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To provide plants with nutrients in the required quantity, various methods are used:

1. alternation of plants in the garden in order to maintain soil fertility;

2. application of the main fertilizer in autumn;

3. treatment of seeds with microfertilizers;

4. fertilizer soil mixture in pots and seedling boxes;

5. application of starter fertilizer before sowing or planting;

6. planned top dressing during the growing season, including the seedling period;

7. corrective feeding in case of signs of deficiency of plants in the batteries.

8. regular top dressing during the growing season through the fertigation system.

This article describes planned and corrective top dressing during the growing season.

Planned fertilizing is carried out - against the background of the main fertilizer introduced in the fall during digging, and pre-sowing fertilizer application to the soil for seedlings and beds - for greater efficiency of the applied fertilizers.

Mineral or natural organic fertilizers?

To obtain an environmentally friendly crop, it is not recommended to use mineral fertilizers that worsen the ecology of plants and soil. But to increase the yield, it is still necessary to carry out top dressing, especially when the plants are stunted or the leaves become pale, or unnaturally dark green, or the internodes are stretched.

In the same time optimally selected ratio of macro- and microelements in mineral fertilizers can completely replace the nutrients of manure, which just contains them in the optimal ratio. And the dead roots of plants, always remaining in the soil, create an accumulation of humus with an increase in beneficial microflora.

Nitrogen is an element of growth; in pursuit of the harvest, they sprinkle the fields with saltpeter, based on the fact that the more it is, the better. Hence and nitrate problem, as well as the more dangerous nitrites in human plant foods. By the way, when entering fresh manure containing a relatively large amount of nitrogen, in the second half of summer, there will be no less nitrates in vegetables than from saltpeter. Half-rotted manure that has lain for six months - a year is an ideal fertilizer for spring planting. Having lain for 2-3 years or more - already rotted manure. It is low in nitrogen, and nitrogen fertilizers must be added during spring application.

Can top dressings replace the main fertilizer?

No, they can't. Only the combination of dressings with the main fertilizer can give the best result. At the same time, if large doses of top dressing are given, the doses of the main fertilizer should be reduced and, conversely, if the main fertilizer is good, the doses in top dressing should be reduced.

What top dressing is more effective - liquid or dry?

Liquid fertilizers are more effective. That is, when fertilizers are dissolved in water, they act faster. In dry form, fertilizers can only be applied during heavy rains.

Liquid organic top dressing - quickly acquired environmentally friendly fertilizer. It significantly increases the yield and improves the structure of the soil.

top dressing best done with herbal infusion which is one of the best natural fertilizers. After all, the most valuable manure is also obtained from grass, after digesting it in the stomachs of cows. At the same time, an infusion of grass is more valuable than manure, since cows leave a large part of the beneficial substances of the grass entering the manure for themselves. In addition, when mowing, more grasses get into the green mass, including all weeds that contain various microelements.

Preparation of liquid organic dressings

Read how to properly prepare and apply liquid organic top dressing.

The use of liquid mineral supplements

As it was said, if possible, it is better to carry out not mineral, but liquid organic top dressing. However, for the introduction of magnesium and trace elements into the soil, one cannot do without mineral top dressing.

What mineral fertilizers are suitable for liquid dressings?

Suitable are all those mineral fertilizers that dissolve easily in water.

nitrogen fertilizers all are easily soluble in water, but if possible it is better to use saltpeter because they contain nitrogen in the form of nitrates.

potash fertilizers They also dissolve well in water, but faster in hot water. It is better to use not chloride, but potassium sulfate.

Of the phosphate fertilizers, superphosphates are soluble in water. Soluble fertilizers are also ammophos, fruit and berry and other ready-made mixtures.

Of course, all sold liquid fertilizers are well suited for liquid dressings.

The table below gives an example of the solubility of some fertilizers at different water temperatures, in g/litre. For example, according to the table, the solubility of potassium sulfate at a temperature of 20°C is 80 g/L. When trying to dissolve 100 g in 1 liter, 20 g will settle.

Fertilizer / Water temperature, °С 5°С 10° 20° 25° 30° 40°
ammonium nitrate 1183 1510 1920
Ammonium sulfate 710 730 750
Urea 780 850 1060 1200
potassium nitrate 133 170 209 316 370 458
calcium nitrate 1020 1130 1290
magnesium nitrate 680 690 710 720
MAP (Mono ammonium phosphate) 250 295 374 410 464 567
MKP (Mono Potassium Phosphate) 110 180 230 250 300 340
Potassium sulfate 80 90 111 120
Potassium chloride 229 238 255 264 275

How to prepare liquid top dressing from mineral fertilizers?

Fertilizers are first dissolved in a small amount of water, then the required amount of water is added to this solution.

Superphosphate is more difficult to dissolve. Usually it is prepared with 3-5%. To do this, pour half a bucket of water, pour 300-500 g of superphosphate (powder or granular) into it, mix well. When the solution settles, it is drained from the sediment. Then a quarter of a bucket of water is poured into the sediment, mixed thoroughly and drained from the sediment. The last operation is repeated one more time. After that, almost all of the superphosphate will go into solution, but the precipitate will still remain. But this is already gypsum, which is an impurity of superphosphate. However, double superphosphate is better for liquid top dressing, it does not contain gypsum, therefore it dissolves in water almost completely.

In this sediment there are necessary for plants sulfur and gypsum (lime fertilizer), so it must be used.

When dissolving fruit and vegetable mixtures, a residue usually remains, since the mixtures contain superphosphate.

Water-soluble magnesium fertilizers: epsomite (magnesium sulfate), kieserite, kainite, carnallite, potassium magnesia.

How to apply dry mineral fertilizers?

It is better to apply top dressing along the perimeter of the near-stem circle of a tree or bush, since there are suction roots there. Closer to the center of the circle are predominantly conductive roots that do not perceive top dressing. Dry nitrogen fertilizers can be laid out on the soil surface. They easily penetrate the roots. The remaining dressings containing phosphorus, potassium and other substances must be embedded in the soil to a depth of 5 to 20 cm, depending on the depth of the roots and the age of the plant.

Can mineral fertilizers be mixed?

Yes, they can be mixed before applying fertilizer to the soil to reduce labor costs. But at the same time, it is necessary to be guided by the rules given.

How much fertilizer should be applied per season?

It depends on a number of reasons. With a good basic fertilizer, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are often not applied in dressings. Nitrogen fertilizers, being more soluble, are washed out of the soil faster, especially during heavy rains or irrigation. Therefore, nitrogen fertilization is applied more often, given the color of the leaves and the strength of growth. When the leaves are not green enough or dark green, apply nitrogen fertilizer - one or two. However, if there is no rain in the summer and the garden is not watered, then the plants grow poorly, as they suffer from a lack of water, and not from a lack of nitrogen. This means that it is necessary to water regularly and then you can do without unnecessary nitrogen fertilizing.

On the other hand, it is impossible to overfeed plants with nitrogen, especially in the second half of summer, as this can lead to a deterioration in the quality of fruits, their keeping quality, as well as to a decrease in plant resistance to adverse conditions.

On sandy and peaty soils, plants need top dressing with both nitrogen and potassium. In autumn, after harvesting, fruit and berry plants need potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Nitrogen top dressing is not done at this time, since nitrogen causes a rapid growth of green mass, which is why plants tolerate overwintering worse.

What is fertigation?

This is a method of fertilizing when fertilizers are supplied along with irrigation water. The fertilizer solution is prepared in containers and then dosed introduced into the irrigation water. Fertigation has a number of advantages:

Fertilization is more precise and uniform.

Nutrients are readily available to plants.

Reduced fertilizer costs.

Labor saving.

There are quantitative and proportional methods of fertigation. The quantitative method is used in open ground. The required amount of fertilizer must be applied to the field (eg kg/ha), then this amount of fertilizer is supplied with irrigation water.

The proportional method is the most efficient and is mainly used on light sandy soils and in greenhouses. At the same time, a certain dose of fertilizer is injected into every unit volume of water flowing during irrigation.

The installation of a fertigation system requires special knowledge and equipment.

Do you need foliar plant nutrition?

With foliar top dressing, plants absorb nutrients with the help of the aerial parts - leaves, stems.

Foliar top dressing of plants is carried out by the method of fine spraying - spraying. The fertilizer is diluted in water and the plant is sprayed with this solution. This method is effective when you need to quickly feed a sick or weakened plant. The advantage of foliar feeding is the speed of assimilation by plants.

Top dressing on the leaves is usually carried out twice. The first time is when the leaves are forming. The second time - during flowering and fruit formation.

Foliar top dressing is usually applied when there are signs of nutrient deficiency in the plant to quickly eliminate this deficiency. It is also used to maintain the plant during drought or in cold weather.

Top dressing on the leaves is carried out in small doses in the evening or in cloudy weather. It is important to spray the solution in small drops and evenly.

According to studies, the removal of nutrients, for example, phosphorus with a corn crop, is 80 kg/ha, the maximum allowable concentration per leaf feeding is 4 kg/ha. Hence, the required amount of foliar top dressing will be 59 times! That is, it is simply impractical to carry them out instead of root ones.

It is also important to remember that exceeding the permissible concentration of the solution during foliar feeding can lead to leaf burns and crop losses.

Many gardeners and gardeners know that for better fruit crop yields, as well as to add beauty and splendor, they need to be fed with fertilizers. But which ones are better? After all, there are a huge number of such products on the market. The main rule: choose the one that is famous for its good reputation, and the manufacturer of which has a high rating on the market for more than a dozen years. One of the most popular and effective fertilizers is the Master complex from the Italian company Valagro. In this article, we will talk in detail about the characteristics and varieties of these fertilizers, as well as how and for which plants to apply them.


This complex consists of a variety of microelements in its composition, and depending on the type of fertilizer and scope, there are different types of dressings from the Valagro company.

Each of the species contains in its composition different trace elements that are suitable for feeding one or another. As part of the preparation, all microelements are in the form of cyclic complex compounds (chelates).

Trace elements that form chelates are able to act with higher efficiency on vegetation of different species and varieties.

Did you know? All potassium-based fertilizers are radioactive (not dangerous to humans), as they have an unstable K-40 isotope.

This complex of fertilizers is characterized by ease of use: it is enough to determine what microelements your plant needs, then select the Master complex with the chelate compounds you need, study the instructions for use and feed your vegetation.

Master has good solubility in water and low electrical conductivity. All trace elements in its composition are in compensated proportions (you do not need to search the Internet for information about how much and what fertilizers are needed for a particular plant).
In addition, different types of dressings Master can be combined and create your own, unique and optimal formula for you. Top dressing is great for root and foliar fertilization.

Moreover, with this complex you will not pollute the sprayer, and all useful trace elements will remain on the leaves or in the ground for a long time.

What is suitable for

Fertilizer Master is perfect for fertilizing many horticultural and horticultural crops. It can be used for seedlings, various berry crops, and annual flowers, perennial trees, bushes, etc.

For each of the listed plants, there is a specific complex that has a unique formula, and will give your plants the elements that they lacked.

Chemical composition and packaging

One of the most popular fertilizers from Valagro is Master 20.20.20. The composition of this complex includes several nitrogenous compounds, the total amount in the package of which is 20%. It also contains 20% potassium oxide and 20% phosphorus oxide.

In addition to the above oxides, Master 20.20.20 contains trace elements of manganese, ferum, boron, copper and zinc in different ratios, selected according to the universal average characteristics of various types. The acidity of this complex is 5.1 Pn.

Fertilizer with marking 20.20.20 is packaged in packages of 10 and 25 kg.

In the Master 18.18.18+3 fertilizer complex, potassium oxide, phosphorus oxide and compounds are contained in the same proportions as in the above agent, but each of the elements is 2% less in the composition.
However, magnesium oxide (3%) is also present in the fertilizer labeled 18.18.18+3, as indicated by the designation "+3". All other trace elements (zinc, boron, iron, manganese, etc.) are contained in the same quantities as in the above complex. Packed in packages of 500 g and 25 kg.

The drug labeled 13.40.13 contains 13% nitrogen compounds and 13% potassium oxide, but 40% falls on phosphorus oxide, so some gardeners call Master 13.40.13 phosphorus fertilizer.

The remaining 34% falls on other compounds, including chelated ones (trace elements of iron, zinc, copper, boron, etc.). Sold in packs of 25 kg.

Important!Master mineral supplements can be found in different packages, since the Italian company mainly packs its products in 25-kilogram bags, and domestic sellers package the product in a variety of containers of various weights and volumes.

Master 10.18.32 is rich in potassium oxide (32%), 18% - phosphorus oxide, another 10% - nitrogen compounds. Sold in packs of 25 kg and 200 g. Master 17.6.8 fertilizer contains 17% nitrogenous compounds, 6% phosphorus oxide and 8% potassium oxide.
It is packaged in the same capacity packages as in the previous case.

It should be noted that all types of fertilizers from the Italian company can be found in packages of 25 kg, however, smaller packages cannot always be found on the market or on the Internet (many sell this product by weight in simple, poorly sealed plastic bags).

The preparation labeled 15.5.30+2 is rich in potassium oxide (30%), but the content of phosphorus oxide is insignificant (5%). The content of nitrogenous compounds in this type of fertilizer is 15%. The designation "+2" means that magnesium oxide is additionally included in the composition of this product in a percentage of 2%.

Packed in packages of 25 kg, but like any other type of complex, it is sold by weight of 1 kg. Master 3.11.38 + 4 (as you probably already guessed if you understood the logic of the numbers in the designation of the product) contains 3% nitrogenous compounds, 11% phosphorus oxide and 38% potassium oxide, and, of course, 4% oxide magnesium.
This drug is the most enriched with magnesium oxide of all those presented on the market by Valagro. Product marked 3.11.38+4 is available in packs of 500 g.


From the Italian manufacturer they have a number of advantages compared to other types of fertilizers:

  • Acceleration of growth of fruit and ornamental types of plants due to their good absorption of all oxides and microelements.
  • Due to the balanced ratio of nitrogen compounds and oxides of potassium and magnesium, it is possible to obtain an early harvest of high quality.
  • The low salt concentration promotes uniform growth of all types of plants.
  • Controlled forms of fruits and leaves (leaves grow beautiful and dense, and the fruits acquire ideal forms).
  • Vegetation does not succumb to chlorosis due to the presence of microelements of magnesium and its oxides in the composition of complex fertilizers.
This list of advantages of the drug makes it a leader in the global agro-industry market. Master has long established itself as one of the most effective types of fertilizers, so the price matches the quality.

Instructions for use

Before using any Master complex, you need to carefully study the instructions for use, because for each type of plant there are strictly indicated dosages.

In addition, dosages vary depending on what result you want to achieve (large and tasty fruits, beautiful and lush flowering of ornamental plants, wide and uniform leaves, etc.).

Master 20.20.20

It will be good if, before using this preparation, you analyze your soil for trace elements in a special laboratory. After you find out which minerals you lack in the soil, you need to choose the optimal fertilizer complex.

If you are sure that Master 20.20.20 will be a suitable option, then carefully read the instructions for use before use.

It is necessary to apply this fertilizer (as a preventive measure) together with water, that is, by the fertigation method (when watering from a hose or during drip irrigation), at the rate of 5-10 kg of the mixture per 1 ha of crop area (garden plants, flowerbeds and ornamental jewelry, etc.).
By the way, with this fertilizer method, any Master complex is used at the rate of 5-10 kg per 1 ha.

Did you know?Nitrogen fertilizers in high dosages when feeding vegetation that is eaten lead to an increased risk of developing diabetes, Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease.

A product labeled 20.20.20 is well suited for these types of dressings:
  • Top dressing of decorative types of flowers throughout. for better growth of sheets and giving them a beautiful shape (0.2-0.4 kg of product per 100 liters of water). Top dressing by fertigation (100-200 g per 100 liters of water).
  • For active growth and development of coniferous ornamental and deciduous, as well as bushes (top dressing is carried out in the summer). Fertilizers are applied by fertigation at the rate of 250-500 g per 100 m². Plants need to be fed regularly, once every 7-10 days.
  • Fertilizers for better fruiting (fertilize from the moment the ovaries are formed until the first ripe fruits appear). Fertilizers are applied by fertigation at the rate of 40-60 g per 100 m².
  • they begin to feed from the moment the first 5-7 leaves appear and before the start of the first harvest. Apply daily during irrigation at the rate of 125 g per 100 m².
  • This complex will help the grapes to form a large number of bunches with the maximum number on them. It is introduced with the beginning of the growing season, the last top dressing is carried out at the moment when unripe berries begin to acquire “ripe” shades. Feed by fertigation at the rate of 40-60 g per day per 100 m².
  • they begin to fertilize when the first flowers bloom, and finish at the time of the first fruit ovaries. The scheme and dosage of top dressing remains the same as for grapes.
  • For top dressing of vegetable crops in the open ground, an aqueous solution of the Master preparation is used (1.5-2 kg of the agent per 1000 liters of water). Water every 2-3 days (may be less often, depending on the type of soil, rainfall, mineral indicators of the soil, etc.). You can feed vegetables in this way with any of the Master's complexes, the dosages remain the same, but one or another complex is selected depending on the mineral composition of the soil.
  • Field (technical) crops are fed with drip irrigation using an aqueous solution (3-8 kg of fertilizer per 1 ha). You can use any of the Master's complexes, depending on the mineral composition of the soil.

Master 18.18.18+3

Instructions for the use of fertilizer Master 18.18.18+3 for various types of plants are almost the same as for the complex marked 20.20.20. However, there are some differences in use here, which we will tell you about.

All dosages for plants that we indicated in the paragraph above must be observed exactly the same. The difference is that this complex contains 3% magnesium oxide, which contributes to the production of chlorophyll in plant leaves.

Fertilizers with the designation 18.18.18 + 3 will be useful for ornamental plants, which should be distinguished by the splendor and beauty of green leaves. For decorative deciduous trees, bushes and some types of flowers, the complex 18.18.18+3 is used throughout the growing season.

Apply to the soil by fertigation or spray the leaves with a sprayer.
For spraying leaves of ornamental plants, an aqueous solution is used (200-400 g of top dressing per 100 liters of water). Spraying should be done once every 9-12 days throughout the growing season.

Important!Before you feed your plants with the Master, do a soil analysis, and after that, select the complex that suits you, based on the results of the research.

It is necessary to fertilize the soil around trees (using the fertigation method) and bushes every 1.5-2 weeks (3-5 kg ​​per 1 ha).

Master 13.40.13

This fertilizer complex is used for top dressing at the initial stage of plant vegetation. Master 13.40.13 is rich in phosphorus oxide, therefore it is able to stimulate the growth of roots, and is used to feed seedlings (it takes root easier when transplanted into open ground). Instructions for using this tool for different crops:

  • Fertilization of flowers, starting in early spring (the course lasts about a month). They are fed by the fertigation method (150-200 g of the product is used per 100 m²).
  • Deciduous and coniferous ornamental plants are fed by fertigation in early spring and early summer (300-500 g/100 m²).
  • Strawberries need to be fed immediately after transplantation and before the first ovaries appear. The amount of fertilizer remains the same as in the previous case.
  • , cucumbers, tomatoes, are fed when grown by seedlings (40-70 g / 100 m² every day by fertigation).
  • Grapes are fed from the beginning of the vegetation stage until the first ovaries appear by fertigation (3-5 g of the product for one plant every 3-4 days).

Master 10.18.32

This complex is used for fertilizing various berry and vegetable crops at the stage of active fruiting. It is applied daily by fertigation. The tool is used for soils with an increased level of nitrogenous substances.

Use Master 10.18.32 as follows:

  • For rapid ripening of fruits and (from the moment of fruit set to the start of harvest). Apply daily (in the early morning or late evening in moist soil) at the rate of 20-30 g of the drug per 100 liters of water.
  • For tomatoes, cucumbers and bulbous crops (acceleration of fruit growth and increase in their size). Fertigation method every day at the rate of 45-75 g per 100 m².
  • For vigorous fruit growth. Apply by fertigation once a day (50-70 g of the preparation should be applied per 100 m² of plantations).

Master 17.6.18

This complex contains little phosphorus oxides, but it is rich in nitrogen and potassium elements, which help plants in stressful situations (adverse weather conditions, etc.).

In addition, Master 17.6.18 provides good vegetation and a long flowering stage, helps the leaves of the plant to acquire a normal dark green color.

This complex of trace elements contributes to a long flowering period, etc. It also favorably affects grapes, horticultural crops, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

Some people actively use it for indoor flowers, improving and accelerating their flowering.

Cucumbers are fed by Master 17.6.18 at 250 g per 100 m² every day using the fertigation method. Feeding begins from the moment the first flowers appear and ends when the first fruits ripen.
Grapes are fed at the rate of 30-50 g of the product under one bush once a day (by the fertigation method). Tomatoes are fed in the same way as cucumbers, but during the formation of the first fruits, the dosage is doubled.

Did you know?About half of the world's raw materials from which phosphate fertilizers are made are located in the Middle East.

And indoor plants are treated by spraying. A 0.1-0.2% aqueous solution is made (100-200 g / 100 liters of water).

Master 15.5.30+2

This type of fertilizer is used for better flowering of ornamental plants, as well as for the rapid and friendly ripening of vegetable and berry crops. Master 15.5.30+2 is perfect for flowers that do not tolerate high phosphorus content in the soil.

However, the presence of potassium in this complex at elevated rates favorably affects flowering, violets, etc.

For various ornamental and fruit crops, the drug is used in different ways, but the dosages remain standard (we focus on the dosages indicated in the instructions for the Master 20.20.20):

  • Decorative garden and indoor flowers begin to feed from the moment the flowers bloom. Fertilize by spraying and fertigation once every 2 days. Such top dressing will contribute to a long flowering period.
  • Ornamental coniferous and deciduous plants are fertilized in autumn for better overwintering. The procedures are carried out after the leaves fall (repeat every week until the first frost).
  • Strawberries, wild strawberries and grapes are fertilized before the berries begin to ripen (procedures are carried out daily).
  • Tomatoes and cucumbers are fed throughout the entire fruiting period (daily, by fertigation).

Master 3.11.38+4

This complex contains a proportion of magnesium, which is necessary for each plant for the development of the root system. If there is not enough magnesium in the soil, then the root system develops poorly, and the plant cannot receive a sufficient amount of important trace elements from the soil.
In addition, magnesium trace elements make field crops more resistant to sunburn, so Master 3.11.38+4 is actively used by farmers as a top dressing for plants planted in vast open spaces (wheat, soybeans, corn, barley, etc.).

The increased content of potassium and the minimum amount of nitrogenous compounds contribute to a better flowering process of ornamental trees, bushes and flowers. Moreover, this complex gives the fruits a marketable appearance (ideal sizes and shapes of any vegetable and berry fruits).

Important!If you do not have the opportunity to fertilize cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, etc. daily, then you can fertilize the soil every other day, but with a double dosage.

Instructions for using Master 3.11.38+4 are exactly the same as for the complex described above. One difference: the product with the designation 3.11.38+4 is used for field crops at the rate of 4-6 kg per 1 ha of crops.

Terms and conditions of storage

The Master complex should be stored in a dark closed room with low air humidity and a temperature of +15-20°C.

As calculated data showed, partial wetting of mineral substances leads to the fact that the drug becomes unusable by 20-25%, that is, its effectiveness decreases (some chelate compounds are destroyed).

The storage room must be inaccessible to children and animals. stored away from food. Under normal storage conditions, the Master complex remains suitable for 5 years (in sealed packaging).


The manufacturer of mineral complexes for plants is the Italian company Valagro, headquartered in the city of Abruzzo.

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Understand what chemical fertilizers are made of. When buying, pay attention to what is written on the label. The full composition should be indicated there, including the volume of the three main components responsible for plant growth. These three chemicals are abbreviated as NPK:

  • Nitrogen. It promotes leaf growth, and its concentration is higher in fertilizers that are designed for plants with lush foliage. Some plants obtain nitrogen from the environment. These include plants from the family legumes including peas and beans. On the roots of these plants there are special nodules that absorb nitrogen from the soil, and they do not need fertilizers. Corn and other narrow-leaved crops, on the other hand, need nitrogen. Nitrogen is indicated on the packaging by the letter N(Nitrogen).
  • Phosphorus. This substance is also necessary for the plant to maintain all cellular processes. It is made from industrial waste or mined in phosphate rock mines. A lot of phosphorus is contained in clay soil, and it is quickly washed out of sandy-clay and sandy soil. This substance is denoted by the letter P(Phosphate).
  • Potash. This substance is necessary for the plant for cell growth, flowering and fruiting. It is marked on the package with the letter K(KCl, potassium chloride).

Find out which elements are needed by the plant you want to grow. For lawns, a fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content and a lower concentration of the remaining two substances is more suitable, while garden plants are best treated with special fertilizers, which, depending on the variety, may require more potassium or phosphorus. If you are not sure what exactly your plants need, ask a specialist store to help you or contact the Department of Agriculture.

Analyze the soil in which you intend to grow plants to understand what elements your soil lacks. Order a soil study at any of the organizations specializing in this. The employees of these organizations can also provide you with a report for specific types of plants with a calculation of the optimal amounts of fertilizer required. If you neglect such research, you are likely to use either too much or too little fertilizer.

Calculate the right amount of fertilizer. The dosage can be calculated if you know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land. The packaging will tell you how much fertilizer to use per unit area (per square meter, for example), so simply multiply the area by the quantity. You can also apply fertilizer by eye.

Buy the right fertilizer. They come in a variety of sizes, and larger bags usually cost less per pound, so look for a fertilizer that works for you both in terms of price and quantity. Maybe you should try fertilizers 8-8-8 (10-10-10 or 13-13-13). It is also worth considering the following factors:

  • Additional nutrients are needed in a lower concentration than the three main ones, but they are also important for maintaining good soil condition and plant growth. Additional items include:
    • calcium;
    • sulfur;
    • magnesium.
  • Nutrient micronutrients. They are also important for plant growth, but the fertilizer may not contain them. Micronutrients include:
    • iron in soluble form (promotes flowering, helps the foliage to fill with color);
    • copper in soluble form (also used to give the foliage a bright green color, but also increases the plant's resistance to certain diseases);
    • zinc;
    • manganese.
  • Before buying, consider whether you want to use fertilizers along with other products. Some fertilizers include herbicides and insecticides, and they can save you a lot of time and effort. However, the use of such products imposes certain restrictions: they can only be used in those areas of the soil where they will not have a negative effect on plants. Pesticides contained in some fertilizers can penetrate plants, contaminating them, and herbicides can damage plants. In general, insecticides and herbicides are best used as a spot treatment. this will reduce the amount of substances required and solve the problem more efficiently.
  • Apply fertilizer to the soil. There are several methods including hand application, broadcast application, dilution in water and spraying. There is even special equipment that allows you to apply fertilizer from the side of the row. The method of feeding depends on the amount of fertilizer, the area of ​​land and the size of the plants you want to fertilize.

    • If the plants have not yet been planted, scatter fertilizer over the entire surface and plow the ground so that the fertilizer goes deep into the soil. You will need a maximum of 2-3.5 kilograms per 10 square meters.
    • Fertilizers can be applied to large areas by hand, with a mini tractor for cutting grass or with a conventional tractor tractor. Take approximately 500 grams for 5 meters. After the fertilizer has been applied, plow the ground so that the fertilizer penetrates the soil and is not washed away by rain.
    • In order not to poison the plants, especially very young ones, dissolve the fertilizer in a bucket of water and then pour the plants with this liquid. So the fertilizer is quickly absorbed into the ground. Then water the plants with plain water - this is done in order to remove traces of fertilizer that may have got on the leaves or stems. If drops of fertilizer remain on the leaves, holes will form in these places.
    • If you need to feed several individual plants or plants planted in rows, you can pour the fertilizer into a clean, dry bucket, and then walk along the seedlings, spreading the fertilizer down onto the soil. Don't throw fertilizer on the plants themselves because the chemicals will burn through the leaves. For small plants, a tablespoon of fertilizer will suffice.
    • Plants planted in rows can also be fertilized with a special device. It consists of a crossbar on which the wheel is fixed, and a distributing mechanism, as well as special guides that hold the entire device in the desired track.
  • Loosen the soil around the plants to speed up the penetration of the fertilizer and prevent rain from washing away the nutrients. This can be done with an ordinary chopper.