How to attract a man to you. How to attract the right man. Silva Method

G They say that a woman should not take the initiative. This is partly true, because every man is a hunter by nature. But on the other hand, this does not mean at all that you need to humbly sit and wait for someone to pay attention to you. A wise woman always knows how to interest a man. Today these secrets will be revealed to you.

How to attract attention?

Contrary to popular belief, it is the woman who chooses the man. However, she does this unobtrusively and imperceptibly. By giving non-verbal signals, she thereby attracts attention, makes her stand out from the crowd.

Very rarely the stronger sex takes the initiative. It is important for a man to understand that he will not be denied acquaintance or communication. Yes, embarrassment and timidity are not only inherent in women.

So, what you need to do in order for a man to pay attention to you:

1) Make eye contact. Look at the desired object by holding your gaze for 2-7 seconds. As soon as he notices you, smile. Then turn away and repeat the trick again (after about 10 minutes). It is very important that the eyes at the same time express warmth and goodwill. A cold, contemptuous look will only repel a man.

2) Smile, and even better, laugh. Cheerful people always attract attention. They are much easier to get to know, easy to start a conversation. And vice versa, somehow you don’t want to communicate with a dull, closed person. An important point - the smile should not be feigned or strained, as in American films. Joke, laugh heartily, this is one of the main weapons of a woman in the art of seduction.

3) There are other ways to get a man's attention. For example, you can, as if by chance, drop your scarf, scarf or other unbreakable object in front of him. Surely he will help to pick up the fallen thing. Thank him, noting how attentive and gallant he is. You can also ask for help, such as opening a bottle of water. Yes, just ask for the time or find out how to get to a famous cafe or theater.

Advice. If a man does not show his interest in any way, do not be discouraged. Perhaps he is now very busy or just immersed in his thoughts. However, just in case, try to find out if he is married. If his heart is already taken, any attempts to get closer will be in vain.

The art of seduction

So, your chosen one has already noticed you, but is still in no hurry to take the initiative. It happens. Sometimes a man doubts whether he needs to make a new acquaintance at all.

If you want to finally conquer it, it is important not to sit idly by. You can interest him even more with your appearance, conversation, various “female things”.

About everything in order.


Many women, having become interested in a man, rush from one extreme to another. Either she is too fat or thin, and the whole body needs to be carefully hidden, then her figure is the height of perfection, which, of course, needs to be exposed to the maximum. No, no, no, you can't do that. In the first case, the man, most likely, will not pay attention to you at all, and in the second he will take you for a vulgar, accessible woman. It is necessary to observe the golden mean:

Dress feminine, avoid men's clothes in the wardrobe.

Emphasize only one of your dignity - gorgeous chest, long legs, elastic hips.

Choose light, flowing fabrics in light or bright colors.

Choose shoes with small, comfortable heels.

Wear light makeup, leave your hair loose or not too tight.

Go in for sports. Everyone likes a toned body.

Advice. Forget about your complexes. A man would rather feel your insecurity than notice any flaws. In addition, a well-groomed woman is always beautiful, so everything is in your hands. Pick the right clothes, experiment with makeup and hairstyles, and that's it, half the battle is in your pocket.


You need to know how to talk to a man. Conversation with the opposite sex and communication with women are completely different things, at least at first.

To interest your chosen one, it is important to pay special attention to intonation, voice timbre, and of course, to choose the right topic for conversation.

Just stick to the following rules:

- speak slowly and clearly;

- do not go to squealing or screaming;

- only touch on positive topics;

- do not complain, do not gossip and do not tell tearful stories;

- communicate on the topic of art, share experiences, ideas, feelings;

- joke;

- ask a lot of questions;

- listen carefully;

- periodically demonstrate your interest (“are you serious?” “is it really true?”, “wow, I didn’t know!”);

- read more - it is easier for well-read people to keep up the conversation;

- try not to use slang when communicating with a man.

Language of the body

Man is a rational being, that's for sure. However, animal habits and instincts are not alien to him. As in the animal world, there are special positions of dominance or submission among people.

A woman who wants to interest a man must show defenselessness with her body.

How to do it:

1) Show off your neck. You can tilt your head to your shoulder or tilt it up. And if you keep eye contact at the same time, then this will be perceived at an unconscious level as a call.

2) Play with your feet. Slightly wiggle your leg or shoe. If the dress is short enough, bring your legs together and sit half-side to the man, showing off their full length. Another technique is throwing one leg over the other. In this case, it is important that the skirt or dress is not too short, otherwise the man will consider you frivolous.

3) When talking to a man, lean forward slightly with your body. Thus, you will demonstrate your most vulnerable places - the chest and neck.

4) Open your lips. You can occasionally bite or lick them. Too tense, clamped mouth speaks of nervousness, impatience and even aggression. Open lips show readiness for dialogue.

5) Touch yourself with your hands. As if by chance, touch your lips, neck, shoulders. Movements should be smooth and light. You do not need to iron yourself, it will already look defiant. You can put your hands behind your head or stretch. So your figure will look even more advantageous.

6) Fix your hair. Playing with hair is the most ancient secret of seduction. It is especially good if they are well-groomed and long. You can throw the curls to one side, correct them by throwing your head back, or simply dissolve them at a certain moment.

Advice from the author. To interest a man, it is enough just to be yourself. It is important to be able to show your individuality and uniqueness. If you are a wonderful hostess, then you should not pretend to be a business woman or a socialite. Perhaps most people like them, but sooner or later the mask will have to be removed. It is better to be open and direct, then the right men will be attracted. And the wrong ones…why do you need them?

So, how can you interest a man? First of all, don't be afraid to show interest. This does not mean that you need to rush to the chosen one on the neck with the words "I'm all yours." Just a warm look, an alluring smile, an interesting conversation. And then it's up to him.

Unfortunately, not everyone has to experience a pure and bright feeling of love, which is watched with delight from TV screens, in real life. Numerous obstacles that stand in the way bring suffering and disappointment. The girl understands with chagrin that a “not her” person again appears in front of her. Undoubtedly, every woman, immersed in love melodramas with delight, seeks to hear the answer to the main question in them,.

How to be happy

It's probably happened to you too. This means that it is urgent to correct the situation. Work on your appearance, buy beautiful clothes, develop your inner world. You will say that a loved one should appreciate you for who you are, in a “natural” way. But, in any case, do not sit back and try to take control of the situation.

You want to experience a real feeling, become one of a million, catch the admiring glances of your beloved, create a happy family and give birth to a child. Even the strongest man-hater secretly dreams about it.

What men like in women

Some girls manage to achieve this with absolutely no effort. The rest, unfortunately, have to dodge, make mistakes and receive bitter disappointments on the thorny path to their long-awaited happiness. If the prince never appears on the horizon, and you are already tired of waiting and hoping, then perhaps you should still study the proposed information on the means of attracting men.

How to get a guy interested

Have you met the love of your life yet? Do the representatives of the stronger sex that you meet on your way bring you only torment and pain? Perhaps you should examine your behavior carefully.

It is not difficult if you listen to the advice and recommendations. The techniques below will help you actively use them in your daily life.

How to attract a man into your life - psychological moments

Wish How to act
Be different from others What kind of women do men like

Young people in modern society understand the expression of the inner world in their own way. Pierced, pierced jeans, painted face. Not to attract attention in this way is really very difficult. But to keep ... Most likely, you will not achieve this.

What attracts men:

  • Elegance - that's what causes admiring glances.
  • Delicate outlines, clothes that emphasize femininity, a sweet smile.
  • Your image should evoke charm and a desire to protect and protect.

Skirts, sundresses, scarves and other women's accessories. Don't go sporty. In men, it is associated with themselves. This type shouts: "I am confident in myself, I do not need protection, I will solve all the problems myself." And the sweet lady in heels, with her behavior, asks for protection and support.

Experience love, first of all, for yourself. Appreciate yourself If we constantly dissolve into others, not caring about our personal feelings and desires, then this will not cause a positive response from those around us.

What attracts men at the first meeting

A lady who appreciates her dignity, who is confident enough in herself, attracts the representatives of the stronger sex.

  • Do not forget that a man is a hunter, he likes to achieve and conquer. So prove that you are special.
  • There is an opinion that thin women with full breasts are the ultimate dream of any gentleman. Indeed, this part of the body plays an important role and attracts attention.
  • Remember the proverb about the merchant and the goods, there will definitely be lovers of plump ones with wide hips.

How to attract a man into your life - just present yourself correctly so that you are appreciated.

Be yourself in any situation What men don't like
  • You don't have to start a relationship with a lie.
  • The humble must remain so, the leaders do not need to hide this character trait.
  • The truth will come out sooner or later. Yes, and your gentleman, in the end, will feel something was wrong on a subconscious level.
  • By trying to behave differently than usual, you will interest him for a while. But then there can be bitter disappointment.
Live happily and in harmony with the outside world What women annoy men

Indeed, who likes the image of a grumpy woman? Dissatisfaction with what is happening around, constant reproaches are unlikely to be your good allies.

A woman glowing with happiness promises well-being to those around her. Well, what man would refuse such a thing?

How to attract a man with gestures

Smile. If the corners of your lips are always lowered, then the assumption of possible interest from the opposite sex is doubtful.

Therefore, smile slightly at the object of your attention. The response will be positive. And, believe me, it will be a victory, albeit a small one.

How to please a man

How to behave with guys Tips - how to interest men
Learn to keep your eyes on
  • If you like a guy, study him with your eyes for as long as possible.
  • Occasionally look away, then back again.
  • If you have aroused a reciprocal interest, then they will definitely come to you to get to know each other better.
  • Young men also love it when they glide with an interested look.
Take the first step Is it possible to meet first:

If you are completely confident in yourself, do not adhere to generally accepted stereotypes of behavior, then you can come up first.

It may happen that the guy is old-fashioned and holds certain views, so your behavior will not be appreciated. Well, that's for the best. You won't waste your time on an ordinary, predictable, self-appreciating boyfriend. They live according to the pattern, their everyday life is gray and bleak.

You don't want to live a boring life, so walk away from him without looking back.


What do men appreciate about a woman's appearance?

No matter how much they talk about the importance of certain spiritual qualities or upbringing, a man makes the first assessment based on what he sees. Well it is clear.

How to be beautiful and well-groomed

No one likes a lady with unwashed hair, unkempt nails, wrinkled clothes or unkempt shoes.

  • Do not assume that everyone should love you.
  • This is later, and immediately the appearance should make the most pleasant impression.
  • A woman is always associated with home comfort, a delicious smell from the kitchen, and small children. At the genetic level, a man will strive for just such a chosen one.

Yes, it will be good if you have your own point of view, but the lack of taste, vulgarity and aggressiveness will not help you achieve your goal.

Learn to understand men

What kind of girls do guys like statistics

This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

How to attract a man with a figure

  • What you need is just clothes that accentuate your wide hips and waist, but hide your chest.
  • On an instinctive level, a man is looking for a companion to continue his kind. And the hips are considered an indispensable attribute for bearing offspring and successful childbirth.
  • A girl with long hair will also have an advantage in getting attention from men. And yet, as mentioned above, cheerfulness and outgoing happiness.
  • If you are surrounded by a negative atmosphere, then no one wants to get into its environment, believe me.
  • Optimistic natures attract, because, being next to such, you get a charge of vivacity and positive, and it seems that everything is possible.

Any psychologist will tell you with confidence that disgruntled people should be avoided. Their negative energy destroys, kills faith in the best. And a man is a breadwinner who should be the rear for his family. Therefore, support is very important for him. It can only be given by a girl who enjoys life and finds new and amazing moments in it every day.

Learn to harmoniously approach everyday life, then a great mood will always accompany you, and those around you will constantly ask you how to attract a man into your life. Perhaps you think that your appearance does not correspond to the data of various standards of beauty, but do not judge yourself harshly.

How to become more confident:

  • Better take a piece of paper and a pen and write down your strengths and weaknesses. Get creative with the process and use all the analytical skills you have.
  • Do not mark various little things, for example, an extra 2 kg of weight. Just be clear and to the point.
  • Make sure you have a lot of positive characteristics. Give priority to them and constantly engage in self-esteem.

Only in this way will you be able to present yourself to the guy from the right point of view.

How to hook and hold a gentleman

Natural beauty is the most important factor that adorns any woman. With the help of cosmetics, we can change our appearance and bring it to perfection.

What kind of girls do men like - a look at cosmetics

Do not forget that skillfully applied makeup is short-lived and subject to certain external factors. Therefore, use cosmetics correctly and follow the measure. Do not let a man watch this mysterious process. Leave a drop of mystery and mystery. This will spur his interest in you and curiosity.

What not to say at the first meeting

In the first meeting, do not try to dump on the chosen one a tub of meaningless and useless information: about the family, about the events of the day, and so on. Most likely, right away it will not be interesting. Answer all questions with restraint, without details. Every extra word you don't say is worth its weight in gold.

What figure of girls do guys like the most

If you think that your weight is far from ideal and does not correspond to generally accepted canons, do not suffer.

Remember the main things:

  • Trying to lose weight will harm your body,
  • Every woman has her own ideal weight.
  • Naturally, you should not allow unpleasant folds of fat to hang on your hips or stomach.
  • Keep your body toned. Some men are even more attracted to a curvaceous figure with appetizing forms.
  • When choosing clothes, pay attention to the one that men like.
  • Do not try to follow the standards of female beauty.
  • Fashion novelties, which are made in a too pretentious manner, gentlemen will not be able to appreciate. Get a sundress, a fitted dress, shorts, a tank top, or a slit skirt.
  • Your clothes should emphasize your silhouette.

Thus, you will receive increased interest and attention from the stronger sex. Try not to hang too many accessories or jewelry on yourself. You must maintain an image of lightness and femininity. Moderately selected and perfectly combined with each other, they should complement the overall impression, but in no way draw attention to themselves. Choose light and delicate fragrances of perfume. It is the smell emanating from you that will make a man decide in the first minutes of acquaintance whether to continue it or not.

Weaknesses of men - what not to say

A very serious circumstance in the process of how to attract a man into your life is the ability to teach yourself correctly. Sociability is a great character trait that you need only in the work process. Even the strongest and most unflappable man can be quite sensitive to the words of his girlfriend. So, never analyze his weaknesses, do not doubt his viability, professionalism or appearance.

A man perceives any critical remarks addressed to him as the greatest tactlessness. To interest and keep a gentleman, you should surround yourself with mystery. Each movement, glance or just a wave of the hand should be mysterious, repulsive and alluring at the same time.

How to maintain a relationship with a man

If you are overcome by doubts about your ability to please the young man you like, do not stop. Work on yourself by doing all of the above, you will definitely be able to get attention from the gentlemen. To summarize, just stick to the following rules of conduct.

Secrets of seduction:

  • direct eye to eye gaze. You want to show a man that you are interested in him, right? Your expressive look will help hint to him about this. Catch them every word flying out of his mouth, so you show what is interesting and exciting for you nearby.
  • touch. Use any occasion to touch the object of your adoration. Accidentally stumbling, walking in high heels, lean on his hand. Ask for help with shopping. A fragile woman evokes a desire to protect and protect, which is very flattering to men.
  • ask for opinion. If you want to get to know each other better, feel free to ask the gentleman what he thinks about this or that situation. This will allow you to understand what kind of person is in front of you.
  • show care. But don't be pushy. Your attention should be maternal, filled with tenderness and love.
  • put aside intimacy. Know that easily accessible and frivolous ladies have never been appreciated by men. Yes, it is interesting to spend a day, a night, a week with them, but most likely they will not be chosen for life. You have to win, so give the opportunity to court and achieve. This is the most exciting period in the life of each of the lovely ladies. The initiative should come from the chosen one, but to accept it or not, decide for yourself, remembering the previous advice.
  • be a woman. Does that mean cooking, sewing, washing, cleaning? Absolutely not necessary. All such things are secondary if a real spark flares up. And this is possible only with mutual love and respect. Appreciate and understand it, then it is these feelings that you will receive in return.

How to bind a man with magical rituals

A woman who has tried all available methods and means to find a successful dating option will go to any lengths to achieve personal happiness. To do this, many resort to the help of magical love spells and rituals. But they will only work if you believe in them yourself. Therefore, clearly imagine the future life partner: his appearance, character, demeanor. Visualize it to the smallest detail, only in this way the final result after the actions taken will fully suit you.

We present to your attention two powerful rituals on how to attract a man into your life. Choose the right one for you, after it you will definitely not be left alone.

  • Red velvet fabric
  • pink candles (12 pieces),
  • wineglass,
  • Holy water
How to conduct a ceremony
  1. Before the ceremony, you should swim.
  2. Then, in the naked room, go to the spread cloth and light the candles arranged in a circle.
  3. You should have a glass of holy water in front of you. Raising your hands to the sky, read the magic words. After the last word, slowly rotate around your axis (55 times).
  4. And, kneeling down, drain the glass of water.
  5. After the actions taken, you immediately need to sleep without talking to anyone.
  6. In the morning, distribute alms with the words: "This is my ransom for making a wish come true."
  7. A piece of cloth should be kept under your pillow on your bed until you play the wedding.

Cast a magic spell on the guy:

Do not rely solely on the action of magical methods, leave some room in life for a miracle. Naturally, you do not need to sit and wait for the prince to enter your house. Try to do everything you can for this.

Go out into the world, meet, meet, talk with people you are interested in. Most importantly, do not despair and do not worry.

Constantly improve to change your mindset and become the dream woman you want to follow, warmed by the light that she radiates. And, once again, thinking about how to attract a man into your life, look around, perhaps he is already there, and you all continue to build castles in the air. Consider your happiness and start enjoying life together.

Good to know for women.

Did your last relationship with a man fail again? Was he not at all as perfect as he was at first?Torturing yourself again for wasting relationship time"not with that"?

Let me tell you a little secret:most often you are really to blame for all your unsuccessful relationships.

If you allow "wrong" a man to enter his life, then the responsibility for the consequences lies entirely on your shoulders. After all, you yourself have chosen such a man. And let him show that attitude.

These realizations will lead you to the right choice of a man and will allow you to avoid previous mistakes.

I don't promise 100% result recipein this plan. But it is in my power to help you understand the reasons for your failures in relations with"strong"floor. And this should be quite enough to radically change your life.

Women do not understand what their mistakes are in relation to men. As a result, it is difficult to attract a worthy one.

Many of my readers face this question at the stage of creating relationships:

What if you are really beautiful, gentle, kind, caring, sincere, but it is completely incomprehensible how to attract a worthy man into your life?To begin with, I propose to deal with the fact thatwhat is important for every woman to know in order to attract the attention of the “strong” sex and.

These are five tips that I really advise you to listen to.And in the end (I promise) you will understand what needs to be done so that this man is also"correct". So first tip...

1. How to get a man's attention

Physical attraction is the most common form of attraction between people. It appears immediately, during the first meeting. At the same time, a man subconsciously begins to evaluate the appearance of a woman, her clothes, smell, look.

If at the first stage of acquaintance there is no physical attraction, then the appearance of any romantic feelings, the development of relations with a girl is very unlikely.

A man will not seek to establish a connection with a woman if he does not experience at least some form of attraction for her.

When is its strongest form -physical, then we, men, we immediately instinctively get an impetus to action(for example, approach and get acquainted).

What role does a woman play in this process, you ask? She herself succeededget the attention of a manor did he become interested, following only the attraction?

It's a bit like a play on words. concept« how to attract a man » associated with “how to take possession of his mind and force yourself to love” . BUT the main question is how to develop a relationship with a man. And we will talk about this further.

When a woman wakes up in the morning and chooses the right clothes, hair and makeup for the day, she does so based on her own ideas of beauty. She does not know how many men she will meet today on her way.

She is fully equipped to be as ready as possible in any situationget the attention of a manwhich will interest her.

In addition, it is likely that many look at her when she does not even know about it. Especially when a woman, working on herself, becomes more full and harmonious.

By the way, I was pleased with the feedback from a participant in my women's intensive, which confirms the above:

Good result. What does it say? That her appearance and behavior should be such thatattract a manwho is just watching from the sidelines. So, to encourage him to desire to get to know her.

At the same time, she has no idea what tastes all these men can have. It is simply impossible to adapt to everyone. Therefore, for starters, a woman simply needs to look at 100% as much as she can be at a given time.

All men are drawn to what attracts them.
. And they cannot control this process. It just works. It doesn't matter if he is free or if he has a lover. It doesn't matter if he has a family and children.

When the beauty of a woman is displayed in the eyes of a man, he will always pay attention to her. This beauty is created from the appearance, gait, look, smile, mood, the ability of a woman to present herself as a woman.

Attract the attention of a mannot difficult. After all, absolutely any of us always evaluates the woman she likes, who came into view. Much harder keep the attention.

If a girl does not meet the minimum attractiveness templates for a particular man, he will not hold his gaze on her.

2. The law of choice

You probably heard about"law of attraction" ? It says that each of us can attract what we want if we constantly think about it?

But somehow this law does not work well when women try to take action toget the attention of a man. Capturing truly by the power of some unknown magic is already from the category of fantasy. This does not work.

But women have complete control over their choices.
This is how smoothly we approach the main question for today, which I constantly ask in my trainings:“What influences your choice? Why do you choose these men? .

After all, when you succeededattract a man, this does not mean that if he shows signs of interest and beckons with his finger, you immediately need to rush into his arms (agree on a date, go to the cinema with him or go straight to bed - depending on what his plans are).

I teach women to take responsibility for their lives into their own hands. Not for a man, but for your choice of this particular man. Don't go for the first one you come across.

3. Sometimes you need to be able to refuse

Some women, if they succeededattract a manIt's hard to refuse him. They feel the fear of losing and being alone again.

Learn to refuse.This is my next tip for those who are attracting the right man into their lives. In any case, it is much easier than all that you have to go through in a relationship with"wrong"a candidate for your heart.

And then it will be even more difficult to learn to trust a man again.

4. What influences your choice

Family, relationships between parents, films, books, personal experiences - from all these sourceseach person takes for himself grains of behavior patterns and displays his ownwhere he feels most comfortable.

Also in terms of relationships - all the variants of love known to a woman (happy, unhappy, passionate, etc.) form her dreams abouthow to attract a man into your lifeand who he should be.

Another important factor, which I have already mentioned, is the relationship of parents.. Children are always guided by them and, when they grow up, choose one of two possible behaviors:

  • Everything is repeated as accurately as possible.Moreover, this can be a repetition of both good parental relationships, where everyone in the family loved each other, and bad ones, where there were constant scandals and breaking dishes.
  • They are trying to go the exact opposite way.There is an option that if the ideal relationship of the parents seemed to the child too feigned, then he will despise all these"real» feelings and will build his life according to a tougher scenario.
    And vice versa, if the parents always quarreled, the father beat the mother, and the child suffered from this, then growing up, he may want this to not happen to his children, he will try.

But in the first and second cases, the child does not lose his model of relationships.It turns out that you canattract such a man into your life, which will correspond to your chosen behavior model, based on all previous life events.

What I'm trying to say is that you are the result of everything that happened in the past.Most often, the events that happen to you are beyond your control, they just happen and that's it. ButYou can choose the man you are most comfortable withwill worry them.You are responsible for who you choose.

5. You can choose

And this is good news! All the previous steps of understanding how to attract a man should result in this final realization - You can choose which man will be next to you.

Making decisions is not always easy, especially if there are too many traumas and experiences in the head caused by past relationship experiences. Therefore, I propose to follow a few recommendations.

1) Take time for self-discovery and ask yourself« What relationship do I really want?» , « What does a decent man mean to me?» . Spend such a small"inventory" your soul.

2) Try to make sense of all your past attemptsattract a man into your life. At what point did things go wrong? What did you feel about it? What did it teach?

3) Stop blaming anyone for everything bad that happened in life.Only you are responsible for everything.

Love yourself.

Yes, it's hard to do everything at once. But without this it is difficult to take the path of a true Woman who has the power to make the right choice.Relationships are the mirror of the soul.

The mirror reflects the outside.But relationships are a reflection of what you have inside.

The power of women's choice

I hope that after reading this article to the end, you have discovered the following: should not focus on how to attract "correct" man in your life. This will not lead you to the result, most likely, on the contrary.

Just put your thoughts in order and be every day"on high". Yes, and don't forget to ask yourself: Who is the right man for you? And why is he correct? Think about it.

And let me summarize 5 important points to remember:

  • men are drawn to what attracts them visually;
  • You are responsible for your desires and for what kind of men you attract into your life;
  • learn to refuse if you are not sure of the choice;
  • track what influences your choice of a man;
  • choose with your heart the one you really want.

You can attract.And more importantly,You can choose. You don't need power over men. No. All you need is real power over your life.

Thank you for your attention. I hope I was able to satisfy the interest abouthow to attract a manwho will not"another mistake" .

By the way, how did your previous relationship start? Did you succeedattract a manconsciously? Or did you settle for those who liked you?
Please tell us about it in the comments!

The most interesting articles by Yaroslav Samoilov:

It's no secret that today's men are very spoiled by female attention, so they make high demands on the representatives of the weaker half of humanity. There can be thousands of reasons why the man you like does not pay attention to you, starting with banal indecision and ending with the waiting position that he took. But there is nothing worse if a man simply does not notice you. So how do you get a man's attention?

Probably, many of us have seen a sad picture: a desperate woman in a miniskirt and a low-cut top, without looking up, stares at a man, making it clear with all kinds of gestures and poses that she likes him. At the same time, a completely different girl attracted his attention, and he pretends not to notice obvious hints of acquaintance. It's sad, but true. Many women believe that in this way it is possible to very effectively arouse interest in the stronger sex. However, in practice, a serious man will never be attracted to a woman who attracts male attention by exposing her external data for show. A girl who, in addition to excellent external data, has a lot of other advantages, will arouse his interest faster. So how should a girl behave, and what qualities should she have in order for men to pay attention to her?

With all her appearance, manners, behavior, appearance, a woman must show that she is worthy of the interest of the strong half of humanity.

For a man to pay attention to you, it is important to live in harmony with yourself.
Perfect people do not exist, everyone has their own shortcomings. You should not dwell on them, it is better to be an open person, showing the world that no matter what, you are happy. After all, everyone knows that optimists are always in the spotlight, it is always interesting to communicate with them.

Every woman is beautiful in her own way. It doesn’t matter what you are: small or tall, whether you have lush breasts or not at all, the main thing is that there are men in the world who can like you the way you are. And you don’t need to stupidly follow fashion, torment yourself or envy supermodels, stars or famous people. After all, they are also like us with their shortcomings, none of them consider themselves ideal, many hands are working on their external beauty, since they must look spectacular according to the nature of their profession.

It is important to convince yourself that you are beautiful both in body and soul, which will undoubtedly attract the attention of a smart and serious man.

To attract male attention, a real woman must always be neat and well-groomed.
If you have almost ideal appearance parameters, you should still remember about basic hygiene. Even outwardly, a very beautiful girl will not receive male attention if there is a mess on her head, the smell of sweat will interrupt the aroma of perfume, not fresh linen will peek out from under her blouse. Men like, first of all, neat women. I think it makes no sense to talk about washing and styling hair, intimate hygiene, skin care for the face and body, manicures and pedicures - all this should be regular and thorough. Clothing should also be kept in perfect cleanliness and order. A woman by nature should be careful. This gives her self-confidence. In any situation, a woman must remain a woman.

As for cosmetics, it can work wonders and transform a woman beyond recognition. However, if used improperly, it can spoil the whole impression. More naturalness and a little makeup. To attract male attention, it is enough to highlight a little cheekbones with blush with a matte sheen, make "cat's eyes" and apply voluminous lip gloss. The stronger sex will definitely appreciate it. Surprisingly, men do not attach much importance to cosmetics. And all due to the fact that in most cases they cannot distinguish skillful makeup from natural beauty. That is why you can often hear from them that “you are good without any makeup!”. Although women agree with this, they do not stop using cosmetics.

Every real woman should be able to apply makeup correctly, skillfully hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages, as well as suitable for each specific case.

To make your makeup sexy, focus on the lips, because they are the sign of sexuality. Daily lip care will turn them into your dignity. And to attract the views of men to them is very simple. It is enough to apply bright lipstick or a drop of gloss. You can give swelling to the lips and sexuality by slightly biting them.
Tattooing, a fly over the upper lip, touching the tips of the fingers to the lips, lightly licking the lips with the tip of the tongue will also attract the attention of the male. Only in the latter case, one should not completely throw out the tongue and wet the lips with saliva abundantly. It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing.

But cosmetics should not be built into a cult. Often, due to fear for their makeup, women refuse men's offers to go to the forest or to the river bank with an overnight stay, because they are afraid that the stronger sex will see them without makeup or, even worse, with smeared makeup on their faces if it is not washed off at night. This is complete nonsense! If there are no serious flaws on your face that you are trying to hide under a layer of cosmetics, then you do not need to constantly try to be on parade. So you can miss something more, for example, the opportunity to get closer to the man you love.

Dress according to male preferences.
Often, when choosing an outfit, women make the same mistake: they think that a complex cut and a lot of bells and whistles will make them more attractive and will strike a man on the spot. However, in practice, the strong half of humanity, by and large, does not care what the style is and how much time and effort was spent on tailoring it, he either likes it or not. Therefore, you should always dress with the expectation of the male gender. A woman can look sexy and stunning even in a simple, uncomplicated outfit. For men, long dresses and skirts with slits are considered sexy and eye-catching, followed by sheer clothes, tight dresses, skirts and trousers, and only then minis, tops and shorts. Most men find that loose or sheer clothing is more sexually appealing, as it provides a lot of room for fantasy, while giving little hint of the body it hides. But it all depends on the woman. Naturally, if a woman has, to put it mildly, not ideal legs, then even despite a great desire to put on a mini, it is better for her to put on what suits her the most and give up this undertaking with a mini so as not to expose herself to ridicule.

Therefore, it is important to determine for yourself the style of clothing that suits you best. Then men's views will not bypass you. For each type of woman's figure, you can choose an outfit that would make her interesting, spectacular and sexy. It is also important to remember about underwear, which should drive a man crazy every time.

However, everything should be in moderation. You should not focus too much on clothes, since most men appreciate personal qualities in a woman.

Choose the right perfume.
In order for your smell to drive men crazy, it is important to choose the right perfume for yourself, which will not overload the overall image you have created. It is important to find the right scent for you. Perfume should only be applied to the skin, not to clothing. No need to pour bottles of perfume on yourself, especially in the summer. The hollow on the neck, the hollow between the breasts, the wrists - these are the places that should smell of you and a little perfume. By the way, don't skimp on it.

Think what you say.
Sociability is a good trait, but it is important to know what to say and what not to say. Praise the man, send him compliments, but never criticize his choice or discuss it. He is unlikely to want to listen to caustic and caustic remarks addressed to him. It is believed that the strong react very strongly to women's remarks about their male wealth, sexual power, appearance, social status, property, as well as ridicule about what they like.

The tactless behavior of a woman, according to men, is expressed in the woman's unwillingness to keep quiet about his shortcomings and talk only about his merits. Sincerely admire your man, do not be stingy with compliments from a woman. Your hero will surely appreciate it.

Body language, which you should actively use, will also help increase your attractiveness in the eyes of a man. Show concern and interest in others. Do not give out a lack of interest in anything, do not close yourself from communication: do not chew gum, do not cross your arms over your chest and stomach, do not look around and at the clock. A beautiful posture, relaxed behavior, a beautiful smile - show with your whole appearance that you like this place.

Pay attention to facial expressions.
It is the facial expression that makes the first impression of a person. Sometimes our grins and expressions say more about us than words. Thanks to facial expressions, we can determine what mood a person is in and how he relates to someone or something. By facial expressions, you can recognize the temperament of a person. Some women simply cannot restrain negative facial expressions, and it has a repulsive effect on people. What to say about the first communication. By the way, it is precisely because of the frequent use of the same facial expression that mimic wrinkles appear. Smile more often, as they say, and people will be drawn to you.

Sexy voice and melodic laughter will arouse the interest of any man.
Remember, the common belief that all women have a pleasant voice and laugh is false. In fact, laughter can both attract and repel the strong half. You should listen to how you laugh, from the outside. If you feel there is any flaw in it, try to fix it. Remember that a woman should laugh in such a way that people want to constantly listen to her. Of course, this is quite difficult to implement, since at first you will not experience any pleasure from laughter, since you will need to constantly control yourself and your unpleasant “habits in laughter” (screeching, grunting, neighing, etc.).

To seize male interest, a woman must express confidence with her whole appearance.
Confidence is the main quality of any person. If a woman is absolute, confident in her irresistibility and charm, then others will also easily believe in it. A girl walking with a proudly raised head and a slight irony in her eyes, with a beautiful posture and a sexy gait, will surely attract the interest of male gazes. An elegant and spectacular gait is an adornment of any woman. It is very important to rehearse all this in advance at home, standing in front of a mirror. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you may be mistaken for an arrogant bitch. It's also important not to confuse confidence with arrogance by acting like a feminist and removing your hand when a man wants to kiss it. Confidence should be expressed in facial expressions, gestures, gait - in everything. Your sociability is also a sign of self-confidence. Therefore, when he tries to get to know you, you should behave like a real lady with a smile and complete calm.

A man is the first to take steps towards a woman if she was able to attract his attention to herself. Do not be like everyone else, thinking that only natural beauty can please the stronger sex. Cosmetics are also a good ally in transforming your appearance. But still, do not forget that not only beauty is crucial when attracting a man. It is important not only to attract his attention, but also to keep him near you. And only the manner of behavior, the ability to behave, to speak intelligently and subtly can help in this. In addition, it is important to improve daily, to strive for the ideal.

To attract male interest, you need to radiate sexuality.
Beautiful make-up, stylish clothes, a beautiful figure - nothing will attract the gaze of a man if a woman does not radiate vibes of attractiveness. Here, the inner mood, one's own energy is important. It often happens that negative emotions, constant lack of sleep, everyday problems overlap one another, which cannot but affect the external state. It seems that everything is with a woman, as they say, but no one notices her, and she does not notice anyone, because she cannot get rid of internal negative emotions. But if you feel your own inner beauty, then men will not remain indifferent. More optimism and positive in life, walks in the fresh air, sports and everything will be as it should.

Regarding sexy clothes, it should not only fit the dignity of your figure, but also not be restrictive.

A sexy woman must have sexual demeanor, which consists in a combination of facial expressions, gestures and movements. It is given to someone by nature, but if not, it can be easily learned.

To get men to pay attention to you, develop sexual confidence. This is when a woman radiates sexual energy with all her appearance and behavior. A sexually confident woman lives in harmony with her femininity, while not challenging the powers that be.

To maintain male interest, a woman must remain a mystery.
Mysteriousness in a woman attracts men. You should not lay out everything about yourself and your life to your potential partner on the first date. When a man knows everything about a woman, interest in her quickly disappears, and irritation takes its place. Only hints and intriguing gestures. An unusual woman makes the heart of the opposite sex beat faster with one look or a slight smile, causing them to desire something more than just sex. But in everything you need to observe the measure, otherwise you may seem too strange.

Flirting as a way to capture the attention of the strong half of humanity.
Proper use of their beauty, natural charm and attractiveness helps women attract the attention of the male half of humanity. However, not all women can flirt, and some are generally opposed to this. But in vain! Flirting can bring effective results, but it is important to do it correctly. And to help in this matter can, firstly, a light and seductive smile. Secondly, look. Languid or with a squint. Inviting or bashful. Thoughtful or mysterious. A look can tell a man about your interest. You can also shoot with eyes. For example, glance at a man, as soon as he is about to intercept him, you look away. Or from a distance to look with a close, half-covered and evaluating look at the object of your interest. Thirdly, it is touch. They can be both purposeful and random. For example, sitting next to a man, you can casually touch him with your hip or chest, slightly hinting at closer communication. Targeted touch lasts slightly longer than random touch. For example, a man helps you light a cigarette while you lightly touch his hands, or while laughing at a funny story, you playfully touch his arm or shoulder.

Be unique.
Each person is an individual, unlike anyone else. No need to strive to "be like everyone else." If balloon dresses are in fashion now, and in it you look, to put it mildly, stupid, you should not wear it. Or if your girlfriend has changed her hair color, you should not adapt to her and also dye your hair blonde, even if she pushes you to do it. Be yourself, otherwise you will lose not only your image, but also pick up a mental illness. Even if the man you like doesn’t like fat girls (that is, you don’t fit his ideal in all respects), then you don’t need to suffer because of this, torturing yourself with diets and exercises in gyms. Convince yourself that you are attractive and charming in this form.

To please a man, you do not need to talk a lot and lie. It's no secret that they don't like talkers and liars. The mystery girl draws attention, not the chatty magpie. Excessive talkativeness is considered carelessness and speaks of the girl's frivolity. As for lies, sometimes, in rare cases, to add mystery to the image, you can slightly embellish the story, but no more. At the same time, it is important that no one guesses about your lies.

A very important quality that men appreciate in women is the ability to remain silent in some cases. It is common for many women to regularly express their opinions, advice or morals, even if they are unpleasant for a young man. Saying something to a man, you are thereby talking about his lack of independence, which he can no longer bear in relation to himself. You must learn that a man himself is able to make any decisions, and in some matters he understands even better than you. It is necessary to express your opinion, but only with confidence that your statements will not hang any shortcomings on the man.

You also don't have to pretend to be a little girl. Act natural, not feigned. Infantilism is annoying for most men. The affectation and whims in a relationship with a man will sooner or later lead to a loss of interest on his part. Of course, whims are not canceled at all, you just need to know the measure and not cross the line.

Be inquisitive, but not curious.
Excessive curiosity repels. Agree, no one likes it when they climb into their personal lives and affairs. Negative emotions immediately arise. Curiosity is in all of us. But it can be in the form of curiosity, when you want to learn something new about the world around them. Here it is also important not to cross the line of what is permitted and not to commit ugly acts in order to obtain information of interest.

There is no aggression.
Aggressive people repulse. This also applies to tactlessness, rudeness and rudeness. Before speaking openly about any shortcomings of people, it is necessary to think about the possible consequences. After all, quite often women do not notice how ordinary tactlessness turns into outright rudeness, which men cannot stand. In such cases, it is quite difficult for them to restrain themselves so as not to hit a woman in response to her caustic and rude words, including obscenities and open abuse. For women, this is not acceptable, it is not feminine and ugly.

Let the man conquer you.
You should not run after a person, even if he is a dream man and your ideal. No need to seduce and seduce him too much, leave him the opportunity to do it himself. You are required to be gentle, take care and attention about him. Then a serious and strong relationship is guaranteed to you.

Don't impose your sexuality.
Many women mistakenly believe that overly revealing clothing attracts men. Yes, it certainly is. Only such "types" are mainly tuned in to intimate relationships. Therefore, forget about vulgarity, it has a repulsive effect on "normal" men. Everything should be in moderation. Down with licentiousness and swagger in the image. Clothing should fit well and give a slight hint of your charms. For example, if you put on a skirt, then there must be a high slit, if you have a beautiful chest shape, then focus on the neckline. A man will never be interested in a beautiful, slender woman who looks vulgar and untied.

Every woman can capture male attention quite simply, you just have to want to. The main thing is to appreciate and love yourself for who you are, do not adapt to anyone and live in harmony with the inner world, then men's views will always accompany you.

How to attract a man into your life? This is a topical issue for almost all girls who have not yet had the desired relationship, or past relationships turned out to be unsatisfactory and ended. If men can easily live without a relationship, sometimes all their lives, then women, even during a period of loneliness, think about past or future relationships, because they almost never think of themselves separately from them.

Even a little girl already knows that she will certainly have a husband, a child, and from childhood she learns to be attractive, in demand for the representatives of the stronger sex, and her father is the first for her. Her self-esteem, as well as the perception of men in the future, depends on her relationship with her father. Whereas a model of behavior is transmitted from the mother, which often manifests itself already in maturity. Accordingly, if the experience inherited in childhood is negative, it will interfere not only with building relationships, but also hinder the self-manifestation of a woman.

A common problem today is the lack of femininity or its distorted, exaggerated manifestation. Psychology directs us here to the need for female initiation, the acceptance of one's fullness of female nature, only after which all the possibilities, ways to attract a man into one's life are revealed.

How to attract a man into your life - psychology

How often do we look for pills for love, as if we can take them and magically meet that one person of our whole life.

Ways to attract a man into your life do exist, but they require a desire and a genuine willingness to meet a man stronger than the femin herself, not only physically, but also mentally, intellectually, spiritually.

Practical psychology has long been studying and popularizing ways to attract a man into your life, due to the high demand among women for such information. Today, these tips can be structured in three main steps.

To begin with, a woman should decide what she herself aspires to, what she wants from the representative of the stronger sex and from relationships, how she presents herself in these relationships. Write down these questions, think, answer them for yourself in order to fully realize what you are, what you want. Here it is important to be honest with yourself, because if there are other desires in the depths of your soul, but on a conscious level you contradict yourself, this greatly prevents you from meeting your destiny, attracting a man of your life. Sometimes it happens that we exist, going to our usual work, doing daily tasks and communicating with loved ones, but we do not feel happy at the same time. You need to feel exactly your individual need to be happy, loving, loved.

The second step is to understand how much the chosen one you want can really be interested in you. Be realistic in your assessment of this, it is worth reflecting adequately here. Looking at a man, it is important to understand what exactly he wants, what he is, how this union is possible, how successfully it can exist. Most of the cases of complex relationships, relationships in unlucky triangles are built on an illusion - a woman invents something about her chosen one, invents about his plans, his relationship, his future, how a man sees him for himself. Look at it realistically, tell yourself the truth, be honest.

The third step requires a lot of contact and communication. Be open, communicate with different representatives of the stronger sex, interact, get to know them, then you will definitely meet your destiny. Among all this number of dates, you need to choose your person, with whom you are happy, which one will also want to build relationships with you. Therefore, every woman needs to know how to develop high-quality and long-term relationships, those that do not end in a month or six months, those that only gain strength every day, develop the potential of partners and increase their love and mutual happiness. How can you get to the point where the representatives of the stronger sex are willing to get acquainted with you, so that you interest them, regularly attend dates and be able to keep and increase their interest, being a contented, luxurious, charming woman?

Attracting a man requires certain skills that will make you charming to the stronger sex. Necessarily, these seem to be simple things, like high spirits and a sparkling smile. You, only you, are the mistress of your mood, only you create your day, while either allowing a bad mood to enter you or not. Naturally, it is useful to have an interesting hobby, to be unusual, but you need to be able to just be pleasant, harmonious, integral, attractive. Understand the needs of men, which are often quite contradictory, because he needs freedom and restrictions, beauty and homeliness, a woman who knows how to take care of herself, adequately communicate with his associates, friends, relatives. Start now to raise your level to become the desired woman, with whom your chosen one wants to live life.

Often on the street we see couples in which we find a man much brighter and more interesting than a woman, which is why we light up with a misunderstanding of what the stronger sex needs in the end. Many women do not automatically think that this man is not with this woman because she is necessarily beautiful, rich or made in the latest fashion of plastic surgery, but because she gives him energy and gives inspiration to achieve all the goals that he sets himself.

Often girls are chasing the outer shell. Beauty is important, it cannot be denied, but we sometimes lose sight of the inner state. It is extremely important for a girl to be in emotions of joy, in harmony with herself, because it is then that she will be able to create an aura of success around herself, to attract people who will be in a state of harmony with her. Only in a feeling of happiness can she meet the man of her dreams and turn out to be a source of energy for him, which charges not only him, but also everything around. We all remember the importance of women's mood from childhood. If a mother is in a depressed mood after work, everyone feels this burden. It is much easier if dad is not in the best spirit - mom can always even out the emotional background. When a woman smiles, thinks positively and is filled with energy, all doors open for her.

Of course, it is worth building and appearance correctly. Men don't pay as much attention to small details as women do. Men do not care about the presence of pebbles on the nails or the trendy shade of hair, they are even more likely not to notice them. But they will definitely pay close attention to the woman's silhouette, its healthy proportions, thin waist, soft outlines. In clothes, it is better to use bright accents that will distinguish you favorably from the gray-black mass. Makeup, on the other hand, should emphasize your health, femininity, be as natural as possible, allow a man, according to his natural instincts, to notice, distinguish you as an exceptionally attractive woman who can give him healthy offspring.

In the first fraction of a second, the man reacted and studied your appearance. Immediately then his attention is redirected to body language. Even if you are a unique girl with a rich world inside, but sit unsightly hunched over, a man will not reach out to communicate. Your walk should carry you like a queen. Let your movements be somewhat slowed down, each should show femininity. Use the magic of touch - first to yourself. Your soft touches to yourself, which a man sees, will help to easily charm him, to influence him even more than touching him. All women know how to gracefully touch themselves, but they often forget about this technique, blocking in themselves such a powerful tool that enhances femininity in front of a man. He will not even notice this directly, but the body will decide for itself, reacting with a surge of testosterone, which will affect the man’s thoughts, feelings and actions. Touch your hair, fix your hair beautifully, it is best when it is long, softly styled or loose hair - they act simply charmingly on men.

Just a few seconds after the body language, the man begins to read your inner state, what you are, clamped, gloomy, full of business, problems, or cheerful, contented, cheerful. Statistics show that a behavior model similar to the liveliness and delight of a little girl works great. Make the most of your state.

These aspects should not only be pumped in yourself, demonstrated to the environment, but also turned directly to the man. Your beauty, body language, inner state - everything should be aimed at the object you like and defeat it. When you are interesting and feminine, but your attention is directed to the floor, a man can simply consider that he did not like it, was not interested. To attract him, you need to do it specifically for him, for him. Smile for him, fix your hair for him, speak body language directly to him, then it will attract him.

Finally, if the man you are interested in is even busy with business, on the phone or just in his serious thoughts - how to find yourself in the focus of his attention, how to find a reason for subsequent communication? To create a situation in which he will switch to you, you can ask a man for help, throw an interesting phrase into the air, even just hold your eyes for a few seconds. A man will understand these signals as a clear sign - he is definitely interesting to you, therefore he will be able to take action.

Slow down your speech a little, so you will have a deeper, stronger influence on a man. Thoughts are quick, but in order to evoke feelings, you need to speak with a constellation. When you slow down speech, feelings are born more easily and have time to be lived. Voice your breathing - you can exhale out loud if you are tired, or, conversely, inhale in surprise when you get a surprise. Another unusual trick here is to open your mouth a little wider than usual, which, according to the latest quite remarkable research, will make you even more attractive in front of a man. Of course, it should be barely noticeable, so as not to look like a caricature.

Try to have fewer thoughts from you in a conversation, but more emotions, feelings. There is a measure for everything, and you should not go too far, but focusing on your natural, emotional side is natural for a woman. Alas, many women make the mistake of trying to demonstrate their intelligence, to say a lot of words, thinking more about the information that they present, when it would be worth paying attention just to how they speak. Logic only gets in the way of captivating a man. Yes, today even statistics prove the indisputable fact that the performance of women turned out to be higher than that of the average men. However, it is beneficial for you not to demonstrate intellectual abilities, but simply even smile in response, without necessarily trying to express your opinion, as important as it seems, or even discuss it.

Do not argue with a man when they even considered him extremely wrong. If you began to argue with a man, you immediately lost. Do not confuse the necessary upholding of your boundaries with the desire to prove a man right. If you argue with a man - he is not stupid, rather your personal mistake is that you have chosen someone who does not suit you. Remember the law of nature, according to which a woman chooses a man. You chose it yourself - it's stupid now to complain or try to fix it. Moreover, it is very unprofitable for you to argue with him, since you cause, at the same time, in him, he ceases to perceive you as a woman, at the level of unconscious aspirations, he has a desire to destroy you as a competitor. After each dispute, a man has a certain emotional charge, and if he gets used to this charge - a certain anchor will appear on you as an annoying object when a man sees you - he will feel aggression, which will invariably lead to the destruction of relationships.

How to attract a decent man into your life?

Often the goal to build their personal lives today is set by women who are doing great in terms of career and professional path. Women realize that they want to stand not only on the career pillar, but also on the second pillar - personal happiness. These are really two fields in which a woman needs to work, however, it is personal happiness for a woman that is more significant and desirable.

How to attract a strong man into your life? Think about your professional path, you probably invested a lot of personal time in your work, grew up and tried to complete tasks of more and more significant. Similarly, it is worth investing in personal communication with a man in order to cultivate a harmonious and strong relationship. But the secret and difference here is that the tools here must be completely different, different from the workers in which you have already filled your hand.

In professional development, everything depends only on you, so you manage yourself, but in personal relationships with a man, you are already alone in the conditions of the task, and it becomes much more difficult to manage, other approaches are required. It is worth postponing the pursuit of achievement, otherwise you will broadcast masculine behavior and enter into competition where you shouldn’t, which a real man will not tolerate. Today, there are a lot of tools for understanding how to attract a strong man into your life, as a result, become happy in a couple.

At the beginning of communication, encourage a man to open up more by telling about himself - childhood, his achievements, while you are not stingy in response to praise. Ask for his recommendations, advice on an important issue. So a man will feel that his opinion has undeniable weight for you, it is significant and interesting.

Also, the man he likes must certainly feel that you yourself are not only interesting to him. If they call you, send SMS, or if you need to leave for another meeting, the man will feel competition, your status in his eyes will only grow more likely. However, this is permissible only at the beginning of communication - when a man has already begun to actively court, you have accepted his courtship, then he should not doubt you for a serious happy relationship. Learn to balance between female roles so that he sees in you both a lover and a wife in the near future. And so that a man can see you as his wife - never allow intimacy on the first date, this moment should be delayed as long as possible.

Prioritize your time. Most often, a woman devotes more than 40 hours a week to work, then, if there is a child, she devotes time to him and, if she stays, to herself. At the same time, there is no time left for cultivating the field for relations. You need to divide your time according to the rule of equal parts so that as much of your time is allocated to building relationships as to work. Be sure to find and invest time in your future relationships, because without it you will not move anywhere, even if you collect the best tools from psychological training.