A beautiful expression of friendship. Winged expressions about friends. Aphorisms about friendship. The best and kindest words of gratitude for friendship and wishes in honor of friendship to my best friend in prose: text

If friendship falls apart after the first push, stumbles over the very first bump on the way, crumbles into dust from the wind, this is no friendship. And so, pampering is one thing, friendship - and no more.

When we want something from others, most often we want it in ourselves. We are trying to see ourselves in people, to find ourselves. The desire to find a friend can betray us at any moment.

If a friend is drowning, you need to become an island for him. An island of friendship where he can rest, find solace, gain strength and patience - and return to the ocean again.

The most beautiful thing about friendship is knowing that someone needs you. And that someone you need...

Hatred for the same subject brings people together a hundred times stronger than love, friendship, respect combined.

Plant a hundred hens in one room - they will cackle in friendship and harmony. Plant two roosters - they will gnaw at each other. You can't go against nature...

The ability for friendship, the ability to let love into oneself, to give emotions and oneself - this is humanity.

Abuse of friendship is the worst of all sins.

Read the continuation of the famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

When we lose a true friend, Nothing can heal the mental illness. — Pierre Corneille

Test a friend, but love a tried one. - Unknown author

Whoever wants to have friends must be friendly himself; and there is a friend who is more attached than a brother. - Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Friendship and community are born in people when there is a common enemy. — Percy Bysshe Shelley

As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer. — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Do not shun a friend because of a little joke and do not be offended, for this is a sign of stupidity. – As-Samarkandi

To have many friends is to have none. - Erasmus of Rotterdam

Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality. - Pythagoras of Samos

The fraternal closeness of like-minded people is stronger than any walls. - Antisthenes of Athens

The friendship of vicious people is unreliable; it lasts only as long as it serves mutual benefit. — Oliver Goldsmith

Remember, friend: it is more difficult to find a Friend than a girlfriend. — Lope de Vega

My friendship is too circumspect if my friend's danger does not make me forget my own danger. — Denis Diderot

In happiness it is easy to find a friend, in misfortune it is extremely difficult. – Democritus

Friendship warms the soul, a dress warms the body, and the sun and the stove warm the air. – Kozma Prutkov

A friend is known by love, disposition, speeches, deeds. - Unknown author

Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

It is wise to pour the oil of delicate politeness on the wheel of friendship. — Gabrielle Sidonie Colette

There is no more desolate desert than life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; consolation of the soul, it is the only cure for a hostile fate. – Baltasar Gracian y Morales

There is nothing more precious than friends; lose no opportunity, therefore, to acquire them whenever you can. — Francesco Guicciardini

Keep away from your enemies and be careful with your friends. A true friend is a strong defense: whoever finds him has found a treasure. A true friend has no price and no measure of his kindness. - Old Testament. Sirach

It is not safe to praise the object of your love to a friend - as soon as he believes your praises, he will follow in your footsteps. – Ovid

We love friends for their shortcomings. — William Hazlitt

I don't know anything equal to the true friendship of an intelligent person - what a rare gem it is. — Tobias George Smollett

In the hustle and bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters in personal life... - Karl Marx

Friendship ends where distrust begins. - Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Fellowship and friendship are signs of a real reconciliation with one's gender role and a real balance between the sexes. — Alfred Adler

Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know. — Arthur Schopenhauer

Friendship is based on the similarity of characters and interests in a common common cause, and not on the pleasure that you get from the personality of another. – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Without a comrade, no happiness pleases. - Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

A sweet mouth will increase friends, and a kind tongue will increase affection. Let there be many who live with you in peace, and let one of a thousand be your adviser. If you want to win a friend, win him after a trial and do not trust him quickly. - Old Testament. Sirach

A friend is a mirror for a friend, there is no mirror brighter! - Auhad al-Din Anwari

It's not about who you were born from, but who you hang out with. - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends. – Unsur al-Maali

The highest honor that my friends can give me is to follow my teachings in their lives, or to fight against it to the end if they do not believe in it. – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

A true friend is the greatest of blessings, and at the same time that blessing, the acquisition of which is least thought of. — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Human friendship in most cases sprouts with many prickly ifs and buts and eventually turns into ordinary friendly relations, which are kept only thanks to omissions. – Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Do not keep the alabaster vessels of your love and tenderness sealed until your friends are dead. Fill their life with sweetness while they are still alive. Speak words of comfort to them while their ears can still hear those words, and while their hearts can still be moved by your words. — Henry Ward Beecher

What, in fact, is wrong in the fact that my friend loves himself more than me? — Francis Bacon

The deepest friendship breeds the most bitter enmity. — Michel de Montaigne

A desecration of friendship - This is a discord with wisdom. – Shota Rustaveli

Many are treats of friends, not friendship. – Menander

Friendship is a calm and quiet affection, guided and strengthened by habit, which arises from long association and mutual commitment. — David Hume

Consider the person who removes stones and thorns from your path as a true friend. – Saadi

Not to notice the cooling of people means little appreciation of their friendship. — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and disinterested in your actions. - Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov

True friendship matures slowly and blossoms only where people have really proved it to each other. – Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

How much charm our happiness would lose if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to endure our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even more than we do. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

You can't get a true friend with money. - Unknown author

Don't be cheeky with your friends, otherwise your friends will be nothing but nonentities. – Hong Zicheng

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. – Aristotle

True is the ancient proverb that equality creates friendship. – Plato

Do not try to embellish yourself for a friend: for the arrow and striving towards the Superman must be for him. - Friedrich Nietzsche

The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. Deprive them of these benefits - and friendship will cease to exist. – Paul Henri Holbach

Share your thoughts with a friend. - Unknown author

Attract friends to you by good deeds. This is the meaning of true friendship. – Abu-l-Faraj

Never enter into friendship with a person whom you cannot respect. - Charles Darwin

Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but in order to maintain it, sometimes it is necessary to endure grievances. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

True friendship is precisely chosen kinship. – Ernest Wilfried Aeguwe

The inferiority of our friends gives us no little pleasure. – Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

What is friendship? The word, the illusion that enchants us, the shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of misfortune! — Oliver Goldsmith

There is no greater joy than to see friends, there is no bitterer grief than separation from friends. – Rudaki

Important friends are for important things ... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money. – Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Friendship can be strong only with the maturity of the mind and age. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Friendship doubles the joys and cuts the sorrows in half. — Francis Bacon

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never. – Jean Jacques Rousseau

In order to win the favor of friends, it is necessary to value their services higher than they do themselves; on the contrary, our favors to friends must be considered less than our friends believe. – Plato

A true gentleman is never a friend of the heart. — Edmund Burke

Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will not strike an enemy, but friendship. – Democritus

The rich man has companions and hangers-on, the powerful man has courtiers, the man of action has comrades, and they are also his friends. — André Maurois

I retired from the world, not because I had enemies, but because I had friends. Not because they harmed me, as is usually the case, but because they considered me better than I am. I couldn't bear this lie. — Albert Camus

A true friend should be our second self; he will never demand from a friend anything but moral beauty; Friendship is given to us by nature, as an assistant in virtues, and not as a companion in vices. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Being deceived by friends, we may be indifferent to the manifestations of their friendship, but we must sympathize with them in their misfortunes. — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

A comrade is a high wall, an indestructible stronghold, a fortress reliably supplied with water. – Sulkhan Orbeliani

A friend who is useless to his friend becomes a stranger to him. – Paul Henri Holbach

The name friend sounds everyday, but friendly fidelity is rare. – Phaedrus

In friendship there are no calculations and considerations, except for itself. — Michel de Montaigne

You can't have too many friends. - Alexandre Dumas (father)

Unity creates friendship. – Democritus

There can be no long-term friendship, subordination, comradeship where one does not adapt to the other. — Francesco Guicciardini

Nothing can inspire and help people like friendship. – Ba Jing

There is no greater love than if a man lays down his life for his friends. New Testament. Gospel of John

If your friend becomes an enemy to you, then love him so that the tree of friendship, love and trust will bloom again, withered due to the fact that he was not watered with the water of friendship and was not cared for. – As-Samarkandi

A friend is the greatest wealth in life. - Unknown author

No worldly blessings will be pleasant to us if we use them alone, not sharing them with friends. - Erasmus of Rotterdam

True friendship is true and courageous. — Johann Friedrich Schiller

If a friend reproaches you for any shortcoming, always think that he has not yet told you everything. — Thomas Fuller

They say that friends are known in misfortune, but in my opinion, they are also known in happiness. - Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov

He who does not seek friends for himself is his own enemy. – Shota Rustaveli

Everyone wants to have a friend, but no one wants to be a friend. – Alphonse Jean Carr

As long as you are happy, you have many friends; when times are dark, you are left alone. – Ovid

Without friendship, no communication between people has value. – Socrates

Friendship is not fastened with the mind - it is easily terminated by stupidity. - William Shakespeare

Choose a friend slowly, even less hurry to change him. - Benjamin Franklin

True friendship does not know envy, and true love does not know coquetry. — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Sincerity of relations, truth in communication - that's friendship. - Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov

The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own. — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

In the world, we have three kinds of friends: some love us, others hate us, others simply do not remember. – Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

There is little friendship in the world - and least of all among equals. — Francis Bacon

Such a friendship, which does not withstand the touch of naked truth, is not worth regretting. That's where she belongs. - Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Diligently avoid all friendship with fools and rogues, if the word friendship is generally applicable in relations with such people. – Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

The most beautiful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship. — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

It is better to be in darkness than without a friend. - John Chrysostom

Friendship is love without wings. – George Noel Gordon Byron

A friend should bear the shortcomings of a friend. - William Shakespeare

A friend cannot be offended even by a joke. - Unknown author

Less exalted, less selfish than love, friendship, devoid of any harshness, occupies hours that are not occupied by the latter. Friendship is a sure, reliable refuge from the suffering caused by love. – Marcel Prevost

Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Another is unable to free himself from his own chains, but saves his friend. - Friedrich Nietzsche

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships. – Shota Rustaveli

Better hitting friends than kissing enemies. - John Chrysostom

The happiness that has never deceived me is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only one that has remained unchanged is my friendship for you, for my friendship is a passion. - Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev

Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak at nightfall. – Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck

A friend is, as it were, a second self. - Cicero Mark Tullius

A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day, run - you won’t run away; on a cloudy day, look - you won’t find it. – Abay Kunanbaev

Do not consider friends of the cup as friends, for they are friends of your cup, and not your friends. – Unsur al-Maali

True friendship is one of those things that, like giant sea serpents, is unknown whether they are fictional or exist somewhere. — Arthur Schopenhauer

The friendship of one reasonable person is more precious than the friendship of all unreasonable ones. – Democritus

Friends do not wish us unhappiness, but they find that we are already happy. – Aui Legendre

There are no debtors or benefactors in friendship. — Romain Rouyan

Wrong friends are swallows, which you meet only in summer; it is a sundial, the benefit of which is only as long as the sun shines. – Theodor Gottlieb Hippel

When friendship becomes love, they merge like two rivers, of which the larger one absorbs the smaller one. - Madeleine de Scudery

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. - William Shakespeare

Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful; we praise the one who loves his friends, and having many friends seems to be something wonderful, and some even think that being a good person and a friend are one and the same. – Aristotle

Those who love to blame others are incapable of friendship. – Democritus

If my friends are crooked, I look at them in profile. — Joseph Joubert

The enjoyment of communication is the main sign of friendship. – Aristotle

A true friend is one whom I would trust in everything that concerns me more than myself. — Michel de Montaigne

Sincere friendship is based on the proximity of minds and secret laws, and not on visible signs. – As-Samarkandi

It's hard without a friend when he's lost. But it is also difficult with a friend when he is not faithful. – Aibek

There is nothing more dangerous than an ignorant friend. – Jean de La Fontaine

Women, although they attach great importance to friendship, forget about it; men are distrustful of her, and lovers are jealous. – Paul Charles Joseph Bourget

The only way to find a friend is to be one. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

But if you have a suffering friend, become a place of rest for his suffering, but at the same time a hard bed, a camp bed: this is how you can best help him. - Friedrich Nietzsche

In friendship, as in love, what brings happiness more often is what we do not know than what we know. — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The only sincere and lasting friendship is between a man and a woman, because it is the only affection that is free from all rivalry. — Auguste Comte

For high friendship, one condition is necessary - the ability to do without it. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are many friends; friendship is rare. – Phaedrus

Why am I getting a friend? To have someone to die for. - Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Friendship is content with the possible, without demanding what is due. – Aristotle

Whoever is a good friend, he also has good friends. — Niccolo Machiavelli

Friends are there to help each other. — Romain Rolland

All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend. – Voltaire

In general, friendship can be judged only in relation to people of mature age and a mature soul. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Only the hand of a friend can tear the thorns out of the heart. – Claude Adrian Helvetius

Everyone loves himself not in order to receive any reward for his love, but because everyone is dear to himself. If the same is not applied to friendship, then we will never find a true friend; after all, a friend for everyone is the second he himself. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Better friend or brother? - A brother, when he is a friend, is better. – Unsur al-Maali

There is no greater joy in this world than the sight of relatives and friends. There is no more painful torment on earth than to be with glorious friends in separation. – Rudaki

A friend is someone who, whenever you need him, knows about it. — Jules Renard

Leave not an old friend, for a new one cannot be compared with him; A new friend is like new wine: when it becomes old, you will drink it with pleasure. - Old Testament. Sirach

Do not frequently enter your friend's house, lest he become weary of you and hate you. - Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

You can never do too much for a devoted friend. – Henrik Ibsen

True friends are those who have one soul in two bodies. — Michel de Montaigne

The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong. – Voltaire

He who, for his own benefit, would let down a friend, has no right to friendship. – Jean Jacques Rousseau

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunshine. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Friendship is not such a miserable light to go out in separation. — Johann Friedrich Schiller

Perhaps, in order to fully appreciate friendship, one must first experience love. – Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Iron sharpens iron, and a man refines his friend's gaze. - Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Of all that wisdom brings to itself for the happiness of a lifetime, the most important is the possession of friendship. – Epicurus

Friendship is a delicate flower. One careless touch - and the flower withered. – Sun Li

It is more difficult to fulfill the obligations of friendship than to be delighted with them. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

One of the first duties of friendship is to forestall the requests of friends. – Isocrates

I do not need a friend who, agreeing with me in everything, changes his views with me, nodding his head, because the shadow does the same better. – Plutarch

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, O God! – Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Wash your hands, brother, from that friend who associates with your enemies. – Unsur al-Maali

In relation to your friends, you need to be as less burdensome as possible. The most delicate thing is not to demand any favors from your friends. – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

A foolish friend out of friendship will do what a hundred reasonable enemies will not do out of enmity. – Unsur al-Maali

Friends are thieves of time. — Francis Bacon

The question arises whether it is ever possible to prefer new friends to old ones. - Unknown author

A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence, I can think aloud. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

A friend should be like blood flowing immediately to a wound, without waiting to be attracted. — Antonio Perez

A friend must bear some of the friend's grief. - Erasmus of Rotterdam

Hiding the truth from friends, to whom will you open up? – Kozma Prutkov

Stretching out your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist. - Diogenes of Sinop

For friendship, any burden is easy. The universe is eternal, meetings with friends are brief. - Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky

A man is judged by his friends. – Baltasar Gracian y Morales

He who boasts that he has made many friends has never had a single friend. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Whoever seeks friends is worthy of finding them; whoever has no friends never looked for them. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother. - Benjamin Franklin

Whoever associates with the wise will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will become corrupt. - Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

But you distinguish between the shell and the core. Introducing yourself as a friend is not so smart. — Hisrav Dehlavi

Friendship can unite only worthy people. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

I enter into friendship with very few, but I cherish it. - Karl Marx

Close friendship happens among people who are similar to each other. – Plato

Do not judge a person only by his friends. Remember that Judas' friends were impeccable. - Ernest Hemingway

It's not so hard to die for a friend as it is to find a friend worth dying for. – Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

Without friendship, no communication between people has value.

In happiness it is easy to find a friend, in misfortune it is extremely difficult.

Everything should be shared between friends.

The friendship of one reasonable person is more precious than the friendship of all unreasonable ones.

Unity creates friendship.

Those who love to blame others are incapable of friendship.

Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality.
Pythagoras of Samos

Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will not strike an enemy, but friendship.

The fraternal closeness of like-minded people is stronger than any walls.
Antisthenes of Athens

One of the first duties of friendship is to forestall the requests of friends.

Stretching out your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist.
Diogenes of Sinop

True is the ancient proverb that equality creates friendship.

Close friendship happens among people who are similar to each other.

In order to win the favor of friends, it is necessary to value their services higher than they do themselves; on the contrary, our favors to friends must be considered less than our friends believe.

Friendship is content with the possible, without demanding what is due.

Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful; we praise the one who loves his friends, and having many friends seems to be something wonderful, and some even think that being a good person and a friend are one and the same.

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.

The enjoyment of communication is the main sign of friendship.

Many are treats of friends, not friendship.

Of all that wisdom brings to itself for the happiness of a lifetime, the most important is the possession of friendship.

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunshine.
Cicero Mark Tullius

In general, friendship can be judged only in relation to people of mature age and a mature soul.
Cicero Mark Tullius

A friend is like a second "I".
Cicero Mark Tullius

Friendship can be strong only with the maturity of the mind and age.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Friendship can unite only worthy people.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but in order to maintain it, sometimes it is necessary to endure grievances.
Cicero Mark Tullius

True friendship must be frank and free from pretense and assent.
Cicero Mark Tullius

A true friend must be our second self; he will never demand from a friend anything but moral beauty; Friendship is given to us by nature, as an assistant in virtues, and not as a companion in vices.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Everyone loves himself not in order to receive any reward for his love, but because everyone is dear to himself. If the same is not applied to friendship, then we will never find a true friend; after all, a friend for everyone is the second he himself.
Cicero Mark Tullius

How much charm our happiness would lose if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to endure our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even more than we do.
Cicero Mark Tullius

It is not safe to praise the object of your love to a friend - as soon as he believes your praises, he will follow in your footsteps.

As long as you are happy, you have many friends; when times are dark, you are left alone.

There are many friends; friendship is rare.

The name "friend" sounds everyday, but friendly fidelity is rare.

Without a comrade, no happiness pleases.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Why am I getting a friend? To have someone to die for.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Friendship ends where distrust begins.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

If you want to live peacefully, without storm,
The sorrows of life, not knowing until late old age, -
Do not look for a friend for yourself and do not call yourself a friend to anyone:
You will taste less joys, less grief.
Martial Mark Valery

I do not need a friend who, agreeing with me in everything, changes his views with me, nodding his head, because the shadow does the same better.

You can't get a true friend with money.
Unknown author

The question arises whether it is ever possible to prefer new friends to old ones.
Unknown author

Share your thoughts with a friend.
Unknown author

A friend is the greatest wealth in life.
Unknown author

A friend is known by love, disposition, speeches, deeds.
Unknown author

Test a friend, but love a tried one.
Unknown author

A friend cannot be offended even by a joke.
Unknown author

Iron sharpens iron, and a man refines his friend's gaze.

Whoever wants to have friends must be friendly himself; and there is a friend who is more attached than a brother.
Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Do not frequently enter your friend's house, lest he become weary of you and hate you.
Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Whoever associates with the wise will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will become corrupt.
Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

A sweet mouth will increase friends, and a kind tongue will increase affection. Let there be many who live with you in peace, and let one of a thousand be your adviser. If you want to win a friend, win him after a trial and do not trust him quickly.
Old Testament. Sirach

Leave not an old friend, for a new one cannot be compared with him; A new friend is like new wine: when it becomes old, you will drink it with pleasure.
Old Testament. Sirach

Keep away from your enemies and be careful with your friends. A true friend is a strong defense: whoever finds him has found a treasure. A true friend has no price and no measure of his kindness.
Old Testament. Sirach

There is no greater love than if a man lays down his life for his friends. New Testament. Gospel of John

It is better to be in darkness than without a friend.
John Chrysostom

Better hitting friends than kissing enemies.
John Chrysostom

There is no greater joy than to see friends, there is no bitterer grief than separation from friends.

There is no greater joy in this world than the sight of relatives and friends. There is no more painful torment on earth than to be with glorious friends in separation.

"A friend is better or a brother?" - "Brother, when he is a friend, it is better."
Unsur al-Maali

It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends.
Unsur al-Maali

Do not consider friends of the cup as friends, for they are friends of your cup, and not your friends.
Unsur al-Maali

A foolish friend out of friendship will do what a hundred reasonable enemies will not do out of enmity.
Unsur al-Maali

Wash your hands, brother, from that friend who associates with your enemies.
Unsur al-Maali

Everything will pass - and the grain of hope will not rise,
All that you have accumulated will be lost for a penny.
If you do not share in time with a friend -
All your property will go to the enemy.
Omar Khayyam

If your friend becomes an enemy to you, then love him so that the tree of friendship, love and trust will bloom again, withered due to the fact that he was not watered with the water of friendship and was not cared for.

Sincere friendship is based on the proximity of minds and secret laws, and not on visible signs.

Do not shun a friend because of a little joke and do not be offended, for this is a sign of stupidity.

A friend is a mirror for a friend, there is no mirror brighter!
Auhad al-Din Anwari

Dragging your days without a friend is the worst of troubles.
The soul is worthy of pity, which has no friend.
Nizami Ganjavi

Indulge loyal friends, do not drive them for their actions.
How will the vessel that you have broken into shards water you?
Nizami Ganjavi

A true friend will help a friend, he is not afraid of trouble.
He will give his heart for a heart, and love is a star on the way.
Shota Rustaveli

He who does not seek friends for himself is his own enemy.
Shota Rustaveli

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships.
Shota Rustaveli

It is necessary for a friend for the sake of a friend not to be afraid of trials,
To respond heart to heart and pave the way with love.
Shota Rustaveli

A desecration of friendship - This is a discord with wisdom.
Shota Rustaveli

Consider the person who removes stones and thorns from your path as a true friend.

Your true friend who will show you the way
All obstacles will help to pass.
Flatterers beware of being friends.
That true friend is yours who is honest and direct.

Attract friends to you by good deeds. This is the meaning of true friendship.

But you distinguish between the shell and the core. Introducing yourself as a friend is not so smart.
Hisrav Dehlavi

What is alive, who did not know the friendship of the saint?
It is like an empty pearl.
Alisher Navoi

Traveler, if you are on the right path,
There will be a faithful friend to help you on that path.
Muhammad Fizuli

A comrade is a support in trouble, a doctor during an illness, he is the one who sacrifices himself in a moment of mortal danger.
Sulkhan Orbeliani

A comrade is a high wall, an indestructible stronghold, a fortress reliably supplied with water.
Sulkhan Orbeliani

Don't be cheeky with your friends, otherwise your friends will be nothing but nonentities.
Hong Zicheng

Friendship, which is given for money, and not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Whoever is a good friend, he also has good friends.
Niccolo Machiavelli

A friend must bear some of the friend's grief.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

If you make new friends, don't forget the old ones.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

To have many friends is to have none.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

No worldly blessings will be pleasant to us if we use them alone, not sharing them with friends.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

There can be no long-term friendship, subordination, comradeship where one does not adapt to the other.
Francesco Guicciardini

There is nothing more precious than friends; lose no opportunity, therefore, to acquire them whenever you can.
Francesco Guicciardini

A friend should be like blood flowing immediately to a wound, without waiting to be attracted.
Antonio Perez

In friendship there are no calculations and considerations, except for itself.
Michel de Montaigne

True friends are those who have "one soul in two bodies."
Michel de Montaigne

A true friend is one whom I would trust in everything that concerns me more than myself.
Michel de Montaigne

The deepest friendship breeds the most bitter enmity.
Michel de Montaigne

It's not about who you were born from, but who you hang out with.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Remember, friend: it is more difficult to find a Friend than a girlfriend.
Lope de Vega

A friend should bear the shortcomings of a friend.
William Shakespeare

True friend everywhere
Faithful, in happiness and trouble;
Your sadness worries him
You don't sleep - he can't sleep
And in everything, without distant words,
He is ready to help you.
Yes, the actions are dissimilar
Faithful friend and flatterer worthless.
William Shakespeare

Friendship is not fastened with the mind - it is easily terminated by stupidity.
William Shakespeare

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses.
William Shakespeare

There is little friendship in the world - and least of all among equals.
Francis Bacon

Friendship achieves the same result as courage, only in a more pleasant way.
Francis Bacon

Friendship doubles the joys and cuts the sorrows in half.
Francis Bacon

Friends are thieves of time.
Francis Bacon

If a person has a devoted friend, he has, as it were, two lives.
not for the fulfillment of their desires.
Francis Bacon

What, in fact, is wrong in the fact that my friend loves himself more than me?
Francis Bacon

Important friends are for important things ... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

There is no more desolate desert than life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; consolation of the soul, it is the only cure for a hostile fate.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

A man is judged by his friends.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

When we lose a true friend, Nothing can heal the mental illness.
Pierre Corneille

There is nothing more dangerous than an ignorant friend.
Jean de La Fontaine

When friendship becomes love, they merge like two rivers, of which the larger one absorbs the smaller one.
Madeleine de Scudery

If a friend reproaches you for any shortcoming, always think that he has not yet told you everything.
Thomas Fuller

Being deceived by friends, we may be indifferent to the manifestations of their friendship, but we must sympathize with them in their misfortunes.
François de La Rochefoucauld

In friendship, as in love, what brings happiness more often is what we do not know than what we know.
François de La Rochefoucauld

As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer.
François de La Rochefoucauld

The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own.
François de La Rochefoucauld

A true friend is the greatest of blessings, and at the same time that blessing, the acquisition of which is least thought of.
François de La Rochefoucauld

True friendship does not know envy, and true love does not know coquetry.
François de La Rochefoucauld

Not to notice the cooling of people means little appreciation of their friendship.
François de La Rochefoucauld

The most beautiful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship.
François de La Rochefoucauld

The inferiority of our friends gives us no little pleasure.

True friendship matures slowly and blossoms only where people have really proved it to each other.
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Diligently avoid all friendship with fools and rogues, if the word "friendship" is generally applicable in relations with such people.
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend.

The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong.

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.
Benjamin Franklin

Choose a friend slowly, even less hurry to change him.
Benjamin Franklin

Friendship is a calm and quiet affection, guided and strengthened by habit, which arises from long association and mutual commitment.
David Hume

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

He who, for his own benefit, would let down a friend, has no right to friendship.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

My friendship is too circumspect if my friend's danger does not make me forget my own danger.
Denis Diderot

Only the hand of a friend can tear the thorns out of the heart.
Claude Adrian Helvetius

... I do not know anything equivalent to the genuine friendship of an intelligent person - what a rare gem it is.
Tobias George Smollett

A friend who is useless to his friend becomes a stranger to him.
Paul Henri Holbach

The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. Deprive them of these benefits - and friendship will cease to exist.
Paul Henri Holbach

The friendship of vicious people is unreliable; it lasts only as long as it serves mutual benefit.
Oliver Goldsmith

What is friendship? The word, the illusion that enchants us, the shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of misfortune!
Oliver Goldsmith

Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Whoever seeks friends is worthy of finding them; whoever has no friends never looked for them.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

It is more difficult to fulfill the obligations of friendship than to be delighted with them.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

A true gentleman is never a friend of the heart.
Edmund Burke

Perhaps, in order to fully appreciate friendship, one must first experience love.
Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

In the world, we have three kinds of friends: some love us, others hate us, others simply do not remember.
Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Human friendship in most cases sprouts with many prickly "ifs" and "buts" and eventually turns into ordinary friendships that are kept only thanks to omissions.
Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Wrong friends are swallows, which you meet only in summer; it is a sundial, the benefit of which is only as long as the sun shines.
Theodor Gottlieb Gippel

Strong friendship is our strength
Friendship glory and praise.
Robert Berne

Friendship is love without wings.
George Noel Gordon Byron

It's not so hard to die for a friend as it is to find a friend worth dying for.
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

Never enter into friendship with a person whom you cannot respect.
Charles Darwin

He who boasts that he has made many friends has never had a single friend.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

We love friends for their shortcomings.
William Hazlitt

Friendship and community are born in people when there is a common enemy.
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak at nightfall.
Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck

Friendship is based on the similarity of characters and interests in a common common cause, and not on the pleasure that you get from the personality of another.

In relation to your friends, you need to be as less burdensome as possible. The most delicate thing is not to demand any favors from your friends.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

In the hustle and bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters in personal life...
Karl Marx

... What happiness - friendship, similar to the one that exists between us. You know that I do not value any relationship so highly.
Karl Marx

I enter into friendship with very few, but I cherish it.
Karl Marx

Friendship is not such a miserable light to go out in separation.
Johann Friedrich Schiller

True friendship is true and courageous.
Johann Friedrich Schiller

Friendship is based on mutual benefit, on common interests; but as soon as interests clash, friendship is terminated: look for it in the clouds.
Arthur Schopenhauer

True friendship is one of those things that, like giant sea serpents, is unknown whether they are fictional or exist somewhere.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know.
Arthur Schopenhauer

For friendship, any burden is easy. The universe is eternal, meetings with friends are brief.
Nikolay Ivanovich Lobachevsky

The happiness that has never deceived me is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only one that has remained unchanged is my friendship for you, for my friendship is a passion.
Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev

Such a friendship, which does not withstand the touch of naked truth, is not worth regretting. That's where she belongs.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Friendship warms the soul, a dress warms the body, and the sun and the stove warm the air.
Kozma Prutkov

Hiding the truth from friends, to whom will you open up?
Kozma Prutkov

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, O God!
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

No muses, no labors, no joys of leisure,
Nothing can replace a single friend.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

We are similar in hearts; he's just me different:
I share grief with him, he shares joy with me.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and disinterested in your actions.
Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

Sincerity of relations, truth in communication - that's friendship.
Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

Do not keep the alabaster vessels of your love and tenderness sealed until your friends are dead. Fill their life with sweetness while they are still alive. Speak words of comfort to them while their ears can still hear those words, and while their hearts can still be moved by your words.
Henry Ward Beecher

For high friendship, one condition is necessary - the ability to do without it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence, I can think aloud.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The only way to find a friend is to be one.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can't have too many friends.
Alexandre Dumas (father)

If my friends are crooked, I look at them in profile.
Joseph Joubert

Everyone wants to have a friend, but no one wants to be a friend.
Alphonse Jean Carr

The only sincere and lasting friendship is between a man and a woman, because it is the only affection that is free from all rivalry.
Auguste Comte

Do not try to embellish yourself for a friend: for the arrow and striving towards the Superman must be for him.
Friedrich Nietzsche

But if you have a suffering friend, become a place of rest for his suffering, but at the same time a hard bed, a camp bed: this is how you can best help him.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Another is unable to free himself from his own chains, but saves his friend.
Friedrich Nietzsche

They say that friends are known in misfortune, but in my opinion, they are also known in happiness.
Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov

The highest honor that my friends can give me is to follow my teachings in their lives, or to fight against it to the end if they do not believe in it.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Nothing can inspire and help people like friendship.
Ba Jin

Friendship is a delicate flower. One careless touch - and the flower withered.
Sun Li

A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day, run - you won’t run away; on a cloudy day, look - you won’t find it.
Abai Kunanbaev

You can never do too much for a devoted friend.
Henrik Ibsen

Do not judge a person only by his friends. Remember that Judas' friends were impeccable.
Ernest Hemingway

It's hard without a friend when he's lost. But it is also difficult with a friend when he is not faithful.

Women, although they attach great importance to friendship, forget about it; men are distrustful of her, and lovers are jealous.
Paul Charles Joseph Bourget

I retired from the world, not because I had enemies, but because I had friends. Not because they harmed me, as is usually the case, but because they considered me better than I am. I couldn't bear this lie.
Albert Camus

It is wise to pour the oil of delicate politeness on the wheel of friendship.
Gabrielle Sidonie Colette

True friendship is precisely chosen kinship.
Ernest Wilfried Aeguwe

Friends do not wish us unhappiness, but they find that we are "already so happy."
Aui Legendre

Fellowship and friendship are signs of a real reconciliation with one's gender role and a real balance between the sexes.
Alfred Adler

The rich man has companions and hangers-on, the powerful man has courtiers, the man of action has comrades, and they are also his friends.
André Maurois

Less exalted, less selfish than love, friendship, devoid of any harshness, occupies hours that are not occupied by the latter. Friendship is a sure, reliable refuge from the suffering caused by love.
Marcel Prevost

A friend is someone who, whenever you need him, knows about it.
Jules Renard

There are no debtors or benefactors in friendship.
Romain Rouyan

Friends are there to help each other.
Romain Rolland

With friends, misunderstandings are never serious until a third person comes between them.
Romain Rolland

Comrades are only those who, holding on to one rope, climb the mountain peak with common efforts and in this find their closeness.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

In today's world of technology,
Glancing around the neighborhood,
You think that very many
We call it "my friends".
And tired of life ambitions,
unrealized ideas,
I want to see faces around us,
Dear and dear people.
A lot has been written about friends.
I just want to add,
A friend is not the one with whom they drank together,
And not the one who patted on the shoulder.
And not one who is happy to give advice,
With whom the path of life has brought,
With whom did you study once, somewhere ...
No, guys, they're not friends.
A friend is not the one who jokes and laughs,
And not the one who appreciates style and verse.
Friend - in your problems is known,
In joy and sorrow for two.
He doesn't need your gratitude
And they do not litter with words.
Asadov wrote about such friends,
They do, they don't say.
They don't have little souls inside,
I wish you simply, without fuss,
Drive away the pathetic fake,
But appreciate sincere friends!

Send to a friend

Let's gather at the table
Not for the potion to intoxicate us,
And in order to keep friendship
Himself the way she was.

Let's gather at the table
Without any overseas pickles there,
So that there are our faded solos,
As if the branches of one trunk.

Let's gather around the table.
Let's part our gray hairs,
And our minds will become one
And our revelations, and deeds.

Let's gather at the table!
It doesn't matter who has one, there will be one,
With whom again, as in youth, is sung,
And youth was a common cup for us.

Let's gather around the table
At least once a year, because more often we can not,
And we will not add so many new songs,
So that everyone can console us.

Let's gather around the table.
Well, how much do we need for fees?
To collapse ridiculous fences,
Which maturity has brought us.

Let's gather around the table
And with us those whose song is not finished,
They live as long as we remember it
As long as our pain for them is light.

Send to a friend

There are not many friends -
Known for a long time and all.
When difficulties are at the threshold,
When suddenly a lot of problems -

A friend will be with you inseparable,
And he will never betray.
All the clouds are overhead
Your divorce at a time!

I never get bored with him
And fun time flies.
I so want this friendship
Long time to save me!

There are not many friends
Count them on your fingers...
Therefore friendship with you
I always consider it an honor.

Send to a friend

I drink to the health of not many,
Not many, but true friends,
Friends relentlessly strict
In the temptations of changeable days.

I drink to the health of the distant
Distant but dear friends
Friends like me, lonely
Among the alien hearts of their people.

Tears are pouring into my goblet of wine
But sweet and pure is their stream;
So, with scarlet - black roses
Weaved into my table wreath.

My cup for health is not many,
Not many, but true friends,
Friends relentlessly strict
In the temptations of changing days;

For health and near distant,
Far away, but dear to the heart,
And in memory of lonely friends,
The dead in the graves of the dumb.

Vyazemsky Peter, 1862

Send to a friend

Everyone in the world talked about friendship,
But only I myself suddenly understand
What is only for you now in the answer,
After all, you are my true, faithful friend!
And so that in our life it does not happen
You can be sure - I will always come!
I want it to be equal
We are joy, happiness, sorrow and trouble!

Send to a friend

What a pity when a friend leaves
And you know that he will never come back.
From the heart of a plaintive fright
Outward asks and breaks.

And there is no one to bear the burden of friendship,
One left - how annoying ...
And all the bridges to the past burned down
Their ashes were eagerly collected.

How it became empty in the soul,
How painful and sad...
Only cold in complete silence
Wear a blanket in sadness.

Yes, there is no friend, his steps are not heard knocking;
Separation only smiles with a grin ...
And the circle of eternal friendship will break,
And my heart will bleed.

What a pity when a friend leaves
Well, that's it, he's not coming back...

Send to a friend

It happens often, making mistakes in people,
We are in a hurry to call the wrong ones friends.
We judge others superficially,
Distinguishing false, true friends.

Comrades of our bad habits,
Those false friends are more dangerous than enemies.
We are looking for master keys in them from all problems,
And we find only flatterers ...

Not those friends who are naughty with you who are together,
They will call you to leave the lesson,
And they will treat you with a cigarette at the entrance,
And laugh at your trouble.

After all, there are a lot of false friends around you,
Friends can be counted on fingers.
A friend in difficult times will be there
And it would be an honor to give a helping hand.

A friend will present the bitter truth to you
In your most reckless moment
A reliable shoulder will set you up
And protect you from various troubles.

And if you help a friend as a friend,
That stumbled and almost fell
That friendship will only become more precious.
I would call it male friendship.

So, let's go through life boldly,
Making loyal friends.
And our happiness will be without limit,
And every day will be brighter.

Send to a friend

And with a friend and an enemy, you must be good!
Who by nature is kind, you will not find malice in him.
Hurt a friend - you make an enemy,
Embrace the enemy - you will find a friend.
Omar Khayyam

Without true friendship, life is nothing.

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunshine.

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never.
Russo J.

Happiness has never placed a man on such a height that he does not need a friend.

Know the measure should be in everything, everywhere. It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity.

Your true friend, who will point out all obstacles in the way and help you pass. Flatterers beware of being friends. That true friend is yours who is honest and direct.

We use neither water nor fire as often as friendship.

True friend everywhere
Faithful, in happiness and trouble;
Your sadness worries him, You do not sleep - he cannot sleep,
And in everything, without distant words,
He is ready to help you.
Yes, the actions are dissimilar
Faithful friend and flatterer worthless.
Shakespeare W.

To have common desires and common aversions is precisely what lasting friendship consists of.

In face-to-face conversations between close friends, the wisest people very often make very weak judgments, because talking with a friend is the same as thinking out loud.
Addison D.

They look for a friend for a long time, they find it with difficulty and it is difficult to keep him.

What people usually call friendship is, in essence, only an alliance, the purpose of which is the mutual preservation of benefits and the exchange of good offices; The most disinterested friendship is nothing but a deal in which our self-esteem always expects to win something.
La Rochefoucauld

We love friends for their shortcomings.
Hazlitt W.

In friendship there are no other calculations and considerations, except for itself.
Montaigne M.

Equality of rights is not that everyone enjoys them, but that they are granted to everyone.

There is no greater joy than seeing friends
There is no bitterer grief than separation from friends.

Friends are made in need.

If my friend is friends with my enemy, then I should not associate with a friend. Beware of sugar that is mixed with poison, beware of the fly that sat on a dead snake.
Ibn Sina

Make friends with the smart, for a friend is a fool Sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.

There is no greater joy in this world
Than the contemplation of relatives and friends.
There is no more painful pain on earth,
Than to be with glorious friends in separation.

It's not about who you were born from, but who you hang out with.

Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends.
Feuchtwanger L.

Where things are shaken, there are friends at the door.

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses.
Shakespeare W.

The friendship that ended never actually began.

It is better to refuse a sharp word than a friend.

Don't be cheeky with your friends, otherwise your friends will be nothing but nonentities.
Hong Zicheng

That true friend is yours who is honest and direct.

Everyone in the world has enemies
But save us from friends, God!
Pushkin A. S.

In trouble you will know a friend.

Only the hand of a friend can tear the thorns out of the heart.
Helvetius K.

With whom you lead, from that you will gain.

Everything will pass - and the grain of hope will not rise,
All that you have accumulated will be lost for a penny.
If you do not share in time with a friend -
All your property will go to the enemy.
Omar Khayyam

Remember, friend, it's harder to find
Friend than girlfriend.
Lope de Vega

There can be no friendship between master and slave.

Whoever is a friend, I do not consider him a friend.

One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few.

Service and friendship are two parallel lines: they do not converge.
Suvorov A.V.

Only in the twilight of life does the luminary of friendship shine brightly; the brilliance of happiness darkens its light.
Bacon F.

There are few fit to be good friends, and even fewer for those who do not know how to select.
Gracian y Morales

A friend must bear some of the friend's grief.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

A true friend will help a friend, he is not afraid of trouble. He will give his heart for a heart, and love is a star on the way.
Rustaveli Sh.

Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and disinterested in your actions.
Suvorov A.V.

Never enter into friendship with a person whom you cannot respect.
Darwin Ch.

How few friends would remain friends if they could fully know each other's thoughts.
Lichtenberg G.

There is nothing more precious than friends; lose no opportunity, therefore, to acquire them whenever you can.
Guicciardini F.

The choice of friends is followed by the choice of society. Make every effort to associate with those who are above you. This will elevate you, while association with people of a lower level will force you to descend, for as the society in which you are, so you yourself.
Chesterfield F.

There are three kinds of friends: friends who love you, friends who don't care about you, and friends who hate you.

Friendship is not such a miserable light to go out in separation.
Schiller F.

It is necessary for a friend for the sake of a friend not to be afraid of trials,
To respond heart to heart and pave the way with love.
Rustaveli Sh.

Since solitude and life without friends are full of intrigue and fear, the mind itself advises to acquire friendship.

When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together.

Alien superiority view
We are annoyed and angry,
And friendship is only then lovely,
When comparison with a friend is flattering.
Swift D.

If it is commendable to do good to friends, then there is no shame in accepting help from friends.

Time will reveal a friend, like gold - fire.

An indispensable condition of friendship is not to make or fulfill demands against the spirit of honor.

Friendship is the harbor to which a person aspires, it brings joy and peace of mind, it is rest in this life and the beginning of heavenly life.
Tasso T.

An abuse of friendship is a discord with wisdom.
Rustaveli Sh.

Friendship, which is given for money, and not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept.
Machiavelli N.

In general, friendship can be judged only in relation to people of mature age and a mature soul.

When the state has declined, then friends begin to scatter.

If you want to live peacefully, without storm,
The sorrows of life, not knowing until late old age, -
Do not look for a friend for yourself and do not call yourself a friend to anyone:
You will taste less joys, less grief.

Friendship ends where distrust begins.

It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends.
Kay Kavus

Enemies always tell the truth, friends never.

Friendship can be strong only with the maturity of the mind and age.

Friendship is a calm and quiet affection, guided and strengthened by habit, which arises from long association and mutual commitment.
Yum D.

Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it.

Dragging out your days without a friend is the worst of troubles.
The soul is worthy of pity, which has no friend.

It would be good for a person to examine himself, how much he costs for friends, and that he tries to be as expensive as possible.

Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but in order to maintain it, sometimes it is necessary to endure grievances.

In order to acquire the favor of friends and acquaintances in worldly relations with them, one should evaluate their merits rendered to us higher than they themselves do; on the contrary, our favors to friends must be considered less than our friends and acquaintances believe.

Sincere friendship is based on the proximity of minds and secret laws, and not on visible signs.

I do not need a friend who, agreeing with me in everything, changes his views with me, nodding his head, because the shadow does the same better.

Fake people are more dangerous to have as friends than as enemies.
Russo J.

Whoever seeks friends is worthy of finding them; whoever has no friends never looked for them.

There is no excuse for wrongdoing, even if you do it for a friend.

Many are treats of friends, not friendship.

How many different benefits friendship combines! Wherever you turn, she is at your service; it is ubiquitous; it never bothers, it never comes out of place, it gives prosperity a new shine, and the failures that it shares lose their sharpness to a greater extent.

As much as someone appreciates himself, so his friends appreciate him.

Drinking poison from a golden cup and accepting advice from a treacherous friend are one and the same thing.

Whoever is a good friend, he also has good friends.
Machiavelli N.

Whoever despises everyone is worthy of contempt. A cruel man deserves to be tormented. God will give good people good friends, And whoever is bad with others is worthy of vengeance.
Babur 3.

Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship.

Only in one case we have nothing to fear from insulting a friend - this is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him.

He who is so deaf that he does not even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless.

No kindness is better than a friend.

Oh my friends! There are no friends in the world!

He who is afraid of making enemies will never make true friends.
Hazlitt W.

If you went to visit a friend, the sight of his children before you even entered the house will tell you whether you are honored by your friend. If the children meet you joyfully, you can be sure that a friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then - turn around and do not hesitate to return home.

When you praise your friend, you praise yourself.

Without friendship, no communication between people has value.

A good friend should appear when called for joy, but come without a call when a friend is in trouble.

One should be ashamed of oneself as much as of other people, and equally not to do bad things, whether it remains unknown to anyone or everyone learns about it. But most should be ashamed of yourself.

Do not avoid a friend who is in trouble.

In strong friendship is our strength, Friendship is glory and praise.
Burns R.

Friendship must be a solid thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey.
Herzen A. I.

Genuine friendship matures slowly and flourishes where people have really proved it to each other.
Chesterfield F.

Wishing to be faithful, have true friends.

The person with whom true friends do not stay long has a heavy disposition.

There are no debtors or benefactors in friendship.
Rollan R.

How much we do for friends that we would never do for ourselves.

True friendship is true and courageous.
Byron D.

Friendship is love without wings.
Byron D.

Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will not strike an enemy, but friendship.

How much charm our happiness would lose if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to endure our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even more than we do!

Many who appear to be friends are not really friends, and vice versa, some who do not appear to be friends are actually friends.

Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Another is unable to free himself from his own chains, but saves his friend.
Nietzsche F.

Success brings few friends.

The basis of friendship lies in the complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.

We do not so much need the help of friends as the confidence that we will receive it.

Everyone has flaws - some have more, some have less. That is why friendship, help, and communication would be impossible if there were no mutual tolerance between us.
Guicciardini F.

A true friend is known in adversity.

Where there is no complete frankness, complete power of attorney, where even a little bit of it is hidden, there is not and cannot be friendship.
Belinsky V. G.

In happiness it is easy to find a friend, in misfortune it is extremely difficult.

Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality.

Test the temperament of your friends in various ways, especially see how someone is in anger.

At the pinnacle of greatness, don't forget that a friend is in trouble.
Schiller F.

Relationships do not create friends, but common interests.

Hurry to friends rather in misfortune than in happiness.

Friends in happy circumstances should appear only by invitation, and in adversity - without invitation, on their own. AND

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.
Franklin b.

Choose your friend; you cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two.

Of all that wisdom brings to you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important thing is the possession of friendship.

The friendship of one reasonable person is more precious than the friendship of all unreasonable ones.

Everyone's friend is nobody's friend.

Friends are there to help each other.
Rollan R.

With friends, misunderstandings are never serious until there is a third person between them.
Rollan R.

... To be left without friends is the worst misfortune after poverty.
Defoe D

If you make new friends, don't forget the old ones.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

A friend is one soul living in two bodies.

Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits this to himself.
Lermontov M. Yu.

Friendship is content with the possible, without demanding what is due.

Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful; we praise the one who loves his friends, and having many friends seems to be something wonderful, and to some it seems that being a good person and a friend are one and the same.

Friendship must be immortal, and enmity must be mortal.

People are born to help each other, as the hand helps the hand, the foot helps the foot, and the upper jaw helps the lower.
Marcus Aurelius

Blessed is he who is lucky with a true friend.

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other blessings.

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend. If a tyrant, you cannot have friends.
Nietzsche F.

Famous quotes, sayings and phrases about friendship and loyalty between people:
  • Friendship is a great gift...
  • A friend is a soul in two bodies. Aristotle.
  • A friend is one soul living in two bodies. Aristotle.
  • Everyone's friend is nobody's friend. Seneca.
  • A friend in power is a lost friend. Adams.
  • A friend is a person whose vocabulary has no words: lies, hypocrisy, meanness, betrayal. Povalyaev.
  • Friendship is love without wings. Byron.
  • Friendship is a priceless gift. Try to keep friends, because they will be your support and support on the path of life. Rudaki.
  • A friend is like wine, the older the better. Allen.
  • Friendship is a relationship to another as to oneself. Love is a relationship to another is better than to oneself. Shevelev.
  • Friendship is possible only between good people. Cicero.
  • Friendship sees everything and pays no attention to anything. Love pays attention to everything and sees nothing. Shpolyansky.
  • Friendship is more valuable than money.
  • Friendship is equality. Pythagoras.
  • Friendship ends where distrust begins. Seneca.
  • Friendship can be strong only with the maturity of the mind and age. Cicero.
  • Friendship is not a service, no thanks for it. Derzhavin.
  • Friendship unites people much more than love. Dietrich.
  • Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but in order to maintain it, sometimes it is necessary to endure grievances. Cicero.
  • Friendship is more tragic than love - it dies much longer. Wilde.
  • Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship. Colton.
  • The friendship that ended never actually began. Sir.
  • Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship. Rockefeller.
  • Friendship that appears over a glass is usually fragile.
  • Friendship must be proved by deeds, not words. Khosrow.
  • Make friends with a smart one, for a fool friend is sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy. Rumi.
  • We acquire friends not by the fact that we receive services from them, but by the fact that we ourselves provide them. Thucydides.
  • Acquire friends slowly, but do not reject those who have been acquired. Solon.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed. Sayings about friendship tell how it should be ...
  • Friends in happy circumstances should appear only by invitation, and in adversity - without invitation, on their own. Isocrates.
  • Your friends love you the way you are, your wife loves you, but wants to make a different person out of you. Chesterton.
  • The only sincere and lasting friendship is between a man and a woman, because it is the only affection that is free from all rivalry. Kant
  • If fate is especially inclined towards a person and wants to give him the greatest happiness in the world, she gives him true friends. Telman.
  • If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend. If a tyrant, you cannot have friends. Nietzsche.
  • The heat of friendship warms the heart without burning it. La Rochefoucauld.
  • Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and enemies become friends. Pythagoras.
  • Know that in friendship people are always happy. Qaboos. (Sayings about friendship)
  • And if a friend harms you, say this: “I forgive you what you did to me; but how can you forgive the evil that you have done to yourself by this act? Nietzsche.
  • To have enemies is not so terrible, it is more terrible not to have friends. Georgiev.
  • To have many friends is to have none. Rotterdam.
  • Sometimes there come periods when a person cannot have a better friend than loneliness, and a better friend than silence. Toyshibekov.
  • Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - that's friendship. Suvorov.
  • The sincerity of relationships, the truth in communication - that's friendship. Suvorov.
  • Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it. Lessing.
  • True is the ancient proverb that equality creates friendship. Plato. Famous sayings about friendship from philosophers.
  • A true friend is the greatest of earthly goods, although it is this good that we least pursue. La Rochefoucauld.
  • Hurry to your friends more quickly in misfortune than in happiness. Chilon.
  • As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer. La Rochefoucauld.
  • How much we do for friends that we would never do for ourselves. Cicero.
  • When your friends are happy, you are happy too.
  • Anyone who is a friend to everyone, I do not consider him my friend. Molière.
  • Whoever is a good friend, he also has good friends. Machiavelli.
  • He who does not seek friends for himself is his own enemy. Rustaveli.
  • Who wants to have a friend without flaws, he remains without friends. Bias.
  • It is easy to turn a friend into an enemy, it is difficult to turn an enemy into a friend. Toyshibekov.
  • Only the devotion of friends is the treasure of the lords, it is more beautiful than all the riches of the world. Ronsard.
  • The best thing is new, the best friend is old.
  • The best part of our life is made up of friends. Lincoln.
  • It is better to listen to the reproaches of friends than to lose them.
  • It's better to die than to doubt your friends. Macedonian.
  • The best way to keep friends is not to betray them. Mizner.
  • Without friendship, no communication between people has value. Socrates.
  • Without true friendship, life is nothing. Cicero.
  • Take care of a friend to save yourself.
  • Selfless friendship is possible only between people with the same income. Getty.
  • God is our true friend: He knows everything about us and yet does not stop loving us. Toyshibekov.
  • Most and best friends are known not when you are in trouble, but when you are happy. Afonchenko.
  • In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a safe haven. Aristotle.
  • There are no debtors or benefactors in friendship. Rollan.
  • In friendship there are no other calculations and considerations, except for itself. Montaigne.
  • In friendship, as in love, people are happy because they do not know the truth about a loved one. Show.
  • There are many important things in life, one of them is friendship, and if it is not there, all other things become unimportant.
  • In adversity a friend is known and an enemy exposed. Epictetus.
  • Friends are made in need. PETRONIUS.
  • In happiness it is easy to find a friend, in misfortune it is extremely difficult. Democritus.
  • Interesting phrases about friendship - A true friend is known in the wrong deed. Ennius.
  • It is impossible to restore the lost friendship, it is broken by envy into small splashes, like a wave on a rock. Lid.
  • Enemies always tell the truth, friends never. Cicero.
  • All good people are friends to each other. Zeno of China.
  • You have found a devoted friend if, having ascended, he did not get to know you. Labruyère.
  • Choose a friend slowly, even less hurry to change him. Franklin.
  • Do not rush to choose friends, even more so to change them. Franklin.
  • Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness intensifies. Shakespeare.
  • The Lord gave us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose our friends. Mumford.

Expressions, phrases, sayings and quotes about friendship with meaning, these sayings clearly show what real friendship is.