Reliable remedies for diarrhea during pregnancy. What can you drink for diarrhea in women during pregnancy

Diarrhea during pregnancy is a delicate problem that educated people try not to talk about, but when it comes to pregnancy, you can’t keep silent and hide it, since any careless action can harm the health of the unborn child.

Is diarrhea normal during pregnancy?

Often diarrhea occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy (You will find a lot of useful information in the article The first trimester of pregnancy >>>). The reason is the hormonal restructuring of the body, which affects all organs and organ systems of a woman. During pregnancy, you may begin to react in a new way even to familiar foods and experience diarrhea.

Diarrhea usually starts right after you eat something. Sometimes it comes to the fear of leaving your home and eating something outside of it. And even at home, constant escapes to the toilet do not cause much joy.

The most common causes of diarrhea during pregnancy are:

  • Non-compliance with the diet;
  • Eating not quite fresh or low-quality products;
  • Taking medications, the side effect of which is loose stools during pregnancy;
  • Irritable bowel;
  • Infection with an intestinal infection or virus;
  • Exacerbation of a gastric or other chronic disease.

Attention! Whatever the cause of diarrhea, this condition must be dealt with. Diarrhea is not normal even during pregnancy.

Why is diarrhea dangerous during pregnancy?

  1. Constant diarrhea threatens even a healthy person with dehydration. During diarrhea in early pregnancy, not only harmful substances are removed from the mother's body, but also vital mineral salts. Too much of their loss leads to the fact that all internal organs begin to work incorrectly, and this harms the health of the fetus;
  2. Diarrhea is accompanied by intoxication of the whole organism, so the toxins that accumulate in the body can also harm the health of the child.
  3. During diarrhea, the intestines are in a state of constant increased activity. The uterus is located next to the intestines, so there is a risk that the tone will pass to the uterus. Increased uterine tone can lead to fetal rejection. More about this: Tone of the uterus during pregnancy >>>;
  4. Diarrhea in the second trimester of pregnancy, as well as in its third trimester, is dangerous because your body is already overloaded, the fetus is already quite heavy and presses on the internal organs, including the stomach and intestines. This causes numerous constipation and diarrhea;
  5. Diarrhea in the third trimester, which is accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen, may indicate that it is time to go to the maternity hospital. Usually, doctors react very calmly to diarrhea during childbirth, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Attention! It is possible to determine that diarrhea is caused by an infection by signs such as high body temperature, nausea, vomiting, and general weakness.

How to give yourself first aid during diarrhea during pregnancy?

If you notice more than 2 of the following symptoms, immediately proceed to the treatment of loose stools:

  • You are constantly thirsty, dries your mouth;
  • Sensation of dryness on the skin and mucous membranes of the whole body. The skin can dry out so much that it begins to peel off;
  • Feeling of general weakness, constant fatigue, desire to go to sleep, tinnitus;
  • Shadows and dark circles lie around the eyes, although it seems to you that you are getting enough sleep;
  • Often you want to go to the toilet in a big way, but go in a small way quite rarely. But even if such trips happen, then little urine is released and it is dark in color.

Diarrhea is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, and sometimes even terrible. If this happens to you for the first time, it will not be surprising if you start to panic.

But you shouldn’t do this, there are tricks and means that can help stop diarrhea at least for a while and calmly get to the doctor’s office:

  1. Quickly pull yourself together and calm down, because being in a state of nervous tension can only increase diarrhea;
  2. Increase the amount of fluid you drink to avoid dehydration. Chamomile tea and St. John's wort are ideal;
  3. With severe diarrhea, you can take Smecta powder or a few tablets of activated charcoal. These drugs do not cause any harm, but help to remove toxins from the body.

Other medicines are not recommended. If it becomes necessary to take any other drug, then you need to carefully study the instructions for its use, and if it says that it should not be used by pregnant women, then you will have to refuse to take it.

How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy?

  • Eat only fresh products, with an unexpired shelf life, without a characteristic smell, the quality of which cannot be doubted;
  • Products should be consumed only in solid form or in the form of gruel. Do not get carried away with liquid foods such as soups and broths, as they increase intestinal activity and can provoke a new attack of diarrhea;
  • Eat rice porridge boiled in water without adding milk. If there is no appetite, then you can drink a certain amount of rice water;
  • It is believed that blueberries are a good way to beat diarrhea, and this applies not only to pregnant women. Blueberries are perfectly stored frozen, so you need to constantly keep them at home and eat literally a few berries every day for prevention;
  • The worse the diarrhea, the more fluid you need to drink in order to avoid dehydration. It is best to drink mineral water without gas, compotes and decoctions of dried fruits, herbal teas.

Drinking various kinds of pills without a doctor's prescription is very dangerous, self-medication can harm both yourself and your child. Seeing a doctor is a must.

diet for diarrhea during pregnancy

It is not necessary to follow such a diet constantly, throughout pregnancy, as the child needs nutrients. It is necessary to return to it from time to time and observe no more than one day.

  1. It is necessary to exclude from the diet any dairy products, except for natural yogurt, as well as fried, salted, smoked and pickled;
  2. For breakfast, it is advisable to eat light cereals cooked in water. Oatmeal is good. After it, it is advisable to drink strong black tea with crackers or bread;
  3. No need to eat dried fruits;
  4. It is extremely useful to drink herbal teas and infusions;
  5. Eat stewed, boiled, steamed any vegetables, just make sure that they do not have coarse particles;
  6. Light soups and steam cutlets should become your good friends for a long time.

Attention! Throughout pregnancy, you should try to follow every day diet items numbered 2 and 5.

Diarrhea as a sign of pregnancy

With toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting are also added to loose stools (On this topic, read the current article Nausea during pregnancy >>>). However, with toxicosis, these signs and conditions occur suddenly, irregularly, while not affecting the health of the expectant mother. As a rule, this prompts women to think about a possible pregnancy.

But in those cases when chills, fever, general poor condition are added to loose stools, nausea and vomiting, then we are talking about a disorder of the digestive system. It makes no sense to expect that this is a temporary phenomenon, and that everything will definitely go away on its own, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the situation may go too far.

Attention! In order to clearly know whether you are pregnant or not, use a pregnancy test.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is not the norm, but rather gives you a signal that you need to reconsider your attitude to nutrition and pay more attention to the overall strengthening of the body.

The state of pregnancy for a woman is not an easy test. There is a hormonal and physical restructuring of the whole organism, and any external factors necessarily find a response in the body of the expectant mother. Loose stools that suddenly arise during pregnancy (diarrhea) also cause a lot of trouble.

Diarrhea- This is a frequent bowel movement of a person of an unusual liquid consistency. Otherwise known as diarrhea diarrhea or loose stools. Naturally, diarrhea causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to the expectant mother. But this is a natural protective reaction of the body - cleansing from harmful substances.

Why does diarrhea occur during pregnancy

Loose stools during pregnancy - consequences

What can cause diarrhea during pregnancy? First of all, during diarrhea, dehydration of the body of the expectant mother occurs. This immediately affects the state of her health. Diarrhea during pregnancy in early pregnancy is dangerous because of spasms of the intestines, uterine spasms can begin, and this is very dangerous in early pregnancy because it can lead to miscarriage. Diarrhea in early pregnancy happens much more often than in the second or third trimester. Because it is at this moment that a woman experiences a hormonal explosion, the expectant mother radically changes her diet.

Diarrhea during late pregnancy dangerous for its dehydration and intoxication of the mother's body. Dehydration, in turn, can lead to preterm labor. If diarrhea during late and early pregnancy is caused by an infectious disease, it is doubly dangerous. Because you have to take medication, and this is undesirable for both mom and baby. Therefore, take care of yourself and the unborn newborn - do not use suspicious products, expired products, wash your hands with soap more often and try not to visit public places and places with large crowds of people.

What is diarrhea?

Diarrhea, depending on the duration, is divided into acute, persistent and chronic. Acute diarrhea can last up to two weeks. not passing- more than two weeks, and chronic diarrhea lasts more than a month. Acute and persistent diarrhea is most often caused by viruses and bacteria, while chronic diarrhea manifests itself as a symptom of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Diarrhea - treat at home


You should not immediately run to the doctor at the first signs of diarrhea during pregnancy. Pay attention to the color of urine (it should be a transparent yellowish tint), feces (there should be no blood and mucus in it). In this case, start by drinking more fluids - strong tea, compote, still water will reduce the risk of dehydration. Broth and fruit juice are good for dehydration.

Look at your menu - usually the foods that caused diarrhea are immediately easily identified. Eliminate those foods that provoke diarrhea. These are dairy products, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, salads, various sauces, fatty meat and fish, butter. And it is best to eat breadcrumbs and drink tea for one day.

Common boiled rice, jelly, decoctions of oak bark, St. John's wort, sage, dried viburnum berries with honey help well against diarrhea. Quince, baked pear and bean soup also relieve diarrhea during pregnancy. All of these products are non-medicinal and completely safe for pregnant women.

Medicines for diarrhea during pregnancy

It is necessary to treat diarrhea during pregnancy with medicines under the supervision of a doctor. Diarrhea medicines that can be used by pregnant women.

Activated carbon

Now on sale there are white and black activated carbon. This is the most affordable and safest remedy for diarrhea during pregnancy. It is an excellent adsorbent and copes well with acute diarrhea. Also allowed for allergy sufferers. Drink three to four times a day, one tablet per ten kilograms of weight. It costs about ten rubles one pack in a pharmacy.


It is also an excellent adsorbent and is completely harmless. "Smecta" helps not only fight diarrhea, but also vomiting, flatulence and heartburn. It is also inexpensive - 15 rubles one bag.


This is an antibiotic, and the doctor should prescribe it. This drug can be taken only in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Helps in the fight against salmonella, klebsiella, E. coli, which caused diarrhea. It is good because it quickly acts on harmful microorganisms and does not affect the fetus. Take the medicine for a week. One package costs one hundred rubles.


It comes in the form of a paste and is very good at helping to cope with diarrhea. It is completely safe during pregnancy and when breastfeeding, as it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. This tool is very good to deal with toxicosis in the first three months of pregnancy. It costs more than other means - a package costs 350 rubles.


A well-known remedy that is also prescribed when taking antibiotics for dysbacteriosis. But it also successfully fights diarrhea. Can be taken by both adults and children. One package costs 450 rubles.


It also has no contraindications. It successfully fights the manifestations of diarrhea by thickening the stool. After taking this medicine, the stool becomes less frequent and the diarrhea disappears.

"Loperamide" ("Imodium")

Also an effective remedy for diarrhea. First, they drink two tablets at once, and then one at a time during the day (but not more than eight tablets).

"Diphenoxylate" ("Lomotil")

This medicine is stronger than Loperamide. Take two tablets four times a day for diarrhea. The diarrhea usually goes away within two days. But this medicine has side effects, so you need a doctor's supervision.

If you have loose stools during pregnancy, avoid medicines containing sodium bicarbonate or sodium. They should not be taken by pregnant women.

When is the best time to see a doctor

If diarrhea does not stop for several days, loose stools during the day three or more times, feces contain discharge with mucus or blood, nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, chills, fever, headache, muscle pain, feeling unwell and tired - you urgently need to see a doctor. Even if you only have some of these symptoms.

So, how to stop diarrhea during pregnancy?

First, try to determine the cause of your discomfort. Think about what caused diarrhea - maybe you ate low-quality foods. It is best to starve for one day or eat only crackers and drink tea with them. Drink more liquid. Drink activated charcoal or smectite. It is also good to use folk recipes - a decoction of oak bark or St. John's wort is also good for diarrhea during pregnancy.

(or diarrhea) is loose and frequent stools, which is sometimes accompanied by other symptoms - nausea, vomiting, general weakness and fever. If there are no special recommendations for health, then it is not so difficult to cope with diarrhea.

But what about pregnant women who are prohibited from most medications (especially in the first trimester)? And how dangerous is diarrhea for an unborn child and his mother?

Statistics call such figures: each person suffers diarrhea on average 4-5 times a year. Common causes are viral infections and malnutrition. In pregnant women, diarrhea can also be caused by hormonal changes. Moreover, "hormones play" in almost every expectant mother.

Diarrhea comes in different forms, different severity:

  • acute diarrhea lasts a maximum of several days and occurs as a result of viruses or pathogens entering the body (with food poisoning);
  • diarrhea that does not go away for more than two weeks and does not respond to standard treatment;
  • chronic diarrhea is associated with some serious illness and can last for more than a month.

During pregnancy, the body of the future mother is exposed to even minor influences of the external environment, because the immune system is weakened and lowered, and all the forces of the body are aimed at preserving and proper development of the fetus.

Therefore, even the simplest factors can cause diarrhea. For example, regular exercises for pregnant women can cause increased gastric motility, resulting in diarrhea.

Stomach irritation can also be caused by prescribed vitamins, vitamin complexes. Vitamins, by the way, can cause diarrhea in the later stages, even if they were absorbed completely without problems in the first trimesters. Even a proper and balanced diet can cause diarrhea in pregnant women if, before the “interesting position”, the woman ate in a completely different way. And the hormonal background can complement the overall picture and also becomes the cause of the disorder.

It would not be superfluous to recall the nervous tension of pregnant women: experiences, constant stress caused by fear of future childbirth and the unknown can also cause diarrhea. The provocateur of this condition can also be toxicosis, which is observed in almost every second expectant mother. This is explained quite simply: toxicosis, in fact, is the intoxication of the body. And she, as you know, is often accompanied by diarrhea.

It is worth recalling that diarrhea can be of a different nature and be observed at different stages of pregnancy. For example, sometimes before childbirth, a natural cleansing of the body occurs. In this case, you should not be nervous, you just need to prepare for a trip to the hospital.

Clinical picture of diarrhea during pregnancy

Do not forget that diarrhea is not an independent disease, but only a manifestation of the underlying pathological process. Often it is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • temperature rise;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • dehydration;
  • lack of appetite or a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;

When to See a Doctor Urgently:

  1. in the feces there is mucus with blood streaks;
  2. diarrhea accompanied by high fever and vomiting (nausea);
  3. severe dizziness;
  4. the color of the feces is dark, almost black.

How dangerous is diarrhea in early pregnancy?

Diarrhea in the early stages is a danger to the health and even the life of the unborn child! Firstly, if diarrhea is caused by pathogens, they can penetrate directly to the fetus and affect its development, and secondly, in this condition, the fetus does not receive the necessary trace elements, which can also affect its life and development.

Diet - a prerequisite in the treatment of diarrhea

Diarrhea can lead to severe intoxication and dehydration, which also leads to negative consequences. In addition, with diarrhea, spontaneous contraction of the uterus is also observed, which can lead to miscarriage. An ambulance should be called immediately with the following symptoms:

  • dizziness and general severe weakness, double vision;
  • constant desire to drink;
  • dry mouth, dry mucous membranes;
  • heat;
  • dark urine or stool.

How dangerous diarrhea in a particular case can only be determined by specialists who can correctly prescribe a treatment regimen for diarrhea. If it arose as a result of toxicosis, then one can only hope that it will pass along with other, not entirely pleasant signs of it.

What threatens diarrhea at the 30th week of pregnancy

Diarrhea at this time often signals the development of late toxicosis. But this period is a turning point, so diarrhea should be taken seriously: with the urge to defecate, the uterus may begin to contract intensively.

This can lead to premature birth, but the babies are not yet ready to be born.

In no case should dehydration of the body be allowed - this can lead to thrombosis, which is extremely dangerous. It is good that at this time it is allowed to take drugs that were contraindicated in the early stages - the doctor can prescribe a treatment that will quickly eliminate both diarrhea and the symptoms that accompany it.

Is diarrhea dangerous in the last stages of pregnancy?

- this is not only pleasant chores, indulgences at work and the increased care of a beloved husband. In fact, during pregnancy, a woman can experience many unpleasant sensations and phenomena. Many pregnant women develop toxicosis, depression, swelling may swell, and diarrhea may also bother.

Nausea and vomiting may be associated with diarrhea.

As practice shows, these are really effective methods.

What causes diarrhea in pregnant women?

Diarrhea in pregnancy requires a strict diet.

There are many reasons that cause diarrhea. Consider the most common.

Poisoning. When buying products, you should always carefully check the expiration date, as well as pay attention to the integrity of the packaging.

Do not buy vegetables and fruits of dubious origin. Many women also buy vegetables from grandmothers in the market, thinking that everything is homemade and healthy. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion.

No one knows under what conditions these fruits and vegetables were grown, and whether they were treated with any pesticides. And in supermarkets, goods are sold that have a quality certificate. Before eating vegetables and fruits, be sure to rinse them with running water or pour boiling water over them.

Viral infection. There are cases when vomiting and diarrhea are accompanied by diseases such as cholera, dysentery, rotavirus. Here, decoctions and jelly obviously will not help. You need to see a doctor and most likely he will prescribe such treatment:

  1. Strengthening food (rice, boiled eggs, jelly)
  2. Safe medications (only on doctor's advice)
  3. (strictly at the discretion of the physician)

Also, the doctor may decide to put a pregnant woman in an inpatient department.
The manifestation of diarrhea at different stages of pregnancy may have a specific cause.

Bad nutrition. Nutrition is the most important element of human life. Frequent snacking on a quick hand will someday definitely turn against a person. And then indigestion will be guaranteed. Not only pregnant women, but all people need to follow proper nutrition. After all, it is a guarantee of health.

Diseases of the digestive tract. If a pregnant woman has a disease such as gastritis or an ulcer, then if she complains of diarrhea, she will be hospitalized without fail.

For the causes and treatment of diarrhea, see the thematic video:

Should I focus on diarrhea?

Regidron is a remedy for diarrhea.

It is impossible to say how dangerous diarrhea is right away. You need to undergo a medical examination, during which the cause of diarrhea will be found.

Short-term diarrhea in the first months of pregnancy can be treated at home without medical supervision.

If a pregnant woman has loose stools a week before giving birth, then this is considered normal. Thus, the body cleanses itself and prepares for labor.

Diarrhea is a danger to the health of the mother and fetus in case of intoxication of the body. With intoxication of the body, viruses and bacteria can get out of the limits and harm the health of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Therefore, it is better not to eat mushrooms and other dubious foods. The body will try to cleanse itself with the help, and when it is cleansed, the person's well-being gradually improves.

Probably the most dangerous symptom is dehydration, in which the water-salt balance is disturbed. In order to determine the degree of dehydration, it is enough to pay attention to the tongue and the condition of the skin of the hands and face. Dehydration can lead to miscarriage or poor fetal development.

You need to be vigilant in relation to the health of a pregnant woman.

Treatment of diarrhea

Smecta is a remedy for diarrhea for pregnant women.

Literally 10-20 years ago, pregnant women had to treat diarrhea within the walls of an inpatient department under the supervision of a doctor or else.

To date, a huge range of medicines for pregnant and lactating mothers has been developed. However, only a doctor can prescribe medications.

Do not self-medicate, because. A pregnant woman should take care not only of her own health, but also of the health of her unborn child. This also applies to a nursing mother, because through breast milk the child gets everything that a nursing mother eats and drinks.

Diarrhea is a delicate issue that is not usually discussed. It is manifested by frequent bowel movements and practically ties a person to the toilet. The condition may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, weakness, and fever.

But discomfort is not the only danger in this case. Diarrhea during pregnancy can be a real threat and have sad consequences. To prevent this from happening, expectant mothers need to know how to be treated and how to prevent complications.

The body of a woman during the period of bearing a child is especially vulnerable due to a decrease in immunity, so diarrhea and pregnancy are often combined. The provoking factors are:

Another cause of intestinal upset is the preparation of the body for childbirth. Diarrhea in late pregnancy, which occurs on the eve of the expected birth date of the child, is not dangerous if it is not accompanied by other symptoms and deterioration in well-being. Thus, the body cleanses itself and trains before the upcoming load.

Symptoms of an intestinal disorder

Diarrhea is easy to recognize. Its main symptom is loose stools, which occur more than three times a day. Diarrhea is not a separate disease, but only a symptom of another pathology or a consequence of external and internal factors.

In addition to frequent bowel movements, there may be:

  • fever, chills;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • bloating;
  • weakness;
  • headache.

The severity of the problem can be determined by the appearance of bowel movements and general well-being.

A slight indigestion that lasts 1-2 days and does not cause much discomfort is not a reason to panic. But if the stool is black with traces of mucus and blood, or diarrhea in a pregnant woman does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by vomiting, fever and a sharp deterioration in well-being, you should seek medical help.

Such manifestations indicate intoxication of the body, and the presence of blood in the stool may be a sign of internal bleeding. In such a situation, immediate hospitalization is required.

Possible consequences

The danger of diarrhea for a pregnant woman and a child depends on the duration of the disorder and the cause that caused it. Prolonged loose stools, especially in combination with vomiting, lead to the loss of beneficial trace elements and dehydration. This affects the work of the internal organs of a woman and impairs the access of nutrients and oxygen to the child.

Prolonged intoxication with diarrhea caused by a virus or pathogenic microorganisms also poses a threat to the baby. Bacteria and toxins pass through the bloodstream from mother to child, affecting its development.

Diarrhea during early pregnancy is especially dangerous. During this period, all the organs of the child are laid and the imbalance that occurs with a serious intestinal disorder in the mother can cause disruptions in this process. The result is a delay in the development of the embryo and the appearance of various congenital pathologies.

In addition, active intestinal motility causes uterine contraction and can provoke a miscarriage or partial detachment of the fetal egg. Persistent diarrhea during third trimester pregnancy increases the risk of preterm delivery.

An intestinal disorder usually does not threaten a woman's life if there is no blood admixture in the composition of the feces. But in other cases, you need to take measures to normalize the condition and treat diarrhea as soon as possible.

How to be treated?

Many drugs are contraindicated for expectant mothers, therefore, if the situation is not critical, they try to limit the treatment with folk remedies and nutritional correction.

Even before using natural herbal decoctions, you should consult a doctor, because some plants are dangerous for pregnant women.

If there are signs of infection, antibiotics may be needed. But you should not choose medicines on your own. The specialist will select the most harmless therapy for the unborn child.

The drinking regimen is of great importance. The condition normalizes faster if you consume a sufficient amount of purified non-carbonated water or unsweetened tea.

Diarrhea medications for pregnant women

What can pregnant women from diarrhea from medicines? Ideally, the treatment should be selected by a doctor, but when for some reason it is not possible to turn to him, and the diarrhea is severe, self-administration of absorbents is allowed. These are substances that absorb toxins from the intestines.

Among the drugs allowed for pregnant women are:

  • "Enterosgel";
  • "Smekta";
  • "Rehydron";
  • Activated carbon.

Also, during the bearing of a child, you can take "Nifuroxazid" - an intestinal antiseptic that is effective against most pathogenic microorganisms. Its reception is indicated for viral and bacterial intestinal disorders.

Diet for diarrhea

If the symptoms are mild, and the condition does not cause concern, nausea and diarrhea during pregnancy are noticeably reduced or completely disappear when the diet is adjusted.

In case of a serious illness or infection, a sparing menu is also indispensable. Proper diet during this period gives the intestines the opportunity to restore normal functioning.

On the first day, it is advisable to limit yourself to drinking plenty of water. It is recommended to use:

  • water;
  • weak broth;
  • mors.

Rice broth is useful, gently enveloping the walls of the stomach and contributing to the normalization of the stool. To prepare it, pour half a liter of water into the pan and add 1 tsp. rice. The mixture is boiled for 40 minutes over low heat, then the broth is filtered and drunk every 3 hours for about a quarter cup.

If you still want to eat, you can have a bite of dried white bread and biscuit cookies.

On the second day, fresh porridge without salt and sugar is introduced into the diet, preferably rice or oatmeal.

In the future, they return to the usual menu, excluding forbidden food until the state normalizes, such as:

  • all fatty, spicy and too salty foods;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • fatty and tough meat.

Traditional medicine

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy with alternative methods is quite safe if the doctor approves them. For non-infectious intestinal disorders, you can use the following remedies:

  1. Starch with water. Starch (1 tsp) is dissolved in half a glass of boiled water (not hot). The mixture is drunk at a time.
  2. Walnut leaves. 1 st. l. leaves are placed in a bowl of a suitable size and poured with two glasses of water. The broth is boiled for 30 minutes, then removed from heat and insisted for half an hour. Having filtered, the remedy is taken in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  3. Blueberry jelly. To prepare a drink for 2.5 liters of water put 200 gr. berries and sugar to taste. Blueberries are boiled for 15 minutes, then, stirring continuously, add 4 tbsp. l. starch. After three minutes, the jelly is removed from the fire and cooled. It is drunk in small portions throughout the day.
  4. Pomegranate peel. 1 st. l. fruit skins pour 200 ml of boiling water. After letting the remedy brew for half an hour, it is consumed in 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  5. Blackberry leaves. 10 g of dried leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. The broth is cooked for 20 minutes over low heat. After cooling and straining, they drink it 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

If you suspect that diarrhea was the result of emotional stress and stress, you should add natural sedatives. Pregnant women in this situation are allowed a decoction of mint or motherwort.

Prevention of diarrhea during pregnancy

So that diarrhea during pregnancy does not take you by surprise, it is better to pay attention to preventive measures.

To prevent intestinal upset will allow following a few simple rules:

  1. Don't forget to wash your hands before eating.
  2. Thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits and herbs.
  3. Check the expiration date on products before consuming.
  4. Keep all perishable food in the refrigerator and avoid foods that look or smell suspicious.
  5. Try to eat at home, not in catering establishments.
  6. Avoid heavy and irritating foods.
  7. Avoid stressful situations.

Diarrhea is a serious test for a future mother. In order not to endanger yourself and your baby, you need to control nutrition and consult a doctor if there are signs of an intestinal disorder.

Useful video: treatment and prevention of diarrhea in pregnant women