effect, mineral solutions are added to the water. They can prescribe physiotherapy with an apparatus - electrophoresis, physical education and paraffin heating.

To cure this syndrome, parents will need a lot of time and patience: only by 4–6 months will the result be noticeable.

For recovery, the baby is useful:

  • walks in the open air;
  • taking soothing herbal decoctions;
  • prolonged sleep in a calm environment.

It is necessary to protect the child from everything that can make him nervous: family scandals, loud conversations, screams, noises.

Among the medications, drugs are prescribed that relieve the tremor of the limbs and chin. If the child does not fall asleep well and sleeps, then it is recommended to give sedatives before going to bed.

To relieve hyperexcitability, which takes a lot of energy from children, neurologists recommend hardening procedures that strengthen blood vessels, and autonomic disorders gradually stop.


For any disorders associated with the nervous system, massage is prescribed. It can be done by a specialist, but many mothers can do it themselves, having received a little advice from a massage therapist or pediatrician.

Massage must be performed daily at the same time. It will be useful for the child, as it is a relaxing and restorative procedure that relieves the symptoms of hyperexcitability, and at the same time it is a pleasant tactile contact between mother and child.

It is important to choose the right time for the procedure. The first half of the day is most suitable, when the baby is alert. Massage is recommended to do before feeding, about half an hour. If it occurs after a meal and the child does not sleep, then it is necessary to wait 1 hour and only then proceed with the procedure.

Basic tricks

The first massage should last 5 minutes and stop as soon as the child's displeasure is noticeable. Over time, the baby will get used to it, then the duration of the massage should be 30 minutes.

Massage is best done on a changing table, in a ventilated room, but the temperature should not fall below 22 ° C, that is, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for mother and child.

In the first months, you only need to lightly stroke the child, the patronage nurse can show movements. Stroking is desirable, starting from the fingertips to the shoulder, from the foot to the groin. Then stroke the tummy: the direction of the hand should only go clockwise. The chest is stroked, directing the hands from below to the neck: from the center to the armpits.

The baby is laid out for 2 minutes on the stomach, stroking the back. The reflexes of the newborn are then checked. To do this, they put their hands to the feet, and the child begins to crawl, as it were. They put the baby on the side, alternating the right with the left, and run a finger along the spine: the child should arch his back. Then you need to press near each finger on the foot, they should bend at the same time.

It must be borne in mind that there are certain areas of the child that cannot be touched so as not to injure them. These include: nipples, groin, genitals, navel, joints. It is not recommended to massage babies with skin lesions and irritations, if it is unpleasant for the child at this time. In this case, it must be transferred to another time.

If the hyperexcitability syndrome has a serious form, then the child will always have to be under the supervision of many specialists: a neurologist, psychologist, speech therapist, chiropractor and massage therapist. Regardless of the causes of the pathology, it is recommended that the child be given light sedatives and vitamins.

SNRI - a syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability, is a neurological disorder that is quite common in babies of the first year of life, especially up to 3 months of age. Such children are restless, sleep little, fall asleep poorly and suckle sluggishly at the breast. They often flinch, worry and cry at any touch, they can be difficult to calm down.

Very often, the syndrome is not detected on time, since a consultation with a pediatric neurologist is not included in the list of mandatory. Therefore, parents who notice symptoms of increased excitability in their baby, it is better to show it to a specialist as soon as possible. This will help to avoid deterioration in the future, namely: the development of hyperactivity syndrome and even epileptic syndrome. With the correction of SNRI started in time, the baby's condition returns to normal by the age of one.

Why does it develop, how does the hyperexcitability syndrome in infants manifest itself, how is it treated? Let's talk about it:

Causes of hyperexcitability syndrome in infants

Most often, this condition is diagnosed in babies who experienced oxygen starvation or hypoxia before birth or during childbirth.

A great influence on the functioning of the brain of the baby, the state of his nervous system is exerted by the state of health of the mother during pregnancy, as well as himself immediately after birth. These are, first of all, various infectious diseases.

Also, the risk factors for the development of this syndrome include: experiences, stress of the mother during pregnancy, severe toxicosis, rapid delivery.

SNRI in infants - symptoms of hyperexcitability in infants

During communication with the baby of the parents, as well as during a medical examination, when they touch him, turn him around, talk to him, he starts screaming loudly. At the same time, the cry is high-pitched, irritated. In addition, he shows motor restlessness, shudders, trembling of the limbs and chin is observed.

In addition, the syndrome of increased excitability in infants is manifested in increased muscle tone. When nervously excited, he throws his head back, the movements of the arms and legs become large-scale. The convulsive syndrome is expressed by various paroxysmal phenomena.

It is difficult to calm the baby, he falls asleep badly, sleeps little, sucks badly at the breast. Often, parents notice that he just lies with his eyes open and looks at one point.

Correction methods

The need for corrective measures is determined and developed by a neuropathologist. Before this, the baby is examined in order to exclude other diseases that cause similar symptoms. These pathologies include increased intracranial pressure in a child. This condition is also often manifested by anxiety, sleep problems and frequent crying.

Once a diagnosis of NRTI is confirmed, your doctor will determine what your baby needs to do, and medications may not necessarily be prescribed. Prescribing medication depends on the condition of the child and is always individual.

Traditional correction methods include:

Massage (general, point or relaxing). This is a very effective method helps to reduce muscle tone, reduces nervous excitability. The course of therapeutic massage is carried out only by a specialist. For classes, you will need to visit a children's clinic or other medical institution.

Swimming and gymnastics. Exercising in the water is very beneficial for a child, especially those with SRDD. Swimming trains muscles, reduces their tone, relaxes. Gymnastics trains the brain of the baby, directing the right impulses to it. When performing exercises, its damaged tissues recover faster and more actively. Therapeutic exercises are carried out under the guidance of a specialist in a clinic.

In addition, the child should establish a daily routine. In general, this is a simple but extremely effective method that contributes to the normal development of the child. With hyperexcitability syndrome, it is also used for therapeutic purposes. Hours should be determined for sleeping, playing, eating, walking in the fresh air, etc. The attending physician will help develop the correct regimen.

Drug treatment of hyperexcitability in infants

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out medical correction of increased excitability in infants. Magnesium preparations are prescribed, soothing herbs, for example, motherwort or valerian, vitamin B6. According to the indications, drugs are used that improve cerebral circulation.

When diagnosing increased intracranial pressure, the doctor will prescribe diuretics, preparations containing potassium. Naturally, in age-appropriate dosages.

Usually, dosage forms in the form of suspensions are prescribed for infants. If the drug is produced only in tablet form, the required amount of pills is crushed and then mixed with water, breast milk or infant formula.

Alternative treatment of hyperexcitability in infants

A good soothing, relaxing effect is given by healing baths with infusions, decoctions of medicinal plants. The baby's skin is permeated with nerve endings and quickly absorbs all the beneficial substances contained in plants. Such baths are recommended to be taken before a night's sleep.

Bathing water temperature should not exceed 36-37 degrees. So always use a thermometer. The course of treatment is 15 procedures.

For example, here is a good healthy recipe:

Finely chop 50 g of calamus roots and 20 g of willow bark, mix. Combine with 20 g dried juniper berries. Pour everything into a large bowl. Add 3 liters of boiling water. Simmer at a light boil for 15 minutes. Then insulate, wait until cool. Pour the cooled broth through gauze into the prepared bath with water. The duration of bathing a child is 10 minutes.

In addition to this collection, it is useful to make baths with an infusion of mint, chamomile, string, and a decoction of pine needles. Relax and soothe a bath with sea salt. The possibility of using therapeutic baths for your baby, be sure to discuss with your doctor.

In conclusion, it should be noted that any corrective technique usually includes a whole range of different measures. If there is such a need - with the inclusion of drugs. Subject to all the recommendations of the attending physician, the symptoms of SNRS disappear without a trace by the age of one and the baby is no longer disturbed.