Victor Zaitsev - New Year SMS. Funny birthday riddles

Home quest - a way to give any gift in an original and fun way, turning it into an interesting, addictive game. Why such a name? In general, a quest is a type of game with various ciphers and riddles, which, along a chain, lead to the main prize.

Main idea:the surprise is hiding in a secluded place, and the player is given a kind of message-riddle-indication with a hint where to look for the next note. Solving all the riddles leads the player to the place where the gift is. The simplest version of this entertainment is an indoor quest.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest.

Original birthday greetings - an exciting adventure with the search for a hidden gift using notes


So, your task is to make sure that the player finds a gift in the right place after solving a series of riddles or completing mini-tasks. For this you need:

  1. Decide on a secluded place where you will hide the gift.
  2. Make a chain of objects in your house, which will lead to a hidden gift (the final point in it is the place where the gift will lie). Task tips can be hidden in a variety of places - from the washing machine and oven to the mailbox in the entrance. The chain must be carefully thought out so that on the way the objects do not intersect and lead to a gift ahead of time.
  3. To come up with and beautifully design messages-riddles-instructions.
  4. Lay out all the messages in their places. In order not to get confused, you can number them and draw up a layout scheme for yourself.

The optimal number of stages is from 6 to 10: more can make the quest tiresome, and fewer - too fleeting. But this, of course, is a general recommendation - perhaps you will end up with a wonderful quest consisting of 5 stages (if the tasks are difficult) or, conversely, of 15 stages.

The quest can be made even more enjoyable and exciting if there are several gifts along the way (let the tasks be accompanied, for example, by chocolates or small souvenirs).


Where can I get riddles? The easiest option is to find riddles on the Internet, but you can also compose them yourself, since they do not have to correspond to poetic canons at all. And if they contain humor or something individual, personal (for example, associated with some fun occasion), then it will certainly be very pleasant for the birthday boy! To make it easier for you, we offer to help you a selection of riddles for composing an indoor quest:

Every day at six in the morning
I'm bursting: it's time to get up!
(Alarm clock)

Who walks the night and walks the day,
Not knowing what laziness is?

Reveal your secrets
Ready for anyone
But you are from her
You won't hear a word!

There is a leaf, there is a spine,
Although not a bush and not a flower.
She will lie on her knees,
He will tell you about everything.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a man, but a story.

She speaks silently
But understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter!

By the wall, big and important,
The house is multi-storey.
We are on the ground floor
All tenants have already been read.

There is a portrait in the room,
Similar to you in everything.
You will laugh - and in response
He'll laugh too.

And shines and shines,
It does not flatter anyone,
And he will tell anyone the truth -
He will show him everything as it is!

I silently look at everyone
And everyone is looking at me.
The merry ones see the laughter
I cry with sadness.

This eye is a special eye:
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you!

What will this eye look at -
It will transfer everything to the picture.

In this little thing
A warm wind settled.
(Hair dryer)

Two abdomens, four ears.

She will fluff her sides
Its four corners
And you, as night falls,
All the same it will attract to itself.

I'm comfortable, very soft
It's not hard for you to guess -
People love me very much
Sit and lie down.

There are hangers and shelves,
Like floors in the house,
Trousers, blouses, t-shirts -
Everything is in order!

I really like to wander on carpets,
On soft sofas, in dark corners.
There I always find delicious dust
And with pleasure I buzz loudly.
(A vacuum cleaner)

Although he often inhales dust -
Does not get sick, does not sneeze.
(A vacuum cleaner)

If I see dust, I grumble
I'll wrap it up and swallow it!
(A vacuum cleaner)

I am sleepy in matter,
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I'm angry and hiss.
I really don't like crumpled ones!

Strokes everything that it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

He lives without a language
Doesn't eat or drink
And he speaks and sings.
(Radio, TV)

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Demonstrates cinema.
(TV set)

Unfold the sheet as soon as possible -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the message of the whole world
What kind of sheet is this?

Not a house, but not a street either.
High, but not scary.
(Balcony, loggia)

He is at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess my friend
What did the rhyme encrypt?

He supports the window
We put flowers on it.

We always walk together
Similar as brothers.
We are at lunch - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.

I'm with legs, but I don't walk,
I’m with a back, but I don’t lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

I look a little like a table,
Available in the kitchen and hallway.
I'm rarely in the bedroom
And my name is ...

Protects bread
Does not give staleness.
For bread - a house,
It is good for him in it.
(Bread box)

On the stove is the chief of the pans.
Thick, long-nosed ...

Iron mouth
Grabbed a sandwich
Browned the sides -
And bye!

Her mouth was stuffed with meat
And she chews on him
Chews, chews and does not swallow -
He sends everything to the plate.
(Meat grinder)

And pancakes and omelet,
And potatoes for lunch
And pancakes - wow!
Fries everything ...

Fries meat, cooks soup,
He bakes pies.
She has both here and there
Very hot.

I have a big belly
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, do not be shy
Open up your belly soon!

He's beautiful and cold
You won't be hungry with him!
Where it snows even in summer
You still have a hint!

Admire, look -
North pole inside!
Snow and ice are sparkling there
Winter itself lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

Where delicious dinners are, where family conversations are.
(Kitchen table)

A close relative of the broom,
The house will sweep the corners.
He's certainly not a bum,
The litter will help to remove ...

Do you want to find the answer sooner -
Look for a clue where there is a bright light!
(Chandelier, floor lamp, sconce, table lamp)

You will always find a clue
Where the water splashes noisily.

There's a box in the bathroom room,
It looks transparent and round.
I wonder when to look into the eye
Water bubbles in this box.

I am a relative of Moidodyr,
Turn me away
And cold water
I'll wash you quickly.
(Crane, a note is suspended from it)

There are many teeth, but he does not eat anything.

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
Doesn't sing or play -
She heats the house.
(Heating battery)

I'll let you into any house,
You knock - I'm glad to knock.
But one thing I will not forgive -
If you don’t give me your hand!

There are both in the house and in the apartment,
Often more than four
And without them we cannot enter,
Always stand in the way!

He meets everyone with one handle,
With the other handle he sees off.
Doesn't offend anyone
And only everyone is pushing her ...

On the squares of the board
The kings brought the shelves together.
Not for battle at the regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

Look, the house is standing
Poured to the brim with water
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides
In this house, residents
All skillful swimmers.

Round, smooth like a watermelon
Color - any, for different tastes.
If you let go of the leash,
Fly away behind the clouds.

I'm in my school bag
I will tell you how you study.

On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a rosy fat man
But every day he was losing weight
And finally disappeared completely.
(The calendar)

Roll up - a wedge
Expand - damn it.

He reveals himself,
He shuts you down.
Only the rain will pass -
Will do the opposite.

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it - to lead.

It hangs in a conspicuous place,
Swallows news all year round.

Variants of possible hints and places where they can be hidden, as well as interesting ideas on how to beat some objects

  • balloon with a message inside
  • stuffed toy with a note in its paws
  • instead of a riddle - a set of letters from which you need to make a word
  • drawing with a clue inside the candy
  • a plate with a cake with an attached sign "Eat me!", with a note under the treat
  • text file or picture (photo) with a tip on a USB flash drive
  • sms or e-mail with instructions on what to do next
  • a hint in the camera - a photo taken in advance of the next item in your chain; the player needs to take a camera and view photos
  • a hint in the newspaper - the necessary word highlighted with a marker (circled with a pen) (or we select letters in different articles, from which the player needs to form a word)
  • At one of the stages, the player finds objects or pictures that play an important role in some work (fairy tale) - the player must guess what kind of work it is and find a book with it. The book contains the next clue.
  • In a riddle, the key word may not be the word "picture" itself, but what is depicted on it. For example, in the picture there is a waterfall. Then, having guessed the riddle, the birthday man will think about what the word "waterfall" means: a tap in the bathroom, a shower, or something else. Then he will guess about the picture.
  • Compose a crossword puzzle (preferably on some interesting suitable topic), in which the highlighted letters are the keywords of the place where the gift is hidden.
  • The player finds a message and sees the following: a cell phone is depicted on the sheet, from it there is an arrow to your glued photo, from a photo of an arrow with the inscription "Code word", then again an arrow and some phrase (it is desirable that it be very funny). This hint offers to call you on the phone and tell you the password - in response you also say a phrase (for example, a rhyme or a proverb) in which the next hint is encrypted.
  • Take a photo of the room where you are going to hide the gift, then print the photo in A4 format. Then put it in a transparent file and put a cross on this file in the place where the surprise will lie. Then cut the photo into several parts. These will be "puzzles" that the birthday boy needs to collect. At the final point of the chain, put a blank A4 sheet, a glue stick and a transparent file with a cross - the birthday person will need to glue the "puzzles" on a sheet of paper, put it in the file and see where the "treasure" lies.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. When preparing a quest, you can use these examples, or give free rein to your imagination and come up with something original. The main thing is to put love during cooking, and the return will surely delight you!

Beginning of the game

A message with a description of the game and the first riddle can be:

  • Give the birthday person in person
  • Send as sms message
  • Place in a prominent place or attach to the wall
  • Transfer through friends or neighbors, using a courier service - it all depends on your imagination and your capabilities

Approximate text of the message:

"Happy Birthday! A gift has been prepared for you, but it is safely hidden. Complete all tasks, and then you will find him. Good luck! "

And then you watch how the player with excitement unravels your messages and finds a gift. Alternatively, you can involve friends to participate, and then the adventure will turn into a real holiday for everyone. In any case, such a surprise will surely delight the birthday man, and the memory of this wonderful adventure will warm him for a long time!

An example scenario of a quest game in an apartment for a husband (beloved man)

(let's say you decide to hide a gift in the microwave)

Morning. Your other half enters the bathroom and sees a beautiful message attached to the wall in which you wish him a happy birthday.

At the bottom it says:

P.S. Take a look at the washing machine!

At this moment, you join your loved one and watch the search for a surprise.

In the washing machine, the husband finds a message:

“I have prepared a present for you, but I will not present it. I propose to participate in the quest game and find my surprise yourself!

Kohl for all my riddles
Can you find the answer
Then you will receive a gift
Rather, you will find it yourself! "

Immediately written Riddle number 1:

He's beautiful and cold
You won't be hungry with him!

Riddle number 2

In the refrigerator there is a plate with a cake, to which is attached a sign "Eat me!", And at the bottom of the plate, under the cake, there is an image of a flash drive.

Riddle number 3

The flash drive contains a pre-created text file with the name "Happy Birthday!", And there is the following riddle hint:

With one handle - meets everyone,
With the other handle he sees off.
Doesn't offend anyone
And only everyone is pushing her ...

Riddle number 4

Hidden on one of the doors is a small note, rolled up into a tube:

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it - to lead.

Riddle number 5

In the mailbox there is a "letter" - an envelope with a new riddle:

He is at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess my friend
What did the rhyme encrypt?

Riddle number 6

On the balcony is the following note:

I'm with legs, but I don't walk,
I’m with a back, but I don’t lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

Riddle number 7

A sticker with a riddle is glued under the seat of the chair:

Unfold the sheet as soon as possible -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the message of the whole world
What kind of sheet is this?

Riddle number 8

Newspaper tooltip - highlighted (highlighted) word tV set (or select the letters in different articles from which you need to compose this word)

Riddle number 9

There is a sticker on the back of the TV with a riddle on it:

What will this eye look at -
All the picture will be transferred.

This will be the final riddle. The birthday man's task is to guess what to do next. The fact is that he needs to look through the photographs and find among them the image of the microwave oven (you need to prepare in advance - take a close-up photo of the oven). The beloved will find your gift in it!

If you want to please the birthday boy with more interesting and intricate tasks, or you do not have the time and opportunity to find good ideas and arrange everything beautifully, we bring to your attention. By the titles of the articles, you can find a suitable scenario for a quest game for any age.

1. Original congratulation "Starfall of wishes"

Perhaps you will find out your fate! (To music, for example, "Star Country" "Happy birthday" or "We wish you happiness
You "- everyone in turn tosses their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. The captured stars are read aloud to the hero of the day with wishes.

Fallen stars - the host, with the help of guests, collects and uses them in the next game moment - "Star Necklace"). Game moment "Star Necklace". The guests are conventionally divided into 2 teams, each is handed a star and a relay race is arranged: which of the teams from their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips will quickly collect and present their star necklace to the hero of the day.

Such an original congratulation for an anniversary with a star theme is especially good. 2. Congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Portrait of the birthday girl."

(For this original congratulation, which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with a clean sheet of paper and multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens) : I propose not just to say a congratulation, but to draw it, because each of us is an artist at heart. (A frame with a place for a future portrait and felt-tip pens are passed from guest to guest.

It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively guide the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number) I ask you to draw in turn, what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that each complements the work of the neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start! (under the number 1 - a detail of the portrait for the first guest, under number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs) 1. Draw eyes
Irina is beautiful: Brown, crafty and funny (passed to neighbor) 2. The cilia flared up, right up to the eyebrows,
The look of these peepholes became more cheerful (passed to neighbor) 3. We draw a nose with a crooked comma .... Funny, looks like a funny question (passed to neighbor) 4. And there is a place for a smile in a portrait,
The sweetest smile ever (passed to neighbor) 5. Color the cheeks a little ruddy (passed to neighbor) 6. Of course, we will decorate the ears with a diamond (passed to neighbor) 7. We will cover the head with a fashionable hairstyle,
To become
Irina to a queen like ... (passed to neighbor) 8. Then draw a beautiful body (passed to neighbor) 9. And skillful pens for every business (passed to neighbor) Yes, not just any, but more built (passed to neighbor) 11.

Let's put our feet into fashionable shoes (passed to neighbor) 12. We will draw a kind heart for her (passed to neighbor) 13. Also, we will depict a riddle to her inside
The feminine zest is the sweetest!

(passed to neighbor) 14. In a beautiful voice
Ira will reward
Besides, it’s musical - we want it so (passed to neighbor) 15. Draw a dress, well, very glamorous,
Top in ruffles, and bottom - openwork (passed to neighbor) 16. Still in the hands of a handbag from a crocodile (passed to neighbor) 17. She has a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile (passed to neighbor) 18.

Another card with a bank account
In which zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (passed to neighbor) 19. Draw next to
Ira cool car (passed to neighbor) 20. And a dacha by the sea, well, very large (passed to neighbor) 21. Another convenient garage next to the house (passed to neighbor) 22.

And ready-made luggage for travel! (passed to neighbor) 23. At the top we will write: "Happy birthday!" (passed to neighbor) 24. And good wishes - we will not regret! (passed to neighbor) 25.

Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (passed to neighbor) 26. We will hand over the portrait and
Irina with a kiss! (They give a portrait as a gift, offer to take a picture with a portrait)

3. Unusual congratulations to the woman "Soap Opera".

This original congratulation is intended for the anniversary of a woman who adores watching TV series and melodramas. For him, you need to stock up on several pieces of soap under the following names: "Baby", "Flowers of Love", "Family", "Baby", "Favorite", "Tar", "Grandma's Soap", "Berry" and "Dolce Vita". It is best to pack the soap in pretty boxes or arrange it picturesquely in a gift basket. If you cannot find a soap with the names mentioned, then it is quite possible to pick up something that fits the meaning.

“Almost every woman has a soft spot for soap operas. And let's make our birthday girl the main heroine of a fascinating series!
I'm sure the Oscar is in her pocket!
So, here is our beautiful heroine at the very beginning of her life. (give baby soap) ... She grows and blooms, entering the most beautiful time of a girl's life - she falls in love (give "Flowers of love"). Dissolving, like a beautiful flower, it becomes inimitable. And, naturally, the most worthy man appears on her horizon, who becomes her chosen one. (soap "Family"). Very little time passes, and the newlyweds become happy parents. ("My baby") . The life of the spouses together is full of mutual understanding and love. (give soap "Favorite"), but don't you think that everything is going too smoothly? After all, this does not happen!
Therefore. Without going into details, let's add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey ("Tar"). Moreover, reconciliation is so sweet after quarrels. Time runs.

As a good mother, our birthday girl at one point becomes just a great grandma ("Grandma's Soap"). Finally, there comes a moment in her life when she can live for herself and her beloved husband, because the time, rich in everyday difficulties and problems, has passed, and she herself has reached her prime - her 45th birthday!
And what do the people say? Correctly!
At 45, baba has a berry again! (give Yagodnoye soap as a present). However, the end of our "soap opera" means only the beginning of a sweet life. (turn of soap "Dolce Vita")! " If you want to arrange such a “soapy” surprise for a woman with a different anniversary date, just rewrite the end of the story by replacing the “Berry” soap, for example, with the “Flower” or “Autumn Garden” soap.

4. Congratulations - joke "The best gift for a girl is" Vasya. " To carry out this comic congratulation P pre-draw on a sheet of whatman paper
Vasya to his own taste. The main thing is that it should be the size of a human being.

We paint over the left ear with red, but cover it from above with the same hearing organ, only flesh-colored (we attach this false ear to double-sided tape). We do
Vasya and removable panties, whatever you want in a frivolous color, we fasten in the same manner over quite decent panties, for example, with the inscription "Happy birthday!"
Before expanding the "gift", you can arrange a survey among the guests (like a musical hat), approach several guests and ask which gift is better for the girl, and the DJ turns on different cuts of songs in turn: "Girls' best friends are diamonds "," Cinema, wine and dominoes ... "," This dark cherry shawl "and others and the last will be" Of course,
Vasya. Vasya,
Vasya. Well, who doesn't know him? Vasya,
Vasya .. "- with this answer, present" Vasya "in all its splendor and read the instructions for using it to the hero of the occasion: 1. Vasya does not take up much space, is compact and convenient, an irreplaceable assistant in the household and in everyday life.
Vasya will always greet you with a mysterious smile and, of course, will not ask: “Where have you been ?! 3. When everything went wrong and you want to "just rip and throw" - Vasya is always at hand at him you can throw darts and plates - he still will not be offended.

4. If you are bored and have nothing to do, you can
Washu ... paint! 5. Vasya is muscular, so when you come home late, you can safely take him with you. It will protect you from any misfortunes (just roll it up in a tight tube first)! 6. Vasya can put a lantern under his eye, and your house will always be light! 7. Vasya can be used as a lie detector, because when they lie in his presence, his left ear turns red (With these words, we remove the removable ear). 8. Also
Washu can be dressed and undressed (the upper panties are removed with a slight movement of the hand, but under them there are others with the inscription "Happy birthday!" Or "I love you!") " Then "Vasya" can be twisted and, tied with a gift ribbon, handed to the birthday girl, again turning on the song of the group
Bravo “Of course,
5. Beautiful congratulations on the "Sand Ceremony" anniversary. For the sand ceremony, colored sand painted with dry gouache or school chalk is used.

Several basic colors are chosen that carry a symbolic meaning: green means health, yellow - optimism, red - love, blue - self-confidence, purple - spiritual enlightenment, and so on. Salt of different colors is poured into small containers; you can use gravy boats, beautifully decorated glasses, cups, vases. It is necessary to prepare another container, large in volume, where, mixing different colors, the participants of the congratulation will pour colored salt. It can be an elegant bottle, a decorative vase or a free-flowing jar made of transparent material. The main thing is that it should be hermetically sealed.

The sand ceremony itself consists of the fact that the relatives of the hero of the day are invited to choose the salt of the color, whose symbolic meaning coincides with the main wish of the relative. Beautiful background music is turned on, and relatives take turns pouring salt into a container common to all, each in the proportion in which he wishes the birthday man health, love or spiritual enlightenment.

It turns out very beautifully: peculiar swirls of multi-colored salt are created inside the glass vessel. Then the result of the sand ceremony is presented to the hero of the day as a keepsake with the best wishes. (Also, as a beautiful and lyrical moment, you can arrange an original congratulation "Family hearth" on a woman's anniversary) 6. Comic "heartfelt" congratulations from the guests - men (To congratulate two or three men, hand out the words, dividing the text and saying who to give for whom and to each to give to the birthday girl a souvenir heart, which they will give to the culprit at the end)

Original congratulation riddle on the Jubilee.

It has long become customary for us to congratulate our loved ones with poems, many poems have already caressed our ears more than once. But there is another original way to congratulate the hero of the day. The riddle is a wish. The hero of the day will listen very carefully to your congratulation, because at the end of the congratulation he needs to be given an answer to the riddle. Here are ten simple examples of such riddles. They are preceded by a small tuning poem. We are not sorry at all for the days that have passed
We are ready for new discoveries.
The spring bush will open the leaves,
And today we are celebrating it. Wishes flow like a mountain river,
As if grace came down from heaven.
With a little effort,
Try to guess them yourself. 1. It is good if there is a lot of it. But money cannot buy it. Any road with him is not scary,
It is pleasant and fun to live with him.
And when suddenly he is not enough,
A terrible disease attacks
We wish today with love:
Try to live up to a hundred years
Don't let you down ... (Health). 2. They warm our soul and pocket
And allow us to live luxuriously.
You can be with them both full and drunk,
And you can take women to a restaurant. Someone always lacks them,
And some chickens do not peck.
They sometimes save from a lot,
Sometimes they don't let you sleep peacefully. We want you to be able every summer
Go on
Cote d'Azur, May all dreams come true on this wonderful day!
I wish you to become happy from now on!
Let the cheerful ray of the sun shine in your eyes
Let the men carry them tirelessly!
Soul, priceless, the flame will warm everyone around.
You are the dearest and best friend. I sincerely congratulate you and tell you:
You are the very, best man on earth! * I wish your eyes burn,
Burn with love, tenderness and passion,
I wish your soul to sing songs,
Words to which happiness will dictate.
I wish to live in harmony with myself,
Illuminate friends and loved ones with a smile,
To be able to give and receive love,
And ignite at the slightest spark.
With the fire of hopes and the wildest dreams,
I wish fate to keep you,
And all the desires, how many light candles,
Only for you did she accomplish.
I wish you a strong shoulder
So that it is not scary to rely on him,
Love so that it was hot ....
Be happy, loved and desired!

Finally came Your birthday ... All the guests have gathered at the festive table for a long time. A lot of toasts and congratulations have already been made to you, and a battery of empty bottles has significantly increased at the doorstep. However, you notice that the guests are gradually beginning to get bored, and there is still a lot of time until the end of the holiday. How to entertain guests? How to make them joke and have fun? Try to arrange some entertainment event , in which absolutely all guests will be involved.

For instance, riddles - a great way to interest guests and bring a little adventurism and prank into the atmosphere of the holiday.

Here are some options for riddles on adult themes and answers to them.

- Three ostriches are flying. The hunter appeared and shot one of them. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly)
- What can be characterized by such parameters: length - 15cm, width - 7cm, an object of female passion? (one hundred dollar bill)
- What is impossible to eat for breakfast? (dinner and lunch)
- What does the hare have in the back, and the heron in front? (letter C)
- There were six candles in the candlestick. Three candles went out. How many candles are left in the candlestick? (six)
- The grandmother was running.
She carried the dough.
Hit with a soft spot.
What do you think? (head)
- As a rule, each month of the year ends on the 30th or 31st day. Which month has 28 days? (each)
- Who, under a heavy downpour, can not wet their hair? (bald)
- A small, yellow peasant picks the ground. (Vietnamese digs a trench)
- A surname that has Georgian roots and sounds like an action: scissors hit the water and ...? (rusted)
- Ninety - sixty - ninety. What it is? (driver passing traffic police post)
- There is a house on the wall and it smells strong. What it is? (the cuckoo in the clock died)
- A word starting with three letters "G" and ending with three letters "I". (trigonometry)
- Which wheel is idle when the car turns to the left? (spare in the trunk)
- A dead man was found in the heart of the desert. Upon examination, they found something like a knapsack over their shoulders and a small flask of water on the belt. There were no animals or people around for many kilometers. What was in the man's sack, and from what did he die? (the man died as a result of a strong impact on the ground, and the bag is a parachute that did not have time to open)
“Cinderella, Snow White, a policeman and an honest customs officer are on the train. To pass the time faster, everyone is playing poker, the table is littered with money, when suddenly a train passes a dark tunnel. When you exit the tunnel, the money disappears. Question: who could steal the money? (policeman, because the other three do not exist in nature)
- There are four men at the table. Looking under the table, one, in passing, counted the legs - it turned out to be seven. How could this happen if everyone has two legs and no one was even going to bend them? (the man just miscalculated)
- What plate can't you eat anything from? (from empty)
“Big, blue, with horns, and full of hares. What it is? (trolleybus)
- How many peas can fit in one cup? (none, because peas can't walk)
- About 50 million men and women do this at night. What is it? (the Internet)
- In the eyes of melancholy, in the mouth - a board. What is it? (a man who fell into a rural toilet)
- What kind of phenomenon: flies and shines at the same time? (a mosquito with a golden tooth)
- Who will never be able to answer “Yes” to what question? (any sleeping person to the question "Are you sleeping?")
- What will happen after the goat turns six years old? (the seventh will go)
- Under what trees do hares usually hide from the rain? (like everyone else - under wet)

You look timidly:
What is this box?
It's not for nothing that the bow is bright here,
Because in her ...

Delicious, sweet it tastes,
But I'll tell you - not a watermelon ...
They cut him on a holiday,
Happy birthday congratulations.

He meets guests at the door
And he accepts gifts.
He is the instigator of the holiday!
Who is this? ...
birthday boy

Once a year he comes
Wishes - a million
The holiday is very bright
Give you gifts.

Gives a holiday a birthday
Lots of great fun
The kindest news
And smiling ...

They are burning on the cake
The eyes shine with joy.
Make a wish
And blow them out faster.

Glorious birthday celebration,
Cheers up.
Make a wish you
And all will come true ...

Without a doubt
Today is a cool birthday!
Enough joy for everyone
It will sound cheerful ...

She's so bright
Sequined, colored.
There are congratulations and poems,
All your desires.
It is given from the heart,
Your generous guests.

On holidays they come
Everyone's eyes are attracted by:
Airy, beautiful,
Favorite kids.

Multicolored are:
Small and large ...
We need a birthday

The cake is beautiful on the table
I want to eat it
Birthday boy, do not yawn
Pour it quickly ...

This is a delicacy, friends,
We know you and me from childhood.
Wearing bright dresses
The holiday will sweeten

Everyone came for a birthday
The birthday boy is very happy
To stop the moment
Need ...

Everyone knows him -
It melts on the tongue.
Anyone will be happy to eat
When will they give ...

Everyone congratulates today
Birthday wishes:
Happiness, expanse for the soul
And great ...

We all sit at the table
We eat delicious dishes.
Let's congratulate the person
And it will begin ...

It looks like an ordinary broom,
Only they are not swept.
It is important so it is brought in
And they are solemnly awarded.

And then they put it in a vase
And admire for a hundred years
You will guess right away
It's a festive ...

The holiday is not fun without her,
The eye does not shine with happiness,
There is no topic for conversation,
Everything is boring and ceremonious.

Just worth it to appear
This thing on the table
The whole people will be transformed
It will be more fun right away.

What flashes outside the window
On a dark night, even during the day
When is a holiday, birthday,
And there is enough mood
Launch into the sky here
Bright festive ...

Today is your holiday!
And we all congratulate!
Health, joy, love -
We sincerely wish!

We wish, simply, to receive -
Great delight
All because you have, today ...

Sharp tip,
It is possible to wear
Only to the top of the head.

And the reason is undeniable
Very birthday
You only know
How to wear ...

It hurts so much
On a certain day
When you scream, that's enough
There is simply no answer.

They burn juicy
Hanging like pears
Oh how unlucky
You poor ...

A person often faces the need to congratulate friends and family, and every time he wants to surprise the people around him with his originality and preparedness. But somehow there is always not enough time to come up with something, and a pronounced wish on the go is usually not distinguished by fervor and humor. Therefore, some source may come to help where you can find good cool birthday greetings. Congratulations can be found in books and magazines, but the freshest and most interesting options are located on the pages of online services, the variety of congratulations on which is constantly updated.

Each person will be pleased to hear tender or comic poems in honor of his birthday, because such holidays must be remembered by a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions and smiles. Positive emotions can be provided by congratulations in the form of small compositions in poetic form or prose. Poetic congratulations and themed toasts for the upcoming feast will always come in handy. They will surely evoke positive emotions and therefore remain in the memory for many years. Congratulations in the form of original, beautiful statements will set a positive charge, fill the spirit with happiness and fun, and then you remember such moments for a long period with a smile on your face.

On the pages of Internet sites there are birthday greetings for any birthday person, gender and age do not matter. Because there are both neutral texts and those that emphasize the characteristics of a person, because whatever one may say, all people have distinctive characteristics. For example, young people will be interested in funny congratulations that bring an encouraging mood. But for the heroes of the day, as a rule, they choose more neutral and calm congratulations, emphasizing the age and consistency of the moment. For anniversaries, they always try to carefully prepare, therefore, they think over the upcoming congratulations in advance. In order to stand out from the crowd of congratulators, you need to use ready-made verses, the suitable text can always be found from a huge volume of sentences.

With the correct design of cool congratulations, a person will retain memories, the popularity of storing happy moments will never pass. The main characteristic of a successful congratulation is the expressed wish from the heart. Sincerity and openness in a person has always been appreciated, and the presence of subtle humor and friendliness will add zest to communication.