Electronic educational resources for preschoolers. Electronic educational resources

Electronic educational resources (learning materials that are played using electronic devices) are an integral part of the modern education system. Our kindergarten is no exception. To improve the quality of the pedagogical process, such electronic educational resources as presentation materials, training programs and others are used. In our practice we use multimedia presentations and training programs, because the material presented by various information media (sound, video, graphics, animation) is easier for preschoolers to digest.

MBDOU teachers actively use multimedia technology and electronic educational resources (EER) in all areas of educational and educational activities:

  • in classes on the development of mathematical, natural science, environmental concepts,
  • artistic creativity, the development of speech, music,
  • master new types of children's activities: computer design, creative experimentation, computer design, co-creation, etc.

We actively use multimedia equipment at parent-teacher meetings, leisure activities, and master classes. Teachers participate in the development of electronic educational resources (multimedia presentations) for classes with children of different ages, in psychological and correctional work, in speech therapy correction. An extensive media library of electronic educational resources has been accumulated, including developing computer games, presentations, educational films, cartoons, sound files (music and audio books).

Catalog of electronic educational resources on the Internet

Journal "Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution"

Head of Education! The first journal on the organization of educational work in preschool educational institutions. For senior educators, methodologists, deputy head. Each issue contains recommendations on planning and monitoring the work of educators and specialists. Ready-made solutions for the formation of a subject-developing environment. Normative requirements for the conditions of keeping children. Preparing for schooling. Interaction with parents. Work with documents. The best teaching experience.

"Grow Together" magazine is a cheerful, bright and colorful magazine. It is addressed to those who are serious about the upbringing and development of children, who want to raise a harmoniously developed child, based on the best achievements.
modern pedagogy and psychology.
The purpose of the magazine is to help kids and their adult mentors in establishing constant, lively contact that contributes to the versatile development of the child. On the pages of the magazine parents, educators, psychologists, speech therapists
will find useful tips on the development and upbringing of children from 3 to 7 years old, as well as
practical materials to improve the health of the child, the development of memory, attention, logical thinking, speech, learning to count, literacy, reading and much, much more. And the kids are waiting for exciting tasks on the children's pages.

Catalog of educational resources for preschool teachers

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation http://www.mon.gov.ru

Register of exemplary basic general education programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation http://fgosreestr.ru/recoms

Modified educational and methodological support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool educationhttp://www.firo.ru/?page_id=15165

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) http://www.obrnadzor.gov.ru

Academy of advanced training and professional retraining of educators http://www.apkpro.ru

Federal Agency for Education (Rosobrazovanie) http://www.ed.gov.ru

Federal Agency for Science and Innovation (Rosnauka) http://www.fasi.gov.ru

Federal Portal "Russian Education" http://www.edu.ru

Russian educational portal http://www.school.edu.ru

Information system "Single window of access to educational resources" http://window.edu.ru

Unified collection of digital educational resources (DER)http://school-collection.edu.ru

Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources http://fcior.edu.ru

Catalog of educational publications, electronic equipment and electronic educational resources for general education http://www.ndce.edu.ru

Federal portal "Information and communication technologies in education" http://www.ict.edu.ru

Portal "Museums of Russia" http://www.museum.ru

Catalog of educational resources on the Internet: http://katalog.iot.ru

Electronic library for preschool teachers

Education of preschool children in kindergarten and family http://doshvozrast.ru

Everything for kindergarten -http://www.ivalex.vistcom.ru/igry.htm

Everything for kindergarten http://doshvozrast.ru/

All about children and family http://7ya.ru/

Everything for kindergarten http://ivalex.vistcom.ru/

Before and after three http://azps.ru/baby/

Preschool Pedagogy http://www.detstvo-press.ru/

Preschooler - site for the whole family http://doshkolnik.ru/

Kindergarten (movement folders, posters) http://detsad-kitty.ru/

About childhood (portal for children) "Child psychologist" http://www.childpsy.ru

Preschoolers http://doshkolniky.ru/

Preschool education-http://pupsik.cenue.minsk.edu.by/

Preschool children - http://www.doshkolyata.com.ua

Abstract catalog - http://referats.allbest.ru/

Site educator - http://vospitatel.com.ua/

Speech therapist - http://www.logoped.ru

Methodological materials to help employees of preschool institutions - http://dohcolonoc.ru/

Methodical work in kindergarten -http://kuzminaalena.blogspot.ru

Educational portal "Methods" section Preschool educationhttp://www.ucheba.com/met_rus/k_doshvosp/title_main.htm

Educational portal. Electronic journal Externat.RF. - http://ext.spb.ru/

Presentations, educational games - http://detsadd.narod.ru/

Early Childhood Development (site of children's presentations) -http://www.danilova.ru/storage/present.htm

Website for educators (curricula, programs, GCD notes, games, competitions) - http://www.maaam.ru/

Organizes and thematically systematizes the information environment that ensures the qualitative development of preschool education. General information about the publication, composition of the editorial group, subscription information, archive with the contents of the issues, contact details.

Journal "Handbook of the head of a preschool institution"

The authoritative and most complete publication on the administrative and economic activities of a preschool educational institution. All materials are selected taking into account the annual cycle of activities of the educational institution. The magazine offers ready-made solutions for topical administrative and economic problems in the management of preschool educational institutions, financing, features of budgetary accounting, office work, personnel work, catering, and labor protection.

Hoop magazine

Illustrated popular science magazine for leaders of all levels, methodologists, kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers and parents. It publishes a variety of theoretical, methodological, practical materials, experience of preschool institutions. Much attention is paid to the issues of psychology, methods of education and training, and the creation of a developing environment.

Journal "Kindergarten from A to Z"

Scientific and methodical magazine for teachers, parents and all those who are not indifferent to the world of childhood. The journal discusses topical problems of modern preschool education and the prospects for the development of the industry, highlights the experience of innovative activities of children's educational institutions and specialized educational institutions, the results of scientific research, publishes abstracts of classes and games, leisure and holiday scenarios, consultations of managers, doctors, hygienists, psychologists.
Newspaper "Preschool Education"

The electronic version of the newspaper "Preschool Education", published by the publishing house "First of September". The pedagogical publication includes sections: Children's world, Parental consultation, Laboratory, Workshop, Game library, Grandma's chest, Personal experience, School of nature, Psychological school, Documents, School portfolio, School of management. Contents are published for all issues. The full-text version of the issue is posted on the website one year after the publication of the printed edition. Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor)

http://www.nachideti.ru/ - portal for parents "Our children"

http://www.o-children.ru - "About childhood" (portal for children, parents and teachers) - candy kids

Children's entertainment and educational portal "Solnyshko". For children - entertainment (games, cartoons, fairy tales, coloring books) and useful materials ("pochemuchka", Povareshkin's advice, stories about animals, lessons in good manners). For parents and teachers looking for information on the Internet, there are a lot of poems and riddles collected by topic, proverbs, scripts for children's holidays.

A bag of fairy tales. The site offers fairy tales, poems and stories for children. Here you can find Russian folk tales and fairy tales of other peoples, stories about animals, poems and songs for children.

Coloring. Internet studio of Alexander Babushkin. Here you can find any drawing for the kid to color in and print it in black and white so that the child can color the selected picture. All coloring pages are provided free of charge.

Childhood. Website for kids, dads and moms. The site has an electronic children's library, a cookbook, songs and fairy tales. You can also listen to children's radio programs online.

Early development of children. The site contains publications on early childhood development, books for parents and children. Methods and experience of training on Zaitsev's cubes. Early learning in mathematics. Simple and convenient search engine.

- "Preschooler". An electronic magazine for children and parents, on the pages of which materials for teaching, educating and entertaining children of preschool and primary school age are published, collected by thematic sections: speech development, fun counting, art studio, psychology, games and competitions, be healthy. On the site you can also subscribe to the newsletter "100 educational and educational games for children."

Building talent. Website of the Society for Early Childhood Education, created by psychologists, journalists and educators and containing various materials for parents interested in early learning and child development.

Library of a little genius. The site offers articles, texts of books and various information about Early Childhood Development. There are thematic collections about the methods of N.A. Zaitseva, B.P. Niktin, M. Montessori, G. Doman, R. Steiner, V.P. Tyulenev.

Before and after three. The site is dedicated to preschool development, in particular - early development. It is built in the form of a reference book, a collection of activities, including exercises that can be done with a child, about topics - we read, think, count, speech, the world around us, move, computer, fine arts.

Preschooler. This site is for families, for fathers, mothers and children. A site about how to raise a child, how to learn to find a common language with him. A lot of interesting information for children: fairy tales, poems, smart puzzles, educational articles. The site also presents a large collection of scripts - for school and for various holidays.

Wunderkinder. The site contains materials necessary for the education and development of kids. The materials are presented in the form of computer presentations (slides) that can be printed on paper, as well as entertaining Flash cartoons and games. Materials on the Russian language, mathematics, reading, studying the world around, biology, history, drawing are intended for teaching children at home, in kindergarten, in elementary school.

Methodological materials to help employees of preschool institutions. The site presents: card file of outdoor games; materials on physical culture and health-improving work in preschool institutions; literary material (counters, riddles, poems, songs, proverbs and sayings, crossword puzzles).

Kindergarten.ru. Information and observation resource, on the pages of which you can find information about the physical development of children, about the basics of children's hygiene, about the importance of children's games in the educational process, about the labor education of a child, about organizing holiday matinees in kindergarten, about some childhood diseases and much more. The materials of the site can be useful not only for young parents, but also for students, educators and methodologists of kindergartens.

Electronic libraries, collections, manuals

Journal "Preschool Education"

Annotation. Electronic version of the magazine "Preschool education" of the publishing house "First of September". Archive for 2000-2010: cognitive and game lessons, teaching materials.

Electronic aids for the development of speech of preschoolers

Annotation. The electronic resource "Electronic aids for the development of speech of preschoolers" was created during the implementation of the project "Development of software and methodological support for the education of children of senior preschool age" of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010. An illustrated dictionary for the development of speech of children of senior preschool age, an alphabet with alphabetical and thematic headings; story albums for the development of speech of older preschoolers, assignments.

Children's electronic library

Annotation. Included in the system of free electronic libraries in Russia, focused on parents and children. The collection contains stories, poems, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, Russian and foreign authors, children's detective stories, science fiction and fantasy, authors' biographies. All books are available for free download, the collection of works is constantly replenished.

Mysterious World: Mystery Collection

Annotation. A structured collection of riddles with clues and hints by category: joke tasks; about words and letters; about the seasons; about animals, about nature.

Electronic educational resources for preschoolers.

1. http://razigrushki.ru "Raz Igrushki" - a site for children and their parents who care about the harmonious development and upbringing of their children.

2. http://www.baby-news.net - "Baby news" - A huge amount of educational materials for children, the site will be of interest to both parents and children.

3. http://packpacku.com - children's coloring, online coloring, coloring from numbers, pictures from numbers, children's mazes, skillful hands, developing children's online games, free online games for boys and girls and much more for your child.

4. http://www.zonar.info - "Origami - The world with your own hands". The site is dedicated to the ancient art of folding paper figures. Here you will find diagrams and videos of origami folding schemes.

5. http://www.1umka.ru - "Umka - Children's developing site". On the site you can watch both entertaining and educational children's cartoons, download collections, as well as listen and download pluses and minuses of children's songs, color online coloring pages with your children, choose holiday scenarios you like, listen to children's fairy tales and much more!

6. http://bukashka.org - "Insect", a site for preschoolers. Drawing and music lessons, educational games, children's flash games and coloring books, nursery rhymes, lullabies, tests, tongue twisters and nursery rhymes.

7. http://www.detkiuch.ru - "Tutorials and educators for children" of their development, education, training and creativity. Here you will find articles about children, educational and educational programs for kids and schoolchildren that can be downloaded for free, and the child will certainly want to watch children's educational videos, the best cartoons, fairy tales and books, all games for development, coloring books, pictures, karaoke songs and much more. other; view or add children's works (drawings, poems, etc.); everything a child needs (interesting toys, software, music, books, games...)

8. http://teramult.org.ua/ Site "Old cartoons"

9. http://www.multirussia.ru MULTI-RUSSIA

10. http://teremoc.ru/ Children's portal "Teremok"

11. http://pochemu4ka.ru/ Children's portal "Why"

12. http://internetenok.narod.ru/ Children's portal "Internetenok"

13. http://www.klepa.ru/ - Children's portal "Klepa"

14. http://www.kinder.ru - Internet for children. Catalog of children's resources.

15. http://www.solnyshko.ee - Children's portal "Sun".

16. http://library.thinkguest.org - Site about origami for children and parents.

17. http://owl21.ucoz.ru/ Developmental center for schoolchildren and preschoolers "SOVENOK"

Electronic educational resources for educators

Magazine "Reference book of the senior educator" - Directory of the senior educator of a preschool institution. The first journal on the organization of educational work in preschool educational institutions.

Journal "Kindergarten of the Future" - the journal includes: the experience of teachers, teaching staff and managers of preschool educational institutions in the implementation of creative projects; a set of ready-made projects for interaction with children, their families, with employees and various partners of the preschool educational institution; explanation of the theoretical foundations of project-based education and upbringing from the standpoint of practitioners, new ideas and interesting findings of your colleagues.

The magazine "Teacher of the preschool educational institution" is a fundamentally new magazine for the TEACHERS of the preschool educational institution; the most valuable experience of the best preschool educational institutions; a clear structure built in the logic of the day of the educator and the child (morning, afternoon, evening, night); not only time-tested and the latest methodological recommendations, development of games, activities, etc., but also materials on the development of the personality of the educator and the child.

The magazine "Modern Kindergarten" organizes and thematically systematizes the information environment that ensures the qualitative development of preschool education. General information about the publication, composition of the editorial group, subscription information, archive with the contents of the issues, contact details.

The magazine "Handbook of the head of a preschool institution" is an authoritative and most complete publication on the administrative and economic activities of a preschool educational institution. All materials are selected taking into account the annual cycle of activities of the educational institution. The magazine offers ready-made solutions for topical administrative and economic problems in the management of preschool educational institutions, financing, features of budgetary accounting, office work, personnel work, catering, and labor protection.

The Hoop magazine is an illustrated popular science magazine for leaders of all levels, methodologists, kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers and parents. It publishes a variety of theoretical, methodological, practical materials, experience of preschool institutions. Much attention is paid to the issues of psychology, methods of education and training, and the creation of a developing environment.

The magazine "Kindergarten from A to Z" is a scientific and methodological magazine for teachers, parents and all those who are not indifferent to the world of childhood. The journal discusses topical problems of modern preschool education and the prospects for the development of the industry, highlights the experience of innovative activities of children's educational institutions and specialized educational institutions, the results of scientific research, publishes abstracts of classes and games, leisure and holiday scenarios, consultations of managers, doctors, hygienists, psychologists.

The newspaper "Preschool Education" is an electronic version of the newspaper "Preschool Education", published by the publishing house "First of September". The pedagogical publication includes sections: Children's world, Parental consultation, Laboratory, Workshop, Game library, Grandma's chest, Personal experience, School of nature, Psychological school, Documents, School portfolio, School of management. Contents are published for all issues. The full-text version of the issue is posted on the website one year after the publication of the printed edition.

The journal "Modern preschool education: theory and practice" - the most interesting and promising achievements of science in the field of preschool education, in an accessible form, the possibilities of their application are disclosed for both specialists and parents. Particular emphasis is placed on practical work with children. It tells about the most original activities and games, books and toys that will help make the life of a child and an adult more intense and exciting. An annual competition for teachers is held. In 2013, the third international competition "Information and communication technologies (ICT) in preschool education - 2013" was announced

Website "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas. Open Lesson" - class notes, scripts, articles, various applications

Kindergarten is a site for children and adults, for toddlers and their parents, for preschoolers and kindergarten teachers. There are also class notes, scripts for holidays, articles for parents, audio recordings, and fiction.

The upbringing of preschool children in kindergarten and the family includes methodological work, recreational work, play activities, work with parents, celebrations, class notes.

Everything for kindergarten - a site for preschool education workers. Methodological developments, consultations for both educators and parents, didactic games, safety basics, etc. Social network of educators - you can create your own personal mini-site. Registered users can create websites of educational institutions where you can talk about your work, add news and announcements, create discussions and photo albums. You can create a blog - an Internet diary, where the author publishes his thoughts on important events or topics for the author. Readers can comment and discuss these articles, express their thoughts. Interest groups (communities) are created - the basis of social networks, created for close communication on common topics. This is a good opportunity to build your social circle. The group can have its own photo albums, polls, news feed, library of teaching materials, etc. Based on the extensible functionality of groups, you can create large educational projects.

TEACHER (to help the kindergarten teacher) - the site is aimed at kindergarten teachers and young parents. Also, the site can be useful for students of the faculties of preschool education. The site contains a lot of informative articles, abstracts of classes in kindergarten, useful tips and recommendations. Answers to a variety of questions that arise before the educator and parents of babies, on a variety of topics - from raising children to obtaining allowances for classes.

Detsky sad.ru - Articles, abstracts, consultations for both educators and parents, a lot of useful information for self-education of teachers.

Annotation (description of the digital educational resource)

Author of the resource (full name) Ipatova Svetlana Valerievna
Position educator
Educational institution Kindergarten "Solnyshko" SP MBOU "Kizemskaya secondary school"
Name of the resource "Digital educational resources in preschool education"
Operating system with which the multimedia component was prepared (Windows, Linux) Windows
Form (presentation, test, etc.) Presentation with text material
Resource size (megabytes)
Technical details

(computer, interactive whiteboard and others.) Laptop, multimedia, screen.
Subject Social and communicative development, cognitive development.

The name of the textbook and educational program, indicating the authors, to which the resource belongs Lesson with a presentation, developed taking into account the exemplary general educational program "Childhood"
(T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, Z.A. Mikhailova, 2011)
The name of the topic or section of the training course "Journey through cities and villages"
Resource format - main file (ppt, avi, exe, doc or others) Ppt
Resource type
(presentation, video, text document, spreadsheet and others) Presentation
Educational type
(Explanatory text, educational text, training manual, developed program, electronic test, electronic textbook and others) Explanatory text
Microsoft Office tools or other software that created the educational resource Microsoft Office tools
Goals, objectives of the educational resource To teach children to find the difference in the concept of "city" and "village" by comparison.
educational tasks.
To form an idea of ​​the uniqueness of the city and village.

development tasks.
Develop the functions of thinking (the ability to compare, generalize, classify).

educational tasks.

The content of the educational resource (open in detail) Reading the poem by Z. Alexandrova "Motherland" to the music. 2 pictures appear on the slide and depict landscapes of the city and the village. (Slide 1)
Guys, look at the pictures. Guess what will be discussed in class today. (About the city and the village.)
- Why do you think so? (Because we see urban and rural areas.)
- Today we will talk about how the city and the countryside differ. And for this we will again go on a virtual journey through cities and villages.
What do you think is the difference between a city and a village? Let's take a walk along rural and urban roads!
Slide 2. What do you think these roads are? (rural). Choose words that are close in meaning to the phrase "rural roads" (narrow, country, dirty, uneven)
Slide 3. In what area are these roads laid? (In the city). Choose words that are close in meaning to the phrase "city roads"
(Asphalted, wide, even, with road markings)
Slide 4. What kind of transport do you think drives on rural roads? (buses, motorcycles, mopeds, cars, horses)
Slide 5. Please answer which type of transport is more developed in the city? What types of public transport do you know? (Public - buses, taxis, minibuses, as well as various brands of cars)
Slide 6. And what type of transport is available only in large cities? (Underground, in the subway - electric trains)
Gymnastics for gas.
Slide 7. And now our virtual journey will take us to the world of houses. What do you think, is a rural house different from a city one? How? In cities, large multi-storey buildings are usually built from several entrances. a large number of people live in the city. These houses are well-maintained, with balconies and loggias, the apartments have gas, steam heating, a bathroom and other amenities. Rural houses are wooden, one-story or two-story, not always comfortable. In such a house, furnaces are often used for heating, and the grown crops are stored underground. Near the house, the owners plant a garden.
Slide 8. Let's test our knowledge in the game "Which house is suitable for"
Slide 9. What do you think people do in rural areas? (Grow plants and animals, pick mushrooms and berries). All this is called agriculture. People who live in villages and villages feed all of humanity. But not only agriculture is developed in the village. People of different professions work there: in the hospital - ......, in the pharmacy - ...., in the school - ......, in the store - ...., on the farm - ...., in the workshop - .... etc.
Slide 10. And what professions are in demand in the city? (Businessmen, factory workers, bartenders, managers, bankers, doorman, realtors, models, etc.)
Various goods are produced in cities: clothes and food, household appliances and televisions, cars and books. Scientists work here who learn the laws of the world, and engineers who invent new machines.
Slide 11. Our journey continues. And we will talk about the sights of the city and the village. What city sights can you name? (Monuments, museums, circus, parks, exhibition halls, attractions). And what can the village be proud of? (Obelisks, local museums, native nature)
Slide 12. I suggest playing the game "What profession is superfluous"
Slide 13. Yes, guys, the most wonderful countryside nature. City residents come to the village in the summer to relax. Here you can fish in the river, pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, or just breathe in the fresh air – after all, there are fewer cars on rural streets than in the city.
Why is the air polluted in the city? Your opinion.
(A lot of enterprises, a large number of cars).
Slide 14. Our journey ends. Let's try to draw a conclusion in the game "The difference between the city and the village."
(pictures appear on click) What new did you learn about the city and the village? What area does our village Kizema belong to?
Slide 15. I appreciated your contribution to our trip perfectly. How would you rate your achievements in class using emoticons?
And now I invite you to visit the exhibition of houses made by the hands of parents.
Material resources (video-photo, graphic images, sound files, links, animation and other effects, etc.) Animation effects
Information sources used (literature, Internet, DER, etc.) "Encyclopedia of the Kid" Moscow "Rosmen", 2008, "History of Transport" Moscow, "Makhaon", 2007, "History of the City" Moscow, "Makhaon", 2009
Possibilities of using the educational resource
- a teacher with children (specify where and how)
- in methodical work with teachers - The event of the teacher with children during the thematic week
"Journey Through the Native Country"
Time: 11/15/2013
Restrictions on the use of the resource (yes, no), description of the restrictions No
A detailed explanation of the place of the media, multimedia component in the structure and content of the lesson / methodological event and explanations on the methodology for their use in the educational / methodological process. Multimedia equipment is located in accordance with the SANPIN requirement at a safe distance from children. The presentation accompanies the entire course of the lesson.

Application No. 2
Methodological comment
Synopsis of GCD (games, etc.)
organizational information
The theme of the event is "Journey through cities and villages"
Direction Social - communicative, cognitive
Group Preparatory group
Author/s (full name, position)
Ipatova Svetlana Valerievna, teacher
Educational institution MBOU "Kizemskaya secondary school" JV kindergarten "Solnyshko"
City/settlement of the village of Kizema
Methodical information
Goals of the event (games, classes)
(educational, developing, educational) To teach children to find differences in the concept of "city", "village" by comparison

Tasks of the event (games, classes) Educational tasks.
To form an idea of ​​the uniqueness of the city and village,
To consolidate the ability of children to highlight the following indicators: features of appearance (houses and buildings in big cities and small villages, movement and mode of transport, number of inhabitants), differences in nature; specific labor of people (in factories, factories, in the field, on the farm).
To form the information competence of older preschoolers.
development tasks.
Develop the functions of thinking (the ability to compare, generalize, classify).
Develop attention; observation.
Develop the speech of preschoolers (enrichment and complication of vocabulary, sentence construction);
Develop cognitive interests in the process of work.
educational tasks.
To cultivate love for the small motherland, home, street, respect for working people.
Used pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques Information and communication technologies.
verbal and visual methods. Game techniques of comparison, generalization, classification.
Necessary equipment and materials Multimedia projector, laptop, screen
C List of educational and additional
Literature "" "Encyclopedia baby", Moscow, "Rosmen",
"" History of transport", Moscow, "Makhaon", 2007
The course and content of the event (games, classes).

Slide 1 Introduction to the topic of the lesson, goal setting
Slide 2 Introduction to country roads
Slide 3 Getting to know the city roads
Slide 4 Vehicles in the villages
Slide 5 City transport. Types of urban transport
Slide 6 Underground transport
Slide 7 The difference between rural and urban houses
Slide 8 The game "Which house is suitable for"
Slide 9 Work in the village
Slide 10 Urban professions
Slide 11 Sights of the city and village
Slide 12 The game "What profession is superfluous"
Slide 13 Nature of the city and village. Ecology
Slide 14 Conclusion in the game "The difference between the city and the village"
Slide 15 Reflection. Lesson Analysis
To help the teacher
Justification why this topic is optimally studied using media, multimedia, how to implement The complexity of learning by children such concepts as a city, village, capital, region is associated with their abstractness. The concepts of "city - village" are easier to assimilate by children of the seventh year of life through comparison. And the use of visual material in the form of a presentation helps to facilitate the process of mastering these ideas. The games that are used in the presentation maintain the interest of children, encourage them to apply the knowledge gained in the lesson, clarify and deepen it.

Electronic educational resources for preschoolers

  • http://razigrushki.ru « RazToys" is a site for children and their parents who care about the harmonious development and upbringing of their children.
  • http://www.baby-news.net - "Baby news" - A huge amount of educational materials for children, the site will be of interest to both parents and children.
  • http://packpacku.com - children's coloring, online coloring, coloring from numbers, pictures from numbers, children's mazes, skillful hands, developing children's online games, free online games for boys and girls and much more for your child.
  • http://www.zonar.info - "Origami - The world with their own hands." The site is dedicated to the ancient art of folding paper figures. Here you will find diagrams and videos of origami folding schemes.
  • http://www.1umka.ru - "Umka - Children's developing site." On the site you can watch both entertaining andeducational kids cartoons , download collections as well as listen anddownload pluses and minuses of children's songs , color together with your childrenonline coloring , choose the ones you likeholiday scenarios , listen to childrenfairy tales and much more!
  • http://bukashka.org - "Insect", a site for preschoolers. Drawing and music lessons, educational games, children's flash games and coloring books, nursery rhymes, lullabies, tests, tongue twisters and nursery rhymes.
  • http://www.detkiuch.ru - "Educational and educational tools for children" of their development, education, training and creativity. Here you will find articles about children, educational and educational programs for kids and schoolchildren that can be downloaded for free, and the child will certainly want to watch children's educational videos, the best cartoons, fairy tales and books, all games for development, coloring books, pictures, karaoke songs and much more. other; view or add children's works (drawings, poems, etc.); everything a child needs (interesting toys, software, music, books, games...)
  • http://teramult.org.ua Site "Old cartoons"
  • http://www.multirussia.ru MULTI-RUSSIA
  • http://teremoc.ru/ Children's portal "Teremok"
  • http://pochemu4ka.ru/ Children's portal "Why"
  • http://internetenok.narod.ru/ Children's portal "Internetenok"
  • http://www.klepa.ru/ - Children's portal "Klepa"
  • http://www.kinder.ru - Internet for children. Catalog of children's resources.
  • http://www.solnyshko.ee - Children's portal "Sunshine".
  • http://library.thinkguest.org - Site about origami for children and parents.
  • http://owl21.ucoz.ru/ Developing center for schoolchildren and preschoolers "SOVENOK"

Electronic educational resources for educators

  • Journal "Kindergarten: theory and practice


  • Journal "Handbook of the senior educator"

Illustrated popular science magazine for leaders of all levels, methodologists, kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers and parents. It publishes a variety of theoretical, methodological, practical materials, experience of preschool institutions. Much attention is paid to the issues of psychology, methods of education and training, and the creation of a developing environment.

  • Journal "Kindergarten from A to Z"


Scientific and methodical magazine for teachers, parents and all those who are not indifferent to the world of childhood. The journal discusses topical problems of modern preschool education and the prospects for the development of the industry, highlights the experience of innovative activities of children's educational institutions and specialized educational institutions, the results of scientific research, publishes abstracts of classes and games, leisure and holiday scenarios, consultations of managers, doctors, hygienists, psychologists.

  • Newspaper "Preschool Education"


Electronic version of the newspaper "Preschool education", produced by the publishing house "Pervoe september". The pedagogical publication includes sections: Children's world, Parental consultation, Laboratory, Workshop, Game library, Grandma's chest, Personal experience, School of nature, Psychological school, Documents, School portfolio, School of management. Contents are published for all issues. The full-text version of the issue is posted on the website one year after the publication of the printed edition.

  • Journal "Modern preschool education: theory and practice"


The most interesting and promising achievements of science in the field of preschool education, in an accessible form, are disclosed the possibilities of their application both for specialists and for parents. Particular emphasis is placed on practical work with children. It tells about the most original activities and games, books and toys that will help make the life of a child and an adult more intense and exciting. An annual competition for teachers is held. In 2013, the third international competition "Information and communication technologies (ICT) in preschool education - 2013" was announced

  • Website "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas. Open Lesson"


Lesson notes, scripts, articles, various applications

  • Kindergarten.


This is a site for children and adults, for toddlers and their parents, for preschoolers and kindergarten teachers. There are also class notes, scripts for holidays, articles for parents, audio recordings, and fiction.

  • Education of preschool children in kindergarten and family.


Here and methodical work, health-improving work, gaming activities, work with parents, holding holidays, class notes.

  • Everything for kindergarten


Site of workers of preschool education. Methodological developments, consultations for both educators and parents, didactic games, safety basics, etc.

  • Social network of educators


You can create your personal mini-site.

Registered users can create websites for educational institutions where they can talk about their work, add news and announcements, create discussions and photo albums.

You can create a blog - an Internet diary, where the author publishes his thoughts on important events or topics for the author. Readers can comment and discuss these articles, express their thoughts.

Interest groups (communities) are created - the basis of social networks, created for close communication on common topics. This is a good opportunity to build your social circle. The group can have its own photo albums, polls, news feed, library of teaching materials, etc. Based on the extensible functionality of groups, you can create large educational projects.

  • TEACHER | to help the kindergarten teacher.


The site is aimed at kindergarten teachers and young parents. Also, the site can be useful for students of the faculties of preschool education. The site contains a lot of informative articles, abstracts of classes in kindergarten, useful tips and recommendations. Answers to a variety of questions that arise before the educator and parents of babies, on a variety of topics - from raising children to obtaining allowances for classes.

  • Site "Educator"


summaries of classes in kindergarten for various categories.

  • Kindergarten. RU.


Articles, summaries, consultations for both educators and parents, a lot of useful information for self-education