Entering into a trance is the path to the expansion of consciousness. How to quickly and easily enter a trance state

There are many different techniques and ways to plunge into a meditative trance, including with the help of another person or through psychostimulants. However, it is best to learn how to enter the ASC (altered state of consciousness) on your own. At the same time, you not only do not risk getting various negative side effects as a result, dependence on stimulants that are harmful to health and mental state, but you can also get great benefits for yourself.

Trance states are useful for overcoming stress, self-healing, connecting with your subconscious, self-hypnosis (for example, in order to get rid of addictions and habits).

So, try to apply any of the simplest methods below.

1. With the help of meditative-trance music

Initially, you need to prepare so that nothing bothers you at the wrong time: complete your current affairs, turn off your phone, etc. It is easiest to enter a trance right after waking up or before going to bed, but this is not a necessary condition. The main thing is that you can relax as much as possible, but at the same time you do not have severe fatigue. To achieve complete relaxation, you must feel comfortable. Make sure there are no distractions or irritants in the room: noise from electrical appliances, cold or heat in the room, irritating smells, etc. Turn on dimmed lights, play suitable music at a low volume.

Then you need to relax the body as much as possible to the state of sleep, while your mind should remain active and awake. If you can't relax completely, try to relax as much as you can. You can think of something pleasant and gradually relax. Close your eyes, focus on the music, and slowly begin to go into a trance. 2. Shaman way

As the name suggests, this technique was used by shamans in their rituals. For this exotic method, you will need rhythmic music (shaman tambourine, African tom-toms). Further, the technique is the same as in the first method: you lie down and listen to music. The only difference is that you focus on the rhythm. That is, there is only rhythm and you, and then you merge with this rhythm. There are other options - using a tambourine, shamanic dance or Sufi whirling (when you dissolve your consciousness in the dance), but these methods are quite exotic.

3. Entering the alpha state

Close your eyes and raise them at an angle of 20-50°. Relax completely and concentrate on the ajna chakra (the area in the middle of the forehead). You have entered the alpha state. At first, to hold the state, you can mentally count from 20 to 1. As soon as you reach 1 when counting, your brain will be tuned to the alpha wave. Then you can work with desire, for this visualize a bright and clear image of what you want to receive. Enjoy this image and exit the alpha state by counting from 1 to 20. Then open your eyes.

4. With stimming

This way of entering a trance is based on stereotypically repetitive body movements - stimming. To do this, you need to stimulate some part of the body with your fingertips with light and monotonous movements - for example, any part of the arm or shoulder. At first you relax and calm down, then completely immerse yourself in a feeling of complete relaxation. This method is most suitable for people with high sensory sensitivity. Motion sickness is another variation of this kind of trance entry. You can monotonously swing while sitting on a chair or on the floor, whichever is more comfortable for you.

5. Without any help

If you already know how to enter a trance with the help of music or any special actions, then you have already understood the principle of entering this state. Therefore, you can move on to the next step. Try to complicate the task and try to enter an altered state of consciousness without any preparation - for example, in a noisy place or room. To do this, relax, defocus your eyes and look, as it were, into space (not at the object). You can focus on the point in the middle of the forehead, where the ajna chakra is located. Breathing should also be relaxed, you can even stop it for a while. Completely immerse yourself in the state already familiar to you from the previous techniques. Thus, you can go into trance anytime, anywhere. You should not come out of a meditative trance abruptly, but gradually, as if you open your eyes after waking up. You will be full of energy and feel a great surge of strength.

It's no secret that trance is a mental state characterized by an altered consciousness. During it, a person is turned to his inner world and detached from external factors. Some people refer to intentionally inducing a trance state as meditation. Many are interested in how to enter a trance, because trance helps to cope with stress, get the necessary good rest. In addition, trance is recognized by many people as a healing state of consciousness.

  • Responsibly treat the choice of a place, it should be as safe and isolated as possible.
  • To enter a trance, the most comfortable external conditions (temperature regime, fresh air) are necessary.
  • Before entering a trance, it is necessary to satisfy all physiological needs so that they do not distract you and do not prevent you from immersing yourself in a trance state.
  • Get rid of annoying factors (clock sounds, noise outside the window, and so on).
  • The most suitable position for trance is half-sitting. For example, in a chair. It is desirable that your head has a support.
  • If you go into a trance lying down, ensure that you are in a position that is completely comfortable for you, so that no parts of your body become numb.
  • Make sure no one disturbs you.
  • Enter a trance in a moderately tired state. Excessive fatigue, just like absolute cheerfulness, does not contribute to entering a trance.

How to enter a trance: tricks

  • Relaxation is a prerequisite for immersion in a trance. Relax every muscle, every organ of your body, mentally moving from the top of your head to your fingertips and back.
  • Watch your breath. Do not think about how to breathe, namely watch. This technique will save you from thinking.
  • Contemplation - get rid of internal dialogues, from the flow of thoughts, focus on one, the most important thought and think about it.
  • Superficial thoughts - the surrounding world and actions in it are very distracting. Stop emerging thoughts, chop them off and do not let them develop.
  • Concentration is an obligatory moment of the process of immersion in a trance. Do not think about extraneous things, fully concentrate on what you are doing.

How to enter a trance: methods

To enter into a trance, various methods are used, here are some of them:

  1. Safe place. With this method, after you have achieved the desired relaxation of the body and mind, imagine a safe place. This place can be real or imagined. Then move into it and stay there for as long as you like. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on feelings of comfort, security, confidence. You can analyze your life in the same aspects. When you want to leave this place, return to reality.
  2. Ladder. With this method, after achieving complete relaxation of the body and concentration of consciousness on immersion in a trance, you must go down the stairs to your subconscious, while with each exhalation you sink lower and lower. It is not necessary to render the stairs. To return to reality, you need to climb the stairs.
  3. Visualization. With this technique, you need to have a strong imagination. After complete relaxation, imagine that you are going to a specific place or person, while mentally leaving the place where you enter a trance and count the steps. When returning from a trance state, you need to come back by doing the same number of steps.
  4. Installation. This method will help those who believe in self-hypnosis. When entering a trance, give yourself the command: “I am going into a trance. I am going into a trance state”, concentrate on these thoughts, repeat them to yourself.
  5. Music. Put on repeat one melody suitable for meditation, focus on sounds and rhythms, watch your breath. Music will help you relax and get rid of unnecessary thoughts.
  6. Gazing into the black space of closed eyelids. When using this technique, in addition to looking at the black space, it is necessary to control the emptiness in thoughts, to stop any thoughts.

How do you know if you are in a trance? If you have done everything correctly, then your body will be heavy, you will not be able to move, thoughts will be slow and light. The state of trance is a prerequisite for astral travel.

If you have a difficult period in your life, you definitely need to know how to learn how to enter a trance, because this will help you overcome difficulties with the least loss.

Trance is a very easy to do and natural state; the entrance to this state occurs when the physical body falls asleep, while the mind remains awake. It's very simple: the frequency of brain waves changes in response to changes in the level of brain activity. The less brain activity, the deeper the trance level. Normal levels of consciousness cause a lot of bioelectrical activity, which is caused by the awake active surface mind, the so-called beta rhythm. When the trance state is entered, this activity is greatly reduced, causing many specific physical and mental sensations. Changes in brain activity can be recorded using an electroencephalograph (or EEG machine).

The human brain consists of two halves (hemispheres); each side performs different physical and mental functions and abilities. The left side of the brain is rational and logical, responsible for solving problems, while the right side is responsible for emotions, creativity, and intuition. I believe that the trance state causes these two hemispheres to work together, forcing them to synchronize, which they are not always able to do in a normal waking state.

The more time spent in a trance state, the stronger the bioenergetic connections between the hemispheres become, and the easier it is for the two hemispheres to work together. When the two hemispheres are in sync, the mind becomes calmer, stronger, more whole and balanced. This increases the quality of thinking, making it deeper and more open to inspiration, while providing greater mental clarity - albeit in an altered state of consciousness. A deeply relaxed physical body with a clear mind is held longer in a state of balanced trance.

We all experience this state every night at the moment of falling asleep, albeit for a short time. Most people don't even notice it, but everyone knows what a nice feeling it is. Who hasn't enjoyed falling asleep? Likewise, who doesn't love going into a trance state? Trance is a delightfully blissful, pleasant, state of relaxation, like immersing yourself in a pleasantly warm physical/mental bath or mineral spring.

If you carefully observe the moment of falling asleep, you may find that you begin to lose awareness among chaotic half-thoughts and impressions. The body becomes heavy, warm and comfortable, and thoughts become stupid and meaningless. This happens at the very edge of sleep, just before the connection with reality is lost and the fall into the seeming oblivion of sleep occurs. Feeling a heavy body is a sign of entering a trance state. Mental incoherence (in the case of entering a trance state when disconnected) is caused solely by mental and physical fatigue.

As soon as the physical body falls asleep, the center of waking consciousness passes into the etheric body. This is best thought of as a projection of an internal type. Feeling a heavy body in a trance state means that the center of waking consciousness has moved one step up from his physical body - into the first of his subtle bodies - into the etheric body. This brings consciousness one step closer to the projected real-time double.

The next time you fall asleep, keep your forearms upright and your elbows comfortably on the surface of the bed. This will allow you to stay awake a little longer than usual. Watch what happens when you fall asleep. You will experience a trance state, although not for much, but longer than usual before the blackout, and even longer if you are not too tired and can stay focused. If you relax and use the mind breathing technique when you switch off, instead of letting your mind drift and ramble, you can slow down the shutdown process and stay in the trance state even longer.

As part of the training in projection, it is necessary to learn how to position the body for sleep in order to maintain mental wakefulness and control; in other words, to enter a trance state and remain awake. It can be a little tricky at first, but not at all difficult if you follow the procedure correctly and practice regularly. The physical and mental fatigue that naturally causes the trance state at bedtime can be replaced by a deep level of physical relaxation and a clear surface mind.

If you allow yourself to react to distracting sounds during a trance, you may produce a normal response by becoming easily distracted and annoyed. This can seriously reduce the ability to enter and maintain a trance state. This may force you to use artificial aids such as music or other recordings to create the right conditions until you are able to enter trance effectively. This will make the trance state dependent on these conditions. This addiction is an unhealthy trance habit, as it makes the base of the trance weak and sensitive rather than strong and elastic.

If you are a beginner not used to trance, please follow my advice. Come to terms with the sounds and let them pour over you without any tension, reaction, or mental whimpers. Accept and let sounds kindly and without irritation. See the inevitable distractions as valuable opportunities to test your focus and concentration abilities, like sound waves crashing gently against you. With patience, this problem will progressively lessen over time.

The need for total silence makes it impossible to enjoy trance meditation in nature, among the many wonderful natural sounds: water gurgling over stones, sounds of wildlife, wind and sounds of a storm, the sound of waves breaking on the shore, the sounds of children's games and the sweet morning chorus of singing birds. They are nature's gift to us all and can be much better appreciated in a state of trance meditation.

Trance levels

I have divided the trance state into three main levels, and have used descriptive sensational names (rather than commonly used technical terms like alpha, beta, theta, and delta) for ease of use and to avoid confusion when working through these levels of trance. This will allow you to understand what level of trance you are in by simply noticing the sensations you are experiencing. The three basic levels of trance given here are only intended as a basic guide for beginners.

light trance

Light trance is the first level of trance, very similar to a drowsy state. When relaxed, the physical body begins to feel warm, comfortable, and lethargic. The eyelids suddenly become heavy, and the eyes begin to glaze over and stick together. A moderate wave of heaviness and warmth flows through you. The mind gradually becomes muddy and begins to drift. It becomes a little difficult to focus on thoughts, especially if you are mentally tired and want to sleep.

Sometimes, during the light trance state, imprints of light and color appear (hypnagogic imagery). It is also possible to see with inner vision if there is clairvoyant potential. A spiderweb-like tickling is sometimes felt in the face and neck area, and is caused by energy movement through the energy support structures of the brow and crown centers. (Trance requires an increased flow of energy for its needs, which as a result causes sensations.)

At this level of trance, there is a moderate feeling of warm, comfortable fluffiness throughout the body and a slight separation of the physical body and surroundings. Time seems to slow down a bit and sounds seem a little louder and further away than they really are. Once a light trance has stabilized, it can be easily held for a long period of time. Greater inner mental clarity can then be achieved until fatigue sets in. This trance state is usually achieved during early light and heavy group meditations. If this level of trance is accompanied by a state of sufficiently deep physical relaxation, then conscious projection exit becomes possible.

This level of trance is as easy to hold as it is very subtle and easily broken. To maintain a state of light trance while walking and talking, physical movements should be slow and unhurried.

Full trance

A full trance state has much in common with a light trance, but the trance experience is more substantial. Upon entering full trance, there is a very significant wave of physical heaviness and very little sensation of falling. It happens rather quickly, like a warm, heavy wave that flows through you; it seems to drain physical and mental strength while the body falls into sleep. To keep the mind at this point - when the body falls into sleep - concentration and mental focus are needed. A change in the course of time is felt, slowing down or speeding up, depending on the level of mental fatigue. If you are tired, time goes faster; otherwise, it slows down. You become noticeably more detached from the physical body and its environment.

The feeling of the background atmosphere changes markedly at the moment of entering a state of complete trance. It is felt that the room around seemed to suddenly become much larger, wider and more empty. Background sounds are muted, removed, as if a cardboard box is located above your head, without touching you or disturbing you.

You may feel a numbing, deep bony tickling sensation in your arms and legs as you move them to relax your physical body during trance - as if the arm or leg were stiff, but completely painless. Some physical movement is still possible, but requires a lot of effort and feels like it's in slow motion. If you can stand in full trance (difficult but possible), you can barely feel your legs. If you can walk (also possible), you will feel as if your legs have become huge pillows. Any kind of physical activity tends to reduce the depth of the trance if not done slowly and smoothly.

Harsh sounds cause an unpleasant sensation in the abdomen and solar plexus that can feel almost like a physical blow if you allow yourself to react to them. (This sound sensitivity can only be reduced with experience gained through regular trance meditation.) Your thoughts become different - more sluggish than usual, but still extremely clear. It is caused by the closing of the surface mind, and the opening of the deeper level of the mind.

Keeping the mind clear and focused is the real trick to keeping yourself awake and able to think. If you do not concentrate and focus, you will tend to fall asleep and drift among dull and meaningless thoughts. When you begin to experience trance states, you must concentrate by forcibly keeping your mind awake, not allowing yourself to be physically or mentally tense.

Hypnagogic images are observed under closed eyelids, in the mind's eye, as random visions. REM (rapid eye movement) activity occurs sporadically; when this happens, fragments of dream images are sometimes brought up in the mind's eye. This may mean a lack of sleep, that is, the physical mind is lacking energy, it fell asleep, and is currently sleeping.

It's best to ignore REM if it starts. It usually lasts for about a few minutes at a time, sometimes longer. With REM, it is felt as if the eyes under the eyelids flutter and buzz. This can be very distracting if it happens during a tarns. If this becomes a problem, lightly rub your thumbs against the rest of your fingers and take a few deep breaths while stretching, moving your body a little and shifting it. This little physical activity is usually enough to stop REM and turn off the sleep mind, and allow the trance and developmental work to continue. This procedure also helps to reduce the level of trance. When REM is stopped, stop all physical movement and continue with trance meditation.

You will spend most of your time somewhere between light trance and full trance. In the process of acquiring abilities and experience, this level will change. The ability to fall into a complete trance is rapidly progressing, becoming more advanced. To do this, you need to work on yourself, thanks to regular practice, this process can be accelerated and become easier.

deep trance

Deep trance begins with signs of a full trance, which then become much more pronounced as one falls into a deeper level of trance. There are many other sensations associated with deep trance that are experienced in various combinations, usually coldness throughout the body and a continuous sensation of falling.

The state of deep trance is not dangerous. It cannot hurt more than deep sleep. It is very difficult to go into a deep trance state, even intentionally. It cannot happen spontaneously or accidentally in someone who is not yet able to enter a state of complete trance. But often the signs of a deep trance are so strong that they can be frightening - if you don't know what it is.

If you're worried that you've gone too far, just feel yourself moving upward, slowly moving your head, mouth, fingers, and toes, gradually regaining movement throughout your body until you can completely pull yourself out of the trance. If movement is extremely difficult, or if you feel completely paralyzed, then most likely you have been projecting, but not noticing the exit from the body; perhaps you have even experienced vibrations. In this case, concentrate on moving only one big toe. This will bring back the projected double and the paralysis will end. If all efforts to get out of a deep trance fail, don't panic. Just let yourself fall asleep, and soon you will wake up, well rested and no worse than if you manage to fight your way out of paralysis.

Prerequisites for trance

Entering the trance state requires three conditions: deep physical relaxation, a clear surface mind, and mental technique.

Deep Physical Relaxation: Do all of the deep physical relaxation exercises (see chapter 15) until you are as physically relaxed as possible. For all beginners, some preliminary exercise is recommended, followed by a hot bath or shower to loosen knots of muscle tension.

Clear Surface Mind: While doing the relaxation exercises, allow the thoughts to subside and settle down, then clear the mind by focusing on the mental breath. If you are dealing with any urgent thoughts that the mind may throw up at this time, then it will be easier to get rid of it in the following way. Simply consider and think them over for a certain amount of time, one at a time, and then let them go. This will greatly ease their interfering mental pressure.

Mental Technique: The mental fall technique shortens the time it takes to enter a trance state, instead of waiting for the body to fall asleep on its own. Focusing on it also helps to capture and keep the surface mind clear and awake.

In all of the mental fall exercises below, use your imagination to enact the fall scenario, to create the feeling that everything is happening in reality. Create the strongest inner sensation throughout your mental body that you can achieve. Refer to the memory of something similar that happened to you, or borrow a scene from a movie. Use this memory to recreate in you the feeling of doing this action with your imagination. Feel the effect of the fall, but just don't think about it or try to see it in your mind's eye.

Once you reach the level of the trance state, accompanied by a wave of physical heaviness and warmth, relax and breathe slowly and naturally. Keep your mind clear, hold that state, and go into trance state X, focusing a small part of your mind on the mental breath. If it is necessary to deepen the level of trance, continue the mental drop exercise until you reach the desired level.

I give several options. Please try them all and find the one that works best for you, or the one you like best. When you find the right one, stick with it. This will help program your subconscious response to help you go into a trance state more easily and quickly each time.

Don't overdo it by imagining the details of the scenarios used in the mental fall exercises. The wall of rock in the elevator shaft in the following example should only be a blur moving up. This downward movement or sensation of falling, constructed by your imagination and felt by the mental body, causes the brain waves to slow down, thus forcing it into a trance state. This is not an imaginary gimmick scenario. Deep physical relaxation and the mental drop technique trick the subconscious mind at the start of sleep into pre-programming the sleep program while you are still awake.


Imagine that you are in an elevator, one side of which - the one you are facing - is open, and through it you can see the rock. Feel that the elevator begins to move down with you in it. Imagine that you see the rocky walls of an elevator shaft moving up as you move down, falling deeper and deeper into a trance as you go. Imagine that this shaft of rock has an irregular texture and features that can be easily seen moving up past you as the elevator takes you down, down, down...

If you like, imagine seeing a big number as you cross a floor every few seconds, and count them as the elevator moves deeper and deeper. Refer to the memory of how you rode in the elevator, or take a ride on the elevator and remember the feeling. Remember the slight feeling of dizziness that occurs in the abdomen as it begins to sink. Recreate this feeling; feel it with your mental body. Keep imagining and feeling this while making sure that the physical body is not tense. Feel that your body is letting go and that you are falling deeper and deeper into a trance state as you ride the elevator down, down, down...


Imagine that you are on the stairs. Recreate from mechanical memory the sensations of movement of the mental body, arms and legs, and slowly begin to descend. Move one mental leg and its partner down one step. Then move the other leg and her partner to the next step. If this is too difficult, imagine holding on to the railing of the stairs and descending only with the help of your feet, and the ladder slides easily on the sides, under the palms. Continue down the stairs one step at a time. Feel your body moving down the stairs. Imagine a rock or brick wall in front of your face, next to the stairs. Imagine this texture in front of a face moving up past you as you move further and further down the stairs. Feel yourself descending and falling deeper and deeper into a trance with every step you take down.


Imagine that you are standing at the head of a long flight of stairs with high stone walls on either side. The steps are large, imposing and steep. Raise one imaginary leg, while feeling yourself doing it, and take the first step down. Feel the body moving downward as the first step begins to move. Repeat this action and take another step down, then another and another. As you move down the stairs, imagine seeing textured stone walls on both sides moving up past you each time you move one step down the flight of stairs. Continue this action slowly and slowly, feeling yourself moving down and falling deeper and deeper into a trance state as you move. Consider steps if you want, slowly, as if you consider breathing: "Raaaaaz, Twoaaaa, triyiahi, etc., making one step down on each exhale.

Rope descent

Imagine that you are hanging on your hands on a strong rope, securely embracing it with your legs. Your hands are very strong and there is no chance of falling. Move one imaginary hand, then the other, descend down the rope, intercepting it with your hands, while the rope easily slips between your legs. Watch the textured rope move up past the face as you rappel down it. Keep moving, feeling yourself descend and fall deeper and deeper into a trance state as you move.


Imagine that you are a bird and that you are smoothly flying down from a great height. Feel yourself falling smoothly, recreate the feeling of falling in your mental body with each exhalation. Feel yourself balancing and floating in mid-air as you inhale. Feel the atmosphere around you; imagine strands of textured clouds moving upward as you fall smoothly through them. Continue this, feeling yourself gently descending and falling deeper and deeper into the trance state with each falling breath. Inhalation and exhalation can be swapped if you like.

smoke rings

This versatile old hit of mine can be done from any position, even while walking. Imagine that your feet are in the center of a dense ring of smoke as thick as your arm. Imagine and feel this ring of smoke rising up your body and disappearing at the top. The smoke rings are very dense and move close to the body. Imagine that you feel how they move over the skin, how they rise. Imagine that you can see these smoke rings as they move past your eyes. Smoke rings should go at intervals of approximately two seconds one after the other, but the time can be adjusted individually. Feel with your mental body how rising rings of smoke regularly billow around your entire body. Feel the inner fall as imaginary smoke rings rise up. Feel yourself falling deeper and deeper into a trance state as each smoke ring rises as it rises all over your body, over and over again, from your feet to your head.

Personalized trance technique

Imagine any scenario you are familiar with of falling or any other kind of downward movement or feeling of falling. It can be, for example, an escalator, sliding on water, descending a fire pole, skydiving, climbing a mountain, scuba diving, jumping into water - anything that can cause in the mental body a feeling of downward movement or a natural fall.

Trance litanies

Litany- (a prayer containing requests and appeals to God); lengthy listing.

Many people find it helpful, as an adjunct to the trance technique of the mental fall, to recite repeated simple litanies or mantras in their head over and over again. It also helps to keep the mind clear and well focused and develops a conditioned reflex to the litany to help tune in. This will run the trance start program whenever the litanies begin. Repeat: "Down, down, down ... deep, deeper, even deeper" or something similar - slowly and calmly and thoroughly. Say it to yourself many times and feel yourself falling down, down, down... as you say it.

You can make up your own litanies, they should be simple and fading, and the same litanies should be used all the time. The longer you use the same litanies, the more effective they will become, and the better you will adapt to them.

Most Likely Trance Problems

The most likely trance problems fall into three categories, described below. They are mainly caused by our modern Western way of life. These must be addressed and overcome before you can successfully achieve and maintain a trance state to achieve conscious projection exit with sufficient stability.

Falling asleep during a trance

This fundamental problem is usually caused by a lack of sleep. Although you may feel great, there's always the possibility that you didn't get enough sleep. (Most people don't get enough sleep.) If you're sleep deficient, it's not much of a problem to enter a trance state, even if you can't achieve deep physical relaxation due to mental overwork. There is usually trouble in maintaining mental coherence and working in a trance state once it has been achieved. The mind will lack mental vitality and be unable to hold on. You will tend to lose control very easily and often fall asleep at the most interesting part of the trance meditation.

It may be easier to induce a trance state when the body and mind are tired and there is a lack of sleep, but mental coherence and control during trance will be very limited. Sleep oblivion is the omnipresent companion of weary trancers. Overwork itself can easily cause a natural trance state. After all, trance is an extremely natural process that everyone goes through when falling asleep. In this case, due to lack of mental vitality, the trance state is too unstable to give the operator enough control to do any serious work.

Many people, when they meditate, notice that their meditations end by themselves after a certain period of time. They usually have very little idea of ​​the time, or even of what happened during the main part of their trance meditations. They remember falling into a trance and feeling completely blissful for a while before returning to earth, then feeling already relaxed and refreshed. After entering the trance state, they simply had a pleasant trance-like nap.

The obvious solution is to get some sleep and then return to trance practice more alert and refreshed. If this is difficult, try changing the times of the day when you practice the trance exercises. Doing trance exercises in the morning or right after a light nap usually resolves trance problems associated with sleep deprivation.

Many people get up an hour earlier or so every day for this purpose. They get up, do simple exercises, take a shower, then do meditation, trance and energy work. Trance meditation is much more successful when performed early in the morning due to the combination of natural deep physical relaxation and the mentally refreshed mood created by a good night's sleep. Deep physical relaxation and a clear, fresh mind are essential components of successful trance work.

For these same reasons, projection attempts are also usually more successful at this time of day. For some, projection will be easier if you go to bed early and set an alarm for the night. They wake up, stay in the deeply relaxed sleep-induced state, and immediately attempt to project. In this case, all preliminary exercises can be skipped and the projector will immediately perform the projection technique - usually with good results. This shows how important deep physical relaxation is for projecting and sustaining the trance state.

Inability to go into a trance

The inability to enter a trance state is usually caused by an insufficient level of deep physical relaxation, and/or poor concentration and poor mental relaxation skills. Whether you have such a problem or not, examine them and identify weak areas. If they are, return to the relevant sections of this book and repeat the necessary exercises until you have eliminated these problems.

Practice, practice, and practice again is my best advice. If you have gone through all the exercises in this section but find that you are still unable to enter the trance state, please do not quit. Return to the beginning and start again if necessary. Do the lessons and exercises one at a time, and take your time. This may seem like a time consuming process, but you must be patient. Everyone has a different psychological structure, and it is not worth generalizing or comparing the progress of one person with another.

Do not measure your progress against the progress of another person. Take your time, work at your own speed. Some people jump into trance work like a duck into water, while others must work at it for a long time before reaching the levels of relaxation and mental clarity needed to achieve trance. But you can manage the trance state if you regularly develop individual skills and practice.

Too easy falling into a trance

This is an accidental side effect of prolonged development. If a person spends a lot of time in trance, the trance state eventually becomes a second character and can then be achieved very easily. People who are prone to this can accidentally fall into a trance state many times a day, at the slightest opportunity. If not restrained, this can lead to frequent cases of loss of reality of what is happening, which is an unhealthy trend. This can cause serious psychological distress and may require professional treatment if left to chance.

Sleep deprivation exacerbates this problem. The best way to stop an occasional trance is to wait for it and not miss the moment, especially during times when it occurs most often, such as moving, watching TV, waiting, traveling, and so on. Be willing to work against it, pull yourself out of the trance the moment you feel it begin., .

Here are the main requirements to cause the projection of the astral body in full awareness:

1. Relaxing your body completely 100% with an active mind.
2. 100% concentration on what you are doing.
3. Having enough energy.
4. Impact on the astral body for separation.

Together these four things will cause an OBE. Each of these methods is described below.

How to calm the mind.

Relaxation (Relaxation). A simple exercise: gradually relax the whole body, starting with the legs. Concentrate first on the fingertips, imagine how they “dissolve”, how they are filled with warmth. Then, in roughly this order: ankles, knees, genital area, navel, heart, hands, elbows, shoulders, throat, lips, nose, point between the eyebrows, top of the head, crown. Walk up and down a few times. Deep physical relaxation is the key to bringing about a trance state. In fact, deep relaxation causes a state of trance. And when you are in a trance state, astral projection is relatively easy.

Contemplation. When you start meditation, you will be distracted by all sorts of extraneous thoughts that arise in your head, as if from a large notebook. A constant stream of thoughts, they cannot calm down, thoughts, thoughts, thoughts... Being in a state of relaxation, just THINK, do nothing, just think. Concentrate on the strongest thought, explore it, try to understand it and resolve it. Pay attention to the word: MEDITATION. Meditation does not include soul cleansing or visualization, it requires you to THINK, deeply and completely, about a thing, to deepen your understanding of the nature of it and how it affects you (thinking).

Meditation on conscious breathing. This is a simple method of meditation. It will clear your thoughts and focus your attention. Lie down, do the relaxation exercise, clear your thoughts. Breathe deeply and slowly and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. Feel the inhalation and exhalation. Concentrate entirely on the lungs and the breathing process. With this simple exercise, you will occupy your thought, do not let it get distracted. Throw all intruding extraneous thoughts away as soon as they begin to appear. Focusing on your breath will help you control your thoughts and think at a deeper level.

Surface thoughts. Sounds are very distracting, they create superficial thoughts. Superficial attention is always interested in what is going on around you. It sends you a signal so that you somehow react to noise or other extraneous influence. Don't let this happen. Use these annoying noises for useful purposes. Stop these thoughts at the stage of generation. For example, the thought arose: “Who, what? What's happened?" Turn it into just “Who? Wha...” I.e. don't let them grow, cut them off immediately. Slowly but surely, you will learn to get rid of extraneous thoughts and noises. You will learn to focus 100% on only the ONE thought that you need and exclude everything else.

Concentration. You must be able to fully focus on what you are doing. Insufficient concentration is the main reason for the failure of astral projections. Test your ability to concentrate. Lie down and relax. Close your eyes, clear your thoughts of everything you've been thinking about. Breathe slowly and deeply, counting at the end of each exhalation. Think of the EMPTINESS without breaking the count for as long as you can. Remember how long you can hold this state. Be honest with yourself, every time a thought enters, start counting again. If you count to ten, that's already a good result. But 10 breaths is still not enough. The exercises below will help you improve your results.

Exercise 1. Afterimage: Relax your thinking and look at the candle or light bulb. Place this light in front of you at a distance of 2 feet and look at it steadily for 1-2 minutes. Close your eyes and concentrate on the afterimage left on your retina in front of your eyes. Try to keep this light as long as possible. Also use awareness of the breath as you do this. Try to increase, strengthen this imaginary picture, despite the fact that it “melts”.

Exercise 2. Stare at a Point: Select a spot on the wall and stare at it. Don't focus on it, just stare intently and softly at the dot. Eliminate ALL thoughts and think of EMPTINESS, “nothing”. Also watch your breath during this exercise. When you feel the appearance of an extraneous thought, throw it away, do not let it take on a finished form! Stay in this state for as long as you can. You can do this exercise several times a day.

Exercise 3. Energy Breathing: Sit (lay down) and relax. Close your eyes and clear your mind. Focus on your breath, imagine the air you are breathing in some color you like. Exhaled air is gray, poisonous. This stimulates your chakras to absorb energy as you inhale and release negative energy as you exhale.

A state of trance. When you have reached a deep level of physical relaxation and mental calmness, your body will feel heavy. This heaviness is the main symptom that your brain is shifting from beta waves to alpha waves, which means going into a trance. This trance state is caused by deep physical and mental relaxation.

How to enter a trance. Do the relaxation exercise and think about your breathing. Imagine that you are walking down a flight of stairs into the darkness. Don't visualize the stairs, just imagine how you feel doing it. As you exhale, imagine descending a step or two down, leading your imaginary arms in front of you. On the inhale, feel yourself just standing on the step. Prerequisite: A mental falling effect within your thoughts. This changes the rate of brain activity from an active level (Beta waves), to a sleepy level (Alpha waves), or to a deep dormant level (Theta waves). Once your level of brainwave action reaches the Alpha level, you will enter a trance. Maintain this state for as long as possible.

As soon as you feel heaviness, stop the exercise in the dark on the stairs. Instead of stairs, you can imagine an elevator. This is how trance feels: everything becomes quiet, you are in a big room. There is a slight buzzing sensation in your body. Everything feels different. Everything is a little blurry, any sharp noises cause a blow to the solar plexus, as it were.

deep trance. To enter a deeper trance (Theta level), you must concentrate much more and longer on the mental sensation of falling involving breath control. The first level of trance, i.e. when you get heavy enough is enough for projection. I strongly recommend not to go deeper than a light trance until you learn how to do it easily, until you gain experience.

How can you tell if you are in a deep trance?

There are four main features:

1) Uncomfortable feeling of coldness, which at the same time does not create shivering along with losses in body temperature.
2) Mentally, you will feel very strange and all thought processes will slow down, as if you were inflicted with severe pain that inhibits thinking.
3) You will not feel your body, strong floating sensation, everything will seem far away.
4) Complete physical paralysis.

All together, these signs mean that you are entering a deep trance state. Do not confuse the feeling of a trance flight with the release of the astral body. The feeling of a deep trance absolutely unmistakably allows you to determine that this is exactly what you need. If you care about something, you go too deep, remember the following:

You can pull yourself out of this state any time you want. Entering into a deep trance should not cause any problems.
Expansion of the energy body. At some point in the trance state, you will feel a slight paralysis that covers your body. This will be accompanied by increasing vibration and noise. You may also feel huge and bloated. All of these signs are signs of the expansion of the energy body or the release of the astral body. This is part of the normal sleep process. The energy body expands and opens to store and store energy. During this, the astral body drifts freely around the physical body, almost in it.

Acquaintance with the state of trance. Many people think that they will just astral project without being in a trance state. This is absolutely not true! When you mentally and physically relax to enter a trance, you can maintain this state for several hours. I regularly spend several hours on this, in a state of meditation. If you think: “Oh! I did it!.. I'm in a trance! I’m going to try and get out of my body right now!” You won't be able to do anything for sure! Due to excessive arousal, the trance state will simply stop. It's a good idea to just be in trance for a while before you start projecting. Just relax, keep this relaxation, calmly focus on breathing and stay in this state longer. Get used to these feelings. When you are free to do )rn, it will cause a rise in energy and agitation of the chakras. Note that you DO NOT need to be in trance to learn energy work and chakra work, it will just be easier to do so in trance. Trance can be done lying down, but it is best done while sitting in a comfortable chair. In a trance state your astral body is free, so try to bring your arms or legs out, one at a time. Focus your attention on your hand and gently lift it above your body. Examine this hand with your CLOSED eyes, without tensing any muscles. Raising your astral arms is good practice for further projection.

Tactile display. It is a fully conscious feeling or perception. Move everywhere with imaginary hands, feel where they pass, etc. Touch the tip of your nose with your finger. The following often happens: part of your attention is shifted to the area that you feel with your hand, and this area, as it were, is highlighted. You don't need to visualize your hands, just give the impression that you feel them.


Immersion in a trance is quite simple and natural. At this point, our physical body enters sleep while the mind remains awake. At the same time, the level of brain activity decreases and the lower it is, the deeper the level of trance will be. This is because our normal waking state is characterized by high bioelectrical activity ( beta rhythm), which decreases when entering a trance.

As you know, the human brain consists of two hemispheres: the rational-logical left and the emotional-intuitive right. Trance brings these two hemispheres together and they begin to work in sync. In the waking state, the hemispheres are not always capable of such an action. Depending on the amount of time spent in trance, the bioenergetic connection between the hemispheres becomes stronger, and the process of their synchronization proceeds more easily. From the qualitative connection between the hemispheres, the human mind is harmonized, it becomes calm, whole, strong. In turn, the quality of thinking increases, trance makes it deep, open to creation. You are in an altered state of consciousness, but at the same time you feel an increased clarity of mind. When the physical body is completely relaxed and the mind is clear, the trance state lasts longer.

Falling asleep, we all experience this state, albeit for a short time. Many do not even notice the trance, but everyone knows how pleasant this feeling is. Who doesn't love falling asleep? And who doesn't love to enjoy trance? Trance is a pleasant, blissful state in which there is no tension. This state immerses you in a warm, pleasant bath, a mineral spring.

At the moment of falling asleep, you may notice that you begin to lose awareness in the chaos of your thoughts and impressions. The body becomes heavy and warm, thoughts seem stupid and meaningless. This so-called sleep border, there is a fall into a dream, the connection with reality breaks. Feeling a heavy body is a sure sign of going into a trance. Only physical and mental fatigue gives rise to the so-called mental incoherence (if you entered a trance state and disconnected).

Your physical body is asleep, and the center of consciousness in the waking state moves into the etheric body. This is one type of projection inside the body. A heavy body in trance means that the center of consciousness in the waking state moves up one step from the physical body - into its etheric body (the first subtle body that repeats the outlines of the physical).

The correct entry into a trance is evidenced by the preservation, while the physical body is immersed in sleep. Your task is precisely to adapt to replacing the usual tools of entering a trance (physical and mental fatigue) with mental wakefulness and deep physical relaxation. If you perform this procedure correctly and regularly, then later it will be easier for you to achieve this state.

In a state of trance, the border between consciousness and subconsciousness narrows, and the extraction of information becomes more accessible and faster than in the beta rhythm.

What is a full trance for?

The state of complete trance is also necessary for contact with the subconscious (for example, for hypnosis), for spiritual and physical recovery ... in general, for everything that is light trance (with the exception of ritual practice, which involves physical movements and manipulations with gross matter), but only with a deeper and more intense study.

What is a deep trance for?

The state of deep trance is used by shamans to travel to other worlds, for a more vivid and powerful out-of-body experience. Although all people experience this state during deep unconscious sleep, it is not recommended for a novice to enter this state consciously, being unprepared, without the supervision of professionals in this field.

Let us consider in more detail the characteristic features of the three levels of trance and the exercises for entry.

Light Trance | alpha rhythm

This is the very first level of trance, it is like a state of drowsiness. Relaxing, the physical body becomes warm and comfortable. The eyelids become heavy, and the eyes become glazed and stick together. Heaviness and warmth flow in a light wave. The mind is cloudy and drifting. In this state, it is not easy to concentrate on thoughts, especially if you are tired and want to sleep.

With a light trance, glare of color and light may appear, hearing is aggravated. If you have open clairvoyance, then you can see dynamic pictures-images, pick up unusual sounds. A tickling sensation arises in the neck and face, similar to a light touch of a cobweb. This slight discomfort begins because there is an energy movement through the two upper chakras (trance causes a flow of energy, which in turn causes such an unusual state).

Light trance is characterized by a feeling, the so-called comfortable fluffiness, the physical body is separated from the environment. It begins to seem that time is slowing down, the sounds are heard louder, clearer and farther. Once stabilized, a light trance can be held for a long time. Mental clarity is achieved until fatigue sets in. Such a trance state can be achieved during group meditations. If at this level the physical body is deeply relaxed, then a projection exit (separation of the etheric body from the physical body) is possible, especially if you contribute to this and do exit practices (for example, imagining how you get out of bed, leaving your physical body motionless).

A light trance can be easily maintained, but also easily broken. To keep it, it is necessary to limit physical movements, to make them slow, unhurried.

How to enter a trance exercise 1

As you fall asleep, try to keep your forearms upright with your elbows comfortably on the surface of the bed. This will keep you awake much longer. When you start to fall asleep, watch what happens. You will experience the trance state longer than usual, and you can prolong it even longer if you are not tired and stay focused.

To stay in the trance state longer and slow down the blackout process, relax and use the technique, don't let your mind drift.

mental breathing is a simple practice of contemplating one's breathing, in which a person breathes calmly and deeply. In this case, all attention is focused on the process of breathing: on how the air fills the body (inflates the lungs, heaves the chest, and every cell of the body is saturated with oxygen) and leaves it. There is a somewhat complicated practice of mental breathing, when a person synchronizes the mental image of the penetration of energy (for example, the Earth) into his body, or imagines how he breathes, for example, through the soles of his feet.

How to enter a trance- exercise 2

Concentration on three points. Choose any three objects: for example, the sound of a clock hand, your breath, and a picture on the wall (or any other thing), i.e. listen, feel and see. It is impossible for ordinary human consciousness to hold big actions, like concentration on three points, so the internal dialogue stops and a smooth immersion into a trance occurs. You can also find these points on yourself, for example, for meditation, sitting in the lotus position, connect the thumb and ring finger (two points on the hands) and focus on the "third eye" (the third point on the forehead). Similarly, you can choose other objects for focusing your consciousness that will be more convenient for you.

How to enter a trance– exercise 3

Concentration on one point. This is a simpler exercise that requires fixing attention on one point. Find (it can be a corner from a frame or a square clock, or a small depression - an uneven wall, etc.) or make any point on the wall or where there is such an opportunity. Start looking at the point in such a way that the space around the selected point also fits into the zone of your visibility, your visual attention. Look until the picture begins to "float", and this point will stretch to the whole space. This is a sure sign of the transition to an altered state of consciousness. Usually, when performing this exercise, the eyes begin to water, so you will have to overcome this discomfort, or choose another more convenient option.

How to enter a trance– exercise 4

dynamic immersion. This method is usually used by shamans in their practice. Sit comfortably, come up with some kind of chant (Indian chants are very good, consisting of a series of repeated 3-4 sounds) and slowly begin to swing your body back and forth or left and right. Such actions will give quick results. By doing this practice in a group, you can achieve a deeper immersion in full trance.

Full trance | theta rhythm

In a full trance, the sensations are similar to a light trance, but they are more substantial. Full trance is characterized by a significant wave of heaviness and very little sensation of falling. This is already a warm, heavy wave, it flows through you. The body falls into sleep, and this wave takes your mental and physical strength with it. At the moment, you better concentrate and focus. Depending on fatigue, the course of time changes, time can slow down or speed up.If you are tired, time will go faster, and if you are tired, time will slow down. You will already noticeably separate from your physical body and environment.

The state of complete trance changes the background atmosphere. The room around is getting bigger and wider and seems empty. The sounds are muffled, removed, as if you are in a box, but it does not bother you.

You feel muted, unusual sensations arise in the form of tickling in the bones of the arms and legs, physical movement is possible, but more effort is needed, there is a feeling of slow motion. If you can stand in full trance, you can barely feel your legs. When walking, the legs will seem like huge pillows. Physical activity should be limited, or done slowly and smoothly, as activity reduces the depth of the trance.

Do not react to sharp sounds, as in deep trance they are felt in the solar plexus and cause pain, as with a physical blow (however, such sensitivity decreases with constant practice). Your thoughts become sluggish, but clear at the same time. The surface mind closes, but the deep mind opens.

Keep your mind clear, focused, so you will maintain a state of wakefulness and thinking. Your concentration and focus will help keep you in a state of complete trance and you won't fall asleep drifting among dim thoughts. When you begin to experience trance states, concentrate, focus, forcibly keep your mind awake, but do not strain yourself physically and mentally.

Light, color appears behind closed eyelids, these are random visions in the eyes of the mind. So-called rapid eye movement may occur: these are snippets of sleep in the eyes of the mind. It may well be that this is a lack of sleep, at the moment you are just sleeping.

Rapid eye movement should be ignored; it may last several minutes or longer. In this condition, the eyes tremble and buzz under the eyelids. Often this state becomes distracting. If this happens frequently, just rub your thumbs against your other fingers, take a few deep breaths, stretch, and move your body around a bit. These actions will be enough to stop the rapid eye movements, the dream mind will close, you will continue the trance. Also, the above actions can reduce the level of trance.

As you practice, you will spend time between light and full trance. And this level will change as you gain experience and abilities. With constant work, full trance will become more advanced, it is practice that allows you to achieve this quickly and easily.

How to enter a trance– exercise 5

The fall. After entering a light trance, feel how you are flying down, for example, how you go down in an elevator or stairs, or just fall, floating in the air, visualizing how the space around you is being carried away rapidly upwards. (This exercise is also suitable for entering a light trance, continuing it more intensely, you can achieve a state of full trance.)

How to enter a trance– exercise 6

Rapid breathing. This is a shamanic practice, so it goes very well with fast beats on the tambourine when you breathe in rhythm with it (it helps not to go astray, the sound leads and motivates). Your breathing should be rhythmic at a rate of about 60 breaths per minute. This exercise can take half an hour, or more, or less, it all depends on personal characteristics. That's just the feeling of time will change in 2-5 minutes, it will go much faster.

Deep Trance | delta rhythm

A deep trance is characterized by signs of a full trance, progressing into a more intense level of trance. Your body becomes cold and you feel a continuous fall. This is a state of deep sleep, without the participation of consciousness, i.e. without dreams - a state of non-existence.

In fact, a deep trance is not dangerous, as they say, techniques for entering it can be dangerous, for example, intense breathing practices can lead a person suffering from heart disease, epilepsy, mental disorders to respiratory arrest and death. Deep trance is difficult to enter. Spontaneously, accidentally entering this state will not work, especially if you have not learned how to enter a state of complete trance. And you can get scared when you experience a deep trance because you don't know what it is.

If you're worried that you've gone too far, just feel yourself starting to move up, move your fingers and toes slowly, move your head, regain movement in your body, do this until you're completely out of the trance. If you feel paralyzed, movements are difficult, you feel vibrations, then most likely you are leaving the body, but you do not understand it. Try moving your big toe. This will bring you back into your body and the paralysis will go away. Don't panic if these efforts don't bring you out of your trance, just allow yourself to fall asleep, you will wake up rested and feel no worse than if you managed to get out of paralysis.

How to enter a trance– exercise 6.1

If you continue the practice of entering full trance more deeply, you will reach the delta rhythm. However, we do not recommend doing this practice on your own, especially if you have any serious illnesses - it can be life-threatening.